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Old 09-15-2011, 05:40 AM

Originally Posted by Tierael
The diluted water of life that ran through him as it did through every other being seeped from his mouth in a fit of coughing staining his teeth. Black ink markings extended from his left eye a now solid black oddity filled with the purist of darkness. The markings encompassed his entire left cheek blood ran down filling the markings making them red in some parts. He was dying his mid section had been punctured in at least five different areas each with a varying amount of pain, three of which were critical and fatal injuries. He gathered his energy up though intent on utterly ripping his enemy into nothing but bits of flesh, blood and bone. "This," he barely could speak as he threw up another two cups of blood onto the black charred ground. However he looked up to face his enemy. "Is my body, my life, MY SOUL!" He threw out his grotesque black arm to strike and a loud ringing scorched his ears causing him to kneel down in pain throwing his true eyes open.

He sat up in his bed in a cold sweat and looked around his dark room though he couldn't see anything. He sighed heavily and decided it was time to rise up from bed anyway. Moving his almost bare body outside his room he made his way to the end of the hall and stepped into the bathroom locking the door before he started his morning off with washing himself up and such. As the water dampened his thick dark curls flashes of his nightmare came back to his mind. If only it was a simple nightmare, it was so much more, an illustration of the struggle within him.

He focused on other things perverted in nature to remove the bad thoughts from his mind before drying off, and fixing his hair up and applying other hygenical items to his person. He proceeded back to his room once he was dry and went to his dresser. His room was a rather large one, a queen sized bed adored the back corner of his room and it was set some distance above the floor clean bleach white carpeting.

First he put on a pair of plush thick white socks specially treated for heat and flame resistance and they were rather thickly woven resisting tearing, cutting and other types of damage. The material also expelled heat making the material itself and his foot rather cool which was a good comfort. It was one of his minor inventions weaving special elements into the microfiber structure of all of his gear mainly the clothes to keep him cool even in the hottest or coldest environments. He then pulled on a dark blue muscle shirt that tightly fit him reaching below his waistline and having wide shoulders. It was very tightly woven but thick to act as a bit of padding and armor even with its decorative white crescent and circle shapes on it.

Next was a pair baggy thickly woven tough dark blue jeans having some fading around the shins and being cuffed near the end and bleached white. Woven into the fabric there were cobalt blue plates segmented around the shins, the knees and the thighs. His muscle shirt was tucked into these jeans which were held up by one belt even though he wore three. The first belt went through the reinforced loops of the jeans tightened with a strange silver buckle to keep his pants up and tightened. It was made of a strange ebon metal with strange inscriptions into it filled with a strange crystal liquid substance that stayed put but glowed several different colors, mainly a rich blue. He had found the belt many years ago strangely. On the back of his belt in the exact middle back there was an open complex mechanical clamp made of metal mainly it was a dark gray clamp in color and it held his weapon which he stored separately.

The other two belts were more elaborate and somehow on top of a dark blue, white, and black cloth jacket that he had for as long as he could remember. The inside was white, the outside was mainly dark blue with white and black stripes going up from the cuffs of the sleeves all the way down the sides of the torso of the jacket. It had several repairs over the years and improved to make it much more stronger so it had difficulty taking damage. This was tied at his waist but flattened under his belts so only the back tend tailing under the belts covering his butt was really visible. The other two belts were connected and stacked to his main belt. One of them was stacked above, the other was stacked below. The belt above was dark brown in color looking like it had a rustic brown leather outside but it was structured with metal and other hard materials. It had several pouches, containers, and such all fastened with silver metals or locking mechanisms. These containers held various materials of varying use. The right middle side of the belt had a loop for a strange 6 inch black cylinder that was known to many as his extendable staff mainly. The left side was vacant and could accept several different things to be attached there.

The final belt stacked below the main belt was a bit wider and its various containers and pouches were larger in some instances were hung lower so the items could be more easier retrieved. This belt was known as his tool belt and it possessed several tools which he took with him everywhere and it was similar in design to the general purpose storage belt above. Finally his boots came into play, they went up three-fourths his calves, using seven horizontal straps made of a very tough tight synthetic fiber tightly woven using silver buckles, however these were hidden under his jeans. His boots were extremely heavy, made from a black synthetic compound that had properties of rubber and leather meshed into one and it was heavy and extremely thick on his boot. His specially designed soles had bits of silver metal in them to aid in traction over any surface. The heel and the toe of the boot was encased in a strong cobalt blue plate and cobalt blue metal was around the edge of his soles. All in all the boots were extremely heavy.

Over his muscle shirt he wore a rather tightly made chainmail shirt made of an unknown white metal which was rather protective yet thin possessing micro links of ultra strong materials. Over this he wore a bleached white baggy long sleeve shirt; it was made of the same tightly woven fibers just baggier for comfort. On his hands going up to his arms under all of his shirts he had white linen bandages, thick and wide tied up from each finger to his shoulders. Then he wore gloves that seemed to have a dark brown leather outside. These gloves went up halve his forearm but under his shirt. There was cobalt blue plating over the back of the hands but not the fingers. Finally he wore bracers that covered his wrist and went up 3/4ths his forearm. They were made of a combination of dark brown leather, cobalt blue metal and other materials. Above that was tight fitting elbow pads made mainly of a tightly woven synthetic fiber casing housing a compound of metal and black rubber and leather. Finally he wore a XXXX-Large plaid blue button down t-shirt that was open with the collar popped. It was made of the same tightly woven fibers with the special cooling crystals in it. Attached to the top of the shirt and latching onto his shoulders were thick hemi-cylindrical shoulder pads made of dark cobalt blue metal plates and chain. With the final addition to his outfit complete he grabbed a black leather hat that had a black bandanna wrapped around it with white markings. This was for his head in the sun.

Though one would have to rely on their sight for most of this he made do by memorizing everything, and he was armored because the world was a dangerous place and he wasn't graceful even when he had his sight which he lost a few years ago in an accident. He had strange implants over his eyebrows which held onto blacked out lenses that kept others from seeing his wandering eyes since it would creep others out that he really couldn't see anything. Once he was ready he left his room and then felt Melieka's tail wrap around his waist, she was practically his seeing eye dog and she guided him around but she was a strange beast. Melieka was a large wolf like dog comparable to the size of an extremely large dog,wild wolf, dire wolf, or even a horse. Her coat was short and laid flat against her strong muscular body. Her coat was soft like silk though and the whitest white anyone had every seen, so pure like untouched mountain top snow. She had unusually large, even for someone of her size, triangular ears that varied from erect to floppy depending on how she was feeling. Her large eyes were gemlike in appearance, changing colors depending on her mood. Her tail though was a rather striking feature, it was quite long, and large with immense strength sometimes acting as if it had a mind of its own. The tail was bushy like a husky's tail except it was straight. She had a pure white nose and paw pads, with claws that were as beautiful and sharp as obsidian. Her teeth were a nice pearly white, and well taken care of. She did have a collar and Melieka objected to it ever being taken off. She had it for as long as she could remember. It was extremely important to her since her master made it for her a long time ago and it was magical as well, it was given to her when he made that promise to her, it was like a wedding ring, so she wore it proudly and happily. It had magically properties strangely though probably as a result of their energies mixing long ago.

Using her tail she guided him into the hallway of the building after he told her he wanted to go to the cafeteria to eat and that's where they were going. He was just glad that all buildings on campus could accommodate Melieka's size.
Raina Was struggling with her luggage. She was new to the campus, and was already behind in her studies as it was the second week of the semester. She was a sophomore, but she moved away from her parents because they were too controlling and she needed a place to grow and find out who she really was without the confines of her parent's rules.

Raina was short, About five foot three, and had long, wavy, strawberry blond hair that cascaded down past her breasts. She wasn't one of those twiggy girls, and hadn't been since she was about eleven. She had Bahama-ocean-blue eyes that could stare into your soul.

Her ears layed flat on her head, as she was rather irritated with her luggage. She was part cat, and part human. She had a tail, retractable claws, and reflexes like none other. Her skin was a permanent orange-ish tan, with white on her hands.

She took a deep breath and looked up at the building she was about to enter. It was rather large. Almost overwhelming to new comers. She had been to the school once before, but that was about a month and a half ago. The building was beautiful, despite it's size.

Raina opened the door, using the handicap button to have them open automatically. She went inside and stopped in the main foyer. She rummaged through her purse and pulled out a piece of paper that had her dorm number on it. Room 336. Raina sighed and looked around. She noticed the interior of the building was rather large and spacious as well. She quickly found the elevator, which was about a hundred feet from the main entrance. She walked over to it and noticed that it was rather large as well. She pressed the button, and almost instantly, the elevator doors opened. No one was inside. She stepped inside and pressed the button for the third floor.

Once up there, She dragged her luggage down the hall, sighing as she would have to take a couple more trips to get everything out of her car. She wasn't looking forward to it. ""Raina," She thought, "Why did you have to pack your whole room aside from the furniture?" She shook her head and found her room. Music was playing somewhere on the floor.

She took her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the dorm room door. She pulled her stuff inside and looked around. There was one bed, about the size of a full, a dresser, and a desk. There was also a wardrobe for hanging things up, like clothes. She shook her head again, and put her stuff in a corner of the room. She sighed again. She seemed to do that a lot when stressed.

She left the room, and went back down to get the rest of her things. She was on her second trip when she say a huge dog and with it's tail wrapped around a guy. She blinked and froze, not sure how to react. She looked the guy over, and noticed he wore a lot of blue.

That's Dr. Professor Hobo Afro F...
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Old 09-15-2011, 08:25 PM

Melieka had taken Keane down the stairwell as per his wishes as it gave him some much needed exercise. It was a long way down from the silent single dorm floor which was the 10th floor. He enjoyed going down the stairwell as it was rather quiet and peaceful and it gave him time to speak with Melieka if he so chose to. It was always a curious sensation to have her tail wrapped tightly around his waist so that he wouldn't fall, he always felt like in his mind he could see all of Melieka's form, not the environment but just all of her body somehow. He found it to be a rather interesting experience. Melieka was quite handy, able to open doors and such for them such as when they got to the bottom of the stairwell and entered the main lobby where Melieka spotted the girl staring at the both of them. It was true Keane wore alot of blue but when he had been able to see it had been one of his favorite colors and he wouldn't simply stop wearing it because he couldn't see. Melieka did her best to keep their distance from the girl, she was always wary of strangers, even more now that he was blind.

Keane could sense her unease and he spoke softly to her. "What is it Melieka?" Melieka in kind pointed her head in the direction of the female who was staring, while Keane had no idea she was there, he assumed that Melieka was pointing at someone from what he felt from her as they shared a special bond and considering he could see her body, he could see her point in directions for him which came in handy often times. Keane decided that he would avoid this person as Melieka wanted to. Even before he lost his sight he wasn't too social and that was probably more so now that he couldn't see, he was more closed off and in his own world now. He was happy enough to have Melieka, she was quite the lively friend even if she was a seen as his pet by others and him, but she was also his closest friend and seeing her through that strange sensation just made him feel more at ease in the world. He couldn't have imagined what life would be like without her guiding him around and such. He then outstretched his hand and petted her head before giving her his response. "Alright then, let's go and explore a bit and perhaps, maybe we'll find something good to eat and such." he said softly smiling weakly as he hugged her, he never was in much of a good mood when he was hungry. Melieka nodded her head and pulled him along, she would rather have him ride upon her back but he always objected to it not wanting to put any strain on her though it wouldn't have been any strain to her at all.

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Old 09-15-2011, 09:07 PM

Raina stood there, still frozen in place, for a moment as the young man in blue and the large dog/wolf thing passed by her. A bit of the dog's hair went it Raina's nose as they passed, causing her to sneeze quietly and cutely, like a cat. Her sneeze caused her to drop what was in her hands, which included her books and binders.

There were some loose papers in the binders, which scattered across the floor. "Damnit..." she mumbled almost inaudibly. She dropped to her knees and started picking things up, Moving slowly and organizing things in her own way, which mostly consisted of stacking them neatly before sorting them out again into the respected binders. She didn't even start to touch the books yet.

Last edited by Alorrena; 09-15-2011 at 09:34 PM..

That's Dr. Professor Hobo Afro F...
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Old 09-15-2011, 10:17 PM

Keane shifted slightly as Melieka barked at Raina turning to face her as she got into a defensive stance. Keane did his best to reach out toward Melieka and pat her. "Please calm yourself Melieka, she only sneezed and dropped her materials." he said softly waiting for the great creature to relax a bit and step backward, pushing him away from her in the process. "My apologies." he said softly toward the girl before he was being lead away out of the building by Melieka who wanted him to have nothing to do with this feline. She had some premonition about this girl, something that would tear her master and her apart and she certainly wanted to prevent that from happening. After all who could keep her master happy but her, no one else was suited to such a large task. Once she had dragged him outside she took a deep breath and stretched out letting out a rather cute yawn. "We probably should have helped her pick up her things Melieka." he noted sighing a little, "Then again I wouldn't have been much good, I probably would have grabbed something I wasn't supposed to." he chuckled lightly at the slightly perverted thoughts that crossed his mind. Melieka then turned to nuzzle him with her head and neck. "Perhaps, but we have no idea who she is and we wouldn't have known where to put her papers or whether they were in a particular order or not. Besides Master Tova, we have things to do, so let's just relax." she noted to him through their mental link as actually speaking would probably draw too much attention aside from the fact that she was indeed quite massive.

"I suppose you are right." he said softly as he walked up beside her and rested his arm on her massive body as they began to walk away from the main dormitory building. He took a deep breath of the air now as well, it felt cool and rather refreshing, after all he had spent the last day or two in complete isolation organizing his room with Melieka so that it would be an easy to navigate environment for the both of them, with her size and his lack of sight. It was made to be a rather peaceful sanctuary for them both to relax and feel safe from the world. Thus it turned out that way however Keane knew that he'd have to be outside frequently and remember the benefits of being in the outside world such as the rare occasional kindness in people, the sun on his skin, provided it wasn't too hot, and the breezes and fresh air. That was why after being isolated for the past few days that he had decided to come out exploring with Melieka.

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Old 09-15-2011, 10:46 PM

Raina didn't say anything, but jumped when Melieka barked. Her ears went down and she was tempted to hiss. The hair on her tail stood on end, and only relaxed when the man and Melieka were out of the building. She was almost glad that he didn't help, but also thought it a little rude. "He was probably just busy calming his companion down." She rationalized.

She finished gathering her books and went back upstairs to her room, and put them on her desk. She would have to buy a small bookcase soon. She Took three more trips before moving her car to a better place to park, even though it was a little further. It had been in a loading and unloading only zone. once parked, she pulled the last of her items out of her car and walked back to the dorms. She Used the handicap button a lot that morning. When she was done bringing her stuff up to her room, she Started unpacking, starting with the things on the bed. She had brought hangers only to find out that she didn't need them. Upon finishing unpacking her clothes, she turned to her bed covers and sheets box and pulled out a Kingdom Hearts blanket set. She quickly made her bed. Once finished, she layed down and closed her eyes for about five minutes before her stomach started growling. She sighed and got up, looked at the campus map, and then made her way to the cafeteria to get some food.

Once there, Raina spied the man and Melieka, and kept as far away from them as possible while keeping them in view. She got her food, and sat in the far corner and started to eat. The room was rather noisy, as there were several students in there that were talking over each other.

That's Dr. Professor Hobo Afro F...
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Old 09-15-2011, 11:24 PM

The fresh air indeed was doing Keane some good however the packed and noisy nature of the cafeteria greatly turned him off. He had to tolerate it however as he and Melieka were hungry, however she was clever and helped in his regard, her tail curled up his body to cover his ears a bit as they went through the lunch line helping him picking out items and he paid for it all using his special student card. Neither of them noticed that they were being watched and while sitting inside would be easier he decided to head outside so the two of them could eat in peace. Melieka consumed quite a bit to meet her daily energy requirements. Once they were outside Melieka sat down and he sat down using her as a backrest as she had intended and hand fed her some of the food he got specifically for her. Her eating habits were rather strange though, sometimes she'd eat very little other times she'd only need to eat a very large meal once a day. Keane usually was a hefty eater himself. He was glad Melieka had escorted him outside where it was a bit more peaceful to eat. He always hated noisy places, even before he had lost his sight.

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Old 09-16-2011, 06:01 PM

Raina ate quickly, hoping to get out of the cafeteria as quickly as possible, as she was too lazy to move and take her food up to her room. She sighed as a couple of chatty thin girls passed by. They were a group of fox-girls who wore too much makeup and not enough clothes. Raina smirked at them, keeping her thoughts to herself. Her classes would be starting the next day, so she had to hurry and unpack as fast as she could. She wanted to take a nap, but knew she couldn't until she unpacked everything. She finished eating within 7 minutes, and went to put her tray and dishes away. She then left the cafeteria and walked outside towards the dorm. She turned the wrong way and passed by the guy and Melieka.

Upon noticing them, She kept her ears attentive and gave them a wide birth while looking around, keeping an eye out for them. She couldn't find her way back to the dorms.

That's Dr. Professor Hobo Afro F...
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Old 09-16-2011, 06:25 PM

Keane shifted slightly against Melieka's soft massive body, it was rather cozy with her and he quite enjoyed it. He glad that for the most part Melieka kept people away from him, he just didn't feel comfortable talking to people. He remembered how scared and paranoid he felt when he first lost his sight, but then Melieka had stepped up and she had really made him feel safe and secure despite not being able to see anything. Despite what most said about others saying that when you lost one sense the others would become stronger that wasn't necessarily true in his case as his hearing was still the same. It's not like he had superhuman hearing now but he found that a few strange things had happened to him. He had Melieka for as long as he could remember even before he actually met her he had felt her had known her and she had been watching over him and all. He was just finishing his lunch with her just as Melieka began to lift her head to look at the cat girl who was passing them. She remained silent but alert, her tail coiled a little tighter around him incase she needed to protect him through various means, while he rarely got into fights she was always ever vigilant. He sometimes felt she was a bit too over protective but he appreciated it none the less so he never said anything about it. He then sighed and stretched out as he slowly stood gathering up his tray to take it back inside.

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Old 09-17-2011, 07:16 AM

Raina looked over at the movement. She had thought about asking for directions, but decided not to. She would just follow them silently... Or climb a tree. She decided on the latter and gracefully pulled herself into the branches of the largest close tree she could find. She looked around as she climbed and quickly made her way to the top. She wished she had brought a book, but she figured she should probably hurry back to the dorms before too much of the day got wasted. She needed to have her stuff put away quickly so she had room to move around in. She looked around and spotted the dorms, finding out she had turned the wrong way.

She looked below her to find those fox-girls leaving the cafeteria and looking up at the tree and pointing up at her. She smirked, knowing they would freak out if she jumped from that height. So she did it. The girls screamed and started to run. They got to the bottom of the tree as Raina hit the ground gracefully on all fours. She looked up at the girls and smiled, her sharp teeth showing. "Hey, girls." She said smiling, laughing inside. She stood up and brushed herself off, still smiling. The girls were speechless for a few minutes before calling Raina a freak. Raina laughed and said, "Like you're any better. You're all skinny little twigs." She turned and walked back to the dorms, went to her room, and finished unpacking.

She didn't leave her room until late that night and it was for dinner. Her laptop was charging and all set up for the internet.

That's Dr. Professor Hobo Afro F...
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Old 09-19-2011, 05:14 AM

Keane shifted and listened as he heard the fox girls being terrorized though he felt they deserved it from what he had heard of their behavior. Melieka also approved in some fashion but she kept her distance with her master from the cat girl. Melieka and Keane then continued their explorations of the island returning back to the cafeteria for dinner, having only ate lunch somewhere in the city. Dinner was a bit more mellow thankfully especially since Melieka and Keane were eating a rather late dinner however they still decided to eat outside under the stars, though unfortunately Keane could no longer appreciate them, he did still enjoy the cool soothing night air and of course Melieka could at least enjoy the night sky unlike him. They choose a nice cozy spot on the hill where the wind seemed to be at its strongest and he sighed. He was a little worried about classes tomorrow, this would be his first year attending this particular institute but somehow he felt this facility would in the end help him out in the end. Melieka was keeping an eye out for the cat girl though hoping she wouldn't bother her and her master yet she felt the two's fate was somewhat intertwined somehow much to her dislike. All she could do is protect her master and ensure that this girl wouldn't cause too much harm to him whether it be physical or more likely emotional. However for now she nibbled on her food as he ate as well in peace having a thermos of tea with him to sip on and enjoy in the chilly night air. He was looking forward to sleeping in his bed tonight in his sanctuary after all tomorrow would be a rather long day he imagined.

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Old 09-19-2011, 04:50 PM

Raina ate quickly in the cafeteria, and hurried up to her room to go to bed.

The next morning Raina woke up before dawn. She went and got ready for her day, starting with a quick shower. She took her time getting dressed though and dried her hair. She then put on a little makeup on her eyes and gathered the books she had bought and put them in her lime green backpack before opening her laptop and checking where her classes were. She got out her map and circled the places where she was going, color coding them. She made a little legend for herself on the map and went to go get breakfast. Leaving her room, she realized that the floor was eerily quiet. No music was playing and she was the only one up. She realized that if she were to do any homework, now would be the best time of day to do it, before anyone woke up. She had left her things in her room as her class wasn't for another few hours.

She took the stairs that morning, going down, knowing that it wouldn't affect her in any way. She had mild asthma, so going up the stairs would be a little hard on her lungs, ans she had forgotten her inhaler in her room. She walked over to the cafeteria and went inside to get her breakfast. She picked out a bowl of cereal, eggs, bacon, and some toast. She sat in the corner, again, and ate silently.

That's Dr. Professor Hobo Afro F...
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Old 09-19-2011, 06:55 PM

Once they had finished their meals, they had returned their dorm. Keane undressed for the night and just relaxed in his bed with Melieka. The next morning went as usual, him getting ready for the day dressing and heading down the elevator with Melieka today so he could just try it out for once. After they had made it down, they went for their breakfast and ate before Melieka guided him to the campus cautiously. Keane seemed nervous as they got closer to the groupings of people as they entered the campus. He had his equipment with him so he could record class lectures, it was particularly difficult for him considering he was a visual learner so ever since he lost his sight, his schoolwork had become all that more difficult for him despite his intelligence. He had cleared Melieka so she could sit in the back of class with him so they were out of the way and such. He found no point in sitting in the front to block the view of others who could see.

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Old 09-20-2011, 03:26 AM

Raina finished eating and went back to her dorm to get her book bag. When she was done, she took the stairs down again, and went to her first class. She found it quickly with the use of her map,and without looking around at the people in her class, she took a seat in the second to back row. She yawned and pulled out her notebook and a pen. It was a generic english class that was mandatory for all majors.

Raina yawned again and set her head down on the table and closed her eyes until she heard the room fill up. She then sat up and looked around, noticing that she had sat really close to the guy in blue from the previous day.

That's Dr. Professor Hobo Afro F...
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Old 09-20-2011, 04:58 AM

Keane had no idea the girl from the other day was near, however Melieka sure did notice her. However Melieka remained quiet, she had to be rather tame while she was in Keane's classes so she wouldn't be causing him any unnecessary trouble. Keane hated english especially now that he was blind but he had to tolerate. Melieka kept her tail wrapped around his waist with the tip on his back pressing into his back to massage it to help him relax and hopefully get through the class. He took a deep breath and sighed enjoying the comfort from Melieka as he really needed it. He was glad this wasn't highschool, highschool was horrible for him and his peers were so immature but now he was in college so things were much better still he hated being in large crowds of people he didn't know but Melieka would always be there to safeguard him and luckily since it was english getting into any group activities was unlikely and he was looking forward to his chemistry class in a few hours. He had always enjoyed the subject and he didn't let his blindness stop him from being good in it. "She better leave Master Tova alone... Melieka thought to herself her eyes occasionally drifting over the cat girl, it didn't help her position that Keane loved cats so a cat girl would be up his alley. However she would protect him so the girl wouldn't betray him.

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Old 09-20-2011, 04:46 PM

Raina enjoyed the class, as it was one of her best subjects. She payed attention, and soon the class was over. They had gone over the syllabus and had a one page paper on what they know. Raina was one of the last ones to leave as she was gathered her stuff up slowly. She looked at the map she had made, and then at the time, noticing that she had enough time to get a small bite to eat.

She trekked down to the cafeteria and bought a bagel, and walked to her next class eating it. She had chemistry, and wasn't exactly looking forward to it. She wasn't the best at chemistry, or at least she wasn't in high school. She was a minute late to class and all the seats were taken except for two. One in the very front and one in the back. Raina prefered the one in the back. She didn't notice however who was sitting there.

That's Dr. Professor Hobo Afro F...
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Old 09-21-2011, 03:11 PM

When the class was over Melieka and Keane waited till most people cleared out of the room so they'd have an easier time getting out. Keane hefted his bookbag up on his back as Melieka guided him out. "Master Tova, you should let me wear a saddlebag, it would be much easier on you walking if you didn't have to carry that thing. It is the least you can do sense you don't let me carry you." she complained to him through their mental link. She then coiled her tail a little more tightly around him as they entered the hall and navigated their way to his next class. Keane sighed heavily as he walked with her. "You are still upset that I won't ride you? Fine I'll look into getting you some saddlebags. Your dogmatic need to feel useful to me is sometimes annoying you know. You do more than enough for me as is." he said aloud to her not caring who heard her, if they had a problem with it they'd have to contend with her and that was unlikely, she was fairly intimidating though strikingly beautiful and majestic at the same time. The giant creature grinned, she had finally won after wearing him down for weeks about this subject. "Thank you so much Master Tova! You never let me do enough, I'm only here to serve you and make your life easier, but I'm your friend as well." she thought to him knowing that he'd though of as more than a pet especially because there was more to her than most people could really see.

When they had arrived at his next class he choose the lab table in the back again, before Raina had arrived which by that the time that she had did all the seats had filled and she was forced to sit next to him. Melieka sniffed the air around Raina and gave her a low untrusting growl before Keane lifted his hand to stroke Melieka's big head, as ever since Raina had entered the room her tail had become rather well wrapped around him tightly. Melieka settled down but only lightly as she settled into the corner of the room which was right near the lab table so Melieka got comfortable while looking over this female, as if sizing her up especially when Lab Groups were assigned and it was fortunate for him that he was in the small group, instead of four it was just the two of them, two people were missing that day though so that meant they'd be going into their group. When Keane heard the name of his lab partner her sighed a little, a girl, though dealing with them was easier now that he couldn't see them but still, he just hoped she wouldn't be trouble and all. However once Melieka had heard the girls name Melieka more closely looked her over as if seeing she was worthy enough to work with her master. Despite other lab groups getting cheery with each other, Keane said nothing to Raina yet though he knew who she was now as Melieka had told him it was the cat girl from before. Shy and nervous was his game and he was just focusing on how this would be going and all.

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Old 09-21-2011, 11:56 PM

Raina didn't look up when Melieka growled at her, but looked up to see that she was already sitting with her chemistry partner. "Hi..." she said softly, Turning to him, and looking at Melieka, she introduced herself."I'm Raina." She was introducing herself to be polite, as the instructor had already pointed out who they were. Raina looked Keane over, now knowing his name. She noticed that he was wearing dark glasses again, and gave him a funny look without realizing it. She figured it would be rude to ask, especially since she didn't know anything about him other than his name. She then proceeded to look at Melieka, and admired the wolf's eyes, even though they told Raina not to get too close.

Last edited by Alorrena; 09-22-2011 at 12:06 AM..

That's Dr. Professor Hobo Afro F...
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Old 09-22-2011, 12:22 AM

Keane shifted and turned his head in her direction his dark sunglass lens attached to the implants over his eyebrows. "Hello, I'm Keane this is my sight dog and close friend Melieka." he said softly then reached out his hand to pat Melieka's head gently. Melieka grumbled not looking to happy about the two interacting but hopefully her glare would dissuade the girl from talking to much after all the teacher was going on with a lecture and Keane himself was eager to listen. Melieka was watching the girl closely her large white eyes trying to get an idea of what the girl was thinking. Melieka's tail remained wound around Keane's waist the tip of her tail flickering as if to draw the cat girl's attention to the fact that Keane belonged to her in some way. Keane had no idea what was going on but he could sense that Melieka didn't like this girl but she'd have to learn to live with it since this Raina was his lab partner.

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Old 09-23-2011, 05:14 PM

Raina smiled softly, "Nice to meet you." She said before turning her gaze towards the professor. He was going on about the Syllabus and how his grading rubric would work. He was a very kind sounding person and fairly laid back. Raina got bored quickly and pulled out a pen and started drawing on her hand, half paying attention. She eyed Melieka every so often, and eventually started looking around the classroom. After a while, they were given an assignment to do that was from the book. They had to answer some questions and then the professor would go over it and explain anything that was unclear. He had already lectured a little bit on the assignment, so most of the material was applying it.


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