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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:21 AM

Donna leaned back in her seat and laughed softly, blushing more furiously. "I believe you're a man, not a kid, in my humble opinion. So... I think I can trust you, but you can definitely trust little old me," she teased, leaning forward to get closer to him. "And yes, you are quite awesome, I'll definitely agree with that logic. As for me being awesome, I disagree. Your argument is invalid!" she commented playfully, poking his forehead again. This was probably the very best conversation she'd had in.... forever. Donna had never met anyone so deep and full of direction before -- most adults she knew didn't even know what they really wanted to be in life. Josh was different, though. He seemed to have direction, a purpose, and that was such an endearing quality in Donna's opinion. What a special boy...

After a second or so, she decided to ask the kid about whatever it was that he was stuttering about from before. It intrigued her -- she wanted to know exactly what he was thinking. "Hey, so what was that whole thing about, 'That must have seemed like I...'" she imitated him, smiling lightly. "Seem like what?" She tilted her head slightly, a lock of dark hair falling from her tied-up hair and falling to the side.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:39 AM

Josh laughed with her. She was something else. "Your wrong, your very awesome" He said smiling, he stared into her eyes for a bit then blushed and looked away, she was different, special even. Girls his age only cared for looks and sex, where as his teacher seemed more into the person themselves. He blushed when she asked, he looked away as to hide it. "Oh that? Um...I..." He stuttered he was so embarrassed! "Um I ....I...I was hoping that you....would....not" He stuttered some more. "I was didnt think I" He laughed "Oh its stupid..." He said "But I was hoping you didn't like I was like....coming on to me my head does not go there..." He said laughing nervously.

He hoped to god she didn't think that, why and how could he just tell her he was thinking that she thought he was putting oin the moves??? At a school??? Josh blushed even more and to keep busy he started to draw. "I know its stupid, forget I said anything" He said really fast. He was not really drawing anything just lines here and there.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:58 AM

Donna's eyes widened with shock, but then her entire frame shook with laughter as she stifled a series of giggles with her hand. Regaining her composure, the woman said, "I would have never thought that in the first place, Josh! You aren't like that at all." Giggling, her cheeks retained their pink coloring. It was things like this that just made Josh so adorable, endearing even. "Hey, hey, if you're going to draw, draw from the heart and not because you're just horribly embarrassed," she teased. She took his hand gently and guided his hand in a few random directions, connecting some of the random lines he scribbled. When she let go of his hand, there was a rough outline of a leaf on the paper. Chuckling, she said, "But I guess embarrassment can also create random artwork, as well." She leaned back in her chair and let her grin spread from ear to ear.

"By the way, it's not stupid, so you still shouldn't worry about it," she mumbled, taking the scrunchie out of her hair and running a hand through her dark hair. A headache was coming on from wearing it so often. Childishly, she blew a piece of hair out of her face and stuck her tongue out at Josh. "Like I said, don't be afraid to tell me things. I'll take whatever the heck you throw at me!"

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 02:10 AM

Josh blushed when her hand rested on his and they drew a leaf together, this picture...he wondered what it could mean. "Well...Trust me I wont worry to much about it" He said When she let down her hair he tried not to stare, she was really beautiful. He looked away then when he looked back he stuck his tongue out back at her revealing a tongue ring, he laughed at his own childish play, and hers. He wished he could just sit here forever and talk to her, but he knew, after he left tonight, they never would, I guess there was a chance, but he could not be certain. "What time is it anyway?" He asked her. He wondered if it was still early or if it was almost time to go home, course he would love to keep talking to her so he hoped it was early yet....but then again, he didnt know.

His stomach rumbled and he blushed "Guess Im kinda hungry..." He said holding his stomach as if it would stop the hungry pains. He laughed, He has not had lunch yet and he hoped he could eat soon...yes food would be awesome.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 02:19 AM

Donna giggled when he flashed his tongue ring, shaking her head as she realized how many piercings he had. It suited his look, though, so she actually thought he looked quite nice. Shaking the thought away, the teacher looked at the time. "Wow, it's just about 11:00am right now. Perhaps I should get you lunch?" Slowly, Donna stood up and straightened out her clothing, rummaging in her pockets to get her wallet. "Now, YOU, my injured friend, will sit here and wait for me to come back. End of story. No buts." She winked at him and then left the room, leaving her sketchpad and briefcase in the room.

It was no surprise to her when she found that there were only chicken sandwiches and turkey sandwiches left in the cafeteria. Lunch started a long time ago, and the kitchen staff hadn't expected anyone else to come. While they put together the sandwiches, Donna took some time to reflect on what had happened today. She met a wonderful boy, Josh, and bonded with him faster than she's even bonded with her parents. In some ways, it seemed pathetic -- her own parents couldn't even get to her on this deep of a level while a teenager could. However, it seemed like a miracle at the same time -- someone finally understood her, and she finally understood someone else.
She felt a deep pang of happiness when she realized that he'd be coming for extra help more often. It would certainly give them plenty of time to chat and such, especially since her goal was to make Josh understand Math in the simplest and fastest way possible. It was her job, anyway, and she was damn good at it.

Taking the trays back upstairs to the nurse's office, she pushed the door open with her shoulder and said, "I'm back!" before walking towards Josh.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 02:27 AM

Josh smiled when she left, he was happy it was early and that she went to get him food. She was so nice. He thought about how much he felt about her, nothing weird but a strong bond of true friendship. This is what it feels like to have a good true honest friend. This made him smile. Soon she was back and he smiled. "Hey! Oh that looks...great" He said as he saw the sandwiches. "All the good stuff gone eh?" He said with a laugh picking up one sandwich and biting into it,, it was kinda soggy, but not that bad. "mm" He said sarcastically, he finished the sandwich within a few minutes. "That so hit the pot...i guess" And he rolled his eyes flashing a smile. "Thank you very much by the way, erm what is your lunch? did you bring one?" He said in a kinda of worried tone. He hoped she did not forget lunch. "You know its not healthy to work 8 hours and not having a proper meal for lunch" He said matter of fact. Then blushed when he realized he just gave his own teacher a lecture nad he had no idea if she really had not brought a lunch or not.

"Wow, Im sorry" He said with a small laugh, he felt as if he just made a huge ass of himself.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 02:42 AM

Donna giggled as the kid lectured her about having to eat and all that. She knew that herself. If anything, that whole lecture of his made him cuter. God, what am I thinking....
"The food didn't look so wonderful when I got there in the first place," she admitted, scratching her cheek with her index finger. "But that's besides the point. I only had enough cash left to buy one lunch, so I got it for you. You're the one who's still growing!" she exclaimed, laughing heartily. "Don't be sorry, you have all the right to chastise me. Although, I still stand by my decision to buy lunch for you." Donna stuck her tongue out -- a common thing that started to happened -- and took Josh's tray away to toss it into the trash. "I can last perfectly fine until I get home later tonight." That last part was somewhat of a lie -- Donna had to go to another class after school today. It was a non-profit organization, and she volunteered for the evening class. She probably wouldn't get to eat until around 9 or 10 pm at the earliest. Last time she went like that, the woman passed out the moment she entered her house.

"Hey, Josh, do you want to try and contact your mother again? I called several times earlier today, but I couldn't get to her. I know how much you worry about her," she commented after sitting back down, handing him her cell phone. "Be my guest and use my phone." She couldn't help but feel guilty that she was keeping him here for so long. "I'm sorry that you've been here for so long. I bet I'm boring you by now -- I'm just a teacher anyone." She leaned back in seat and crossed arms, making a face of mock-sadness.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 03:03 AM

He loved her personality, how she was goofy, yet serious. she was something else.....he shook his head and smiled and took her phone. "Hey...your not justa teacher, your so much more than that" He said dialing his moms number, no answer "Shes still not picking up. She must be at work still, Oh well I am feeling much better" He grinned. "And you could never bore me, in fact ive enjoyed myself so much im sad that the day is going to be over at some point" He blushed he felt as if he was coming on to strong and awkwardly. He truly would not be able to sit and what for tomorrow's class to start. He knew that this year was going to be great, as long has he had at lest one person who could really lisen to him and his rambles. She was....just amazing, it was hard to believe she was single and any older than 20. He really liked her and if he ever got married he would want her to be alot like his teacher...was that weird? Josh thought...

Finally he handed her phone back "Thanks anyways" He wondered what he could make for dinner that evening ....hmmm perhaps meatloaf, or spaghetti....or maybe just some mac n cheese, it all sounded pretty good for him , but he wanted to do what was easier cause he had to rest up and check his email for....he smiled, thats right he would be able to email her at night from home....this made him smile so wide and he didnt even realize it.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 03:25 AM

Donna giggled for just about the millionth time that morning, always bashful when he said those kinds of things to her. It was hard to believe that he was so young. "I'll be upset that our time has to end, as well, but at least I'll see you for extra help several times a week. Plus, you can use my email whenever you'd like. I'm half nocturnal, so I'll be bound to just see your messages and reply." She shot him a sly, childish grin, shuffling her feet slightly. She almost felt like she was the one was coming onto him. Donna didn't mean to, everything just came out like that anyway.

Sighing, she took a piece of paper from one of the notebooks in her briefcase and scribbled her phone number on it. She handed it to him, saying, "This is for absolutely anything. If you get mad, you can call and you can vent. If you're lonely, you can call and you can have some company. If you're just bored, you can still call." Donna smiled warmly, tucking her hair behind her ears. "I can see that you don't have too many friends, which is why we're going to make this student-teacher relationship work smoothly. I don't want to lose you as a friend, trust me. This entire morning wad not me as "Miss Donna." It was just me, just Donna."

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 03:33 AM

Josh almost stood up and went "YESSS" When she told him about her email, and calling her if he needed. But instead he took the paper and smiled. "I will" When she meaned making them work he blushed. He wondered if Donna...liked him? No..Thats not right, he was thinking way to much into, josh was only 16 years old, and he was sure as much as donna says she likes his company, he knew deep down she would probably want a real man. One who is not to shy for intimacy and such. He blushed at that thought. He wiped his hair to the side when it got into his face to much. "Thanks, Ill totally stay in touch" He said with a half grin. He didnt want to sound too thrilled that she wanted to talk outside of school.

"Well, I like just Donna" He said. He was able to fully sit up now, his head felt a bit better. But He acted like it still was sore so he could stay and talk to donna. "I like her alot" He didnt mean for it to be that...informal but he meant it and now that it was sad, he could not take it back. "Im sure Ill all you just to hear you talk" His eyes went wide. Di he really just flirt with his teacher? That was so inappropriate!!! Josh kicked his own ass. "Im SO sorry that..I didnt,..." He sighed, he may be nice, but he was a guy as well...But he didnt want that part to show, especially here at school.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 03:54 AM

Donna's eyes widened with shock and and her cheeks became redder than a tomato. However, she broke into a fit of laughter soon after, leaning in so that she was a little closer to Josh. "That's white alright. You're still a guy, right? I guess there's a part in all of them that makes them act like this. But unlike everyone else, the things you say are actually sweet. If only every man was the man you are." She shook her head, smiling from ear to ear. Everytime Josh did these kinds of things, her heart skipped a beat. It was easy for her to wonder if he... Liked her. With all of what had happened that day, she easily deduced that something was up, she just wasn't sure what it was exactly.

"I don't mind if you call just to talk. I have nothing against that at all. We wouldn't have to talk about school or anything, just... Other, more trivial things." Donna stretched a little, her joints unknotting. "I'm pretty sure "just Donna" likes you, too." Playfully, she stuck her tongue out at the kid and then flashed a smile, resting her elbows on the bed Josh was sitting on .

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 04:05 AM

He blushed. "Well I guess that makes me special then huh?" He said playfully sticking out his tongue again, then he played with it as he thought. "Yeah, Id love to call you, here" He wrote down his number. "Now you can call me if you ever need anything" He just grinned, he felt odd, like something more was going on between them, almost intimate, almost secretive. He liked it but he wondered if he thought to much into it or if there was something there, like, friction or sexual romantic tension. He decided not to make an ass out of himself and thought about other things. He kept thinking about later, he was going to email her, he would call but he didnt want her getting the wrong idea...besides they just met today...and he didnt wanna get a head rush.

"And I do hope you will call sometimes, I can be a great friend" He said to her with a genuine smile. "And I am also glad we have a few days a week math together and talk, truth is, I love talking to you" He said He tried to make the situation an more...friendly, a few more students came into the Nurses office and he didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea, even though they were just talking...he still worried, but he knew he shouldn't cause they haven't done anything wrong, and he does not think they will...what is he thinking?

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 12:49 PM

Donna's eyes widened as she received the boy's number -- she immediately thought of calling him later just to ask him about his day, but... Wouldn't that be weird? A teacher calling a student? It felt even more odd when she thought about the way they talked today and the way they exchanged notes. It was as if they were running around together in secret, keeping their socially unacceptable relationship hidden from everyone else. It felt exhilarating, knowing that they could get caught even though it wa really nothing. At least, yet? Donna didn't even know what she was thinkin anymore. It felt like she was back in high school.
"I'll definitely call sometime," she whispered to Josh. "But I'll be awaiting your calls, too."

Seeing the other kids walk into the nurse's office, Donna sat back in her chair and sighed, standing up afterwards to go help the others. It seemed like the nurse wasn't in. "I'll be back," she whispered to Josh, shooting him a charming little grin. It looked like the students who walked in just needed to take some medication, so Donna looked through the nurse's files and saw that it was true -- she needed amoxicillen, an antibiotic. Knowing that she was doing the right thing, she passed the pills off to the girl and gave her a cup of water, smiling as the students left. She noticed that they all shot Josh a dirty glance that Donna hoped he didn't see.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 09:50 PM

Josh smiled. "Ill be here" He whispered back to Donna. She was so great...He watched her help the students with their needs, and he just smiled. He thought about how later tonight he would get to talk to her, then first thing in the morning, he got to see her....what was he thinking? His heart raced as he looked at her number, memorizing it. He had her number, her personal number...He blushed. The kids started leaving and josh looked up, a few gave him a dirty glare and he just started them down, he felt like a freak, but he didn't show his feelings, instead he smiled and waved to one of the girls, killing her with kindness, it was supposed to work, kids who were mean hated it when there victims were nice, right?

He sighed, who was he kidding? But he smiled again at the thought of Donna, she was special he just knew it, and he felt has if they were meant to meet, that all of this mess today was supposed to happen, if he had not gotta his ass kicked, he would not be here with the most amazing women.....He pocketed her number Rested his head up agents a wall, it didn't hurt anymore it was just comfortable and relaxing.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 10:07 PM

Donna nearly burst out in hysterics when she saw the boy give the other students a smile -- best come back ever! She used to do that way back when, usually when people would try to destroy her drawings. It was the one thing she could utilize to stop people in their tracks.

"Hey, hey, don't lean your head against a wall, silly," Donna laughed, walking over to Josh and slipping her hand behind his head, pushing him forward. "Do you even realize how hard you hit your head?" Poking his forehead, she uttered a few more wise words -- her mother's words. "You may have stood right back up, but even soldiers know when to take it easy." Donna always thought that the phrase was a saying in her mother tongue, Tagalog, and she cherished all of these sayings as they were her only connection to her ancestry.

Chuckling, she plopped into her seat and gave Josh a look of mock sternness. "Know your limits. And be careful. Especially when you go home." A bright, warm smile took the place of the austere demeanor and a tiny laugh filled the air. "I'm serious, though. Be careful when you go home. The principal's letting you go home early today because of that whole incident this morning. Tomorrow, when you come back to school, I'll have all the syllabi that you couldn't collect, alright?"

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 10:43 PM

He smiled when he saw her return and gave a poutish look when she mentioned his head. "Hey hey now I am a strong man! It was not that bad" He said rubbing the back on his head, where it was still tender. He closed his eyes to her touch taking in her words, trying to soak up her wisdom. He then smiled. "I love that" Was all he said about her solider saying, it was great and made him feel like he could do anything, but as he was still a boy he needed to take a break, it really spoke to him.

"Really? So..I need to leave soon then huh? Get some rest and such?" He said with a half smile, he didn't want to go home, but he new Donna had a lot of work to do for tomorrow plus She may want some alone adult time. (sounds so dirty! Not what he meant haha) Besides, it would look weird to people if they knew he was sent home but stayed to spend free time with a teacher, it would look bad. He smiled. "Well, alright then" He said sitting up.

"I better get going..." He said packing up this things. "And I look forward to class" He said with a small laugh, he stood there with his things almost awkwardly, did he shake her hand? Hug her? Or just wave bye and leave?

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 11:02 PM

Chuckling, the woman stood up as well, straightening her blouse out. Josh seemed to be such a responsible kid...
"Alright then, Josh. I'll see you tomorrow, hm?" Lightly, Donna ruffled his hair and put that hand on his shoulder. She knew that he was feeling awkward, not knowing what to do to say goodbye. In reality, she felt the same way. How was she supposed to say goodbye? She was a teacher, and he was a student -- their relationship was something new, something that they never had experienced before. It was weird to say the least. Somehow, to Donna, it felt like their relationship was in the middle -- seeming to be more than friends, but not in an actual relationship.

Giggling, she said, "Don't be so tense -- I don't bite." She walked ahead of him, getting to the door first. Turning around, she looked back at Josh with a glowing smile and waved. "See you tomorrow, kid," she teased, sticking her tongue out before she left the nurse's office and headed to her classroom in an attempt to relieve the nurse of her duty.

For the rest of the schoolday, Donna couldn't stop thinking about Josh. What exactly was it that was attractive to her? Wait, what was she thinking? Attracted? Shaking the thought away all day, she left the high school with a slight pink color to her cheeks. This is so unusual... she thought. What's wrong with me?

At the end of the day, perhaps at around 11pm, Donna FINALLY returned home, dropping all her stuff in the front corridor and collapsing on the couch. The entire day's activities had just wiped her system clean of any energy she had, and not eating for the majority of the day had left her in a daze. However, instead of going to grab something sugary to eat, the young woman flipped her phone out and looked at Josh's number. She was debating whether or not to call him and just... talk. She had no idea why she wanted that, but... it was just an urge, right? Nevertheless, she decided to wait and see if he'd call her first -- just like most other lovestruck teenage girls.
But Donna was neither a teenager, nor lovestruck -- or maybe... she was? No, she ended up telling herself that she was still too inexperienced to know what love was. Sighing deeply, she covered her face with one of the pillows on the sofa.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 11:22 PM

As he left he waved "Cool, see ya" He said sticking his tongue out back at her, reveling his ring again. He walked off and headed home. On the way home he could not stop thinking of her, Donna, his math teacher, she..was something else, he was in a daze the whole way home, were they friends? Or was today just time thing? He walked in and went up to his room, he threw his things down and hopped in a hot shower. When he was done he threw on a old gym shirt and boxers.

He went into the kitchen and saw a note left by his mother "Be home late again xoxox" He just smiled. He began to cook some dinner for himself, looking at his phone from time to time wondering if he should call...or maybe email instead? Or will she call?? He almost burnt his food. Instead he burnt his left middle finger "Ah damn it!" He said and put it under cold water, when that felt better he finished cooking and put the leftovers in a container fro his mother when she got home from work. He ate his food and sighed still looking at his phone, why was he still thinking about today? And Donna? Was there something there that he was not seeing?

He sighed again and cleaned up the place a bit, then around 1130 after he cooked cleaned, did some art work and staring at his computer screen and phone, was it too late to call? Or to late to email? He sighed and figured it was late, so he shot her a quick email, his heart raced, he was so nervous, why? It was for school...all the kids had to email her right? But Josh knew his email was different, he wanted to talk to her on a more personal level, was this normal? He finally decided to just email her, then he would finally stop worrying over something he didn't know was there.

He typed up. "Hi Donna, Josh here :D Umm....I really liked are talk today, hope to do it again soon?" He debated if he should hit send or not, when he did he laid back on his bed, should He have sent that? What if she gets the wrong idea? Oh man...he thought, shes gonna think hes a weirdo, no shes not like that he thought, he sighed and laid onto his back, he sighed.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 11:53 PM

Half-asleep with the pillow now under her head, Donna heard her computer go, Ping Ping!, so she bolted upright and nearly fell off the couch. "Damn! I dozed off!" Her first thought flew to Josh -- had he emailed her? Or... perhaps someone else did. Yet, she wanted it to be Josh. Just the thought of him trying to talk to her was able to give her huge butterflies. There must be something wrong with her.

Opening her laptop, Donna opened her mail up and checked the latest message. "Josh..." she mumbled, eyes going wide. Her heart raced -- it felt like it would burst out of her chest. "I can't believe...." Quickly, she typed back a response, constantly having to start over when her hands shook with excitement. I'm just like a little girl with a crush...
She wrote:
"Hey there, Josh! Nice to hear from you -- I hope your day was good. I really liked our talk today too... but you already knew that, hm? :P You really got me to open up today, you weirdo. No one's ever done that before. It was fun though, and I really hope that we'll talk again! If anything, you can always come to my classroom tomorrow after school and I can help you with math... teach you some stuff we'll be doing... just talk about some random stuff. :D Can't wait to see you tomorrow~"

After writing that, Donna felt like she was about to start flailing due to all the butterflies in her stomach. Should she had sent that? What if he thought she was some weird lady trying to hook up with him? No, that wasn't like her at all. "G-God dang it..." She plopped back onto the couch and hugged the pillow to her chest.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 12:05 AM

Josh wondered if Donna had gotten his email, he had a hard time sleeping his mind was racing, why could he not get her out of his head? He heard her Email go off, he jumped up, it was Donna? DONNA! His smile grew wide, she was awake at this hour????
He read it and hit reply right away. He didn't know what to say, she sounded as if, well...she was done talking for the night, so he wrote back "Great, cant wait, see you tomorrow" He didn't know what else he could put, after all he got the message already, but still. He hit send and logged off. He needed to at least try and get some sleep before tomorrow, a full school day, he sighed.

His alarm was loud and annoying, he moaned and drug his butt into the shower, when he was out he looked in the mirror, he did his hair all wacky and punk ish as always, tins of hair spray. He went into his room pulling on a pair of tight blue jeans and a white t shirt that said: "I'm a vampire, I don't sparkle In the sun, I blow up and kill everyone" And grabbed his side bag with all his books and such and headed off to class, He was so thrilled to start off the day, seeing Donna.

He walked to school like he did every morning and afternoon, he got to class about 30 minutes early on purpose, to see Donna, he hopped it didn't look weird but he was always a early bird I guess you could say, Only this time he sat right in the front row, he wanted to really see Donna. And he wanted her to see him aswell. He pulled out his things, his flower picture and began to work on it some more. Hoping Donna would come soon, he wanted to at least say hi to her.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 12:21 AM

Hearing the pinging of her email again, Donna opened his next message, deciding that he was probably going to head off to sleep. Thus, she went upstairs and got herself ready for bed, too. Once she cuddled under the covers, she hugged her stuffed puppy tight, thinking about how tomorrow would go. I... I want to see him again... and talk...

The next morning, she woke up and dragged herself into the shower, merely splashing some cold water on her to wake herself up. Walking out of the shower, the young lady dried herself off and threw on something more casual than yesterday: a pair of straight-leg jeans, a black halter top, and black/white striped arm warmers that went up to her elbows. It was more of a style that she used to wear as a kid -- a bit more wild than "formal", but not so much "casual" either. After getting dressed, Donna rushed into her car and drove off to school, excited to see Josh bright and early in the morning. Was that... normal?

The moment she entered her class, Donna saw Josh sitting right in the front, drawing on a piece of paper. Smiling softly, she put all her stuff down on the desk as quietly as possible, making sure sneak around so she was behind Josh, and then said, "Good morning, artist." She was leaning forward, her face right near Josh's, a huge grin on her face.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 12:48 AM

Joshes face turned bright pink, his skin crawled at the thought of her being so close to him (in a good way haha)
He turned to meet her eyes and said "W-well morning" He stammered a bit, he noticed how she was dressed and tried very hard not to let his jaw drop and drool, ok she was hot, there was no way getting around that. Instead he just pulled up his art to show what he had done "See? I fixed it up a bit" He said with a smile, this time the rose was no longer alone, there was another one in the far sight, it also had thorns. " I figured...Your never really alone why should this rose?" He said, then he smiled.

He was so happy to see her, and it was gonna be really really hard to focus in class today, simply by what shes wearing. He could not help it, she was a babe! He blushed, and looked away "Anyways, it still needs some work..." He said putting his drawing back on the desk. He didn't know what else to say, well without it being awkward that is. Josh knew he better not say anything to personal here at the school, besides, some kids liked to come in early as well, not as early as josh, but a few minutes.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 01:03 AM

Donna let out a light laugh and scrutinized the picture, wondering what the second rose represented. Her? No way, not possible. Either way, she thought it was absolutely gorgeous -- the way the roses were shaded made them look so real, so alive. For some reason, she felt the urge to just make that rose real and gently thread that thorn-less rose right into his hair, behind his ear, and just smile and laugh. Aren't I a weirdo? Donna pondered, shaking the thought away. "It's very beautiful, Josh. You really capture the essence of the flower. And I'm glad that even the rose has a friend now." Winking at the boy, she ruffled his hair and walked to the front of the classroom, taking out some papers for her classes. They didn't have much to do today either -- just some prerequisite lessons. There would definitely be time left in class for everyone to take a break and get settled.

No one was in the classroom yet, except for Josh. So, she suddenly realized that he was gawking at her a moment ago -- or at least trying not to. Giggled, she leaned against her desk and crossed her arms, looking at Josh. "You were suddenly very interested in what I was wearing, eh?" She shot him a sly look.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 01:10 AM

Josh smiled. "Thanks" He knew she meant it when she said he was good. When she went back to her desk he tried very hard to keep his eyes down, but he was caught, his face turning a deep red. He looked up and smiled. " I was just um noticing how different you look today, is all..." He said putting his head back down. Hoping to god she didn't take it as him checking her out, sure he a way, but she did not need to know that. He soon put his art aside and got out his school work, ready to take notes, there was still time before class started and he wondered if he should say anything...She looked busy so he made small talk. "So erm, How was your evening last night?" He said kinda awkwardly, what else could he say right now anyways? With ears that could be anywhere, eyes too.

Josh tried to look busy so he didn't show Donna how much he really just wanted to talk like yesterday, and how he wished he could kiss her hand when saying goodbye like in some movies, he blushed at his own thoughts, what was he thinking? Kissing her hand? No-they would never get that close, if they did-it would have to be a secret, even though josh felt as of now that he was hiding, well that they were hiding there-friendship I guess is what you would call it.

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ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 01:36 AM

Blinking a few times, Donna blushed furiously, shuffling around a bit. Everything he said things like that, she just wanted to go and plant a kiss on his cheek -- that's definitely not normal. "Heh.." she laughed. "This is how I normally dress. Get used to it," she teased, sitting back down at her desk. "And my evening? Well... It was busy. I didn't get home until 11." Sighing, she put her head down and dozed off a bit. "Yesterday was hectic and tiring..." Her voice seemed to drift away due to her drowsiness. Hopefully she'd be able to last through the day. Thank God she didn't have to teach that evening class today.

Slowly, the class started to pour in, so Donna started to write down the "Do Now" problems on the board. When all the seats were filled, she started to teach her lesson, a tiny smile on her face the entire time. She loved her job -- it was her niche in the world, being a math teacher.

By the time she finished the lesson, there was still a solid 20 minutes left. "Alright class! Take a break -- you can start the homework if you want. Otherwise, feel free to chat quietly. And if ANYTHING similar to yesterday happens, I will take you all to the principal. End of discussion." Hastily, she sat back down at her desk and pulled out her sketchpad, starting a new drawing -- two teenagers surrounded by red and pink and purple roses. Their faces were not visible as they were hidden behind bouquets of flowers. One, a girl, was facing the right edge of the paper and wore a black dress with white lace. The other, a boy, was facing the left edge of the paper and was dressed in something casual: Jeans and a coat. Both were holding white roses, the only roses that weren't brightly colored. It was a rough sketch so far, but the meaning behind it was huge and just radiated warmth.


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