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Old 09-04-2011, 07:00 PM

"Desert?" Her question was answered when the freshly baked aroma of apple pie hit her nose. "That smells delicious, what is it?" She cautiously bit into a forkful and was amazed. "It is delicious! Oh wow."

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 09:00 PM

Temari smiled proudly. "Thanks..I worked hard to perfect that recipe." Kankuro was downing his forth slice. Gaara glared at him. "Your so fat Kankuro! Jeez! Save some for later you big dork." Kankuro glared and growled at Gaara. "Come and make me stop them sandman!" Gaara glared and sand whirled around his furiously. "Ok then girly! Let's see who's better! Your dolls or my sand!" the sand rushed at Kankuro and Temari slapped Gaara on the head. "Stop acting like a child! Gosh. We have a guest and you two act like four year olds." Gaara and Kankuro glared at each other across the table. Kankuro raised his middle finger and Gaara through a fork at him. He caught it between two fingers and flung it at Gaara. It nearly hit Celia in the face and Gaara put his hand out I'm front of her. The fork stuck out of his hand and he bit back tears. Blood dripped onto Celia's pie. Kankuro stared, horrified by what he had done. Temari screamed and slapped Kankuro in the face. "Idiot! What where you thinking!?" she grabbed Gaara's hand. "I can't take this out safely. I need ti take him to an emergency room. The fork was nearly through the back of Gaara's hand. He whimpered softly. "Everyone get in the car now! And Gaara! Don't EVER let your guard down agian or I will personally kill you myself." Temari was clearly furious with the two boys. She was suprized Kankuro had managed to hit him. She expected the sand to protect Gaara. That fork must have been going fast.

the one and only

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Old 09-06-2011, 03:06 PM

Celia watched the little battle between the boys with her fork half way to her mouth. Her mouth was open in shock as she watched and she only broke out of it as the fork came flying at her face. In which case she let out a scream and pushed back her chair jumping out of it and knocking the chair over.

Her eyes widened seeing the fork sticking out of Gaara's hand as it was turned over for inspection. "I'm so sorry!" She fidgeted from foot to foot. "Please. can i try? I know I'm a stranger and all, but..." She fell silent as panic was breaking out in the room. She'd already let out that she could heal. "I'd only need a few things... I could heal that." She swallowed nervously seeing the blood coming from his hand. "It'd be faster than driving somewhere."

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-06-2011, 10:30 PM

Gaara looked at Temari. "Will you make a choice already? This is starting to hurt like a bitch!" Gaara looked annoyed. Temari looked at Celia. "Yeah..that would be nice. careful." Temari seemed a bit afraid of leaving Gaara's fate in a strangers hands, but let Celia do the healing none the less. Kankuro looked really embarresed. "I was just playing.." he mumbled. Gaara laughed. "your aim sucks loser!" Kankuro growled, but getting a warning from Temari he shut up.

the one and only

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Old 09-08-2011, 04:54 AM

Getting permission she immediately grabbed a napkin off the table and pushed Gaara back into a seat putting his forked hand on the table. One hand began to glow blue as she started in the center of where the fork was stuck. Slowly the outside started to heal and with the hand not holding the napkin she slowly pulled the fork out as it began to heal. Yanking it out the last bit she ripped the napkin into shreds and wrapped it around his hand and quickly tied it. All the while she continued to seal the hole, raptured blood vessels healed themselves and soon the blood that was starting to stain the napkin slowed and finally stopped spreading as the wound completely sealed itself and healed up.
Finally looking up from the work, she stopped glowing, than apologized, "I'm sorry, there may be a little bit of a scar where the fork went through, but every thing else seems to be healed up nicely."

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-08-2011, 11:13 AM

Gaara whimpered when she pulled the fork out. It hurt. He was amazed as the wound began to heal. He was about to smile and say thank you when she said he'd have a scar. Gaara's body had been perfect. Not a scar or bruise or even a freckle. His whole body had been the same beautiful creamy white skin. He looked pissed and stared at Kankuro. He stood up. "I am going to kill you," Gaara growled. Kankuro ran. "Ahh! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Kankuro knew how much Gaara loved his flawless body. He would often lotion it and took really good care of it. He was like a girl when it came to his body. Kankuro knew he was dead meat. When Gaara finally got him, he created a sharp spike from sand. He made a large, deep cut down Kankuro's chest. He screamed. "Ow! Owowowow! Stop Gaara! Stop!" Gaara stopped, but that would leave an ugly scar. Gaara grinned. "I guess were even." Temari looked at Celia. "Could you fix that..I'm so sorry.."

the one and only

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Old 09-08-2011, 06:40 PM

Ceilia glared at Gaara and stormed after him. "If you didn't fight so much. Neither of you would have scars. And if you keep this up You'll have more. " She grabbed his shirt and yanked him away from his brother, pushing him down to the floor. "Sit, and stay there until I say otherwise." She growled in annoyance and quickly kneeled beside Kankuro. " You're lucky to have missed any important organs."
Her hands started to glow again and this time she placed them on his chest because it took deeper work to make sure it was absolutely perfectly clean. No sand left behind near such vital organs. By the time she was done, her hands were covered in his blood that had seeped out while she was closing the wound. But there was a nice scar across his chest, completely sealed up.

"There. Now please. No more fighting. You don't always have to get revenge to end a fight. it just keeps it going. " She rubbed her forhead that had a headache coming on. "And i need rest and can't keep healing these giant gashes you keep giving each other. "

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-08-2011, 09:27 PM

Gaara glared at her as she plopped him on the floor. Kankuro looked at the nasty scar that was there when she finished. His jaw dropped. Gaara only had three dots on his hands, Kankuro had a nasty looking scar all down his chest. "You made a bigger scar! You jerk!" he lunged at Gaara who dodged him. Kankuro yelled. "Hold steal ya little brat so I can make it even!" Gaara threw random objects at him. Temari was now so mad her eye twitched. She slung Gaara on the couch and Kankuro on the floor. "If you two do not stop acting like toddlers I will personally kill you both with my bare hands. You fools are so stupid!" she looked at Celia. "I'm very sorry for their behavior. It will not happen agian." She lead Celia to her room. She then went to lecture Gaara and Kankuro. She started with Kankuro. "You! You are the oldest and should act like it!" she then stated at Gaara at her face paled. She knew he wasn't acting himself when he started fighting, but now she knew this wasn't Gaara. This boy resembled him, but there were differences. He was a bit taller and was fatter than Gaara. He also had hair that was a bit more orange. Gaara's hair was blood red. His eyes were more green and he didn't smell like Gaara. She growled. "Who the hell are you?" Kankuro looked at her funny. "Um..Temari?..." look closely Kankuro. He did. "Ew! He's wearing eyeliner!" Temari rolled her eyes. "It that all you notice?" "Well he's gained weight and his hairs a bit lighter." Temari shook her head. "Gaara would never act like that. And also, you could never hit him with a fork. His sand would deflect it even if you managed to get past his ninja skills. This boy is NOT Gaara. Where is he twerp?!" she had the boy pinned down and had a knife to his throat.

the one and only

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Old 09-10-2011, 02:47 AM

Ceilia paced back and forth in the room Temari had led her too. Should I flee? Was showing my healing powers the right thing to do? They're clearly not going to stop and there's no way I can keep healing huge things like that. I mean I've only just had my first real meal in weeks. Shw wrung her hands with worry. She could hear them yelling downstairs and just assumed that it was because of Temari being angry with them.
"Maybe I should go help?" She asked herself. "No, no... this is a family thing, I'm sure they want to deal with it alone." Celia continued pacing, Her skirt brushing the floor in a swish every time she turned to go in the opposite direction.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-10-2011, 03:02 AM

She stabbed the imposter in the arm with a kitchen knife. Blood flowed. Kankuro screamed bloody murder. "You killed Gaara!" he screamed some more. The blood was everywhere. Thisnwas not Gaara. Temari knew shed never be able to get past Gaara's sand. This fake Gaara didn't have sand protection.

the one and only

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Old 09-10-2011, 03:09 AM

Ceilia froze in her pacing, unsure if she had heard correctly. She had to have heard correctly. She fled from the room and ran down the stairs where she froze. Her face paled. You need to run. These people are monsters. Just like everyone else. They'll turn on you soon. Flee.
But her body wouldn't move this time. The shock had her glued to the spot.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-10-2011, 03:22 AM

The real Gaara walked in and showed no feelings for the kid dyeing on the floor. "Hmp..who's he?" Temari sighed. He was your imposter. Gaara glared. I've just been on the roof. You should know that's where I stay." Temari nodded. "Sorry." he looked at Celia. "Who are you?" his seafoam eyes stated at her.

the one and only

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Old 09-16-2011, 03:21 AM

"But... there's..Gaara?" Ceilia babbled in confusion, fear raising in her. She finally found her legs and took a stumbling step backwards. "Ceilia..." She looked like a deer trapped in headlights, at any moment could turn and flee.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 09:48 AM

Quicker than Celia could move, Gaara sent sand flying at her that pinned her to the ground.
"Why are you in my house?" he didn't show any anger, but he didn't show any kindness either: he just stared coldly at her. Temari grabbed Gaara's arm. "Gaara! You're scaring her! She's just a girl..she needed a place to stay that's all." Gaara stared at Celia. "What if shes part of the akatasuki? Ever think of that Temari? Temari stared at him and smirked. "You're afraid of them aren't you? You think if they get you, you'll never get away." Gaara turned his cold eyes on her. "Hmp..I'm not afraid..I just want to kill them all." He walked out and Temari helped Celia up. "That how I knew that wasn't the real Gaara." she pointed at the boy who was now dead. "Gaara is cold and cares only for himself. Do forgive his behavior...he'll warm up to you a little." Temari smiled nervously at Celia. "I'm really's not like him to just pin people to the floor..he's being hunted right now and it makes him kind of edgy and untrusting. I promise he won't hurt you." Kankuro and Temari looked at the corpse in the living room. They burried it in the woods. As ninja, they wouldn't be in trouble for murder, they just thought a decent funeral would be nice.Gaara refused to attend. He sat on the roof and gazed the stars.

the one and only

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Old 09-21-2011, 04:40 PM

Ceilia whimpered looking up at Gaara, "You.. I mean he. I didn't have anywhere to stay..." She was chilled to her bones, she had no way of defending herself, and she had let her guard down to these people. This kid was so much harsher than... well, she thought he had been.
"He's normally like this?" She managed to say as Temari helped her up. He's still being hunted, just like I am. . . So at least that much is the same as his imposter... She choose not to follow them out to the woods for the burial. Instead choosing to go up to the room she'd been offered and curling up looking out the window. She was jumpy now, not sure if she would be able to sleep or not. At some point exhaustion from all her days of running caught up to her sitting there, and she fell asleep leaning against the window frame.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 07:53 PM

Gaara laid flat on his belly on his bed. He was reading a book and seemed peaceful and completely off guard. It was odd for him. Temari saw him and smiled. She walked by the room and into Celia's. She was asleep and Temari was glad the girl had a chance to rest. She picked her up gently and laod her on her bed so shed be more comfortable. "Sleep well dear." she whispered to the girl below her. She pulled the covers around her thin shoulders.

the one and only

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Old 10-28-2011, 03:12 AM

(My computer has been acting weird.. I'm sorry I didn't get around to this until now. It cleared out all my notices somehow. -sigh- computers )

Ceilia woke with a start in the morning as the sun rose, sitting bolt upright and putting her arms in front of her face. It took her several moments to blink the sleep out of her eyes and remember that she wasn't precisely on the run at that moment. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room. How'd I get to bed last night?She mused to herself. Than stood up and stretched, rubbing chills out of her arms.


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