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Shishunki is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 03:26 AM

Author notes: This is an utterly silly story that spawned from the crazyness of the 2011 Halloween Costume Contest thread. Shi had already made comics from the crazyness, including a made-up tradition that involved the turnip as a fertility symbol. But when Shi was asked to tell the story of "The Pickle and The Turnip". Shi had to.
The Turnip being Mr. Mayor,
The Pickle being Ikuto Akihito, who wore a pickle the whole event.
Mouse is... obvious if you pay attention.
Have fun!

The Pickle and the Turnip: a Menewsha Folktale

Once upon a time, there was a Turnip and a Pickle. They were good friends. (As the turnip was a symbol of fertility and the pickle was a phalli- anywho)
But they had been friends for so long that they became fed up with each other. The voice of the Turnip began to irritate the Pickle, and the Pickle's particular clothing choices bothered the Turnip to no end.
That's it! The two said to each other. They would go out into the world and find new friends.
The Turnip and the Pickle went their separate ways, both believing they would be happier.
Pickle decided he would go find other vegetables like him. Soon he found a whole nud-
I mean... Long vegetable colony.
Daikon, Pickles, Carrots, and Cucumbers of all kind lived in this "colony". And they had the same fashion sense as Pickle!!
Oh joy! Now Pickle could wear as little as he wanted without getting in trouble with Turnip.

Turnip, traveling in the opposite direction, didn't have a particular place to go. He was rather picky and no place seemed right.
As he wandered, Turnip ran into Mouse. Turnip decided to make friends with Mouse because he had only been friends with other vegetables. Surely he would be happier with something entirely different than what he was used to.
Mouse was very kind to Turnip, and let Mr. Mayo-
I mean- Turnip stay in her house until he found the place that was perfect for him.
Mouse had certain eccentricities that Turnip knew about, like referring to herself in only the pronoun "she", but they did not bother him as he was rarely around her during the day. Turnip would continue to look for a new home and come back for supper during the evening.
Little did Turnip know, was that Mouse had fallen in love with him on first sight! SHE couldn't help it, he looked too delicious! Every time SHE looked at his curves, she had a mad longing for his seed
-cough- seeds. (She is a mouse. Mice eat seeds right.... >>')
Turnip, not being the brightest in the box, didn't realize how often Mouse would find some excuse to be close to him. Needing to share his reading light, she forgot her umbrella at home, the other blankets mysteriously caught on fire- same ol' same ol'.
It was only when one night he was awoken to her nibbling on his shoulder did he think it was time to leave...

Pickle did not feel like he was fairing much better.
It was nice to frolic freely through the fields, letting the wind wisp around your... roots...
Pickle had even found a lovely Asparagus. The two got along very well. Enjoying walks in the sunset, picnics in the park, and looong "rolls in the hay".
But Pickle felt that something was missing. Yes Pickle enjoyed being able to dress as provocatively as he pleased, but now he was in a community where it wasn't considered provocative. And that left him dissatisfied.
Pickle started wearing heavy clothing to try and stand out. But the colony wasn't bothered by these either, and only left Pickle wilted and stinky by the end of the day.
Pickle decided he should return home. What fun was being an individual if everyone was just like you?
Pickle sadly walked home. But as he opened the door, who should be in there?! But Turnip!
They laughed at this serendipity. They sat down with a bowl of stew, and told each other the adventures they had and the people they met.
When their stories and the stew was all gone, they decided that they should return to living together.
What were they to do though if they hung out so much they got on each other nerves, you ask?
Well they decided that they could have more than one friend! Those silly vegetables!

Now the two live happily together as friends once again. Pickle goes on dates with Asparagus. Together tormenting poor Turnip by having lunch on the lawn in the buff.
Turnip joined a nice book club that gets together every Thursday. And every so often even invites Mouse over for lunch. (Though there is a strict "No nibbling" rule)

Thus they lived happily ever after.



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