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nimh is offline
Old 11-12-2011, 08:46 PM

Ivy listened to Amelia unsure of how to respond, if at all. She was sure pity wouldn't be appreciated but she didn't know what else to say. Deciding to keep quiet for a bit Ivy just followed her partner out of the elevator. The room she stepped into was huge and filled with desks and offices, little cubicles and water-coolers. Ivy looked for section 1-C. Off to the side it looked like a relatively peaceful place, the calm in the middle of the storm. She was sure that calm would end once she and Amelia sat down, but first she had an orientation to go to. Ivy allowed herself a grin when Amelia said she didn't mind her too much, "Thanks, you're not to bad yourself." Then Ivy turned and marched off to the Captain's office for what she liked to call the New Person Lecture.

Ivy knocked gently on the captain's door then entered and stood at attention in the doorway, "Captain." The captain smiled at Ivy and gestured for her to sit. Ivy sat and the lecture began. How the office worked, who to talk to, where to file things. It seemed pretty simply actually there was a person for everything. Ivy nodded and listened and took some mental notes. When the lecture was finally over Ivy shook the captains hand and left the office. She walked over to her desk and waited for the hurricane to commence.

Surprisingly they were actually left alone for the most part, a few people came over to greet the new detective, a few to hand her some papers. Just basic office work. Ivy supposed people were just making it easy for her on the first day. Looking at her desk, Ivy found it neatly organized. There was a place for everything, piles and folders, little trays and pencil holders. Everything was neat and in its place. Ivy smiled and then went over to Amelia, "Well I guess I'm officially part of the group now," smiling Ivy asked, "where should we go for lunch?"


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