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Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-13-2011, 07:50 PM

Name: Gaara
(I'm making a bit older despite that he's 13 in the show)

Gemini is offline
Old 11-14-2011, 02:58 AM

Name: Gemini Starr
Age: 13
Bio: Gemini was born in ireland on halloween night.her mother was irish, a pagan healer who worshipped the moon goddess.her father was a japanese fox demon who died when the demon hunters came after his wife who was carrying Gemini at the age five, a slave ship landed and took Gemini from her home, killing her mother.the slave ship was raided by pirates and Gemini was signed on to their crew.she became a pirate and sailed the seas for years. Now her captain is landing the ship at a port to raid and give the crew a little break.
Appearance: I can't get pics right now- Gemini is five feet tall with pale freckled skin- a trademark of her irish heritage.her hair is blood red and waist length, and her eyes are emerald green.she has red fox ears and a red fox tail, along with claws and fangs- like inu yasha- there is a cross shaped scar on her left cheek as a result of the slave ship raid, and a black rose tattoo on her right upper arm.she wears the usual pirate clothes, but prefers the colors black, red and green.she hates shoes and never wears them.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-14-2011, 03:18 AM

"ugh! Kankuro! I'm SO going to cut you if you don't shut up!" Temari whined. "Make me loser!" Kankuro laughed and tried to make her even more angry. Gaara was getting annoyed with his two siblings constant chatter and arguing. "I always get stuck with those fools.." he murmured to himself. "I'm going to kill both of you if you don't be quiet." he said in his quiet, emotionless voice. Both gulped and silence filled the air. It was as if even the birds were afraid to chirp. Gaara was extra grumpy today. He hadn't quenched his blood lust in a few day, not killing even a single person. Temari and Kankuro were afraid they'd be next. It was Baki who should have been afraid. Despite Gaara's wishes, Baki had taken a mission that involved team seven from Kohona and Gaara's team from Suna. They were given the task of killing every pirate on a ship called the dark dutchess. Gaara would have a good time killing them all, but for now he had to put up with god damn Naruto Ukimazi and his idiot siblings. Not to mention Sasuke. That kid pissed him off to no end. Then there was Sakura. She was in her own category. He wasn't sure why he hadn't killed her yet. Kakashi was a lazy ass old mam who was always late and Baki...was Baki. He hated them all woth a passion. Sakura was staring at him, making him visibly squirm. She had googly eyes. "Stop looking at me." he said calmly, despite the anger that was about to boil over. She giggled and then looked down at her feet, blushing. Sasuke gave Gaara a glare. The raven haired boy wasn't going to admit it, but he was jelous of the attention Gaara was receiving from Sakura. It was like shed forgotten Sasuke and taken Gaara as her newest crush. Teal eyes met the glare and Sasuke stopped looking at the crazy redheaded murderer. The ship was in sight.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-14-2011, 03:52 AM

((Nice! You're good.^_^))
Gemini stood at the bow of the ship, enjoying the spray of the sea water on her face.they were just making port, and soon the first boat would be sent to shore to scout the territory. From the crows nest, a shout rang out."Cap'n! Natives to port! Hostiles to port side!" The crew instantly drew their weapons, a motley assortment of knives, pistols, rapiers, and other random bits of equipment. Gemini drew her katana and stood next to her captain, her own bloodlust coming in had bern months since their last real battle.the captain gave orders to go to shore and await the enemy.Gemini led in the first boat.while the men murmured about rum and women, Gemini frowned."stop yer jabberin' and row, ye scurvy rats!" She ordered. The men shut their mouths and rowed faster, knowing it was a bad idea to cross the wild child that was their first mate.they reached shore and got out, the whole crew waiting for the few ninja headed their way.things looked good for the crew."this better be worth me time.bloody natives gotta ruin everythin fer everyone." She mumbled.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-14-2011, 05:03 AM

Kakashi and Baki exchanged worrid glances. "We're out numbered and they know we're coming. They earned am insane smirk from their redheaded pyhsco. "As if we need all of you to win this." Gaara said and simply made his first move on the pirates. A random man exploded in a gush of blood and sand. Temari and the others backed away, not wishing to get caught up in Gaara's rampage. Kankuro saw a girl was there, it wasn't just men. He also knew Gaara would have no pity on her. The puppeteer dashed from his hiding spot and grabbed her, knocking her out so Gaara's attention wasn't turned to them. More men were being reduced to bloody puddles on the sand of the beach. He was done to just a few men, though it had only been a few minutes. Kankuro looked at the other who stared at him. "We we're told to kill them all...hokage's orders.." she whispered. She heard a high pitched yelp and looked back to the fight. Blood spurted from Gaara's left shoulder. One of the pirates had caught the demon boy's shoulder. He growled and killed the fool who had harmed him. He really couldn't belive he was bleeding. All of the men were dead and Gaara gripped his shoulder. He pulled his hand back and smelled the blood, then he licked it. He made a funny face at the taste, then went to the ocean to wash it off. Sakura looked worrid. "G-Gaara!" she ran up to him, crying like a baby. "O my gosh! Are you ok?" he looked indifferent as always as she hugged him tightly. "Get off of me." she let go and saw that his wound had healed itself. "Guess that Shukaka is a bit helpful huh?" she said smiling like an idiot. "Pfft...." was his only response before he walked off, throwing his gourd back on his back. Naruto came up behind the other demon vessel. "Hey! You have a problem or something?!" he said in an annoying, overly loud tone that made Gaara want to bash his brains out woth a rock. "You talk to much." Gaara's voice was serious and just above a whisper.

Later that evening they all went back to a small inn in a village they were passing by. They all needed rest and a good meal. Kankuro took the girl upstairs and would stay with her until she woke up. It turned out that Kankuro and Sasuke share a room, Sakura and Temari shared a room, and Gaara and Naruto shared a room. The two adults also shared a room. "O lord. Gaara and Naruto stuck sleeping together in that queen size bed. It wouldn't suprize me if blond boy is dead in the morning and Gaara had all the covers to himself." Kankuro said nervously to Sasuke and then went back to tending the girl. He had only saved her for his own desire. She was hot and he figured pirate chicks were loose.

((well thank you :D you're good too))

Gemini is offline
Old 11-14-2011, 05:45 AM

Gemini was too busy watching her crew mates get slaughtered to see the ninja sneaking up on her.she managed to give him a swift kick in the groin before he knocked her out.the last thing she saw was her captain stabbing the boy who'd murdered them all.she smiled and passed out.
Hours later, Gemini woke with a terrible headache and an even worse thirst.the first thing that caught her attention was that she was on land.then the memories came rushing back.despite the pain in het skull, she sat bolt upright.she was the only one left.for the second time in her life, she had witnessed the brutal death of the people closest to her.she was alone again.then she spotted the ninja who had knocked her out before, along with an angry looking boy whom she instantly disliked.she pointed a finger at the makeup guy and let loose a stream of insults in both english and Gaelic that would have made her captain blush."you bloody jackass! What the devil do you think you're doing, kidnapping me!? Ill rip yer bloody lungs out through yer arse for that, ye slime sucking barnacle! I should fought and died with honor among my crew! You've robbed me of my honor! Draw your weapon and face me head on like a real man, ye dirty chum licking landlubber!" She shouted, drawing her katana and baring her fangs.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-14-2011, 10:50 AM

Sasuke rolled his eyes and yanked the Katama out of her hand. "You're saying you'd rather have Gaara squish you into oblivion with sand?" Kankuro asked with a small chuckle. "I saved you Little girl. Be thankful." Kankuro looked up and saw Gaare standing in the doorway. He gave Kankuro a look that suggested he was pissed off, his nonexistent eyebrows scrunching up and his eyes narrowing. "We we're to kill them all! You promised I could!" he couldn't understand why shed been allowed to live. Kankuro was shivering. " cam have what ever you want. You can kill her nice and slowly." Sasuke however wasn't afraid of the demon boy standing in the doorway. "Gaara. Grow some balls, stop pouting, and go away." he said, angry that Gaara wanted to kill a girl. The red head mumbled a few curse words and some death threats then stormed out. Kankuro unteansed when he left. The kid was crazy. "Now do you see? We want you to live."

Gemini is offline
Old 11-15-2011, 12:36 AM

Gemini snatched her sword back."don't touch that ye dirty pig! Yes, id rather have died fighting than be humiliated like this! I don't care how violent the boy is, id still prefer ta die by his hand than have ye perverts touchin me an lookin me over like I was dinner! I never asked ye ta spare me! An I don't care what ye wanted! Why not ask what I wanted!? What, ye thought id be easy, just cause im a pirate? Ye were lookin fer a one night stand? Bloody man whore!" She swung her sword at kankuro, slicing his cheek."you've no clue what you've've condemned me! I was happy, and ye bastards just came along an destroyed that, just like them bloody slavers back in I have ta live with the memory of watching them die, and the guilt that I lived when one of them coulda been saved! I didn't want ta go through that again! But ye didn't care what I wanted, no you only wanted ta play the hero, hoping id fall for ye! Fight me, I say, ye coward! I didn't get the fight I wanted earlier, so ill have it now! And keep duck head over there outta this!" She said, referring to sasuke.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-15-2011, 02:26 AM

Kankuro yelped in pain. "Ow! Will you chill! I didn't kill anyone!" he glared at her as Gaara walked in. "Don't maim my teammates. I'll need them later." he said cooliy and then ran a Kunui down her stomach. "That's for the damage you caused him." he pointed to Kankuro. He didn't really care about them, but he figured he might need them later for something. He them rubbed his finger in her new wound and licked the blood from his fingers. His eyes were tinted yellow and his bloodlust was strong. Sasuke sighed and threw Gaara in the bathroom. "Chill out idiot." he said in his unexcited way. In a way the two seemed a bit alike, but they were also really differant.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-15-2011, 03:03 AM

Gemini glared at the door where the redhead had disappeared. The wound on her abdomen closed itself, and she wiped the blood of with her hand.then she looked over at sasuke, her eyes turning red."you need ta stop interfering where yer not wanted, cockatoo head." She said, putting her sword away."now, so long as im alive, I might as well find myself a new crew ta join.later losers." She said, and started walking out the door.on her way, she opened the bathroom door and gave gaara the finger on her way by.clearly this girl was a little nuts herself.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-15-2011, 03:16 AM

When Gemini opened the door, Gaara's sand exploded out and hit her head on. It cut her and broke a few of her ribs. He was ready to sand coffin the hell out of her. Sasuke, being the dick head he was just smirked. "I won't interfere." he said in a smug tone and sat on the bed, an umbrella in hand so when Gaara crushed her the blood wouldn't get on him. Gaara suddenly stopped. Kankuro and Sasuke stared as Gaara's face turned a light shade of pink. Was he blushing? No. He couldn't be...this wasn't blush. He was turning reder by the minute and just ad he turned a light shade of purple, he blacked out. The two boys look from Gaara to each other. "Is he dead?" Naruto asked as he walked in, poking Gaara in the cheek with his big toe. Kankuro got down low and heard that Gaara was breathing. "We're gonna have to give him CPR..." Kankuro said glumly. None of them knew CPR. Many Kunui were held to Gemini's throat. "You're a pirate...give him CPR or we'll kill you." Sasuke whispered.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-15-2011, 04:43 AM

Gemini gasped for breath.she hadn't expected that attack."damn.all right all right.don't know why you two wimps can't do it a bad thing fer him ta be unconscious?" She asked, guessing by their reactions that they were worried more for their own lives than his.she bent down and pressed her hands down on his chest."one, two, three..." then pinched his nose and blew air into his mouth.then placed her hands on his chest again and "one, two, three..." a slight zapping sound was heard as gaaras body jolted.she had somehow delivered a shock to him."c'mon wake up man."

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-15-2011, 11:16 AM

Gaara eventually woke and his eyes widened. Shed been at the 'blow in the mouth' part of the CPR. He seemed flustered and pushed her back. "W-What the hell!?" he was clearly confused as to what she was doing. Kankuro stifled a giggle, Naruto busted out laughing, and Sasuke rolled his eyes. "She was giving you CPR dobe." Sasuke explained. Gaara stood up and walked out with the tiny bit of pride he had left.

It was dinner time and Gaara was late. Temari had cooked and she was one of those people who got nosy if you were late to her dinner. "Gaara!" she yelled up to him. The innkeeper told her to shutup. He eventually came down in a pair of fleece pajamas. The only problem was, they were a size to big and they were Temari's only set she had with her. She looked like she might blow a fuse. Everyone thought he looked much less terrifying without his gourd and in girls nighties. He waltzed past her and grabbed a bowl of the food. " don't even sleep...why are you--" he cut her off by raising his hand. "Because I like being comfortable. Now, shut up and eat your food or I'll kill you." he stated bluntly and she sat. Kankuro and Sasuke had taken Gemini shopping earlier and she had fresh new clothes that looked splendid on her. Gaara gave her a brief stare before returning to eating his meal. Once he was done, he stood and looked at them all in an odd way. "I'm going out for a bit.." he said quietly and walked out the door. Everyone stared at the door were he'd just left. "What's with him.." Naruto asked. No one knew.

Gaara sat on the roof, admiring the full moon. He spoke to himself. "Why..." he couldn't understand what he'd felt when he'd seen her, a girl, on top of him...the physco path. He felt his cheeks heat. Why had it made him feel so weird? He'd almost wanted to kiss her. It was like his whole body had wanted to touch her, to see what she was like. He placed his head in his hands.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-16-2011, 04:30 AM

Gemini had fought the shopping idea the whole way and even now kept trying to change back into her regular clothes.she didn't even want to be there, for pete sake! She wad stuck, of course, seeing as she had no idea how to get back to the ship, and she made it very, very clear that she hated all of them for marooning her."I HATE THESE BLOODY CLOTHES!" She shouted again at dinner, finally getting pissed and ripping the shirt off.she had given kankuro and sasuke quite a few bruises when they had physically dragged her to the store, and it seemed now she was intent on giving kankuro a nosebleed."and this food sucks! Its worse than the slop our ships cook used ta make! What kind of woman cooks so badly anyway?" She said, growling.with that she stomped off to find her real clothes.once she was dressed, she walked outside and took a short walk up to the rooftop, not expecting anyone to be there."aw, bugger! What the bloody hell are you doin up here?" She asked gaara when she saw him.
((In the future, can you not just say things happened to my character without asking me? Its kinda like godmodding and its a pet peeve of mine.))

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-16-2011, 11:24 AM

((I'm sorry. I won't do that agian I promise. ^^))
Kankuro took in the sight of Gemini seemingly pitching a fit. She ranted about the clothes and the food. She ripped the shirt off of her own body, and Kankuro could feel his blood presure rising. A bit of blood trickled from his nose and Temari growled. "Hey, I'm sorry if you don't like my cooking! You have a grudge with me or something!?" Temari didn't understand why this girl was so mean to her. It wasn't like Temari had done anything. Kankuro watched as Gemini stormed off, really he wasn't sure were she went. "Jeez...what crawled up in her butt and died?" Naruto asked after she was gone and her rant was over. "Um helllooo!!!! We kidnapped her and killed all her crew. You'd be pissed of too." Kankuro told the nuckle head. Baki and Kakashi just shook their heads in unison. "I'm to old for this." Baki said with a sigh.

Gaara didn't even turn around. He'd heard her coming, but didn't move. It turned out she decided to come for a little roof walk as well. He pondered her question. Why did he always come up on the roof? Was it the peace? The quiet? Maybe it was the beauty of the moon. He thought for a few seconds longer. "You talk a lot..." he stated and then was silent agian. "Why are you up here? I was here first so you can't be mad at me for being here. I should be mad you followed me." that was a lot of talking he'd done, but he had wanted to say those things and he did. He turned around and saw she was back in her pirate clothes and rolled his eyes. he thought she was being ridiculous, but kept his opinion to himself. Maybe she didn't like clean clothes or something, or maybe she was just still attached to her crew. "Why do you care about people? Don't they just hurt you in the end? Then, all the people who could've potentially cared for you always mom..." he murmered the last bit to himself. He'd always wondered what if mom lived. Maybe she would have loved him. Then agian, all the same she could've hated him. He sighed, knowing he was asking her way to many questions. "Ugh! Why the hell am I talking to you anyway?!" he groaned and jumped gracefully from the roof to a nearby tree. "You can have the roof to yourself." he then went from tree to tree and found another building to sit on. He went back to his thoughts.

Last edited by Monte Gray; 11-16-2011 at 11:27 AM..

Gemini is offline
Old 11-17-2011, 04:28 AM

((Thanks. ^_^ ))
Gemini stared after him."why ask all them questions and then not wait for an answer?" She called out after him.this guy really got to her for some reason.and had he just said something about his mother? Her hearing was better than average, but even her fox ears couldn't pick out his words just then.deciding she wasn't finished talking to him, she followed and perched in the tree across from him."look, I wasn't mad at ya, I was just frustrated cause im used ta being alone at night.this whole business makes me as fer your questions, let's see if I can answer em.first off, I don't really care much about people.I cared a out me crew cause they took care of me.they. moody well saved me life when I was young.I loved the sea, though, more than me crew, cause that's where me mum birthed me.and that's where me dad came from when they met.they're both dead now.gone since I was five, me mum.never knew me dad.I guess they do all die eventually.though me crew woulds lived if it weren't for you and those barnacles back I have a question for you.if someone dieing hurt you in the past, why would you do that ta someone else? Why make me or anyone else go through the pain of loss like you did? Isn't that kinda nasty, like...I dunno, cruel? I heard that makeup guy calling ya that why? Cause ya don't seem nuts ta me.just quiet.and maybe a bit violent, though I can't complain since im the same." She said, then fell silent for a moment."and one last thing then ill leave ya alone.what made ya choke earlier, when ye was about ta crush me? Ya choked on something.and then ya acted all strange when ya woke back up.those guys, the makeup guy and the duck butt guy, they was all nervous when ya passed out like it was dangerous fer them that ye weren't awake.the whole damn thing was strange and I gotta say im ya smell kinda familiar..." she added the last part to herself, though she didn't say it quietly.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-17-2011, 11:52 AM

Gaara sighed when he saw shed followed him over here. I wasn't hurt because of someone's death. I never knew her. As for my dad, he only sees me as a lab rat. My uncle tried to kill me as he murdered himself. The idiot failed to even leave a scratch on me. My siblings only put up with me because I would slaughter them if they didn't. No one loves me other than...well me. I love me even if no one else wants to." he didn't mean that at all. Even he didn't live himself, but he wasn't about to admit that no one in the entire world lived him, because he didn't want to except that himself. "I belive we're all better off by ourselves. We don't need attachments. It makes us weak. Your crew..I had to kill them. They we're murderers not to mention thieves. It was placed on us to protect our village from them. Many of the people that had gone out to see had been killed by those men and our Kazekage got sick of it. We we're told to kill you too, but I guess Kankuro always has been a rule breaker. I didn't mean to cause you pain, but they caused a Loy of other families pain. The stories we were told even made me angry and like I said. I don't care about people. We were told that they had killed children even. Not that I belive wouldn't be the first time our government told us an inspiring lie so we'd go kill someone." Gaara almost laughed at her next question. "Crazy...hmm...maybe just a little. It's more Shukaka than me though. That idiot is always thirsty for blood." he was begining to like this girl. She was talking to him and not judging as much as others always did. "Thay were afraid because if I'm out for to long, Shukaka can posses my body and kill everybody. He's a sand demon. A racoon. He's freaking crazy too." Gaara finally was silent agian after answering all that had been asked. A small smile touched his lips.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-18-2011, 04:24 AM

Gemini smiled, but tried to hide it."im guessing you don't mind the killing children part much, since you probably have crew never killed no one except slavers and other pirates.I would had the captain kill more of the ones he let go, though.hehe,I guess i have a bit of a violent streak myself...and calling them murderers is a bit silly, considering how many you've killed." She said practically."as for the demon part...that's why ya smell familiar. You smell like me.part human part something else.but my something else is fox and yours is raccoon.and you house the demon.I am a we're different but the same I guess." She paused again."you still didn't answer one question though.what choked you? Why didn't ya kill me afterward, since you were going to in the first place?" She asked, her smile disappearing,replaced by a curious expression.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-18-2011, 11:14 AM

Gaara was frowning. "I'll have you know I've never killed a person younger than me. I've never killed a girl either." he hadn't done such a thing and he wouldn't be blamed for it. "I cam call them murderers all I want to. In fact, I know I'm a murderer and I embrace it. I can call them murderers because it takes one to know one." he felt like he'd made a point and on. "I don't know what 'choked' me up. I said, I've never killed a female before and that sort of thing...bothers me. If you were an ugly old hag, I might not have such a problem with it, but you are a nice looking young lady. I mean, not that I would know..I'm Ai sexual so..I'm not really into girls." He told that last lie a bit to quickly and it didn't sound as believable as he'd hoped.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-18-2011, 11:17 PM

Gemini raised her hands in a gesture of no offense."ok, ok if you say, you really enjoy killing people? I always thought I was the only one." She said, finishing with a little smile.then she sighed and stood up."actually, I kinda got cheated out of a fight before, and my swords practically singing fer a gonna find a couple of drunks and see how long it takes to make them cry." She said with a dark chuckle.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-18-2011, 11:42 PM

He smirked. "So, you're gonna make the drunkards eh? Care if I join?" he liked the idea of acctully having someone to commit his sins with. A fellow murderer to help him get rid of losers and other useless people.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-19-2011, 01:03 AM

Gemini smiled."sure, the more the bloodier I always say.I like to take on the big guys who brag about beating their wives and kids.the look on their faces when they get a dose of their own medicine is priceless.I made one wet his pants once..." she recalled, laughing at the memory as she jumped down from the tree and headed towards the seedy part of town where the drunks and addicts hung out.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-19-2011, 12:31 PM

Gaara jumped down, silently landing behind her. "So, I'm pretty sure I've never even seen a drunkard before. Dada always said it was to dangerous for me to roam the streets. He wasn't worrid for my safty of coarse. He was worrid about the townspeople. I always killed at least one person when I was out. Even the missions we went on were to catch rouge ninja that were far away from any town. If they ever ran to a village, I was ordered to stand out and wait for my siblings. This is the first time I've been allowed to tag along inside." he didn't seem to excited about the city. It was loud and smelly and full of useless people. As they were walking, Gaara saw a man yelling at his son. The boy was small and had the brightest blue hair Gaara had ever seen on a person. The dad tried to hit him, but ice hit the man's hand, sheilding the lad. Gaara instantly got angry. He remebered times when his dad would try to hit him. He would cry, not because it hurt, but because it meant daddy hated him. He ran towards the child and scooped the kid up in his arms. "How dare you hit your own son like that--" Gaara's eyes widened and his jaw slightly hung open. It was his dad. The Kazekage. Gaara looked down at the child. "Y-you...have another son?" Gaara questioned, feeling sick and confused. The child had nuzzled into his arms. His father nodded. "I had this boy with a demon woman a few years ago when I relized that you'd never be the weapon I was seeking. You liked to kill to much to be useful. The people were to afraid of you. You are nothing more than monster. This child..he will submit to my will and fo anything I ask of him." Gaara could feel the hot tears before he even knew he was crying. He picked up the boy, turned heel and ran. His dad attempted to run after him, but the man wasn't exactly young. Gaara poised himself in a tree. "I will get stronger, and then I swear I'll kill the whole damn village!!! All of you bastards!" he dashed off agian, fleeing to Kohana...the village of the hidden leaves.

Gemini is offline
Old 11-20-2011, 12:00 AM

Gemini watched the scene with gaara took his young half brother and ran, Gemini set the mans pants on fire and followed, determined to catch up.when she finally did, it was after hours of running."gaara! Wait up! Hey, stop fer a sec ok? Let me see the boy before ya hurt him.ya dont know yer own strength, clearly." She said in a calming tone."I burned the bastard.he's still alive im sure- cockroaches don't die this kid seriously related to ye? Kid, what's yer name, eh? Im Gemini.and im sorry yer daddy is a giant barnacle." She said, turning her attention to the child.the whole situation was unreal.but then, so was everything that had happened since her arrival on land.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-20-2011, 01:02 AM

Gaara finally paused and the child looked up at Gemini. "My name is Sabuku No Dai. I am twelve years old and I am the holder of the ice spirit, Fay." he introduced himself to her and then turned back to Gaara. He stared oddly at his older sibling and then smiled. "You're pretty." he said sweetly and Gaara blushed. "I'm? Pretty?" he tried to smile back, but it looked kind of cheesy and fake. "Youre pretty too." he hoped that was a compliment. The child hugged him tightly. "I love you Gaara-Chan!" Gaara looked puzzled. "Chan? Um...I'm a guy..." he said, embarrassed to have been addressed as a woman. "I know this dear brother, but you are a beautiful man with gorgeous eyes and the most stunning hair." He couldn't help but feel like the young child was flirting with him.


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