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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 01:17 AM

((Reminds me of this really glittery shirt I had.. You could tell what rooms I'd been in and for how long just looking at the amount of glitter there.))

Closing her eyes for a brief moment Veda savored the sensation of this young man's hands running trough her hair. It was such a nice feeling, especially after the knots were all gone. Tugging at the hem of her shirt nervously, the young woman decided to let herself fall back to lean onto the neko. The stools were solid enough, and close enough, that such a movement wasn't impossible. Though... If Numei made any sudden movements Veda was sure to fall. The blond found herself willing to take that chance, in more ways then one.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 01:28 AM

][Lol. I never understood it. Glitter shirts. There's sooo much glitter on the shirt, but then you move and there's a zillion pounds of glitter where ever you were standing and still a whole lot on the shirt. Does it just continously make more of itself or what?][

Numei had been content, he had even relaxed quite a lot. Running his fingers through her hair was probably more soothing for Numei than it was for Veda. Kinda odd how that would work. Then she had leaned back against him, causing him to tense a bit and pause. Blinking that one eye at her as he uncertainly pat the top of her head. "Ah..I think..I think I'm done now." He shifted just slightly, but he didn't move away. He wasn't so cold as to make her fall and hurt herself. And honestly, he really didn't feel so afraid of her anymore. Seriously, what was happening to him? He pat the top of her head again, still with a bit of uncertainty.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 01:38 AM

((Hmm, spontaneous creation? It might explain it. XD It was funny, because all the glitter was in one of my friends rooms because a whole group of us would always invade the place. Poor guy ended up covered in glitter for weeks, even months after that. ))

Feeling a hand upon her head made the young woman smile in surprise, if that was even possible. Veda was glad she'd decided to take a break from university. Now she was all relaxed and content just where she was, and it seemed like Numei didn't mind. Not much anyway. "Thanks again. I just wish I could make it up to you somehow, there was a lot of stuff to get out of my hair after all." Lapsing into silence, Veda considered the question herself while trying very hard not to turn around and do something that would startle Numei out of his skin.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 01:57 AM

][heh Most guys don't like being covered in glitter.][

Right. Well, now what did he do? He frowned slightly as he looked down at her, trying to figure out what to do. Or what to say. It seemed just a little of Numei's grumpiness had gone away. For now at least. Hesitant, Numei smoothed some of her hair back, away from her face. "You don't seem like most humans I've known." He sounded a little uncertain and maybe even just a tiny bit lost when he spoke.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 02:07 AM

((The only situation I can see any of the guys I know willingly put on glitter... Is if it was for a play. Gosh, seeing guys with faces caked with make up is a strange sight... Especially.mostly, when you know they'd never put the stuff on under any other circumstances. Pfft, I rarely ever put makeup on unless I have to either.))

Turning her head so she could flash the neko with a smile, she reached up questioningly. Veda wanted to know what his hair felt like. The question had been forming in the back of her mind since a little while ago when Numei had begun untangling her own hair. "I'm really glad to hear that Numei, and I hope it stays that way. You're a nice guy, under your ..hmm" The young woman trailed off uncertainly, not quite sure about wanting to continue the sentence. Reminding Numei about how he'd acted with her earlier was the last thing Veda wanted to do.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 02:16 AM

][the only make up I've ever worn is black eyeliner. I like it cause it makes my eyes look really bright.][

Numei closed his eye when her hand reached up. Well, it was only fair wasn't it? He had touched her hair, and she probably wouldn't pull his or tug on his ears. If she did, well, he'd just bite her and that would be that. The neko gave a light sigh as he tilted his head down to very hesitantly butt it against her hand. His hair was like any other person's hair, if not just a bit dirtier than it should have been. His ears twitched a bit, the fur on those would be soft, like most cats really. "Underneath my...?" That eye remained closed and he snorted lightly. "...You mean, me being a jerk." Numei shrugged. "Try living the way I live, then we'll see how nice you are to people." Still he only sounded mildly annoyed.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 02:23 AM

((Reason enough. Eyeliner is my nightmare, every time I try to put the stuff on I stick it in my eye. Mascara's bad enough, and I just remembered mine is blue, and glittery. XD))

A blush crept up her cheeks as Numei unexpectedly lowered his head to her hand. Smiling, Veda began lightly running her fingers trough his hair with a happy sigh. Gently, she reached out to rub one of Numei's ears as he spoke. "It's hard to imagine what you've been trough. My life's been easy." Veda wasn't going to deny the fact that she knew nothing about troubles, save the usual things. Being teased, pushed around sometimes... But with good friends it had been easy to get trough it. Numei, she was fairly certain, had never had that security.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 02:33 AM

][I can't use pencil eyeliner. I always stab my eyes with that. I usually don't have a problem with the liquid stuff, well except the problem of almost no store in this town sells the liquid stuff anymore.][

"Of course your life's easy. You're a human." Again he sounded mildly annoyed, but that annoyance was fading fast. Numei was relaxing more as she ran her fingers through his hair and rubbed one of his ears. The other ear twitched slightly, and again Numei had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself focused. He would not purr. There was nothing to purr about and he would not purr for a human. No matter how nice this might be. He shifted slightly but didn't pull away.

sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 02:43 AM

What is that? A fox? Its too small and cute to be a fox! And I'm allergic to foxes.... But maybe if I sniffed it I'll find out! Ellie thought to herself and then she decided not to since the idea sounded creepy and weird. So instead she grabbed out her hand to touch it but then stopped when she started listening to the man's warning about the little creature. She dropped her hand and looked up to smile at the older man's face, "It's ok, I already treat Elliot as a friend even though he's a stuffed bunny and I treat Haru as a really close friend even though he's escort who's sleeping off the food he stole from me!" the young heiress reached down to poke the small thing and she smiled as she realized how soft it was. The creature reminded her of the cat he used to have but it died of old age. Then something clicked in the girl's mind, Ellie decided to give the man her cookie since he gave her a small fluffy fox creature right? Ellie nodded to herself and handed the cookie to the man, "Here's a cookie," the girl said bluntly, "You should be my friend. I'm Ellie."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 02:47 AM

((lol You mention stabbing, and my mind immediately goes to fencing. XD It's the funnest sport out there.))

The conversation was taking a turn Veda had no liking for, though it didn't seem to bother Numei all that much. It surprised her a little bit as she recalled what his reaction might have been like earlier that evening. "I wish I wasn't, maybe you'd let me kiss you if I was a neko." Realizing what she'd said the young woman blushed furiously. Turning herself around, Veda hid her face in Numei's shoulder while gripping his shirt tightly with both hands. She didn't want him to go away. He had to know that she'd meant every single word she'd said.

Casimir watched as the little creature jumped onto Ellie's shoulder. Accepting the cookie, Caz bowed his head a little in the girl's direction. "I'm Casimir, but my friends call me Caz. It's a pleasure to meet you Ellie." glancing over at his other friends, the man couldn't help but stare a little incredulously.

Soon enough though he returned his gaze to Ellie. "Why do you keep stumbling when you say Haru is your escort? Say the truth, it's so much easier that way." The little fox creature had climbed up onto the top of Ellie's head by this time to stare at everyone in the Inn with fascination.

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 11-30-2011 at 02:54 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 03:12 AM

][god you said fencing and I imagined people fencing with eyeliner pencils. It was very messy but not in a bloody kind of way.][

Numei's eye popped open and he blinked. Staring down at Veda, clearly surprised at what she had said, and a bit more surprised when she turned around and clung to him. He lifted his hands, holding them up a bit, as if unsure of where to put them or what to do at all. "Why..Why do you say such things?" He gave her back a slight pat with one hand, and tentatively pat the back of her head with the other. "You shouldn't say things that you don't mean. Besides, I wouldn't let you kiss me anyway, probably." Numei shivered. Kissing led to painful things sometimes. Numei turned his head slightly, to look at Casimir, giving him a 'what do i do?' kind of look before his attention jumped to the tiny creature on top of the head of the female speaking with Casimir. " that?" Should he be afraid of it? Or should he be admiring it's cuteness? He'd never seen a whatever it was before.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 03:23 AM

(( O gosh... And I just imagined fencing in our completely white uniforms using those pencils... We'd end up looking like walking works of art.))

Making a small sound, the young woman tilted her head to the side while still clinging to Numei. "But I do mean it, because I really like you.. More then I thought I'd ever like anyone." Letting out a small breath Veda titled her head up to kiss Numei's cheek lightly. It's wasn't like she was doing something that she hadn't done before. This repeat of what seemed like days ago made her heart flutter in her chest, even as she wondered what she would do if the man kept refusing her.

Titling his head to the side after meeting Numei's gaze, the older man shrugged his shoulders helplessly. Frankly, he thought the neko was dealing with things pretty well. Better then the hunter would ever have been able to anyway. And... He had no idea what the little fluff ball was called, so there was another question Caz didn't know how to answer.

((What should we call the foxy fluff?))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 03:41 AM

][then you could hang the uniforms up in art museum. lol It could start a whole new trend in art.][

Numei's eyes were still on the little fluff thing. He wanted to touch it, it looked soft, of course Numei wouldn't say that or actually get up and touch it. His ears twitched Veda spoke, and he shrugged slightly. "So? Doesn't mean you should give up your easy life. I'm not worth it anyway...Stop liking me so much." He hadn't looked at her, he was still preoccupied with watching the fluff thing. Of course, Casimir had been no help, again. At least the man hadn't ignored him like earlier. Veda's lips touched his cheek, and he tensed considerably. Those ears twitching and then drooping slightly. Numei shivered as he looked at her, sighing softly. Numei was tired, of everything. Mostly of running and fighting, and being angry all the time. So he just sighed, a sigh that almost sounded like one of defeat. "'re all insane." A hint of annoyance in his voice.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 04:05 AM

(( don't give me ideas, I'm actually tempted to do something like that for painting now. Just... I'd need to research all the colors very carefully to get the right effect... It'd be an extreme Pollock! I'm in my first year of Visual Arts. ))

She couldn't help it.. Veda giggled at his words. "It wouldn't really be giving anything up, it would be gaining a dear friend. Besides, you're worth it Numei. No matter what anyone says, including you." Relaxing her hold on the neko, she brought one hand up to run it trough his hair again. She was so comfortable where she was, with a safe and happy feeling running trough her from the tips of her toes to the crown of her head. As he sighed, and called humans insane a rather serious expression crossed Veda's face. "Alright, I can't take it anymore... Please don't be angry with me," pleaded the young woman as she brought up her other hand to frame Numei's face gently. Leaning forward Veda kissed him as gently and tenderly as she knew how for a few precious moments before retreating from the neko completely. Not one part of her body touched him now as Veda regarded Numei from the small distance separating them.

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 11-30-2011 at 04:58 AM..

sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 04:15 AM

Ellie giggled when the little fox fluff ball scurried up her arm on to the top of her head as it faxed around the tavern like it had never seen these kinds of people before, or maybe it has never seen anything at all. The heiress blinked at Casmir's question and looked away while fiddling with Elliot's ears making the fluffy creature stumble a little on her head. "Well, um you see, Haru said that if I told people that I'm something else, people won't be my friends and um think differently of me because of my family's background." the heiress said looking down but not down enough to make her newly found friend fall off her head. Ellie really didn't know what her family did but Haru said that they did something nobody will ever forget. Then Ellie looked at the neko and Veda trying to change the subject and found them having a "lovey dovey" time together, as she would call it. The heiress caught the neko's eye looking at her fox friend and then she realized she hasn't even named her friend! Since Ellie had already used up the name Muffy, Fluffy and Elliot.... She decided to go with Plan Mochi. Meaning she decided to name the fluffy creature Mochi. "Come here Mochi!" Ellie said as she reached her hand out for him to land on then she noticed the neko and Veda having an even more "lovey dovey" moment and she smiled and looked up to Caz, "You look lonely, you should get a Mochi friend too."

((I decided to name him Mochi! I like the word Mochi, Has anyone tried Mochi ice cream before?))

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Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 05:02 AM

][Never had Mochi ice cream. I'm sure it's delicious though. and Ellie is adorable.][

"I'm not worth it. I'm nothing but trouble.." He mumbled the words softly. Why did she keep insisting they could be friends? Such a thing, it would never work, would it? When she ran that hand through his hair again he leaned lightly into the touch, that one eye slipping half closed. It was nice, being touched like that, without his hair being pulled or his ears tugged and pinched. When she spoke again that eye opened. Couldn't take what? His lips parted slightly to ask that question, but the question didn't come. Her lips pressed against his own and he shivered, but they were soft and gentle. Then it was gone and she wasn't touching him anymore.

Numei lifted a hand, then lowered it. His body tense and he looked very uncertain. "You...You aren't going to rape me are you?" He whispered the question, and looked almost ready to flee, depending on what she said.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 05:18 AM

After listening to the girl with a very serious expression, so serious it was comical, Caz bent down and regarded Ellie at her eye level. "In that case, maybe we should go wake up Haru and see what he as to say. Does tickling work?" A mischievous look plastered itself onto the man's face as he stood to tower above the girl again.

Smiling at how very well the little fluff and it's new friend were getting along, Caz ended up laughing heartily as Ellie named it. "I would like that very much Ellie, but I can't remember where I got Mochi. That's a wonderful name by the way, I'd probably call mine something like Saber though."

Somehow, after what had happened earlier, Veda had been expecting that question. Shaking her head vehemently, the young woman looked at the neko tenderly with her brown eyes. A lump formed itself in her throat, making it hard to speak as the woman regarded Numei nervously. "No... I'm not going to do that. I wanted to show you that by backing away like this." A trace of uncertainty wiggled it's way into Veda's demeanor, making the young woman even less sure of herself. She simply didn't know if she'd done the right thing or not.

It had been on impulse that kiss, though she'd been thinking about stealing one away for a little while now. Every minute she spent with the neko made her want to protect him and make him smile. Now that Veda thought about it... Numei hadn't smiled once yet.

sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 06:00 AM

((Mochi ice cream is pretty sweet, its like ice cream stuffed in this rice bread thing. And thanks! Numei is really cute, well to me he is xD))

Mochi hopped off of the heiress's head and landed on her hand and snuggled up against it making Ellie feel all warm inside. Was it compassion? Love? Well Ellie didn't know all she cared about was Mochi and Elliot. She almost forgot about her stuffed rabbit, the girl made a mental note to herself to not forget about Elliot. The young girl's purple eyes sparkled when she heard the word "tickle" come out of the older man's mouth. She remembered that Haru's weakness is tickling and that's about the only weakness he has, probably. Ellie laughed and nodded, "Yep! Haru's greatest weakness is tickling and back home I had a... Nanny who would tickle him all the time when we were younger. It was really fun." while she went through her memory of the tickling incident with Haru but she couldn't help but think about Casmir's expression. Usually when Ellie would tell people of her excuse they would just move on and forget about it. But not Caz. Nope! Not him! Instead he had a serious expression.

Ellie's face saddened when she heard that the older man couldn't remember where he got Mochi from but then her face twisted up into her once smiling face again when he said that he would rather name it Saber while complimenting that what the she gave the fox was wonderful. "Saber? That's like something you would name a tiger or a really big dog! Not a cute, small, little, fluffy baby!"

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Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 08:42 AM

So then, maybe kisses didn't always mean painful things would happen soon afterward. Numei still wasn't sure, but Veda seemed sincere. He stared into her eyes with his one eye, as if searching for the truth. Looking for any hint that she was trying to trick him. He couldn't find any. Well, he had decided to give in anyway. His ears twitched slightly, perking up towards her some. "Okay.." Veda seemed a little uncertain to Numei, but that was alright, but Numei was uncertain as well. "Right..Okay...well...What happens next?" He was almost afraid of the answer and he regarded her carefully. Glancing off at Casimir, the girl and the fuzzy thing for only a moment. He still wanted to know about that fuzzy thing. Stupid feline curousity. Curousity killed the cat, and satisfaction brought him back. Ugh that was such a stupid saying, Numei shook his head slightly, his attention going back to Veda.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 05:57 PM

(( I like everyone's characters. They all make me smile :D ))

Holding the neko's gaze, Veda couldn't help but smile. Despite now knowing, for certain, what he feared so much Veda was glad. Numei was such a wonderful person under that facade of his that unwrapping who he really was had become a self imposed challenge. Reaching forward, the blond began passing her hand trough his hair again and rubbing his ears. "What do you want to do? " That was really be the big question. One that all people asked themselves all the time, and that Veda was still answering herself.

This was the first time someone like Ellie had ever smiled up at Casimir. As he'd said earlier, fear was something he was used to inspiring.. Not these happy feelings that ran over the young girl in quick succession. "Shall we go tickle him then?" Well, he was going to let Ellie do most of that since he didn't know Haru. Somehow, the idea of the you man's reaction kept Caz form doing most of the tickling himself.

Another chuckle left the man, surprising him, as the young girl spoke again. Shoving his hands in his pockets the hunter shook his head. "But the cute little fluffy baby is going to grow up, besides... It can always have more then one name. It coudl even have a thousand!" Alright, so he was being silly know. Relishing the idea, Casimir tried to think of all the silly things he could do. Running around with a pair of pants on his head... Eating potatoes in an ice cream cone, or even using cotton candy to make beards! Thinking about things like that, it brought a smile to his face and made the hunter realize just how happy he was. It had been a very long time since the emotion filled his heart.

sunnybunny is offline
Old 12-01-2011, 01:26 AM

Ellie really wanted to see Haru's smiling face again, for some reason. She still wondered why she was being so generous all of the sudden. The heiress was supposed to be a conceited, spoiled, princess as her servant likes to call her personality. But for some reason she's not acting that way, what is wrong with her? Is it because she's making new friends? Ellie nodded and decided that was the reason. Ellie laughed when Caz asked if they could go tickle her servant. It would be a very rare sight to see Haru being tickled since he always block himself from whoever tries to tickle him, even in his sleep. But Ellie decided not to tell the older man that instead she said, "Let's tickle him! I haven't seen him being tickled since forever."

Ellie had never had this much fun in years, ever since her "nanny" told Haru and her to escape because of the heiress's family troubles. That's why they had to go to the Blackwood Mansion for refuge as Haru called it. They both had originally came from a different country and Ellie's parents would often send money to them for traveling. Ellie had no clue what was going on with her family but she didn't really want to find out, at all. The young heiress gasped when she heard that Mochi was going to grow up someday and told her small friend to never grow up on her and Mochi chirped in agreement. Ellie shook her head, "Mochis cannot have a thousand names! Then it would be really hard to memorize all those thousand names for one small fluffy fox creature! And that is why from today on Mochi's kind will forever be called Mochi!" then the heiress covered her mouth wondering what in the world she had just said.

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Kry is offline
Old 12-01-2011, 02:26 AM

][gonna be my only post til morning. ][

Numei looked confused, then very thoughtful when Veda asked him what he wanted to do. Almost unconsciously he leaned into her hand when she reached up to run her fingers through his hair and rubbed his ears. Still he had to concentrate and focus on not purring. He shifted slightly, shrugging a bit. What did he want to do? Well, for starters.. "...I want to pet that fuzzy thing Casimir gave to that child." Yep. He definitely wanted to do that. For a moment he looked as if he were about to say something else, but he didn't. Just licked his lips and watched Veda.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-01-2011, 05:35 PM

Smiling, the young woman leaned forward to plant a kiss on the neko's cheek. "Alright, let's go over then! I have to admit, I'm kind of curious myself." Standing up promptly, Veda held out one hand to Numei. It just seemed like the right thing to do, though Veda had no idea why that was. She supposed it was the fact that she wanted to keep some kind of contact with the cat eared man. It was a little hard not to imagine him running off and disappearing quite suddenly.

"Mochis... Hmm, sounds like a good name for the race. Now that I think about it, I may have an idea of where this little guy came from." Frowning a little, the dark eyed man regarded Ellie and Mochi then shook his head. The place was peaceful enough, but the journey there was pretty dangerous. So would Mochi be later on as he grew, though the fox fluff ball was still going to be an amazingly beautiful creature.

Finally moving forward to the young man he'd seen with Ellie earlier, Caz began tickling him quite systematically. Moving from one side to the other, Caz found himself laughing, especially when Haru moved to block the hunter's movements. That was when the real fun started.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 12-01-2011, 06:59 PM

Numei shifted just slightly when Veda kissed his cheek. But it was nice, to be kissed and nothing bad happen afterwards. Though Numei was trying hard to not get used to such a thing, getting used to it might only lead to disaster. You never know what a human might throw at you when you least expect it. Really though, Veda honestly didn't seem the type to be mean. When she held out her hand to him, Numei looked at it and hesitated before slowly reaching out to take the offered hand as he stood. He blinked turning to look for Casimir and the girl with the fluff thing, his ears twitched slightly as he saw Casimir and the girl go over to the sleeping young man, and Casimir began tickling him. "Oh..Ah..They seem busy. Let's not bother them, Casimir looks rather happy." There was just the tiniest frown on Numei's lips as he spoke and watched.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-01-2011, 07:47 PM

After thinking for a little bit the young woman nodded. If only there was something they could do to keep them entertained. Eyes roving trough the room, Veda smiled as she saw an object sitting upon a stage. Or rather... It was a karaoke machine and upon the wall there hung a screen. The game was such fun! Now all the young woman needed to do was convince Numei to join her, or at least go sit at one of the tables and watch. "There something over on the stage we could do. There's a Karaoke machine over there, and a screen so we could set it up and sing along. If you'd rather not, you can just sit and watch," concluded the young woman after glancing at the way Casimir was tickling Haru.


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