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RebelFey is offline
Old 12-06-2011, 02:47 AM

The 13 Mysteries

Some scientists are working on a ground-breaking experiment. They believe they've stumbled upon proof that there are alternate dimensions! These geniuses have even built a machine that could transport them to one of the different worlds! But of course, the most important experiment in history is put on hold for a coffee break. However, while the scientists are sipping their brew across the hall, (players) have stumbled upon the machine and have accidentally taken it for a test run.

The Story Behind The Story
Queen Alkaneaka Myzroidjii Quenakkanaire is the Elven Queen of the Thirteen Fay Worlds. There are worlds greater than hers and lesser than hers, but she is content with ruling her worlds. It's hard work, but on her downtime, she likes to amuse herself by watching lesser worlds such as Earth. Earth is particularly entertaining because these humans think they are a powerful race when they barely have any HeartMagic at all. They try to make up for it with weak engineered magic called Science.

This particular day the humans believe they've built something that can take them to a different world! the Queen can see already that it will not move them an inch. Alkaneaka settles down to watch their epic failure. However, when the scientists have a quick break before testing their invention, a few curious humans accidentally activate the machine. Some humans have an unusually large amount of HeartMagic for their species. This group was made up of some of those few, and they had enough Magic to make the machine work!

Well halfway at least. The Elven Queen saw that they would only be able to complete half the journey before they got stuck and died. She saw a once in a lifetime chance just then. She had always wondered what would happen if one of these humans were brought to the fay worlds, where their Magic could thrive, instead of being suppressed like on Earth where they didn't even know Magic existed. Alkaneaka decided to bring them to her first fay world, and simultaneously created a test. A test in all Thirteen Fay Worlds that would challenge the humans and the Magic they possessed.

How it works
How this is gonna work is the players get 24 hours (a week probably in real time) to pass the challenge for the world they are in. If they don't, a player will disappear. (I use an online randomizer so its fair) Then they get another 24 hours and so it goes on. If you solve the mystery, you move onto the next world, where the next challenge is waiting. Don't worry, if I've made a mystery too hard and you guys are just stumped I'll send hints to you know keep it fun. Also if your charrie disappears that doesn't mean it's gone forever, I have something up my sleeve. ;)

-Follow Mene rules
-Keep everything PG-13-No extreme romance
-No complaining if your character disappeared, I use so it's all fair.
-No godmodding
-Semi-lit to literate
-I will change or add rules as I see fit
-Give hugs :glomp:

Now Open! Even though it is open I still accept profiles

Profile pics can be real life or cartoon
PHP Code:
[SIZE="7"][CENTER][COLOR="color of your choice"](Name of your character)[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]

SIZE="5"]Whoawhere am IThe last thing I remember is that lab...Why was I in there you askI have a perfectly-Er-good reason...[/SIZE]
COLOR="color of your choice"][SIZE="4"](tell why you were in the lab when yo weren't supposed to be)[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[SIZE="5"]Now, there are a few things about me you'
d probably like to know[/SIZE]
COLOR="your color"][SIZE="4"](quick biolikesdislikesany important info on your charrie)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
RIGHT]insert picture here[/RIGHT]
SIZE="5"]This place sure is weird, and I'm not quite myself either...[/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="your color"](three strange thing that happened to you(your actual person-like yo got this insane headache) since you'
ve arrived in the fay world (this is how your heartmagic is reactingyou dont know that though)[/COLOR][/SIZE
13 Mysteries

Last edited by RebelFey; 12-16-2011 at 09:08 PM..

RebelFey is offline
Old 12-09-2011, 04:21 AM


Soom Simjang Kim

Whoa, where am I? The last thing I remember is that lab...Why was I in there you ask? I have a perfectly-Er-good reason...
Well...I was supposed to be in Seoul, Korea, for my next concert...but my manager ran off somewhere before we reached the airport and I ended up here...

Now, there are a few things about me you'd probably like to know
Well, the first major thing you should know about me is that I'm an super-duperly-internationally-known-famous pop singer. But, you probably know that already. Just saying, unlike many of the others in the music industry, I don't use auto-tune at all.

Insert claps here.

Anyways, the media portrays me as a fierce, snobby singer; which you can easily mistake me as because of my music and my style of clothing. However, in reality, I'm a down-to-earth, friendly girl who seems to stay calm in the worst situations.

Well~I absolutely love music, dance, and acting. Contrary to what people think, I'm not in the industry just for the fame and money. I actually enjoy what I do, and sometimes I think being famous isn't really worth it. I mean, hello? I get trampled over by paparazzi practically every waking second of my life. I know they need money and jobs, but please, that's too extreme. People that judge others are simply annoying, those Mr. and Mrs. I-Think-I-Know-It-Alls.

This place sure is weird, and I'm not quite myself either...
Well, after I ended up in awfully strange mini red heart-shaped tattoo appeared at the bottom right corner of my right eye. Also, the Korean word for "luck" (행운) has appeared on the inside of my left arm. And to top it all off, my eyes seem to be changing colors....strange....
By Quarter_Queen

KC Ernst

Whoa, where am I? The last thing I remember is that lab...Why was I in there you ask? I have a perfectly-Er-good reason...
Uhh...well..I'm one of the lab assistants so I guess you could say I work here? I know I wasn't allowed in the restricted are but I just wanted to take a quick peek at the invention. Besides, doing only paperwork all day can get really boring. I really needed a break!

Now, there are a few things about me you'd probably like to know
Uhh...I suppose I've always been a studious person. Doing good in school and getting a good job has been my goal ever since I was little. Most of my friends often call me a nerd, but I don't mind. I basically am, what with Math and Science being my true loves!
Err...what else...Oh yes! Because of my awesome academic standing, I got hired into one of the most prestigious research centers in the world. I'm still just an assistant now, but soon I'll be a full-fledged scientist in my own right. I'll be working on the latest innovations, discovering new substances, or even leading my own research team! No more dull assistant duties for me!
....That is....if I can find my way back....

This place sure is weird, and I'm not quite myself either...
W-w-wait!! I'm not sure if this is right!!! I floating?! Wo-oh no! O-o-oh no! How do I get down??? Ah! Where's my glasses??...Huh? I can.. see just fine...?...
Oh..there they are...if only I can get close enough to the ground....
And is it just me..or are the plants and animals around here glowing?
By MintyRey

Originally Posted by Capitain-Ouai
Ouai Komio

Whoa, where am I? The last thing I remember is that lab...Why was I in there you ask? I have a perfectly-Er-good reason...
i had just been hired as a temp, and the scientists told me i could look any where i wanted so long as the door wasnt locked and it was int so i went in *shrugs*
Now, there are a few things about me you'd probably like to know
well, i cant stand not being able to locate important things, and if i cant find what im looking for i will clean EVERYTHING, and im a practicing martial artist, though i try to keep that out of my resume, so no one knows but me.
This place sure is weird, and I'm not quite myself either...
ive been having some pain in my shoulders, i keep finding feathers under my clothes, and sometimes people tell me that my eyes turn bright gold.

Last edited by RebelFey; 12-11-2011 at 08:20 PM..

Capitain-Ouai is offline
Old 12-11-2011, 04:29 AM


Last edited by Capitain-Ouai; 12-11-2011 at 04:32 AM..

RebelFey is offline
Old 12-15-2011, 02:08 AM

It feels as though you stand upon something solid, but when you look down all you see is a mist that plays around your ankles. If you try to brush it away, you may catch a glimpse of inky blackness. The mist sort of sticks to your hand but is brushed off easily. Looking at the sky (or rather looking up, seeing this place isn’t really limited to empty terms such as ground and sky) it is a dreamy purple mixed with other such colors making the sky like marbled cake. The same misty clouds are above as below, only sparser. What could be called plants grow out of the mist blow, though if you try to touch them, they will dissipate and reform, as it seems with everything in this world. Everything is purple, soft pinks, darker blues, very dark green (though not much) gray. Never bright colors, but never extremely dark colors either.
If of this world you wish to be free,
Just search for the opposite of its reality.

Welcome to the World of the Wisps.

>>>so how this will work is I'll give you the name of the world, a description of what it looks like, the puzzle you have to solve, and what fay world it is. you can have the riddle pop up any way you like. i might not always do riddles but for this one I did. you have a week from the time the first person posts to figure it out. exploring and stuff will help you. every so often I'll give little descriptions and maybe a comment from the Queen(who is always watching. any questions can be addressed in the OOC. if ur confused i'd ask questions before you post. have fun:)<<<

Last edited by RebelFey; 12-15-2011 at 02:13 AM..

MintyRey is offline
Old 12-15-2011, 07:05 AM

"Oh dear..." The woman blinked as she gazed at her colorful surroundings in stupor. "Am I still in the lab or what...? Err...."
While KC was sure she knew which way was up and which way was down, she couldn't understand why she saw neither floor nor ceiling of the laboratory. She turned to her left where she remembered she should see the door to the testing room. Nothing. There weren't even any walls anymore to define the edges of a room. Then she turned to her right, hoping to see if the machine that her company had invested so much in was not damaged after it's accidental activation. That was when she realized her feet were not touching any ground.

Looking down, she let out a gasp. Just beyond the reach of her beige flats was a thick layer of mist. The mist, KC noticed, was widespread and a little odd looking. The research assistant tried her best to get herself standing on something solid once more, but to no avail. For all her flailing, KC could not increase nor decrease her altitude. She was stuck, hovering at just two feet off the ground. What little mist she managed to disturb clung to the tips of her shoes.

"I must be dreaming.", she muttered, and began to rub her weary eyes. "Maybe I just fell asleep at my desk and I've been dreaming this entire time?" At this point the woman noticed something else. Her glasses were missing.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 12-15-2011, 11:41 PM

"...What the...?" Soom sprung up from the floor, only to look down and notice that she wasn't standing on a floor at all, but rather some misty substance. She kicks at it, only to have some cling onto her skin for dear life. "...Aish...really...where am I?!" Soom huffed and looked around at the colorful surroundings.

"...Manager Yoseob?" The idol looked around, trying to find the manager that was always by her side, no matter what situation she was in. Except, he wasn't there. Soom frowned and glanced down at her wrist, where her watch usually was. To her surprise, in the place where her Michael Kors White Chronograph Watch usually sat was a tattoo that read "행운", the Korean word for luck.

She stomped her feet at the mist and ran around aimlessly, not sure what she was doing here. The last thing she remembered was stumbling into that high-tech building next to the airport. "Aish, really! This is all just some sick joke, right?!" Soom hollered at the purple-ish sky, but got no response.

Last edited by Q U E E N; 12-17-2011 at 11:59 PM..

Capitain-Ouai is offline
Old 12-17-2011, 12:42 AM

Ouai found herself on a sort of hill, just to far away to make out the details, two human-shapes seemed to form the second and third points of a triangle with her. looking down, she saw that her seat was made up of a misty substance, that clung to both her and her clothing. her shoulders were hurting badly, as if broken, and her eyes had watered for a few moments. slowly, she stood up and started walking towards the other two, dead center between them.

MintyRey is offline
Old 12-17-2011, 10:21 PM

KC had been mulling over how to locate her missing glasses when she heard someone yell. Her initial feeling of being startled was quickly replaced by one of relief. Now she knew she wasn't alone here, wherever this place was. It also meant she could get some help with finding her glasses. But it wasn't like she needed them now. Right after figuring out they were gone, KC was shocked to realize she could see just fine without them. Ever since she was a little girl, the brown eyed woman had trouble with her vision. It was only with her large-lensed bifocals that she could see clearly which was why she never doubted their location until recently. Things just didn't feel right without them on.

KC turned to the source of the voice and saw something bright red running around in the distance. It took her a minute to realize that that was someone's hair. She took a moment to face-palm herself for not realizing the obvious before making her way over to the person. Even though she still couldn't reach the ground, KC was thankful that she at least could still move about. Getting used to the whole 'floating' thing would still take some time though. As she moved closer to her destination, the lab worker realized there was someone else who had just walked into her path a few feet ahead of her. She soon recognized the person to be one of the temp workers the research center had hired.
"Hey..uh...Ouai! Ouai is that you?", she quickly called out. "It's me, KC!"

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 12-18-2011, 12:03 AM

Soom's head snapped in the direction of a shouting voice, her red hair flying all over. So she wasn't the only person stuck in this damned place. She walked closer to the direction of the yelling, wondering if they had got transported to this wacky place by accident too. Well, it was a bit comforting to know that she wasn't the only person stuck in here.

As she walked closer, she saw two women, one mousy-looking with gray-ish hair, although she looked young; and the other with flowing blue hair and a indifferent expression. "Ahem." Soom cleared her throat, looking at the two curiously. "I'm Soom. And you are?"

Capitain-Ouai is offline
Old 12-20-2011, 03:32 AM

Ouai smiled at the lab tech a bit confusedly as she seemed to be floating, "Y-Yeah, KC right?" then her posture stiffened as a voice spoke behind her, demandingly, though not overtly rude. she she turned with a defensive, but fluid gesture and answered, "im a Temp worker."

MintyRey is offline
Old 12-21-2011, 06:19 PM

If she had been on the ground, KC would have surely jumped in surprise. After Ouai had acknowledged her, another voice had joined their conversation. The red-haired stranger she had originally been walking to had approached them and introduced herself before inquiring about their identities. While Ouai replied with a rather vague answer, KC immediately blurted, "I-I'm KC Ernst." She paused for a moment to think of what else to say. Her unusual anti-gravity situation was starting to make her feel self-conscious. "Erm..nice to meet you."

The brown eyed researcher noticed that Soom wasn't wearing a standard lab uniform. Nor were her clothes something an average person would wear. They were flashy, but in a good way. She even had a small tattoo under her right eye. "I don't suppose you work at the research facility, do you?", she added, laughing a little nervously at the end.

Capitain-Ouai is offline
Old 12-22-2011, 12:50 AM

Ouai snorted a laugh, "No, she dosent, shes a pop-singer, and what she was doing in the lab is beyond me......" Ouai reached under the back-collar of her shirt to massage her shoulders only to quickly pull it back out with a fistful of dark brown colored feathers which she stared at for a long time.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 12-22-2011, 01:41 AM

"Ermm..." Soom tilted her head, confused. What was this about research? "No, I don't work there, I'm Soom Simjang Kim, nice to meet you." She bowed, and then straightened herself up. This place was just getting weirder and weirder. The three of them wouldn't be stuck here forever, would they?

"Ah, research facility. Then I take it that you two are scientists?"
Soom inquired, and scratched at her head. Suddenly, everything made sense. The high-tech building, high security, and a bunch of sealed-off rooms were all a part of a research facility. Apparently, the machine she had mistakenly tripped into brought her into this place.

Her makeup-clad eyes grew wider as Ouai pulled a bunch of feathers out of her arms. "Feathers? From your arms? That doesn't usually happen to you , does it?"

Capitain-Ouai is offline
Old 12-22-2011, 02:21 AM

"n-no, it dosent, not at all.... but.... they were just sitting on my shoulders, not even attached, i dont understand......."

MintyRey is offline
Old 01-02-2012, 03:42 AM

"Maybe you're growing some feathers?", KC suggested, peering at the back of her co-worker. "But I don't see anything from here..." She would have checked to see if Ouai was indeed growing feathers under her shirt, but knew better than to just lift it up. "I guess something like this wouldn't be so out of the ordinary in this place. Speaking of which, does anybody know where we are or what happened? And has anyone seen my glasses?"

Capitain-Ouai is offline
Old 01-03-2012, 07:56 PM

"maybe... i have no idea, i dont think so but......" she reached down to feel her shoulders again and found nothing, she looked very confused.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 01-04-2012, 10:04 PM

"Well, that's odd. Maybe being in this place made you grow feathers?" Soom sighed and massaged her head. This was confusing. "I don't know where we are, and I haven't seen your glasses either.


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