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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 03:49 PM

It certainly did seem like strange things were going on between these two ships. A captain without a crew. Verity had to admit that such a thing made her wince. No wonder The bare chested captain hadn't complained at fishing her out from the sea. Absentmindedly she lifted a hand to the lump of rock beneath a fold of her cloak. Dangerous, to be holding such a treasure with pirates involved.

Snapping out of it, she nodded her head at the captain's words. Of course she would protect both girl and ship, how else would she get to her destination? Then the other woman was placing a hand on her armored chest, making Verity blush furiously and slap her hand out of the way. "Why are you touching me there?" Shocked, the words slipped from her mouth.

Soon enough though the blonde returned ot glaring at the men of the crew with a hand upon her sword. At least, until Talon had returned. With a small smile she nodded and moved to grip the other woman's elbow to guide her towards the other ship. "The name's Verity." The words were spoken as she turned her back upon the men to aid the woman to cross the planks. She didn't mention the fact that she could speak french, a skill she'd picked up upon her travels of the world.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 05:09 PM

At the sting of the slap Azaela grabbed onto her own hand rubbing it gently. "Ow!" she exclaimed, "What did you do that for?" She hadn't thought about the fact that she had basically been rubbing over the woman's breasts, or that humans might be so touchy about those kinds of things. When Talon returned she smiled happily as a feeling of relief swept over her. So her human friend was safe, that was good news!

When he introduced himself to Verity she blinked owlishly at him. So his name was not Thecaptain? Oh. Talon fit him much better anyway. At the mention of new friends she smiled giddily once more. So Talon had turned these 'terrible men' into friends? What an amazing man her new human friend was. Her excitement grew as half of Ryek's crew boarded Talon's ship. She recalled the mention of them liking to play games, as did she being a mermaid, and that made her eager. She wanted to know what kinds of games humans played. She thanked Verity for her help and crossed the plank onto Talon's ship.

Suddenly without warning a dark cloud began to form over the two ships. The seas became choppy and lightning began to strike down into the water, narrowly missing Talon's ship. The sudden weather change was clearly not a natural occurrence. It would seem Azaela's father had discovered her whereabouts and was not pleased. He wouldn't harm the ship for fear of harming his daughter, but he would certainly try and get his point across. Slowly in the water ahead of the two ships a small whirlpool would begin. It would grow larger and larger as it began to pull the two ships towards it's center. Almost as quickly as it had begun, it would end, leaving the two ships unharmed. It was merely a warning, but should Azaela not return now, next time they would not be so lucky.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 03-20-2012 at 05:12 PM..

Smores is offline
Old 03-21-2012, 05:23 PM

Talon smirked at the comment to the navy, "The navy is not fond of my ship either." Talon thought back to the numerous occasions over his 'life time' that he had been attacked or hunted by the navy. Those bunch of wannabee sailors did irk him to the core, then again so did anybody whom dare try to hurt his magnificent ship. Though this day was looking up - his ship had had numerous set backs, but things had gotten better now that Ryek had agreed to give him a crew.

Talon could not help but chuckle, brothers? There was the pirate in Ryek, the lies was a part of the life style. "Long lost brothers I suppose?" Talon turned back to his ship, it had been calling to him - and he to it. He hated being off of it for so long, and just wanted to direct it once again.

Talon felt the nip on his ear at the end of Ryeks speech, it became clear that Ryeks negotiation skills did not always involve so much talking. "I appreciate this Captain Ryek." Talon then walked the planks that connected the ship back to his. Just having his feet aboard that ominous vessel was refreshing. Though that seal on his chest had begun to bring him mild pains.

Though now he had a crew, his mermaid, and a knight. This was an odd bunch, but the possibilities were great. He remembered why he brought Azaela aboard in the first place, and this knight was surely decent enough with a blade. At least he had hoped, he did not remember women being capable of knight hood. Though that was also a time much before this one.

As Talon turned and waved to his new ally the waters ahead raged and pulled on the ships, even then lighting had struck around Talons ship - and that pushed him over the edge. "Leave my ship alone! It has been through enough today!" Talon's voice was full of anger, never had his ship had such a bad day. Though that was a storm created of unnatural means....

"Azaela, you are a mermaid. Did you pick up who or what created that storm?" He walked up to her and looked into the girls eyes, he had not picked up a magical strength that was familiar. In fact he picked up nothing with that pain riddling his body. He had too many problems with his ship to be concerned with that at the moment though.

"Ryek, how did your ship hold up?" He turned and yell across to his new found ally, apparently Talons lack of luck was passed on to the people whom were willing to work with him.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-21-2012, 11:09 PM

Her eyes were wide and she seemed to be in a trance when Talon approached her. She snapped out of it, shaking her head slightly when he spoke. "My father," she said quietly. "It was my father, Poseidon. He forbid me to be near the surface of the ocean and even more so to have any contact with humans." She looked down at her human feet. For the safety of her human friends, she needed to go. But she didn't want too. She hadn't even seen any human treasures yet.

"He said humans are not to be trusted and that they are all evil." She began to frown and clench her fists as tears filled her eyes, though she held them from falling. "He doesn't know what he's talking about." Azaela turned towards the water, trying to keep her composure as a princess would. "It's so unfair." she whispered. She reached up and wrapped her fingers around the shell necklace. She was battling with herself now trying to decide if she should stay and do what she wanted to do, or go and keep her friends out of danger.

((I'm sorry, I typed this up over like an hours time. :sweat: My dad is here and we've been talking and watching Sons of Guns, I can't focus at all.))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-22-2012, 06:54 AM

There was a pleasant smile on Ryek's lips, his expression was one a man wore when he knew he had made a good decision. Or at least, thought he had made a good decision. That expression did not remain long on his face though, hardened pirate features took over at once, and only an amused smile was left on his lips as he watched Talon cross over to his ship. "May the winds always be with you, my brother." An amused chuckle left his lips, only to stop immediately. His eyes turning to the sky at the sudden, ominous dark cloud. That definitely wasn't a good sign. The ship rocked as the sea grew very unsteady beneath and around her, Ryek began to immediately shout at his remaining crew, even though they were already in motion. Tugging ropes, tying things down.

Ryek grasped a free swinging rope, wrapped it around his forearm and gave a hard tug. He wasn't quite sure what that particular rope was attached to, but it was sturdy and it would keep him planted firmly on his ship while the waters raged beneath and around them. Lighting struck, and a whirlpool seemed to want to tug the two ships in to it. Devil's Dream almost seemed to hesitate of her own accord, or maybe the water hadn't caught her quite right. It was a barely noticeable hesitation, but Ryek knew his ship did not want to get pulled into a whirlpool, especially with Talon's so close. Likely the two vessels would smash into each other and in all likelihood destroy one another. The planks that had connected the two ships, slipped and fell into the sea when the whirlpool had started to move the ships. Then it was all over.

Ryek blinked, glared at the sky and cursed at it. He released the rope he held, and gave Talon a wave. "All is well." His eyes scanned over his ship, as far as he could tell there was no damage. Just frightened crew members. Then he surveyed Talon's ship, it also looked to be just fine. "My crew grows restless, I think it best if we were on our way. I've a treasure to find and a wench to do unspeakable acts too." He swept off his hat and bowed low to Talon before turning and giving the order to his crew. His first mate rushing to the upper deck to take the wheel just as Devil's Dream seemed to jump forward, almost skipping on the surface of the ocean for just a few seconds. Ryek would remain on deck though, shouting out things to crew. Insults, encouragement and crude jokes while he decided on the best way to deal with Gemma.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-22-2012, 11:02 PM

The rocking of the Devil's Dream pushed Gemma into the first deep sleep she'd had in months, but it was far from peaceful sleep. She was eight, her hair was hidden in a bandana and she was leaning against the wooden railing of a pirate ship watching out over a small island as she carved at a piece of driftwood. Suddenly shots were heard from somewhere on the island. A short time later a group of pirates could be seen emerging from the palms with a large chest, full of treasure no doubt. Her father was among them.

Later that evening as the crew drank and feasted in their victory Gemma's drunk father began to ramble something about the location of a key that would unlock the path to all of the world's most precious lost and hidden treasures. He had learned of it from some island mystic or something. She thought it was merely some made up 'legend'. It was the next day her father tattooed the coordinates of the location of the key on her shoulder blade, but he told her that it was the location of the burial place of her mother that she had never been too, knowing that one day, in one way or another, if he couldn't acquire the key, she would discover it.

Now she was eleven. She had finally started puberty and her father knew it wouldn't be long before it was discovered that she was a female. The pirates had docked in Tortuga and her father sent her to the other end of the island on an 'errand'. She returned happily only to find the ship, it's crew, and her father gone. Although she was devastated, abandoned, alone and scared, she didn't cry. She hid her emotions well behind a wall of anger and sarcasm and never allowed herself to trust or love another being again. As Gemma slept in her holding cell aboard the Devil's Dream she tossed and turned, frowning and mumbling angry incoherent phrases.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 03-22-2012 at 11:06 PM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-23-2012, 03:48 AM

Everything happened so quickly! One moment the sea was calm and the next it swirled around like a tornado making the ship roil with the waves. Unconsciously seeking support, the knight found a hand holding tightly to Talon's forearm. From her mind had flown the need to try and tell the mermaid the truth about the man. Verity just wanted to get away from the sea, it wasn't solid!

Still clutching Talon, she glared a little angrily at the waters. "Pah, he should let his daughter make up her own mind. I certainly did by going against tradition and finding a way to become a knight!" Verity needed to prove herself all over again to a pirate crew. This was certainly going to be interesting.

For some reason she hurt, and terribly so. Though the pain stopped the moment she removed her hand from Talon's arm as he turned to yell out at the other captain. Curiously she fingered the gem at her throat, and frowned. It wasn't her pain, it was his. "Talon, perhaps you should .... Rest. You've obviously been using magic." Verity told herself she wasn't really concerned, but simply needed him to get to her destination.

Smores is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 07:17 PM

Talon listened to that brash pirates words as he sailed off, he did not know why but it felt strange. Recently he had been feeling very alone - and loosing the company of people had begun to bother him greatly. It must be those dreams. Those dreams of his mother, he had the same dream for months. It was relentless...

Again he shook thoughts of himself aside, "We sail on wards crew!" Talon pointed in the general direction of his desired course, away from Ryek's direction and this spot in which those damned creatures rested. He turned his attention back to Azaela, her father was Poseidon. That was somewhat of a shock that this girl, so naive as she is, was the daughter of such a powerful being.

"What do you wish to do Azaela?" Talon turned his look upon the girl who looked confused, to be put gently. She was enjoying herself by being with people - but her father did not appreciate such a thing. "I understand a parents authority over their children...." Talon thought back to his mother... the things she had done. Though most importantly, the things she had not, and the things she had missed. "Though I would enjoy your company if I shall have it." Talon walked by her and nodded to her as he moved on.

Walking up those stairs to his ships wheel, the pain in his chest rippled through his body once more. It was not obvious... but that knight had made note of it before he left them... It was the contact. Could she feel how others felt? He turned his look to the two woman and waved them towards him. He wished to speak with them in private they had deserved that.

Placing his hands on the wheel he felt relieved and the ship roared with its typical creak of approval. "I dont need rest." Talon shouted to the knight, Verity, that stood below him on his decks. "My magic use was fine, not to worry." Though that was a bold faced lie, his magic use in the seal was reckless and sloppy. Not to mention life threatening. "Though I wish to speak to you about pointing out things like that." His voice trailed off, as much as the concern was appreciated he could not have people knowing of internal struggles.

"The three of us have much to discuss, at your ready ladies." He turned his attention once again to the sea, and began to steer into that direction. His ship felt better then ever, and for once the bond he felt with his ship was undisturbed. Though that moment of calmness quickly ended when the pain returned to him, and thoughts of a ritual suddenly became very important to him.

Hard to be a captain and complete ones goals when dead.

((I want to apologize for taking so long, I really am sorry. I freind has gone home and feels better about the pregnancy.. though we did kinda argue. Anyways, here it is. Not my best sadly... but more to come! And with much better response times too!))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 08:36 PM

As the captain waved in her direction after directing the crew, Verity frowned. There was just something about the man that made her wonder what could have given rise to his personality. From one moment to the next he went from being dangerously commanding to concerned about Azalea's well being. It was strange to say the least and had Verity quite intrigued. Absentmindedly fingering the green gem again, the blonde moved to follow the captain up the stairs.

As she did so she heard his words about speaking of his weakness being shouted to her. It was only now that it became obvious how such a thing might affect how the crew viewed it's new captain. If they thought he was weak, they would surely mutiny and try to take the ship from him. An unpleasant though to be sure. Verity still believed he was more trustworthy then anyone else on this dark, cursed, ship of his. Which was rather a unique situation.

Once she'd reached Talon's side, Verity looked at him a little worriedly. Reaching out she touched his shoulder again and withdrew her hand with a wince. "You wanted to say something?" Bluntly speaking, the knight tried to shake off that feeling of pain. It lingered for a while longer but soon disappeared. It would take some getting used to. Verity hadn't even known the gem could grant such powers, or held them within it's depths.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 05:20 PM

Grasping the pendant tightly in anger, Azaela's knuckles began to turn white. How dare her father threaten her human friends like that. And without showing his face, like a coward. Her frown disappeared, her eyes widened and she gasped at the thought. She hadn't meant that. She knew her father was more than capable of destroying the two ships in the blink of an eye, and that he was far from a coward. Chances were he was sitting in his throne, seas away. Unfortunately he'd have sent others by now. It was only a matter of time before this ship began to encounter many misfortunes. Sirens, storms, mysterious rock filled fogs, the one and only kraken...

She nodded at Talon's words. If she truly had a choice, she'd certainly stay. But not at the risk of her friends' lives. When he spoke of things that needed discussing, she blinked owlishly in his direction as Verity made her way towards him. Her sapphire eyes looked out to the ocean once more. She supposed she could stay for a word, but then for the protection of her friends, she would have to say her farewells. Azaela made her way towards the captain on unsteady feet. She was tired and hadn't had quite enough time on these new human legs to perfect walking, although she was slightly better than she'd first been.

Smores is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 06:54 PM

Talon nodded as both of the woman had come to him, as he had asked of course. He occasionally corrected the steering of the ship, though the ship seemed to pick up on his direction and correction was no longer needed. Even this fearful crew worked effectively, for now anyways. Still, he had to work out the small details with these two woman, and now Azaela was being called home... that was not really an option Talon would consider.

"First, Verity, we had a deal." Talon put his arm on her shoulder, a sign of the solidness of his word and his truth. "We shall sail to where you like, as you showed a faithfulness at a time of need." Talon pulled his arm back to his person, and gently caressed the mark on his chest. It was burning slightly and was causing an irritating pain. No matter where Verity wanted to go there would have to be a small detour, the ritual needed to happen as soon as possible. Usually the time in between is much longer, but that temporary solution definitely took its tole. Those beasts he had thrown to sea fought constantly for freedom, or at least what sliver of freedom the damned could ever achieve.

"Even you Azaela." Talon turned to his mermaid companion, whom had helped him sever the bond between the spirits and the ship - and help create one between the ship and himself. "I assume that you would like to stay with us. No?" Talon grabbed her and pulled her close. He knew that Poseidon wanted her back, and that she was surely contemplating it for one reason or another... but he had yet to hear of her tales and stories. Of the magics he could help him unlock and obtain. Not to mention, the power she herself wields - and that he temporarily possessed.

"Regardless of the fact you are women, the both of you are always welcome on my ship." Talon crossed his arms and thought back to Ryeks disapproval of women on board. Some kind of superstitious garbage. Though that sentence alone seemed ironic coming from the Captain of such a ship - a demon ship would seem pristine and sacred in comparison. "And if you will stay, I ensure the both of you top spots in my crew." Talon turned to the temporary crew he had obtained form Ryek, at least temporary in Talons eyes.

Unlike Azaela and Verity, they were expendable and unproven. They would come and go like his crews of the past, but these two had some use to them that not every individual had. He would make use of that as long as he could, as long as they would help him.

In return they have him and his ship, an ultimate protection really.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 09:06 PM

Ryek shouted out a few things to his first mate before he disappeared into his cabin below the wheel and his first mate's feet. Ryek went to his desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a small dagger. That would do nicely, his sword was too long for what he needed this for. He took a quick glance around to make sure nothing else was missing before exiting the room.

Long strides brought Ryek quickly down the stairs to the ships hold, and past some loot that hadn't been quite distributed among the crew yet. To the row of cells Ryek went, his eyes narrowed slightly as he approached the cell that held Gemma. He ran his thumb over the blade of the dagger for a moment as he watched her carefully. "Where's my compass, wench?" Ryek didn't sound very amused, in fact, he sounded downright pissed.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-27-2012, 03:07 AM

Emerald eyes opened to frown over at Ryek. He hadn't startled her, she'd been expecting him. In fact, she was kind of glad he'd arrived to wake her from that awful nightmare. Hardly any time had passed and she was just as tired as she had been upon laying down, if not more tired from that tease of a nap. She sat up on her elbows and yawned, blinking slowly through tired eyes. She yawned. Couldn't this wait? She wasn't even in the mood for being feisty.

Gemma waved him off as she laid back down, turning away from him. "I hid it," she said, "You can have it back when you give me my map and drop me at port. I'll share no treasures with the likes of a pirate like you." Her voice had trailed off once again and she let out another small yawn. The truth was she didn't mind sharing the treasure at all. The treasure hunter in her simply loved the adventure of the hunt. The heart inside her thought it might lead her to her father. But, she didn't trust Ryek and she certainly didn't believe she wasn't something expendable.

((I hope that made sense :sweat: I can barely keep my eyes open. Lol maybe that's why Gemma is so tired. Weird! Nighty night!))

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 03-27-2012 at 03:09 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-27-2012, 08:49 PM

What was it about this man? The moment he wrapped an arm around her shoulders the young knight felt that pain flaring in her again, making her wince and reach up to her chest without realizing it. Somehow Talon's arm must have brushed against her neck. Sending him a questioning look, Verity tugged at her hair while listening to his words. She'd been almost shocked to see that Talon had imitated the action she'd made, or had she been the one to imitate him? It was so confusing!

"I may consider staying on with your crew, if I know much more about the ship and it's captain." It was a rather serious decision. One that Verity found herself wanting to consider. This life was so intriguing, and even she could sense some of the magic upon the ship. Ignoring the way Talon treated the mermaid she went to lean against the railing to peer down into the waters bellow. Perhaps taking off her chest armor might be a good idea, but it was also the best protection that she had.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 03-31-2012, 07:03 PM

Mei-Lein sighed as she wandered back towards where the captain stood at the helm, her dress flowing in the wind. "About how much longer Master Captain?" She wondered, standing next to him, watching the retreating waves from the back of the ship. "It shouldn't be much longer Princess." He returned jovially. "As long as the winds stay good, we could reach the west in a month, maybe less." He added as an afterthought. Much of the crew had gotten to know the strange young woman on board who seemed to know her way about the large elegant Asian ship. "Thank you. Hopefully the Kami's all see fit to protect the rest of my sisters and the crew. I do not wish to see more cast overboard." The young Asian murmured softly, mentally recalling the last few weeks where they'd thrown the dead bodies of at least three of the young brides, and several crew, over the edge and into the sea.

Smiling wanly to the captain, she turned and descended the stairs to the main deck, then went toward the cabins and to her room next to the captain’s. Yawning softly, hand automatically coming up to cover her mouth, she nodded to the guard stationed outside her door as he opened it for her. “I do not wish to be disturbed. At least not for an hour or two.” She ordered lightly, never one to make demands like most. She was a friendly person, and very kindhearted. That didn’t mean she couldn’t be the opposite.

((I honestly can't think well right atm so Yuki's will be posted later!))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 04:33 PM

Ryek glared at Gemma. "Drop you at port? I'll drop you into the sea with a slit throat." He was in no mood to play games, she was on his ship, she was his prisoner she had no right to make demands like that. Ryek unlocked the door and stepped into Gemma's cell. Closing it behind him, the key he deposited down his boot, where it rested gently with the map he had taken from her. In moments Ryek was upon her, one hand gripping her throat tightly.

"I have been generous, I was willing to share your treasure with you." He brought the dagger up, quickly and deftly, the blade catching on the front of Gemma's shirt and easily slicing it open. "I always get what I want, one way or the other, wench." Once her shirt was cut open, he brought the dagger down. Letting the sharp tip cut at her pants. Ryek was angry, but his hand was steady and so far he had avoided actually cutting Gemma's flesh. There was no telling how long that would last though.

"Right now, I want your body and my compass." His grip around her throat would loosen only slightly as Ryek cut the fastenings from Gemma's pants and cut down beside where the zipper would be. Then that dagger was sheathed in his belt. He watched her, almost expectantly, he fully expected her to resist. But Ryek was a pirate and a man. A woman would be easy for him to overpower.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 07:47 PM

Azaela had been staring out into the ocean again when Talon addressed her. She simply nodded. Of course she wanted to stay. She loved the human world that she was coming to know. It was so full of adventure and she'd yet to learn much about it at all. Plus, her new human friends were magical and shiny. None of the merfolk that her father allowed her to have communications with were magical, nor were they shiny.

She blinked owlishly at him when he welcomed them, even though they were women. Were human women not usually allowed on ships? She couldn't imagine why not. She blew the question off for now as there were more important things to discuss. "I do wish to stay," Azaela started, "but it would bring bad luck to you and anyone on this ship, anyone you come in contact with, even the places you travel to." It was true, if he thought his journey so far had been rough, he was in for a surprise.

She didn't mention what horrible things might happen, she was sure she wouldn't need too. She'd made it clear who her father was and everyone knew what he was capable of, even those who didn't believe of his existence had still heard the legends. She sent a sideways glance to Verity that looked more worried than anything. Chances were this ship would be doomed weather she returned or not. As far as her father knew she had been captured, and no amount of trying to convince her father otherwise would change his wrath.


She rolled her eyes at Ryek's words. If he was going to kill her he probably would have by now, at least that's the way she saw it. Empty threats from a pirate full of air, she thought. At the sound of the cell door being opened Gemma turned over. She supposed she should have known Ryek wouldn't just go away and let her sleep for now. She pushed herself up on her elbows again expecting him to stand near her or sit beside her to make some sort of deal. But before she knew what was happening, his hand squeezed around her throat.

Immediately she reached up to try and pry at his fingers. Generous? He stole my map! Then again, she had stolen it too, but she wasn't the one claiming to be generous either. Gemma began to worry. She really couldn't breathe, much less talk her way out of the situation like she always did. She felt the slight tug of the knife at her shirt before the cloth fell to dangle at her sides and her angry frown deepened, although it had become more helpless anger than anything else.

If he had managed to cut open her bra, he would have found the compass. She was thankful he hadn't, at least for the fact that she wouldn't be entirely exposed. For all she knew, that bra was all she'd have to cover her chest from the crew now. Hell, for all she knew Ryek was really going to kill her and she'd never even have the chance to see the crew. And there he was calling her a wench again. Gemma was almost sure that in all of her travels, she'd never met anyone who'd frustrated her as much as he had.

As the knife cut into her pants she removed one hand from his and used it to try and push on his chest. "Ryek..." she managed to choke. As his grasp lightened, she found herself able to breathe and her panic subsided for a moment before he spoke again. Then she remembered her dagger. No one had taken it from her! Imbeciles. She merely needed to keep Ryek talking long enough for her to sneakily pull the thing from it's thigh holster. "Why my map?" she started, while removing her hand from his chest. "Of all the treasure to be found..."

Although she was only talking to distract him, it was a legitimate question. Why this map and treasure? She needed it to find her father. At least, she thought it might lead her to him anyway. The tips of her fingers brushed against the handle of the dagger, so close.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 04-04-2012, 09:17 PM

Belle had returned to the kitchen after delivering the tray for her captain's snack. Her eyes were full of thought as she peeled some of the potatoes that they had delivered to the ship. The sweet potatoes were nowhere to be found. She'd have to ask Rel what happened to them later at dinner. But for now, dinner needed to be made. Tonight Belle was thinking boiled potatoes and salted pork with cheese on the side. The bread she bought at the market would be perfect with the cheese. Her eyes went to her hands as she peeled and chopped the potatoes. She could not stop her mind from going back to that day when Rel and herself joined Ryek's crew. He had lifted her chin with his sword as tears ran down her face but her face was defiant. He said something in french then asked her in English if she could cook. Belle nodded and held onto her brother. His eyes had been covered by his sister to prevent his childish eyes from seeing what she saw. As she thought back, the only thing that brought her mind back to the kitchen is when she sliced her finger. Belle winced and put her bleeding finger in her mouth. "Darn it." She sighed and made sure that her blood did not contaminate the food.

Aurelio had returned to his room to wait for dinner. But he had his studies to keep him busy as the ship began to move away from the other. His eyes went to the small porthole Ryek had put in so he could get light. The watch his sister trusted him with sat on his desk as he worked on his reading and navigation. His mind wondered but he had no memories of when her and Belle joined Ryek's crew. It didn't bother him but it did bother him how captain Ryek treated them. He seemed unsure of whether he liked them or hated them. Rel sighs and brings his thoughts back to his studies.

Last edited by Death_to_the_reaper; 04-13-2012 at 01:24 AM..

Angelo is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 02:05 AM

The air on the Asian ship seemed to bend ever so slightly. A few of the crew even blinked and rubbed their eyes to eradicate the strange condition, though their attempts were quite ineffective. To those who had been around Blackburn back in England, they would be able to explain that it was the simple consequence of magic being performed in the area. The strongest effect was where the magic was taking place, in this case the captain's quarters. In fact, if anyone had been inside the room as the magic was performed, they probably wouldn't have believed their eyes. At least not as first, as Sir Jacob Blackburn appeared in the mirror and walked towards the room before finally stepping out. Upon his entrance, the strange effect vanished entirely, the magic ending.

The elegant wood of the room intrigued him greatly and prompted him to examine it further for several moments. By the rocking sensation, he could verify that he was indeed on a ship, though what ship was yet to be determined. Hesitating not at all, he made his way to the door. A simple spell of shielding was cast around him before he opened it, not quite sure that he wouldn't get shot at if found. Once outside of the cabin however, he relaxed and began exploring in earnest. The first room he tried was empty except for several barrels of, what he presumed to be, rum and/or wine. The second was inhabited by a girl performing all of the tasks that it seemed necessary to cook.

"Good 'morrow, miss!" he exclaimed cheerfully, not really giving much thought to how a young girl would react to seeing a strange man appear out of thin air and bid her hello. "Might I inquire as to where the captain of this fine vessel may be? It is of the utmost importance that I discuss with him the terms of my compensation. Or, if you don't know where he is, or are planning on saying 'On the ship,' a name will do." The girl had, of course, jumped out of her skin whenever Jacob appeared with his questions. Still, his bearing and looks made him seem like someone servants listened to, and so she mentioned that the captain was probably on deck. With a smile and a nod, Jacob left a guinea on the table and headed out.

The salty spray slapped him in the face as he came topside, though it simply caused him to smile wider. Despite the heat, he never moved to take off his jacket, nor did he perspire in the least. A simple spell, but awe-inspiring to those who didn't know any better. The man at the helm of the ship caught his eye, and so he cried out, "Good Sir? Do you happen to be the captain, or can you at least point me out to who is? I really must discuss the matter of payment for this voyage." Several of the crew members turned to see who it could be, feeling rather dumbfounded that the strange man was on the boat when he hadn't been earlier. Of course, the more practical of them supposed that he was a stowaway, though it still didn't seem to fit right with his mystery and jovial air.

Last edited by Angelo; 04-08-2012 at 04:21 AM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 02:07 PM

Mindy walked out of the ancient temple into the forest. Living on this island had been hard. Though she didn't lack in shelter, water, or food, there was the constant loneliness. She had spent her loneliness taming birds, building a tree house for them, and going over her memories of that fateful night her life changed.

Slowly switching into a jog, she started pacing herself as she began another patrol. She always patrolled the island. She had nothing better to do. The books that had been salvaged from the ship had been read several times. The ancient stone structures explored endlessly. The hidden treasures, family jewels, and other priceless thing counted and rearranged many times. There was simply little left to do. Except think. Think of that night her mother had runaway with her and the family's priceless collection.

She broke from the forest and reached the stone ledge that led around the cliffs. Handy path it was, left by an ancient people long gone. She continued on around expertly. This uncharted isle was filled with waterfalls, clear pools of water, and pathways the animals took. Mostly harmless animals thankfully. It had been almost a year since she had seen another living being. Those who had survived the wreck had all died, including her mom. Just another boring day in paradise.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 05:37 PM

"Why your map? Because it was easy." He had released her throat, his hand going down to grip her wrist and pull her own hand back up. Ryek was no fool, he knew the woman was armed. With his other hand he pulled her weapon from it's sheath on her thigh. "I'll have my compass back now, wench." Ryek brought the weapon up, slicing through her bra, cutting it open almost gently. The blade touched her flesh but not hard enough to cut, then Ryek tossed the weapon over his shoulder, it sailed almost expertly between the bars of Gemma's cell and stuck with a light 'thunk' into the wood of the hull across from her cell.

Ryek did the same with his own dagger, he would not give her the opportunity to use his own weapons against him. The hand that held her wrist released it, and he ripped her top and bra the rest of the way off. It revealed his compass for a split second before the item fell to the floor. "I always get what I want." Ryek had wanted his compass and now he had it. It had been almost to easy to get back his property from this woman.

][Apparently I had to edit this, even though it only hinted at things that may or may not have happened. >.<; Ah well. I hope this is better and more acceptable now.][

Last edited by Kry; 04-20-2012 at 11:48 AM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 06:47 PM

Her fist clenched when Ryek pulled it away from the dagger and she was frowning again. Damn. Her thoughts raced through all of the things she could possibly say or do to get her out of this sticky situation. Although she'd never been stuck a fool like this before while using many of those options, she knew none of them would work against a pirate like Ryek. Now she felt like just that, a fool. She should have just given Ryek the compass and gone along for the ride while she still had the chance.

As Ryek brought her own dagger up she wondered if he was going to kill her and be done with her now and her heart raced. For the first time in a long time, she felt unable to speak. Done in by my own blade... she thought. As the backside of the dagger touched her skin, it sent a chill down her spine and over her body that caused her goosebumps and before she could willingly hand over the compass, it was falling to the floor along with her clothing, and her dignity, as excitement set in.

((I edited mine too, Kry.))

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 04-20-2012 at 06:48 PM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 09:08 PM

The run had been a good one. Mindy felt the energy she always gained while running coursing through her system. Also it was good for moral. Slowly entering the ruined temple, she crossed the broken stone courtyard to the far wall. Trickling water still flowed through a fountain on the wall. She throw a handful of water across her sweating face and washed away the dirt that had accumulated while out on patrol. Leaning back, she wondered just how long she would be stranded in this place. Sighing, she stood and straightened out her arms and back. It was a question she rather not think about.

Heading into the main building of the temple, she crossed the main room to one of the side rooms. It had probably been used for storage long ago. Now it served as her bedroom. Her makeshift bed beckoned her temptingly for a nap. She ran so much that it was easy to sleep now and still be able to sleep at night. She paused on that idea. It would also pass the time. Passing the time. A silly be necessary activity of life. Shrugging, she might as well. She had just been on patrol and nothing had been seen. She could afford a nap and still be up if anyone sailed nearby. With a sigh of endurance, she crawled onto her bed and let sleep claim a little of her time.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 02:22 AM

Ryek stared at Gemma for a moment before he grabbed her by the forearm, pulling her up to him. His breath tickled her ear as he spoke. "You'll behave now, won't you? This is my ship and I'm captain. My word is law." He let go of her only long enough to grab his compass and drop it in a pocket. Then he grasped her wrist and yanked her after him as he stepped out of her cell.

He retrieved his dagger and her own, his he replaced in his sheath, hers he slipped in his belt. Ryek pulled Gemma towards the stair that led up onto the deck, he could hear his crew milling about and doing their duty. The pirate captain still had half a mind to toss her overboard, something kept him from actually doing that though. He blinked a bit as he stepped up onto the deck, tugging the woman out behind him for all his crew to leer at. He smiled and turned away from most of the crew. He led Gemma along on the deck of the boat for a few moments, before stopping at a door. Not the door to his quarters, he opened the door. Stairs led down into the hull, below decks but not to cells. It was the kitchen, and beyond the kitchen were rooms with hammocks where his men slept.

Ryek stepped into the kitchen and shoved Gemma in before him. "Belle, fetch her some clothes. Doesn't matter where they come from, just cover her with something." Ryek's hand came up, tracing along Gemma's tattoo, wondering what it meant. It probably wasn't important. Then he had turned and swept out the door, his order had been issued and Belle would do as bid, he need not stay and watch. So Ryek returned to the deck, and moved to the upper deck to speak with his first mate and look over the map once, twice, before shouting out orders in French.

They sailed for an island.

Last edited by Kry; 04-20-2012 at 05:15 PM.. Reason: more pleasing to the eyes, maybe?

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 02:44 AM

Belle suckled her finger before wrapping it in a clean strip of cloth. Her eyes went to the door of the kitchen as the naked woman was pushed into the room by her captain. She nodded to her captain then looked at the woman with a bit of worry in her eyes. "Yes, captain." The young woman took off her apron and offered it to Gemma. "Here. Put this on and then we'll go to my room." Belle waited for Gemma to cover herself with the apron before offering the woman her hand. "We'll get some clothes for you and wash you up a bit."


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