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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 02:04 PM

The golden haired mage watched with a smirk as he let his companions do all the hard work for him. They didn't realize it of course. A simple matter of twisting words around had made certain of that as they pummeled against the defenses of their fellow spellcaster to gain access to his domain. Sholto was content to wait on the sidelines for now, and sneak into the fortress the moment a path was opened before him.

For a brief moment such a thing happened, and the orange eyed twenty-five year old took full advantage of it by sneaking within. He knew the other three could handle the other mage, he'd made certain of that when he enlisted them for this particular task. Already battle was raging between the four, and soon they would take care of each other leaving Sholto with all the magical treasures he craved.

One thing in particular was drawing him insistently with it's dark magics. Following the feeling doggedly, he stopped in his tracks with wide eyes as he saw what 'it' was. A man, dark haired and collared as a slave would be, was right there in front of him. Now what to do, how to capture him? Lies, lies and more lies, hopefully the slave was innocent enough to fall for such fabrications. He wanted him, and have him Sholto would one way or another.

"Your master sent me to take you away to safety." Simple words were stated with all the confidence of truth, and a kind smile, would hopefully do their work. Stepping forward, Sholto extended a hand to take hold of the other's arm. He was tremendously glad that he'd prepared a transportation spell before beginning this attack for treasure and power.

((I think I might have gotten carried away ...))

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 08:10 PM


Eclipse turned slightly as he herd the man's words. His intense moonlight silver eyes flickered over the other's frame for just a moment before he speeks. "My master would never send another to deal with me" he says pulling his arm out of reach. Eclipse had been created by his master, and therefore owed him his life. Eclipse had started out as an experiment of dark magic, which had taken on a life and form of its own. The first of his kind and seemingly growing his power each day. A slight breeze flowed through the room around the two and gently made the male's raven hair sway. Eclipse had the body and the estimated age of a twenty year old, though he had only been created about three years ago.

His master had kept him a secret, even from the high council. He knew if anyone had found out about Eclipse, they would either see him as a threat, or a means to power. Eclipse had a feeling that was in fact what this man was here for now. "Who are you, why are you really here?" he didn't expect an honest answer, but he wanted something anyways. He did not have to much experience with other people, the closest he had gotten to besides his master, was the guards who protected them. He had been in these halls and towers all of his life. As he waited for the man to speak, he focused on his energy. He didn't need spells or charms like others did, since his body was the very incarnation of magic itself it flowed through him like the very blood through his veins.

A slight spark forms around his hands, as a deep violet electric like energy starts to form. If this man was a threat, he would not go without a fight himself. His muscles slightly tensed and his eyes never moved from the other being. His lips slightly parted allowed for the male's breathing to be a bit easier, as well as served to keep him calm. He had learned the dangers of magic, one wrong move could cost you things far worse in life then death. He waited for a response from him as the energy around his hands became a steady flow. If something was to happen, he was ready.


(I think I'm the one who got carried away XD)

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 08:48 PM

A light chuckle left Sholto's lips at this magical creation's reaction. It seemed that things would be a little more difficult then he'd anticipated. All the better, he certainly did love a challenge. For a moment he eyed the magic swirling around the other's hand with a certain kind of clinical fascination. The mage wondered how he manipulated pure energy like that. It only served to make his thirst to own the other even more. Another wonderful addition to his collection of magical oddities, though this would be the first living creature of them. Sholto doubted this one would be the last though.

"Call me Sholto. I've come to collect certain things." Things of magic. Though he would be content to leave with this being alone. It appeared human, but the mage was certain this was nothing of the sort. He was itching to figure out what had created this being, what made it live. Living dark magic, he would never have believed it possible if this creature was not standing before all his senses in proof.

Now to find a way to capture it. He'd not expected anything like this but perhaps ... Sholto didn't want to harm it after all. The mage sank into his mind and riffled around for the sigils needed to create a spell of sleep. At the same time his left thumb rubbed the jewel upon his index finger imperceptibly. One could use anything as a magical conduit after all. Still, he would wait for the opportune moment to cast the spell when this being was a little less wary of him, or hopefully so.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 09:01 PM

Eclipse kept his distance, he had a feeling this man was up to something. He needed to get out of here, stop wasting time when his master was in danger. He sighs a bit and tool another breath. There was but one thing to do. He raises his hand not at the man, but at the lights and the ceiling ahead. The energy that had been building in his hand shoots out like lightning eagerly seeking earth. It immediatly connected with the lights so they burst with a sudden rain of glass and sparks of flame that had lit the room. It mixed with dust and smoke from the ceiling, and Eclipse took his opportunity in the confusion of the moment.

He slipped past the other man, and out into the hall. He didn't glance back for he knew each moment of his time was even more precious then the last. He made his way down towards the common room where his master usually worked, he needed to get to him. A strong need and will to protect him had been inbred into Eclipse when he had been made. His master had never told him, but strong spells kept Eclipse in check and under the master's power. He pauses at the door seeing the two attempting to overpower his master.

A deep anger flashes within Eclipse, and he would glare a scowl on his face exposing the slightly longer canines of his teeth. He raises a hand once more and this time the energy would expand, wrapping around the two agressors, and would begin to tighten around them. He focused on their bodies sensing the energy and magic within a slight hunger stirred inside of him. Eclipse lived and fed at times much like the rumored Vampiers. He fed by sinking his upper canines into some form of living thing. However, he did not feed on blood, no Eclipse fed on the most powerful and raw form of magic known. He fed off of souls, and the very essence that gave things life.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 09:11 PM

Raising an eyebrow at the creature's escape, Sholto shrugged. Instead of running after him in an undignified manner he saunter off by following that unique magic which had drawn him in the first place. It gave him far more time to prepare then he'd first thought would be his. The being had no idea who he dealt with, none of them did really. With a delighted smirk he watched the being of dark magics as he came within sight of it. What a delightful creature! This timing was perfect for the spell he wanted to cast.

It was distracted after all. Swiftly raising his left hand Sholto pointed at the dark haired being while whispering the spell of sleep and putting all the magical force he could spare into it. He had other reserves, with far more magic, then that which he expanded from the ring. He waited for a moment before moving forward to gently clasp Eclipse in his arms. Looking dismissively at the remains of the other mages, he shrugged and imagined the last sigil needed to complete the transportation spell.

It took both mage and magical being to his hidden home in a well hidden in a valley by both magic and placement. With relief Sholto stepped into the series of caverns that served as his home. Soon enough he had picked out an unused area for his new captive, and conjured comfortable enough sleeping arrangements for the dark haired man as well as a magic subduing collar. Snapping it onto the dark magic creature, Sholto settled down to watch him. If the collar didn't work he had more painful binding spells at the ready to be recited in a single breath.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 09:21 PM

Eclipse felt the arms wrap around him, and he noticed the surroundings change around him. His body felt the sleep spell around him, but he refused to give into the want to sleep. It wasn't just his magic that made him strong, it was his mind and heart as well. He forced himself to stand up on his legs, refusing to show that they were wanting to give out. His hand moved to the collar that had been placed around his neck. "W-what is this" he says. "Why have you brought me here?" His eyes remained on the man as he takes a breath.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 09:53 PM

A delighted smile crossed the man's features as he watched his prize stand. This was a pleasant surprise. "Simple really. You're quite the interesting magical being. I want to know how you work, how you were created and ... I want to own you. You're the first living being of my ever growing collection." Though in truth he didn't really consider this ... thing, to be truly alive. There wasn't any proof of that yet. For all he knew this was a mindless simile of a living being. Only time would tell if Sholto would change his mind.

Until then he would poke and prod, in order to study Eclipse. Already he was trying to think of what spells to use in order to examine the magical being.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-01-2012, 10:04 PM

"To bad I can never be yours" he says. He reached up tracing his finger along the collar, before grabbing a hold of it for a moment. His mind makes him pause, as a few thoughts proceed to run through it. He slowly lets his hand move away, and he lowers his frame into a sitting position on the bed. He wondered if his master was ok, and what was to become of him now. This man thought to keep him and own him as if he was a mere object. He would soon learn that Eclipse was far more then he thought. He would have to play this smart, if he was going to get out of here and back to his master he would have to take this man down one step at a time.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 01:23 AM

A small smile crossed the mage's lips at the creature's words. So he truly thought he had a choice in all this? Standing, Sholto moved to sit beside Eclipse. Shooting him a glance full of curiosity the mage tried to figure out how to dissect the magics used to created this being in the first place. "Are you not here, in my possession, right now?" That's what owning something was. Having them under his control, and being able to use them, or bask in their beauty. Sholto wasn't one to care for relationships with other people. All that mattered to him was his magic, and his ever growing collection.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 01:30 AM

"You may have me here, but you could never own me. I will never be yours" he stands and moves away from him to the wall. He traced along it with his fingertips. He closed his eyes, it looked like he was merely just thinking but he was doing more then that. His body was reading the room, sensing every angle, and every sense of magic that he could within. His energy also flowedd out towards the outside, seeing how far he was from any freedom.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 01:53 AM

Impulsively the mage stood to frame Eclipse between his arms. Looking at him with a spark in his orange eyes, he tilted his head forward. This magical creation was so real. Reaching out, Sholto brushed a hand trough Eclipse's hair. It was so unexpectedly soft. "Is that so? I think you will be, wholly mine without a thought for your previous master." Again caging the dark haired man between his arms, Sholto found himself leaning forward unexpectedly. There was just something about about this being, it's energy, it drew forth an echoing flash within Sholto's magic.

Catching himself with his lips a breath away from this magical being, he stopped himself. "What should I call you? You've my name." Letting the words hang in the air, the blond tried to force himself away from the other. Though he realized that such a thing might lead to an escape attempt, so he opted for staying where he was.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 02:00 AM

"I was born on the knight of the red eclipse" he says "and so, that is what my master named me....Eclipse." The red eclipse was legendary. It only happened for an hour of midnight once every thousand years, and had happened exactly three years ago. During that time magic especially black magic was at its most powerful and effective. It was known that a curse or spell performed under the red eclipse was permanent and very powerful. He looks at the man who had him up against the wall. He didn't like having him touch him at all, and his closeness was a bit disturbing.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 02:18 AM

((I think Sholto is ... Going to enjoy the challenge Eclipse poses.))

Almost against himself he remembered that night with a wince. A scar on his back, puckered and ugly, was a reminder of the beast he'd let loose when trying to capture it. He'd wanted a dragon, but instead it had taken a piece of his back with it. Chasing the thoughts away, the mage shot a wicked smile at Eclipse before bending forward to bridge the small gap between their lips. Forcefully stealing a kiss from the other man brought him a measure of satisfaction. He was the one in control, not Eclipse and if he had to do this to show the creature this then so be it.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 02:27 AM

(XD Eclipse is...unique)

Feeling his mouth on his own, his anger slightly sparks. No one was to touch him but his master. He raises a hand and focuses the energy within his body. A sharp electric like current would flash through the mage, sending him back across the room on the bed. "You have no right to touch me at all" he says simply. He turns to the door walking over to it giving a sharp wave of his hand, the door would flash open, the lock exploading. He walks out of the room and into the corridor. He needed to get out.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 02:52 AM

Shaking his head with a wry laugh, Sholto stared after Eclipse with a smirk. He could explore the caverns all he wanted but without the mage's say so he couldn't leave. The collar he'd created was now keyed with light magic that would make sure that any attempt of escape would be rewarded with a painful reminder that leaving was impossible. Taking his time, Sholto stood to follow Eclipse from afar. He wondered for a moment what it would take for the creature to understand the he belonged to him, and that there was no escape.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 02:58 AM

He rubbed the collar around his neck a bit. The feeling of the magic burned his skin, but he was persistant not to give into it so easily. His head was beginning to pound a bit, but he ignored it the best he could. He looked around for whatever he could to get out of this place. He sighs pausing at a dead end. He looks at the walls of the cavern.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 03:02 AM

Seeing Eclipse pause at the dead end, Sholto moved forward till he stood behind the dark haired man. "Given up yet?" The smugness he felt that this was true emanated from his voice. It was hard not to look forward to this, the challenge of trying to make the other being his. He would make him forget about his previous master. Perhaps not an easy task, but that made Sholto want to make it true all the more.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 03:10 AM

"I will never give up" he says not turning. His eyes scanned the walls in front of him. He swallowed against the burning pain in his throat that was given off by the collar. His hand would move to it once more running along it. "Get this off of me" he says for a moment his attention switching. He turns to face the mage as his eyes immediately connect with the other's. He was tense, his body still exhausted from the earlier spell of sleep. He would love nothing more then to just lay down and relax after a nice hot bath. This however was not possible, but he would not allow himself to be cornered by an arrogant jerk like this.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 03:32 AM

After staring at Eclipse speculatively, Sholto moved forward with a smirk. Glancing over the dark haired man speculatively , the mage found himself reaching out to run a hand over the collar. Tilting his head forward again, he blew out so his breath floated out to tease at the other's skin. "You'll have to convince me you can be trusted. And that will take quite a bit Eclipse. You'll have to become mine." And since he knew the magical being wanted anything but that, he knew that the collar would remain for a very long time.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 03:40 AM

He glares at the man, he was so close to striking him, but that would do no good at all. There had to be something Eclipse could do. He looks down at the other's hand on the collar. He would rather die then become his, he had only one master, and he needed to get back to him soon. His energy at the moment said otherwise he would need rest soon. He didn't trust this man around him while he slept though, and so for that he forced himself to stay awake. The pounding in his head was slowly beginning to subside and he was greatful for that. It let his mind be able to think better. He glances around once more before sighing. "For now I will play your little game, but do not expect to achieve ehat you seek" he looks into the male's eyes again. He watched to see how he would react to this from Eclipse.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 07:15 PM

Once more he found himself doing his best not to laugh at this being's stubbornness. Truly this would be a welcome distraction! Sholto tugged lightly at the collar, maybe a little harder then he'd intended, to pull Eclipse closer to him. "You seem to be forgetting that I am the one who holds you captive. You don't get to decide whether you play my games or not, you have to." To prove his point with a smirk, he sent a jolt of magic trough the collar to enforce one of the spells he'd hoped he wouldn't have to use as well as send a shiver of pain trough Eclipse. It wasn't much really, only enough to be construed as a reminder that the mage was the one who held the upper hand in this situation rather then the other way around.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 07:39 PM

Eclipse refused to show that that had done anything to him. He clenches his jaw, knocking the hand away from him. He passed the mane walking back down towards the room. He didn't wait for the mage, closing the door. When he was sure he was alone he hit the wal a shimmer of deep violet magic runs up it. He sighs lightly and let his mind wander back to his master. He hoped he was doing alright, would he miss Eclipse? He was sure his master would come looking for him, but for now he would have to make the most of this. He headed to the bed, slowly laying his now slightly stiff and sore body back onto it. His eyes slide closed, and his hand would move up running through his hair. He didn't notice the whisper in his ear at first.

"Eclipse....Eclipse" His eyes open, and he sits up "Master?" He looked around but saw no one. "I am communicating to you through your earring" he says. Eclipse gently touched the earring on his upper ear that had a ruby stone set into it. "It's a tracking stone, it allows me to communicate to you, now listen to me he hasn't touched you has he?" Eclipse would glance at the door making sure he was still alone "No master...not yet." "Good" his master would say "don't let him, I am working on a spell of my own, I will find you soon and bring you home." He smiles a bit warmly, happy to have his master trying hard to bring him home.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 08:00 PM

Sholto watched with amusement as Eclipse vaulted away. Following the man easily, a flash of anger slipped trough the mage's golden eyes. A new magical energy had presented itself oh so briefly, one that he recognized. In fact it seemed to linger, as if something had been attached with that particular essence. Flinging the door to the room he'd given to Eclise open, the mage marched in to grab him roughly.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, why did I feel your creator's magic? Tell me." Shaking the arm he held, Sholto let his anger show within his eyes though his voice remained cultured as always. Reaching out with his other arm he held Eclipse in a tight, nearly bruising, grip. At the same time his senses roved over Eclipse in search of that lingering magic. He was so close ... A few moments more and he would find it.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 08:27 PM

He pulls away and glares the master's voice gone now. "He is not here" he says as his eyes scanned over the male. He looks at his reactions for a moment, and then stepps back to the bed. He sits down and takes a slight breath. He would allow his body to relax a bit against the matress feeling a slight ammusement at the mage now, but he would not show it to push his luck.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 08:37 PM

Orange eyes flaring with anger still, Sholto moved forward to grasp the other man's ear quickly. Tugging at it forcefully a smile crossed his features. So this was where the magic resided! He knew he'd find it. Without giving Eclipse the chance to protest he removed all the ear jewelry he could find. Holding them tightly in his free hand, he forced another kiss upon the dark haired man. Sholto truly was enjoying himself. Pulling back only slightly he stared down at his prize. "No matter. He can come find his death here if he so wishes." The place was full to the brim of traps that only Sholto could navigate, though the collar around Eclipse's neck would make sure none of the traps sprang upon him while also making certain he didn't escape. It was quite a useful little necklace really.


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