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Alice06 is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 09:13 PM

Basically, two teenagers are new to a Highschool. They don't each other, and there are a few other people how are enrolling the same day as them. The school isn't what they expected it to be though, it's rather gloomy looking and it seems even more sullen inside, but the students and staff act all cheerful and friendly. It doesn't take long for the two main characters of the story to meet each other, and find out the truth behind the occupants of the school's fake smiles.

Full Name: Alice Lint
Age: 17
Personality: Alice is quite friendly, not exactly shy, of course everyone feels rather awkward when first meeting someone. She's willing to say what's on her mind if it's necessary or if she thinks it needs to be heard. Rather clever but mischievous and most of the time curious. Her confidence is high but not too high, unfortunately she's pretty clumsy and forgetful, so her clever thoughts and all end up being explained quite embarrassingly. Such as stuttering, tripping over, ect ect.
History: Grew up as a normal girl, mum and dad still living, except she lives with her mum not her dad. No family issues. Alice had an argument with her mum about moving on too quickly and not having enough time to heal. But her words did not get through to her, and so, she had to move house with her mother to live with her 'new boyfriend' whom Alice despises. He's simply pigheaded, ignorant, rude and stupid to her, and now she has to go to a gloomy school she's not liking at all.
Species: Human
Fears: Deep water (she can't swim), large dogs.
Description (Image):

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 09:43 PM

Full Name:Conner Black
Age: 18
Personality:Conner is prety straght forword on how he acts Kind but not perfict he try's to stray away from people not being one him self but also try's not to seem crazy and not from this world
History:Conner never really got along with his family so he started to look for a way around living with then it was a strange thing living with his parents from where he came from but he really had no other choice then to live with them untill he found out about this school it didn't really bother him that every thing was strange untill he was get no other emoshion but happy from people in this school so know he has to try and find out whats wrong with every one.
Species:frost giant in human form
Fears:Fire slowly kill's him
Description (Image): When frost giant:

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Alice06 is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 02:57 PM

Alice woke up to the sound of her loud alarm clock beeping off. She immediately began thinking about the new school she would attend today and quite quickly shut the alarm up and got ready for school. "Ah, first day of school..." She said to herself as she looked at herself in the mirror in her new uniform and all.
The young woman walked to school, she didn't bother to tell her mum and 'stepfather' that she was leaving, the school wasn't far at all anyway, after walking to the end of her street she could see it in the distance.

Once she arrived at the rather gloomy school gates, her nervousness increased and she began fiddling with her bags straps. "Just get the day over and done with Alice, no biggie." Or at least that's what she'd tell herself as she sighed and made her way to the front office. Her green eyes scanned her surroundings cautiously until she finally entered the office, only to see other students who seemed to be having their first day at the school too.

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 05:26 PM

Conner leanned back in his seat as he sighed Looks like this is going to just be anouther school year at anouther school Conner sighed again as he watched every one walk into the school but his eye's found one girl she looked nerves Cnner couldint help but looke at her but he had to look away he didn't want to draw her to him to find out that she was just a prep he watched as three more people walked in befor it started to get rushed outside because people were going to class.

(sorry if it's not long)

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Alice06 is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 05:58 PM

Alice felt as though everyone was staring at her and the other new students. Well, it was normal for them to stare at unfamiliar faces, she thought. This thought would keep her mind off thinking they thought she looked odd.
As the bell went for everyone to go to class, a rather odd teacher came out to greet us. Alice had never seen a smile as big and fake as the one she was pulling, it was plain creepy and fake. The other students seemed not to notice though, they were happy to see that the teacher was nice. Alice raised a brow, wondering how they could be so oblivious.
"I'm sure you will all love it here! Absolutely love it here," the teacher said followed by a rather loud, irritating laugh. She then seemed to be looking around or any students who were taking their time to get to class. "You! Yes you, over here please. Oh and you there! Young man, over here." If Conner had been dawdling to class then he teacher had asked him to come over. (Another words I'm not gonna force your character to go over to the teacher. (: ) Alice remained silent, a strand of her light pink hair seemed to distract her as it fell over her her. She pushed it back behind her ear and waited for the students to go to the teacher like she ordered.

(It's fine I don't mind.)

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 06-19-2012 at 12:27 AM..

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 06:09 PM

Conner looked up as he was caled over by the smiling teacher with a sigh he stood up and walked over making eye contact with the same girl as befor Conner look straght as the teacher let out anouther creepy laugh Looks like as we have anouther wak job teacher Conner mumbled to himself Well teach where is are class for the morning Conner wanted toget this day over with as he pulled his giant coat over his uniform.

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Alice06 is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 06:22 PM

Alice looked over to Conner, he seemed rather confident compared to herself, she was too nervous to speak at the moment. Making eye contact with the male, then the teacher, waiting a response. "Oh aren't you eager to learn Mister? That warms my heart!" The teacher let out a happy sigh, her fake smile remained fixed upon her face caped with makeup. "You are all lucky to be attending such a wonderful school! Now firstly I must ask you all for your name so I can mark my little check list I have hear." The teacher looked over to Alice.
"Oh! I'm Alice Lint. A, l, i, c ,e. Lint, L, i, n, t." She spelled out her name, both her last and first had many different ways to be spelled. She did wonder though why the teacher wouldn't even introduce herself. The teacher then looked over to Conner, waiting for his reply as she checked off Alice's name.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 06-19-2012 at 12:27 AM..

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 08:46 PM

Conner sighed he was only geting more bored with this teracher My name ins Conner nice to meet you mam Conner sighed as he waited for his class to be reveled to him

(sorry have to get to school ill beable to go on tonight)

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Alice06 is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 10:41 AM

"Ah ha, yup, good good looks like everyone's here! Now then here are your timetables," the teacher handed the new students their timetables. It was Monday so they'd be looking at Week A, Monday, Alice's timetable read:
Week A
Period 1: Science
Period 2: Science
Period 3: English
Period 4: History
Period 5: Art
Period 6: Art
Most of the other students had different timetables, some had the same as each other. Conner's was the same as Alice's so they'd be in the same class. "Now that you all have your timetables, your next task is to try and find your class for first period! Make sure you make it there before it ends." Okay now Alice had to say something, this was just silly to her.
"But how are we suppose to find our class? We've never been here before." She pulled a rather confused facial expression. The teacher looked at her, and something about her facial expression seemed...'Off'.
"Your class number is on the timetable, that should be enough to help you get to class. And if you don't, well, you'll find out soon enough." Then she was all smiles again, "now, off you go! To class before time runs out!" Off she went, into her office, closing the door behind her, on the door read her name: 'Miss Sihn'. The students stood there wondering what they should do in silence, "well that was weird..." Alice mumbled to herself, "uh I guess, we should, go to class? What does everyone have first? I have Science." She figured she should at least try to not be so nervous.

(It's okay, I did too. Awesome see you late tonight then.)

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 06-19-2012 at 12:27 AM..

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 01:26 PM

Conner stood confused as he was handed the time table he would of asked what floor his class is on but it was to late she was gone befor he could ask but then the girl alice seemed that she had the same class I guess that would be u and me Conner looked at her waiting for her to make her way there well we better get going I guess we don't want to be late

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Alice06 is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 02:00 PM

Alice looked over to Conner whom seemed to be the only one who had the same classes as her. The other students talked among themselves, figuring out who had the same classes as them.
She nodded and began walking to the other side of the office where she'd assume the door to inside the school would be. Thankfully she guessed right. Once she opened the door, what she saw before her was a very large school, her facial expression turned to a rather shocked one as she stood there. "How the hell are we suppose to find our class in this place?" It was rather childish she guessed to be complaining already.

Alice looked at her timetable, "our Science room is S4."

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 06-19-2012 at 12:27 AM..

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 02:20 PM

Conner looked up at how big the school was when he looked right back at Alice with a smirk well I guess thats part of the adventure of being in a new school Conner walked over to what seemed to be the caff hmm well I guess this is a start

(Brb histiory professer is making me help him with somthing about his other classses)

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Alice06 is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 02:59 PM

She smiled, when he put it like that, school suddenly became interesting. An adventure! She thought, how exciting! Hopefully the 'adventure' wouldn't turn into a bad sort of excitement.
"True," she replied, following him until he stopped at what seemed to be the cafeteria? "Well, I assume there's a Science block somewhere, hopefully and surely they have some sort of signs."
As Alice looked around her current area, she looked back over to Conner, "I-I'm Alice by the way," she seemed to stutter as she introduced herself. Alice began to remember that she had already said her name to the teacher so maybe he already knew her name, this made her feel a bit embarrassed and stupid.

(Okay. No problem. (: )

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 06-19-2012 at 12:27 AM..

people strive to be better me i'...
Temple is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 04:07 PM

Conner looked over with a smirk I'm Conner nice to meet someone sain at least Conner cracked his back befor making his way to the staris looking for a sign Sign . . . sign if was a sign where would I be

(ahhh wrighters block)

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Alice06 is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 01:31 AM

She let out a small sigh of relief, happy her introduction went well. So his name was Conner, first person to meet so far. Alice couldn't help but laugh softly to herself when he said she was sane. She was more than thrilled to be acquainted with a sane person too. "I guess, I'd be on a building or somewhere attached to a pole?" Something seemed to kick in, some sort of serious 'thinking' as she began to remember what the teacher had said. She said something about making sure to get to period 1 before it ends. And that the class number on their timetables was enough to get them to class on time. "Seems more like some sort of test to me..." She glanced over to Conner.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 06-19-2012 at 12:28 AM..


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