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I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-01-2012, 05:50 AM

She looked at him as they stared at each other in the rain and blushed a little. Her hand went to his bare chest as she watched him shake his head. "You're right, Sirus. I'm sorry..." Dawn said softly before looking away from him and closed her eyes. The princess started to shiver from the rain as she looked down at her torn and muddy clothes. Hearing his words, her focus was on him as she looked back at his face and nodded. "I will try not to freak out. Because I do want you." She kissed him lightly before pulling back and hugging him to her as the rain came down. "I don't want you to get sick though...can we go back to your house?" Her eyes on him as she looked up at him with her big blue eyes.

((Sorry, I had a huge brain fart..))

Last edited by Death_to_the_reaper; 10-01-2012 at 09:45 PM..

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-01-2012, 09:44 PM

He just looked at her, he really didn't understand her at all. "Don't apologize, I'm sure there will be more of these kind of moments." He told her softly, he helped her up when she began to shiver. He looked at her clothing and shook his head at her, "Come on, lets get you some dry cloths and out of the rain." He told her before he paused, "You're lucky I found you, this island can play tricks on you." He said holding her to show her the way back, he just ignored the kiss she gave him; he just wanted to get her back so my could hide in the barn. At least that way she would be save and he could think clearly.

- That's okay, same here. -

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-01-2012, 09:58 PM

Dawn looked up at him as he helped her stand on her feet. Her eyes stayed on him as she shivered and he shook his head at her. "Okay." She closed her eyes as his words reached her ears and looked at the ground. "I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me..." The princess said softly as he held her and showed her the way back to the house. "Why do you care for me, Sirus?" The rain tried to wash the dirt off of her but with every puddle more dirt would splash her feet and legs. She just watched the ground and tried not to look at Sirus as her skin became colder to the touch. "You told me in the carriage when you kidnapped me...I wasn't your type..." Dawn said just trying to get more information on how he was feeling about her.

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-01-2012, 11:57 PM

He just listened to her as she spoke, he knew how the island was. He grew up on it til his mother killed herself on it. He looked at the ground as she walked her back, "This island always played tricks on people, it's why it is called the isle of insanity." He simply told her, it was raining harder the more they walked towards his house. He was surprised she got this far with a blind panic, judging by the look of her. He looked at her in surprised manner as she repeated the thing he once told her, he chuckled and smiled at her but never looked at her. "You're not my type but if you were, I doubt I would be interested in you." He calmly told her, "I normally went for girls no where near as classy as you. Local girls everyone could have, but I noticed that the people you least expect are the best for you. Your hearts fall into their hands, and the love is better then you normal picks." He told her trying not to insult her, he wasn't good with these topics, specially with woman.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-02-2012, 01:29 AM

Her eyes went to him as he explained the name of the island and nodded. "I'm glad you found me." Dawn told him gently as she hugged herself and failed at holding a sneeze back as she shivered harder. She ignored the scratches from the plants and looked down at her muddy feet. "I see. How else am I not what you expected?" The princess asked softly as she blushed from his words, or she was starting to come down with a fever. Looking up at his house, Dawn felt a bit of anxiousness as they got closer to his house. "I never imagined I'd fall for a pirate but at the moment I would trust no other man with my life." She smiled before passing out from exhaustion in combination with the illness that brought on by rain.

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-04-2012, 03:20 AM

He was glad he found her also, though he could have gone without the flipping out part that cause her to run out here. He looked at Dawn when she sneezed, he knew she would get a cold from this outing but he knew some good home remedies to help her out. He shook his head, "It's not important right now, what is, is getting you out of the rain before you develop a bad cold." He told her sweetly, he was use it this kind of weather or worse cause of living here and on the sea. He smirked hearing her say pirate, it was a title but one he would never want to change. "That's good then." He told her, she would be spending allot of time with him after all she was his firstmate, he wanted a good second in command and she would be a great one; one she toughen up a little.

Without Sirus had caught the unconscious girl, "Dawn?" But there was no answer, she was out. He smiled at her before picking her up bridal style, she was lighter then she looked which surprised him a little. Slowly he took her into the house and up to her room, he took a towel after laying her down outer cover on the bed and dried her off with it. He took all the mud off of her and changed most of her clothes cept her undergarments, he didn't want her to get sick. He laid her back into the bed and covered her up with the rest of the blankets, he leave her in the room with the wet blanket to continue with his days work.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-04-2012, 04:12 AM

She rested her unconscious head against his chest as she laid there in his arms. Dawn laid there on the bed as he dried her off and changed her clothes for her. Her pearl rolled out of her pocket as he changed her clothes and laid the blankets over her. The princess laid there on the bed, sleeping as her body tried to fight the sickness from being out in the rain for so long. Sirus filled her dreams as she tossed and turned in the bed. His smile, his voice, and his kiss filled her dreams until it turned into a nightmare where her father killed him while she watched.

Her eyes opened as she sat up in a cold sweat and laid back down quickly as she got dizzy. Dawn laid there in bed under the blankets as she tried to push the nightmare from her mind. She looked around for Sirus before she decided to try going downstairs to look for him. The princess rose to her feet slowly as she walked over to the door and opened it.

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-05-2012, 01:52 AM

Hours had passed since he had came down stairs, he had cleaned the house, well the first floor and had stared dinner. It was a simple roasting rabbit but it was food, after it was cooked he was going to make a small bowl of soup with it for Dawn she seemed to be getting a cold. He had put out the fire in the barn and washed the muddy blanket, he yawned as he read his Russian book. It was getting late and he needed to finished dinner, he had some potatoes outside and was boiling them after he cleaned them. One good thing about the island was the random food that grew from passing sailors. He heard the door open from the second floor and turned his attention from his chair by the desk and waited for her to come come down.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-05-2012, 02:44 AM

Dawn leaned against the wall as she walked down the stairs at a slow pace, her feet still a little unstable. She looked at Sirus by his desk and smiled at him as she tried to stay on her feet. Her face was still a little pale but she was feeling better than before. The princess walked over to him and stood in front him as her head pounded in her hand. "Hi...thank you for taking care of me. I'm sorry for running..." She said softly as she brushed back her hair. The scent of food made her stomach roll a little bit but it still smelled good. Dawn looked up at him as she reached for the desk to steady herself and tried not to let her rolling stomach bother her. Her head was spinning from all her movement but she tried to focus on Sirus rather than how ill she really felt.

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-05-2012, 03:21 AM

Sirus just watched her as she made her way over to him, he just smiled at her. "Hello Dawn, how are you feeling?" He was more worried about her well being then her thanks and apology, granted it was nice as well. He stood up and help the chair out for her, "You should sit or head back to bed, you look weak." He told her nicely, he rather have her sitting then standing at least she wouldn't get hurt. He helped her sit down even if she didn't want to before he set his book down and walked over to the kitchen. He took offed the boiled cubed potatoes and checked the meat. "You probably don't want anything to eat, but I'll make a soup for you. The broth will do you good." He told her softly as he strained the potatoes but kept a little in a smaller bowl then the one he was draining them in.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-05-2012, 03:47 AM

Her stomach rolled again as he asked her how she was feeling and covered her mouth. "Not well but I couldn't sleep anymore." Dawn said as she sat down in the chair he offered her as her legs gave out from under her. "Thank you, Sirus. I'm sorry for being such a bother. I should be helping you..." She said softly as a slight sweat broke out on her forehead. The princess looked at him as he walked to the kitchen and rubbed her forehead to get rid of the sweat. Dawn closed her eyes as her head started to throb and rubbed her head harder as she tried to wipe the pain away. "I don't suppose you have anything for pain, do you?" One eye opened as she tried to get over the pain in her head.

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-06-2012, 12:47 AM

He just looked at her, he was worried about her but he refused to show it. He took a breath breath before he spoke to her, he was now making a broth with his home made remedy for a cold. "Then you can trade beds with me. Mine is closer to the bathroom and you won't fall down the stairs tonight." He told her plainly, he then shook his head no as she spoke. "You are not helping til you feel better, besides I'm use to it remember. I'm a orphan boy, I even took care of my elder brother; granted he went and got himself killed." He said the last part quietly, his brother's death was still fresh within his mind. He looked at her then around the plain building, "I have something for pain but you may not like it." He left the kitchen and went into this room, when he returned he placed a three quarter full of a bottle on the desk next to her. "That is all I have for pain." This bottle of rum was all he used to deal with pain and it worked, even for colds.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-06-2012, 01:03 AM

She was about to decline his bed but Dawn smiled and nodded her head, slightly. "Thank you, Sirus. I'll admit I was afraid of falling down the steps." Dawn said softly as she looked at him with sad eyes as he spoke. "I understand you are used to it but I don't want to mooch off of your hospitality. Once I am better, I'm going to help you as best I can." When he came back with the bottle of rum, her eyes went to the bottle before going back to him. "I have never tried rum but I do not want to test my stomach just yet." Her stomach was rolling as it was without food in it and she did not want to tempt it with alcohol. The princess shivered a little as she rubbed her arms and held back a sneeze one of her maids taught her.

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-06-2012, 01:56 AM

He just nodded and smiled at her comments, he was surprised she didn't object to the switching of the bed. "Truth be told, I'm enjoying this. You may not like it or may not understand, I don't fully understand it either but I am." He told her shyly before going back to make her a broth. He took out the cooked meat and set it on the table, it was hot but he was use to it and barely felt warm, guess her killed his nerves with on the blistering heat from smithing. He carved the meat with a set of knives and shredded a few pieces and placed it into her soup for some added texture. He set the knives down and brought her the bowl and a spoon, he set it on the desk. "The food will absorb the alcohol, so drinking is best done on a empty stomach. However for a virgin drinker, you want a full stomach. Helps your body adjust and takes longer for you to get drunk." He simple told her, he uncorked the rum and took a drink from it. It was pretty weak as it was for being opened and untouched for a long time. He looked at it then to her, "Well it's flatter then more rum, so it is perfect for you." He said placing it back down before getting a unopened bottle to drink with his dinner.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-06-2012, 02:05 AM

Dawn heard his words and smiled as he said he liked taking care of her. "It's okay. Enjoy it while you can. I'm going to take care of you when I'm better." She looked at the bowl of soup that he sat before her, ignoring her queasy stomach. "It smells good." Her eyes went to him as he told her about how to drink the rum before taking a swig from the bottle on the table. The princess looked at the bottle before taking hold of it and taking a sip. Dawn scowled at the taste of the rum and took a sip of the broth to get the taste of rum from her mouth. "I think it will take some getting used to." She said before taking some more broth in her mouth. "The soup tastes wonderful on the other hand."

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-06-2012, 02:31 AM

He chuckled at her reaction to comment, he took care of himself as he did most of his life. He couldn't remember his mother or his brother taking care of him. His brother the only thing he did to make him into the man he was today was joining up with the pirate captain of the Sad Strumpet. He popped open the new bottle of rum and took a few gulps, it tasted so good to him. He could drink it like it was nothing, he was use to it and rarely got drunk. He near spit the last one out as he saw her reaction to the rum. He struggled to swallow it and when he did he chuckled at her. "Dawn you're going to have to, there are times we run out of fresh water and only have rum to drink." He told her giving a heads up, he set the bottle down and got his plated ready. He sat on the table with his plate and bottle, "I could build your tolerance like the captain did with me and Elijah." He smiled remembering it, "He made us play drinking games with him, we got so drunk when he made us play. Whoever lost would have to do something the winner commanded him to." He laughed lightly at the memories. "We made complete fools of ourselves." He told her softly, "Needless to say we never remembered so he would feel us in on what we did. Honestly with your crew is one key traits we learnt from him." He told her smiling before he took a bite from his dinner.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-06-2012, 02:44 AM

Her eyes went to him as he laughed at her reaction to the rum and lowered her head a little. "Really? What would you make me do, Sirus?" Dawn asked as she sipped her soup and hoped the fever would hide her blush from him. She looked at the bottle of rum before taking hold of the bottle and taking another swig of the bitter liquor. The princess scowled but swallowed before taking some more of his soup into her mouth. Dawn noticed how happy he was when he remembered the drinking game with his captain. She had never seen him smile so much and it made her feel better to see him happy. "You look cuter when you smile, Sirus..." Her voice was soft as she said the comment mostly to herself.

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-06-2012, 03:09 AM

He smiled lightly from her comment, "Nothing, really. Just watching you get drunk would be amusing." He told her before taking a sip from his bottle of rum. "If it would make you feel any better, if we do play a drinking game. I'll drink two bottles before we start to make it a even game." He told her sweetly, granted they would have to be harder liquor then rum to make it even. He chuckled at her face to the drink, she acted like it was poison filled with dirt. His face turned red lightly, he never really smiled or laughed this much, it was odd and now it was lightly awkward. "Sorry, I tend to actually be human when remembering my childhood. It wasn't filled with a castle and riches beyond measure but the freedom, and undying love made it worth it." He said smiling once more, "Dawn, if you stay with me. I'll die trying to give you all the happiness you deserve. I can't guarantee what you are use to but I can guarantee a happy lifetime." He said softly to match her.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-06-2012, 03:19 AM

She was a bit relieved when he said to see her drunk would be enough and nodded when he said he'd drink two bottles before they played. Dawn noticed his chuckling from her reaction to the drink but she was still drinking it right? Her eyes went to him as he spoke and reached out to touch his hand. "I know what it's like to live in a castle and to be rich, Sirus. I don't want that now. All I want is a man by my side and to be treated like everyone else. I stopped being a princess the day my father turned his back on me. He's probably declared me dead. So I no longer exist to him. And I am alright with that. Because I have you instead." The ex-princess said to him and squeezed his hand because she did not want to get him sick as well. Dawn took another drink of rum and tried not to make a face as she swallowed the drink. It was a bit more bearable but only because she was trying to did not want to seem weak.

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-06-2012, 03:45 AM

He just looked at her, his smile was faintly on his face as he listened to her speak. Sirus had slowly began to open himself to her and he was scared for the first time in his life. He could fight dozens of men, brake into castles and kidnap princesses but opening up his heart was the scariest. He looked down at her hands as she held it then squeezed it, he weakly smiled at her. "Do you want to bet on the drinking games?" He asked trying to change the subject, he felt all gooey inside and it lightly bothered him. "Nothing uncomfortable to you though, last time I played I had to strip naked thanks to Akaya." He said trying to kill the urge to kiss her, he knew she didn't want him to due to the fact she was sick. He looked at his plate remembering hearing the story of his streaking on the boat while singing 'My only heart.' His face was turning red as the song played in his head, oh how he hated drinking games with Akaya, she could out drink them all even the Captain. Little they know she cheated and 'drank' a beer with it, and by drank she spit the rum into a empty bottle of beer without them knowing. Being gentlemen they never questioned her, though they should have.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-06-2012, 04:38 AM

Dawn saw the smile on his face before he changed the subject. Her eyes went to her soup as she took her hand back from his and shook her head. "I'd rather not. I know you would win." She said as he talked about what Akaya had him do. "I wouldn't make you do that. Besides, having to be naked in front of anyone makes me a bit uncomfortable." The princess said as she squirmed in her seat a bit and blushed as she sipped her soup. "Maybe someday but not yet." Her eyes stayed on her soup as she did not want to see his reaction to her comment. Dawn took another swig of the rum as she closed her eyes and stopped for a moment as her stomach churned a bit more. She felt her head spinning and rubbed her forehead as it felt like she was back on the ship. "Excuse me..." The princess started to stand on her feet and cupped her hand over her mouth as she took a few steps towards the bathroom.

Last edited by Death_to_the_reaper; 10-07-2012 at 04:15 AM..

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 10-07-2012, 02:18 AM

He continued to eat dinner as she spoke, he was looking at his plate the whole time. "Not if Akaya helped you with the drinking games." He knew she would out drink him if she was taught by Akaya, but he didn't know she cheated all the time. "Being naked or having someone naked around me doesn't bother me but then again, I did things you can never imagine." He told her playfully, he was a very interesting life and he was still young thought there was one thing he never did; fall in love. However Dawn was working on that without knowing it. He chuckled at her, she was different then all the girls he had met and been with, it was quite refreshing. "Maybe one day." Was all he could say to her, he knew it embarrassed her but it was cute. He looked up at her as she excused herself, he watched as she stood and headed from the bathroom with her hand over her mouth. He would have asked if she was okay but he knew the answer to that.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-07-2012, 02:38 AM

Her eyes closed as she stumbled towards the bathroom with a hand over her mouth and the other over her stomach. Dawn leaned against the door jam for a moment before kneeling before the toilet. She lifted her hair back as the delicious soup and bitter liquor made another appearance as her eyes watered. The princess coughed as the last of her stomach contents made it into the toilet. After spitting and trying to get the taste of vomit from her mouth, Dawn grabbed hold of the sink and stood before cupping some water to her mouth to fully remove the taste of vomit from her mouth. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed how sick she really looked. Her face pale, her eyes a bit bloodshot from the vomiting, and her nose a bit runny as she sniffled and moved towards him. "Sorry...I lost most of your delicious soup..." The princess said softly as she blushed.

Last edited by Death_to_the_reaper; 10-07-2012 at 03:20 AM..

Faded Beauty
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Faded Beauty is offline
Old 10-07-2012, 03:17 AM

He just listened to her in the bathroom, he set his plate down and went to his room and moved the divider. He was making it easier for her to rush to the bathroom, when the sink turned on he readily the bed for her to sleep in. He tossed a ragging old blanket on the foot of the bed and added a few more just in case she would get cold at night. "He shook his head, "Don't apologize you can't help it. You really should try and keep the food down at least even if a little." He smiled weakly at her and went to the kitchen and brought out a small ball little case of herbs. He took one and placed the rest up, he took the boiling pot of water and dropped the herbs into it. He waited til it darkened the water before pouring her a cup, "At least drink this then lay down, it's my mother's remedy for upset stomachs." His mother was a old mid-wife and knew allot of old tricks that she taught to his brother and himself. The herb he used would make her sleepy but feel better, he held out the cup waiting for her to take it.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 10-07-2012, 03:34 AM

She looked at him as he got his bed ready for her to sleep in. Dawn smiled at him and took the cup from his hands as she let her fingers brush his. "Thank you, Sirus." Her eyes went to the tea in her cup before walking over to his bed and sitting down on it gently. The princess looked up at him as she blew on the hot tea before taking a sip and nodding. "It think the maids gave me something similar once. I recognize some of the herbs." As a child, being rebellious was second to being ill because her body was not healthy enough to battle diseases. She got better as time went on but people still treated her as a fragile doll and that was what really made Dawn angry. Dawn drank some more of the tea before looking up at him. "You're not going to sleep in the bed upstairs are you?" Her bed upstairs was dirty and needed to be changed before he could sleep in it. Sleeping on the first floor also made her nervous because if someone attacked they could get to her easier. Besides, his bed was big enough for two people to sleep in without being on top of each other.


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