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Q U E E N is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 02:11 PM

an admonished nonsense rp
taken into the hands of princesskasumi and q u e e n


Those who survive do not necessarily live…

Six difficult months have passed since the original outbreak. Six months since the lights went out, since the barricades were overrun, and society crumbled. The world has become a heap of disorganized survivors who are clinging to life and willing to exercise even the most taboo barbarisms to guarantee their own survival. Friends, family, co-workers... they're probably dead. The social structure splintered with the government, with the military, and with the economy. It's every man for himself.

A group of fortunate survivors has taken refuge on a farm in rural Massachusetts, a place so tranquil and unaffected the end of the world is almost a faint memory. Unfortunately in this world, you can't hide from the undead for long.

A gang of survivors try to round up and kill the small group (our characters). The small group preceeds to repel the invaders and manage to capture one. And from the captured bandit the group will learn of a horde walkers that moving across Massachusetts..straight towards their very farm. The walkers will come and the survivors will be forced to flee.

Survivors stumbled upon a train that was in a wreck. Only the engine, the attaching cart with controls, and luckily a unscathed empty card that could house the survivors. The train despite the crash is still in good working condition but needs it's unscathed passenger cart to be delinked from the wreckage it is attacthed to.

After the survivors use the train and explore a new location (provided they stay long) unbeknownst to them it attracted zombies from everywhere the sound the train could rich along the it's travel path. How will the survivors balance their humanity with the will to survive, and how will they deal with the other survivors they will meet along the way?

This is their story.


Introduction/Letter from admonished nonsense:

Whether or not you've read the comics or watched the TV show the premise is pretty straightforward: zombies, zombies, zombies, and more zombies. Overall the environment's pretty straightforward.

The graphic novel and TV series have covered the lives of Rick Grimes and his fellow zombie-apocalypse survivors but what about everyone else? What about those other bands of survivors... what are their stories about what they have had to endure?

So I was basically thinking of a roleplay in The Walking Dead universe that follows the lives of a new cast of characters. Simple? Yay! Of course there's plenty of elements to throw in and plenty of engaging plots to create.

Anyone interested?

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Last edited by Q U E E N; 02-03-2013 at 11:57 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 01:21 AM

Important Information:

Zombie/Walker/Undead: Is a deceased human body that has somehow become reanimated and autonomous, yet no longer has sufficient brain or vital functions to be considered alive or capable of thought. Walkers prefer to eat living things: insects, animals, and people. If living food is not available the undead will eat the flesh from dead corpses. While walkers seem to hunger for flesh, they don’t seem to require it. Compared to humans, zombies have rather limited mobility. Unstimulated, zombies stand still or shuffle rather slowly. However, if they are pursuing a possible victim, zombies can move somewhat more quickly, roughly equivalent to a light jogging pace. Due to limited intelligence zombies have difficulty overcoming various obstacles. Zombies can ascend and descend stairs, but they cannot do so quickly or gracefully. As zombies do not require sleep or nourishment they are constantly active and ready to respond to stimuli. The only way to fully disable a zombie is a traumatic head wound. Walkers out-number humans about 5,000 to 1.

“Types” of zombies:
Walkers: ‘Walker’ is the most commonly used term for a zombie, appropriately named because they tirelessly walk around in search of prey. Walker = zombie
Roamers: Roamers are known to “roam” around looking for food.
Lurkers Lurkers are the zombies that just sit around playing “dead” until something approaches them and they bite. Lurkers are a serious thread because they can appear to be a dead corpse. Lurkers often suffer from some type of major injury that leaves them in some kind of weakened state preventing them from walking around.
Herd: Herds are groups of walkers that act with mob mentality and roam as one loosely fitted group. Numbers can range from a dozen to hundreds and thousands. One zombie might brush his hand against a door knob and another will see this and mistake it as an attempt to get in. These types of events will spark chain reactions.

The Virus: The dead corpse of anyone for any reason will reanimate as a zombie unless if the brain of that individual is badly damaged or destroyed. Everyone on the planet within the Walking Dead universe somehow contracts a mysterious virus that, for reasons unknown, brings the dead back to life. When the individual perishes the virus they carry reactivates certain areas of the brain that support necessary vital systems, resulting in reanimation. Because only a portion of the brain is reactivated the reanimated person retains only a physical resemblance to their former self. A corpse can reanimate between three and eight minutes after death.

Zombie Bites: Zombies bites do not kill because of the zombie virus, but rather the unsanitary nature of their mouths due to diet and decomposition, with scratches causing similar infections for similar reasons. Their saliva often contains several septic pathogens. While extremely difficult it is possible to survive a bite from a zombie if numerous steps are taken. Such steps could include: immediate amputation of the infected region, frequent antibiotics administration and bandaging keeping the wound bacteria free, and immediate cleaning, sterilization, and cauterization.

Origin of the virus: Unknown.

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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 01:23 AM


001 - Multiple characters is totally cool with me. As long as you can handle it.
002 - Because this roleplay is being set in a zombie apocalypse there's no television, phones, or computers. Your only power will come from a generator.
003 - I don't have a minimum requirement for writing length or word count, only quality. Make sure that your posts are engaging and thoughtful. Several meaty paragraphs are preferred but I'm sure there will be exceptions. A large number of grammatical and spelling errors is a major no-no. That being said, I'm sure I've already made a typo or two. Simply put: be legible. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox both have spell check. So does Microsoft Word and any knock-off brand.
004 - Please be realistic and original with your characters. Remember that there's a maximum amount of gear someone can carry, bullets do not automatically fly at zombie's brains, and you're not Clint Eastwood or Batman.
005 - If you're inactive for a week or so and do not inform me that you will be inactive for X amount of time your character may be fed to the zombies.
006 - Please PM me your character profiles. ( PrincessKasumi )

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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 01-15-2013 at 01:28 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 01:28 AM

Profile Skeleton:

Please remember to be diverse and original with your characters. It's perfectly acceptable to have a character with military history but remember, you need to be able to pull off that sort of character and make that character realistic. If everyone submits a character that is ex-special forces a lot of people will have to remake their characters. We need diversity, numerous different skill sets, and so on. In the zombie apocalypse being good driver, a mechanic, or a engineer is as helpful to your characters survival as having a military history.

Username: Obvious

Name: Please use appropriate names. Your surname probably isn't O'Bryant if you're of Native American decent.
Age: Your characters skills and personality should relate to your characters age

Appearance: Photo, anime, or CG; any of them will work. Remember to use realistic images that are appropriate for modern day.

Work History: What was your occupation before the outbreak?
Biography: This can be very brief and a paragraph or two will be more than enough.

Weapons: Please be realistic with these choices. Most people don't have katanas capable of lobbing of heads (they do exist, they're just very expensive). Most civilians don't have access to automatic weapons but your character could have picked one up from a dead soldier, remember the weight and size of weapons, and that weapons and ammunition can get heavy very, very quickly.
Gear: Again, please choose appropriate gear and remember the wait of that gear.
Skills: What special skills does your character have? Was your character a mechanic, a archery instructor, etc? Please be original and diverse with your choices.

Other: If there's anything else add it here.


[B]Name:[/ B]
[B]Age:[/ B]
[B]Gender:[/ B]

[B]Appearance: [/ B]
[B]Height:[/ B]
[B]Weight:[/ B]

[B]Nationality:[/ B]
[B]Work History:[/ B]
[B]Biography:[/ B]

[B]Weapons:[/ B]
[B]Gear:[/ B]
[B]Skills:[/ B]

[B]Other:[/ B][/ SIZE]

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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 01:30 AM

Accepted Characters


Originally Posted by Drexy4ever
Username: Drexy4ever

Name: Kivana Fuccilli

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Height: 5"6

Weight: 119

Nationality: American-Italian

Work History: Worked at her family's restaurant while going to school at a community college.

Biography: Kivana was never the smartest girl, and just barely graduated high school. The girl was excited when she made it into the local community college (which she almost wasn't able to do). She was never able to move out of her parent's house, and, after not being able to find a job anywhere else, was given a job at her parent's Italian restaurant.

After the first infection, Kivana and her family were herded into into a nearby city, which soon was taken over by the infected. After watching her best friends become monsters, the scared girl was forced to abandon the town with her family. They fortunately were able to make it out of the city, but soon after on the road they were taken over by a herd, and her father was killed, ripped in half by the pack. Her mother, overcome by grief, pushed the infected off her huband's body and cradled his head in her arms. The walkers began tearing into her as well, ripping her flesh off of her body. Kivana screamed then, against her mother's pleading calls, fled into the woods until the road was no longer in sight.

Weapons: A steak knife and a pair of scissors.

Gear: A bottle of water, a few tubes of lipgloss, a big bag of already-opened tortilla chips, two cans of peaches, and a can-opener.

Skills: Kivana is great at staying quiet and at being stealthy due to many fun years of hide-seek when she was a child.
Originally Posted by Q U E E N View Post
[ username ] Q U E E N

[ name ] ryu hyerin
[ age ] 25
[ gender] female

[ appearance ]

[ height ] 5'6"
[ weight ] 120 lbs

[ nationality ] korean-american
[ work history] hyerin is a skilled individual born for her line of work. she'd been recruited into the fbi straight after university. collecting intel on foreign administrations and secretive organizations is what her job entailed. she would conceal herself in a disguise, assume a fake identity and travel to whatever foreign country or organization she had been told to infiltrate. then she would squeeze herself into the top ranks and gather important, confidential information. usually, before the country or organization found out about her true purpose, she had already skittered away onto a plane and back to america.
[ biography ]
the story begins---} hyerin's childhood was rather boring. she was born to two middle-class parents who had moved from south korea to america (new hampshire) because they thought she would be able to have a better life in the states. well, they were wrong. everything was perfectly fine up until her teenage years, when she started to think with a mind of her own and rebel against everything that her parents told her to do. hyerin would yell at her parents and didn't blink an eye when they were upset to the point of crying. due to her actions, hyerin wound up getting kicked out of the house for two months as a punishment. she slept at the houses of her friends and was supposed to go back home after the two months. she didn't. hyerin bought herself a bus ticket to new york city and made herself a living. or tried to, anyways. it was only a week before the missing persons fliers went up everywhere and the police found her. instead of behaving and allowing them to take her back home to new hampshire, she led them on a wild goose chase...jumping over the taxi cabs and scaling up the fire escapes of buildings. when she was finally captured and sent back home, she had to do 200 hours of compulsory community service.

and now---} currently, hyerin is an fbi agent working in the infiltration & intel department. the fbi has pride in themselves for being able to turn rebels like hyerin who would potentially become a threat to the nation into obedient, law-enforcing citizens of america. she is known to all as 'ryn' (or whatever identity she is assuming at the current time), as it is life-threatening for her to reveal her true identity. whenever she meets a new person/group of people during the apocalypse, she will lie about her identity and her background.

[ weapons ] an everyday, lightweight kitchen knife found at an abandoned restaurant that can be fatal if used correctly.
[ gear ] hyerin wears an inky black outfit in order to not be spotted when hiding in darkness. she dons combat boots that make it a bit harder to run, but also protect her against zombies lurking under beds or low spaces. she wears a kevlar vest given to her when she joined the fbi.
[ skills ] she's been professionally trained in shooting and all kinds of weaponry, but she's the best at hiding in all sorts of places and close-range melee combat.

[ other ] as a former government employee, hyerin knows more about the cause of the zombie outbreak than most normal citizens do. she remembers seeing a classified document about a weird disease that included similar symptoms to those of the 'walkers' but never really got the chance to finish reading it.

Originally Posted by Andraus
]Username: Andraus

Name: Jose antonio zazquez.
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Height: 6'5
Weight: 185 lb

Nationality: Puetre rican
Work History: Chemist, mechanic, military officer.
Biography: Jose, before the outbreak, was a Military officer, trying to Keep order in a quarentined City. When it was obvious to him that Society was going to fall, and that the military would soon crumble with it, He choose to cut his losses, and go AWOL. He's stayed away from City's if he could, and traveled by Mid-day.

He's Been watching a Farm nearby that seem's to be Prospering Well. He's been keeping his distance, but plan's on arriving there soon.

Weapons: A UMP-45, a Five-Seven, and a Ka-Bar knife.
Gear: first aid kit, lock-pick set, and a fire-cracker.
Skills: Thank's to his work as a chemist and a mechanic, he has knowledge on drug making, and repair and maintence.

Other: He has a tattoo of his native-born flagon his back
Originally Posted by Smores
Username: Smores

Name: Seth Fynn
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 133 lbs

Nationality: Canadian
Work History: Free-Lance Artist
Biography: Seth was always a loner really. More so because he walked his own, bizarre, path rather then work on possible friendships. Always doodling on things, painting, occasionally the artistic vandalism (also known as spray painting well, anything.) He likes all things that have to do with art and as such never really cared much for school or anything of the like.

The only other thing he was good at was darts, throwing things really. He was no pro but it was the only other things he did then art related activities. The dart board on the back of his room door, and the holes in the back of the door, accounted for that.

Since this big outbreak has started, he tends to wander quietly through the remnants of what was once considered a great civilization. His parents had sent him to the USA to go to an arts school. So now is he not only in a country he does not know very well, but its an apocalyptic wasteland.

Weapons: Some throwing knives he found at a weapons shop. None of those where hes from, but they seemed to be the only thing he might make use of. Though he has not used them yet. He also took a hunting knife, which he dulls down by carving things into well...trees, rocks, walls..where ever hes spending the night.
Gear: His casual clothes, his shirt and sweater. Black skinny jeans and his black and white converse shoes, was not really prepared for the apocalypse.
Skills: As aforementioned, some skill in throwing and art related activities. So highly skilled with his hands, great fine motor skills and the like. Very imaginative, yet likes too much in the moment (dulling his knife for art purposes...) and can be a bit reckless. He is a teen boy after all.
Originally Posted by admonished nonsense
Username: Admonished Nonsense

Name: Winter Richardson Smith
Age: Twenty-fivez
Gender: Male

Height: 5’11”z
Weight: 164lbsz

Nationality: American-Irish
Work History: Sous chef, columnist, United States Marines Corps (retired)
Biography: Winter wouldn’t necessarily call his childhood normal, but it was very memorable. Winter grew up in South Texas on what he refers to as a, “weed smoking, pseudo hippie, psycho religious, crazy cult.” zThese were the type of people who still believed in world peace and acid trips. Winter was never attached to his folks or their lack of personal hygiene. When he was fourteen Winter would run away and inadvertently get the entire colony shut down by none other than the ATF. For the following four years Winter would trip and fall from one foster home to the next until he was eighteen.z

When Winter joined the Marines he wasn’t looking for adventure, the comradely, or the code. What he needed was direction and a means to experience somewhere that wasn’t his home. The military was in its own way a reset on his life. The robust hoorahs and endless euphemisms for, “we’re going to kick some ass” never really resonated in Winter’s soul. He was a little too melancholy and introverted for the marines and his personality was so contradictory to your stereotypical Marine with testosterone ripping from the seams and some such. Winter was that contradictory Marine. Yet, where he might have faltered in bravo he made up with spirit and skill. He was a quick learner, handy with a M16A4, and had a knack for getting things done.z

Winter’s first tour ended only halfway through when the Humvee he was driving hit an IED. After the incident he was sent back to the states, nursing a shattered femur, varying lacerations, and other miscellaneous broken bones. He would spend a year in rehabilitation. With such a lengthy time out Winter found education, and quite enjoyed it. His interests blossomed into a passion for the political and the philosophical. Winter would leave for his second tour, and this time it went rather smoothly. Except for that awkward moment when Winter was caught in friendly fire and took one to the back. Winter would walk away with three broken ribs and a very upset lung. z

After his second tour Winter had figured out he wasn’t a cat and wasn’t entitled to the nine lives of one. With a handful of near death experiences he was cutting a little too close to faith. Winter was entitled one final and third tour before retiring from the military. Through a mishap, estranged luck, and a little chance Winter found himself stuck in food service, without really even knowing how to cook. Winter never lost a chance to exploit his new cooking talents on the culinary battlefield. At the end of his third tour Winter was diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and was honorably discharged.

The experiences Winter gained in the Marines would follow him back into civilized life. For a man who’d been in desert war zones and spent his vacation days scouring the globe he had very little real life experience. Relying on connections and a handful of savings Winter moved to New York City. Winter had become quite the chef and had even started going to culinary school was he was hired to work as a sous chef for a five star restaurant. It was the sort of place that didn’t bother putting its prices on the menu, if you needed to know you probably couldn’t afford it. It was a dream coming to fruition.z

As with all dreams life has a way of turning them upside down. Sometimes it’s a layoff, sometimes it’s a divorce, and apparently sometimes its zombies. The infection was unstoppable and the barricades were overrun. Quarantine was impossible and no one was coming to save anyone. The city was awash with blood. Fortunately Winter found his way out but not without stepping over countless bodies and having to strip them bare to survive. When he left his apartment he was armed only with his S&W .38 snub nose but along the way he found more. He wasn’t proud about picking from the dead but that dead soldier wasn’t going to need his rifle and that mafia bloke wasn’t going to need that suppressed pistol. The world was coming to end but maybe somewhere there would be someone needed a chef with a gun.

Weapons: .22 Bobcat w/suppressor, .38 S&W Model 19, M16A4, knife
Gear: A backpack stocked with various items including a multi-tool, rations, backpacking stove, flashlight, fire starter, batteries, water bottles, water purification tablets, and a first aid kit.z

Winter learned relatively quickly that the biggest problem with walkers is that if you're bit, you're dead. Winter wears a Kevlar motorcycle jacket, Kevlar riding jeans, shooting gloves, and a pair of combat boots. If they can't bite through you, you're not dead.

Skills: The culinary arts, political science, wilderness survival, first aid, combat experience

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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 02-04-2013 at 09:31 AM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 01:31 AM


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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 01:31 AM


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Old 01-15-2013, 01:32 AM


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Old 01-15-2013, 01:34 AM


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Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 02-04-2013 at 07:03 AM..


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