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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 06:30 AM

Everybody's got them. What are the foods that you've hated your entire life that no manner of preparation or times trying them can change your mind on their disgusting nature.

Mine are cucumbers, celery, and bell peppers of any color. I hate them. I suppose that I will eat cucumbers in pickle form, but my hatred for the other two is thorough and unlimited. The smell of celery makes me gag, the taste will make me spit out whatever food I'm eating it in. Bell peppers gross me out, and since they're low calorie I always get people telling me they're great diet snacks...nope. Never going to understand them.

So what foods do you hate? It can be entire dishes as well.

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jupiter is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 06:54 AM


One summer I ate nothing but perogies, sausages, and sauerkraut for every meal. No other foods, and it's a wonder I didn't go into some kind of shock from the atrocious nutrition. To this day, I will not touch a perogie.

Aside from that, I'm down for just about anything at least once.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 07:13 AM

Lots of stuff...

Some on that list is Pig's Feet (it was awful), Frog (boring), and slug (don't ask).

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 07:15 AM

I'm gonna have to be the bad guy and say sushi. Although, I would give sushi one more shot. What I had was sashimi, and that was disgusting. Also, soft shelled crab. Not a fan.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 07:18 AM

Sushi is something that... well to be honest most sushi is HORRIBLE. Poorly prepared, left out, and poor cheap ingredients.

It's very hard to find good sushi. Sashimi? Uhh... yeah that's not something someone should start with in the sushi department.

I think things like Tamago, Shrimp, Cucumber rolls, and other simple ones are the best ones to start with. Additionally, find a Japanese restaurant with a Japanese chef... makes a HUGE difference. They make far better quality sushi.

My mother hated the first sushi she had. I have since fixed that and am working toward getting her to eat it more.

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Wonderlands is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 07:21 AM

I absolutely despise tomatoes and peas. I will go to great lengths to separate them from my food. My parents don't like me leaving them left over so I have disposed of them either by holding them in my mouth (as long as the skin is not ruptured) or hands and throwing them outside on the grass to let nature take them on or to my dogs so they can eat them or down the toilet. Now it seems to be a joke that I hate them and try to get rid of them so last week I put a grape tomato in my father's coffee container thing, you know the ones with the lids and handles that you take on trips or to work and stuff. My mum found it and she genuinely didn't think it was me that did it. I was kind of surprised, I thought I would have been the only suspect.

Both peas and tomatoes to me are gag inducing.

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 07:28 AM

Yeah, I went out with my friend and her brother and he ordered sashimi and it was nasty. I actually do believe it was good sashimi...if it weren't for the fact that I'd never even had sushi and they just laid this huge slab of raw yellowtail in front of me. XP

Never heard of tamago before, but after looking it up I'm sure I'd like it. Shrimp I eat all the time, and I actually ordered some shrimp tempura after I had choked down a few bites of various sashimis. One day I will have to try some actual sushi.

@Wonder: Hahaha, you sound like a sitcom or something. I don't usually like cherry tomatoes, so I'll agree with you there.

The only thing I can think of going great lengths to get rid of is some nasty teas I've had at friend's houses. They're serious health nuts and don't even give you sugar, so I'm stuck trying to get rid of these strong herbal teas that taste like...pee most likely...and having to pretend to sip them till I can get to a sink and casually dump a bit down every now and then.

Last edited by ElysiumFate; 05-01-2013 at 07:31 AM..

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 07:48 AM

Yeah... start with the gateway sushi... :) it helps.

Also as a note... some sashimi is AWFUL... like Marbled Tuna... I hate it. But Salmon and such is very tasty if you get the right kind. It also helps if it's on rice... very much.

Oh gosh pee flavored tea? D: I HATE that stuff, and it makes the house smell like pee too!

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 07:54 AM

Yup, no rice or anything, and one of them was some sort of tuna. I have no idea what kind, but I ate it, lol. They were very experienced sushi eaters, had been eating it since they were kids, and the brother overestimated my stomach strength.

Lol, I can't tell if you're joking on the tea. I just know it's horrible. I know one of them was a very strong over-brewed jasmine that I could only choke down a couple of gulps of.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 08:03 AM

No I'm not... I've smelled and tasted tea that pretty much resembled pee... I think it was even yellow o.o

Not very nice of them. You have to prepare someone... never introduce them to seaweed or sashimi at first... the reaction will be very bad XD
Also Not telling them what they're eating when they first try caviar helps..

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 08:11 AM

They actually did the seaweed to me, but I liked that. I'm very open to trying new foods, but the sashimi was not one of them--I don't even eat burgers less than well done most of the time.

Ick, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has experienced the pee tea before, then.

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jupiter is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 08:18 AM

I've never had otoro (fatty tuna) that I can recall. It's from the belly of the tuna, did you know?
Naturally you're going to want sashimi-grade fish for any kind of sushi, otherwise you get bad quality fish which is going to taste and smell fishy. When the fish is fresh, it can be rather sweet and the flavours are very subtle.

I might suggest tamago (fried egg like an omelette), or kappa (cucumber). And it'll be rough to enjoy sushi if you're not into fish, seaweed, or god save you for raw fish. There are always options over rice which are really tasty. For instance, unagi is one of my favourites. It's barbequed eel over rice; delicious, tastes like barbecued meat. Not fishy at all, and the texture is pleasing.

Sushi is more Americanized Japanese food. You might really enjoy the other aspects of cuisine like donburi (meat over rice in a bowl).

Last edited by jupiter; 05-01-2013 at 08:49 AM..

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 08:23 AM

I've actually had unagi and thought it was good, the seaweed was fine, but I am picky on fish so that could always be a problem on ever actually enjoying sushi. I do need to try these other things you guys are suggesting, though.

JChanOfTheCan is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 08:24 AM

most kinds of vegetables. like, i know they're good for me and shit, but they taste horrible and make me want to barf.
also mashed potatoes don't sit very well with me, mostly because they don't taste like anything. if i wanted to eat a big plate of nothing, i'd just skip a meal instead.

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jupiter is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 08:52 AM

Veggies can taste great if you let them. For instance, did you know that brussel sprouts and parsnips can taste nutty if you pan-fry them? You don't even have to add oil; just give them a nice crisp in the pan and voila. Of course many people like to mix their brussels with bacon. //winks

I sincerely believe it's the quality of the fish, and the texture that bothers people most. I used to steer clear of the mere idea of a fish taco, but sweet Jesus, are they delicious. You just take a really mellow white fish and season it, fry it up in a pan, add a little cilantro, and voila, the perfect taco. It's light, it's savory, it's fresh. It's a taco.

Mystic is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 03:26 PM

I will not eat any kind of meat or byproducts. Instantly makes me want to throw up and I will throw up if I eat some unknowingly, like gelatin. It just makes me psychically ill to eat that kinda of stuff. I'm borderline vegan so I cut out a lot of animal products from my diet.

For some reason bananas always grossed me out. I can't stand the smell or taste of them. Even just smelling them makes me gag. Most other things I can handle.

spunky is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 03:30 PM

I don't eat any red meat or dairy products. I am lactose-intolerant and I don't like the taste of red meat. I usually stick to chicken and fish for dinner.

Feralprince is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 03:35 PM

I will eat almost anything that respirates. Plant, animal, fungus, as long as it wont kill me. I especially love fish and other sea creatures, especially invertebrates like lobsters and shrimps.

However, I will not eat pickled herring... ewwww. Its super oily fishy tasting fish, in heavy cream, with strong onions. 3 things, that while tasty separate, taste like seal vomit when you put them together.

I also wont eat pigs feet... or really anythings feet, fast food hamburgers or other really shitty greasy meat, and gross syrupy candies that are basically just pure HFCS. Ick.

spunky is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 03:39 PM

Pickled herring does not sound appetizing either. I've never had it but it doesn't sound good from the way you described it.

Feralprince is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 03:42 PM

To be fair, most things don't sound very good when you describe them as reminiscent of seal vomit. XD

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 04:56 PM

In my experience, most pickled things that aren't cucumbers tend to be highly questionable. XP

As per the meat, I just don't eat anything unless it's well cooked. I'll never get people who want to eat basically raw burgers, etc. I also refuse to eat lamb. I've tried it several times and hate it.

SpIdErS iN tHe BrAiN
MinakoAxule is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 04:58 PM

I don't like tomato at all... I don't even like spagetti sauce..... I can't drink V8!!!! Blah it taste like vomit mixed with metal.... >0<

I also won't even try any of those weird pickled things other than pickles. I hate snails, cooked veggies (I love veggies raw but not cooked), lima beans, peppers, and frozen foods. I have to eat my food fresh I can't stand anything that is frozen or fried due to fat content and the healthy frozen foods use way too many peppers...

Yeah I must be picky but those are the foods I hate. Oh also fake veggie sushi I will not eat... I tried one and it taste like plastic not even a hint of food....

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 05:06 PM

I'm a really fussy eater so I don't eat loads ha. The main ones that spring to mind are: fish, mushrooms, kidney beans, haggis, green beans, mince, venison, cheap ham, white cheese, brown rice, brown bread, carrots, fried eggs, square sausage, black/red/white pudding, cheese and onion crisps and noodles

SpIdErS iN tHe BrAiN
MinakoAxule is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 05:18 PM

Vinyl everything except the ham and red pudding I love... We would not be able to eat together lol!

Paranoid Doll
The Romantic Nerd
Paranoid Doll is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 05:20 PM

sashimi. never will i touch sashimi. i tried it once
and the texture... i just don't deal well with things
that are gelatinous yet solid at the same time... it
weirds me out. > o > i just... i just can't. lol x u x

umyuuu~ o 3 o

but i love sushi otherwise.

and i'm pretty much open to most things if not a bit
of everything~ > u <U <33


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