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Shadami is offline
Old 05-07-2013, 03:23 PM

We bought mary a baby tablet. it's this kid friendly one that you can have even peanut butter covered fingers on the screen and its fine. or drop it and its fine. it's got bumpers on it. And it has educational games on it . like flash cards to show how to spell, and the alphabet. what words start with what. and what the words look like as objects.
Even has how to write. drawing games. and games where she can click on different vehicles and hear the different sounds they make.

She loves the flash cards and is smart enough to have already figured out how to get into her favorite games and flip the "pages" on it and everything. It's also finally getting her to learn the correct orientation to hold a real book.

xuvrette is offline
Old 05-07-2013, 05:14 PM

Aww... if it is those educational games, then it sure would be helpful!
Toddlers are so cute~ <33

the one and only

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Old 05-07-2013, 05:22 PM

I know!! i can't wait to find out what gender my next one is <3

xuvrette is offline
Old 05-07-2013, 05:25 PM

I thought you want the surprise? XD

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-07-2013, 06:28 PM

lol my niece learned how to delete all her games on her tablet... so the safest thing to put in front of her is drawing material...

xuvrette is offline
Old 05-07-2013, 07:28 PM

What is so fun of deleting games?
Oi wait... do you mean she dislike games to the extent of deleting ALL of them?

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-07-2013, 07:46 PM

No she LOVES games... but she needs games she can't delete...

the one and only

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Old 05-07-2013, 11:08 PM

oh . no. i just don't have the insurance right now to get into the doctors...

xuvrette is offline
Old 05-08-2013, 06:15 AM

hmm? Shadamimi you didn't go for periodical check?

the one and only

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Old 05-18-2013, 12:26 AM

I can't get in yet.. i'm waiting for my insurance to come threw... We kind of lost the old one when my mom lost her job. So now I'm scrambling with odd art teaching jobs to make some money for the family. And trying not to stress the baby(ies?) that i don't know if they're healthy or not..

Though because i'm pretty sure i've been feeling movement. The baby should be fine?

xuvrette is offline
Old 05-18-2013, 05:07 AM

baby(ies)? huh? Could be twins? >.< *squee*

Actually, I thought pregnant woman tends to do check up, so... I thought you would be the same.
Insurance, insurance, insurance...

the one and only

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Old 05-18-2013, 09:27 PM

normally i would have been all over getting checked out >.< hence why i'm so nervous.

yeah. twisn run in my family

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 02:34 PM

@Shadami: Whereabouts do you live? Pregnancy is one of the few things that qualify you for state insurance free of charge.

As for art classes, I think it depends. I'm one of those "fundamentals are the building blocks of fun" types of people. So, I prefer art classes where you're taught technical skills and critiqued on technical/formal skills. The downside to those sorts of classes though is that sometimes it really stifles your own ideas. But, in the end I appreciate that. I like being challenged too take something I maynot like/want to do and find a way to make it my own.

Art professors can be annoying though. They like what they like. Sometimes that clashes.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 06:01 PM

Any decent teacher will teach you how to teach yourself, not how you have to do everything.

the one and only

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Old 05-19-2013, 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by TheEmpressofEvil View Post
@Shadami: Whereabouts do you live? Pregnancy is one of the few things that qualify you for state insurance free of charge.

As for art classes, I think it depends. I'm one of those "fundamentals are the building blocks of fun" types of people. So, I prefer art classes where you're taught technical skills and critiqued on technical/formal skills. The downside to those sorts of classes though is that sometimes it really stifles your own ideas. But, in the end I appreciate that. I like being challenged too take something I maynot like/want to do and find a way to make it my own.

Art professors can be annoying though. They like what they like. Sometimes that clashes.
Everything everyone is saying in here makes me realize how good of an art teacher my dad is. xD and how i hope to be like him. wow.

What he does is provides the tools of art. Ex: rule of thirds, line thickness. ect
teaches how to use them. And has people come up with there own art using those tools. Not actually judging on the subject of the art itself. I think that's what you're saying you like correct?

My color theory professor was all about if you don't make it exactly as she she's something in her head, than its not correct. I dropped out of that class because i couldn't stand it. I wanted to actually be taught something, not given an assignment with no guidelines and than being told i didn't follow the guidelines. blech.

And, i live in NY. And i have free insurance called medicaid. But around here... the OBGYNs do not take medicaid patients. So i've applied for another free insurance.. and am waiting.. have been for over a month for a reply to determine if i got the new insurance or not.
Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
Any decent teacher will teach you how to teach yourself, not how you have to do everything.
My dad is a good art teacher like that.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 06:11 PM

^^ That's good. In my CAD class my teacher would put something on the screen and say "Do this" and we would. THEN he would show us the technique he used.

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 06:13 PM

unfortunately decent teachers are something we seem to be lacking across the board everywhere. I've never had a teacher tell me I HAVE to do things exactly like they want it done. But I have had them say. "This project is to be done in a continuous line style, or this piece should use stuffmato, or this piece needs to be a blind contour drawing and then those would be mixed with other requirements like mediums used or color schemes." That's more what I mean by stifling. Sometiimes you have a subject to draw/paint/sculpt/etc and you have an idea that may not include charcoal reductions or specific color schemes.

've had teachers that are very big on skills. drilling in perspective, measuring, gesture drawing. I love all of that. that's what I meant by fundamentals. I'm more about that as far as art classes.

Last edited by TheEmpressofEvil; 05-19-2013 at 06:15 PM..

the one and only

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Old 05-19-2013, 06:13 PM

As long as i was showed how to use the tools in CAD i may have been able to do stuff... High school CAD I aced. even the 3D portion. But college... idk what it was. I could not grasp anything the teacher was trying to show.

---------- Post added 05-19-2013 at 02:16 PM ----------

Originally Posted by TheEmpressofEvil View Post
unfortunately decent teachers are something we seem to be lacking across the board everywhere. I've never had a teacher tell me I HAVE to do things exactly like they want it done. But I have had them say. This project is to be done in a continuous line style, or this piece should use stuffmato, or this piece needs to be a blind contour drawing and then those would be mixed with other requirements like mediums used or color schemes. That's more what I mean by stifling. Sometiimes you have a subject to draw/paint/sculpt/etc and you have an idea that may not include charcoal reductions or specific color schemes.
ah okay! So the lessons give you ideas, but the ideas don't satisfy all of the requirements.
I would do the other things on the side because an idea shouldn't be tossed.

Is it sad i don't know my art terms at all. *giggles* That's how little I've been actually taught in art classes. I'm like... "yup... make a thin line or a thick line. Continuous. with charcoal. with paint. whatever"
a wash? what is that?! oh watering down the paper first before you paint.... got it..

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 06:16 PM

Well my only art teacher had one thing right. She would give us a still art to draw and then where she failed was that she wouldn't help anyone... =.=
Like the completely untalented ones... she helped the good ones

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 06:21 PM

I had my side projects but they usually weren't related to what was in class lol. But that's because I just had interest in other things. I think I was lucky as far as art teachers. I think all of them really wanted to just take their students and fill up their art tool box with all of these techniques and methods that help build up your skills. It just helps you so much later onto have all of these techniques that you can go back to.

Ick. favoritism can just kill a class >.<

---------- Post added 05-19-2013 at 11:25 AM ----------

Hmmm you know.. I think a General Physician should still be able to check you out. I can't imagine they'd say no. Most county officies do have the necessary equipment to do it. If you haven't yet, I'd just make a few calls to medicaid and see. I know one of the things most states are good at is making sure women and children have options for healthcare, and shelter, etc. Its just you kind of have to struggle to find it all by yourself >.<

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 06:27 PM

Yeah I failed a class due to favoritism once. Teacher thought everyone should be at the level of the freaking genius in the class... always told us to just read the book.

Nothing wrong with trying to teach all the techniques. I mean certain art works have specific techniques. Like calligraphy.

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 06:34 PM

:( Teachers like that are just upsetting. I can't imagine many people loved art after that experience.

the one and only

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Old 05-19-2013, 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
Well my only art teacher had one thing right. She would give us a still art to draw and then where she failed was that she wouldn't help anyone... =.=
Like the completely untalented ones... she helped the good ones
My drawing II class in college had a teacher that i'm so thankful didn't do that! What he actually did was spend the most time with the people that really needed help, and would give small pointers to those who were talented. I'm gonna say i was about in the middle. . . lol

Originally Posted by TheEmpressofEvil View Post
I had my side projects but they usually weren't related to what was in class lol. But that's because I just had interest in other things. I think I was lucky as far as art teachers. I think all of them really wanted to just take their students and fill up their art tool box with all of these techniques and methods that help build up your skills. It just helps you so much later onto have all of these techniques that you can go back to.

Ick. favoritism can just kill a class >.<

---------- Post added 05-19-2013 at 11:25 AM ----------

Hmmm you know.. I think a General Physician should still be able to check you out. I can't imagine they'd say no. Most county officies do have the necessary equipment to do it. If you haven't yet, I'd just make a few calls to medicaid and see. I know one of the things most states are good at is making sure women and children have options for healthcare, and shelter, etc. Its just you kind of have to struggle to find it all by yourself >.<
I wish... my pysician wouldn't even tell me if the medicine i wanted to take would be okay. She just told me to go see my OBGYN, and when i told her i didn't have one since i just moved back to the area and my last one is 60 miles away.. she told me to set up an appointment myself at one specific doctor because it was in another place she worked... And that dr wouldn't see me because i'm on medicaid.
so i looked all other places in the area and ended up in tears because each one told me not to call back until i had good insurance.
and i'm sitting here panicking.. possibly halfway into the second trimester with no idea if the baby is okay. Or even when i'm due. And meanwhile each day i'm getting more and more exhausted because i have so much i'm doing. like... 5 jobs...*sighs*
plus my one year old.
and oh boy do i hate to complain like this.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 06:55 PM

I was at the bottom... basically... I am talentless in the drawing department...

One time I wanted to ask a question and the teacher went out to help some students and said she would be back to help me and 2 bloody hours later she came back and I had lost so much time I didn't bother doing the assignment...

Basically I spent about 2 hours writing poetry instead of doing art.

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 05-19-2013, 07:09 PM

@Shadami: Awwww no worries. Complain away! Its good for you to get it out. Especially right now. Does medicaid cover hospital trips... like ER check ins >.> because, if it does, you could go n and say you're experiencing more pain than you think is normal... and they'll check you out there. granted you have to wait forever.... but they'll do it... I know that's, you know, scheming/lying and whatnot, but it might be one way to get you checked out and put your mind at ease. Unless the ER tells you to go home because you're not bleeding. >.<

@TheWanderingPoet: I so blame your art teacher for that attitude. Art is really not a gift that you're born with. you can work at it and get better. Art is definitely one of those things where practice helps. I'm sure you're not as bad as you think you are. Especially since you seem to love it. :D


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