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Kilia is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 04:18 PM

Welcome to Igarashi Academy!!!!!!!

This academy has been standing here for hundreds of years. It was first originally the mansion to a very large and prestigious family until the tragedy that happened to the last heir. Though now that it is a school, that part does not matter at all, well it does but our story has nothing to do with classes. In fact it deals with a mannequin and four students.

You see even though no one knows what happened to the Igarashi heir, there is only one thing that probably knows but the old inanimate object can not move or talk to tell what exactly happened. It is often said that the mannequin resembles the missing heir as the picture next to it shows. What most do not know is that this mannequin comes to life at night time, though only four people from four different wizard and witches families know this about the mannequin after all they were sent there because of the strong and powerful curse that was placed on him.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 04:21 PM

  1. Respect the other role players
  2. No God-modding
  3. Listen to these rules
  4. No Power playing
  5. Remember when you role play you role play in third person
  6. Keep all out of character talk to inside (these)
  7. Apply all Menewsha rules
  8. Mind the selected age range
  9. Love is encouraged as are scandals and other such dramatic things
  10. You can play up to as many characters as you want as long as you can handle it
  11. Literacy is crucial. Please use proper English
  12. One liners are NOT accepted under any circumstances
  13. Flaming is not allowed
  14. Purposely hurting other Menewsha users is just downright cruel. Don't do it.
  15. pm profiles to me labeled Igarashi Student, Mind you i am only accepting a few since very large rps can get out of hand

Kilia is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 04:24 PM





Age: (between 16 and 18)


Languages Spoken:

Eye Color:

Hair Color:



Distinguishing Markings(Tattoos, Piercings, etc):



Blood Type:


Love Interest:




Other Important Items/Equipment:


Last edited by Kilia; 03-25-2013 at 05:06 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 05:08 PM

The Mannequin!!!

Name: Emery Cloud Igarashi

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Em, Cloud, EmC

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Birthdate: October 31

Languages Spoken: To many to keep track of

Eye Color: Gold

Hair Color: Black

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 163 pds

Distinguishing Markings: has several scars

Disability: Is half deaf

Allergies: Allergic to mint

Blood Type: AB-

Sexuality: Bisexual

Love Interest: None

Family: Was the Igarashi Family before they died off. Igarashi family was know to be the most powerful magical family out there, so powerful in fact that they only produced one child for each generation so that the line may continue on and if something happened to that child there was nothing they could, the could not have another. Thus was the curse of their family, cursed to only have one child every generation. The family soon was thought to have died off, unknowing of what happened to the last heir.

Abilities: Turns into a mannequin during the day, did have magical powers before he was cursed, now he is just a normal human mannequin that can see the unseen

Weapons: his family sword

Other Important Items/Equipment: None

Secret: Is cursed

Last edited by Kilia; 04-16-2013 at 01:35 AM..

Kilia is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 05:09 PM

The Witches/Wizards

Originally Posted by Arechi

Name: Aura Morta Grim

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): 'Unlucky' Aura, Grim

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birth date: February 1st

Languages Spoken: English and Latin

Eye Color: Dark Amber

Hair Color: White

Height: 5'6”

Weight: 135 lbs

Distinguishing Markings(Tattoos, Piercings, etc): Tattoo of a the face of a black cat on the upper left side of her chest. There are various cuts on her fingers and arms.

Disability: Her extreme allergy to metal. Her left eye is also fake.

Allergies: Chocolate, precious metals, and rabbit fur

Blood Type: O-

Sexuality: Straight

Love Interest: None at the moment

The Grim Family

A family of witches and wizards that are more closely aligned with the underside of society. Externally they appear merely as a 'normal' and upstanding family of summoners with ideals of nobility and justice with a 'sweet candy coating'. Any constant interaction within the family however will reveal it to be merely a farce of an image. The family is heavily involved in many underhand dealings. Rumors have floated around the family studies forbidden magics and have had heavy involvements in crimes and massacres of various families. With a true nature of being cunning and ruthless the Grim family members are quick in their wits, and generally cover their tracks and involvements well enough to have these rumors of illegal dabblings appear nothing more as rumors. Many of this family suffer from extreme allergic reactions however, and so are generally seen with most of their skin covered in black garments. Each family member also bears a tattoo of a black cat somewhere on their body to label them as part of 'The Grim'.

Abilities: Translating ancient languages, creating temporary seals, and her knowledge and abilities to understand and use a forbidden magic at a price.

Weapons: A wooden stick

Other Important Items/Equipment: Wears a black cloth mask over her mouth and nose when in the presence of metal objects, including when in school. Will also put on special plastic gloves, under white cloth gloves if forced to hold any metal object.

Secret: Despite her 'harmless' appearance, and her family's claim at merely being animal summoner type magic users, she is able to use the forbidden blood and necromantic magic, the true magic type of the Grim family. Her family also has potential ties to the eradication of various magical families.
Originally Posted by Staria

Name: Sibylla Aiman

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Sy

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthdate: August 1

Languages Spoken: English, french, Latin

Eye Color: Teal

Hair Color: Brown with blond highlights

Height: 5'8''

Weight: 145

Distinguishing Markings(Tattoos, Piercings, etc): A black, tribal crescent moon on her ankle

Disability: Limps and can not run or move too quickly due to an injury to her right leg which is also covered in burn scars. Due to this she always wears long skirts or opaque tights.

Allergies: mushrooms

Blood Type: 0-

Sexuality: Bisexual

Love Interest: Uncertain

Family: Mother (sort of), and twin brother(sort of). The Aiman family is an ancient and powerful magic family who is both feared and respected by others. The women tend to be more powerful then the men but this most recent generation seems an exception. They specialize in spirit, life/healing, and plant magic generally as the eldest male heir seems to hold most of those powers rather then the eldest daughter. He is the day to her night, her twin. Many seek the Aiman's power which is rumored to hold a secret to eternal life and for that reason they tend to be very picky in selecting their mates which has resulted in the family growing smaller and smaller.

Abilities: Cast spells, specializing in Night magic. She mainly can control/manipulate Spirit, Shadow, and Wind magic. Shapeshift into a cat.

Weapons: A trick sword cane, also a strange metal and crystal staff covered with her spirit symbol, the crescent moon. It typically hides as a crescent moon shaped charm on her bracelet.

Other Important Items/Equipment: The charm bracelet that runs in the Aiman family. It is given to the oldest girl in the family on her sixteenth birthday and is said to hold incredible powers. Due to her secret, however, she can only summon her spirit weapon from it.

Secert: She is actually a homunculus type creature created from a cat by the actual Sibylla as a playmate. During an accidental fire, however, the true Sibylla was killed when the two were five and she took her place at the dying girls request. She knows the great magic family will eventually figure out the truth and fears their wrath but feels she owes the girl too much to go against her wishes.
Originally Posted by Daeman35

Tygerlia Kagashiro
Ty, Tiger Lily, Tiger
October 13th
Languages Spoken:
Latin, Greek, English, Japanese
Eye Color:
Saphire Blue eyes
Hair Color:
Distinguishing Markings(Tattoos, Piercings, etc):
There is a tattoo all down her whole right side. She has a tattoo of a tiger on her shoulder
She has extreme dislexia. She can not read very well due to the numbers and letters constantly changing in front her eyes.
Allergic to most medications and processed everyday items such as toothpaste and processed foods.
Blood Type:
Love Interest:
Tygerlia's father is a full blooded Japanese wizard, whereas her mother is a Greek witch. Her father had met her mother when his family went on a trip to find more magical places through the Greek Islands. As soon as he found the most magical place he could, there was a woman who just mesmerized his eyes as she came out fo the surf. Her magical aura just seemed so vivid and they bonded so well, that his parents were forced to agree to the marriage with her. Of course it was against their better judgement, but she was magical so she did fit one of the qualities on their list. Her brother, Akira
The elements have always been imperative to the Greek side of her family. As soon as she was born, her mother anointed her, with her father's permission, as the elementalist of the family. Her brother had already followed down her father's path, so they knew she might follow down her mother's. And they were right. She has control over the elements wind, air, water, and fire. Due to this control, she is unable to read and write because it gave her dyslexia and unfortunately it made her allergic to all medications that had chemicals in them not made from plants or any other nature. It makes her unbelievably sick to eat or take anything that is processed, but needs fresh food. Besides the magical aspects of her abilities, she is able to do a bit of martial arts and dances very well.
Tygerlia uses a pair of sais that are always in her boots. Another weapon she has is a bow and quiver of arrows that she only uses for hunting, but if needed, she will use them against others.
Other Important Items/Equipment:
A choker has been passed down to every female that controls the elements. It creates a more concentrated space for her to use her magic. It was passed down from generation to generation in her family, the only problem with the choker is that if she does let it touch any sort of chemical, it shrinks a centimeter, but it grows back if she washes it and puts a drop of blood on it as sacrifice. The catch is that she can not take it off from around her neck.
Her father's side of the family has tried multiple times to kill her. In order to save her life, she had to kill every last member of that side of the family that wanted her dead. She put fear into her eyes. Unfortunately, that part of her had to be put deeply back down inside of her by her brother and father. They had to lock it away, but there is always a chance that it will come back out to bite her in the butt. Her killer instinct forced her to a dark side that her family was never suppose to go, now she has to make sure that it stays suppressed.
Originally Posted by flamethrower1391

Name: Akira Hasegawa

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Kira

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthdate: November 13

Languages Spoken: English, German, Irish, Japanese, Anishinaabe (Native American language of the Ottawa tribe), and last but not least, Latin.

Eye Color: Orange

Hair Color: Lavender

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 133 lbs.

Distinguishing Markings(Tattoos, Piercings, etc): She has many tattoos from a butterfly to a dragon.

Disability: When not on medication, she can be quite bipolar. Also paranoid.

Allergies: Dusts, some medicines, and bees

Blood Type: O+

Sexuality: Straight, she thinks.

Love Interest: Tacos, sure as hell can't get enough of them.

Family: The Hasegawa family is not fairly known in the wizarding world. The whole family is paranoid that the world would find out about them and murder every last one of them. Her father moved around a lot by himself when he happened upon a Native American tribe in Canada. There he meet the witch doctor's daughter and fell madly in love with her. The two had two children, Akira and Setsutarou. Many generations ago they were thought to be one of the most powerful families there was (very good with runes). Now everyone has thought them to have died out long ago.

Abilities: She can animate her tattoos and command them (sometimes she animates them just to talk to them). She can make flowers grow out of the palm of her hand. Also, good with runes.

Weapons: Bladed tonfas are her weapons of choice. Each have a rune on them to keep them sharp.

Other Important Items/Equipment: She stores a little bit of energy every-so-often in her choker creating a large pool to tap from.

Secret: She acts like she's tough, but she really isn't.

Name: Setsutarou Hasegawa

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Setsu

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Birthdate: October 20

Languages Spoken: English, German, Irish, Japanese, Anishinaabe, and Latin

Eye Color: Maroon

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 148 lbs.

Distinguishing Markings(Tattoos, Piercings, etc): Birthmark of a crescent moon on his bottom.

Disability: Paranoid of everyone.

Allergies: Shellfish

Blood Type: O-

Sexuality: Straight

Love Interest: Will not mention

Family: The Hasegawa family is not fairly known in the wizarding world. The whole family is paranoid that the world would find out about them and murder every last one of them. Her father moved around a lot by himself when he happened upon a Native American tribe in Canada. There he meet the witch doctor's daughter and fell madly in love with her. The two had two children, Akira and Setsutarou. Many generations ago they were thought to be one of the most powerful families there was (very good with runes). Now everyone has thought them to have died out long ago.

Abilities: He can an extent. If it is a broken bone or something life-threatening, he has to draw energy from the souls that he calls forth. Also, very good with runes.

Weapons: Katana with a rune on it to keep it sharp.

Other Important Items/Equipment: His glasses are not for his sight but rather to see the spirits around him.

Secret: He has a thing for a certain someone, but is too paranoid to act upon it.

Name: Leon Aiman

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Leo, Lee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthdate: August 1

Languages Spoken: English, french, Latin

Eye Color: Teal

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 5 foot 11 1/2

Weight: 150 pds

Distinguishing Markings(Tattoos, Piercings, etc):

Disability: has none

Allergies: Cats

Blood Type: O+

Sexuality: Straight

Love Interest: unknown

Family: Mother, and twin sister (sort of). The Aiman family is an ancient and powerful magic family who is both feared and respected by others. The women tend to be more powerful then the men but this most recent generation seems an exception. They specialize in spirit, life/healing, and plant magic generally as the eldest male heir seems to hold most of those powers rather then the eldest daughter. He is the day to her night, her twin. Many seek the Aiman's power which is rumored to hold a secret to eternal life and for that reason they tend to be very picky in selecting their mates which has resulted in the family growing smaller and smaller.

Abilities: spirit, life/healing, and plant magic

Weapons: various knives, mostly throwing knives

Other Important Items/Equipment: has a pocket watch with a picture of him and his real twin, back when they were so close that they could pass for each other if they wanted too

Secert: Deep down he knows that his twin is dead but will not admit to it

Last edited by Kilia; 04-16-2013 at 01:37 AM..

Kilia is offline
Old 03-25-2013, 05:12 PM

NPCs' with Pics

Elizabeth "Lizzie"

Last edited by Kilia; 03-28-2013 at 07:55 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 07:40 PM

Other Tidbits!!!

Also on a random note anyone who wants to play her (or rather the real Sybilla's) twin brother can XD.

Also we can have more then five players i just want it to be rather small is all just not to many people because very large rps can get crazy and out of hand is all lol

Last edited by Kilia; 03-28-2013 at 07:52 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 03-28-2013, 07:40 PM


Kilia is offline
Old 03-29-2013, 07:53 PM

Your parents had explained to you that you would be going to an academy because of the sheer magical magnitude of the place, though what they did not explain was that it was based in the center of a magical nexus. Meaning anything magical, good and evil was drawn to the place, and that it was your job to protect it for the greater good. They also did not tell you anything about the history of the place so you were going into it basically blind, unknown was the fact that the family that used to live there had at one point been looking at one of your ancestors as a possible mate.

After you had been given your school uniform, all your things packed up into a black van, with you in the passenger seat. Your eyes lingered upon your home for a few moments before the car sped off, the city flying by your window as quickly and legally as possible until it gave away to a nine foot stone wall. You don't know how long you had followed that wall, with trees sticking up over the top of it. You couldn't help and wonder if it was a private forest that someone did not want people to enter.

Much to your surprise, the black van turned down a small gravel road to only stop at a wrought iron gate that stood at ten feet. The gate caught your attention because above it, in the arch was the family name Igarashi. As you looked the gate over you saw that it made two tree designs on each one, magical symbols were even in it with stones that were clear that some have tired to steal them. Right smack dab in the middle of the gate, where the driver had taken a hold off the handle to open it. You could barely make out the crest that was there.

Once the drive got back into the van, driving through the gate only to get back out once on the other side to close it, you could see trees lining the road, the canopy hide the path from the golden sunlight above. You glance at the driver as he gives you a small smile as he soon drives down the road once more. You could see animals, varies flowers and plants around, you even sworn that you saw a sugar glider moving from between one tree and another, but before you could make sure that you were seeing the strange creatures that you were, the van broke out of the trees. Causing the sunlight to hit your eyes and blind you for a moment.

Once you were able to see once more you couldn't help but gasp at the magnitude of the academy that you were now going too. It was vast and there were several new buildings, statues out in the courtyard. As you took it all in you noticed that there was one building off to the side that seemed to be older and more natural to the surroundings then the new parts of the academy. Once your luggage was taken to your room in that old building, before you knew it a black haired female, that seemed younger then you and more innocent was standing in front of you with a smile on her face.

"Welcome to Igarashi Academy. You can call me Lizzie. I am part of the welcoming committee." said to the female to you all as she bowed politely, a smile on her face before she motioned for you to follow her. She gave you a tour of the whole place, explaining everything to you, leaving the old building where you would be staying at for last. Upon entering the building, you instantly see a male mannequin dressed in frilly female clothes, a colorful boa was tossed around his neck but what caught your attention the most where the gold eyes that seemed so human, that just seemed to watch you.

"Now let me tell you about this place." she said in a creepy ominous voice that did not fit how she looked at all. "A long time ago this place belonged to a family.....this family was the Igarashi family. If you saw the gate you would have noticed their family crest and family name above it. You should also know that their family's motto is to Expect the Unexpected. Though the e or y had long ago fallen off or been taken off. But what i am about to tell you deals with him." she said to you all as she pointed to the manniquin and the picture behind it with the name Emery Cloud Igarashi. "The story that surrounds this place is one that has been here since before the academy was created. You see a long time ago there was a man named Emery. He was to wed a woman from one of the five noble families. Well being the man that he was he just could not do so and thus turned them all down." she said to them in a voice that was barely above a whisper, looking around to make sure that she had everyone's attention before she continued on.

"Though one of the girls that he had turned down, did not take it well at all. It is said that she murdered the male, burying his body in his own garden. But no one knows for sure, all they know is that he disappeared and that the family of the girl that supposedly took it hard and made him disappear also disappeared never to be heard from again. Despite the fact that he had disappeared, all that anyone could find that belonged to him was this picture and Mannequin. It is also said that if you are up late at night that you would find this mannequin gone, maybe even see it moving about in the corridors of this very dorm. Alright! You may now explore the dorms but mind you to be very careful during the night....strange things have been going on and some people have been going missing." she said to them seriously before she smiled like a child once more, cocking her head to the side to the side before she chuckled, skipping out of the entryway to leave everyone to their devices as she went off to met the next group of new students that were soon going to be joining the festivities.


Staria is offline
Old 03-29-2013, 08:40 PM

The dirty blond had leaned on her gloved hand the entire car ride, her teal eyes distant and uncaring. She was unsure about this trip, especially knowing her twin brother attended the same school. He'd been so distant lately, she was sure he suspected something. His eyes had once looked at her with such love but now his emotions seemed bared beneath a deep pool where she could never reach. She had always been the perfect sister, the perfect daughter, all for sake of her promise but in the case of her 'brother' she had grown to genuinely care for him. He was so like bella..... the real bella. She sighed at the thought, reaching over and playing absently with the crescent moon charm on her bracelet. In her mind she could still hear the voice of the other girl, her first friend who had stolen her away from a cruel man who hated cats....

"You're so like the moon Kitty miss, dark and light all mixed together.... That's it! I'm calling you Luna! My Little Bitty Luna! Is that okay?" The small dirty blond had said before laughing, the sound so like that of a bell that it had almost startled the feline. Bella had looked near tears and said she was so sorry. It was so cute and sincere that Sy, then luna, had been unable to keep from licking the girls cheek to let her know it was okay. Bella had instantly cheered and hugged the feline Sy tightly, saying they'd be friends forever so nobody would hurt Sy again. Somehow she had known Bella meant every word, being a naturally earnest child. Sy smiled at the memory, still her mind could not linger long before she felt the vehicle stop.

"Oh goodie...." She said simply in a whisper under her breath in response to the tour, but she managed a smile anyway. She didn't like walking around very far, and the way she limped as she leaned on her decorative cane gave little doubt why. She would nod politely to information now and then but stayed otherwise quiet and reserved until they finally reached the place they would all be staying. She walked over to the mannequin, it's gold eyes rather reminding her of a cat. A dark smile briefly crossed her features at the irony as she leaned forward on her cane to peer at them closely. They were far more detailed then your usual mannequin, perhaps they were made of glass? She felt her curiosity stir and felt her spirit magic seem to wake with it, then again this whole place was filled with spirits that were hardly well rested.

She suppressed a sigh, there was just too much here for her senses to take in. Spirits of dark and light, all stirring around this place in a way she'd never felt before. Perhaps if she meditated she could at least block them out, though she doubted she could identify anything. The energy of this place was ..... off somehow. She pushed it away the thought as she leaned back a little from the mannequin's face, only then noticing it's state of dress. It was an irony really..... her loose black slacks and the dress shirt over her feminine tee were far more masculine then his state of dress. She couldn't help but giggle as she realized how the two must contrast, even with all the jewelry she wore and decorative metal belt undoubtedly revealing her gender even if her curves hadn't already. She leaned on the cane with one hand and reached out the other to pick up the tip of the boa and twirl it slightly.

"Someone has quite a sense of humor it seems." She murmured, though whether to herself or any others was anyone's guess. Sy had a habit of talking to herself when puzzled, nervous, or surprised. She gave the boa a gentle tug before releasing it and reaching up to adjust her pack again. She had most of her things sent prior but she had a few personal items in the small back pack, including a photo of her brother. She stepped back, turning her gaze onto the rest of the main room in thought. She wasn't sure about this place really, why did her family send her here? What was her mother up to this time? Her mother could be hopelessly devious when she had a mind.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 04-02-2013, 03:10 PM

The single dark amber eye stared bored out the car window, while the fake, unseeing eye was turned in the same direction. Aura couldn't help but let out a sigh as she tried her best to sit rigid and proper in the car as it drove on, and her mind wandered to the thoughts of attending an academy. She had been more then reluctant to enter the vehicle that would drive her away from the security of her home. She would be the first of the Grim family to once again be schooled in a public domain, rather then in the privacy of their own home where her metal allergy wouldn't be a risk. Even now she was forced to wear the blackened surgical mask for safety reasons.

She couldn't help thinking this whole thing to be nothing more then a bad idea. Absently a gloved hand came up to cover the fake eye as she couldn't help remembering the last time her family had, had the ingenious idea of trying out a school that contained peers around her age. It had been an accident, Aura knew that as much, however it didn't stop the fact that the boy during her science class had been goofing around with the metal tongs that smacked her left eye, or the fact that because of her allergy the said eye had been lost to her. Letting out another sigh she let her hand fall to her lap over an ancient looking tome, careful of course to avoid the buckle of the seat belt.

Feeling the van stop once then twice, the white haired Grim couldn't help but feel a sense of reluctance well up within her. Glancing back she let out another sigh as she figured it was too late to turn back now as the gates were closed and the van drove on. At the third and final stop of the journey should couldn't help but feel a little anxious to get out as quickly as possible, as she was let out, all the while clutching her precious book to her. She had to suppress a groan however as she soon found herself crammed into a tour group. 'Just what I wanted, to be surrounded by people so early on' she thought with a bit of irritation. It was bad enough to be stuck in a potential mechanical death trap for so long, she now needed to dodge the various fashion accessories that could pose potential harm.

Like a lamb to the slaughter Aura followed the group, listening in occasionally on what the younger looking girl, whom introduced herself as Lizzie, had to say. It wasn't really until the tour came upon the old building that the white haired witch's interest was peaked. Her gaze was immediately drawn towards the oddly dressed male mannequin, while listening closely to the history behind it. At first she had been slightly disappointed with the idea that it was thought a jealous woman murdered the young man and simply hid the body. 'What kind of excitement is that? People murder people all the time...' she thought with a heavy sigh as she was just about to tune out the rest of the girl's long story of the place. At hearing the rumor of the walking object and people going missing however her interest was once more raised. 'A curse perhaps?' she thought excitedly to herself as her mind began running through possible scenarios. Aura turned to see if she could inquire further, however merely saw the departing, skipping form of Lizzie.

Hearing one of the girls on the tour mumbling something about sense of humor, Aura's gaze couldn't help but once more settle on the sitting mannequin. “Perhaps, it's quite a shame though, whomever crafted it, had quite the artistic touch. Even the eyes look realistic, perhaps more so then mine” she replied behind the black surgical mask, shifting her one eye to peer at the other girl. Even with the limp, it was clear the girl was at least two inches taller then her, which Aura couldn't simply chalk up to poofy hair as she would with most others. “Maybe the mannequin dressed himself” she added suddenly with a laugh as she recalled the rumor of the object walking on its own.


Staria is offline
Old 04-05-2013, 06:35 PM

As the other girl spoke those glittering teal eyes shifted to the other woman, studying the pale haired woman in a curious and admittedly cat like fashion. Sy tried not to be so standoffish, but both her experience and her cat like nature seemed to make her so. Just one of those small differences between her and Bella, though many presumed it was simply the horror of the fire and the death of a nanny within it. No one even knew why the nanny had been there really, it was her night off. Sy did nothing to dissuade this and in fact rarely had friends as that was just someone else to notice something was off about the creation. Still, she forced herself to blink, something she rarely did naturally, and managed a small smile. There was a slightly creepy, darkly amused hint to that smile as there often was.

"If so he might be worth meeting, there has to be a story behind that fashion statement alone. I have to admit, the craftmanship is amazing really... I've never seen eyes like that on anything but born inside the head of a cat." She said quietly, her voice becoming gentle after the statement of fashion. She doubted many men could get away with dressing that way without consequences... then again her family was very proper, very stuffy. They hadn't even really liked her wearing pants though she did often enough as was her nature. To her bones she was a cat, always inclined to do things on her own. She watched the other woman a moment, unabashedly briefly glancing at the mask. She hesitated but ultimately decided it was in their best interest she ask. Wouldn't want to go and harm someone without meaning to?

"I hate to ask but seeing that mask..... Would you happen to have an allergy or something would you? If I can avoid exposing you to something I will." She tilted her head to the side in a cat like tilt as she gazed at her. She half wished she was in her half cat or cat like form, it was amazing what a good sniff could tell you. She hated the limitations of her human form but her cat like form provided mainly only her senses. Her back leg was damaged in that form as well, as it had been when she'd tried to drag out the real Bella. Of course her then tiny form was built for agility and speed, not strength. If it hadn't been for the last spell of the real Bella she'd be dead too for all her trying.

\ (•◡•) /
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Old 04-14-2013, 06:05 AM

Akira was glad to be out of that van. The ride there was quite boring. Yeah, the scenery was beautiful, but sitting there for that long got really irritating. Now, she could her legs and explore. First thing on her agenda was checking out the mannequin. It fascinated her. She didn't believe the story that it came to life, but then again weren't they all witches and wizards at this academy? Anything could be possible. For all she knew, it could be someone who thought of this all up. Take a picture of themselves in old time clothing and stand there all day, claiming to be this Emery dude.

She reached for it's hand and felt the smooth plastic that clearly said it was not human. "What a shame. He's quite handsome. Too bad he's not real." With that, she turned and walked away to find out what dorm was hers. She had to put her crap somewhere. Besides, she didn't want to listen to her brother blab on and on about rules and what you should and shouldn't do.

Setsutarou was headed for the dorms when he saw his little sister walk up to the mannequin and grab it. He protested of course, but she ignored him. "You can't just go around touching stuff that isn't yours. That thing is really old. What if you broke it. Yeah, we can fix it like that, but still. Are you listening? Where are you going?"

He stood there stunned even though this was something he'd expect from her. He just wished one day she'd actually listen to him. Maybe she'd get in less trouble, and what if it was something life-threatening? She doesn't always know what's best for her. She hardly ever listened to their parents either. But she'd just have to learn from her mistakes if that's what it took.

"Why do I always have to deal with her?" He said with a sigh before heading toward the dorms like he ordinarily planned.

Kilia is offline
Old 04-14-2013, 09:22 PM

Leo had already been at the school for the past two years, so he knew more about the manniquin then most people did, he also knew that everyone else was nothing but human, after all the witches and wizards had long been forgotten. He was leaning against the wall, having been watching his "twin" as she moved about and talked with the one of the other new students who was dressed in black. His eyes narrowed slightly as he thought about Emery had told him about his past, that was when it clicked that this female was more then likely one of the witch families that he was told about. He moved over to them, suspicious of his twin, his gut tightening as it told him that she was not who he thought it was. "I am very sure that his fashion statement is not something that he chose." he said in a slightly harsh voice to them his mouth twitching up into a slight smile before it fell back into a serious look as he looked everyone in the group over, most have left already, like Akira going off to find a room, whom he did not know, unlike her brother Setsu whom he saw go after her, he knew about the male, in fact they were friends, bonding over the fact they were the only wizards in the school.


Staria is offline
Old 04-14-2013, 10:07 PM

Sy raised an eyebrow at the other female but said nothing. She didn't get the impression that either of the two siblings were really talking to her but more to each other. She simply watched them, thinking both were attractive but very different even in looks. She shrugged to herself then, absently thinking they'd be interesting before she turned back to the white haired girl. She wondered what the girl would answer regarding the allergy when she felt a familiar presence. She hadn't noticed him earlier, her head having been full of all the spirits in this place as she was particularly sensitive. She suppressed a wince at the harsh tone of his voice.... so it was going to be one of those days. He always seemed to teeter between apparently loving her and other times apparently wanting her to just disappear.

"I was mainly joking Leo... So... this is your dorm too brother?" She responded with a warm smile, trying to sound fairly cheerful even if inwardly she was a little uncertain. He always made her so unsure.... like he was looking too close at what she was doing. She leaned on her cane, only then thinking about what he said. He talked about the mannequin was alive..... Knowing her studious brother that probably meant that at least part of the time it was. Interesting... He would be the one to notice something like that.

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Old 04-15-2013, 01:47 AM

Setsu hesitated for a second. There was someone by the mannequin that looked familar that he hadn't realized was there before. He turned to check out the male with the teal eyes, well the only male there. He couldn't believe who it was. Leon Aiman, a friend of his. "It can't be. Leon?" He exclaimed. It had been a while since he had seen his friend with his family moving around a lot. It was amazing to have ran into him here.

"What are you doing here of all places?"

Akira looked around before disappearing around a corner. Everyday, she'd store a little energy in her choker. She never had to use it, but one should prepare for the possibility. What if a bunch of humans found out what she was? She'd have to animate her dragon tattoo and fly away. Then dye her hair again so no one could recognize her.

Her skinned glowed every time she used any energy. Luckily, it was daylight out, so no one should notice unless they looked directly at her. She could feel the pool of energy hum when she added more to it. For 5 years, she had been pouring a small amount of energy within it everyday. It would be able to sustain her far past her limit already.

With a sigh, she walked back around the corner to find someone to give her her dorm number and key. She wondered if she'd have a roommate and who'd it be. Earlier, she had noticed two girls looking at the mannequin too, one with white hair and dressed in all black and another that seemed to remind her of a cat for some odd reason. Could one of them be her roommate? What were they like? If they touched her crap without asking, she'd have to do something about it.

Kilia is offline
Old 04-17-2013, 01:49 AM

"This is everyone's dorm. Male and Female." Leon said to her as if it was the most stupidest question that she could possibly come up with to ask him. He turned his teal eyes from him, suspicion was written all over his face, though he was not watching her, he was very much aware of every move that the female made, sniffling a little bit as his eyes landed on Setsu when he made his way back over to him. "Hey Setsu." he said to him with a slight smile, giving him a three fingered wave as he looked around once more, glad that it was only a few people that was left hanging around. "I have been going to school here for the past two years. What about you? Oh yea....this is Sibylla. My twin." he said to the male as he introduced his sister to him, yes his voice had a bite to it, letting people know just how he was feeling towards his sister at the moment.

Last edited by Kilia; 04-17-2013 at 02:15 AM..


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Old 04-17-2013, 02:25 AM

Sy suppressed a wince as her brother spoke to her and simply gazed at the ground silently. She tried her best to get along but she knew when his instincts were flaring so strong there was nothing that could be done. Even if he sometimes was silently apologetic afterwards there was no living with him then. She couldn't blame him really, she was just a replacement, a copy. She could never be the real Bella no matter how she tried. "I'm sorry bella... I try, I really do, but somehow I always do something wrong." She thought absently as she stood there. Only as she was introduced did she raise her eyes and give Setsu a gentle if distant smile. She tried to make it a little warmer then usual since he was her brother's friend and seemed to make him happy.

"nice to meet you... I should really get to putting everything away." She said as she gave him a slightly joking salute. She then began to walk slowly towards the hall, her leg ensuring she never moved quickly. She gazed at the ground as she did so, a sigh escaping her lips after she had her back to both men. She was not normally submissive like that but Leo always intimidated her slightly when he was like this. If he really knew and ever revealed it there was no telling what would be done to her. She had no doubt that their mother would punish her severely, maybe even blame her for Bella's death and kill her. When he looked at her with such cold suspicion she sometimes wondered if Leo would kill her first... No matter how much she tried to love him as family.

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Old 04-17-2013, 05:22 PM

Setsu watched the girl walk away. It seemed that she wanted to get away from them as quickly as possible, but her pace was too slow. What an odd girl. I wonder why he doesn't like her. He could tell that there was something between them. You don't introduce someone like that if you liked them. Maybe it was just one of those sibling things. It was tougher between wizardry siblings than normal humans. One was usually more powerful than the rest, and some were born without powers at all. It was easy to get jealous and hate one another.

He turned his attention back to his friend before saying, "Two years? Wow! My parents just found out about this place a month ago. Something about it being highly magical. Would explain the mannequin story." He looked around at the other students at the school. They looked like ordinary humans, but one couldn't be sure. "Do you know if any of the others are like us?" He whispered to his friend.

Kilia is offline
Old 04-19-2013, 11:43 PM

Leon did not let his sister go unnoticed as she slipped away from him and his friend, he narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched her very closely, not letting a thing get out of his eye sight. "Yea. I am surprise that they would have just found out about it considering our families have been connected to this place for years." he said to his friend as he looked at him, blinking his teal eyes before pushing his bag behind a stand so that no one would notice it. After all he had to make sure that no one took the only pair of clothes that the manniquin had to change into at the moment. "From what i know......there are three other magical families in the area other then ours. Though that is just what i have heard. Anyways it is getting dark out and we are suppose to be in our rooms soon. After all this place is cursed." he said in an ominous voice, though his face said that he was serious, his laugh said other wise. "Anyways sorry i can't stay and chat some more but i have to talk with my sister." he said to him as he smiled, giving him a three fingered wave as he moved off towards his sister, pulling her off towards the side so that no one else could see them or listen to their conversation. "Bylla." he said to her, knowing that she hated that nickname now, but he didn't care after all she would always be his Bylla though. "It is rude of you to not even stay to have a conversation with him. You know that he is the only other male wizard in this school!" he said to her in a low slightly harsh whispered, as he stood in front of her, not letting her get out of the little nook that he had pulled her into. "You should know that we have to be in our rooms before dark." he said to her before he moved away, heading to his own room as he waited for the night to take over and everyone to fall a sleep before he left to go see Emery. Sure he had to admit that he was straight and that only female interested him but for some odd reason he liked Emery, the male just seemed female like to him and it drew him in, so he had to admit that he was slightly attracted to him.


Later During the Night

It was not long before a flash of light filled the front hall for a brief moment, in the next you could see that there was a living person standing where the manniquin once was, in the exact same clothes that he had been put into. He wrinkled his nose slightly as he yanked off the pink feather boa before he started to look around the area for the bag that Leon had stashed for him, sadly he did not find it. That only meant that someone had found it and thus must have put it in the lost and found. He groaned as he rubbed his face, he was going to be stuck in this stupid outfit until he was able to get new clothes. "Where is Leo?" he grumbled as he walked around the once great home trying to find something else to wear and his new friend. Though what he did not know was that the other witch families were there and had felt the magical energy that had came from him when he had taken his true form.


Staria is offline
Old 04-20-2013, 12:01 AM

Normally Sy would have punched somebody for pushing her into a corner like that, but leo... when she heard his voice she only winced and ducked her head. She muttered gently that she didn't know but said nothing else. She just pressed herself back into the corner and let him yell at her without another word. She let him leave the same way, only speaking once she was sure he was out of sight. 'Do you really want to get rid of me so badly now you'll marry me off to anyone?' She muttered to herself, hiding behind that gold and bronze hair a moment. She sighed softly, knowing better then to let him hurt her but walking to her room slowly with her hands in her pockets. She would only stay in her room a few hours, restless for various reasons

Also Later that night XD

Defiance... It was the nature of her. Sure, she'd listen to Leo in her constant vain attempt to make him care about her as she did him but anyone else telling her what to do just pissed her off. Now she had to do some night exploring! Her desire was only increased when she felt a flair of magic. She crept silently through the building, only pausing as she heard her brothers name. She moved towards the sound, glad that she had kept her feline silent motion even if she had lost her speed. She soon saw.....emery... so what she'd gathered was correct. Leo, Leo, Leo.... of course it'd be something like this with him around. He wouldn't have wasted time on something more mundane.

"So, I've been dying to ask you. Is that your fashion choice or do the girls just like to play with you?" She asked sweetly as she stepped from the shadows behind him. She leaned on her cane, a small smile on her lips. She was glad to find something like this really. It distracted her from her moping about Leo.... or worrying what he'd do to find she'd left her room after he'd told her not to. This was one thing the cat couldn't help, being cooped up like that.

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Old 04-21-2013, 04:29 PM

Only three other families here? It didn't seem like much for a place that seemed to be magical. Even an untrained wizard or witch could feel it's pull. The mannequin seemed to be giving off the most. Must be some powerful spell to preserve it. He looked up at the sky. It was indeed getting dark. He'd have to go see if his sister was in her dorm. She'd be the first one to sneak out and run for the mannequin. If there was some insane story like this one, she'd be there to investigate it. "There is plenty of time to talk in the future. We don't want to get in trouble on our first day." He waved his friend goodbye and headed for the dorms.

He knocked on his sister's room and heard a disgruntled 'come in' from the other side. He opened to the door to find Akira sitting by the window with a book in her hand and earphones in. She pulled the earphones out before saying, "Came to check on me? Making sure I'd follow the curfew?"

"You aren't one to follow the rules. Since you are here and not roaming around, I shall retire to my own dorm. See you tomorrow, and please do get up on time." He waved as he walked out of the room and towards his own where he flopped on the bed in exhaustion.


A flash of light from under the door (All lights were off in her room except for a lamp.) and a wave of magic struck Akira as she was still reading her book. She had left the window open to feel the nice cool breeze, but the voice she heard hadn't been carried upon it. It was coming from somewhere in the building, but she couldn't go and investigate it. The curfew meant that no one could leave their dorms, even to walk around the building.

She turned toward the middle of her room and closed her eyes. She focused on the floor there, and the tiger tattoo upon her right shoulder blade. When she felt she had accomplished her goal, she opened her eyes to find that exact tiger standing before her. I want you to go out there and see who's walking around. If you can, get their names and search for the mannequin in the front hall. Either standing up or hidden somewhere else in the building. There's a picture of what it would look like." She unlocked the door and opened it for the tiger to escape.

The tiger ventured down the hall and down a flight of stairs, not caring if anyone saw him. If anyone yelled at the sight of him, he'd just return to his master's room before animal control would try to take him away.

Setsutarou groaned when his entire room light up for a second. The forecast didn't call for a thunderstorm. He sat up and peered out the window. The stars were out and the moon was shining too brightly for a thunderstorm. Something else had to have caused it. Knowing his sister probably figured out the same, he knew she'd be out there finding out the source. He'd have to check her room for sure, though.

He snuck out of his room and headed up the hall. He certainly was not getting caught because of his sister's tendencies. They had to move a lot because of them. As far as he knew, his parents were still Johannesburg, Germany. As far as he knew, no one else had noticed the flash or the magical pull that followed shortly after. Hopefully, that meant his chances of getting caught were quite thin.

He knocked on his sister's door. It swung open with a lavender-haired girl behind it.

"What do you want?"

"Just making sure you're still here. Surely, you felt that," he said with raised eyebrows. Something like that couldn't be passed by someone with an affinity for magic.

"Oh, that. Yeah, I felt it. I sent my tiger out to investigate it," she said nonchalantly. Nothing about it bothered her. Not the possibility of them being found out, or the entire school going up in panic.

Setsu ran out of the room muttering under his breath about his sister being irresponsible and the shear stupidity of releasing a tiger in a school full of children. With a sigh, Akira followed leaving the door hanging wide open.

A voice was calling out for someone named Leo when Setsu arrived in the front hall. "Can't be. He wouldn't break the rules. Has to be someone else," he whispered to himself. He didn't really know his friend for such a thing. Besides, it was him who rushed off so quickly to get to his dorm. Why would he be out here after dark? And who'd be calling for him?

He heard footsteps behind him and hide in the shadows. Upon seeing that it was his sister, he grabbed her and pushed her up against the walls. "You will stay here. I'll go look to see if the coast is clear. Okay?" With a nod from his sister, he stepped around the corner.

Last edited by flamethrower1391; 04-22-2013 at 01:51 AM..

Kilia is offline
Old 05-21-2013, 05:17 AM

(Staria: Arechi: flamethrower1391: Daeman35:m okay i got my laptop fixed and internet back on >w< hope you are all still interested in this and everything)

Leon, unlike the rest of the group he had actually spent the last few remaining hours in getting some sleep, fully well knowing that it was going to be the only rest that he would get before he had to go to his classes the next day. As soon as he felt the flux of magic ripple through the school, he knew that his twin was going to be trying to find the source of it. The thought caused him to grumble as he rolled out of his bed, yawning a bit as he dressed once more, cursing as he heard Emery yell for him as he headed down the stairs where he knew the male to be.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Emery sighed heavily as he pulled what he could of the girly things off of him, basically leaving only the skirt on so that his lower region could stay hidden from view. You could also only imagine the surprise on his face when he heard a voice from behind him, asking about the clothes that he was wearing. He tilted his head to the side letting his long curly hair fall out of the ponytail that it had been in as he looked her over, not completely sure before he smiled charmingly, finally seeing the family resemblance she had with Leon. "Well my dear. If i had a choice do you think i would be wearing some as this?" he said as he motioned to the clothes he left on a couch and the skirt that he was still wearing. The lack of a shirt, showed her just how muscularly defined he was, it even showed that he was naturally tan and had been in some rather brutal fights as the pale scars across his body said. "I am Lord Emery Igarashi." he said to her as he bowed, taking her hand in his as he kissed the back of it, unaware of the siblings hiding with in the shadows behind them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Leon sighed heavily as he found the bag that he had left for Emery hidden on the second floor by the staircase, which was not where he had left it, meaning that was way Emery had been yelling for him. "Calm down Em. I-" his sentence was cut short as he saw his twin sister interacting with the once plastic male. His eyes narrowed before he moved over to them, pulling Sy away from him as he shoved the bag into his arms. "Some one moved it too the second floor......Sibylle I told you to stay in your room." he said as he got into his protective big brother mode, clearly not liking the fact that she had gone against what he told her. Though a movement out the corner of his eye told him that someone else was out of their room also. He couldn't help the exasperated sigh that escaped his lips as he rubbed at his eyes as if he was always tired. "You might as well come out too." he said to the person, he knew that it had to be a witch or a wizard after all they were the only ones who could feel the magic in the air.

Though what none of them knew was that a couple had already sneaked out of their rooms and went off to have some alone time together.


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Old 05-21-2013, 03:15 PM

"Hey some guys are into that, you never know." was Sy's rather amused reply to the dark haired male. She blinked as he took her hand, surprised. She muttered to call her 'sy' but not managing to keep her usual cool for a moment. She was blushing faintly, not quite sure how to react. Her mother had sent her to all girl schools prior so she really was not use to either mainly nude men or flirting men. Still, she had regained herself just as she felt Leo grab her and tug her rather forcefully away. She frowned, puzzled considering how earlier he chided her for not being polite enough to the 'only other male wizard'. So it was going to be one of those days where he disliked everything she did huh?

"With a magic flare like that? As if..." She grumbled in response to his chastising her, shaking her head a moment. She glanced towards the two, hearing them likely. She said nothing, but absently began to wonder just what her mother was up to. Why had she been sent here? It made no sense really... but she said nothing and only glanced over towards her brother a moment. Leo would know... he always knew. The question was if he would actually bother to tell her...

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Old 05-21-2013, 04:28 PM

Akira was getting bored of waiting. Why did he have to check if the coast was clear? She was just as capable as him. But then again, he could talk his way out of getting in trouble. She couldn't. One of the many reasons why they had to move a lot. "Did you find anything yet?!" She yelled around the corner. She didn't care if anyone heard her.

Setsutarou growled to himself. The little wench was really getting on his nerves. "Would you just shut up? What if someone heard you?" It took him a few seconds to realize his mistake. Whoever may be in the area would hear him and know where he was. Quickly he leaned up against the wall hoping to hide in the shadows. He didn't have a stele on him to draw a rune to hide himself better, so this would have to do. He wouldn't be able to run back around the corner before someone saw him.

Peeking around the corner, Akira noticed something odd about her brother. She could still she him. She knew he'd try to hide after his blunder, but hiding in the shadows was not going to work. She ran out from behind the wall and toward her brother while animating the tattoos of the bats that ran from her left collarbone, around the left side of her neck, to her jawbone. She stood beside her brother even though he protested quickly, calling her an idiot and whatnot.


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