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AzuraX is offline
Old 05-26-2013, 11:07 PM

England was a lovely place to live in by daylight, but once the sun was gone and darkness cloaked the city even the fools never dared to step out. Blood thirsty monsters ruled the nights, and humans carefully ruled the day. It was something that went unquestioned for the longest of times. But then these monsters began to change. They wanted more blood so anyone who could escape, moved as quick as they could. But there were many left behind, with no where to flee. Catherine was one of the few who stayed.

Although Catherine stayed, it wasn't as if she had to. Unlike most she choose to stay, and gave her chance to dear friend of her's. But she never regretted it because she knew what else she could do. Catherine was an odd girl from the start. She loved to do the sort of things only boys would do and never once wore a dress. She refused to be like the other girls and instead lived the life of a boy. Though back then it was considered horrible for a woman to act and dress as a man Catherine ignored it and lived freely.

Perhaps she was reckless in this choice though. As Catherine grew older she got involved in many things. Fighting, stealing, law breaking, and living the life of a true thief. She even became the leader of the pack after the years. But this life style got her in lots of trouble too. She has a price on her head but not a worry in her mind. Even the Queen of England couldn't stop her, and that was the way she liked it. This wasn't her worst mistake though. Over time Catherine forgot about the monsters that awaited her in the dark.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 12:31 AM

Catherine's decision to stay, and consequently forget about the monsters in the dark, may not have affected her much if not for the newest addition to England's vampire community.

A woman, called Aurelia Montes, had just purchased an estate on the outskirts of Catherine's city. Not many saw her for the first few weeks of habitation, but when she finally ventured out one evening no man or woman could keep their eyes to themselves.

While slight in stature, 5'4" at most, the petite female commanded attention. She hailed from Spain and yet her skin was stark white, contrasting heavily with the ruby tone of her hair tumbling down in loose ringlets to her lower back. She wore bright-colored, luxurious gowns...Usually magenta, purple, or baby blue, and dressed her hair with flowers. She had the appearance of the finest, sweetest lady, and yet...Her eyes were fearsome to behold...They were black as death, and they seemed capable of staring straight into a person's gravest fears or darkest secrets.

On this particular evening, the evening the Spaniard first laid eyes on Catherine, she had attended an opera with the other upper class denizens of the town. She had almost been unable to break away from conversation--so many young men had accosted her--but Aurelia's thirst was unrelenting. She had to find sustenance for the evening or she would be immensely irritable for the next few days. True, she could have selected prey from among their number... But three and and half centuries of life had afforded Aurelia a discerning taste.

You see, Aurelia had a "type" that she desired on any particular evening that she hunted. The woman pursued both males and females sexually, and so tonight she was feeling more disposed towards...A female. She strolled out in to the street in from of the opera house, shutting her fan abruptly, and smirked up at the flickering street lamp above her.

"Let the games begin."

Last edited by ContessaLeandra; 05-27-2013 at 12:36 AM..

AzuraX is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 01:55 AM

Catherine seemed dangerous to most, but to her pack she was the perfect image of a leader. Although she stubbornly wore velvet red pants and a simple royal blue shirt with a black and yellow jacket, she seemed to surprisingly pull it off. For a woman who was always outside though, she was surprisingly creamy pale. There wasn't a sign of blush on her clean face. But her strange almost crystal blue eyes and her light blonde with a red tint seemed to pull the most attention.

When Catherine wanted to, she would style her hair into a simple ponytail. It gave her a more male look that she liked. But today she had left it down for some reason. Maybe it was because today she had let her pack have a break. She let her followers have fun every now and then. Not to add that Catherine loved to be alone. She had always been a lone wolf in the end.

Theatre or the opera wasn't usually something Catherine went to. But today was one she couldn't help but sneak into. She had heard there would be a death scene, and Catherine loved those. Big fights and death were her cup of tea, you could say. She slipped though the shadows of the opera house until she found an opening before peaking inside. After a few moments she decided she might as well watch the whole thing.

Catherine came out of the opera house in utter disappointment that night. The death scene was horribly fake, but it didn't surprise her. For a thief like her to be able to slip in, it must of been poorly payed. Feeling the urge to let off some stress Catherine waited till sunset to find a victim. Up ahead was the perfect prey with just the right luck. Miss. Gory was a wealthy lady, and by some strange event she had come alone. Smirking in victory, Catherine went for the attack only to hesitate with the strange feeling she was being watched.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 03:25 AM

Aurelia Montes enjoyed hunting females because of the societal taboo that came with it. Men succumbed to her too easily--they were far more willing to stake (pun intended) their immortal soul on a roll in the hay. Women, however, had to be pursued quite heavily before they relented to her advances. She found it enormously entertaining to approach someone "proper" only to have them question themselves afterward. Humans made such a fuss over the possibility of "sinning" or showing a lack of propriety...But once the prospect of death was removed, and the existence of an afterlife, what was sin but an invention of the human mind?

She would live forever unless slain, and so her moral compass had diminished quite significantly since her turning. Even if she was slain, there was no guarantee her soul, if she had one, would continue to subsist after her death. Why, then, care about whether it was wrong to kill someone or bed one person and not another?

These were the sort of things Aurelia contemplated casually as she locked eyes with a particularly peculiar member of the female persuasion-- a strawberry blonde donning men's clothing. She wore red velvet pants, a blue shirt, and a black-and-yellow coat. The clashing combination caused the vampiress to quirk her brow with amusement. The stranger did not appear wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, rather more on the masculine side, but she had a unique beauty even if it seemed...Rough around the edges. Aurelia found herself struck by the vivid blue of the female's eyes.

As if to intrigue the vampiress further, the blonde seemed poised to attack a straggling member of the gentry--an older wealthy woman wandering out of the opera house on her own. Perhaps she was a criminal or a pickpocket... Impoverished, for lack of a better term. Should she wait for the young woman to finish with her own quarry or accost her immediately? Aurelia settled on the latter. She was growing steadily more impatient for satisfaction, desiring blood among other "things".

The Spaniard smirked and moved--rather glided--towards the blonde with purpose. Her own coal black eyes were fixed on the female's face with a strangely rapturous expression.

Last edited by ContessaLeandra; 05-27-2013 at 07:09 AM..

AzuraX is offline
Old 06-09-2013, 05:07 PM

Catherine was quick to move herself from her post. For a girl, she moved rather fast. Her feet were quick enough to make her seem like a blur of odd colors when she ran. Then it was made clear to as why the girl wore clashing colors. When they blurred and mashed together they became oddly beautiful. A since of fashion that was most perfect on her.

The attack would of been perfect, if Catherine had attacked. Instead she had a sense of fear strike her cold. For a moment, and only that, she stopped in her place. She could feel cold eyes piercing through her body and it sent a cold shiver down her back. Catherine found that she couldn't move any farther. She had no choice at all, her body locked itself in fear.

For the first time, Catherine could feel true fear. Her breathing turned to pants and gasps for air. Her mind raced through empty thoughts that soon turned unclear and made no sense. In her panic she turned to meet what was only moments behind her. Those eyes, black and so very cold, made Catherine feel fear. Those eyes, which even stopped the legendary thief, were the last things the thief saw before she was greeted by darkness.


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