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~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 07-30-2013, 06:28 AM

Tsuki winced. She had not wanted to think about what would happen if the light failed- which it probably would. No light could shine forever. "Hopefully we will be prepared by the time that happens. We'll have to be fed and well rested, and try to have weapons for each of us..." She suggested quietly. She still had not removed her hood, leaving her appearance a mystery. She wondered vaguely about the stranger. Was he trapped, like them? Or was he a native? Somehow, Tsuki didn't think this place had natives. Still, that didn't mean he wasn't dangerous. She still wasn't sure about the other two.

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Old 07-30-2013, 03:40 PM

Throughout the entire time the turquoise eyed male had made his way down the dirt path of the village, the sense that he had been watched for a moment earlier had soon come across his spine as he immediately came to a halt. Reaching for the back of the torn-up rag that covered up his entire body, he had pulled some of it over his head only to be able to cover up the bandages of his left eye. Whoever or whatever was watching him had made him feel rather uncomfortable, so letting whoever it was know that he had bandages over his eye would probably get them curious enough to attack him and figure out what was so important that he had it covered up.
Traveling ever deeper into the ruined village, it seemed almost as though the further in he had went the more the buildings around seemed to had looked as though they had been attacked or simply died with age from all the rust. The only second time that he had come to a stop was when a strangely brightly lit light was shining up ahead at what seemed to look like a shrine of sorts. Squinting his right eye only slightly at the bright light, he had soon taken his gaze away from it only to try and make his way to a more darker area where he hadn't needed to stare at it. While making his way to the side of one of the broken down buildings, the light had still shined upon his own body. The light itself hadn't felt hostile but rather almost welcoming as though it was some type of warm hug that someone wanted to give others.
Although as the the blond-haired male had turned just slightly around the corner to stare at the light, he couldn't seem to help but drop onto the floor with both of his hands quickly covering up both of his ears tightly. Those horrid memories flooding back into his head had caused a loud ringing noise to go through his mind as he shook it off to try and stop with his memories trying to annoy him as usual. However, it wouldn't stop the sounds of screams going through his mind as he quickly punched the wall he leaned against to press pain into his wrist and hoped that it would be a way for him to occupy himself with something else. It may had taken several punches, but in the end a deep exhale had escaped from his lips as he stood back up to his feet as though nothing had happened. Whatever that light was, he had to stay away from it for a bit longer if he didn't want that horrible pain to surge through his body.

Directing his gaze back out from the corner of the building, the young male took his attention only toward the buildings to see if he could make it inside any of them and hope that he would be able to stay there to rest up and figure out his next move. After about a minute or so, his attention was brought down onto something of what looked close enough to an inn. It was something at least, and it hadn't looked like it was completely in ruins just yet. Making his way over toward the inn-like building, he had kept his gaze away from the light the entire time. However, as he drew ever closer to the building the sounds of chatting had caught his attention.
Unaware if the people he had heard within the building were hostile or not, he had quickly directed his movements to the side of the building where he had easily found a backdoor into the inn. Placing a single palm around the doorknob, he had focused any bit of energy he could into his grasp before the silver knob itself had began to melt and finally break off of the door itself. The reasons to why his power was like this to be able to control such heat was still a mystery to himself as well. All he had known about himself was that there was some type of creature that resided within him and from time to time it would become enraged only to cause him severe amounts of pain as well as surrounding his body in a blanket of fire that didn't even seem hot to him.
Pushing the door ever slowly to make sure the others within the next room where he had heard wouldn't hear him. The young male had ended up finding himself within what seemed like the remains of a kitchen. Noticing how it was simply a kitchen had caused a slight growl to come from his own stomach, he hadn't remembered the last time he truly had something to eat. If any of those people were hostile and he had no choice but to fight back, with zero energy in his body to fight there was no doubt that he would get himself killed in the process. So with knowing that, he had began to scavenge the kitchen as quietly as he could for something that was edible.


Staria is offline
Old 08-06-2013, 08:48 PM

"The shrine..... Older then elves, I don't think... it will fail." Corrina responded with a soft certainty. The former shrine maiden could feel the power of this shrine, that shined so brightly even with no worshipers or tenders. She was no longer the song weaver she had been but her senses had not diminished. Still, there wasn't much she could do to prove what she felt, or explain why she felt it. Still... it was both reassuring and mocking... Her own temple had felt as if it abandoned her with the other Song Maidens yet this shrine she could speak with just as easily. The blind woman sighed when her elf ears twitched suddenly. Being what she was and being blind her hearing was more sensitive then some animals.

"He... has entered...." She whispered softly to the two at her side. She hesitated but slowly let go of the hunter before she stepped towards the sounds she heard. She would soon follow the sounds to a room her nose informed her was likely the kitchen with it's magically replenishing food that included some bread still baking in the oven as the time on even it had frozen. The bread would never finish baking just as the refrigerator would never empty no matter how many took food from it. It was the nature of this place that existed outside of time and space, a frozen world onto itself.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 03:19 AM

Tsuki tilted her head when the elf female said that someone had arrived. The stranger from outside? She sighed and followed the other woman into the magical kitchen. She did not allow herself to be distracted by the never ending food, but rather looked around for the intruder. "There. Digging through the cabinets. You there, what are you doing?" She asked in a masterful tone, making it sound as though she had every right to be there and the man were just a trespasser.

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Old 08-07-2013, 02:17 PM

Ravaging through the cabinets as the cloaked elven had done his best to make sure he didn't cause too much noise to slip through to the other room. He had kept looking for any actual food that he would be able to eat that didn't require him to actually cook the food. As it had seemed though, each cabinet he had looked within had either held multiple different spices if not ingredients that were there to use if someone wanted to make something. Where were the snacks or already cooked food.

It didn't seem too long while he was searching throughout the entire kitchen that the sound of the double doors that led into the kitchen swung open. Even though those doors had opened, it hadn't caused the male to stop his search for food. It wasn't as though he was going to die anytime soon even if those people in the next room had attacked him. Yes, he would be killed and die on the floor but in a matter of time he would end up resurrecting himself from his own ashes sooner or later. Being experimented upon and having phoenix blood within you had given him some advantages such as that, but it was still a large disadvantage since it meant he would still be able to feel the pain of death each time. Who knows, maybe even one day the pain would be too great for him to even handle and return to life as he normally did.

Once whoever had stepped into the room spoke up on demanding an answer from Yukito of what he was doing. In an instant when he had heard that question, his motions had stopped as though he was frozen in place while his arms were still reaching for the top cabinets. After a moment or so later, his arms fell to his sides as he let out a low sigh to follow along with that. Keeping his back turned to the female who had spoken up, he lowered his head down only slightly at the thought this was going to turn out into a huge fight or something. "I was just looking for food. I'm sorry, if I have bothered you. Its just been quite too long since I have last gotten something to eat." His voice was low, almost near a whispering tone but loud enough for anyone across the kitchen to be able to hear him.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 06:26 PM

Orion was silent, when Corrina alerted them to the fact that the stranger had entered the Inn. He was just as silent when she let go of him and moved towards the kitchen, along with Tsuki. Orion followed them, close on their heels and ready to get between the females and the stranger should the need arise. He wanted his bow in his hands, but a bow wasn't exactly an ideal weapon for using indoors. If this turned bad, he would just fight with his bare hands. He could do it.

He stood there as Tsuki spoke demandingly to the stranger, Orion's body tense as if ready to react at a moment's notice. When the stranger spoke of only wanting food, Orion's body relaxed just the tiniest bit. His eyes roaming over the stranger, though he didn't feel like the other meant them any harm. Although, the thought that this man could have been the one that brought them here did enter his mind. His eyes narrowed slightly, but it felt off. Wrong. Orion studied the stranger more carefully, deciding that he had not brought them here, whatever had brought them to this place had most likely brought this stranger as well.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 03:09 AM

Tsuki tilted her head slightly, then nodded. "Very well. Please turn around, so that we may greet you properly. And perhaps you could tell us what sort of foods you found. We haven't been in here yet." She said, revealing that they were also only visitors. "I apologize for speaking so harshly. We are all wary at this point, and I wasn't sure if you were dangerous." She added. Though her face was still unseen, one would get the impression that she was staring right through the new man, seizing him up and deciding whether he was a threat.

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Old 08-08-2013, 02:07 PM

While Yukito had kept his back turned to the only female that had spoken up on demanding from him what he was doing, the rest of the time he had remained silent as he listened to how the doors that led into the kitchen were once more opened and another pair of footsteps had made their way in. Whoever this next person was that had entered hadn't bothered to speak up as it seemed but it was well known enough that they were looking at the one stranger trying to look for food. Once stated to turn around to be greeted properly, the blond-haired elven had indeed turned his back against the cabinets behind him to reveal his face to the three presences within the room. Only strands of his blond hair were seen through the hood as they parted down the sides of the hood, the white bandages still wrapped tightly around his left eye and even underneath those bandages his eye remained shut.

As the female had also stated to Yukito to tell them what he had found as for food throughout the cabinets he had searched through. The blond male had only turned his gaze to stare up at the cabinets above his head but as well below him for a moment before taking his attention back upon the one that spoke. "Nothing really of interest so far. I haven't really checked the fridge yet, but it seems the cabinets have more than enough spice to make anything." He informed only to get an apology for how she had spoken earlier. A light smile, just barely noticeable had spread across his lips as he shook his head. "It's quite alright. I would expect no less from anyone..I would probably have done the samething if I had found such a random person going through stuff that I haven't seen myself yet, but I do wonder though. Do any of you..exactly know where we are?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 02:28 AM

Tsuki shook her head, then realized the motion may have gone unseen from under her hood. "No, so far none of us knows where we are. We all seem to have been brought here by the same odd light above the shrine. That is all we know so far, besides the presence of the beasts outside." She told the man. "I am Tsuki, by the way. Pleasure to meet you." She added by way of introduction.


Staria is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 07:03 PM

"Corrina" She introduced herself softly after Tsuki, those half blind eyes briefly turned downward. She had stayed silent for most of the conversation, mainly sniffing the air. She could smell the finished bread on the cooling rack, freshly baked eternally, and a few hung herbs. She could also smell fruit and vegitables and meat in the fridge. There was plenty of food for them to eat, it was mainly just put away. She released Orion reluctantly and began to walk towards the scent of the fruit. Her hands soon found a door that her hawk had relayed to her and she opened it. She stood there a moment as the hawk gathered the images to send her before she nodded. She took an apple from one of the barrels of fruit near the door and stepped out. She didn't notice as a new apple appeared to replace the one she'd taken so the count in the barrel would always stay the same.

She held out the apple to show the others, inwardly wondering at the pantry. It was enough food for a city and there was little that one could imagine that wasn't there. There was also food under the apparent 'table top' of the counter, dishes that had been prepared for guests that had disappeared along with the one who had made them. It must have been lunch hour because there was quite a few of them which someone would find eventually. Of course Corrina herself couldn't tell that the thin 'top' lifted as the glass that protected the food until a waitress could come get it was stained with a flowery design so looked just decorative and standign so close to the pantry too many smells blended together.

(note the counter thing is in the corner of the kitchen and you just lift it and find the plates all lined up. It was closed to keep flies off it.... though of course flies no longer exist)

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 08-15-2013, 04:29 PM

Lilliana flew through the trees as quickly as her wings could take her, staying only just ahead of the horses that held her pursuers. If she had been trained she could have just told the horses to stop or slow down, but that was now out of question as she held the gold of a king in her hands. The best she could do was ask the trees of her nature to move and make the path slightly harder to maneuver for the horsemen. Unfortunately she lost herself in the forest as she tried to multitask between speaking with the forest and fleeing her enemies. Just as she thought she was losing those that she fled, however, her wings failed her. Letting go of her "borrowed" treasures, Lilliana started to fall. As she neared what she assumed would be the ground, preparing for impact, she was shocked when the fall continued longer than it should. Pure darkness enveloped her, causing fear to take hold as she knew not where she would land, or if she would ever stop falling. When she assumed she would fall forever she landed with a thud on the ground, surrounded by an area unknown to her.

Before she even had time to take in her surroundings, panic arose within her as she tried to communicate with the trees around her. They said nothing, as if they were all dead, and those that made a sound screamed as if they were dying, but it didn't take long to realize that the screams were a warning of the beasts that surrounded her. She saw the eyes first, their presence seemingly lost in the dead trees, and then she heard their hungry growls as they prepared to attack. Giving the creatures no time to make a move the tree faerie quickly shot up and sprinted toward the brightest break in the dark trees. Not trusting her wings in such a dense growth, she was forced to run on not to long legs until she reached the golden exit of the forest. Realizing she was still in danger, her wings quickly spread to carry her toward a bright golden light, drawing her closer even without the sense of danger on her mind.

Upon reaching the edges of the bright light an unearthly tingle began to take over her body. Dropping to the ground, feeling safer once she realized the creatures drew no closer, she looked around her, seeing nothing but deserted building covered in vines and moss. Many of the caved in at certain points of the wall, but one that was closest to the source of the light appeared to have been punched in. Immediate fear again rose within her mind as she tried to imagine what had caused the damage so recently. She hovered around, trying to find a place to sleep, as the chase had taken its toll on her, and found only one suitable building. It seemed to be an Inn, but everything about it was too dark compared to any other Inn she had seen, and too perfect compared to any of the other buildings surrounding it. She landed at the front door, hesitating to enter, unsure of who or what might be found inside.

She finally decided to knock, certain that anything with sense would understand and answer the door.

Last edited by LilMissMollyPutz; 08-17-2013 at 01:17 AM..


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