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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-11-2014, 04:44 AM

Startled Sam blinked a few times before replaying. "I had not known that I was well known, I know that Grim and Gwyn know me but...I am just starting out in this business." he sounds a bit befuddled by the thought of being well known among the higher level Reapers. "well you see I am on hospital round this month, mostly end of lifers and terminals." sitting down he looked out on the movements of all the humans in their cars rushing from one place to another trying to beat the in coming death that all would face one day. "last night I had three terminals and one end of Lifer on my list and now." he held out his list to show the lack of names. "Now I don't mind a day off but something is not right. over half of the other names on my list have changed or gone completely." he really did not like the feeling that he was feeling. something kept digging at the back of his mind about this but he could not place it. maybe it was a memory of his life that he now had forgotten. "I thought maybe one of you guys that have been around for some time might know what is going on. would have gone all the way up but..." he shivered." no way I want to deal with the paperwork that would have cased." looking over he gave Erik a hopeful look. "if you help I could whip up something nice for you to eat, Ask Gwyn I am a pretty good cook." the one thing that he had never forgotten from his life was his enjoyment of food and cooking for others.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

looking up from his work Albert's eyes opened in shock. it had been over an hour since he had sat down for work yet it seemed only moments had passed. standing he stretched and looked down at the stack of work he had done. It was not as large of pile as he would have liked but it was enough that he could go out for the day and not worry about having it all done at the end of the two weeks. that was if his muse stayed with him. walking over to the kitchen he tapped a box that looked like it should be a cold box, yet when he opened it a wave of warmth cascaded out around the bottles in it. a quick smile flashed acrossed his face. "thanks Warren" pulling out the first of the bottles he popped the cork out and poured it down his throat without thought of tasted or the warmth that still clung to it. it was not tell the second bottle that he slowed to savor the tasted. he walked over to the window and opened it onto the night scape that greeted him. "I wondered what your up to My Grim." turning he walked around the house neatening it and making sure he had not missed a note.

Usually he would not have entered in to the guest room when one was there but the feel of Death Fire also seemed to come from the room as he passed the door. knocking on the door he waited for an answer, when none came he slowly opened the door and peeked around the frame. the light from the door caught upon the hour glass drawing him in. "I would not have thought he would have left you." carefully picking it up he read the note below it. "do you think he would want to be disturbed for dinner?" he really did not expect an answer from the hourglass as he turned out of the room.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 02:18 PM

"Uh not every reaper hangs with their charges before their deaths" Erik responded then listened understanding the paperwork thing, why did they have paperwork anyways, maybe if something like this ever happened before it could be there. "Sorry, I don't eat" even though he did last night and enjoyed it. "So yours is disappearing as well. Hm...I wonder..." he looked at his list again and then it was blank... "Okay blank lists for a reaper is a not a good sign. This is deeply going to affect us, I don't know about you, but we have to find out who is changing things. Have you seen anyone that looks...stands out of place?" or maybe acting out of place, too overly helpful or along those lines.

~ ~ ~

"Do you wish for an answer, Albert" the hour glass spoke in the empty large room where the vampire was leaving. Now that had to be something strange, hourglasses or necklaces of any kind couldn't speak. "Did you hear me alright? You do speak this language correct?" sometimes the necklace couldn't tell as it didn't have eyes, it was purely magic.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-11-2014, 09:29 PM

"you telling me that I am well known for wanting to get to know my names?" he sounds slightly floored by the concept that every one is talking about him because he spends time with his souls. He remembered the Grim that came for him has spent time with him before he had died. he had always thought that was the stander way of working. "I guess I do it because Fate did it to me. He hung around me after they made me a Reaper but then he was called away by the higher ups. have not seen him since." a hint of sadness colored his voice. "yep only ones..." he looked at his list again and sighed. "only one on my list now is my main one, the one I have been spending most of my time with. only I and one other nurse are allowed into his room, and his doctor of course." a thought struck him. "I wounder... there was a problem with a guy being a bit pushy in the ward these last few days. he just seems like a homeless man looking for a friend, he keeps calling some ones name when he get in."


"Dear GODS!" the Necklace went flying acrossed the room as it spoke to Albert. he had not been expecting it to start talking let alone hold a conversation. walking over slowly to it as it continued to talk he poked it with a toe. "ummm yes you are come in loud and clear. and this is English, though I could speak in German if that was better for you." tilting his head sideways he looked at the hourglass. "what are you? are you like a phone?" slowly he picked it back up to hold it at eye level trying to see where the voice was coming from.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-11-2014, 10:54 PM

"Yes, most of the reapers know who you are, i might not be a higher up reaper with the higher levels, but the middle level reapers are the ones who get the information and spread it around usually. Though I saw you a couple times and that's how I found out." Erik responded listening to Sam about the man "Did he call out just one name?" he asked him.

~ ~ ~

"You know, you could give me more respect than that, I am the soul of the Erik" The necklace spoke, it probably sounded creepy, but at least it wasn't a lie or anything. "English is what I prefer, German I know quite well, but on another subject to answer your other question. I am not like a phone, that would be an insult against me" The hourglass responded as it said "I may not be able to see you, but to be able to sense you I can. So please move your face away from me, you're too close as far as I can tell. You had a question, yes? I believe you asked if Erik wouldn't mind being disturbed for dinner. Though he may not eat, I can tell you he has only one sweet in mind that he cares for, and yes I can locate him"

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-11-2014, 11:37 PM

Sam blushed at the thought of all of the midlevel Reapers knowing about him and his odd habits. "what do the others think abut..." he flicked his hand at the thought of his habit. "I never realized that so many like to talk so freely." looking out he wondered what Erik thought about his odd habits as well as what would be next in his unlife. looking back at Erik he smiled, he had a cute little shy smile. "I did not relay catch it, his voice broke a lot like he had been screaming for a long time. do you think he might have something to do with it?" he pointed to the list.


"Your telling me that Erik has a soul and he intrusted you to me?" he sounded slightly surprised and a bit happy at the thought. walking back to his desk he set the hour glass down gently near the top where he could look directly at it and not risk dropping it. "sorry to have tossed you, I was just not expecting you to talk. in point of fact I am sill in a state of shock about this. around Warren I would expect something like you but not around a Grim." smiling at the comment about the sweet he sighed. "well I would not want to disturb him if he is busy with anything important but could you tell him that I am up and would like to take him out for food? I know weird the vampire is the one that wants to take Death to dinner but hay I like seeing people enjoy food."

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-12-2014, 12:24 AM

Erik shrugs "You're more of someone to talk about on a good note, not saying what you do is bad, just interesting, and most of the reapers think its a cool thing to do" Well less of the younger ones and more of the older ones, but it set a pretty good example. "I don't see anything wrong with it, probably makes it easier to understand the life they live" better than what he had done, if it wasn't for Al, he wouldn't have known about the girl's deaths either. He wouldn't even looked twice at their names. "He could, it would be nice if we could find out who was up to this...maybe our next name we could figure out where they are in order to catch them" He thought for a moment "Maybe I could get someone I know to help us, better to have three minds than two"

~ ~ ~

"Yes he has a soul, however, because the souls tend to be in things such as a necklace or such. Something that is important to the wearer, this also means he has forgotten about the fact he has one, and does need to be reminded he isn't like the dead fully" The hourglass spoke answering the question. "It's quite alright, I figured something like that would happen, and honestly you couldn't break me as easy as something like that. You'd have to betray his trust and use it against him for that to happen. So let's hope you do not do that, you seem like you wouldn't, but we don't really know you all that well" now the necklace was feeling the need to be near a body, his mainly, but, any physical body would be nice right about now. "Grims never carry their souls with their bodies, it makes it hard to be a grim if they still have their heart, which is what the soul use mostly used for, being soulless is saying that someone is cruel or heartless" meaning they wouldn't feel anything for those died or were supposed to die.

To put the soul back into the body meant there was a chance to get their attention more and they would react differently, stronger, to different things. "Alright, let me see what he is up to" the necklace flew off the desk to the open air away from the vampire as it turned into a portal looking mirror revealing the Reaper and the other reaper they were speaking of before. "He doesn't look busy right now it seems" the portal spoke in the hourglass' voice, which was Erik's just more...emotion filled.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-12-2014, 06:07 AM

"Well..." Sam blushed "it dose in a way make it easier to know how to make their deaths the best. weather they deserve a fiery end or a peaceful sleep, I know by the end of the time I spend it with them what they will get." smiling Sam turned and looked back out over the cars going by. he could feel the movement of another reaper nearby but he did not know who it was, some one older then him. looking down he saw the movements leading up to the car crash before it happened. "did you hear about the body found in the park eaten by a pack of dogs? it was brought in to the morgue this morning, I happened to be passing when they brought him in." he shivered at the memory of the mans face. "would have hated to be the one to take that soul, looked like he went out screaming."

Looking down at his empty list of names he sighed. "well if you think some one else might know what is going on that would be great. I would love a vacation and all but not when it is forcing souls not to go on..." looking over at Erik his eyes got a dark hunted look. "you dont think some one is taking the souls early before we can get to them do you? Fate said it could be done but was something you disappeared from never to be heard from."


"If Grims never carry their souls with their bodies then why were you hanging around his neck just last night? would you not cause him problems if your that close to him?" while he was talking Albert went to work on drawing the next few sets of pages. he had sketched it out last night but now he was finalizing the look. as he finished the last panel of the page he really looked at the young man that was death and smiled. the character had just reviled what he looked like and Albert had subconsciously made him a mix of Erik and Sam, those two colored eyes seemed to just jump off the page and bore down on his soul, if he had one.

startled Albert watched the hourglass fly over to the middle of the living room and form a window into the world. slowly walking over he took in every detail around the two young men. a small part of him ached to be able to have Erik sit like that near him. they seemed so comfortable together. "wish he would feel comfortable with me like that." he did not realize that he had spoke as he looked longingly at the two of them. "I..." looking away from the picture in the air he tried to smile. "no it looks like they are busy talking about something important. I think I want to go out into the night for a good stroll, you coming along?" grabbing a long silk trench coat he threw it over his shoulders and walked towards the door while holding out his hand for the hourglass to land in.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-12-2014, 06:26 AM

Erik was smiling inside, he really was glad they did their job correctly, and would have to tell Al later, not sure why he just felt like he should. He knew the man obviously, but knowing the other didn't know who took the soul helped out, and he was fine with that. "It could be a possibility, but, I'm not exactly sure who would be doing this. Let alone why" too many unanswered questions as he thought more and more about it, if he was fully human he would have had a migraine by now. Seeing something out of the corner of his eyes he took note of it

"I'm going to go for a walk around the city, I'll see you later, why don't we meet back in a couple days here at midnight. Each do exploring of our own" he really just wanted to see what he saw down there. Fading off into the shadows he said "You're a reaper to, so contacting me should be easy, look at the moon if you really really need help" then he was gone. A few miles away, over by the hospital he originally saw the boy almost die and get saved. Erik knew without his amulet that he would be less protected, but to him that was fine.

He walked into a dark alley way feeling a shadow pulsing power like vibe following it through the little maze as it got stronger. He didn't pay attention to his surroundings as he wound up at a dead end turning around to leave, only to be welcomed by a bunch of dark shadow like souls. He was a bit startled by this, but got ready to fight. They flew in very quickly coming from different angles, even below to trap his feet so he couldn't merge with the shadows or fly off, and he tried fighting them off to get away. He spent unknown and countless times fighting back, but they were winning. After an hour, the shadows soon covered him as he laid in the ally, hurt to where he felt so numb he couldn't move...

~ ~ ~

"As long as a soul is trapped within something like this, as I am, we are of no use, and always are silent even if we scream out loud. Only others can hear us and that's what causes paranoia amongst humans when a reaper passes by them in human form or invisible form" The hourglass spoke answering the question quite well and rather quickly. The hourglass didn't speak or respond when Al spoke of Erik like that as if wishing he could be like the other reaper and be able to relax. The hourglass followed jumping over the vampire's head sliding onto his neck "It will be easier this way and if anything happens or you want to see something interesting, I have easy access and a view"

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-12-2014, 07:42 AM

Sighing Sam watched the car crash below and the reaper move in on the soul just before the bodies true death. He had never seen her before but did not think to much about it. She was fair haired almost white, her skin under the death pail used to be tanned. he could not see her face as she glided through the wrack and let the cars go through her. it was almost a dance, each foot placed just right that she would waste no energy. a languid move of a hand, a flick of a toe, each move brought her to her next victim. "well looks like the reaper for vehicular death is not having a short on names." running his hand through his hair he sighed. something about her was familiar yet there was no way he knew her. ((in fact Erik would not know her other then she keeps to her self.))

"in three week..." pulling out a cell phone he flipped it open and looked through his calendar. "yep still going to be here, but that is right at the end of my run for the hospital. I think after that I am to be going to New York for a month, not sure." Sam smiled as the other reaper reminded him of the moon and how to get a hold of him. "you know they do make these things called cellphones, they work pretty well." holding up his the little deaths head charm jingled on it. "you really should get with the time, makes getting information a lot quicker. I header some of the higher ups were looking to see if we could get proper phones that worked all the way around." with that he slipped off the bridge, the water below never rippling as he faded away.


"your telling me that you could be screaming for him to get his butt out of an area because it was dangers and he would not even know you said anything? dose he even know your his soul?" looking out the window he smiled, the forecast had said rain but he still was not seeing anything in the sky that looked like rain clouds. "suit yourself," walking down the stairs he pondered what all he should ask the soul of the man he was interested in.

"eveing sir." the evening watch man said as he looked up from his book and smiled. "hope the plans for Halloween are going well." turning form his coarse out the door Albert walked over to the front desk and smiled.

"actually I have gotten a request for me to come home, my family needs me. So if you could put out a flyer saying that it may not happen this year? I just dont want all those kids disappointment when they come to my door and find me not there." he smiled a sadness in his eyes as he spoke. he was going to miss those late nights with the humans. But a bargain is a bargain so he had to fallow through. now if for some reason Erik changed his mind and gave him the favor then the party would go on. but he did not think that it would happen in this lifetime.

"sure thing, we can always plan on next year..." When Albert shook his head the mans smile dropped. "so you may be gone for good?" a sad nod was all Albert gave before turning out into the night.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-12-2014, 02:12 PM

Erik sat there in the darkness with his eyes closed, he never feared the dark, or death itself. He was the one reaper that was death and didn't bother to fear it. He had no reason to even if he could still die. Erik released his powers trying to use a wall like force to shove them away. He couldn't. Reapers weren't meant to be filled with light, the shadows helped cloak them, and fueled their abilities. 'I have to get up, I still have a bargain to do' he thought to himself, any thought right now would have to get him to stand up. Though he knew if he disappeared, the deal would be gone, and he probably should have mentioned that to the vampire earlier.

Erik looked up at the moon to call someone to aid him, but because he couldn't see the moon and only guess where it was, there was no point in trying. Erik forced himself to stand up thinking about something, these were shadows and he was part like it...relaxing, causing his fear to cease, Erik shoved the shadowed souls away with all his might which worked enough for him to run and jump into a separate shadow. Erik appeared over in the park where the man was pretty much torn to shreds. Finding a tree branch up high in a tree away from anyone and everything he sat up there resting.

~ ~ ~

"That is correct, he knew I was his soul over four hundred years ago, but in that time of constantly being loyal and doing your job you're supposed to do. People of any race and kind do tend to forget about things" Hourglass answered him waiting to hear something else to be said or asked from the one he was hanging around the neck of. The hourglass grew cold ice feeling something was off as he stayed silent trying to locate Erik. "That's weird" the hourglass spoke.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-12-2014, 08:02 PM

He had been walking for a bit just wandering, he did not need to feed and Erik would find him when he was done with the other reaper so there was no place he had to be. "so you telling me that he may have forgotten that your his soul?" Albert found it odd that Erik would have forgotten about his soul hanging around his own neck. A soul was a dangerous thing to lose and if it is just hanging around ones neck it could be stolen. But then maybe because this one can go where it needs he would not have to worry about that. looking down at it he smiled a cute happy smile. "if he remembered that you were his soul do you think he would have left you in my care? or would it be I in your care?" As the hourglass grew icy Albert quickly pulled it away from his skin. he did not usually feel the different in temperature but when only one point of his body became that cold it hurt. "Ummm could you not do that, it hurts." holding it out he cocked his head to the side. "what is weird? is something wrong with Erik?" his voice held a hint of worry.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-12-2014, 08:25 PM

(I am at work sorry for my relies)

The hourglass apologized "sorry can't control that if the bearer is in trouble. I'm not sure where though. Erik must be sleeping which means I can't see where he is at.but I know it's a place where you both had collected a soul before and turned it into well the bad place where bad should go" the hourglass sounded worried adding, "and if he knew about his soul.about me then he could have putt enough trust in me tho protect thou.I am an amulet after all"

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-12-2014, 08:53 PM

As the hourglass described the place where Erik was and that he was in trouble Albert ran. never once did he think about how if Erik was in trouble he would just be in as much trouble. for if a grim could not deal with something then what could one old vampire do? it was not like he was the oldest one in the city. it would have been better if his sire was the one dashing to Erik's rescue no him. At least with his sire he had magic to back him. Albert had never gotten passed a magic summoning of his sire and that was supposed to be one thing all young vampire could do. slowing down as he reached the park he started looking around. "Alright this is the only place we ever took a soul together, can you find him now or do I look everywhere?"

((its ok going to be going out to eat with a friend soon so post when you can. hope work is going well for you.))

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-12-2014, 10:25 PM

"With him asleep it's actually hard to find him like this...but if he hasn't changed much and I doubt he has.then look in some trees. He loves trees, plus being up shoo high keeps him safe from harm" the hourglass spoke as he wanted tho find his own body. No one ever put his soul back in themselves, the higher ups never told them because it would cause a power frenzy. Erik stayed asleep, not even half asleep but he was aware a bit if his surroundings.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-13-2014, 12:12 AM

Albert was worried, he had never met a Grim Reaper before but knowing he had slept early that evening and was now asleep it worried him. He wanted to move quickly looking for Erik but he knew that if he did that he would probably miss him and if he had been attacked by something then he may still be in danger. walking slowly through the park he checked each tree wishing that there were less leaves on the trees at this time of year. as he moved passed one of the trees near where the pack had ripped up the man he almost missed Erik in the tree. only the lack of fluttering of leaves as a breeze went by alerted him to Erik being there. moving quickly he climbed up and perched on a branch that overlooked Erik's from the side. sitting there hunched over he watched Erik wondering if he should try to wake him or just let him sleep and guard him. if he spoke now to ask the hourglass it might wake Erik, and if Erik needed time to sleep then he did not want to wake him.

((what does he look like now? wounded or just sleeping))

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-13-2014, 02:40 AM

(just sleeping, but he could be wounded) (at home now)

For a bit, Erik didn't say anything until he realized there was a presence besides his own "What are you doing here?" he didn't open his eyes as he was slouched laying down on the branch somewhat. He didn't realize the amulet he usually wore could talk to others if handed the necklace over to someone else. The amulet never spoke to Erik for he wouldn't hear him anyways, and even if it could, it never would. It would be strange if you heard your own voice.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-13-2014, 03:23 AM

Looking down at Erik, Albert watched the cuts along his skin slowly seem to heal as he lay there. I wounder what happened, he looks so terrible with those wounds. Reaching out he stopped his hand not far from Erik before pulling it back. he was not going to disturb Erik but he really wanted to pull him close and hold him, protecting him from all the world around him. he was fascinated by how quickly he was healing but it still was slower then it should have been for a supernatural. so he knew something else about Erik now, he could be wounded badly and would probably not be able to do much of anything for a while.

"I was in the area and smelled your blood. when I realized it was you I wondered what I should do with you." he smiled as he looked out into the night watching the dog pack fight over something they had found. the body of the guy was gone, the smell of his blood only a distant memory now. "I did not know if I should wake you and take you back to my apartment or just leave you here to sleep. I did not want some one to come along that was not interested in you and have them hurt you so I stayed while debating." sighing he touched the hourglass around his neck. "What happened to you, did the other guy look worse? did you want your necklace back?" Part of him wished that he would say no, he liked being able to talk to some one that knew Erik.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-13-2014, 03:39 AM

Erik shook his head "A little sleep and I'll be just fine. The other...they're gone" Erik answered listening in, he wanted to close his eyes and sleep, but now he had to put on another act to show that he was fine even if he truly wasn't. "You can keep the necklace, it looks better on you" Erik spoke giving a compliment and thought for a moment, there was still plenty of the night left, and he wondered what could they do to take care of it. They could walk, try different things out, anything was better than wasting the night away like this. "Let's do something, before the night is gone" Erik suggested thinking a movie, traveling, though he wasn't in the mood to walk. Then he thought of something "Ever try Flan?" he asked. Flan was a creamy custard baked desert.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-13-2014, 03:54 AM

Laughing Albert looked down at Erik a gentle look upon his face. for the first time Erik had seen, Albert did not have a look of hunger or longing in his eyes. "let us hope they stay gone. I would hate to have to deal with them when there are more fun things to do then fight." hoping down to the branch Erik was on he finely sat down and looked out again in the darkness. He sat like that for a few moments trying to think of a place that would offer Flan and something that he to could eat. "the problem with Flan is that I dont know any place that serves it and food that I can have. there are only so many places that know of my kind and can make stuff that I can eat." he looked over at Erik and smiled his hand resting inches from Erik. "I would love to do something with you. I know a place that we could have dinner but they dont have flan or we could go back to the bakery but they too dont have flan." suddenly an idea popped into his head and his smile turned into a grin. "I do know some one that might be able to whip some up in an hour, and we have nine hours to go before dawn. would you like me to call him and see if he can make us some?" he seemed really eager for Erik to say yes.

snorting he touched the hourglass absently. "thanks, I kind of like how it looks on me too." he did not think it was wise to remind Erik of what it truly was. "is there any Jewelry that you like, or that looks good on you?"

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-13-2014, 04:09 AM

Erik may have looked tired, but he would do anything to see the eager look even more on Al's face, and nodded "Alright let's see if he can, uh.." he looked down and saw how far from the ground he was, it might not have been a long fall or anything, but to him he saw it that way. 'Crap' he thought to himself, he didn't want to depend on someone else, so he hopped down out of the tree luckily landing on his feet kneeling down to steady himself as he took a moment then stood up "Where to?" he liked it when he saw the gentle look on Al's face, it made him want to get closer to him, and really close too. Erik shook his head "I don't normally wear anything except the amulet which to him was just a necklace.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-13-2014, 04:29 AM

Smiling Albert was ready to aid Erik in getting down but let him jump on his own. fallowing after he landed on his feet and dropped to a crouch as he tried to steady himself. he had not exspected the mole hole his left foot had landed in. standing up he pulled out his cell phone."I will first have to call him, but while we wait we could go back to the flat and you could get a little more rest." hitting a number on his speed dial he held the phone up to his ear. moments later he smiled looking down at his toes while the person on the other end talked to him. "yes I know how much that can cost and I will pay you back, right now I have another favor..." the voice on the other end picked up as Albert scoffed his shoe in the dirt. "Yes I know this is the third one this month, but its an easy one." looking up he smiled a reassuring smile at Erik. mouthing the word Touchy he went back to looking at the ground. "I was wondering if Meka could make up some Flan for me and a friend." there was a space of dead air as the person on the other end seemed to have gone off. then the person came back on and Albert smiled. "Yes I said friend, no he is not." he held the phone away as the voice raised and he sighed. placing his hand on the mic he sighed. "he is not so trusting of people knowing about us... vamps." he went back to the phone when the voice died down. "I did not tell him, but yes he does." Sighing he rolled his eyes. "its a long story and I can tell you when we get there. talk to you later." quickly before the person on the other end could talk he hung up. "so Meka is happy to make up some Flan for us, but she told him that it would be about two hours before it would be ready. so we can go back to the flat and you can get a nap in or we could just wander."

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 02-13-2014, 04:00 PM

Erik watched as Al talked on the phone to whoever he was talking to, Grim's didn't have super hearing like most did in the supernatural world, they surrounded themselves around magic, not natural instincts. Erik quietly laughed a little at the 'touchy' moment though it sounded like he asked for a lot, and wondered if he should have said no instead. Though it was too late to take it back now and rest sounded nice to his ears. 'Huh? Friend?' now that made him wonder why he said that, but didn't question it when he heard it. "It's too early to sleep, so let's wander" he didn't know where they would wander to though and wondered more about Al's friends he just spoke to "What did you say to him about explaining when we get there?"

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-14-2014, 12:07 AM

Albert could not help but snicker at Erik's laugh about warren being touchy. it was true that his sire was a bit touchy about all the favors he kept asking but then one of those favors may not need to be done anyways, not if he was to die in two weeks time. "well you were just sleeping and you said a bit of sleep would help you, that is why I thought of it." walking out of the park and turning to the left he smiled over his shoulder at Erik. "that was my Sire I was talking to and his has this stupid fear that if humans started to know about us they would all hunt us down." He shrugged as he slowed his walking so that Erik could keep up. "I dont know where it comes from but he seems to think we still live in the dark ages. So any time I think to bring someone over to his place he is really jumpy about it. and all I am going to say it that you not exactly human and you knew what I was before we really got to talking." he really was not completely looking forward to this talk he was going to have with his sire. he could almost already hear his anger at Albert bringing a stranger to his house but then if Erik really wanted to know where he lived he could so what was the point of hiding it.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 02-14-2014, 02:19 AM

"Does he not know I am not human?" Erik asked curiously wondering if his sire knew or not, or if he would be mad that Al was talking to a Grim. Vampires and Grims never really did get along even though both technically are dead. "Yeah we had a Grim who exposed himself on purpose to the human world and that didn't go well as he was chased by a group years ago, well he isn't coming back, and was known as the town's insane guy" Erik remembered him, he didn't like him, and it wasn't even his assignment luckily. Erik thought of something "So put the act on and keep it up while we are there, got it" now he was starting to wonder if he should take a nap in order to be fully functional "Maybe I should take a nap, I might slip up if I am not fully awake" he mumbled.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-14-2014, 02:28 AM

"this is the first time I have talked to him since meeting you about anything other then making an order earlier tonight for food. and then I was not sure what you were up to or if you were even coming back." slowly Albert reached out to gently pat Erik on the shoulder. "oh man I am sorry, must have been a pain for the rest of you to deal with after." the image of a soul with its arms crossed demanding the truth burst into his mind, causing him to stiffly a laugh. "I dont see why you cant tell him what you are if you want. I was just not going to tell him what you are because that is your secret not mine." offering his hand he smiled. "I could run you back to the flat that way you dont have to use to much energy."


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