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Icalik is offline
Old 02-08-2014, 05:46 PM

My favorite artist would have to Eminem, I'd say he has a unique style about him because he actually pours his brain into the raps he makes and can rhyme huge words like "antidisestablishmentarianism". He's also really funny depending on your sense of humor.

Listening to They Don't Care About Us by Micheal Jackson, which is quite ironic due to the whole Eminem/MJ conflict back when Eminem released his Just Lose It video, which is a satire of Micheal Jackson's career.

What about you guys?


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 02-15-2014, 10:36 AM

Not a rap fan, but I will admit that Eminem is damn talented! Some of his stuff is just so catchy and he has some really good videos

Hmmm, okay now me. Right now I'm obsessed with 2 bands, Muse and Radiohead
I love Muse because of the lyrics mainly. They deal with everything from aliens to conspiracy theories to the apocalypse! They also make a good use of classical music elements such using orchestras and tunes from popular classical songs. They even have a 3 part masterpiece called Exogenesis Symphony which combines most of the stuff I mentioned above. How cool is that . Their new album was a bit disappointing, but still....

Radiohead... Well, it took me a while to appreciate them but I'm hooked. The sounds and feelings that they create are what grabbed me. You can tell that they put a lot of emotions into their music. They've changed drastically over the years, from a kind of garage rock to electronic and then back to guitars, but that's what I love. They're not afraid to change and even when they do they're still very much the same! Their song Al I Need and the video just kicks my a** every time. Ugh, most of the songs do XD

The Madhatter of Menewsha xP
Xion is offline
Old 02-17-2014, 12:55 AM

Whooo, Eminem! :D He's chill because he actually raps about his life and actually has some meaning to it (rather than about copulation or throwing money around kind of stuff xD). But, I would really like it if he stops collaborating with Rihanna. "Love the Way You Lie" was genius, but Rihanna just annoys me, y'know?

Favorite artist? I don't particulary have one in mind right now, but I'm pretty open to all genres/artists.
Listening to "Growl" by EXO. I'm getting into certain K-pop songs and groups.

ceracun is offline
Old 02-20-2014, 11:21 PM

Always loved that being of Eminem's. So powerful, is his rapping. I love too much at this time, Evanescence. I'm looking forward however, to listen to Nicki Minaj's musics. I got a feeling that she may be a bigger interest to me. But who knows how this world works?

Horrorsaurus is offline
Old 03-12-2014, 10:02 PM

I don't really have a favourite of all time - I'm into too many different genres, I think. At the moment I love Marina and the Diamonds. I find a lot of her album tracks really haunting and beautiful.

MileySerious is offline
Old 03-17-2014, 05:10 PM

The Wonder Years, and Gorillaz are my fav because they are best and yeah


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-23-2014, 05:38 PM

There is a thread for this right now guys, I'm gonna lock this:


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