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Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 04-24-2014, 01:58 PM

One thing that bothers me the most about people's perception on Atheism, is that they automatically assume it's Satanism.
It's not.

I have been told on several occasions that I worship Satan, because I don't worship God.
It's the complete opposite.

I don't worship anybody.
Atheism is just that.
Not worshiping/believing a deity.

If you want some light reading, here's a contrast of the two:
Atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Satanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wth is Atheistic Satanism?
That right there is an oxymoron.
A person who doesn't believe in deities but worships one?
There, right there causes confusion.
Thank you world, for mucking it up.

Anybody else an Atheist?
Am I alone on this place called the internet?
I doubt I am.

Last edited by Pistachio_Moustache; 04-27-2014 at 12:02 AM..

Lexadis is offline
Old 04-27-2014, 06:51 PM

I've never heard about Satanism before
I'm not an Athiest though XD I believe in God
But isn't Satan a part of Islam and Christianity? So how come people can connect it to something completely different?

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 09:46 AM

From what I have read, Lucifer was an angel to begin with.
Something happened, yadda yadda yadda, and he was banished.
Pride, rebelling, and stuff.

Because he was cast out, he is the "ultimate evil."
A lot of Christians I run into are very into rubbing their religion in others' face.
That bothers me.
I don't rub my Atheism in their face.

The bible doesn't talk about Satan a lot.
It hardly touches the subject.
So, who knows what he really is.

Lexadis is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 05:00 PM

Yes, he was an angel who was banished ^^
I know about that little devil because I'm a Muslim, and we believe in Satan too
But I somehow am finding it hilarious that people would connect satanism and atheism together

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 05:28 AM

The people who think Atheists are Satan-worshippers are the same people who think the Illuminati are everywhere. Very ignorant, very afraid.

I'm Atheist and no one has ever thought I was Satanist. I've been told I'm going to hell and that I'm throwing away my soul, sure, but not that I worship Satan.

There are also those who think Pagans are Satanists. Again... no. Just because someone isn't worshiping the Biblical god, it doesn't mean they're worshiping Satan. One of my friends is Pagan. He believes in a lot of Gods and Goddesses... Satan isn't one of them.

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 02:49 PM

Oh, I worked with a lot of ignorant people.
Plus internet.

The Illuminati.
That uh, that makes me laugh.
Anytime a triangle pops up in a music video, I always see comments about "Illuminati!! D<"

Which makes me think of this video:

Which these are the lyrics (translated):
Magical or meriment. Communion with Nimrod.

Take off your clothes and I'll offer a prayer to your prostrate form
Magical or meriment. Communion with Nimrod.
If I grasp you just once you can no longer run away
We will join with everything in the star of David

The pain and the blood that flow from your liberated body will change to pleasure

The gestures your irredeemable figure makes as you dance
Hold a beauty like that of Semiramis
Abandon yourself and let your body, in its writhing, crazy dance
Rise to its climax with the Holy Grail

I'm sunk in the abysmal swamp
Where there is no foothold
I've reached the watery depths
Distorted face....

Magical or meriment. Communion with Nimrod.

In moria let your body fall and sway...sway and dance in a dream

In the space of your dream clench Boaz in your teeth,
Let your swaying chest, your body too, fall to control of eternity

The gestures your irredeemable figure makes as you dance
Hold a beauty like that of Semiramis
Abandon yourself and let your body, in its writhing, crazy dance
Rise to its climax with the Holy Grail

Magical or meriment. Communion with Nimrod.
NOTHING to do with Illuminati.

Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sic...
Uniplex is offline
Old 05-13-2014, 05:35 PM

Okay.. I am very religious, so you and I may have differentiating viewpoints.
But what the heck..? Who would say that someone who doesn't worship God automatically worships Satan? Especially someone like you, who doesn't believe in either or.
That just is bonkers.

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 05-14-2014, 07:56 PM

Believe me, the people I have talked to are bonkers.
I don't ever just shout out, "I'm an atheist!"
I just do what I do, get miffed when people throw religion in my face, smile back and don't say a word.

One lady I used to work with hated that I wasn't religious.

Religion: It's not for everybody.

(I live in the south, and people are downright ignorant here.)

Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sic...
Uniplex is offline
Old 05-15-2014, 04:39 PM

I thought people up north were ignorant... Geezus. I am so sorry for you lol. People here are more accepting, though there are things here that are very taboo still that seem to be accepted elsewhere. Still it kills me. Atheism isn't Satanism... Good grief.

HederaHelix is offline
Old 09-25-2014, 05:36 PM

I had that problem too and I managed to actually have a mature conversation (okay, it wasn't so mature, but a conversations nevertheless) with a person who had said that to me and I got an explanation to why some believe that. In the Revalatios part of the Bible they say that the Antichrist will deny the existence of god. So basically atheists saying there's no god and the antichrist saying there's no god sounds the same and we're surely on his side.

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 09-25-2014, 05:39 PM

Ah, I guess that makes some sense.
I just don't like the automatic assumption.

HederaHelix is offline
Old 09-25-2014, 05:46 PM

Yes, that is annoying, but I am trying to be aware that from their point of view that makes sense and that the harder I try t explain to them I don't believe neither god or satan exists and there's no way I could be on the side of someone who I do no believe exists I am just making it worse and consolidating their belief that I am on the denying side. So I either ignore it, when possible of course, or if I get the "you're goin to Hell!" usual threat I just say "see you there" and walk away haha

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 09-25-2014, 05:48 PM

My action is to not out my religious non preference, since my town is SATURATED in religion.

HederaHelix is offline
Old 09-25-2014, 05:53 PM

I try to avoid that too, though it seems its like one of those Hogwarts secrets that are so secret everyone knows. I go to college with a bunch of these people and have a few professors that believe the same but they got used to having me around an don't ffeak out anymore.

abcTHC is offline
Old 10-24-2014, 06:26 PM

Oh my gosh, I can't tell you how many times I've run into this problem. Most recently I had to have this discussion with my oldest sister; she isn't incredibly religious, but she assumed that atheism was associated with Satanism. Thankfully she was easier and more accepting of what I had to say than most people. I think she was just relieved to learn that I wasn't worshiping the devil, haha.

My mom would rather me worship Satan than be an atheist because (in her words) "at least I would believe in something." It's hard for her and the others on her side of the family to understand and they're not afraid to make it known. If it were logical discussions they wanted, I would be all up for that and it wouldn't bother me. But they're not into discussions. They don't want them. No viewpoint other than their own is welcome. They're right. I'm wrong. They even went so far as to verbally attack me about it at my grandfather's funeral a couple months ago. I spent months with this man. He was in my nursing facility for a while and then spent day and night in the hospital with him and then day and night with him when he went into hospice. They weren't there. When he passed and we were at the grave-site, a few of them found it a good time to attack me on my lack of religion. Called me naive, asked me why I was even there, etc. It hurt, but I didn't say anything to them. I wasn't there for them. I was there to say goodbye to my papa. We all act as if it never happened, though it still really hurts that they would do that.

When my eldest sister had to have an emergency c-section and it looked like neither she or the baby would make it, my mom told people not to let me come around. As if my being there would jinx everything. That one still stings a bit, but again, we all act as if it never happened.

Never meant to let my family know. I meant to keep it to myself forever if possible. My mom had called me around the time Obama was running for re-election and was ranting how 'godless people' shouldn't be running the US, because it's a 'Christian Nation'. She was saying how only Christians should be able to run for office and I said, "Well, I guess I can never be president then." Long pause. Asked me what I meant. Told her. Another long pause. "I'll pray for you." Click. "Fuuuuck."

Luckily, I have my dad. He recently came to me and admitted that he was an atheist as well. It was a difficult conclusion for him to come to. But now he, my husband, and I can vent to each other and have all kinds of fun discussions. Dad and I even swap our books - he trades me his Carl Sagan books for my Richard Dawkins and we have even more discussion. It's nice to have someone on my side.

Sorry for the length. Got off-topic, but it felt good to vent.

Whole Milk
journal addict
Whole Milk is offline
Old 12-28-2014, 11:13 PM

While Atheism isn't Satanism, LaVeyan Satanism is atheistic. The argument of but being a Satanist means worshiping a deity just means you know nothing about LaVeyan Satanism (which is only one type of Satanism and, as far as I know, the only organized atheistic Satanism). And it's a common assumption. You're not the first to make nor will you be the last. There are some decent sources like Church of Satan and a non-affiliated site. While talking about atheistic Satanism with people who will jump from atheist to Satanist isn't productive, there's no reason to erase their existence all together. Kicking fellow atheists out of your group because a bunch of annoying non-Christian's are Satanists people works more against you than for you. Sort of like Christians or [insert other religious or non religious group here] knocking on other denominations or branches. Though I can see why you would want to personally distance yourself from them, it doesn't make them any less atheists than you are.

But I do sort of understand the jump those Christians are making. It's a communication error because you have a very different world view than them. If you're not doing something for their god, you're doing something against their god and therefor for their devil. You're intentions and beliefs mean nothing in this view because for them their gods existence is fact and is the only good. For many Christians, especially the you're a Satanist kind, what they do in their lives is for their god. If you're not living your life for their god, everything you're doing is for evil. All things without their god = evil = Satan. Just like their beliefs don't affect your world view, yours doesn't affect theirs. They see your actions through lenses coloured by their beliefs. It's silly in my opinion, and can be quite hard to understand, but from a psychology point of view it is understandable. It's not a completely disjointed line of thinking, just fueled by something that can be hard to relate to.

Originally Posted by Cherry Who? View Post
There are also those who think Pagans are Satanists. Again... no. Just because someone isn't worshiping the Biblical god, it doesn't mean they're worshiping Satan. One of my friends is Pagan. He believes in a lot of Gods and Goddesses... Satan isn't one of them.
This is just silly and a leap of logic. Satanists have as much right to the umbrella term pagan as I do (I'm a Hellenic Polytheist) no matter what your friend, you, or I think. Pagan is just an umbrella term. I don't accept the Wiccan paradigm but when you say pagan nearly everyone's thoughts jump to it. Doesn't change that both of us (Wiccans and Hellenic Polytheists) can claim the term pagan. Your friend doesn't have to believe in my gods for this to be true and I don't have to believe in theirs. And so can Satanists. And Christopagans. And eclectics. And Heathens. And pop culture pagans. And on and on. Honestly pagan doesn't mean anything solid but it's good for a few things like beating around the bush about your religion when asked and weeding out those that are ignorant about what being pagan means.

Some pagans are Satanists, even if your friend is not.

The title here should read

Atheism: some of us may be Satanists but that doesn't mean what you think it means and we can all get along
or something.

I understand this has become a space for atheists to vent about horrible experiences, which is awesome, but it's an unnecessary field of aggression against Satanists and Satanism which clearly no one here has put more than a minute of research into. Honestly it sounds just like what the you must be Satanists Christians are saying about atheists, but for non-Satanic atheists about Satanists (both theistic and atheistic). I admit I'm more frustrated than I should be. Sorry about the snark that may come across here. I'm sure you all can understand coming from a world view of being shunned and (most likely purposely) misunderstood and unnecessarily picked at.

A.K.A ii-AznGurlDream-ii
Aimless.Wanderer is offline
Old 01-23-2015, 01:48 AM

Some of my best friends are Atheist/Agnostic (is there a difference between the two?) and I don't have a problem with it at all. I'm Muslim myself, and whenever I bring one of my friends to the mosque (because they are interested in what it's like), they always get funny stares from the older people in the community and that scares them off.

That really frustrates me. Who are you to judge what makes them satisfied with their life or not? Most of them aren't even satisfied with what they have, and they are pretty darn rich!

But that was really off-topic. And yes, I've heard of that before too, especially from my mom. She is a very avid enthusiast for digging up anything and everything about Satan and his signs, and she is darn convinced that Atheism is Satanism. I tend to avoid that topic of conversation with her because she ends up becoming overzealous and/or passionate about it Since both of my friends are Atheist, she is 'worried that I would go to the Devil' if I hung out with them more that I should. Which I find ridiculous because she deals with Atheist patients all the time who don't rub the fact that they don't believe in a God in her face.

Sky Pirate
Bartuc is offline
Old 02-24-2015, 01:02 AM

It all boils down to people opening their mouth and speaking without knowing what the hell they are talking about. Unfortunately, this is not the only thing people mess up. Politics, Religion, Gossip, Science and even History all fall victim to the regurgitating moron.


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