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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 06-21-2015, 11:26 PM

Daisy couldn't help but feel very confused and... well, odd. It's been a while since she last got drunk. Daisy continued to rub her stomach, the queasiness made her nervous.

"I don't want Tom to be mad at me!" Daisy almost yelled, she didn't know what stopped her from screaming that at the top of her lungs. "If... I left thedinnerTomwouldgetmoremad." The words spilled from her lips in a jumbled mess that she wasn't sure she could even understand herself. Her stomach flipped and she found her hands clutching at her stomach, groaning softly in her throat.

"... no. I dun want Tom togget mad at me more. I... don't want him to see me-" She gagged a little and one of her hands flung up to cover her mouth as her eyes went wide. After a few moments of stillness, her dry heaves subsided and she allowed her hand to slowly, shakily drop from her mouth and she finished her sentence. "... I do not want him to shee me like thish."

Tom listened to both Felix and Takahiro. They were right, Daisy would be alright, he just needed to stop worrying so much about her. He couldn't help it, he'd grown quite fond of having her around.

It was actually very enjoyable for Tom when the conversation changed to movies and acting, but he was actually very curious about the lives of the other men. He would have continued talking about acting and movies, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him.

"Were either of you working on anything new before this trip?" He asked, smiling.

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CycloneKira is offline
Old 06-23-2015, 01:04 PM

Astoria was wondering what to do now. When Daisy started to get the dry heaves, Astoria closed Daisy's ears tightly, the way her dad did when she had to throw up. She couldn't remember why it was important to do that.

"It's okay, Daisy," she said, trying to sound firm and gentle at the same time. Which somewhat failed, because she ended up sounding a little stern, making her look up at Brid guiltily, before she turned her attention back to Daisy.

"Here," she said, handing the glass of water to Daisy. "Drink this and get it all out." She looked at Brid, hoping she was on the right track.


Felix froze subtly at Tom's question. The truth was that Felix hadn't been working on much, before this cruise. There was too much to do; college, parties, the occasional celebrity party and his assignments kept him swamped. It was something that had been bothering him for a long time now.

"A couple of songs," he said, vaguely. "How about you, Tom? How's Crimson Peak coming along? And Takahiro, any new movies from you, that we can look forward to?" He tried to direct the conversation to the other two.

Last edited by CycloneKira; 07-26-2015 at 11:24 AM..

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 06-24-2015, 01:42 AM

Brid nodded at Astoria. She hoped they could keep Daisy from throwing up but then again if Daisy did throw up, she might feel better.

"Tom wont be mad at you if you have to go back to the room tonight," Brid said, trying to reassure Daisy. "We will just tell everyone you are feeling sea sick or something."

Brid really doubted that Daisy was going to feel like returning to dinner. Even if she did, the smell of food probably wouldn't help the nausea. The best option was to make an excuse for Daisy and escort her back to her room.

Takahiro thought that Felix seemed happy to quickly pass off the question to him, but Takahiro let it go. Maybe the kid was just nervous or liked to keep things private.

"Well there is Red Moon premiering about a month after we get back from the cruise," Takahiro answered. "I haven't started anything new yet. There has been a couple of offers, even a couple back home in Japan."

He shrugged, still feeling a little weird talking about premiers and movie offers. He was always afraid of sounding like some full-of-himself prick or something. "What about you Tom?"

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 06-25-2015, 03:28 AM

It has been a long time since Daisy had last vomited. Frankly, every time a new wave of nausea hit her like a brick wall, she got nervous that the next time would be the one that would actually make her throw up. She had a strong stomach usually, but tonight was not her night. Though, it did give Daisy some comfort when Astoria covered her ears.

After a few minutes of Daisy staring blankly into the space in front of her, she finally felt the bile burn the back of her throat and she dashed to the closest toilet to throw up. By this point, Daisy was beyond any feelings of embarrassment of throwing up in front of the two people she thought were so beautiful and amazing, all that was on her mind was to go home, to her bed and fall asleep, then perhaps wake up and discover this was all a bad dream.

Daisy threw up all of the contents of her stomach and continued to dry heave long after her stomach was emptied. It finally ended with her coughing and she leaned her head on the toilet seat and cried,

"I just want to lay down..." Daisy sighed, "C-can you both take me to m-my... Room? I don't want to be alone."

It was interesting indeed getting to know Felix and Takahiro. Tom loved meeting new friends and getting to know people. He was naturally very outgoing. Tom was a curious about Felix's vague response. Maybe he'd caught him off guard? Felix definitely caught Tom off guard when he asked about Crimson Peak, still, he was excited to share...

"Ah, it's going well. We wrapped up shooting a while ago and post production is complete. I'm very excited for the premiere, it was such a pleasure working with Mia. As always." He couldn't help the wide smile that crossed his face as he spoke about Crimson Peak. He was very passionate about his work, always eager to share.

"I am very eager for the premiere of Red Moon, Takahiro!" Tom was feeling a bit less worried for Daisy, but his mind kept saying, [i]Daisy's been gone for a while now.[/b] He shook the thoughts from his mind and tried to focus on their conversation.

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CycloneKira is offline
Old 06-27-2015, 11:19 AM

As Daisy dashed into the toilet stall, Astoria followed after her to shut her ears. She was somewhat relieved when the contents of the woman's stomach came out.

She watched as Daisy continued to dry heave for a while and then finally cough and lean on the toilet seat. The poor woman did not look like she would be able to make it back to the dinner hall.

She patted the woman's head to cheer her up. "There, you'll be fine now," she said. "There's no need to cry." She heard Daisy's request and nodded. "Sure, whatever you need."

She started trying to help Daisy up. "Is your head okay?" she asked, knowing from experience that throwing up could cause horrible headaches.


Felix listened to the other two with interest. He was looking forward to watching both movies. He was really into movies, and all of his friends knew it.

The interest that Tom had in his work was evident in the way he spoke. It was obvious that he loved what he did.

"Same here," he said, when Tom expressed eagerness for the premiere of Red Moon. "I would also like to know the names of some Japanese movies. I'm trying to learn the language." He smiled.

"Do you think you could help me out, Takahiro?"

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 07-10-2015, 02:50 AM

When Daisy started throwing up Brid wasn't surprised. More often than not, getting that drunk ended in puking up the contents of your stomach. She wet down another paper towel and used it to clean up Daisy's face. Her heart broke for the girl, when Daisy plaintively asked to go back to her room. The poor girl was going to be embarrassed beyond belief tomorrow; Brid just hoped that Tom was prepared to help alleviate her embarrassment. Brid sure didn't care about it; after all everyone makes mistakes and makes a fool of themselves at some point.

"Let's get you back to your room," Brid said kindly, helping Astoria get Daisy to her feet. "Do you want us to get Tom? Or just let him know once we get you back to your room?"

Takahiro was slightly suprised by Felix's request but also very flattered. "I will teach you all that I can in the time we have," Takahiro said with a smile.

Takahiro glanced in the direction of the bathroom, wondering about the girls. He was sure that Brid and Astoria had everything under control but he still couldn't help worrying about them, especially poor Daisy. Though he was in a small way thankful to Daisy for getting drunk. He wished the girl no harm and definitely no hangover, but it was nice to see the tough and in-control Brid again. The terrified, flighty Brid just broke his heart; it made him want to just gather her in his arms and chase away her every demon.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 07-24-2015, 11:54 PM

Daisy's head was spinning. This was definitely a horrible decision... Sure, Daisy! Just drink a little bit and you'll be social in no time! Why did she listen to that crappy little suggestion in the back of her mind that she usually didn't pay much attention to?! Regardless, she was definitely in a pickle now. She really had no choice but to let Tom know she was drunk... Well, that is, if he hadn't figured it out already.

When Brid asked if Daisy wanted them to let Tom know now or later... It was a painful thought. Daisy wanted him to think she was perfect, like he was. She hated the fact that she went and did something stupid like this. He'd probably think she's disgusting and crazy now. Daisy had no one to blame but herself... So stupid.

"I..." Daisy began. For some reason the words she wanted to speak wouldn't come passed her tongue, so she ended up slurring through a thought that she wasn't sure made any sense. "...Idon'twantTom... to she me likethish." Though, she knew better, she knew Tom would see her like this eventually. After all, they did share a suite. "... Maybe.... maybe tell himlater."

Tom was getting even more excited, but as his excitement grew, so did his worry for Daisy. "Oh yes, I'd very much enjoy that, Takahiro!" He exclaimed. Though, his focus seemed to wander off to Daisy every chance it got.

He was very tempted to excuse himself and wander over to the women's bathroom to ask if everything was alright. But his fellow guests, Takahiro and Felix didn't run off to see if things were alright. Why should he? Tom took a deep breath, he needed to keep himself calm. It wasn't like Daisy was dying. At worse, she was probably throwing up a little and was just very drunk. But she definitely wasn't dying.

Still, he couldn't help but let his brotherly instinct take over. His undying need to protect Daisy was awfully powerful. He fought his hardest against the urge to excuse himself and go off running to check if she was alright.

"So... Felix, Takahiro..." Tom found that he had to do his best to distract himself from thinking of Daisy otherwise he'd be halfway down the hall on his way to the women's restroom by now. "... Do you both have any plans for the rest of the trip?"

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CycloneKira is offline
Old 07-26-2015, 11:31 AM

Astoria looked at Brid for a moment before turning to Daisy. "Sure, Daisy," she said. "Whatever you need. Here, let's get you standing." She put an arm around Daisy and helped her up gently.

"Come on, slow and steady," she said, prompting Daisy to move while keeping an arm around her to keep her steady, so they could get her to her room.

Her thoughts momentarily went to Felix, who was probably waiting for them to get back. But this was more important. Astoria was not going anywhere until Daisy was back in her own room and resting.


Felix didn't fail to think about Astoria and the other ladies from time to time. Now that he thought about it, it was pretty obvious that Tom and Takahiro were worried about the girls too. All three of them were trying too hard to distract themselves.

He still answered Tom's question. "Not really," he said. "The only reason I agreed to come on this cruise was that everyone said I could use a vacation, and this seemed like the best way to do it."

He turned and looked in the direction of the exit. "Do you... think we should go and check... if the girls are doing okay?" he asked, pointing his thumb in that direction.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 07-27-2015, 12:28 AM

Brid got on the other side of Daisy and ducked under the girl's other arm, helping Astoria guide her across the bathroom. The girl weighed much less than a drunk cowboy and that was a nice change. She felt sorry for Daisy; she could tell how embarrassed the girl felt about getting drunk. She desperately hoped that Tom had the decency to not make a big fuss out of it as that would only make Daisy feel worse.

Takahiro breathed in inward sigh of relief when Felix asked the question that so mirrored his thoughts. "I know that Astoria and Brid are perfectly capable of handling the situation, but I would feel better checking on them. They have been gone awhile and I know it would relieve my mind. What say you Tom?"

(Sorry its kind of a short one.)

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 07-29-2015, 02:34 AM

Daisy hung her head as Brid and Astoria helped her to her feet. It was actually quite embarrassing. She really admired the two women, Daisy felt they were so perfect, so beautiful and now she'd ruined her chances of them thinking she was perfect and beautiful too. If there was ever a time in Daisy's life where she felt like the most hideous person on the face of the earth, that time was right now.

As Daisy stood, she wobbled a little with each step she took. "... Ah, damn." She murmured. "I'm shorry... I can't rem... ah... remember my shweet number."

Oh, the embarrassment just wouldn't cease! Daisy felt her cheeks flare up with a dull redness that surprisingly still showed on her brown skin. "I'm... sho shorry."

A really relieved sigh almost escaped Tom's lips. But instead, he kept his composure and tried his best to play it off like he wasn't that worried... (Though, he probably failed horribly at that charade.)

"I am quite sure they are fine... But I know it would definitely put me at ease to see for myself that they are alright." Tom caught himself after that sentence came out, "I am sure that both Brid and Astoria are well capable of handling themselves..." HE took a minute to think the next sentence through, not meaning to sound overbearing or overprotective.

"I am just concerned for Daisy. She hasn't been feeling too well since the ship sailed." He didn't want to go into detail and embarrass Daisy further, and besides, Tom was almost certain he didn't have to spell it out. Everyone at this table probably knew by now that Daisy was drunk. No need to shout it out to the world.

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CycloneKira is offline
Old 07-29-2015, 05:46 PM

Astoria smiled lightly to herself as the three of them helped Daisy walk to her suite. But she was thrown by Daisy's next statement. She didn't know her suite number? Well, that was a problem.

"That's okay," she said. "We can find a way around that, I'm sure." She looked around and spotted one of the ship's crew. She looked at Brid.

"Do you mind holding her for a sec?" she asked. "I'll just go and ask." She went over to the woman and asked her if she knew where Tom Hiddleston's suite was.

"Oh my God, yes!" the woman squealed and gave Astoria the directions. Astoria thanked the woman and came back. "Piece of cake," she said, smiling triumphantly. "Come on, Daisy, let's get you back." She supported Daisy again and they continued to walk.


Felix nodded at the other two. He tried to hide a smile at the way Tom was trying (and failing) to seem calm. "It's settled, then," he said and stood up. "Let's go find them."

He waited for the other two and walked out of the hall, keeping his eyes peeled for the girls.

Last edited by CycloneKira; 08-01-2015 at 05:06 AM..

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 07-30-2015, 07:03 PM

Brid smiled at Astoria as she returned with directions to Daisy's suite. They would get the girl back to her room and settled down. Then Brid would deal with the job of informing Tom Hiddleston.

As they made their way through the ship, Brid did her best to try and make it look like they were just three great friends and not two girls carrying a drunk third back to her room. She also kept an eagle eye out for any of the people that intereviewed them. All they needed was for one of them to see Daisy and the poor girl would wake up tomorrow to it splashed everywhere. Brid knew Daisy was going to be humiliated enough without something like that happening. Or having ship's gossip get a hold of Tom Hiddleston's companion being drunkenly escorted back to her suite.

Takahiro followed the other two out of the dining room, his eyes scanning the crowd for the girls. He considered asking one of the wait staff in the dining room if they had seen the girls, but he figured that it wouldn't be too hard to find them. Remembering Tom's comment about Daisy having not been feeling well, he had an idea. "Maybe the girls took Daisy back to her suite to lie down," he suggested to Tom and Felix.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 08-01-2015, 03:07 AM

Daisy did her best to walk in a straight line... It was the least she could do after the stunt she pulled today. She felt awful, ruining everyone's dinner like that and embarrassing Tom. She tried not to lean too heavily on Brid or Astoria. She would be forever in their dept if they got her to her suite in one piece.

When they reached her door, Daisy fumbled through her small, black handbag to get the key out. It was a lot harder than it seemed! Finding that teeny little key in a black purse when your head was swimming and you couldn't see clearly proved to be quite a task! But, Daisy did find her key and she immediately shoved it into the knob and twisted the door open. Of course, Daisy missed being home more than ever right now.

Daisy turned to Brid, "Thanksh, Brid......" then Astoria, "Astoria... I couldn't have... made it here without... your help."

The second Daisy's foot touched the wooden floor of her suite, she immediately felt another wave of nausea pass over her and she made for the toilet.

"Oh god, I hope so..." Tom mumbled under his breath in response to Takahiro's comment. He hoped none of them heard what he said. "Well, if they haven't taken Daisy to her room, I guess it won't hurt to make sure they're alright in the washroom."

In truth, Tom was a little disappointed that it seemed he'd have to cut the evening short to make sure Daisy was alright. It felt a little awkward to walk with the two men, looking for his drunk companion without explaining.

"Poor thing, she just gets so nervous, you know?" Tom awkwardly laughed a little, trying desperately to seem less awkward. "I tried to tell her she'd had too much. I should have been more firm, I guess. I hope this doesn't ruin her trip." Tom could have talked the whole way to the women's restroom, but he ended it there. No need to whine and go off on a tangent with his fellow celebrities.

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 08-01-2015, 05:45 AM

Astoria was relieved when they reached Daisy's suite. "Whoo! We're here," she said and let Daisy take the key and unlock the door. Then she smiled warmly at her. "No problemo, Daisy!" she said, grinning widely. "Happy to help." Then she ran after Daisy and shut her ears, in case she threw up again.


Felix smiled at Tom. "Don't worry about it," he said. "It happens to the best of us. And I'm pretty sure that this was a bonding experience for the three of them. It will be good for all of them to have friends other than their respective companions."

He walked along the deck with the other men, and when they finally reached the girls' washroom, he stopped a few feet away. "Maybe we should ask someone if they're in there."

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 08-01-2015, 07:40 PM

"Not a problem," Brid answered when Daisy thanked her. She watched Daisy take off for the bathroom followed closely by Astorria. She stepped into the suite and closed the door behind her, now a little unsure of what to do. She knew that, when she finished throwing up, Daisy would probably want to lay down. Brid was going to turn down the covers but wasn't sure which bed was Daisy's.

Takahiro nodded at Felix's suggestion. He snagged a passing lady wearing a cruise ship uniform. He quietly explained, as discreetly as possible, that they were worried about their companions who weren't feeling well and asked if she could quickly check the ladies room for them.

The woman smiled recognizing them and went to check the ladies room. She returned and informed them that their companions were not there. Takahiro thanked her with a smile and then turned his attention to his companions. "Where should we check next Tom?"

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 08-02-2015, 02:59 AM

Daisy gladly welcomed the feeling of Astoria's hands over her ears as she dry heaved. It was nice to have people around who didn't mind being gentle with you while you're drunk. Daisy finished with dry heaves, then ended up coughing violently. This was the absolute worst idea she'd ever gone through with. Not only did she ruin her hair with sweat and her make up, but now she was spending the rest of the night dry heaving and looking like a complete idiot in front of people who could potentially become friends.

Daisy sighed after her coughing fit was over. Thank whatever deity was out there for that... "Ash... Ashtoria?" Daisy asked, "Can you help me to the bed, pleash?" Daisy's legs felt like jell-o. She just wanted to lay down with an ice pack on her head and sleep.

Tom sighed. "Well, I guess you were right, Takahiro. My guess would be that the girls took Daisy to our suite." Tom looked at both Felix and Takahiro. "Would either of you mind just checking in on them? It would really put my mind at ease to see that Daisy is doing okay." He caught himself again,

"Not that I don't think Astoria and Brid aren't capable of helping Daisy... I just..." Tom sighed as he tried to think of the words to describe how he felt. "I'd just feel better if I saw for myself that Daisy is alright. I hope you both understand?"

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 08-03-2015, 12:58 PM

Astoria waited patiently for Daisy to finish coughing. Then she nodded and helped Daisy to the bed, letting Daisy lead the way because she didn't know which bed was Daisy's and which belonged to Tom.

"Okay, there you go," she said. Once Daisy was lying on the bed, she pulled the covers over her.

"Is there anything else you need?" she asked, before glancing over at Brid, who was standing near the closed suite door behind her.


Felix nodded slowly when Tom said the girls might be in his suite. He smiled at Tom lightly, tying his best to put the man at ease, for he was clearly worried about Daisy.

"It's fine, Tom," he said. "We understand. We could go and check, there's no harm. What's the suite number?"

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 08-03-2015, 09:46 PM

Brid went into the bathroom and filled a glass with water. She set it down on the bedside table within easy reach of Daisy. "You going to be okay or would you like us to hang around?" She asked, glancing at Astoria. She figured that Daisy would probably just go to sleep and sleep it off, but she was also a little hesitant to leave the girl alone in her suite.

Takahiro was sure that the girls were probably safe in Daisy's suite but he still felt himself worrying a bit about Brid. What if the lady who interviewed them before dinner had found her again?

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 08-05-2015, 09:40 PM

Daisy pondered it... She didn't think she needed much else except to sleep right now. "No..." She mumbled.

They could hang around if they wanted to, but all she was going to do was sleep. Noise from the TV would be too loud for her sensitive ears right now, and there wasn't any food in her suite. As soon as Daisy's face hit the pillow, she found herself struggling to stay awake, while, at the same time, struggling to fall asleep due to the dull ache in her head.

"... I don't care." Daisy finally said in response to Brid/s question. She didn't want to sound like she wasn't grateful for their help, honestly, Daisy was just in so much pain she really didn't feel like talking if she didn't have to.

"I promise, I'll just pop in, see that everything is alright and we can go." He started walking, well, rather, speed-walking, but walking nonetheless. He definitely had more class than to run down the halls looking for Daisy. Midway through one of the halls, he stopped. He turned to the other men and asked, "I hope it isn't any inconvenience?"

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 08-09-2015, 04:50 AM

Astoria nodded her head. Daisy seemed to be fine, now that she was safe in bed. She turned to Brid.

"Maybe we should stay here for a couple of minutes, just in case she needs anything," she said in a low voice. "Then we can go back to dinner."


Felix did his best to keep up with Tom, who was walking pretty fast. "It's not an inconvenience, it's fine," he said. "And I'm sure Takahiro doesn't mind either." He looked at Takahiro, hoping the man would confirm his statement.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 08-09-2015, 11:06 PM

"I agree," Brid whispered back to Astoria, glad the other girl's thoughts mirrored her own. She settled down on the couch in the suite, giving Daisy some privacy to sleep but still close by should the girl need anything.

"Of course it is not an inconvience," Takahiro assured Tom as he followed the other two guys through the ship. The corridors were fairly empty as most people were still at dinner so the going was fairly easy. His dark eyes scanned there surroundings but he didn't see anything concerning, no skulking reporters waiting for a juicy story.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 08-13-2015, 02:20 AM

Within minutes, Daisy was fast asleep. She kept her arms and legs sprawled across the bed unceremoniously, her mouth slightly agape as she drooled on her pillow a little bit. It felt so nice to sleep. Her headache was pounding and it felt like she'd be sick any second again, but still, once she reached that beautiful place beyond consciousness, it felt quite good to be asleep.

After a few minutes of sound sleeping, Daisy did shoot back up in her bed and scrambled for the bathroom, feeling another wave of nausea pass over her. In her rush to get to the bathroom, she fell off the bed and thumped! as she hit the ground. Embarrassing. Daisy groaned a little as she tried to get to her feet, but her coordination was so off, she couldn't get the room to stop spinning long enough for her to get her balance, so she settled for crawling, er, trying to.

Daisy bumped into a few walls, hitting her head and causing her to groan again, it did absolutely nothing but make her headaches worse. God, this was miserable. Daisy crawled around on the floor aimlessly for a minute, realizing she didn't remember where her bathroom was. Whatever. It was too much effort to figure it out, so Daisy settled for laying on the floor, curling up into the fetal position with her arms folded across her stomach, as though covering her stomach would keep it from turning and twisting. Daisy whined softly in her throat, not really caring anymore if Brid and Astoria heard her.

Tom was flying down the halls, going almost so fast that it scared him. He didn't slow down until he bumped into someone.

"Excuse me, ma'am." He said politely and he turned as if to keep going, but the woman he ran into, a rather short, chubby, white haired, older woman grabbed his arm and said,

"You're Tom Hiddleston!" To which Tom replied,

"Yes, I am, now, if you'd excu-"

"Jerry! He's here, come quick!" The woman shouted and from just around the corner a man with a camera came awkwardly running down the hall, camera on his shoulder and mumbling, "I'm comin', Sarah, jeez..."

Tom's eyes grew wide and he turned back to see his fellow companions and looked at them with deep regret and 'I'm sorry!!!' in his eyes. Tom tried to politely excuse himself from the woman's questioning and he did his best to hide his face from the camera. Damn these stupid reporters...

"Um." Tom stammered. "I understand you have a job to do, ma'am, but my friends..." Tom motioned at Felix and Takahiro. "... and I are quite busy at the moment, if you'd excuse us, please..."


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