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Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 03:48 AM

Banner by Nephila.

Fire up those DVRs, ladies and gents, for tonight promises to be nothing less than spooktacular!
You are a paranormal investigator for the hit TV show, Ghost Quest, and have been invited to the small, mountain town of Croftmoor. Your mission, help out the Seward family, and discover what ghostly presence haunts their home.

Will this be just another night at the office, or are the secrets locked within these walls much more than they seem?


Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-23-2015 at 02:55 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 05:33 AM

Once every 24 hours, you may:
  1. Look at Today's Map ( Here ).
  2. Choose an action from the list.
  3. Copy and paste the provided form, with your action added, into this thread.
  4. Check back after 8PM Pacific for the results. (Click here for current Pacific time.) We will post them in this thread directly, but you may also find them in "Yesterday's Results," here. If you miss a day, you can find results for past maps further down the page.
  5. Return to Today's Map for the new map. Rinse, and repeat!


Only one account per person may play.
Exception: Staff-approved charity mules are welcome to play for their charities.

You must accept any trades within 30 days.
We'll cancel long-unaccepted trades and reroute those items to active charities.

Q. Those are some nifty looking maps, how'd you do that?
A. All maps were made at

Q. I'd like to choose a new area on the map. Can I?
A. Sure. Before the round ends, post the form again with your new selection and ping either Captain Howdy or BellyButton, and we'll make note of it as soon as we can. Obviously you cannot change your mind after the round ends.

Q. I got an 'End of Investigation'! Does that mean I can't play anymore?
A. Rest assured, you may continue to play, earn prizes and raffle points. The goal of the game is to make it to the end safely. And in terms of story, you have been abducted by aliens. You're now chillin' out on their spaceship. But how are you still playing? I dunno. Astral projection?

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-01-2015 at 08:12 PM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 06:25 AM

Ananda Johar ~ Age 32
Transplanted Londoner and television personality who now resides in the states, hosting the paranormal investigation show, Ghost Quest. Ananda is a kind hearted and good natured gal.

Sterling Weber ~ Age 27
Sterling is a self-proclaimed medium, a person who is able to communicate with the dead. He uses his abilities to help those burdened with the paranormal on the TV program, Ghost Quest. A bit sour and standoffish, but at heart not a bad guy.

Roscoe Barnes ~ Age 53
Veteran Hollywood director and current director for the reality show, Ghost Quest. Roscoe is a sly fellow who, when it comes to his work, is all business. For him, it's all about making edgy and exciting TV.

Franklin Seward ~ Age 42
Loving husband and father, and a 4th grade elementary school teacher by trade. Franklin is responsible, resourceful and a pillar for his family.

Katherine Seward ~ Age 41
Loving wife and mother, and a veterinarian by trade. Katherine is an intelligent, determined and caring woman, who would do anything for her family.

Annabelle Seward ~ Age 16
Eldest daughter of the Seward clan. Annabelle is a typical teen, popular and well liked. She's a bold girl, with a lot of the same strengths as her mother and father.

Miles Seward ~ Age 12
The Seward's only son and Eloise's fraternal twin. Miles is a rapscallion and a bit of a trouble maker. He enjoys teasing his two sisters.

Eloise Seward ~ Age 12
The Seward's youngest daughter and Miles' fraternal twin. Eloise, for the most part, is a good girl, but does secretly share some of her brother's rambunctiousness.

Ruby Malinowski ~ Age 66
Maternal grandmother to the Seward children. Ruby is a feisty and saucy granny, with a wicked sense of humor. Eligible gentlemen beware.

Oliver Xiong ~ Age 35
A mysterious stranger who showed up the night the Sewards and the Ghost Quest team were attacked. He revealed himself to be an ally, working to undermine the plans of the Tarcurians.

Wolf Smolder [real name unknown] ~ Age: ???
A Tarcurian commander who tricked Oliver into believing he was an ex-FBI agent. Wolf used Oliver by having him lure those with super soldier DNA to the abandoned military base.

The Tarcuians
An advanced alien race from the Andromeda Galaxy. They traveled to Earth in effort to implant humans with super soldier DNA, kidnap them, and use them in their war against the Sautiloids. They have big squishy heads and squeaky voices.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-04-2015 at 02:06 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 09:02 AM

As is the trend for the evening, when forced to hide, everyone scatters like a flock of headless chickens. The military base is near pitch black, and Annabelle, Katherine, Ananda, Sterling and Oliver, huddle together, moving cautiously through the darkness.

Annabelle: [sarcastically] Hiding again. Great work, Oliver.
Oliver: [smiles] Thank you.
Ananda: How could you not know that your partner is an alien?
Oliver: [shrugs] He never said he was. [points at Sterling] I mean, how do you know your partner isn’t an alien?
Sterling: [offended] Hey.
Ananda: I know Sterling’s not an alien. He’s just a weirdo.
Sterling: Hey!
Katherine: Let’s not be too hard on Oliver. We wouldn’t have made it this far without him. [dejected] I just wonder how much farther we can go. We’re cornered out in the middle of nowhere. Most of my family is gone… [her eyes tear up] and I don’t think we’re going to get them back.
Annabelle: Oh mom.
Sterling: [haltingly places his hand on Katherine’s shoulder] Don’t… lose hope, Katherine. We’re all here with you. And, y’know, I’m sure if we stick together and keep our faith, we can find a way.
Katherine: [wiping her eyes] Thank you, Sterling.
Ananda: [teasing] Mr. Weber, you softy. So you are human after all.
Sterling: [frowning] I’m not a monster. [he freezes] Wait, what is that?!

Everyone tenses.

Annabelle: [whispering] What?! I don’t see anything!
Sterling: [pointing] In the distance. It’s a soldier. … It’s the spirit of a soldier!
Ananda: A spirit?!
Oliver: [excited] Oh boy, he’s doing the spooky!
Sterling: He… he’s beckoning to us. [starts to move] C’mon.
Annabelle: Wait, you seriously want us to follow a ghost?!
Sterling: Would you rather stay out here with the aliens?
Katherine: A sound argument if I ever heard one.

None of them can see what Sterling sees, but he moves with purpose. Following the medium’s lead, they soon reach a building at the edge of the base

Sterling: He wants us to go in here.
Anada: Are you sure this is safe?
Sterling: I don’t feel any maliciousness from him. In fact, I think he’s trying to help us.
Annabelle: We can use all the help we can get.

Inside is a small room. It’s mostly bare, save for a few signs on the wall explaining various rules about gun safety. Sterling turns to the right and places his hand on a nearby door.

Sterling: In here. This is where he’s led us.
Oliver: That’s the old munitions room. Where they used to keep the guns.

Annabelle, Katherine, Ananda & Sterling: Guns!
Oliver: Yeah, but they’re not there anymore. Government removed ‘em a long time ago. So now there’s nothing really useful.
Sterling: Then why… [he opens the door and his jaw drops]

Stacked high, in the small windowless room, are shelves. And packed on each shelf are numerous blasters, the same weapons used by the Tarcurians!

Annabelle: Nothing useful?! These are those ray gun things! Holy shit!
Katherine: Annabelle, language! … But I have to agree, holy shit.
Ananda: Oliver, did you know these were here?
Oliver: Yeah, but they don’t work. They’re only replicas.

Taking one of the guns from the shelf, Sterling points it opposite him and fires. A red laser shoots forward and blasts a hole in the wall.

Sterling: [calmly] Looks pretty real to me.
Oliver: [scratches his head] Imagine that. Wolf told me they weren’t real.
Ananda: And you believed him?!
Oliver: Wolf was very convincing. His high, squeaky voice is so soothing.
Annabelle: [almost giddy] Now we can defend ourselves! Oliver, how do these work?
Oliver: [taking the gun] The settings are here. The blue beam interferes with electronics. The green beam stuns living creatures. The purple beam transports things back to the mothership. And the red beam is a whole lot of ouch.
Annabelle: Oh believe me; before we’re through, those assholes are going to be in a world of ouch.

Meanwhile in the mess hall.

Woodlandnymph: I wonder if there’s any food ‘round here. I’m starving.
xoxoAngiexoxo: [incredulously] How can you possibly think of food at a time like this?!
Woodlandnymph: You know I never eat before an investigation. Plus all this running and hiding works up an appetite.
Saravi Boo: Well this place looks like it’s been shut down for a while, so I doubt you’d wanna eat anything you did find.
Xo~GREMLIN~oX: Hey, maybe they’ve got some freeze dried ice cream. That stuff doesn’t go bad.
spicedroses: Yeah, and some Tang!
xoxoAngiexoxo: This is a military base, not an astronaut camp.
Saravi Boo: Even if there was food, I’m far too scared to eat.
Woodlandnymph: Not me. I’m going to check the kitchen.
spicedroses: Be careful. And try not to make any noise.
Woodlandnymph: *rolls eyes* Okay, mom.

Woody weaves through the maze of disorganized tables and disappears into the kitchen. All is momentarily quiet before she races out again, shouting.

Woodlandnymph: Not food! Not food! Run!

Gremlin and the others burst out the mess hall doors, frantically trying to escape the Tarcurians now on their tail. But their attempt to escape is in vain, as they run straight into Wolf and his collection of alien compatriots. Before any of them can react, they’re stunned and transported to the mothership now floating overhead.

Wolf: To think we place the future of the mighty Tarcurian race in the hands of these apes.
Annabelle: [calling out] Well maybe if you blue buttholes weren’t such wimps, we wouldn’t have to. [aw snap]

Annabelle and the others have appeared, each wielding a blaster, poised and ready.

Wolf: So you’ve found the armory. What do you think that accomplishes?
Ananda: It gives us a fighting chance.
Oliver: Wolf… what happened to us? I thought we were friends. Remember all the good times we had? Drinking cocoa? Playing Candyland? All those stories you would tell me about you and Donna Skally back in the bureau?
Wolf: All lies. It was far too easy keeping a simpleton like you in line.
Oliver: [pouting] You said we were going to start a band.
Annabelle: Enough talk! We’re not going to be terrorized by you anymore. We’re getting my family back, and all of our friends.
Wolf: And how do you plan to do that? Say, by some chance, you defeat us here, and then what? You’re still outnumbered. The intellectual prowess of my race is far too advanced for your tiny brains to comprehend. You cannot win.
Annabelle: The odds may not be in our favor, but that’s the thing about us humans, we don’t give up. There was once a great Earth hero. Even in the face of adversity, even when the odds seemed stacked against him, he kept repeating, “I think I can! I think I can!” And he chugged, and he chugged, and by god, eventually he could! And so can we!
Sterling: Who writes this stuff?
Wolf: Brave words. But wars aren’t won with words.

Wolf the Tarcurian shouts an undecipherable command to the collected alien army, and they all raise their blasters. But Annabelle and her crew are quick, popping off a few rounds and moving before they can get hit. Soon the darkened military base is lit by energy beams flying to and fro.

Katherine: Holy cow, I think we’re winning!
Oliver: I told you, they’re not very good fighters.
Ananda: What’s that?!

A Tarcurian has appeared, strapped with what looks like a stout silver bazooka to its back. A swirling of light begins to swell around the mouth of the weapon, and the air ripples and pulsates.

Oliver: Particle cannon! Scatter!

Oliver and the others quickly flee, just as the cannon discharges, hitting the mess hall and causing it to burst into a million pieces. The explosion, though not massive, causes enough of a shockwave to knock everyone down. Staggered, Annabelle climbs back on her feet and sees…

Annabelle: Mom!

Katherine has been stunned and is already rising up into the air. Higher and higher she rides the lights until she is swallowed by the mouth of the ship.

Annabelle: You bastards! Give her back!
Wolf: As I said, you cannot win. And now we have your entire family, Annabelle Seward. The question is, how will you proceed? Foolishly continue to oppose us, or surrender to the inevitable? We’ll give you time to decide. But know this, you were chosen to be a soldier, and a soldier you shall be.

A purple glow circles Wolf and the wounded Tarcurians before they are transported away, leaving Annabelle, Oliver, Ananda, Sterling and the remaining Ghost Quest team behind. All would appear calm, if not for the looming shape of the mothership overhead.

Oliver: Man, Wolf’s turned into a real jerk. I don’t think I like him anymore.
Ananda: [approaching the younger girl] Annabelle, what do you want to do?
Annabelle: [holding back the tears, a look of determination crosses her face] You heard him. I’m a soldier. So I’ll do what a soldier does. Fight. [she turns to face the group] I’m not gonna stay down here and wait to be picked off. [holding up the blaster] They left us the keys, so I’m going up there and I'm getting everyone back! What I want to know is who’s coming with me?!
Oliver: [chipper] Well you can’t go without me. I know that ship better than anyone here.
Ananda: [takes a deep breath] My mother always said I should have never left London. And right now I’m thinking she’s right, because I am more scared in this moment than I have ever been in my life. But I also know there’s no turning back. Earlier this evening I promised your sister we would do our best to help your family, and I intend to keep that promise.

Annabelle smiles, and hugs Ananda.

Sterling: I’d like to go, but I’ve got all this laundry to do back home, and…
Ananda: Sterling!
Sterling: [rolls eyes] Fine, I’ll go.

Annabelle: Is everyone else in?

Though apprehensive, the rest of the team agrees.

Annabelle: Good. Now let’s go kick some alien butt.

Location: Tarcurian Mothership

Search Options:
-- Unknown Sector 1
-- Unknown Sector 2
-- Unknown Sector 3
-- Unknown Sector 4
-- Unknown Sector 5
-- Unknown Sector 6
-- Unknown Sector 7
-- Unknown Sector 8

Paste this form into the thread to play
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="5"][B]Today is Day Six. I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick alien butt, and i'm all out of bubblegum![/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]I've ended up in: [write map area here]

Where is everybody?X

-- Unknown Sector 1
Dystopoa - >:D
Kent - >:D
Midian - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 2
Chexala - >:D
Damia Flagg - >:D
Naisou - >:D
Velvet - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 3
GummyBearKisses - >:D
Kay - >:D
musasgal - >:D
SuperZombiePotatoe - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 4
Babyblueyez25 - >:D
xoxoAngiexoxo - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 5
Nephila - >:D
numerica - >:D
Razak - >:D
shinigamikarasu - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 6
Arinina Dreamdancer - >:D
Cardinal Biggles - >:D
Cora - >:D
GwenaHikari - >:D
Hadsvich - >:D
LaVida - >:D
Mimmu - >:D
Nema - >:D
Roxxxy - >:D
spicedroses - >:D
star200shadow - >:D
wish - >:D
woohoohelloppl - >:D
Xogizmoox - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 7
Divacita - >:D
Elirona - >:D
hummy - >:D
Kamikaze Kendra - >:D
Mageling - >:D
Miscreant74 - >:D
Q U E E N - >:D
Rochiel Silverfire - >:D
Sarave Boo - >:D

-- Unknown Sector 8
blueblackrose - >:D
Car'a'Carn - >:D
DivineHeart - >:D
dragoness129 - >:D
KatMagenta - >:D
Maha-Aamir - >:D
Roachi - >:D
sadrain - >:D
salvete - >:D
Whisper Invictus - >:D
zigbigadorlube - >:D

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-06-2015 at 02:49 AM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 04:47 PM

Location: Abandoned Military Base

To think, at one time, the barracks was buzzing with activity, housings dozens of soldiers. What was their life like, you wonder? What were their hopes? What were their dreams? And opening the old footlockers, you wonder... did they ever wash their clothes?
(Cadet Cap - Olive & Camouflage, Baggy Jean - Olive & Camouflage, Striped T-Shirt - Olive M&F, Black Mechanic Boots)

Communications Room
The atmosphere of the communications room is just thick with drama. Imagine all the secrets that passed through these walls. A small group of people, bridging the gap between countries, between governments. Imagine just how many times the world's fate may have hung in the balance here. Ponder the weight, the gravity, the severity of the duty they must have felt every moment of the day. -- But wait, what's that on the wall? An old betting sheet. 'Who will win the cold war? USA or Russia? $10 a spot."
(+1000g )

The old infirmary is all kinds of spooky. Like being in an abandoned hospital. But it does make you think about the stories your grandfather told about being a medic during the war. "It was grisly!" He would say. "Head wounds! Limbs blown off! Some of those boys were an inch away from death. But me and the other medics never gave up! We wouldn't eat, we wouldn't sleep, knowing a life hung in the balance. We gave our blood, sweat and tears to save those brave men!" -- "What about the ones that didn't make it?" You asked. -- "We split the money in their pockets and stacked 'em in the back." ... ... You didn't talk to your grandpa often.
(+900g )

Mess Hall
Now look at the mess you've gotten yourself into! Get it? Mess? Mess Hall? Huh? ......
(End of Investigation - See F.A.Q.)

Munitions Room
For an advanced race of beings, you'd have thought the Tarcurian weapons would be... a little more elaborate. In fact, they look a lot like the toy ray guns you used to play with when you were a kid. It reminds you of the time you were hanging out at your aunt Altaira's house and found what you assumed to be another ray gun in her bedroom. "That ain't no ray gun," she laughed, "that's my plastic educator," and shooed you out of the room. Years later you would try to forget the incident ever happened.
(+1 Raffle Point)

Shooting Range
In the shooting range, you notice a definite lack of things that actually shoot. e.g. guns. But it's just as well, you wouldn't know how to fire one anyway. Maybe if you were some movie bad ass like Sylvester Stabbone or Sigourney Weevil or Arnold Schwarzenjammer. But no, you're just little ol' you. A person can dream, though.
(Kick Ass Action Hero)

Strategy Room
Entering the strategy room, you gaze upon a breathtaking sight. Five ethereal orbs of light, bobbing up and down above the oval table. They are a mystery, one that eludes you. But you feel the answer will be known soon.

Training Room
In the training room you find a rather interesting military instruction manual on how to survive in the jungle. It tells about making and maintaining a fire. Gathering rain water to drink. Harvesting palm nuts and such. Doesn't sound too bad, and you start to think, "I can do this." ... Only when you get to the part about roasting tarantulas do you have second thoughts. 'Be sure to cut off the spider's sac,' the manual reads, 'this is where the guts are. And make sure your tarantula is thoroughly cooked, as the poison can burn your tongue and induce violent vomiting.' -- Slowly you put the manual down and vow never to go to the jungle.
(Deep in the Jungle)

Where is everybody?X

-- Barracks
dragoness129 - (o.o)
Kamikaze Kendra - (o.o)
Q U E E N - (o.o)
star2000shadow - )o.o)
woohoohelloppl - (o.o

-- Communications Room
Angel Spirit Girl - (o.o)
Chexala - (o.o)
Damia Flagg - (o.o)
KatMagenta - (o.o)
musasgal - (o.o)
Roxxxy - (o.o)
SuperZombiePotatoe - (o.o)
Velvet - (o.o)

-- Infirmary
Babyblueyez25 - (o.o)
Cardinal Biggles - (o.o)
Elirona - (o.o)
HIM_ROCK - (o.o)
Maha- Aamir - (o.o)
Midian - (o.o)
Mimmu - (o.o)
Xogizmoox - (o.o)

-- Mess Hall
Kay - (o.o)
Roachi - (o.o)
salvete - (o.o)
Saravi Boo - (o.o)
spicedroses - (o.o)
Woodlandnymph - (o.o)
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - (o.o)
xoxoAngiexoxo - (o.o)

-- Munitions Room
Arinia Dreamdancer - (o.o)
Car'a'Carn - (o.o)
Hadsvich - (o.o)
LaVida - (o.o)
Miscreant74 - (o.o)
Naisou - (o.o)
Nephila - (o.o)
sadrain - (o.o)
wish - (o.o)

-- Shooting Range
Cora - (o.o)
GummyBearKisses - (o.o)
GwenaHikari - (o.o)
hummy - (o.o)
shinigamikarasu - (o.o)

-- Strategy Room
DivineHeart - (o.o)
Emilio - (o.o)
Nema - (o.o)
numerica - (o.o)
Razak - (o.o)

-- Training Room
blueblackrose - (o.o)
Dystopia - (o.o)
Kent - (o.o)
Mageling - (o.o)
Rochiel Silverfire - (o.o)

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-04-2015 at 03:23 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 08:15 PM

One Day Played

Two Days Played

Three Days Played

Four Days Played
Angel Spirit Girl
Saravi Boo

Five Days Played
Damia Flagg

Six Days Played

One Day Played

Two Days Played
Kamikaze Kendra
Whisper Invictus

Three Days Played

Four Days Played
Arinia Dreamdancer
Cardinal Biggles

Five Days Played
Rochiel Silverfire

Six Days Played

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-04-2015 at 03:54 AM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 09:22 PM

In addition to possibly-maybe winning cool stuff each day, you'll also gain entry into a prize raffle just for participating. After the event we'll draw winners for some extra-cool stuff.

We'll reveal more about this as the story progresses. :)


  1. Angel Spirit Girl - 1
  2. Arinia Dreamdancer - 2
  3. Babyblueyez25 - 1
  4. Car'a'Carn - 1
  5. Cardinal Biggles - 1
  6. Cora - 2
  7. DivineHeart - 1
  8. dragoness129 - 1
  9. Hadsvich - 1
  10. hummy - 1
  11. Kent - 1
  12. LaVida - 1
  13. LizzyCollinsDeArc - 1
  14. Midian - 1
  15. Mimmu - 1
  16. Miscreant74 - 3
  17. Naisou - 1
  18. Nema - 2
  19. Nephila - 2
  20. numerica - 1
  21. Rochiel Silverfire - 1
  22. sadrain - 1
  23. salvete - 1
  24. Saravi Boo - 1
  25. spicedroses - 1
  26. Velvet - 2
  27. wish - 1
  28. woohoohelloppl - 1

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-04-2015 at 03:56 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 11:26 PM

Day One StoryX

Welcome to Croftmoor, a small, sleepy mountain town, here in the heart of America, where life moves at an easy pace. With such an ideal and serene setting, one couldn’t imagine living here would be anything but perfect. But nestled high above Croftmoor, hidden within its thickly wooded slopes, sits the abode of the Sewards, an average, happy family--- who shares their home with a dark presence.

Shadow figures, strange noises and restless nights are only a few of the mysteries we can expect from the Seward house. Mysteries that we have just one night to unravel.

My name is Ananda Johar, and this is…

The Sewards live here, tucked away on Croftmoor’s densely forested mountainside. It is a rugged, yet attractive, two-story craftsman home, whose lovely exterior belies the darkness within.

The Seward family consists of: Husband Franklin, a school teacher by trade. His veterinarian wife, Katherine. Eldest daughter, Annabelle. Twins, Miles and Eloise. And their grandmother, Ruby.

The family has made the house their home for more than a decade, but it is only within the past couple of years that their peaceful lives have take a sinister turn.

Tonight, the Sewards have invited myself, our resident medium, Sterling Weber, and the entire Ghost Quest team here, in hopes of getting to the bottom of these strange goings-on.

But tonight isn’t just any night. Tonight is Halloween, a time when some say the worlds between the living and the dead are at their closest. Will the spirits rise to the occasion? Just wait and see.

Roscoe: Cut! Good work, Ana. Okay, let’s move these cameras into the sitting room. [talking into his walkie-talkie] Gimmie the status on those surveillance cams, Mike? [he walks away]
Ananda: [shivering a bit] My word, it does get chilly up in the mountains, doesn’t it?
Franklin: I could turn on the heat…
Sterling: [abruptly] No. The house needs to stay at ambient temperature.
Franklin: [slightly taken aback] Oh, I see…
Ananda: [smiling] Don’t mind Sterling’s brusqueness, that’s just the way he is.
Miles: [approaching Sterling] Hey, tell me my future.
Sterling: [frowning] [in monotone] I’m a medium, kid, not a psychic.
Franklin: [laughing weakly] Miles, let the nice man be.
Ruby: Medium? I would think at least a large. [she cackles, and Miles joins in]
Annabelle: [sighs] Do we all need to be here for this?
Sterling: If you want to reclaim your house, everyone in the family needs to be present.
Eloise: [to Ananda] Can you really get rid of the ghost?
Ananda: Well I can promise you that we’re going to try our very best, sweetheart.
Ruby: But if he's tall and handsome, just send 'im to Granny's room! Ha!
Miles & Eloise: Ewwwwww!
Katherine: [quickly trying to change the subject] I can’t thank you all enough for coming out here. We’re just at a loss at how to deal with this… problem.
Ananda: It’s our pleasure.
Katherine: The incidents seemed so small at first, but in this past year they’ve really ramped up. My family can’t live like this, and I worry so much for my children.
Ananda: Well there’s no need to fret now. We’re here to help. [taking Katherine’s hand] You seem like a really good mother, Katherine. I admire that.
Katherine: Thank you. -- Do you have any children of your own?
Ananda: Not yet, but I hope to someday. Just haven’t met the right man yet... or the right turkey baster.
Katherine: Well, should the time come, I’m sure you’ll be a fantastic mother.
Ananda: Truth be told, the prospect frightens me a little.
Katherine: You’ll be fine. I know it. When I was pregnant with Annabelle, I was a nervous wreck. I was so uncertain on how I would handle motherhood. But one night I went to bed and had a dream. An angel came to me and put its hands on my belly. It said not to worry; my little girl was going to be special. And you know, when I woke up the next day, all my fears were gone.
Annabelle: You should stop telling that story, mom. It makes you sound crazy.
Anada: [reassuring Katherine] I think it’s lovely.
Roscoe: [returning] Agreed. Save it, and we’ll work it into the interview. Now, if we could get the family to move to the sitting room, we’ll get started on those right now.

[The Sewards exit, leaving Ananda, Roscoe and Sterling, who stands blankly, studying the house with a concerned look on his face.]

Roscoe: [waving a hand in front of the younger man] Hey, Sterling buddy, you alive?
Sterling: [talking to no one in particular] I wasn’t convinced this place was haunted. Heading up the road, I couldn’t feel anything. But now that we’re here… I’m confused.
Ananda: How so?
Sterling: There’s something strange about this house.
Roscoe: [amused] Ha! Stranger than ghosts? What are we dealing with, leprechauns?
Sterling: [serious] There’s an energy here I’ve never felt before. And I can’t seem to pinpoint what it is. But it doesn’t feel right.
Ananda: [trying to keep a good natured tone] Sterling stop, you’re starting to frighten me.
Roscoe: I wouldn’t sweat it. You’re just a little off your game right now. Once we go lights out and split up to investigate, I’m sure you’ll have this thing pegged in no time.
Sterling: I hope so.
Ananda: Do you already have a feel for where you need to go?
Sterling: I do. Above all others, there’s one room in this house I’m being drawn to. It’s calling to me. I just don’t know what I expect to find.

Day One ResultsX

Location: Seward Home

Annabelle's Bedroom
Annabelle: "There are six of us here, but most of the stuff that goes on in this house seems to happen to me. I don't know why i'm the focus. It sucks. Sometimes in the middle of the night, i'll wake up but... I won't be fully awake, y'know? It's like i'm in this fuzzy dream state. I know it's in the room, and I want to see who it is, but my body won't move."
(+1 Raffle Point)

Amongst the dust and boxes and old family heirlooms waited something more. A sinister force you were unable to escape.
(End of Investigation - See F.A.Q.)

Franklin - "I'd been in the office for hours grading book reports and it was well past midnight. I was famished, so I got up and headed to the kitchen for some leftovers and coffee. Afterward, I was standing over the sink, washing my plate, when I look up and catch a quick glimpse out the window of something standing in the woods. It was gone before my brain could properly register what it was, but it definitely looked like a figure. I raced outside and called out, but there was no one there."
(Dinner, Fruit Cake & Hot Mocha Latte)

Laundry Room
Ruby - "It was just 'bout time to hit the hay, when I remembered there was laundry to be done. Granny had a hot date the next day and she always likes to look her best. I was pleasantly surprised to find in a pair of hot pants, some cash I thought I'd lost. This meant I would be able to make bingo that weekend. And that's when I heard it. Like the sound of somethin' in the walls. At first I thought it might've been rats, but this noise was too large to have been just rats. Straight up gave me the heebie jeebies. This ol' gal didn't stick around for long after that."
(+500g )

Living Room
Eloise - "It was the day of our birthday party, Miles and me. All our friends were there and we got so many presents. It was awesome. My aunt Betty and uncle Barney sent me a new pair of shoes and a card with some money in it. That night I was in my room, when I realized that I left the card downstairs. I was sleepy, but wanted to put the money in my piggy back. So I went down to the living room to get it. I was looking around when I started to feel cold on my back. I looked over my shoulder and saw the shadow of a person, but it wasn't flat against the wall. It was like a shadow in the air. I was so scared! I ran up to my room and locked the door, without the card or money."
(+600g )

Master Bedroom
Katherine - "My family knows that when it comes to scary movies, i'm as chicken as can be. But when it comes to murder mysteries, thrillers and horror novels, that's a different story. They've always been my guilty pleasure. I recall I was sitting up in bed reading the newest monster novel by Whitman Striever. It was past eleven and Franklin was asleep beside me. Suddenly, I had this uncomfortable feeling that I was being watched. I tried to brush it off, but the feeling would not pass. It really felt like someone, or something, was in the room with us."
(It's a MONSTER!)

Miles' Bedroom
Miles - "Mom and Dad didn't know I was up late one night playing Captain Meteor on my GameStation. I had just unlocked the energy blast ability when I heard somethin', like voices in the hall. I couldn't understand the words, but I knew it wasn't my sisters or parents. Part of me wanted to go and see who it was, but I was too scared to look."
(Super Powers to the MAX!)

After all your years of paranormal investigation, orbs are not an uncommon phenomenon. But this one is unlike anything you've ever seen. It's so bright and feels so powerful. What could it mean?

Where is everybody?X

--Annabelle's Bedroom
Angel Spirit Girl - o_o
Arinia Dreamdancer - o_o
babyblueyez25 - o_o
Cardinal Biggles - o_o
Cora - o_o
dragoness129 - o_o
LizzyCollinsDeArc - o_o
Midian - o_o
Nephila - o_o
Rochiel Silverfire - o_o
salvete - o_o
SaraviBoo - o_o
Velvet - o_o

Car'a'Carn - o_o
Divacita - o_o
HIM_ROCK - o_o
hummy - o_o
Kay - o_o
Kent - o_o
numerica - o_o
star2000shadow - o_o
Xogizmoox - o_o

Chexala - o_o
musasgal - o_o
Roxxxy - o_o
woohoohelloppl - o_o

--Laundry Room
GummyBearKisses - o_o
GwenaHikari - o-o
KatMagenta - o_o
Knerd - o_o
~LONGCAT~ - o_o
Nema - o_o
Roachi - o_o
wish - o_o
zigbigadorlube - o_o

--Living Room
EirianHikari - o_o
Hadsvich - o_o
sadrain - o_o
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - o_o

--Master Bedroom
Damia Flagg - o_o
Mimmu - o_o
Naisou - o_o
Q U E E N - o_o
Razak - o_o
shinigamikarasu - o_o

--Miles' Bedroom
Mageling - o_o
xoxoAngiexoxo - o_o

blueblackrose - o_o
Dystopia - o_o
JadaRyl - o_o
Lavida - o_o
Miscreat74 - o_o
SuperZombiePotatoe - o_o

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-31-2015 at 08:00 PM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 11:28 PM

Day Two StoryX

Ruby: So I says to the guy, “Mister, if you want me to shout BINGO, you still need to cover my ‘G’!” [laughs]
numerica: [giving an awkward side glance] The uh… EMF readings up here are pretty flat.
Car'a'Carn: And the temperature seems to be constant.
Ruby: [soldiering on] But no one can hold a candle to my Hank. That man was a stallion. [finally noticing the others] So whatchu guys up to?
HIM_ROCK: Just taking baseline readings to measure the temperature and electromagnetic field of the attic. Any fluxuations in either might tell us if a spirit is present.
Ruby: Sounds like science fiction. My Hank used to love that kinda stuff.
hummy: How long ago did your husband pass on?
Ruby: [smiling] Oh, just a little over three years ago, god bless ‘im. --- After he was gone, I didn’t know what I’d do with myself. But Kathy said I should move in with her and her family. She’s always been a good girl. [pausing] Maybe too good. She sure don’t take after her mother! [laughs again]

Just then, a loud thump sounds overhead, making everyone jump.

Divacita: What the hell was that?!
Ruby: Holy cheese, that's enough to make th' old thump box jump!

Again, another deep thump!

star200shadow: It's on the roof!
Xogizmoox: [gasps] Maybe it's Santa!
Kent: Guys… the EMF is going crazy! 5.6. 7.9. 12.3. 24.8! It just keeps going up!
Ruby: Say, how many of you investigator people are up here?
Kay: Yourself included, there are 10 of us.
Ruby: [eyes widening] Then who’s that?

The time is just past eleven. Night has set and all is still outside on Croftmoor’s forested slopes. Inside the Seward home, it’s lights out. Time to split up and investigate. The Ghost Quest team, along with various members of the Seward family, break off to explore different rooms of the house.

At this point, it’s a bit of a waiting game to see which areas are more active than others. But Sterling ascends the stairs with certainty. In his wake are Ananda, Roscoe and the crew, as well as Franklin, Katherine and Annabelle.

Katherine: I’ve always wondered, why does paranormal investigation always happen at night and in the dark?
Sterling: Spirits tend to be, for the most part, much more willing to interact at night. It’s quieter and it’s easier for them to move about without distraction.
Ananda: Plus it looks good on TV.

Reaching the second floor landing, Sterling intuitively turns and makes his way to the end of the hall, then veers right.

Sterling: [stopping before the door] Here.
Annabelle: [unnerved] That’s my room.
Sterling: [unceremoniously he enters, a small look of irritation on his face] Just as I thought, the energy in the house is strongest in this room.
Ananda: But you still don’t know what it is?
Sterling: No. And it’s frustrating. I’m close, but…

[In the dark, Annabelle squeezes the hands of her parents.]

Sterling: What are the incidents in this room?
Annabelle: Well… [hesitating] they always happen when I’m in bed. I’ve seen a figure in the room. Near the window and by the closet.
Ananda: What did it look like?
Annabelle: I… I dunno, it’s fuzzy. [uneasy] I never seem to have an exact picture of what goes on in here. I’ve seen the figure, and I’ve felt something standing over me… but I can’t seem to recall what it looks like.
Ananda: [without accusation] Do you think you might have been dreaming?
Annabelle: No, I know it’s not a dream! The figure is hazy, but the incidents are so clear. Plus I always find things moved around the day after.
Ananda: [touching the girl’s shoulder] Sounds like a difficult situation to deal with.
Katherine: We’ve all had experiences, but Annabelle seems to get the lion’s share.
Sterling: [moving further into the room] And all this happens in bed. Do you mind if I lie down? [he asks, but does so before he can get an answer]

Silently, Sterling closes his eyes, as everyone anxiously waits for him to speak again. The pause is near unbearable. Then, with a jarring gasp, Sterling’s eyes fly open and he scrambles off the bed.

Sterling: [shaken] Oh my god!
Ananda: [frightened] Sterling, what is it?!
Sterling: [his breath quickens] It’s not a ghost. … That’s why the energy is so different. This isn’t a spirit. It’s not even dead! … [with emphasis] Whatever has been in this house is alive.

Suddenly, a massive thump sounds overhead, causing everyone in the room to react.

Ananda: What was that?!

Shouts are heard from the attic above. Annabelle screams and latches on to her father.

Sterling: [with warning] It’s here! It’s inside the house!
Katherine: What?!
Franklin: [upset] Are you people trying to play some kind of joke on us, because this is totally…
Ananda: Mr. Seward, I promise you this is something we wouldn’t do! [quickly turning to Roscoe] Roscoe, contact the team upstairs.
Roscoe: [taking the walkie talkie from his belt] hummy come in. [he receives nothing but static in return] hummy? HIM_ROCK? Kent? Divacita? ... star2000shadow?! Where are you guys? [still nothing]
Sterling: We can’t be in this room. We need to hide. [addressing the director] Roscoe, tell everyone to hide!
Roscoe: C’mon, there’s gotta be a logical expl…
Ananda: Damnit Roscoe, do it!
Roscoe: [with uncertainty he complies] Guys, stay calm, but we think someone is in the house. I want everyone to stop what they’re doing and hide. Stay quiet and we’ll let you know what’s goin’ on.
Katherine: What do we do now?
Sterling: We can’t stay in this room. We need to move. Whatever’s coming… is coming for Annabelle.

Day Two ResultsX

Location: Seward Home
Dining Room
This will certainly be a case to remember. The only thing that comes close is when production shut down after a family of raccoons got into the air ducts. Ananda thought it was poltergeist, tapping on the walls. You're pretty confident something like that is what's happening tonight. Waiting for the all clear, you sit at the dining table and admire the centerpiece, a basket filled with flowers. Blue is such a calming color. Nothing bad could ever be blue.
(Duck Egg Flower Basket)

Eloise's Bedroom
You're uneasy, hiding in the youngest daughter's bedroom. But the agitation doesn't come from fear. There seems to be an energy in the room. And there, near the window... two orbs of light dancing in midair. Just what are they?

While Franklin and Sterling mess around with the fuse box, you take a look around the garage. Tucked away in a corner, you find a box of books marked for donation. Choosing a book at random, you find the cover is marked with undecipherable text. You open it and read. "Klaatu barada nikto." ... What kind of language is that?
(+1 Raffle Point)

Guest Bedroom
The Sewards have such a nice house. Even their guest bedroom is like something from a magazine. You sit on the bed and wait for your next move. Out of curiosity, you open the side table drawer. Looks like a previous guest left some cash behind. It'd be a shame if it disappeared in the confusion.
(+600g )

Mother-in-law Suite
Ruby's part of the house is like a small basement apartment. It's quite nice. No time to admire the decor though. As you take refuge in the bedroom, you anxiously wait to hear from Roscoe again. Peering to your left, you practically jump out of your skin. It's a pair of eyes, staring right at you! But wait, it's only a sleep mask. ... You really need to find a new line of work.
(Gussy Up Travel Case)

While hiding, you seem to notice that these Sewards really have it together. Their office is the picture of productivity, with their neatly laid out desks and tidied shelves. Even in your current state of fear, you have to admire the organization. Your work space back home is covered in Dorito crumbs and all you do there is play Warcraft.
(Office Life)

Rec Room
Wow, that guy on TV is right. ... Aliens.
(End of Investigation - See F.A.Q.)

Study Room
Funny, you've never seen a dedicated study room before. When you were in school, you'd do your homework in your room, in front of the TV. It definitely cuts down on distraction. On the wall you notice a chart. Seems like the Seward children earn money for each good grade they get. The better the grade, the higher the reward. Talk about incentive.
(+700g )

Where is everybody?X

--Dining Room
Hadsvich - x_x

--Eloise's Bedroom
Angel Spirit Girl - x_x
Damia Flagg - x_x
Roxxxy - x_x

hummy - x_x
Miscreant74 - x_x
Nema - x_x
woohoohelloppl - x_x

--Guest Bedroom
Dystopia - x_x
~LONGCAT~ - x_x
Q U E E N - x_x
Velvet - x_x
Whisper Invictus - x_x

--Mother-in-law Suite
babyblueyez25 - x_x
blueblackrose - x_x
Car'a'Carn - x_x
EirianHikari - x_x
Mageling - x_x
Maha-Aamir - x_x
Nephila - x_x
Razak - x_x
spicedroses - x_x
wish - x_x
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - x_x

GummyBearKisses - x_x
Midian - x_x
musasgal - x_x
Saravi Boo - x_x
Shadami - x_x
star2000shadow - x_x
xoxoAngiexoxo - x_x

--Rec Room
Chexala - x_x
Divacita - x_x
DivineHeart - x_x
GwenaHikari - x_x
HIM_ROCK - x_x
Kent - x_x
LizzyCollinsDeArc - x_x
Mimmu - x_x
Roachi - x_x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x_x
Xogizmoox - x_x

--Study Room
Cora - x_x
dragoness129 - x_x
KatMagenta - x_x
Kay - x_x
LaVida - x_x
Naisou - x_x
numerica - x_x
Rochiel Silverfire - x_x
sadrain - x_x
salvete - x_x
shinigamikarasu - x_x
zigbigadorlube - x_x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-02-2015 at 07:59 PM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-24-2015, 12:09 AM

Day Three StoryX

GwenaHikari: Do you really think someone’s in the house?
Roscoe: [shaking his head] Nah, that’s just Sterling bein’ overdramatic. You know how the guy is.
DivineHeart: Then why are we hiding?
Roscoe: It makes for good TV. Just like when I called in that bomb threat on the Real Housewives of Orange County. That cat fight in the panic room won me an Emmy. So you guys keep those cameras rolling.
Chexala: Uh, about that, boss… My camera’s dead.
Mimmu: Shoot, mine too.
Roscoe: For crying out… I told you people to make sure those batteries were charged!
LizzyCollinsDeArc: They were! I charged them myself.
Roscoe: [sighs] Great. What’s the use of building up this drama if we can’t film it? Get those lights on.
Roachi: [attempts to flick the Rec Room light switch] What the… It isn’t working? [tries a side lamp, but still nothing] The electricity is out!
Roscoe: Of all the blasted luck! [raising the walkie talkie] Ananda, Sterling, are you guys… [he stops] What the hell?! This piece of crap is dead too!
SuperZombiePotatoe: [eyes widening] R-R-Roscoe….
Roscoe: Of all the Mickey Mouse operations to get mixed up in. This kinda stuff never happened on The Bachelor.
Mimmu: [backing up] Roscoe, behind you!
Roscoe: [not paying attention, he turns] Hey, is your walkie… Uh oh.

Franklin: Geez Louise, here’s why the power’s out. The fuse box is completely melted!
Sterling: What could have done that? Lightning?
Franklin: You tell me, you’re the psychic.
Sterling: [frowning] I’m a medium, not a psychic.
Franklin: [to himself] But it wasn’t storming out tonight. Regardless, it must have been a massive overload to do something like this.
Eloise: [scared] What’s going on, Dad?
Franklin: I don’t know, baby, but we’re going to figure this out.
Miles: It’s the ghost. It’s angry that we’re trying to get rid of it. [falling to his knees] Oh vengeful spirit, forgive us for trying to exorcise you! Please take my sister Eloise as a sacrifice!

[Eloise kicks him in the leg]

Franklin: Miles, now is not the time!
Sterling: [in monotone] Besides, it’s not a ghost.
Eloise: Then what is it?

Eloise lets out a loud ‘Eeep!’ as the garage door flies open. It’s Katherine and Annabelle, panting and frenzied.

Annabelle: [attempting to catch her breath] We saw them… upstairs… They’re aliens!
Sterling: Aliens!?
Franklin: Hold on, hold on. Now calm down.
Katherine: Now is not the time to be calm! There are aliens in our house!
Franklin: What?! You're pulling my leg.
Annabelle: [sternly] We’re serious, Dad! We saw them! These… blue creatures with huge black eyes! … I think they have Grandma!
Sterling: [strangely composed] That’s why the energy is so unusual. It’s otherworldly.
Franklin: [trying to be reasonable] Now I believe you two saw something, but how can you be so sure it’s aliens? I mean, it was dark and…
Katherine: Do you want to wait around so you can ask one?! We know what we saw, Franklin, and we need to get out of the house!
Franklin: [unsure how to respond, he relents] We’ll have to manually get the garage door open. Sterling, can you help me? [to Katherine] Start the van, we'll follow these guys into town.

With some effort, the two men lift the garage door. Katherine hurries behind the wheel and slips the key into the ignition. Her heart drops as the engine fails to turn. “What the hell?” She tries again, but is met with the same result. Frantic, she moves over to the other car, but it too refuses to work.

Katherine: They won’t start!
Sterling: [gravely] It’s them. They've cut off all power from everything mechanical.

A scream is heard from within the house. Moments later, Ananda bursts into the garage.

Ananda: [panicked] They got Roscoe! Chexala, DivineHeart, GwenaHikari, Mimmu, LizzyCollinsDeArc, SuperZombiePotatoe and Roachi! There was this bright purple light and then they were just gone!
Annabelle: We can’t stay here! We’ll have to run out into the woods!
Franklin: I guess we have no other choice. But everyone stay together!

Leaving the confines of the garage, the group quickly moves out into the open and is suddenly bathed in an unearthly glow. Looking skyward, jaws drop. There, hovering above the Seward home, is a massive spacecraft. A silver monstrosity, festooned with lights and floating silently. Stunned, no one moves until the blue creatures appear behind them, and then there’s chaos.

Franklin: Stay together!

But in their fright, the group fractures, and they all run off in different directions.

Franklin: Well shit. [and he disappears into the woods]

Day Three ResultsX

Location: Forest

Abandoned Cabin
Little blue creatures, spaceships and now some weirdo in a tin foil hat. Tonight has definitely pushed you beyond your limit. Paranormal investigation had always been your dream, but times like these makes you wish you had finished college. Maybe became a scientist or a jet pilot, and finished that interocitor for your friend Exeter. Who know what would have happened after that.
(+1 Raffle Point)

Stumbling across the campground, you pray for some sign of life. But no, if you had to give it a thought, there wouldn't be anyone out here at this time of year. Still, you go from cabin to cabin, knocking on each door, to no avail. Suddenly a crow flies overhead, cawing loudly and making you jump. Not the kinda life you were looking for.
(Murder on the Wing)

Dark Cave
Wandering through a shadowy, spooky forest on a Halloween night, while being pursued by creatures from outer space, how could it get any worse? Oh great, a dark cave. That's not ominous at all. You fear what might possibly be inside, but, weighing the options, you decide you're more afraid of what's outside. Thankfully the cave appears empty, save for a few articles of clothing. Weird. You don't know why, but you get the feeling they may have belonged to a bear of smarter than average intelligence.
(Ranger Hat - Sage, Debonair Tie - Mint Chocolate, Sage and White Collar)

McPherson House
So, you've been abducted. But think of it this way; Tommy left his camera on. It'll make a great found footage film.
(End of Investigation - See F.A.Q.)

Old Well
If the movies are to be believed, old wells in the middle of the woods are a big no bueno. They're home to vengeful spirits, ancient curses, demonic beasties or some other kinda evil that wants to rip off your face. Good thing this isn't a movie, and the small stone structure is just an old wishing well.
(+700g )

Picnic Area
Running and running, as fast and far as your crazy legs will carry you. On the brink of exhaustion, you finally stop and find yourself in a clearing full of tables. A picnic area. Boy are you glad to find somewhere to sit. On the table is an abandoned picnic basket. Looking inside, you're surprised to find it full. Now here's the question... You've dealt with ghosts. You've dealt with aliens. But will you take on a sandwich of indeterminate age?
(Picnic Set)

Ranger's Station
You ran. You ran so far away, A Flock of Seagulls would be proud. Following alongside the road, you eventually come to the ranger's station. Thank god! 'Our rangers are always on duty', the sign proudly proclaims. But pounding on the door brings no response. What the heck?! You're so upset, you don't feel bad about pilfering from the donation box.
(+800g )

Racing through the woods, desperately trying to escape, you emerge into a moonlit clearing. It's a ravine. But what's that?! Three luminescent orbs, floating above the waters surface. Where did they come from?

Where is everybody?X

-- Abandoned Cabin
Cora - *_*
DivineHeart - *_*
Nema - *_*
spicedroses - *_*
Velvet - *_*

-- Campground
dragoness129 - *_*
GummyBearKisses - *_*
Kay - *_*
Whisper Invictus - *_*

-- Dark Cave
Divacita - *_*
Dystopia - *_*
LaVida - *_*
Nephila - *_*
Roachi - *_*
Rochiel Silverfire - *_*
Saravi Boo - *_*
Shadami - *_*
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - *_*

-- McPherson House
Kent - *_*
salvete - *_*

-- Old Well
GwenaHikari - *_*
Hadsvich - *_*
HIM_ROCK - *_*
Mageling - *_*
woohoohelloppl - *_*
xoxoAngiexoxo - *_*

-- Picnic Area
Damia Flagg - *_*
EirianHikari - *_*
Elirona - *_*
Q U E E N - *_*

-- Ranger's Station
Chexala - *_*
musasgal - *_*
numerica - *_*
sadrain - *_*
star2000shadow - *_*
SuperZombiePotatoe - *_*
wish - *_*
Xogizmoox - *_*

-- Ravine
Arinia Dreamdancer - *_*
blueblackrose - *_*
Cardinal Biggles - *_*
Maha-Aamir - *_*
Midian - *_*
Mimmu - *_*
Miscreant74 - *_*
Naisou - *_*
Razak - *_*
shinigamikarasu - *_*
zigbigadorlube - *_*

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-02-2015 at 07:57 PM..


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 10-24-2015, 02:35 AM

Day Four StoryX

salvete: [worked up] Oh god, why did I think getting into the entertainment business was a good idea?! Doing makeup for TV shows?! It’ll be glamorous! This… is not glamorous! --- I shoulda listened to my parents and become a podiatrist.
Tommy McPherson :Why a podiatrist?
salvete: Feet are important!
Tommy: I can't believe you guys saw aliens! Makes you wonder what else is real out there? Vampires? The Loch Ness Monster? Bigfoot?
Miles: Bigfoot is real! I met him.
Tommy: You did not meet Bigfoot. You ate some bad mushrooms in the forest after your dad told you not to. Remember you said he was hanging out with the Easter Bunny.
Miles: They’re friends.
salvete: Hey, the walkie talkie is working again! Hello, can anyone hear me?

The device crackles and a voice responds. It’s Ananda.

Ananda: salvete?! Where are you? Are you safe?

salvete: Yeah, i'm here with Miles and Eloise. We’re at a house. All of us are pretty shaken up, but I think we’re safe.
Katherine: [over the receiver] Please, let me talk to my children.
Eloise: [taking the walkie talkie] Mom?!
Katherine: Honey, are you and your brother okay? Where are you?
Eloise: Yeah, we’re fine. We’re at the McPherson's.
Miles: [in the background] Hi Mom!
Tommy: [the same] Hi Mrs. Seward!
Katherine: Good! I want you to stay there. We’re going to find your father and then make our way over to you. Got it?
Eloise: Yeah.
Miles: [acknowledging Tommy’s camera] Why are you filming this?
Tommy: An alien abduction in Lake County? When is that gonna happen ever again?

Suddenly, salvete screams and points to the window.

salvete: Did you see that?!

And then the lights go out.

Eloise: [whimpering] Mom, I think they’re here.
Katherine: What?! Eloise….
Eloise: Mom, I…. [but the rest is static]

Somewhere deep within the woods, Katherine’s eyes grow wide with terror.

Katherine: [shouting into the walkie talkie] Eloise! Miles! Answer me! [again, there is no reply] I have to go. I have to find them!
Ananda: [taking her by the arm] Katherine, you’re not even sure where we are. What if you get turned around and find yourself more lost?
Sterling: [as flat as ever] Besides, they’ve probably been taken by now.
Ananda: [sharply] Sterling! Where is your tact?!
Sterling: It’s true. They took the grandmother. They took Roscoe and the others. It stands to reason.
Katherine: [crying] I don’t care. I have to find them!
Ananda: [gives Sterling the stink eye, then tries to comfort Katherine] You’ll do yourself no good running around the woods all frantic. Let’s try to find a road and figure out where we are, then we’ll go to them.

There is a sudden rustling from behind. The three turn, ready to flee, but are relieved to see it is Franklin and Annabelle.

Annabelle: Mom!
Katherine: [the three hug] Thank goodness you’re safe! --- Franklin, they took Miles and Eloise. Those monsters have our babies!
Annabelle: [gasps]
Franklin: What?!
Ananda: [somberly] We heard them, over the walkie talkie.
Katherine: They were at the McPherson’s. Franklin, we have to find them!
Ananda: It’s hard to tell which way is which in these woods. But I suggested we find a road and then try to make our way to the McPherson’s.
Franklin: [shaken, but trying to stay calm] I think… that’s sound advice, honey. [holding her] Don’t worry, we’ll find them. We just need to keep walking.

Unbeknownst to the others, Sterling had slipped off to explore further ahead. Huffing and puffing, he returns and points further into the trees.

Sterling: I found some sort of building, over in this direction.
Franklin: Maybe they have a phone!

Hurriedly, the group makes their way south, about three hundred yards into the dense forest. But what potentially seemed to be a saving grace quickly falls flat. It’s a small, darkened log cabin, overgrown with leaves and moss.

Annabelle: It’s the old Allen cabin. This place has been abandoned forever.
Ananda: [sighing] That’s perfect.
Franklin: Yeah, but at least we now know where we…
Sterling: [cutting him off] Hold on. If this place is abandoned, why is there a light inside?

And sure enough, from behind the filthy window, a faint glow can be seen within the cabin. Instinctively, the five of them tense. But Franklin, gathering his courage as the others stick behind, creeps forward toward the front door. Slowly he reaches his trembling hand toward the handle when…

Oliver: [throwing open the door] Whoa!!

Everyone screams. The stranger screams. And boys is he strange. A tall reedy fellow with thick black glasses, a mariachi shirt, kilt and an odd looking hat.

Oliver: What are you people doing?! Holy cheese, you made my thump box jump!
Sterling: Thump box?
Katherine: What are you doing?! This cabin’s abandoned!
Oliver: You don’t know that. Maybe I own this prime piece of real estate. I’ll put the hot tub there and the tennis court over there and…
Annabelle: [interrupting] Who are you?
Oliver: I could ask you the same! … I could, but I already know who you are. But do you know who I am? [to himself] Do they know who I am? Probably not. Do I know who they are? I’m pretty sure. But do I know who I am? Ohhh, that’s a philosophical conundrum.
Franklin: Wait, you know who we are?
Oliver: [smiling] Sure. You’re Franklin Seward, humble school teacher. Katherine Seward, humble veterinarian. And Annabelle Seward, humble… uh, girl.
Katherine: [shocked] How do you know our names?!
Oliver: I know all kinds of things about your family. That’s because I… [seeing Ananda] Oh my god, you’re Ananda Johar! [he rushes over and furiously shakes her hand] This is such an honor, Miss Johar. I am a huge fan! I loved it when you used to host America’s Got Fundamental Motor Skills! My name is Oliver Xiong.
Ananda: [humoring him] It’s uh, nice to meet you.
Oliver: [spotting Sterling] And you’re that spooky guy from that ghosty show! Steven Weber!
Sterling: [offended] Sterling Weber. Steven Weber was an actor on Wings.
Oliver: Hey, tell me my future.
Sterling: [through gritted teeth] I’m a medium, not a psychic!
Franklin: [agitated] How do you know about my family?!
Oliver: Huh? Oh. [cheerfully] I’ve been tracking you guys for a few months now. I’ve been meaning to introduce myself, but I just got into town yesterday. And then I thought it would be rude to show up empty handed, so I was going to buy a cheesecake or maybe some danishes. Raspberry danishes are my favorite. Oh my god, they’re so…
Katherine: [about to snap] Why have you been tracking us?!
Oliver: Why? Cause of the Tarcurians.
Annabelle: Who?
Oliver: They’re these little blue guys with big boogly eyes and…
Franklin: [grabbing Oliver by the collar] What do you know about them?! Tell us!
Oliver: Hey, hands off the threads, Fred. What’s the deal?
Franklin: Those monsters attacked my family tonight! They took my children and my mother-in-law!
Oliver: Really? Already? Gee, maybe I shoulda just skipped the danishes. --- Wait, they contacted you guys tonight?! Aw buckets, that means they’re still in the area. Hold on.

Oliver races back into the cabin. Franklin and the others are left standing, almost speechless. The Seward family already thought their life a bit weird, but tonight has fully plunged them into the churning abyss of the unknown. Oliver returns with another strange hat in hand. Without a word, he approaches Annabelle and places it on her head.

Annabelle: What the heck?!
Oliver: Keep it on. It’ll make it harder for them to find you.
Annabelle: But why me?
Oliver: Cause it’s you they’re after, girlfriend. [snaps]
Sterling: I knew it.
Katherine: But why?!
Oliver: I’ll tell ya, but right now we need to get out of the woods. They’ll be looking for all of us.
Franklin: We can’t leave yet. We have to go find my son and daughter.
Oliver: No use. If they’ve been taken, they’re not down here. [pointing toward the sky] They’re up there, in the mothership. But don’t worry, the Tarcurians won’t hurt them.
Ananda: How do you know?
Oliver: I know lots of things, some of which are totally applicable to our situation. But like I said, we need to get out of the woods. I have a vehicle in town. If we can get to it, we should be okay.
Franklin: There’s a road south of here. If we can…
Oliver: Oh no, we have to stay off the roads. We’d be easy pickin’s. Like shooting monkeys in a barrel. Or is that ducks in a barrel? Why would monkey be in a barrel? For that matter, why would ducks? Hmmm…
Katherine: Then what do you propose we do?
Oliver: [shrugs his shoulders] I dunno.
Annabelle: [a sudden thought pops into her head] Dad, your school!
Franklin: That’s right! The elementary school sits adjacent to the forest, just past the ranger’s station. If we can make it there, I can get us inside!

Just then, a bright light from overhead illuminates the tree canopy nearby.

Oliver: Time to vamoose, my friends!
Ananda: [on the walkie talkie] Everyone who can hear me, meet us at the bottom of the forest, behind the elementary school! We’re getting out of here!

Day Four ResultsX

Location: Croftmoor Elementary

4th Grade Classroom
If Billy has three apples, and Cindy has four... what happens to those apples after they're abducted? Maybe you can ask 'em.
(End of Investigation - See F.A.Q.)

Art Room
If someone were to ask, "Would you ever want to be a child again?", your answer would be a definite no. But seeing all the cute paintings and cool projects these kids are doing, it gives you a wistful pang of nostalgia. Reminds you of the time when you made a pair of papier-mache fairy wings in school. You loved those wings and were so proud of them in bygone days.
(Floral Sugarplum Fairy Wings)

Computer Lab
Computer labs sure have changed since you were a young. Your computers were mammoth monstrosities with monochromatic screens. Not the sleek and stylish pieces of technology kids have nowadays. But the younger generation takes its electronic devices for granted. For you and your friends, they were special. Controlling a little man made up of several pixels and having him pick up coins made up of even less might not seem so great in the modern age, but to you it was magic.
(+900g )

Girls Restroom
In the girls restroom, you witness a sight you thought you'd never see... Four perfectly shaped orbs of light, drifting out from under the stalls. Why are they here?

In the kindergarten are some curious articles of clothing. On closer inspection, they reveal themselves to be sheep costumes. Seems like the wee tykes in this classroom are planning to put on a production of 'Little Bo Peep'. A children's play would normally sound like the height of torture, but at the moment you would give anything to trade that situation for this one.
(Year of the Warm Fuzzies)

Wouldn't you know it? In an effort to find the quietest hiding spot, you end up in the school kitchen, where every metallic surface makes a clanging or booming noise. You try to lay low, but then spot the refrigerator. Peeking inside, you come face to face with a rather tasty looking pie. Oh boy! Suddenly, a fellow investigator backs up into a row of pots, creating a deafening din, and causing you to throw up your pie in fright and onto your head.
(Shut Your Piehole)

The smell of old books and furniture abound in the storage room. It's a very distinct smell that every school seems to have. Nosing through some of the boxes, you do a double take. Money! Lots of it! But no, it's only play money, to help kids learn how to make change and what not. But it seems so real.
(+800g )

Teachers Lounge
Huddled in the teachers lounge, you can't seem to shake the feeling that you're stuck in some bad dream. But intellectually, you understand the stark reality. You go over all the upcoming plans you had in mind. Going back to the hotel and drinking a root beer float. Having dinner tomorrow with Becky and her cousin, Wilma. Driving up to Santa Mira next week to help your old mentor Dr. Bennell with his greenhouse. -- You know now none of that will happen. Life will never be the same.
(+1 Raffle Point)

Where is everybody?X

--4th Grade Classroom
Angel Spirit Girl - >_>
Damia Flagg - >_>
Divacita - >_>
Elirona - >_>
Hadsvich - >_>
Roxxxy - >_>
Velvet - >_>

--Art Room
blueblackrose - <_<
Car'a'Carn - <_<
Cardinal Biggles - <_<
Chexala - <_<
DivineHeart - <_<
hummy - <_<
Kay - <_<
Maha-Aamir - <_<
musasgal - <_<
Naisou - <_<
Nephila - <_<
Razak - <_<
Rochiel Silverfire - <_<
sadrain - <_<
spicedroses - <_<
SuperZombiePotatoe - <_<
wish - <_<
Woodlandnymph - <_<
Xogizmoox - <_<

--Computer Lab
Arinia Dreamdancer - >_>
dragoness129 - >_>
Dystopia - >_>
KatMagenta - >_>
LaVida - >_>
Midian - >_>
Nema - >_>
salvete - >_>
woohoohelloppl - >_>
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - >_>

--Girls Bathroom
GummyBearKisses - <_<
HIM_ROCK - <_<
shinigamikarasu - <_<

GwenaHikari - >_>
Mageling - >_>
Q U E E N - >_>
xoxoAngiexoxo - >_>

star200shadow - <_<

Kamikaze Kenra - >_>

--Teachers Lounge
Kent - <_<
Mimmu - <_<
Miscreant74 - <_<
numerica - <_<

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-04-2015 at 03:20 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-24-2015, 02:50 AM

Day Five StoryX

Franklin: I said it over and over, stay together! And as soon as I get the doors open, everybody runs off in different directions!
Roxxxy: Well those little blue bastards were right on our tail.
Elirona: Also it wouldn’t be much of a game if everyone chose the same room.
AngelSpiritGirl: What is that supposed to mean?
Elirona: It’s true. Plus it wouldn’t really propel the story if everyone got caught together.
Velvet: Have you been eating the glue sticks out of the desks?
Damia Flagg: Wait, wasn’t this same joke made last year?
Franklin: You paranormal people are weird. Roxxxy, lend me the walkie talkie. [she hands it over] Hello? Anyone?
Katherine: [responding] Franklin? Where are you?
Franklin: I'm in my classroom with some of the investigators. Where are you?
Katherine: In the teacher's lounge with Annabelle and Ananda.
Franklin: Good, you’re right next to the front entrance. I hope everyone is listening cause this is what we’re going to do.
Hadsvich: Um, Franklin. [tapping him on the shoulder]
Franklin: Just a second. -- [continues over walkie talkie] Okay, when I say ‘Go’, everybody is going to leave their hiding spots and rush to the front of the school. I’ll unlock the doors and Oliver will lead us to his vehicle. Got that, Oliver?
Oliver: [chirps in] That’s a big 10-4, good buddy! Ropey smokey!
Franklin: [confused] That meant something.
Hadsvich: Say Franklin, I think we have a problem.
Franklin: What is it?

He turns, and there lined up outside the windows are a row of aliens, their blasters raised.

Franklin: Crap. [over the walkie talkie] GO!!!

Just as he bursts out the door, glass breaking can be heard from within the classroom. No one follows him, the others inside have been undoubtedly subdued. But Franklin doesn’t look back. His mind is solely set on making sure his remaining family is safe. He rounds the corner, near the computer lab, and spots Annabelle. A momentary expression of relief covers her face, before being replaced by horror.

Annabelle: Dad, behind you!

Franklin turns just as one of the blue creatures is raising its gun at him. Thinking fast, he faces Annabelle again and throws her the key.

Franklin: All of you! Get out of here!
Katherine: Franklin!
Franklin: Go!

The words have no sooner left his mouth when he is hit by a green energy beam emanating from the blaster. His body stiffens as the light surrounds him. The alien fires again, this time emitting a purple beam. A dull hum booms overhead and the school ceiling suddenly breaks apart. Katherine and the others watch in disbelief as Franklin begins to levitate, still frozen, and quickly flies off into the sky, out of site.

Coming back to herself, Annabelle wastes no time in getting the doors open and everyone pours out.

Oliver: This way! Follow me!

Away from the school, down the next block, past a row of shops and into an empty parking lot, they reach their destination.

Ananda: An old school bus?!
Oliver: Yeah, isn’t she pretty? All aboard!

The group files in without further comment and takes a seat. Oliver slides in behind the wheel and fits the key into the ignition. Hastily he makes a sharp left out of the lot and begins to drive.

Annabelle: What’s to keep them from draining the power from the bus?
Oliver: Lift your eyes skyward. [pointing to the ceiling] The roof’s been coated with malvitium. The same material our sassy chapeaus are made of. It messes with the Tarcurian’s instruments and makes it hard for them to track us.
Sterling: Then what's the story with the kilt?
Oliver: I like how it shows off my legs. I think they're my best feature.
Ananda: They are very nice legs.
Katherine: [harried] Look Oliver, my entire family is disappearing right in front of my eyes! For the love of god, tell us what’s going on!
Oliver: Sure thing, mama. But first, allow me to give you all a small history lesson. See, those little blue boogems that have been chasing you all night, those are the Tarcurians. They come from the planet Tarcuria, in the Andromeda galaxy. They’re suuuuper smart, which is how they’re able to have spaceships and laser guns that go ‘pew pew’! But they’re also kinda weenies. They’re not very strong and tend to be fragile, with their big squishy heads. They’re like the math club geeks of the universe.

Now the Tarcurians have been at war with another alien race called the Sautiloids for centuries. At least I think it’s been centuries. I’m really not sure how their time works. But it’s been a pretty long time. Regardless, the Tarcurians have been at war, and they’s gettin’ they asses kicked. The Sautiloids are big, strong lizardy-type people. They’re like the football captains of the universe, who gets all the lizard girls. They’re not as smart as the Tarcurians, but they’re smart enough. And plus they have the benefit of brawn and durability.

This has been problem for our wee blue buddies for a long time, but then they came upon a solution. Now what do those with intelligence do when they can’t fight?
Sterling: [flatly] They get someone else to fight for them?
Oliver: Exactly! The Tarcurians, smart as they are, genetically engineered a strain of alien DNA that turns an ordinary being into a super soldier. And with that, they now had the key to defeating the Sautiloids. Problem solved? Turns out their little weenie bodies are far too weak to handle the DNA. It makes them explode. Nasty. So what could they do? They had to find someone else to become their soldiers.
Annabelle: [grimly] And that someone else is us.
Oliver: Our bodies, as it turns out, seem to adapt to the DNA pretty well. They’ve been visiting the earth for the past fifty years, testing the strain and working out the kinks. How it works is: they find an expectant mother and implant the DNA into her womb, usually while she sleeps. The strain then intermingles with the child’s own DNA and presto, super soldier! The mother typically doesn’t remember the event or believes it to be a dream.
Katherine: [her jaw drops] A dream… about angels.
Ananda: Oh my god!
Annabelle: Are you saying the reason they’re after me… is 'cause I’m a super soldier?!
Oliver: [upbeat] Yup, and so am I.
Annabelle: But… How am I... I don’t have any powers or anything.
Oliver: You haven’t been activated yet. It takes time for your abilities to fully form. The Tarcurians wait until the subject is of appropriate age, somewhere in the range of 15 to 22, and then they flip your switch. Only then do you get your powers. Super strength, the ability to fly, energy beams, all kinds of fun stuff.
Ananda: What’s to keep these super soldiers from turning on the Tarcurians?
Oliver: When a person is activated, they’re also given a lobotomy and implanted with a mind control device.
Annabelle: [flinches at the idea] How do you know all this?
Oliver: Did you see the mothership? I spent a lotta time up there. I was part of the beta, when they were workin’ out the bugs. They never activated me cause they said I was abnormal. [scoffs] Whatever that means. They didn’t want to use me, but they also couldn’t let me go, so they kept me around as a test subject. Thankfully they never put cosmetics on my butt. But I learned quite a bit when I was there, including the list of all the people who had been implanted with the super soldier DNA and, importantly, how to escape, which I did, in a small town just outside of Tallahassee. Man, they got some beautiful orange groves there.
Sterling: What did you do then?
Oliver: I got some of the oranges and put them down my shirt so it would look like…
Sterling: After the orange grove!
Oliver: Oh. Well I knew the Tarcurians would be after me and all those on the list too. So I’ve made it my mission to find as many people as I can before they do.
Annabelle: How many have you found?
Oliver: So far, four. And I’m crossin’ my fingers that this time I get it right! Yay!
Katherine: What do you mean?!
Oliver: They all end up getting abducted. But hey, fifth time’s the charm!
Annabelle: [cynical] Excuse me if I don’t get excited. This is a nightmare.
Ananda: Where are we headed now?
Oliver: To an abandoned military base about an hour from here. I’ve been collaborating with an ex-FBI agent named Wolf Smolder. He used to be part of a top secret government department that deals with UFOs and the supernatural, known as the Z-Files.
Ananda: You mean the X-…
Oliver: [roughly] No, I mean the Z-Files, which is a completely original concept and doesn’t infringe on any existing properties! -- [normal tone] Once we get to the base, we’ll put our thinkers to work and figure out how to get your friends and family back. And believe me, the sooner the better.
Katherine: Wait, you said they would be safe.
Oliver: No, I said the Tarcurians wouldn’t hurt them. Which they won’t. But since they have no use for normal humans, they’ll likely sell them to zoos on other planets. Or restaurants.
Sterling: Abnormal, huh? It fits.

The hour passes in silence, too quickly. Many of the others are using the time to sleep, but Annabelle is fully awake. As unreal as she wants it to feel, there is a part of her that knows that everything Oliver said is true. A super soldier? Her? Annabelle always felt different from everyone else, but…

Her eyes follow the long stretch of empty road. They’ve left Croftmoor long behind and are now seemingly in the middle of nowhere. But Oliver knowingly veers off into the darkened expanse and drives, seemingly blind, into the night. Minutes pass, before a squat, shabby set of buildings appear before them. He moves right, into an old hanger, and stops the bus.

Oliver: Get your shoes on, kids, we’re at Grandma’s!

No one seems to be in the vicinity, but suddenly old drop lights buzz to life overhead. Oliver cheerfully bounces off the bus, with the others tentatively following behind. Something about this doesn’t feel right.

Oliver: [calling out] Smolder?! Where you hiding?! I found her!
Annabelle: Oliver, are you sure… [gasps]

She jumps as a strange voice sounds from the shadows. It’s an odd voice, high and squeaky.

Wolf: Good work, Oliver. You’ve done well.
Olive: Well, y’know… I do what I can.

The figure moves out of the shadow, and everyone is stunned. He is a small man, clothed in khakis and a dress shirt, and seems to be, for all appearances, human… except for a pair of bright blue antennae sprouting from his head!

Ananda: Oliver, you double crossed us?!
Oliver: [taken aback] What?! No! Why would you say that?!
Sterling: That is clearly a Tarcurian in disguise!
Oliver: [laugh] Wolf? My ol’ buddy a Tarcurian? That’s silly.
Ananda: Oliver, he’s got antennae!
Oliver: What? Lemme see... [taking a more thorough look at Wolf] Ohhhh yeeeeah. Gee, I always thought that’s just the way his hair stood up. … I guess that’s why all the others ended up abducted. My bad.

The alien in disguise holds a small device in its hand. Clicking it, the illusion fades, revealing a fully formed Tarcurian.

Wolf: You’ve been quite useful to us, Oliver. Making sure those who slip away find their way here. But unfortunately your usefulness has been waning. And now we think it’s time for you to return to the ship.

All around the room, Tarcurians emerge from the hidden darkness. They’re surrounded, save for the open hanger entrance.

Wolf: Do you have anything to say?
Oliver: Yeah, I think I do. Everybody run!!!

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-04-2015 at 03:21 AM..


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Old 10-24-2015, 03:18 AM

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-24-2015 at 06:35 AM..

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 10-24-2015, 03:48 AM

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-24-2015 at 06:37 AM..


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Old 10-24-2015, 03:56 AM

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-24-2015 at 06:38 AM..

On Semi-Hiatus
LaVida is offline
Old 10-29-2015, 07:17 PM

Today is Day One. Time to start investigating.
I'm searching in (the): Workshop

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 10-29-2015, 07:19 PM

I wonder if there is going to be any killings like last year?

Today is Day One. Time to start investigating.
I'm searching in (the): Kitchen

xoxoAngiexoxo is offline
Old 10-29-2015, 07:27 PM

Today is Day One. Time to start investigating.
I'm searching in (the): miles bedroom

Dystopia is offline
Old 10-29-2015, 07:31 PM

Today is Day One. Time to start investigating.
I'm searching in (the): Workshop

Babyblueyez25 is offline
Old 10-29-2015, 07:39 PM

Today is Day One. Time to start investigating.
I'm searching in (the): Anabelle's room

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-29-2015, 07:57 PM

good luck, everyone!

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 10-29-2015, 07:59 PM

You too Hummy <3

Cardinal Biggles
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Old 10-29-2015, 08:01 PM



HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 10-29-2015, 08:07 PM

Today is Day One. Time to start investigating.
I'm searching in (the): Attic

Honey I'm just going into the atttic....Oh hey Robbie what are you doing....NO ROBBIE.....OH SHI-

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 10-29-2015, 08:10 PM

Today is Day One. Time to start investigating.
I'm searching in (the): Annabelle's Bedroom

Hmm... I wonder if I'll find any purple in the room.


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