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I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 03:12 PM

Tell me your love stories!

-> How did you meet your significant other?
->When you locked eyes with your pet, was it love at first sight?
->How did you know that your best friend was The One?

I adore heart-warming stories like this. So please - Tell me how you met the loves of your life! If you tell me your love story, I might even shoot a trade your way.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 03:16 PM

ohhh story time

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 03:47 PM

Got any good stories, hummy?

If some people share their's, maybe I'll gossip about my boyfriend and puppy.

Kiari is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 05:06 PM

I fell in love with my dog at the humane society I got him from. He was just so cute. I had to crawl into his kennel just to get near him cause he was so afraid, but I took him anyway. Now he is the biggest pain in my butt, never stops wanting to play or attention. I still love him though. XD

That's my butthead Luka!!


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 05:38 PM

Okay kitty love story coming up

So, throughout the course of 2015 I kept throwing not-so-subtle hints at my mum that a cat would be necessary for my survival. At the very end she gave in after my brother brought home the school hamster for the weekend and seeing how enthralled we were with the little fluff ball. Of to the SPCA we go, with every intention to buy a kitten. You know, raise it from young, have it longer, etc etc. We were also set on a little boy. Type didn't matter, as long as it was one of those stripey brown kittens. I dunno, they just never stood out to me. So the lady made us fill out forms and stuff and while doing that she started telling us about this adult female cat named Emily who was just lovely and had been there a while and looking for a home. Immediately put off, because I mean adult and female. But, we agreed to have a look at Emily. I have many soft spots. So there we were standing in front of this little glass door staring at this big, stripey, brown coloured cat, all curled up and snoozing. Another turn off. Stripey brown. Meh. But, the lady seemed pretty insistent on personally introducing us to Emily. She brought the little fluff ball out. Emily yawned at having been untimely woken. She seemed a pretty chilled kitty. In fact, she seemed actually quite a pretty kitty too. The lady then asked my brother if he'd like to hold Emily, to which he declined, but I heartily agreed. Come one, someone gives you the chance to hold cat, why would you say no? So Emily was placed in my in my arms and she was impossibly soft and squishy. And then she sleepily looked up at me. straight in the face. And that, ladies and gentlepeoples, was the moment I fell in love. The facts that she was a stripey brown coloured, adult female cat all fell out the window and I begged for Emily, even when the lady continued to tell us (when prompted by my mum) about a few white kittens she had at home who were also up for adoption. Nope, I was sold and Emily was being signed out (I dunno the proper term) for us. Turns out, though, that she wasn't Emily at all! HE was 1 year old Simon who had been confused with Emily. They had the same colouring, only Simon (who we now call Gus) has white paws. He's a whitewalker XD
Anyway, it all worked out. Gus turned 2 on 31 January and has been with us for a year now. He's a really weird cat. Like really weird. But, he's the best and I love my stupid baby. So yeah, that's my story =3

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 06:20 PM

That's so cute SZP! I wish i wasn't allergic to animals

Last edited by Libra; 02-12-2017 at 07:47 PM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Got any good stories, hummy?

If some people share their's, maybe I'll gossip about my boyfriend and puppy.

I have some memories of you sharing a bit, I think.
you hike? take photographs?


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by Libra View Post
That's so cute SZP! I wish i want allergic to animals
Thanks you Man that must suck though I'm sorry
Also, I haven't seen you in ages!!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 06:42 PM

you can get a naked kittie =3

the Galaxy Fairy
Mini Pixelite
Libra is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 08:08 PM

Maybe someday. Or i could just medicate. I never did commit to actually taking medicating to help with the allergies.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 08:13 PM

my yuki-san was love at first sight

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 12:45 AM

Everyone's pets seem so great! I love hearing adoption stories.

My own pup is still very little - Her name is Minka and she's about 4 months old right now. We got her around Christmas time. My family's previous King Charles Cavalier Spaniel passed away two years ago, and it took a while to convince everyone that it was time for a new pet. I'm so glad that we managed to find Minka. She's named after my grandfather's dog, and she's been an absolute love since the very beginning. You couldn't ask for a better lap pup. No matter what she's doing - Napping, playing, chewing on a toy - she wants to do it while sitting in your lap.

Kamikaze Kendra
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Old 02-13-2017, 01:04 AM

I don't have an SO or a cute pet story... but I DO have a pretty decent best friend story!

So my best friend and I met in high school because she was best friends with some people that I knew... but we were never close. She was the year behind me and we'd say hi in passing and stuff, and there was the generic "Have a good summer" kind of year book messages for our last two years of school. But after she graduated she ended up working at the same Pet Supplies "Plus" store that I did, and for quite some time we worked a lot of the same shifts. We got to know each other better that way and came up with some inside jokes and our cashier hierarchy. But even that wasn't how we grew to have the "best friend" label. That all happened one fateful New Years Eve in 2004, she called me to ask me what I was doing because she was home and bored... I was also home and bored. So she ended up coming over and we played board games and card games all night talking and bonding and rang in 2005 together. That night was the first night we sincerely bonded and started calling each other our best friends. From then on we ended up going to countless concerts together and we've weathered all kinds of storms together. She was there when I was fired for the first time, and I was there when she was in the same situation. I was her support system when her dad had throat cancer, she was there for me a few years ago when my grandma passed away. Even though I moved an hour away and we don't see each other as often we're still extremely close and I don't know what I'd do without her in my life. After all, we've been best friends for over twelve years. <3


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 07:29 AM

Daaaaawwww look at that pretty baby she's lovely!!

Okay now I have to share cat pictures


ALso, Kamikaze that's so cute bonding over board games

Kamikaze Kendra
Music Guru

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Kamikaze Kendra is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 07:32 AM

Thanks! I'm really glad that we got as close as we did!

And kitteh~

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 09:58 PM

Let's see.

Every year since I was 13 I've been going to this local SciFi convention called Keycon. I skipped a few years in 2008-2009 because of a divorce. For the 2010 year I was pretty much ready to have fun again however, after all the crazy that happened before I wasn't really looking for a new bf.

This con is known as a party con. Yes there are vendors and panels like a normal convention but what really sets it a part is the 15th floor where there are theme rooms serving drink and hosting games.

With that bit of background out of the way. Here we go. It was super easy to get drinks that year, "new" single geek girl on the scene sort of deal. Most of the chaps were laughable with how they approached me. A lot of them were down right rude. The worst pick up line being... "You have perfect tits and I have perfect teeth we should see how they work together" ...eww! I can't even. I got tired of listening to the reasons why I should give these kids a chance and took my ass to the dance floor on level 12 where most of the other women were at the time.

It was great for a few songs. Except I started feeling sick from all the drink the other guys had been forcing on me that night. I exited the hall and literally bumped into him. I saw him before during other years of the con so I stopped to say hi. I was super wobbly at the time, being as drunk as I was. I fell/stumbled to the ground. He took one look at me and picked me up and plopped me onto a near by chair and flashes a light in my eyes. (He's a security guard so I guess his training took over and he was checking to see if I was more than drunk)

I started passing out and he got me to take some kind of medicine. He spent the rest of the night keeping the vultures away from me, (guys looking for girls to take advantage of) and made sure I got a WHOLE lot of water. He talked to me for hours while I was in that state and treated me like he was my brother. - My mom and dad also attend this convention and mom came looking for me like around 6am in the morning because I didn't go back to the hotel room. We were still chatting at that point and I was feeling a whole lot better.

Mom and I went back to the room and I had a nap until 10AM when the practice round of Rocky Horror Picture Show singalong was happening on floor 15. I must have told him sometime during the night that that's where I'd be. He smiled and waved me over and we sung our geeky hearts out. It was amazing. We pretty much spent the rest of the con together laughing at Star Trek blooper reals and playing various games in the game room. And Talking about World of Warcraft.

I felt safe with him, and people (the vulture guys in particular) just started assuming we were bf and gf and didn't bother me the rest of the convention. Which was super nice. When it came time to go home on Monday morning we swapped numbers and he asked if I'd like to go for coffee or meet up for some D&D sometime and I was like date coffee & D&D Or friends coffee& D&D? He never got the chance to answer cuz one of our now friends chimed in "Chris you lucky fucker get over here and halp with the luggage!"

About a week after the con we had already gone on a couple of dates. -though I guess spending a whole day with someone at a place you already both love was like 10 dates in one. He took me to Lilith's swimming lessons and cheered her on while she did laps.

To be honest, Lilith fell in love with him before I did. He had treated her like a daughter more than her own dad. She's always been a sassy little thing and her exact words after he dropped us off for the first time were "This new daddy is better than the last one, we should keep him." I was just like...kid! WHOA! WHAT!? I never said he was or even suggested he would ever be anything at that point. In fact he was one of "mommy's friend"

Children are so much smarter than we give them credit for she saw it right away that we liked each other more than friends. XD It took about a month after we meet before we were going steady. Not long after that for the love word to come into it. This year is going to be our 7th year now. :D Even though it's not the official starting date we always celebrate our anniversary at the same convention. :)

Glitter Fae
Setsunaela is offline
Old 02-14-2017, 02:07 PM

I met my partner on Solia! It's another avatar forum for those who don't know. We chatted and flirted casually back and forth for YEARS before either of us took it seriously. He's my knight in shining truck :D He uprooted his whole life to move with me across the US so that I wouldn't be homeless after the friend I was staying with had to kick me out because of she was getting a divorce :( We've been together for five years now.

My baby potamus cat I met at my aunt's house. She has a bunch of disabled cats that she takes in from local shelters and sometimes strangers, to help care for them and keep them happy and healthy, and one of them that she took in she didn't know was pregnant! So she had a bunch of kittens running around her house, and she saw a kitten on the side of the road that was a little older than the ones that belonged to her, and he was all alone, so she brought him to her momma cat who let him nurse and started treating him like one of her own kittens. She was trying to get rid of some of the kittens, and he was the only one that didn't run away from me when I went to pet and play with all of the kittens. He walked right up to me, let me touch him and pet him and pick him up, so I decided he was mine! He to this day will let me do whatever I want to him. I give him baths sometimes when he gets into messes he can't really lick off of himself (Like the time he knocked garlic butter off of the table and onto himself) and I can pick him up any which way and he'll just be still and let me. He's my baby <3

Shadowfflur is offline
Old 02-14-2017, 03:54 PM

Knerd - Thats a Cavalier, isn't it? So adorable

So here is my story:

Waaaaay back in the ancient times of Gaia (yes that one) there was a personal ads section. I posted figuring an online relationship was better than nothing, but one of the responders sounded very sincere. We continued talking through email for a few months, and discovered that we were only a 3 hour drive apart. On a crazy whim I gave him my cell number, and he actually called! We continued talking over email and phone until the holidays when I found out he would be spending Christmas alone. This is never allowed in my family no matter who you are, so I invited him to spend Christmas with my family. He accepted on the condition he could take me out the night before.

So the night before Christmas Eve he drove 3 hours to take me to dinner and a movie. Then he went home (yup another 3 hours) and drove back up the next day to have dinner and celebrate Christmas with my family.

A few weeks later he drove up again all dressed up with a dozen red roses and a stuffed dog to say good-bye as I was leaving the country to study abroad for 6 months. During that time we kept in touch through email and he did come to visit for a week. We began officially dating after I returned to the US, got engaged and then married about a year later.

This year we will be celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary, and have a beautiful 2 year old girl. <3

So the moral of my story: Be careful what you post on the internet.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-16-2017, 07:32 AM

congratulations! *wipes tear*

Milk and Cookies
Xogizmoox is offline
Old 02-17-2017, 08:22 AM

This is Cheech and Chong my red eared sliders -water turtles ....I adopted them February 4, 2014. They were tiny babies then and look at them now. O.o I decorate their tank every holiday and also their birthday (adoption day) maybe you have seen my pictures??? Recently their tank in lights was a fown entry and I made Halloween costumes for them one year and submitted it here and I took one of Cheech in a tuxedo I made him. Oh and Chong is a GIRL. Yeah we didn't know at first boys girls one of each.... Till SHE layed eggs so yeah girl and Cheech is a boy.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 02-18-2017, 11:30 PM

The week has been crazy, but I haven't forgotten about you folks! Keep posting stories and you'll find a little something in your trades soon!


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