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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-26-2017, 06:32 PM

We’ve received a lot of feedback lately requesting an update to the Menewsha forum organization, and we agree that it’s time for a change!

Our current forum map has too many forums and subforums for our current user base to keep active. Therefore, we’d like to propose a more streamlined forum with less overall forums and subforums to help boost site activity and make the Menewsha forums friendlier and easier to navigate, both for our current user base and for new users.

The staff has been discussing various possible changes and we’d like to show you what we’ve been working on to gather your thoughts and opinions. Your feedback is extremely important to us as Menewsha is essentially your home and we don’t want to just come at it with a wrecking ball.

Please take a few minutes to review the proposed forum map below and contribute your thoughts! This is by no means a final outline and we’d really like to take your opinions into consideration before effecting any changes.

Proposed Forum Map – Work in Progress

City Hall

Proposed changes:
- None
  • Announcements
  • Help Desk
    • Resource Center
    • FAQs
  • Site Feedback
  • Dream Avatar Creator
Community Center

Proposed changes:
- Combine Extended Discussion/IRL subforums
- Move the Roleplay Lobby to the Community Center, combine group and one on one roleplay subofums and use title marker tags [Group] and [1x1] for designation
- Move Round Robins into Word Games
- Combine the "Item advice, questions and quick ratings" subforum into the main Avatar Chat forum
  • Welcome Lounge
  • General Discussion
    • Extended Discussion/IRL
  • Hangouts
  • Roleplay Lobby
    • Character Journals
    • OOC
    • Roleplay Requests
    • Fantasy
    • Sci-Fi or Futuristic
    • Modern Stories
    • History or Alt-History
    • School Roleplays
    • Supernatural or Horror
    • Fan Based
    • Unclassified
    • Archive
  • Word Games
    • Round Robins/Drabbles
  • Avatar Chat
    • Avatar Above You
    • Mene Runway
  • Quests
  • Memory Jars
  • The Meneverse
    • Menewsha Library
    • Menewsha Promotion
  • Testing Forum
Entertainment Theater

Proposed changes:
- Option 1: Keep as is
- Option 2: Move the Entertainment Theater to Community Center with all current subforums
- Option 3: Move all entertainment discussion to General Discussion

Commercial District

Proposed changes:
- Move Art Shops to Artist’s Nook
  • The Menewshan Exchange
    • Menewsha Rare Item Guide
  • Charity
    • Charity Archive
  • Contests and Giveaways
Creativity Plaza

Proposed changes:
- Combine all Art Shops, Artist’s Nook, and Art Post forums into Artist’s Nook and use title marker tags to delineate: [Shop] [Request] [Auction] [Freebies] and [Inactive]
- Combine all forms of writing into one forum
- Remove Musician’s Studio
  • Artist’s Nook
  • Menewsha Pixel Studios
  • Writer’s Conference
History Archives

Proposed changes:
- None
  • Event Archive
  • User-run events

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-27-2017 at 11:16 AM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-26-2017, 09:32 PM

City Hall - I agree with no changes

Community Center - I agree with Roleplay Lobby with markers for 1x1 and Group - I think this will give RP a new platform to be noticed and perhaps increase its usage again. I also agree with the other proposed changes :3

Entertainment theater - I honestly didn't even know this existed - I think moving it to the community center is appropriate though - depending on content it could apply under general - but moving it I definitely agree with.

Commercial district - I think it's appropriate to put the art shops into the artists nook and put it in the commercial district - again, breathe life into a forum by giving it a new platform

Creativity plaza - too much combination. Selling should be moved to commercial district, and called the artist's nook, but all sharing and advice forums should remain in the creativity plaza as separate sections. I feel like there should be:
Artistic Happenings
- Advice Column
- Freebies Galore
- Artistic Requests
- Artist Portfolios
Menewsha Pixel Studios
The Writer's Guild
- Writer's Block
- The Written Word
- General Discussion

If what I've proposed is of any interest I can definitely go into more details of what I was thinking as content for each if it's unclear! <3

History archives - I agree with no changes

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 06-26-2017, 10:28 PM

I like the combining of the art forums

would our Dream Avatar Creator be better suited for Avatar Chat?

Menewsha FOREVER!
Razor is offline
Old 06-26-2017, 10:44 PM

Thank you for listening to community feedback! I definitely think down-sizing the volume of forums would be very beneficial for retaining current member's interest as well as preventing new members from being overwhelmed. I have been here since 2007 and have returned after I hiatus, yet I remain mostly inactive these days. A lot of the reason for this is because I am overwhelmed and don't even know where the action is happening since everything is spread so thin across the site.

We currently have 36 main forums and well over 30 sub-forums.
There are currently 30 users online as I am presently writing this post.

My thoughts to solve this problem:

I think we should radically reduce the number of forums to 10 total main forums + 7 sub-forums.
To do this, we would need to implement a thread tagging feature, like in the exchange, to differentiate between different topic types.

How I envision Menewsha at only 10 main forms + 7 sub-forums:

First category: City Hall (2 main forums - 0 sub-forums)
1. Announcements
2. Questions, Answers, Feedback (Combined FAQ and feedback)
All resource centre threads would be normal threads and there would be ONE sticky linking to all of them.

Second category: Community Centre (2 forums + 2 sub-forums)
1. Welcome Lounge
2. General Discussion (featuring different topic tags, but not too many)
2a. Hang-outs
2b. Word Games and Misc. (Test things here, word games, etc.)

Third category: Commercial District (1 main forum + 2 sub-forums)
1. Menewshan Exchange
1a. Art Buy & Sale
2a. Charity and Quests (would include 1-off give-aways and contests)

*The item lists can be normal threads that are linked in one single sticky in the main exchange.

Fourth category: Roleplay Hall (1 main forum, 3 sub-forums
Yes, really, use thread tags to differentiate roleplay genres
1. Roleplay
1a. OOC
1b. Roleplay Requests
1c. Archives

Fifth category: Art and Creativity Share (2 main forum, 0 sub-forums
Yes, really, use thread tags to differentiate different formats of art, i.e., writing, fanfic, poetry, visual art, music, etc.).
1. Art Share
2. Art Chat (ask for help, share tutorials, etc., all mediums)

Sixth category: Memories and Archives (2 main forums, 0 sub-forums):
1. Memory Jars
2. Event Archive (Again we can forum tag to differentiate between user-run and site run events)

Important notes:
* Entertainment theater is eliminated. Allow these topics to be discussed in general discussion.
* Yes, I do realize this extreme minimization is going to lead to a lot of different topics being discussed in general discussion... this is awesome! As a new user, that's one of the first places I'd go, and this will leave a great first impression!
*Dream Avatar Creator - Link to this feature in both the Avatar and Inventory sections rather than have it be a forum. People can test avatars in 2b. of the second category
*If the site userbase does expand dramatically and the forums feel too crowded, we can always add more forums as needed WHEN that happens.

DISCLAIMER: By no means do I consider this plan perfect in anyway! The real take-away from this is that I think there does need to be a RADICAL down-size in the # of forums we have, even if the end result isn't exactly this.

Last edited by Razor; 06-26-2017 at 11:00 PM..


Roachi is offline
Old 06-26-2017, 11:35 PM

Looks pretty good to me!

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 01:39 AM

This is looking pretty good so far, and I support the idea of streamlining the forums, as I think it'll make it a lot friendlier looking for newer users.

Community Center

Proposed changes:
- Combine Extended Discussion/IRL subforums
- Move the Roleplay Lobby to the Community Center, combine group and one on one roleplay subofums and use title marker tags [Group] and [1x1] for designation
- Move Round Robins into Word Games
These all look good to me; I'd personally be interested in doing more round robins, and hopefully moving them to the word games forum will help that get more traction.

Entertainment Theater

Proposed changes:
- Option 1: Keep as is
- Option 2: Move the Entertainment Theater to Community Center with all current subforums
- Option 3: Move all entertainment discussion to General Discussion
Again, this is a section that is usually pretty slow so I would be interested in any changes that could increase the traffic. Personally I'm leaning towards option 2 or option 3, with a slight preference for 3, but this could potentially become messy.

Commercial District

Proposed changes:
- Move Art Shops to Artist’s Nook
Sounds good to me.

Creativity Plaza

Proposed changes:
- Combine all Art Shops, Artist’s Nook, and Art Post forums into Artist’s Nook and use title marker tags to delineate: [Shop] [Request] [Auction] [Freebies] and [Inactive]
- Combine all forms of writing into one forum
- Remove Musician’s Studio
This might also become messy, but I think it could work.

Looks good, guys! I look forward to seeing the changes when they are implemented.


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 11:10 AM

Avatar chat & Avatar Above You merged into one - Keeping Runway as subforum.

Testing form subforumed in The Meneverse

OOC & Unclassified Roleplays merged.

That's all I got

*Hime* is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 01:37 PM

Good job. I dig the changes

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by Razor View Post
Thank you for listening to community feedback! I definitely think down-sizing the volume of forums would be very beneficial for retaining current member's interest as well as preventing new members from being overwhelmed. I have been here since 2007 and have returned after I hiatus, yet I remain mostly inactive these days. A lot of the reason for this is because I am overwhelmed and don't even know where the action is happening since everything is spread so thin across the site.

We currently have 36 main forums and well over 30 sub-forums.
There are currently 30 users online as I am presently writing this post.

My thoughts to solve this problem:

I think we should radically reduce the number of forums to 10 total main forums + 7 sub-forums.
To do this, we would need to implement a thread tagging feature, like in the exchange, to differentiate between different topic types.

How I envision Menewsha at only 10 main forms + 7 sub-forums:

First category: City Hall (2 main forums - 0 sub-forums)
1. Announcements
2. Questions, Answers, Feedback (Combined FAQ and feedback)
All resource centre threads would be normal threads and there would be ONE sticky linking to all of them.

Second category: Community Centre (2 forums + 2 sub-forums)
1. Welcome Lounge
2. General Discussion (featuring different topic tags, but not too many)
2a. Hang-outs
2b. Word Games and Misc. (Test things here, word games, etc.)

Third category: Commercial District (1 main forum + 2 sub-forums)
1. Menewshan Exchange
1a. Art Buy & Sale
2a. Charity and Quests (would include 1-off give-aways and contests)

*The item lists can be normal threads that are linked in one single sticky in the main exchange.

Fourth category: Roleplay Hall (1 main forum, 3 sub-forums
Yes, really, use thread tags to differentiate roleplay genres
1. Roleplay
1a. OOC
1b. Roleplay Requests
1c. Archives

Fifth category: Art and Creativity Share (2 main forum, 0 sub-forums
Yes, really, use thread tags to differentiate different formats of art, i.e., writing, fanfic, poetry, visual art, music, etc.).
1. Art Share
2. Art Chat (ask for help, share tutorials, etc., all mediums)

Sixth category: Memories and Archives (2 main forums, 0 sub-forums):
1. Memory Jars
2. Event Archive (Again we can forum tag to differentiate between user-run and site run events)

Important notes:
* Entertainment theater is eliminated. Allow these topics to be discussed in general discussion.
* Yes, I do realize this extreme minimization is going to lead to a lot of different topics being discussed in general discussion... this is awesome! As a new user, that's one of the first places I'd go, and this will leave a great first impression!
*Dream Avatar Creator - Link to this feature in both the Avatar and Inventory sections rather than have it be a forum. People can test avatars in 2b. of the second category
*If the site userbase does expand dramatically and the forums feel too crowded, we can always add more forums as needed WHEN that happens.

DISCLAIMER: By no means do I consider this plan perfect in anyway! The real take-away from this is that I think there does need to be a RADICAL down-size in the # of forums we have, even if the end result isn't exactly this.
While I agree there could be some merges and some rearranging so that there aren't so many forums to choose from, I feel over simplifying it as you have done will be just as chaotic and confusing. There's definitely something to takeaway from this, though, and that's that some topics and forums can be combined and have little use being separated. On the other hand, we need to watch just how much we combine because having 15 differentiation title tabs will just be horrible to maneuver in my opinion, and it'll create some chaos within the forums themselves because they'll be so overwhelmed with different topics that don't really go together. I think this could have partially been the reasoning behind all of the forum separations.

For me, if I look back and when I first arrived at Menewsha, and I saw very few forums, I'd be like "Oh awesome! I can easily maneuver this!" Then when I got INTO the forums, and saw all of these different headers and titles I'd be like "... huh? Where do I even begin?" And that to me would honestly be a turn off.

On the other hand, going into all of these smaller subforums and seeing only 1 or 2 threads active is also discouraging and a turn off, so I also see the need for merging into a better system so that it doesn't look so spread thin and inactive. I think balance is definitely key, but we just have to be careful of over simplifying it from the outside just to make it even more complicated and confusing on the inside :3


Roachi is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 08:12 PM

To be honest I think this is great. Gaia is pretty much the same & they're massive. Personally I find it easier. Here's the exchange forum - the exchange forum has these tabs: minishops, gambling/game threads, contests etc etc. It's pretty self explanatory.
Also walking into a forum that is filled with dead threads is off putting as well Emma. So it sort of doesn't work either way xD.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 08:43 PM

I completely agree! When it's spread thin and there can be a merge, but there isn't, so it looks like there's no activity, that's absolutely a problem as well - I just think there needs to be a balance in the merges and not just stick everything under one blanket header that'll make it even more difficult to maneuver! Like I said - I agree with merging and I definitely think it needs it - just not to the point where it's a jumbled mess with too many title colors/labels :3

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 08:46 PM

I can't even organize my bedroom...
There's no way I could organize an actual forum!

But I appreciate those who are giving feedback and helping out!

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 11:33 PM

I think combining a few forums would probably be good. Entertainment Center should be merged with GD.

Edit: Also I think "IRL" should be merged with GD

Last edited by monstahh`; 06-28-2017 at 05:30 AM..

swamp troll
uncledaddy is offline
Old 06-28-2017, 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by Razor View Post
this please
there is absolutely no need for so many different categories of everything, and i don't think the suggestions in the OP strip it down nearly enough. Razor's suggestions would make things so much simpler and cleaner!
i especially agree with removing all the genre-based forums in the RP section. i've always thought that was kind of ridiculous.

Menewsha FOREVER!
Razor is offline
Old 06-29-2017, 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by Emma Corrin View Post
While I agree there could be some merges and some rearranging so that there aren't so many forums to choose from, I feel over simplifying it as you have done will be just as chaotic and confusing. There's definitely something to takeaway from this, though, and that's that some topics and forums can be combined and have little use being separated. On the other hand, we need to watch just how much we combine because having 15 differentiation title tabs will just be horrible to maneuver in my opinion, and it'll create some chaos within the forums themselves because they'll be so overwhelmed with different topics that don't really go together. I think this could have partially been the reasoning behind all of the forum separations.

For me, if I look back and when I first arrived at Menewsha, and I saw very few forums, I'd be like "Oh awesome! I can easily maneuver this!" Then when I got INTO the forums, and saw all of these different headers and titles I'd be like "... huh? Where do I even begin?" And that to me would honestly be a turn off.

On the other hand, going into all of these smaller subforums and seeing only 1 or 2 threads active is also discouraging and a turn off, so I also see the need for merging into a better system so that it doesn't look so spread thin and inactive. I think balance is definitely key, but we just have to be careful of over simplifying it from the outside just to make it even more complicated and confusing on the inside :3
Emma, thanks for your feedback on my feedback! I do agree, if we were to implement thread tagging that we would have to be smart about it and very minimally create them. TBH, our user base is small, that for instance in a General Discussion or even the Role-play forum we could do with a very limited thread tagging system and still be on a great track of success. Given our user base, I do truly think even with many different types of topics being in the same forum, it would be easier for us to scan the titles and see what we're interested rather than scan a bunch of different forums looking for activity.

Combining the activity to just a few forums would make it very easy to see that Mene does have activity going on, which is very attractive imo and I truly believe it would have a contagion effect in creating activity... For instance, since my return really all I have done in the forums is participated in Dino Tales, and I had an *amazing* time! I was truly shocked to see just how active our community is, and it totally drew me out of my shell and gave me the opportunity to start some friendships even!

I have not given too much thought to what the right amount of thread tagging would look like that would achieve the balance between order without causing overwhelment. I would suggest that we use places like reddit as example. Probably stick to no more than 5 or so different tags for any given forum. A lot of topics would probably fall into an "other" tag which I do think would be okay. But you are absolutely right that a balance is needed, and I do think that could be achieved with very limited forums and limited tags. :)

uncledaddy: Thanks for reading my ideas! I realize how ironic it is that I posted such a long post on how dire I feel minimizing our forums are, but I am grateful you took the effort to consider them. :)

Last edited by Razor; 06-29-2017 at 02:01 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-29-2017, 05:58 PM

As a person that was constantly active in the Rp forums back when those forums were alive and kicking, I would like to offer my humble opinion.

I don't go to the other threads, as my main interest is in Rping. The main reason why I joined Menewsha so long ago was based solely on the way the Rp section was organized. I enjoy having the threads separated by genre, it made it easier to find Rps that were in a setting I enjoy, instead of having to just click on every rp to figure out what genre it was. (I've left other sites because they merged all their rp sections into one lump.) It honestly makes it harder to navigate.

I also appreciate that one on one rps have their own subforum within the genre they belong to. I do not like seeing one on ones lumped in with social/group/open to everyone rps. I feel like having those there makes it harder for people looking for group rps to find them. Again, I've left other forum sites for that reason. It just seems messy to me.

I do understand that Menewsha's Rping community has practically died, there are barely any active group/social rps going on, but one on one's seem to remain very popular. So I understand that if you just lump them all into one big lump it'll make it look like the Rp community isn't half dead just because of the sheer number of active one on one plays. I still feel like if the Rp community does pick back up, it would then be a chaotic mess of everything just lumped together like a tangled mess of string.

I would greatly appreciate it if the in character part of the Rp section stays mostly categorized the way it is now (by genre and with one on one's separate from the group plays). Though instead of keeping the one on one's separated by genre, since people generally know what setting those will be beforehand, you could make one subforum just for one on ones.

Again, that's just my opinion. I cannot give an opinion about the other threads because I pretty much never even glance at them.


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 06-29-2017, 06:17 PM

Another thought on Roleplay Forum Main section - discussion & requests. Take it down to 3 subforums Character Journals, Fanbased and Original Characters with the dignified resting place of the archives. Then using tags for genre which could be split further with Sci-Fi or Futuristic, History or Alt History and Supernaturual or Horror being split down into their own tags.


Kent is offline
Old 06-29-2017, 11:50 PM

Just want to say Art Shops should be separate from the art posts and such because the current tags for that forum are helpful and they are part of commerce. I rather like how Razor divided everything, but Art Buy and sale should be a main forum? Still need a freebies and requests sub-forum too? Maybe one on one rps can have their own forum too? Definitely sounds better to have genres as threads tags. Forum organization sure is difficult. > o>

the one and only

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Old 06-30-2017, 01:23 AM

We are reading all the feedback just so you all know that. <3

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 07-01-2017, 04:11 AM

I definitely think the IRL subforum is rather irrelevant since it's either a discussion or general talk that's just about life. It could be done away with.

As much as I find it confusing sometimes that the art shop and art post are two separate things, without other major fanangeling, I'm not sure it makes sense to combine it all. Shops are commercial. The rest is not. I do think the Nook and Post forum should be combined though.
Art shops could theoretically be combined with shops, freebies, and auction in the main forum with tags, and requests in a subforum though. Basically separate sell and buy.

About the rp forum though, I'm rather partial to how organized it is. I also think it's absurd. I do not like the idea of combining 1x1s and group if the genre subforms are combined. I know certain of those genres have almost an entire page of active day to day rps so even with a visible group tag, it could easily fall off the first page before anyone sees it and groups rely on being seen. Without lumping them all together, it would work just fine, but it's one or the other. Most of the genres don't have any active groups so I never even look there. If they're with their 1x1s, I'd definitely see them more. I find sites with just Request/OOC and then ALL RPS to be a mess.
I do think the genres could be condensed rather than fully combined though. Say...

However it is done, I do think this site has subforums all over the place that could be condensed, but I don't want to lose the organization either. It's just as hard to find things if not harder that way, just less spread out.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-01-2017, 09:49 PM

I'm at work so I can't get too heavy into this. But this is my opinion on what is up on the first post.

Entertainment Theater - send it to the GD. They are basically just subforums of the GD which are clutter as they are barely used.

Other than that it looks alright. The less subforum there are the easier I can post via my phone.

Menewsha FOREVER!
Razor is offline
Old 07-02-2017, 07:23 PM

Later this week when I have some time I'm going to try to record the total # of current active threads...probably setting the criteria to be just any thread where there's been a post in the last 1-2 weeks for each forums (criteria subject to change)... I think it would be a good idea to kind of make a "heat map" for activity for the forums so we can visualize where the activity is and really be able to analyze the density or sparsity of forum activity.

Doing just a quick scan... a revision I would make to my original organization is that 1x1 roleplays *definitely* does deserve it's own sub-forum.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 05:59 PM

Help Desk
Resource Center
Site Feedback

Dream Avatar Creator
Welcome Lounge
General Discussion
Extended Discussion/IRL

Roleplay Lobby
Character Journals
Roleplay Requests
Sci-Fi or Futuristic
Modern Stories
History or Alt-History
School Roleplays
Supernatural or Horror
Fan Based

Word Games
Round Robins/Drabbles
Avatar Chat
Avatar Above You
Mene Runway

Memory Jars
The Meneverse
Menewsha Library
Menewsha Promotion
Testing Forum

Menewsha Rare Item Guide
Charity Archive
Contests and Giveaways

Artist’s Nook
Menewsha Pixel Studios
Writer’s Conference

History Archives

Event Archive
User-run events
So clearing out the clutter this is what I see. So let me just highlight a few things.

Why does Charity need an archive? Is this so that only active charities are visible for new players?

Not including the roleplay forum and archives/non posting forums that is ~22 forums to post in with limited subforums. I like it.

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 07-09-2017, 05:06 AM

I've always thought QUESTS belongs in the Commercial District. Quests are about obtaining items and items are primarily dealt with in the Commercial District so this only makes sense to me.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-09-2017, 10:37 AM

That does make a lot of sense


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