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Rie Frails
Rie Frails is offline
Old 05-04-2008, 09:36 PM

Welcome to Sarah Collins(ladyumbra)'s journal for Hu Shuang. Please do not post with ladyumbra's permission, thank you.

Hu Shuang comes from Tales of the Middle Country, a breedable/changing pet shop. To visit the main shop go here.

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 11:35 AM


01 :: Shop post
02 :: Directory
03 :: Rules
04 :: For whom the bell tolls
05 :: The ringer
06 :: Family
07 :: Friends and enemies
08 :: Pictures
09 :: Home
10 :: The past
11 :: Milestones
12 :: Growth requirements
13 :: Reserved
14 :: Reserved
15 :: Credits

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 11:43 AM


1. Do not post here without permission.
2.When posting in this journal please do so in character
3.Do not ask for my Hu Shuang, he is mine and not for sale.
4. Do not steal images found here, if I find out you have I will be most displeased.
5. Do not steal Hu Shuang's concept.
6.Please remember that IC and OOC are separate, just becuase Hu Shuang may have certain feelings about your characters doesn't mean that I share them.

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 11:49 AM

For whom the bell tolls

* info below will be filled in when Hu shuang is no longer just a bell.
Name: ?
Age: ?

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 12:00 PM

The Ringer

Name: Sarah Collins
Age: 28
Gender Female
Description At 5'5 Sarah is considered to be average height for a woman. She has Hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair that falls to just past her shoulders and is usually left loose.
Personality TBP

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 12:02 PM

Family & pets

The Collins household currently has no other members.

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Old 05-07-2008, 12:03 PM

Friends and Enemies

Hu shuang has currently not met anyone.

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 12:05 PM


1. Hu Shuang as Sarah purchased him.

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Old 05-07-2008, 12:08 PM


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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 12:10 PM

The past

Shuang was the crafter was a set of bronze Bianzhong bells. He had apprenticed many years to learn the fine and delicate art of making these very finicky musical instrument. He completed only one set of 32 bells before succumbing to an illness sweeping the area. This set was his life's work in a way and his only lasting mark upon the Earth.

* to be expanded upon as time goes on.

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 12:14 PM


May 4th 2008 ~ Sarah purchases Hu Shuang.

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 12:18 PM

Growth requirements

-==Point System==-
Artifact => Enhanced : 20 points ( 20/20)
* journal setup
* journal entry x2
Enhanced => Sprite: 50 points
Sprite => Spirit: 200 points (+ self-RP + PRP with Kirin)
Spirit => ??? : a lot pf points...

Posting in the shop (1 pt per post)
Setting up a journal (10 points)
A journal entry (5 points)
an ORP post (2 points per post)
completion of a private RP (10 points)
Participation in an RP event (10 points)

Last edited by ladyumbra; 05-29-2008 at 04:22 PM..

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Old 05-07-2008, 12:19 PM


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Old 05-07-2008, 12:24 PM

Reserved 2

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Old 05-07-2008, 12:26 PM


Official art belongs to Tooaya
Shop concept belongs to Tooaya
Hu Shuang concept belong to Ladyumbra

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-07-2008, 12:28 PM

How it all began

Sarah Collins growled in frustration as she trekked down the streets in search of a store. Not just any store mind you but a special store, one where as rumor had it ghosts possessed ancient Chinese artifacts Not that Sarah was interested in any stories of possessed items. She just wanted to get her hands on the artifacts.

She'd be contracted by both a museum and two private collectors to check out the store. It was a typical request and aside from the rumors the job didn't seem very out of the ordinary. Still the sky was overcast and with wind constantly whipping strands of dirty blonde hair in her face Sarah was less than thrilled with the time it was taking to reach her destination.

As she reached the shop in question Sarah shook her head in disbelief, how could anything of value possibly be found in a place that looked like it might be older than the items it had for sale. although, there was a sort of quaint feel about the place, probably what lured people in to begin with.

Once inside the young woman browsed the front room amazed at the amount of items for sale. If they were all real and while Sarah was not qualified to verify this all of the items many of them seemed to be there was a vast fortune of both monetary and cultural wealth to be had here.

With no one in view to stop her and no signs stating a warning Sarah reached out her left hand brushed a finger down the side of an old bronze bell. For a moment while the contacted lasted she swore she could hear it ringing.

The rest, as they say is history.

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-08-2008, 05:12 PM

Getting used to it all

" No Mam they wouldn't let me buy anything else. Yes I asked if they were sure. .. No you can't have the bell it's supposed to go to me. Yes I'm sure. Goodbye" Sarah sighed softly. This had been the third and final call to a disappointed client. All of them had been looking forward to hearing about her findings at the shop, none of them had been pleased with what they had learned.

The only artifact she had walked away with was a bell that she apparently needed to keep. Despite the fact that she had been offered some vary generous sums of money in exchange for it Sarah had no choice but to believe that she'd been chosen to watch over this artifact and the spirit that apparently lived inside it.

The artifact a beautiful specimen of a Bian-Zhong-Bell-. It was in as good of condition as could be expected and it currently rested on a pillow in her living room. Untill anything in particular happened with it Sarah wanted this mysterious object in a place where she could watch and observe it.

Looking over at it she gave another sigh ." You're costing me some of my best clients you know. I hope you're worth it." Not only were those three clients annoyed with her but Sarah didn't really feel comfortable just leaving the bell alone to go out and work so for the moment she was only doing research and tracking down things through her normal network. It wasn't as professional or as thorough as she would have liked. Hopefully within a few days either something would happen or she'd feel comfortable leaving it alone.

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 05-29-2008, 04:09 PM

Fooling around

Ok so this wasn't the best idea and Sarah knew it but she had to try anyways. In one hand she held the bell, in the other a small wooden mallet. Now normally she's never take the latter object to the former but this was a special circumstance. In the first place the ancient Bian-Zhong-Bell was in fairly amazing condition so a small tap shouldn't hurt it .

Secondly Sarah felt a deep need to know which notes her bell was meant to produce. It wasn't as if she could play a song since the bell could only produce two notes but still, she wanted to know. Not only would she be able to record that information should the rest of it's set be found found someday but she was also curious to see if it truly would produce clear recognizable notes after hundreds of years.

Though Sarah did have to admit that a small part of her felt nervous. There was a slight possibility that doing this might irritate the spirit that supposedly lived inside the bell. Of course being dead the vibrations couldn't hurt it any but Sarah didn't want it mad either. In the end she'd decided to go ahead with the belief that perhaps hearing the sound of the bell might coax the spirit out or even make it happy. After all why would it live in the bell if i didn't like the sound.

Gently, ever so gently Sarah struck the side of the bell with the mallet. No flakes of rush fell off and no angered spirit rose from within to threaten her. Instead a song clear wave of sound rung through the room and then faded away. The young woman smiled and pulled the mallet back to strike again, she was no music major and it would take a few hits to be certain she knew which note she'd heard. The process at least would be pleasant.


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