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Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-20-2007, 11:06 AM

Since I ran into many people I've known on Gaia here, I think it should be okay to post some of my recent artwork and make them know *I* exist here too xDDDD;;;

*coughs coughs* I'm known by DeZarin on Gaia and DA >__>;; but decided I don't want to be too 'obvious' on here so I change the registered screen name *coughs* Don't excuse me for being an art thief because this is my new screen name :evil:

Recently I've been drawing 'on and off' because of the family issue. Now everything seems settled so I hope I can draw more but I'm one of those whose morale and skill are highly related to one another. And the family issue kinda set me off the art mood for now.....hopefully I can get over it soon and able to continue with my pile of Gaia commissions >__>;;;

By the way, here the latest 'finished' pic I drew last week:

Tyrian is (c) to Atrocity @ Gaia
Normally I don't do cell-shading but this pic was supposed to be flat-colored so I just kinda lay one shade shadow so it wouldn't look like I was too lazy and went half-assed over it =w=;;;

-And here's the line art version-

His tails were supposed to be puma's-liked but I sucked at drawing non-fluffy tails so.....they looked like some kind of seaweed in my opinion TTwTT;;;

If you have any critique, I'd prefer it if you could go redline over to show me what's wrong. That way I can understand easier *nods*

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-20-2007, 11:09 AM

-reserved for older work showcase-

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-20-2007, 11:11 AM

-reserved for WIP section-

This one from the Bella Donna Auction. Right now.....slimmed him a bit more and finished laying base colors, need to start shading =w=;;;;

-work list-
O->CG Waist UP from Manly Auction : DONE
O-> CG 3/4 from Belle Donna Host Club Auction : DONE
O-> 5 from 9 CG Headshots Art Trade with rje you bastard
O-> CG couple waist up for shox2
O-> CG Waist Up for Emmery : DONE
O-> 3 Waist Up single CGs for Draca Blake : Sketching one by one

\ (•◡•) /
light is offline
Old 04-20-2007, 11:27 AM

yay de made an art plug thread <3333 awesomeawesome pretties of De <33333


verdant is offline
Old 04-20-2007, 03:09 PM

hey dezaza has a nice gallery :3!!!!

gaaa you're so productive too, im really amazed!

how come the thumbnails can't be clicked? is it intentional? *___*

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-20-2007, 03:26 PM

Verdy << I forgot to insert the urls *sweats* >w<;;;;

I was supposed to make it clickable but just pasted only image url to reserve the post first xp

LOL, I'm not that productive, some are old work though ^^;;;

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-22-2007, 02:44 AM

I finished the 3/4 piece from a joint auction eventually.....after procrastinating for almost 3 months due to the trouble deciding pose and designing costume =A=;;;;

*yawns* Been shading it almost the whole night X___x;;; I'll need some sleep soon once I finish my 'dinner' at 9 am xDDDDD;;;; ( biological clock is really messed up)

Gaven (c) Sotalean @ Gaia

\ (•◡•) /
light is offline
Old 04-22-2007, 04:14 AM

aaaaaaaaaaa very cool picca, de <3333

he's very manly *____* light likey the muscle tones on his arms <333

verdant is offline
Old 04-22-2007, 05:34 AM

the cloth design doesn't look bad at all, dezaza :)

i like the expression that he has, really handsome

Swordtear is offline
Old 04-22-2007, 08:45 AM

*stalks* Mwahahaha...>DDDD

Your lineart and males are so pretty...*swoons* :'DDD <3333

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-22-2007, 01:46 PM

Edited and added some more tiny locks of hair hopefully it would make the whole hair looks a bit shaggier like the commissioner wanted it to be xp

.......if she's not satisfied yet then, umm...... -*-

light << Thankie~ >w< At first I felt for some reason, it looks more like a leg than an arm to me =w=;;; I guessed I made the muscles on the forearm too bulgy. And I don't know if the shading on the foreshortening arm is okay....I've never been successfully shaded anything with foreshortening/perspective. Y__Y;;

Verdy << Thank you x333333 Now just I realized the cargo pants he wear kinda remind me of a certain pants on Gaia I own xDDDD;;; With the color blue and being 'ripped off' at the pockets area like that... :lol:

I wanted to try adding some pattern on the Yukata but I figured that it would make my brain become too overloaded X__x;;;

Kura << Thank you ne >_<//// LOL, I'd say it was one of the most messed up line art if you see the original line art on post 2 *sweats* I tried to draw it after becoming mental broke down about my grandpa so I wasn't at the best point (you know, my grandpa was admitted to the hospital in the morning after the night I finished the previous full CG waist up)

I edited the line art a bit to make him slimmer before I colored it though....if not, the weird proportion bugged me too much since I felt his head was tad small for his body X__x;;;

\ (•◡•) /
mai is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 02:13 AM

De always sleep at weird time XDD the new work of yours look wonderful! the skin shading is neatly done as usual na ka X3 I love the expression too ♥

and glad the issue is settled down now :(

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 06:15 AM

Mai << I know!! xDDDDDD;;; but I guess if it isn't that weird hour, then it's not me, eh? *ROFL*

Thankie ja >w<///// The skin almost got me once until I decided to change the direction of lighting X__x;;; If not, the previous direction made it a major mess D=

Verdy mentioned about liking the expression too but tell you the truth I don't even know what mood I set him in ^^;;;; I kinda have trouble setting 'no mood' expression as my default style of face =w=;;;

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atrocity is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 07:09 PM

DeZ made an art thread thingy, whee! thats great ;D now i know where to bug you >w<

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 07:13 PM

LOL Yep, yep~ Where we can spam.... ooops, chat for more gold xDDDD;;;

I PM'ed Eiko about this thread already >3333

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atrocity is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 10:57 PM

really? sweet ;D
i just have to find a way to... 'subscribe' to threads now.. i keep loosing threads i like...
argh lol
i think i should but some clothes..

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 11:11 PM

Just bookmark it on your browser? =3

But yeah, you better buy some cloth now x33333 because the sight of you standing there just in your lingeries is burning my eyes X__x;; *shot*

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atrocity is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 11:17 PM

*gasp of.. something*
uh.. um..
im still trying to decide whether or not i wanna keep my Mene avatar a girl...
soo.. i dont want to buy clothes, and then decide on another sex change <_<
let me think XD

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 11:21 PM

Uh, oh.... >__>;;; My OC spoke on his own about the burning eyes part, not me *shifts eyes*

Ah, okay~ xDDDD;;;

Maybe it would be fun to make your avi here as Tyr too then we can try some RP :lol:

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atrocity is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 11:24 PM

they dont have cool Tyr hair like agai (tho gaia does a bad job to)
buut i'll work with what i got
i want some horns....

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 11:28 PM

Looks like there's no horn here so far.... >.<;; and yeah....*sighs* there's not enough styles of hair on here TT__TT;; The hair I have now isn't exactly what his hair is as well. =3=

Yay for the black pants~!! >3<////

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atrocity is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 11:40 PM

Alas, i'll jsut have to wait.
eventually, they will come ;D

for the moment, i'll settle for a silver slave collar XD

Kasimir De
Kasimir De is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 11:45 PM

My current goal is a black shirt with white long sleeve shirt under it....and that costs 1000 gold X___x;;;

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atrocity is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 11:48 PM

i cant remember.. buut... i think the collar i want is 500g and the shirt i want is 500g...
then again i dunno. i'm gonna look again lol

Eiko Tsunaba
Eiko Tsunaba is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 11:53 PM

I have arrived!!!

Make room for the Cupcake!!!!

O x O


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