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CrepsMule is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:00 PM

aww XD;;; @kung fu movies XD;;; *gives sho sleeping pills*

BTW, what did you think of the heroes episode? xD;

shosho is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:05 PM

hahah, yah, i know. in EVERY new scene it's like a new fight. wtf. and it's always with different people. this guy must have pissed so many people off lolol =_=;

but well, about the heroes episode, it was okay. not as exciting the last few episodes of season 1 lol. when i saw "kensei" for the first time... i wanted to throw up. lolol /mean. GAH, i still hate that idea of him being a seemingly so otaku weebo D8<

CrepsMule is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:08 PM

rofl~ seriously? XD;; crappy kung fu movies haha.. is it like, a real movie or one of those junk ones you watch on TV late at night when nothing good is on? xD;;

yeah, I agree episode one of season 2 was kinda boring P: it gets better later on though xD;; and ahh didn't you know that he wasn't really japanese already though? lol, or was it just that.. when you actually saw him it made it 10x worse, in your head? XD;;

shosho is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:29 PM

i think it's the latter hahah. but it's a real movie. you know, those bruce lee like ones, except the setting's like ancient china? with the cropped up face? lolol. the expressions and bad acting. i love it XD;

yah i already knew he wasn't japanese, but yap lolol once i saw him, it did make it 10 times worse. he reminded me of one of my exes hahaha............ so it's all ARGH! FUG! lolol

Dead Account Holder
KeyKey is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:31 PM

I want more holidays from school, I want summer or winter break

CrepsMule is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:32 PM

ohh XDD I see, haha XD;; by the way.. have you ever seen kung fu hustle before? xDD;;

one of your exes?.. I see XD well, lol.. hopefully you'll still be able to enjoy the season.. I never did like hiro's story much in season 2 anyway XD; (the ancient japan part)

key- man, I'd love to be in the summer right now u__u

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KeyKey is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:35 PM

oh yees, sweet and warm summer. its so cold right now here. its like winter but no snow. T.T. we all have winter jackets, hat,gloves and scarfs

CrepsMule is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:37 PM

key- same D: in my opinion, cold weather is pointless if it's cold enough to have you shivering, but not cold enough for snow DX

Dead Account Holder
KeyKey is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:39 PM

same here, it its cold we need snow.
I don't like winter! I like snow but not the coold. it makes my hands hurt. makes me feel like an old womman.

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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`Kitami is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:42 PM

I'd rather be cold than hot. :/

CrepsMule is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:54 PM

key- lolll, for some reason your cold hands = old woman statement made me laugh XDD
I like the cold at night though, because then it makes your blankets feel so much better.. when you're hot all you can do is take your clothes off and even then sometimes that doesn't help XD;

kita- Really? D: during the day I like hot better, at night, cold ^^;

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KeyKey is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:55 PM

for me its, I would want hot instead of cold

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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`Kitami is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 10:01 PM

I like warm.
Warm is best. o.o
Warm with a good breeze.

Too cold is annoying.
Too hot is EXTREMELY annoying. Unless I have water to stay in nonstop. Then its nice. <3
I bitch too much about things I can't change. 8D

Er. Yeah. I can't be hot at night. Or else I just toss and turn when trying to sleep and that's not cool man. u_u;

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KeyKey is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 10:05 PM

Creps: <.< >.> but is true...
oh yes. now I use two blankets. its so warm and cosy, I usualy don't want to wake up and go to school.

if its to cold you have to have so many clothes so you can barerly move. and if its to hot you can usualy do something. like go to the beach/lake, eat something cold, and so on.but you can't do so much if its cold

Kitami: it would nice if it was warm but not to hot.

shosho is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by CrepsMule View Post
ohh XDD I see, haha XD;; by the way.. have you ever seen kung fu hustle before? xDD;;

one of your exes?.. I see XD well, lol.. hopefully you'll still be able to enjoy the season.. I never did like hiro's story much in season 2 anyway XD; (the ancient japan part)

key- man, I'd love to be in the summer right now u__u
haha, yes~ that's actually one of my favorite stephen chao's movies XD i liked shaolin soccer better in terms of story, but the action, kung fu hustle's awesome XD;

lol was hiro pretty much stuck in the whole season 2?

/give more blankets for keykey *3*;

CrepsMule is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 10:10 PM

Lol, Kitami xDD don't we all? u___u;;
but yeah, being hot in bed is the worst D: unless, you know.. you're hot for a different reason.. lol >>;

key- omg, I hate waking up in the morning! especially when it's so cold outside.. when I'm laying in bed, under the warm blankets, nice and cozy, there's like no motivation whatsoever for me to get out of bed and venture outside to the cold, dark, world of school e__e;;

sho- haha, I haven't seen shaolin soccer but I loved kung fu hustle XDD it's hilarious XD;; some parts of it are so dumb rofl

and well.. most f season 2.. I think he leaves at like... episode 8 out of 13? here's there for more than half anyway XD;

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KeyKey is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 10:13 PM

so true. but to bad we still need to go out from the varm bed. I want more breaks from school.
soon it will be colder.

sorry I need to go now. I have school tomorrow.
see you all later! and have a good nught/day

shosho is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 10:15 PM

@ creps:
lolol like the time his friend tried to throw away the knife at the screaming lady and he's the one that got hurt instead? XD;; stephen chao's humor is just lolol. i love the 'calm' humor, too XD; when he asked that kid to fight hahha. wth... lolol

oh, wow. i see. amg, i'm going to be /wah each time kensei scene comes up lolol

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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Old 11-03-2008, 11:25 PM

Creps:: Lulz well then no one would want to go to sleep anyway. ;D
At least. I hope not. >>;

Anyway. <<

Sho:: -random-
Yes, I did read your textwall in Iro and Luel's thread the other day (yesterday? -flails@notremembering-)
The one with the I HEART YAOI shirt bit. x'D

Sane is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:40 PM

I SEE STEPHEN CHOW 8DDDD shaolin soccer is sooo funny. xD all his movies are stupid, but hilarious. |D

i didn't know you had a thread! O:

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-04-2008, 12:09 AM

Originally Posted by CrepsMule View Post
You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, just hope everything is okay I guess ^^;

Well.. I had M&M's >___>;; They're SO addicting! I ate a whole bag today, it's just like once I have one I can't stop eating them until they're all gone >>;

Haha, true.. but like, if the dog is stinky you can spray air freshener all over it to make it not smell as bad?! xD; and when they're dirty they get your clothes dirty too D:

Hmm yeah, I agree. I'd like to be famous enough to have fans, but nowhere near Paris Hilton's "fame" xD;; It'd be cool to like, go out and take a stroll outside or something and have one of your fans come up and say "Hi" and you could have a nice chat etc. :P Being famous is cool, as long as you don't get to the point where you start being all big headed and all that XD;;
Ahh, computer takes up a lot of my time, and homework >>; I barely have any time afterschool to begin with. And omg, I'm the same way with Heroes as you are with LOST XD;; Like every Tuesday, right when I get home it's like.. don't even bother checking email/PM's first, must watch Heroes asap >>;
Mm, me too. I'll post to my blog in a bit. So, blog stalk me. xD

Yeah, M&Ms are pretty addicting. I haven't had them in soooo long. A few years. I stopped eating things with refined sugars and stuff, you know. So bye bye, M&Ms. ;-;

I do that all the time. xD I have a can of air freshener right next to my desk because of my dog. xD It helps.

Yeah, a little chat with a nice, calm fan occasionally would be cool (read: ego-boosting), but when people are obsessed with you and you can't do anything, it gets weird and creepy.

Yeah. Luckily for me, I just started watching LOST a few weeks ago. So I'm watching repeats, which come on every weekday. So I get five new (to me) episodes a week, instead of just one!
But I'll catch up soon, and then I'll TOTALLY be bumming. D:

Originally Posted by shosho View Post
aww, hope you'll feel better, cherry~ ;[ <3
Thank you. <3 I hope so too.


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