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AuroraBoreas is offline
Old 05-02-2007, 08:47 AM

List taken from teh 100 Pictures Challenge that floats around SheezyArt.

My goal is going to be to approach this a lot like I do NaNoWriMo. I'm going to just start writing and see where it goes. I intend to just make a novel-ish-length story with the same characters carried along throughout it.

I expect that this will be fantasy, because that's what I usually write.


I don't intend to bullet rules unless I absolutely, positively have to.

Keep the site ToS. That should be obvious. Especially keep swearing absolutely minimal in my thread. I don't like swearing. In fact, I hate it.

Constructive critique is seriously encouraged. Inquisitive questions are welcome. Comments and discussion pertaining to the story as it goes are good, too. Flaming and insults are not.

The rule I stand by for constructive critique is the 2-to-1 standard. Two good aspects to one bad aspect, and all comments on those aspects detailed. Why two-to-one? If you don't see potential in a piece at all, you probably shouldn't be commenting on it. Writers need to know what they're doing right on occasion so they don't stop doing the right things in an attempt to fix the wrongs.

A constructive comment isn't just, "I liked your character development." It's more like, "The scene with such-and-such reacting to this-or-that really showed how the character has grown." It's not, "You use too many adjectives. Be less wordy." It's, "In this specific sentence, you described the same object in the exact same way three times. Any of those three descriptions alone would work well. It feels redundant to me."

A bad comment would be, "You're just a stupid person who's never actually experienced anything and tries to pretend you do through your writing. You suck. Get a life." How is this comment bad? It doesn't say a thing about my writing. It's just a personal attack and it makes me feel like crap and I decide not to write here any more. You don't want that and I don't write that.

On the side, don't expect me to change because you said I should. I love critique because it helps me to refine my style, and because I never catch all the problems in a piece just with my own eyes. However, I don't intend to lose myself trying to be what people want me to be. I write for fun, not to get published, not to get praised.

Says the US Copyright Office: Copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are fixed in a tangible form of expression. The fixation need not be directly perceptible so long as it may be communicated with the aid of a machine or device.

In other words, the second my original work is more than a thought bubble, the second it's tangible text or sound or image, I have the copyright of that work, my story, my story's characters, my story's world. Do not use what I share here without permission.

Story Parts

I'll stick a URL beside each word when it has a post for it. And switch their order to reflect the order of the story. (In other words, the word list in the order it's in now isn't the order it'll be in when I'm done.


None Yet!


-Seeking Solace
-Break Away
-Breathe Again
-Mother Nature
-No Time
-Trouble Lurking
-Under the Rain
-Hold My Hand
-Precious Treasure
-Standing Still
-Two Roads
-Breaking the Rules
-Deep in Thought
-Keeping a Secret
-Danger Ahead
-Kick in the Head
-No Way Out
-Fairy Tale
-Do Not Disturb
-Playing the Melody
-Mischief Managed
-I Can't
-Are You Challenging Me?
-Broken Pieces
-Pen and Paper
-Can You Hear Me?
-Out Cold
-Seeing Red
-Through the Fire
-All That I Have
-Give Up
-Last Hope
-In the Storm
-Safety First


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