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Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 04:05 PM

Starts: 11-07-08 Ends: 01-03-09
Date can change according to entries or requests.

Welcome to my very first, and last, art contest!

I doubt many people here know me but I've been here only in the beginning when this was all still very new. I've been away for a very long time, and now I'm only here for a little while.I've decided to leave all avatar sites I was once active on. I'm not leaving because there's anything wrong with menewsha or anything.
Since I do have some valuable items I wouldn't want too see them just rotting here on my account. That's why I'm holding this art contest! (And because I love arties obviously ^^)

Looking forward to what you can come up with and hoping you'll give it a shot,


Table of contents

I. Introduction
II. The prizes
III. The rules
IV. The categories
V. The entries

Last edited by Zorayas; 03-04-2009 at 08:51 PM.. Reason: Date changed.

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 04:10 PM

The Prizes

1,000 Members Welcome Set!

1st place winner:

Two other prizes will go to the two runner ups:

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 04:14 PM

The Rules

1. This should be obvious but... artwork MUST be your own. This includes bases and such.
2. You can enter as many times as you like but you can only win once.
3. I keep the right to call off this contest (only when by the end of the deadline I'll have less that 3 entries from different people) or change the deadline depending on the number of entries.
4. When entering this contest you agree that I can use your artwork as I like, but I'll never alter your image, claim it as my own or use it for commercial purposes. So pleas PUT YOUR NAME, NICKNAME, URL, or whatever you want as a sort of SIGNATURE in your image. I won't be linking to you afterwards so make sure you put it there yourself. If you don't I shall assume you don't care too much anyway. Please don't have your signature take up half the image though... just a line at the bottom (or top, or side, or corner,...) like "From: (insert name or url here) for: Zorayas (or Kim L.)
5. Don't criticize other peoples artwork! Be nice.
6. Don't use the reference pictures I offer outside of this contest. You're free to post the artwork you make on your own websites and such though.
7. Have fun!

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 04:18 PM

The Categories

Because it's more fun when you have a bit of a choice in what you draw ^^

World of Warcraft characters

Don't worry if you don't play the game, pictures are provided.

- Jenos

Full name: Jenos Hazard
Age (more or less): In human years, 32 winters.
Race: Blood elf
Class: Hunter
Occupation: Hunter and leatherworker
Nature: Generally good natured and friendly, though I really wouldn't try getting on his bad side. Quite solitary, he has his companions (Renuka and Coral) with him at all times though. Can be quite stubborn. Very open minded, as far as other races, interracial relationships, the alliance and such are concerned. His hope is that peace could return to Azeroth one day but he's a bit of a pacifist when it comes to obtaining it, he hopes to accomplish this by being a part of the Tirisfal Council.
Dislikes: Crowds, he's used to being on his own. People that believe themselves better than others and those that treat others with disrespect.
Pictures: x x x x x Renuka Coral

- Thyr aka my boyfriend's character.

Full name: Thyr Fairhand
Age (more or less): Early 20's in human years, guess that makes 80-100 in elvish years
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Paladin
Occupation: High Councilor of the Tirisfal Council.
Nature: Idealistic. Patient. Prefers to think before he speaks. Naive, but not hopelessly. Tends to think well of people, unless proven otherwise. Intelligent, but easily distracted.
Pictures: x x x

- Analise
IMPORTANT: Only draw her with Thyr, I don't want any separate images of her.

Full name: Analise Mellarin
Nickname: Anna
Age (more or less): Human years, about 38
Race: Blood elf
Class: Priest (holy)
Occupation: Healer, priestess, nurse.
Nature: Analise is a sweet and gentle person. She cares greatly for the wellbeing of others, occasionally neglecting her own fragile health. Analise never get angry, merely disappointed in people, but that annoys some people even more. She’s intelligent and a dreamer, even when she’s talking to you you might get the feeling her attention is really somewhere else. She can be horribly naïve, believing the best of everyone.
Dislikes: She greatly dislikes anything concerning the dark arts. Another thing she really hates is being powerless, not being able to help everyone.
Appearance: White hair and very pale skin.
Pictures: x x

- Esten
IMPORTANT: Only draw her with Jenos, I don't want any separate images of her.

Full name: Esten
Age (more or less): 24
Race: Human
Class: Priest (shadow)
Occupation: Tailor.
Nature: Being born with a healing talent Esten doesn't neglect that part of her, she's greatly draw to darker, more powerful sides of the Art though and experiments with it. She's sarcastic, and generally not very nice, unless there's something to gain. She's quite seductive, using her looks to get just what she wants.
Dislikes: Naïve and weak people.
Pictures: x x x x x

- Couples

There are three possible combinations if you chose to draw a couple:

Jenos and Esten, yes they're horde and alliance but I don't care. Remember that Esten is quite the temptress and Jenos doesn't mind playing along. This can be a more seductive picture.

Analise and Thyr. They're both gentle and sweet, so if you draw them together, that's what it should look like.

Jenos and Thyr. This is mainly to tease my boyfriend, 't is a bit of a joke between us. I've always said Jenos and Thyr would go great together, he disagrees ^^. So if you could draw Jenos teasing Thyr and Thyr being slightly grumpy and half amused about it, that would be awesome! How you do that is completely up to you.


- Kathrine

Full name: Unknown.
Nickname: The ice queen.
Age (more or less): 23
Occupation: Assassin. Does quite a bit of other shady work as well, smuggling, gambling (and cheating mainly), spying, occasionally works as a mercenary.
Nature: She’s arrogant and can have a foul mouth at times. She might seem cold and untouchable, earning her her nickname. She’s down to earth and more than a bit sarcastic. She has a certain pride about her and an iron will. She’s not all together evil, in spite of her profession, she just has a different way of viewing certain things.
Appearance: She has reddish-brown wavy hair that's either loose or tied back in a practical loose ponytail or braid. Her skin's rather pale and she has some freckles on her cheeks. Her eyes seem to have a golden shade, a bit like whiskey. You can draw her with or without an eye-patch and/or scar over her left eye, this merely depends on the point in the story so it's up to you what you prefer. She has two earrings in her right ear and one in the left. She's tall and slim, but not skinny, her job requires her to be quite strong but don't make her too muscular.
Attire: This is where I'd love to see your creativeness! What's your idea of what an assassin should look like? What period in time do you place her in? (I have my own idea's where this is concerned, but I just love to see many different creative things.) What sort of weapons does she use? ...
Pictures: x old NEW

- Medieval self

Why do I want drawings of me dressed like a medieval Lady? Because my main hobby is medieval re-enactment. If you google medieval re-enactment, you'll get a good idea of what it is.
My medieval self is sort of an original character, that's why I'd love to see me in your style. I don't want realistic drawings of the picture, the pictures I offer are merely reference materials as far as look and most importantly clothing are concerned. That does not mean you can turn me into a different person altogether though, hair colour, figure,... can't change to much, for instance, if you draw a short, curvy lady with brown hair, that's not me.
Asides from that, I thought it might be something original that you don't draw every day, especially not with reference.

Period: 14th, 15th century.
Class: Daughter of a wealthy merchant. So not definitely not a poor farmgirl, but not nobility either.
Attire: The cloths MUST be correct according to the period. In the middle ages everyone had to wear a headdress, 't may look weird to us, but it wasn't proper for a woman to walk around with her hair loose. Reference pictures will help you out here, for the dresses as well. Note that the upper dress and the cloak are not black, they're dar blue. Seems stupid, but black was a VERY rich colour, dark blue as well, but affordable for the character I play ;). The materials are wool and linen, everything is handmade by me should you care to know.
Pictures: x x x x cloak and details

Last edited by Zorayas; 02-02-2009 at 06:52 PM..

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 04:20 PM



Burnt Biscuits



Jenos and Esten


Last edited by Zorayas; 02-28-2009 at 09:04 PM.. Reason: added an entry

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 04:22 PM

spare post

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 04:23 PM

*cuts ribbon*

I now declare this contest, open!

Please do feel free to come and chat,
I'd like the company ^^

\ (•◡•) /
xlightwingx is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 07:00 PM

I might enter this, depending on how much time I has :33

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 08:26 PM

Joy! Thanks so much for considering ^^

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 11-09-2008, 03:04 AM

This looks really interesting~!
I'll have to see about entering C:

But yeah. Good luck with your contest! Hope you get all kinds of spiffy entries!

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-11-2008, 11:29 AM

Good luck with your contest as well,
your characters look great :o
Hm, I kinda feel like drawing one of them...
Who know, if I have allot of time :)

kemii is offline
Old 11-11-2008, 11:31 AM

Do you accept dolls as entries if credit to base is given? ^^

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 11-11-2008, 11:52 PM

Hm, that's a difficult one Kemii,
I guess the rules sort of say you can't...
but if the owner of the base says you can use them for contests then I'm ok with it.
I'd still prefer it if it was yours entirely though :)

Good luck!

Starving Artist
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Navi is offline
Old 12-05-2008, 12:54 PM

I'll hopefully be able to enter this. ^-^

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 12-05-2008, 03:36 PM

:o your art looks so gorgeous! *bookmarks deviantart page*
Thanks so much for considering entering! :)

On a side note,
I've uploaded some of my pictures of Kathrine,
One's an old CG piece (don't mind the clothes)
and the other one's a more recent sketch, I'd like her hair to be more like in this sketch,
but don't be afraid to get creative!

your resident bonafide coffee ad...
Rylynne is offline
Old 12-06-2008, 08:15 AM

I think I shall try and enter this as well. :3 The characters are interesting~ ^^ <3

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Zorayas is offline
Old 12-06-2008, 01:08 PM

Yay! Thank you ^^
Very much looking forward to it :)

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tentenpuff is offline
Old 01-11-2009, 12:54 AM

She... um... >>;
Took out her piercings and put some make up on, so she doesn't have freckles?

Dead Account Holder
Menow is offline
Old 01-11-2009, 05:27 AM

can i entered art i create but i already draw it before for my cutomers? they same like ur artcontest char!
and here my entry:

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 01-11-2009, 08:20 PM

Yay, entries!

thanks so much! Love the boots! *wants them for herself*

they're really pretty!
But I don't know if your customer will like that you use them for this :S
I think you should ask there permission first,
other than that, the style's great, if you'd ever consider making a new drawing that's based completely on my characters (same hair colour and such) that would be really awsome :)

Dead Account Holder
Menow is offline
Old 01-12-2009, 02:26 AM

btw, where the entery? just 1?
not planning longer the contest?
now i'm in the middle of exam ><

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 01-12-2009, 05:48 AM

I do plan to push the date back,
somewhere in march I think,
so don't worry about deadlines :)

Good luck with your exams!

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tentenpuff is offline
Old 01-14-2009, 05:11 AM

I wish you could've told me earlier! xD;
I totally procrastinated on these papers because I wanted to meet your deadline.

Oh well, at least now I can add freckles and earrings.

Dead Account Holder
Zorayas is offline
Old 01-14-2009, 07:51 AM

-hides in a dark corner-
It's just that, well, there aren't any other entries...
I could ofcoarse just let you win :),
but other people have said they might enter so... maybe there's hope still ^^
I do apologize for the inconvenience :(

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tentenpuff is offline
Old 01-15-2009, 03:14 AM

It's fine!
I did a crap job on the shading anyway. ;D
Now I can redo it. >3>;


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