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yiesha is offline
Old 05-25-2007, 03:19 PM

marina > thank you <333


jitsu > rofl! that's so true! you are so lucky ya! omg i wonder what kind of man i would be living with for the rest of my left later /ohnooo but i am not sure if i ever got a chance to get married at this rate too TTATT
so nice , ya, Barv. guy like him should be given tones of luffin <3


gaina > eee thank you ! yeah. lolx. all hail to teh swords~~ my first character in ro was swordman, but i ruined the stats soooo badly XD (cuz that's the first time when ro is still a beta/alpha version at here. so no guide at all TTATT so deleted that character after awhile cuz max slot was 3 D: do you play ro too?

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SartoSan is offline
Old 05-25-2007, 04:08 PM

Yie you are everywhere >>

Haha, Gaia, Mene, and Da... >> I beat you though. I am at like 7 sites.

yiesha is offline
Old 05-25-2007, 06:19 PM

er...sorry but i wonder who you are? /ohnoo

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 05-25-2007, 07:15 PM

hehehe yeah its wierd to think on that ne? i really never wanted to get married because i wanted to be free and not have to worry about anyone else but myself. you know, fufill all my dreams and stuff and not have to worry about messing someone elses up. sometimes i still think it would have been nice if i had stayed in brazil instead of coing back here, that way i could have graduated with my class and stuff ^^;; and maybe then would have gone to uni in switzerland instead of usa.. and would have learned french and italian and and maybe german?

but then again, then i wouldnt have met ren, or had the baby ^^;; so its kinda a high price to pay for the "what if's"

Momo4ever is offline
Old 05-26-2007, 03:02 AM

Yeah they are the cutest. Yup Yup back before he took a break from Art I believe. Yup my favorite is fullbody art.Yeah I think It was aaround halloween when I ordered from him like Two years ago.

Same as Momo. Everything goes in one ear and out the other.

Ahh I wonder why She felt that way. Hmm I see How many minutes do you get when you Do that?? Hmm Yeah its At least an hour or 45 minutes away maybe.

WHich one Does Yie have Sign Or Legend of Twilight or Roots??
Hmm Yeah I think that would be the case for this game becuase It actually takes place after the Anime.

Oh yay Im so happy to hear that your watching it becuase I love that show. Hmm Yeah its like you dont know everyones true meaning until the last minute of the show. I know I was so surprised at somethings. I even cried during the last episode. I cant wait till next season now.

Oh Yie's brothers getting MArried. How many Brothers does Yie have??
Hmm Momo is doing pretty well Stiill having a lil problems with hearing in that one ear but other than that im pretty good kinda bored lately so been playing Sims.

Dead Account Holder
Skeleton_and_sparkle is offline
Old 05-26-2007, 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by yiesha

willy > awwww it's so bad that willy is stressful and yieyie cannot talk more with her this morning cuz yie went to sleep D: yie wake up too early (like 230am kinda early) and cant asleep until around 8+ or 9+ D: then i go collapsing. my brain just being empty... ahahh nooo /die

awww really? that's so good to hear!! *cheers on you* first place got how much eh?? +_+ but yeah, that's quite sad got beaten by people who used to get beaten by you ya /pats willy. but dont worry, next year, beat him/her back!! yossha!! *cheers for willy ever since now <33

thank you willy!! did i sounds like i never rest ? TTATT but yeah, everyday always got things to do though /die. kinda feels bad not being productive, but it's good to sit far away from the ebil pc for a change. XD <33

how ish willy day today?
awwww~ >w< *doctor willy fills up Yie's head again with some organic tea and cookies* <3 I hope you've been sleeping well now ^_^

Ya~ huzzah! Just wait till next year! >8DD Willy doesn't know what to do in the summer now...she has summer apps/college visitations, a business camp for 2 weeks, tons of summer work, a mural to paint, a website to make, and a cruise~ xDDD But she just talked to this guy and he wants to offer her some summer art jobs~ but he's kinda too nice/creepy~ what should willy do? xd

Yieshie's very very productive, indeed! And that'sa good thing ;DDD <333 *luffs all the new dolls, especially the knight* Soooooo adorable! *____*

crystalrev is offline
Old 05-26-2007, 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by yiesha

crystalrev > oooo. i knew that forum. hannah and alot of great pixel maker are there! *o* wanted to join, but feels self too tiny /ohnoo since most of them already made their own bases and really really great at pixelling o.o

psh lol you'll do fine over there(just post a lot over there). :) you're a great pixel artist so JOIN! and again, you'll do fine over there and cool new dolls!

yiesha is offline
Old 05-26-2007, 04:09 PM

jitsu > awww you are sooo lucky, serious! i am sooo envy.. got a loving husband...and pretty too.. and very very cute baby!!! ahhh.. so lucky *o* your life is so perfect now, jitsu ... i am sooo happy for you! maybe cuz you got a hardtime earlier, and now all the good stuffs just coming in return~~ *snuggies you* <333


momo > yeah. he did. D: true true. lolx. wow 2 years has passed /omg /didnt notice

hmmm...i forgot what we were talking about the time /ohnoo

oh. i got roots one! havent watch. i just get sleepy all the time and forgetful /faint
yeah. it would be easier to play if know the story line tooo~~

hahahha. yeah. i watched. serious? wah. i am not sure how many episode are there already at here. i always watch during lunch time. guess it must be the repeat for it. which char momo likes the best?

yie got 3 brothers. lolx. awww momo got hearing problem? could it be fix soon? D: and yay for sims! how many expansion pack you got by now?


willy > wah wah! sankyu for the organic tea and cookies dr. willy!! yie ish not sleeping yet. but tonight suppose to sleep early. bro wedding. need to prepare clothings and all...ahhhh so lazy /ohnoo

wah wah. so many things to do in summer already! and wow at mural paint!! willy will paint with classmates or something? yie used to paint mural when she was still in high school too! it was really fun <333 wow. why? does he looks like "someone with agenda" beside of his kindness? or does he looks like he likes willy? >D

hahhaha. yie just want to settle some stuff and not to pending too much. it makes me lazy if seeing my list getting long somehow. lolx. and thank you sooo much! the crusader was pain to do, but i am happy when my friend liking it. it make me happy /glomps at willy*


crystalrev > lolx. it would be scary. lmao. wonder what they usually do at there other then doll competition o.o know several people from there, but they seems quit making pixels, most of them D:

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 05-26-2007, 04:36 PM

*nods* that's what i like to think, like maybe i was being tested by all the bad crap to see if i deserved nice man and cute baby? i dunno sounds silly to say it, but that's how it feels sometimes. And even though was really sad during that bad time, so many good things came after (or maybe only seemed good cause after you see how bad it can get you don't take things for granted so much?)

*sleepy snuggles yie* mmmm today is such a quiet lazy day

yiesha is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 12:05 AM

yeah. but it was a good experience somehow. and teaches you how to value people who's around you. which made jitsu really a very nice person to be with! *snuggie bear hugs and luffs*

yeah. very very quiet. yie feels quite lonely cuz no mai for two days. maybe need to msg her later. yie getting worried D: wonder if she told me but i forgotten. but i am sure that i didnt forget anything D: will make sure on it later /ohnoo

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 05-28-2007, 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by yiesha
DL > rofl1!! but but it cant be helped. we just... the same at heart ! TTATT XD when is your birthday? (make serious face) *shrug* i totally understand you though. cuz each time i cry, i never mean to be sad, cuz i am angry, why would i be sad? it's just too much anger and we just exploded with tears? ahhhh /die

awww xmas gifts! must be so much fun to get your wishes being granted during xmas thingy. i always watch on tv, and like "waiiii santa must give me pressie toooo... so unfair! " XDD

rofl. see! you just like me again TTATT i name my pet and some of my oc just by the ring of it too! at times, my friend tell me " hey, that name has no meaning. you dont want your oc being called with some weird meaning or something right? " then i say, "that's good then. means no one have the same with my oc " XD cuz well, as long as we are happy (or for your case, your dog happy) then it's good right? =3

you are always a nice person to me TTATT I prolly has stopped dolling for awhle now if not because of you guys. cuz, i stopped awhile last year. kinda tired of making doll and all. rofl. i only start slowly in dolling again around march i think. we just need a break from routin at time @_@ /someone who easily lost interest. and i was actually kinda disappointed when some people thought dolling is very easy and take for granted of it as if it's a cheap ass skill cuz it's small and all @_@ so i kinda disappointed and starts to learn to draw bigger. drawing bigger kinda less strained to eyes too, unlike dolling. need to keep eye very near to the pc it's very @_@; but either way, i kinda wished to learn more of pixelling. i love all those pixel items too other then dolls, like making house and tiny foods. wished to do those kind of stuffs one day <33 /still no patient on it now though.

your dog is very cool looking! i saw his chain. is he trying to bite the camera men? XD how old is your dog now ya?

rofl. i think so too. from the way jitsu talk about her hubby, he would totally be more untalkative with the environment your both will bring XD <3

/agree with DL !!! /demand more doll from jitsu <3
Better late then never. >.<;; Remind to beat Ji-chan up later for sharing that info. >{ I don't tell people for a reason. *growls* But seeing that its already said and done I can just only hope that you forget. XDD

But I find it odd how anger results in the flow of tears. I just don't get it. *dies* Its rather annoying really and drives me nuts but due to how much I hate it I try really hard to not let myself ever get that pissed. ^^;

Hmm actually in being honest, I haven't celebrated or got an x-mas gift as far as the IRL standings go in some odd years. *lost count* Soo the only celebration I get is what I do on gaia (and maybe this now too?). I do what I can to give stuff to all of my friends which oddly enough seems to grow every year. I don't get it. *rubs head* O__O

True I get stuff on gaia from friends but not much since I ask for nothing, don't really say what I want and perfer my friends to buy stuff for themselves instead of me but some do it anyways. Dx I usually just ask for a visit to my shop/profile comment/ or PM in wishing me X-mas and thats all. Just 5 seconds of their time and I am content. :33 *ish odd like that >.<*

LOL yes as long as "we" like it. The one that actually has to SAY and USE it. XD *say in my case for when I call 'em* But yar. I tend to do that alot. I suck at name creations. >.>;;

Haha I have no reason to be mean or rude thus nice is the way to go. ^^ Piss me off or disrespect me then the niceness gets less. Which some have already learned. Muahaha.

Aww really? Wow. I had no idea. I never would of thought for you to stop because you are just so good at it and seem to really love it. But I am glad we got to keep you around for a bit longer at least so that you can share you lovlies with the world. ^^ One day I still wanna see what it will cost me to try to get one doll on that large base. So jealous of all that Ji-chan has of 'em and and I don't art so can't do trade so gotta try to bribe, I hope in teh long future. @_@

Hmm not sure how old he is to be honest. I lost track of time. I got it written down somewhere on his document to show he is a pure breed and is mine etc etc. The owner ship paper? Just gotta remember where I put it. ^^;; I'll find it later and then be sure to tell ya. ^^

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 05-28-2007, 01:12 AM

t0 shosho - Haha you was spelling my name wrong. xD Drache = no N. xP Ohh thank you. <3 I love him lots. He so spoiled and such a bloody pain too. >.> Aww thats cool. Another anger crying buddy. Muaha. We could make a new ocean if we got together during that time. o__o;;

Can control it eh?? *raises a brow* care to share???? *curious*

Momo4ever is offline
Old 05-29-2007, 04:25 AM

Yeah Two years Has passed.

Hmm Yeah I think it was about forgeting things or bad memory.

Yeah Thats the one that you should watch Did you get the first volume or do you have more than just that. Yeah I think its a good Idea to watch it when Your not sleepy too. Yup Yup it is a good idea to know the events that lead up to the video game.

Yup Yup Im serious. Hmm Yeah I dont know what was the last episode Called?? Hmm To be honest I dont have a favorite Character Yet I like Almost all of them equally.

Ah thats cool Momo has one brother and one Sister (twin). Yeah sort of a week ago got water in it. Yeah it should go away sooner or later. To be honest I dont have any Expansions. :oops: I havent pled it in forever and I started playing agian and I ended up killing a whole family :( . Does Yie have any expansion packs and how often do you play??

crystalrev is offline
Old 05-30-2007, 02:08 AM

lol it's pretty much like what you do in a regular forum. the competition is always the best part XD yea :( sad isn't it? good thing there's still a lot of artists there who are continuing to doll. :D

yiesha is offline
Old 05-30-2007, 07:38 PM

DL > lmao. noooo you cant make me forget! never!! lmao. if i forget, i will just dig this thread out +_+

awww really? that sounds so sad somehow D: i thought everyone will give presents to each other on xmas D: /didnt celebrate xmas so dont really know what is actually happening on xmas much other then the one always seen on tv

lolx. yeah. i did. cuz using same base over and over, i kinda feels like i am not growing while other pixel maker at gaia that open shop about same time with me, and got almost same level with me, now already became super great pixelist D: /disappointed to self. that's why, after the last auction i made few days ago, i will stop taking big orders or etc. wanna start to do it for leisure then making money. awww. prolly you cold when i do auc at gaia ya? cuz i dont think it will go as high as here. lmao.


momo > oh? lmao. i dont really remember the last two episode. cuz i was just watching cuz suddenly it's on tv XD /never really follow the schedule /ohnoo

awwww. yie got until "sims2 seasons" but i want to buy the "sims pet" too. i want to have pets. i really love the business expansive pack too! it's so wonderful to have own business simulation like that. but of cuz, i cheat alot playing sims XD <3


cystalrev > yeah D: i wonder why... really? i never go there much. just go there to look around and see when the did competition and all.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 05-30-2007, 10:45 PM

All of your dolls are adorable. I love the PPKH bases. I think the Menewsha ones are the cutest. The LENA doll on the right (the purple one) is my favorite. The JISHIN dolls are so cute. It's kind of creepy though. All those eyes blinking at the same time.

super panda
super panda is offline
Old 05-30-2007, 11:21 PM

Everything is so wonderfully pixelled @o@;;; Is it all really dot by dot? =O

Momo4ever is offline
Old 06-02-2007, 10:15 PM

Ahh Yeah Im always on top of things when It comes to my favorite shows. I even have a little list to tell me when they are on.

AHh Yeah I actually just Bought Univerity and Nightlife. I plan to get the rest sooner or later. I just started to Use some cheat codes too. Especiually this one that gives you 50K Simoleons. Whats your favorite thing about the sims.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 06-05-2007, 03:21 AM

Hmm well I might not be able to make it happen but I can hope. You are a busy lady and have so much to haggle that something so small should be easily pushed to back of thought and in turn forgotten. xP

Heh yes really but its not sad. It was a first, had to swallow I guess but I got over it a long time ago that now I am used to it. I celebrate best I can with what I have for my friends at least, at least my really close friends if not all.

You don't celebrate X-mas either? o__O

Awww I really wish I could program shit into your brain woman I REALLY DO! >{ I see many artists, know a few actually on a more personal level (I can call them friend) and I still think yours is one of the best because of so manyyyy reasons - mostly the fact your style is so greatly different to name one.

I love pixels so I have a variety of style and I think I favor 4 artists (maybe 5) and yours is one of 'em. :33

Hmmm that depends, I could try perhaps but right now I r broke there, not there much to even notice new things nor gain funds and usually when you are open or what not I miss it until AFTER the fact. Dx But its okay really. I am happy with what I have so it doesn't bother me much now since I can at least SAY I have a Yie doll in my collection. Well a bit more actually since Ji-chan bought me some from ya. <333

But I noticed your title and such sooo on that note I hope you enjoy your mild relaxation and can just have fun doing it for fun not so much as a chore for funds. xP


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