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Truly, truly outrageous!
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Old 10-10-2008, 08:08 PM

Well, the only problem is, is that Gaia didn't really seem like it was going to turn the way it did, then all of a sudden all these corporate sponsors started sponsoring stupid things and they started making special items for those... then it just got out of hand.

I mean, I just don't want this place to be mis-managed is all. I think it would be a very upsetting shame to see it go down like Magivolve did due to poor management decisions.

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 10-10-2008, 11:51 PM

We're not big enough to interest the corperate giants, so you don't need to worry about that.

But believe me when I say that we will fight tooth and nail to not sell out in any way if it ever looks like that's what the person who holds the purse strings wants to do. There is a happy medium to be found, between making money, keeping the userbase happy and growing, and sticking to our ideals, and we're going to try our damnedest to find it and stick to it.

You have my rock-solid guarantee on that. We've all invested a LOT of our lives into this site, and we don't want to see it become some soulless entity that only exists for the bottom line.

Right now what we're looking for from our change of ownership, is someone who has the time, skills and resources for us to be able to become a more fun place to be, with better features and functionality, so the site will attract more users and grow naturally because they actually stick around, instead of looking and leaving because there's nothing to do other than post on the forums.

Marketing will come, sensible advertising in well chosen places that's aimed at our target audience, which isn't really your average tween, most of them don't find us fun enough(not enough free stuff)

We are crammed full of ideas for this site, we just need the financial and technical backing for them to become a reality, hopefully our new owner can provide both of these things :)

Otohime is offline
Old 10-11-2008, 01:05 AM

What happens if there's no sale? o_o;;

Artistic Angel
Omi is offline
Old 10-11-2008, 01:56 AM

Originally Posted by Otohime View Post
What happens if there's no sale? o_o;;
As far as we're aware as of this moment, the auction is over and the deal is being sealed. ^^

Hypothetically, if no one had bid on the site, I'd say either:

1) Escalate would keep it a bit longer and/or try to cut expenses somehow (servers, staff) to help ease the finances.

2) Escalate would try to sell through another venue until its sold.

I somehow doubt that they (or anyone without vengeful motives) would shut the site down without warning. From a business point of view, they wouldn't get any long term benefit from that. Selling it for less than its worth is better than selling/killing it for absolutely zero and losing all investments. ^^

Last edited by Omi; 10-11-2008 at 02:02 AM..

Otohime is offline
Old 10-11-2008, 08:38 AM

haha, yeah, that's a good point. :> Well, it'll be interesting in seeing how this all goes. ^^b

Mama Juru
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Old 10-11-2008, 09:04 AM

This is what Lee had to say in our admin forum about Glenn, our new owner:

Originally Posted by jurupamae View Post
Awesome, thank you!

I was wondering when you expected that we would get to meet the new person or when they might come along and introduce themselves. I'm sure there are still details and stuff to work through but we're anxious to meet him.
Originally Posted by LeeD View Post
He is travelling on business and we still have a few details to finalize when he returns. I think the introduction to both you and the community will take place sometime next week.
So keep on the look out next week :)

Hatake Ayumi
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Old 10-11-2008, 04:00 PM

Que fantastica!
Anyways, will he post here or in an announcement?

Mama Juru
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Old 10-11-2008, 06:37 PM

I have no idea. We'll all just have to wait and see.

Angel Spirit Girl
Angel Spirit Girl is offline
Old 10-11-2008, 09:30 PM

Oh wow! 0.0

A new owner!

I hope it goes well.

I know you have lots of good ideas, but few current resources.

Can't wait to meet this person.


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