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NinjaKitty is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 08:56 PM

Draco pressed small kisses against the side of Harry's neck his hand sliding under Harry's shirt to rub warm bare skin. "I think it isn't something forced maybe he is generally okay with it Harry, after all he can see your happy and that makes him happy. Granger won't like this at all though not only because she's muggle born, but well she hates my guts" he said slowly breath hot on Harry's neck

Rei Ann
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Old 05-30-2011, 09:22 PM

Harry's eyes almost fluttered closed," Mhmm hmm. Well I'm sure your right about Ron, but for Hermione, I do hope she will understand. You make me very happy"He said. He turned his head slightly, so that he could try to kiss Draco.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 09:43 PM

"I hope so, for your sake Harry" Draco said his hand resting on the small of Harry's back, tilting his chin up to met Harry's lips he gave him the kiss Harry sought then another for good measure. "You make me happy Potter, happier then I thought I would ever be around you, considering how our relationship used to be" he murmured against Harry's lips kissing him once more.

Rei Ann
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Old 05-30-2011, 09:59 PM

Harry returned ever kiss eagerly, and with untold passion. He smiled brightly, " I'm really glad to hear that Draco, overjoyed. Being with you makes me feel so amazing and happy, like you I would have never expected things like this between us" He mumbled.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 10:05 PM

In a quick movement Draco had Harry off his lap and flat on his back on the bed, Draco hovering over him "well I'm glad Potter because I don't plan on leaving anytime soon" he said leaning down till his lips met Harry's and they were kissing once again his hands resting on either side of Harry's head who was under him

Rei Ann
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Old 05-30-2011, 10:14 PM

Harry blinked up at Draco, trying to figure out how he ended up underneath him, when just seconds ago he had been in his lap. " Good" was all Harry got to say before he was kissing Draco one more. His hands currently were clenching at Draco's shirt. It seemed the idea of sleeping was long forgotten.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 10:22 PM

Draco kissed Harry a few more times, long lingering kisses before pulling back for a breather, his heart was racing and he felt strangely hot he knew he should stop "should we just go to bed Harry? I'm afraid if I don't stop now I may just go a little to far.." he admitted his face red from embarrassment

Rei Ann
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Old 05-30-2011, 10:30 PM

Harry return every kiss, and when Draco pulled back his face was also bright red, and his was panting for air. He felt very hot, and very good. Part of him wanted more, while others parts were screaming for slowing down. "" Harry stammered out. He felt so embarrassed now, he wasn't even sure what he wanted.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 10:36 PM

Rolling over so Harry was now the one on top Draco looked up at the surprised look on Harry's red face "we'll slow down Harry both of us must become used to this and not let our bodies control us" Draco said with a little reluctance, he wanted more but he also wanted to slow down takes things slow and easy they had time at least he hoped so

Rei Ann
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Old 05-30-2011, 10:46 PM

Harry blinked, he really must have been out of it, because now he was on top of Draco. He gave him a surprise look, and nodded slowly after he spoke. " Alright Draco, going slower it is, then we should sleep" He said, before leaning down and giving Draco a quick kiss.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 10:57 PM

"Good night Harry" Draco said softly suddenly drowsy from the nights events, if someone had told him he would be sleeping with Harry cuddled up against him he never would have believed it true. But he had never felt so comfortable although falling asleep with his new boyfriend pressed against him proved to be a tad hard

Rei Ann
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Old 05-30-2011, 11:00 PM

Harry was still smiling when he snuggled up to Draco. " Night Draco" He mumbled. For him it was a tad easier falling asleep being this close to Draco. Warmth and confront was something Harry only dream of and to have it, he was truly happy. This would be the best night of sleep he had every gotten.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 05-30-2011, 11:05 PM

Harry fell asleep easily, Draco stayed up awhile longer watching Harry's content peaceful face seems Harry had forgotten to take his glasses off maybe he was to used to them. Taking them off and setting them aside for him Draco then settled back and tried to sleep. It took a bit thoughts of the day kept flitting through his mind, but eventually he did fall asleep content

Rei Ann
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Old 05-30-2011, 11:24 PM

Harry awoke, feeling very rested and snuggled into something warm and comfy. He blinked as a blurry Draco came into view. He wanted to feel around for his glasses, but he didn't want to wake Draco. He just hoped he didn't break them in his sleep.

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Old 06-03-2011, 03:46 AM

A soft sigh escaped Draco as he slept, his face peaceful and contented in sleep his dreams brought a small smile to his face and his arms tightened unconsciously around Harry. He came out of sleep slowly reluctant to leave the dream he was having. But coming awake he found was just as nice because Harry was there, looking down into Harry's face he saw he was awake, picking up and placing Harry's classes on for him he stole a kiss. "Hey handsome, how did you sleep?"

Rei Ann
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Old 06-03-2011, 04:25 AM

" Morning beautiful" He said. He smiled brightly,"I slept wonderfully, best night of sleep in years. How did you sleep?" He asked. He had enjoyed watching Draco sleep, he was so adorable. For once he didn't mind that everyone had seem so focused on him last night, because it allowed him to have this moment with Draco.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-03-2011, 04:44 AM

Smothering a yawn with his hand it took him a moment to answer, truth was he had slept like a log sleep hadn't been easy for him lately. Not with all the events that had been going on, mainly his mission that had him staying up at nights unable to sleep. "I slept great, something about sleeping beside you just put me at ease" he purred warm and comfy, tilting Harry's chin up he brushed a kiss against his lips

Rei Ann
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:00 AM

Harry nearly awed, at Draco's yawn. He waited for him to speak, and nearly felt his heart melt at his words. He was really happy to hear that. After the small kiss," Your so sweet, but I feel the same something about sleeping beside you, just puts me at ease and I am able to sleep without any nightmares or terrible dreams" He said with a bright smile.

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Old 06-04-2011, 03:41 PM

"I'm glad for that, wouldn't want my boyfriend to have a bad dream while sleeping next to me, might just mean something bad" he half joked taking Harry's hand and lacing their fingers together. "We should probably get up and head back up to our dormitory's to at least change, but I'm so comfortable I just don't want to get up yet"

Rei Ann
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Old 06-04-2011, 05:12 PM

" I don't want to get up either. " He mumbled. He snuggled into Draco a bit more, and smiled up at him. He leaned up and kiss him.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 06:00 PM

"Well then lets just stay here, where no one can bother us, though we will have to leave sometime to eat" Draco pointed out a small smile returning Harry's light kiss with one of his own. The room with it's cheerful crackling fire and thick comforter that they were both cuddled under was warm and comfortable. "Are you going to talk to Hermione about us today" he asked curiously brushing a lock of hair off of Harry's face.

Hermione yawned, she felt rested but had woken up with a feeling of unease then it all came rushing back Harry's ill-timed confession of him and Draco. Was it really true it had to be, he wouldn't lie about something like that would he? Getting up and changing into her robes quickly she was glad it was still the weekend, for once. She went down to the common room to see if Ron or Harry was up yet. Seeing that neither was she ran up to the boys dorm most of the guys were gone all but Ron and Harry, who's bed hangings were closed. "Ron! Harry! Get up" Hermione called out rushing over to shake Ron awake

Rei Ann
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Old 06-04-2011, 06:21 PM

" I like that idea of staying here, and as for eating a little trip to the kitchen's takes care of that" He said with a smile. Harry felt so wonderful and comfortable in this room with Draco. He didn't mind if they both just stayed her forever. " Yeah, I will talk with her today" He said.

Ron groaned and sat up. " Geez 'Mione, I'm up, I'm up" He told her, as he opened the curtains.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 07:42 PM

Moving past the disheveled Ron, Hermione pulled back Harry's bed curtains to find he wasn't there. "Hey Ron where's Harry?" she asked straightening his bed which looked like it had been sat on but never slept on.

"Where are the kitchens anyway?" Draco asked curious although his voice came out drowsy sounding and quiet. He didn't feel much like moving but his stomach the betrayer grumbled loudly for food. No no moving yet" Draco said pulling Harry back down when he went to move

Rei Ann
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Old 06-04-2011, 08:06 PM

" I don't know. I thought he was up here. He went to bed before most of us, and when we came up here, we just thought he was sleeping" Ron told her. He wanted to sigh, it was so like Harry to do this.

" Oh the kitchens are down the same hallways as the common room for the hufflepuffs. To gain access to the kitchens, one must tickle the pear painted in a portrait of a bowl of fruit, which then turns into a door knob." Harry told him. When he heard Draco's stomach growled he, started to move to get up. He chuckled at Draco," Alright no moving" He said.

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Old 06-04-2011, 09:15 PM

"Just stay here my stomach can wait, besides it's much to comfortable for you to go and ruin it by getting up and moving" Draco pointed out smiling as Harry chuckled, it was a nice sound. Squeezing Harry's hand lightly Draco kept him close so he couldn't try to leave. "Tickle the pear huh, never would have guessed that"

"Maybe he got up early and went down to breakfast?" Hermione said although to be truthful she didn't really think that Harry had been in his bed at all. Maybe she should be worried but it was so like Harry that she knew he would turn up sooner or later.


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