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screamolight is offline
Old 10-05-2009, 01:27 PM

i like the twilight saga...

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Old 10-20-2009, 02:45 AM

one really awesome series if you like vampires and pirates is vampirates. I know it's more of a young adult series but I LOVE em. they're about these two kids their father died and they...well they never really knew their mother. anyway instead of going into foster care they run off to sea and run into a ship where the entire crew was vampires...of course the humans on that ship are all "doners"....I wont go into much more detail cause if I do I'll likely give away the entire story :x

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 10-21-2009, 10:26 PM

Yo, I know some really GREAT books! There's The Night World series by L. J. Smith, at first that series has like a whole bunch of different stories to build up to the big ending, so if you read them, don't give up on them too soon. Then there's another L. J. Smith book called The Vampire Diaries. If you've been watching the new tv series, don't judge the book by that because the show is NOTHING like the books. In my opinion, the books are WAY better.
I have alot more vampire book suggesttions, but I'm not going to bore you to death with them, so if you want more, just tell me and I'll post more of them. See ya!

Last edited by Mizayo; 06-16-2012 at 02:33 PM..

Pirodarkness is offline
Old 10-21-2009, 11:47 PM

vampire academy is awesome! check the series out!

Charlyice is offline
Old 10-22-2009, 03:09 AM

You should try mari mancusi "boys that bite" and Melissa de la Cruz "blue bloods"

Shadow Elm
Shadow Elm is offline
Old 10-22-2009, 04:21 AM

I would recommend christopher pike last vampire series. They are pretty short and it has been a long time since i read them but i have vowed to keep them in my collection forever so i believe they are still good. I to have read anne rices vampire series and so far think queen of the damn is by far the best yet

Lalatin is offline
Old 10-24-2009, 03:54 AM

Anne Rice's Vampire series is AMAZING best vampire stories ever, besides Dracula! The only vampire series I can think of that I HATE is Twilight.

I'm sorry to all the Twilight fans, but to me, the "vampires" in this series are not vampires at all. I hate the message that Meyers sends to her fans with the abusive Edward and the weak female character of Bella. >.> And the writing, ew. (Sorry little rant!! XD)

Lilith Riddle
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Old 10-26-2009, 02:48 AM

Vampire hunter D is an interesting series of novels and now manga they involve a Half vampire hunter and the cases he is hired for.

Salem's Lot by Stephen King is more horror along the lines of Dracula but is set in modern times and the story is attention grabbing.

There is another one called Vampire Vow about a Vampire who pretends to be a priest or monk and takes out whole churches and monasteries.

I don't know of any good romance ones other than Vampire Kisses it has a more in depth plot than twilight avid as an avid horror reader I found it tolerable.

Lilith Riddle
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Old 10-26-2009, 02:50 AM

Originally Posted by Lalatin View Post
Anne Rice's Vampire series is AMAZING best vampire stories ever, besides Dracula! The only vampire series I can think of that I HATE is Twilight.

I'm sorry to all the Twilight fans, but to me, the "vampires" in this series are not vampires at all. I hate the message that Meyers sends to her fans with the abusive Edward and the weak female character of Bella. >.> And the writing, ew. (Sorry little rant!! XD)
Yay a supporter I whole heartedly agree that Twilight send out an abusive message to girls and that of a relationship based on lust that and you are correct that it contain no (in my opinion) true Vampires.

Marsh LeighAnn
Marsh LeighAnn is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 03:34 AM

Well, one of my favorite book series is has something like vampires in them. It's the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. It has a lot of mythology in it, such as Greek and and Sumerian, but has the added element of Atlantis, but it actually seems pretty believable in the context. It is something that if you like myths and lots of sarcasm, it's so good.
There's also the Katie MacAlister vampire books that are really good. They have sarcasm and lots of humor. She also has a series about dragons, if you are into other things.
If you want to know some more, I could come up with some. There are plenty sitting on my shelves.

Kaelynn is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 03:43 AM

one: the mortal instruments. not completely vampires but they are in there
two: house of night. a different spin on how they come about and the results of it
three: night world. just an awesome series.

one that isnt a series: blood and chocolate. and no i dont mean the movie! they really screwed that up! (sorry its one of my favorites. kinda a sore subject)

didnt read thru all 18 pages of responces so sorry if i repeated some but these are pretty good.

Lalatin is offline
Old 10-27-2009, 03:49 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith Riddle View Post
Yay a supporter I whole heartedly agree that Twilight send out an abusive message to girls and that of a relationship based on lust that and you are correct that it contain no (in my opinion) true Vampires.
Wootms! :D I love it when there are people who can see that Edward is abusive! :D You made my day! :3

Pulla is offline
Old 10-29-2009, 05:31 PM

Yeah, Bella is a really weak girl in the books, who can never decide for herself and usually just does what Edward tells her =__= Not a very good example for girls. Also the whole "don't have sex before marriage" agh!

heartlessDemonGirl is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 01:22 AM

i like to read vampire books like twilight or the vampire dries i relay don't know any more vampire books or any thing like that but i would probably looking for some soon the reason i read them is they have more of a adventure and excitement to them and i really don't know what im saying im really tired i will keep on talking because i am bored so i have the whole collection of twilight and the vampire dries i am ending this long store soon but first is any one going to see the new moon movie because i am and so is my sister ok now i am done i think...

Samona is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 02:05 AM

For vampire books nothing beats the original, Bram Stoker's DRACULA is a great book even if it is a older story the storyline and characters are very rich and deep and the plot keeps you guessing till literally the last page; that is my view on the issue..
PS plz click on my dragon eggs they only have 23 hrs left..

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Old 10-31-2009, 07:10 AM

I have read A LOT of vampire book (even the original Dracula, that one is the best of the bunch.) and I can honestly say that I HATE vampires, for the most part. it seem like a very odd story line to be ' I’m a vampire, I’m a monster, I can’t die, I better accept it, oh look he's trying to kill me, yay I win." and MOST of them are like that, throw a human in there, here and there, and you’ve got another bad vampire story ready for the shelves for poor teen, angst addicted readers to flock too, so they can wander around claiming they're dating the fictional characters that really weren’t created that well to begin with. It’s not that I don’t like the books it’s just that they get repetitive. The story, the characters, the plot line, it’s the same in so many vampire books that it’s not fun to read any more. plus all a vampire is is an over sized leech, a hungry tick, a sick parasite.

i just wanted to add another view, lol

crystal_s88 is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 08:00 AM

I <3 vampires too

I've read Mrs. Rice books and I've love them all, specially Queen of the damned =3
I read also all twilight and they're very good too ^_^ (just hated new moon a bit XD, tho the book is good)
hmmm... let me see the Night World is good, tho it contains several stories on it, and not all of them are vampire related, but they're good :)

I do suggest you the series of Marked <3
(there's more coming, and some are already(hunted) out but I am still on the last one of the list because i've had too much work to do T-T)
the other 2 are Hunted and Tempted
the author is P.C.Cast + Kristin Cats (mother&daughter cool XD)

if i recall any other good ones i'll be sure to post them here ^_^
and I'm sorry if these series have been already recommended XD
I saw the title of the thread and read the 1st post and began my reply x.x
i have to sleep soon because is past 2am :S

gnight ppl :)

Soidiu is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 10:15 AM

I agree with the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton and if you don’t mind reading about a wizard that has a vampire half brother, I think the Jim Butcher series is worth checking out. The Harry Dresden series has a complex Hierarchy of vampires. There’s always Circ Du Freak and I personally love Darren Shan. There’s I am legend, which is a different, take on vampires. Terry Pratchett’s Vampires are satirical vampires

Fish Girl
Kimmie is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 11:52 AM

For something sexy and fun try Katie McAlister's Vampire series. If you are open to new things try her dargon series. These are my favorites, but they do have things in there that make me blush!

Fish Girl
Kimmie is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 11:53 AM

For something sexy and fun try Katie McAlister's Vampire series. If you are open to new things try her dargon series. These are my favorites, but they do have things in there that make me blush!

I loved twilight, but McAlisters books are like twilight for adults.

sweet windmelody
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Old 12-25-2009, 02:59 AM

Cirque Du Freak serise by Darren Shan. It's about how Darren went to a freak show and have to be a vampire assistant to save his friend.


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