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See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 05:48 PM

Devan chuckled when he was nipped in return, but his attention stayed on Ivory. "You are blessing them with your protective ways once again," the vampire smiled. "Withholding the nightmares will keep their minds from spiraling further." He agreed with Kiyomi, and felt a rush of relief when he heard she was holding the dreams away from the children's minds. They deserved rest without being plagued by darkness.

The topic shifted to his mood suddenly. Devan laughed quietly, nodding. "I was the only one to get a hit in. It was brief." With a smile, the male brightened further with Kiyomi's kiss. Shifting to get comfortable, Devan kissed Kiyomi's forehead. "Just be thankful we should be sleeping. I'm ready to continue 'romping around like the rest of you'." Giving his wife's hand a squeeze, Devan chuckled.

"You need your rest, though. We'll make up for my restlessness later." The vampire briefly thought back to what he'd learned that night. Jaffair, the ordeal with Hannah's powers, the thought that Tayla might be able to break through....

Pushing the thoughts away, Devan closed his eyes. He couldn't sleep, but he'd definitely let Kiyomi do so.

((And now we move on to pushing the kiddos toward recovery, and the topic of Tayla entering the cell with Hannah. oh, my! haha))

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 09:25 PM

The day came with the pack as it almost always did, but a sense of meloncolly was hovering over the little ones as they sat together to eat. Ivory was in a simple black dress that she always wore for play, but today it was more meant for mourning. Shaking her head, she scooted closer to Tavyn and rested her head on his shoulder. Nori sat across from them, in between Tayla and Bo. The poor girl had no family left, and needed one to stay with after such a devistating blow. She didn't say much to anyone, but it was obvious that she stayed close to Nori, much like Tayla did. The black haired boy was holding his sister's hand and sending comforting looks to Bo whenever he could. It was obvious Jaffair wished to take the girl into his family with Caprey and Zaylin, but she seemed to be avoiding all the vampires that she usually loved and hung around. It seemed like because of the twins she wasn't able to trust herself near the cold bodied people any longer.

No one was really eating, they would try too when an adult would come over and ask them too, but soon after they just could no longer eat. Ivory closed her eyes and sighed softly. Taking Tayvn's hand in her own, and then lifted her head to look into his eyes. "Please never leave me." she breathed and looked deeply into his eyes, her own red orbs had been flicked with the silver blue that they had turned to when she shifted into the hybrid form. Physically marking that she truly had been changed forever. She needed him in her life, someone to lean on, and to count on. Tayvn had always been there, and she had always felt more attached to him then any other person in her entire life, now she was truly asking him to spend forever with her.

"I know I'm not.... Normal..... But I need you." she breathed and Nori looked up at the hybrid and shook his head. "None of us are normal... Tayla has always been wise far beyond her age.... Tayvn has always had the most alert and sharp instincts. I have had way too much fighting talent for being so young. And you are so in tune with people, that you understand more then we will ever dream too.... Even Bo, she may be quiet, but she speaks with the soul." he added and looked to the older red haired girl. "We are all different. And that is what makes us strong when we are together." he said with wisdom and a soft smile. Feeling deeply moved, Ivory nodded and blinked away her tears.

"You're right Nori.... We need to stay together." she agreed and looked into Tayvn's eyes. She would forever need him. And now she understood that.

Hannah was breathing heavily as she finally could move from the paralizing affects of Jaffair's powers. Struggling to move, her body shook as she laid nude on the ground. Slowly turning to get onto her hands and knees, she looked up at the small window that was there, her heart hurting and screaming for her brother. But she wasn't ready to crack yet. This was the first time she had been away from her brother this long, and that was worse then any torture that could be inflicted upon her. Shaking her head she stood and rushed at the door, making a loud crack resound around the area. "IS THAT ALL YOU PATHETIC CREATURES!!!?????" she screamed, followed by a cackling laughter, even though as she sank to sit in the middle of the cell, her body had slow healing burns now on it, and she was recovering from the pain. But she wouldn't give up, not until the time was right for the trap.

Haruhe looked shocked at the door of the cell, and shook her head as she stood guarding with Caleb. "What could cause such power and hatred in such a small package?" she breathed as she looked at her husband. Lately she had been feeling a bit off, nothing really wrong, just different. It hadn't affected her fighting or any of her habits, but she noticed she felt heavier. As if she was gaining weight, but nothing about her daily rutine had really changed, so she really was confused. She planned on asking Moonbeam for counsel on this once her shift to guard was over. It was just odd.

Kiyomi looked to Devan as she heard the smack, having listened to Moonbeam's proposal. "I don't know mom... This is very dangerous." she breathed and the old alpha nodded and smiled. "I know... We will have to wait about a week before having Tayla approach her, but it is my only idea that is most sound." Moonbeam said and then sighed. Glancing over to the eating tent and seeing the children so quiet and sad made her heart hurt. "I think today is a good day to mess around." the grandmother said suddenly and pushed Senri playfully off his seat. Giggling as he fell she darted just out of his reach and gave a playful mew. Being older, she and he could still move quite well. Grandma could still wrestle and play with the rest of them.

Catching on Kiyomi grinned and then pounced on Devan. Chuckling she nipped his nose and grinned. "It will make the kids want to play... Take their minds off of it." kiyomi projected into the minds of the others. She then rolled off of Devan and pushed him playfully as he tried to grab her and laughed.

Yuki smirked as he heard the mental command and looked at Morgana. She obviously gave him the look of no way, but he wasn't one to listen. Pouncing, he was flung off and landed on his feet and chuckled. "Oh come now Morgana." he teased and came at her again, wrapping his arms around her and attempted to tickle her as she tried getting away. He laughed and nipped her ear. She wouldn't get away that easily.

Toru peaked out from the kitchen as she heard the mental words and then grinned. Throwing flour at Kei, she ran, with the bowl of flour still in hand. Whenever he almost got to her, she would throw more flour and dart away. Laughing and giggling she squeaked as she tripped and accedentally got some on Nori. But the little boy laughed, and with a grin, he joined his father and started chasing after his mother, trying to trap her between the tables. He then looked over to Tayla and Bo, motioning them over, and laughed as he got hit by some more flour. It wasn't often that they could make a mess and get away with it. This was awesome!

Ivory watched surprised and a slow smile grew on her features. Looking to Tayvn, she tugged his hair teasingly, and then got up from the table. She then pushed him playfully and dashed behind one of the poles and stuck her tongue out at him. He wouldn't catch her.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 12-12-2013, 05:10 AM

((I love the detail about Bo avoiding vamps. <3 That was perfect!!))

Tavyn sighed quietly as Ivory leaned against him. How often he'd pictured this. This setting, though, was nothing like he'd thought. The redhead closed his eyes, trying to focus only on the soft warmth of his friend.

His attention was drawn back to Ivory as she took his hand. He carefully curled his fingers about hers, wishing he could banish this event from their lives. Tavyn met the girl's eyes steadily. It wasn't difficult - he'd loved those crimson eyes. A new streak of beauty filled Ivory's gaze now; those silvered blue shards only added to her in ways she'd never understand.

"I'll never leave you," Tavyn murmured, wrapping his arm around the girl. That was when Nori spoke. When he was finished, he couldn't help but send the other boy an appreciative smile. Nori was right.

Bo buried her face in Nori's neck suddenly, a soft whimper leaving her lips. Even Tayla looked upon her with pity.

"We stay together," Tavyn whispered, watching Bo for a moment before nuzzling Ivory's head lightly.


Caleb grimaced, his single eye (I think that was him?) lingering on the cell's door. "I would say it's related to vampires, but I suppose it's just bitterness." He watched Hannah for a moment before passing Haruhe. Bumping her arm lightly, the male frowned. "Don't let it get to your head. She's still one of them."

Senri had discussed Moonbeam's plan with her, and was nodding in agreement to her statement when he suddenly felt the world shift. "My trust has been betrayed," he muttered, turning a playful "glare" toward his wife. He didn't let his blindness bother him anymore. As he fell, the werewolf growled playfully. Moonbeam was lucky to get out of reach - he would have swept her onto the ground as well.

"Ingenious, as usual." Senri's mental voice was full of laughter, and the were suddenly burst into action. What followed was a game of tag and chasing, which ended with Senri tackling Moonbeam to the ground. With a grin, he allowed himself to be pinned after pinning Moonbeam in turn. "How long can you avoid being pinned?"

He shifted, attempting to do just that

Devan was visibly startled when Kiyomi pounced on him, and narrowly avoided hitting the ground harshly. The vampire smiled. He'd been so playful the night before, it was easy to shift right back into that mode. He had been restless, after all. Devan laughed upon being pushed, and then flickered through the area in a blur. He'd missed the first time, but not again.

Scooping Kiyomi off of her feet, Devan nipped at her playfully. "Not again. You won't escape me this time."

Morrigan had just finished her small portion of food when the message entered her mind. Narrowing her eyes, the woman met Yuki's gaze. She'd known he'd been looking at her expectantly for a good thirty seconds or so. Her glare should have been enough to tell him "no," but it was obvious that it wasn't enough to stop him.

"Don't even think about it, you dunce." She shoved him back, but only found his arms wrapping about her. With a fierce scowl, the tri-blood growled and turned her face as far from Yuki as possible. That didn't stop the nipping and tickling, though. No amount of struggling was getting her anywhere. "Yuki!"

With a harsh expression, she tried to contain herself .... until she finally started getting squeamish about his tickling. A small squeak signaled that he'd found her ticklish spot - her sides, namely. Smacking his hand away, Morrigan continued trying to glare at him - with very little success.

"I said no!"


With a cough, Kei shook the flower from his face. He grinned, and immediately took up the chase. His white ears flattened playfully as he darted forward, and was met by a handful of flour. He would cough, then renew his efforts. It wasn't long before he was coated in white powder, grinning from ear to ear and unable to stop laughing.

He almost caught her - and made her spill flour on Nori. At that point, the child got up and joined in the game. Tayla beamed a smile, and slowly got up, pulling Bo with her. The two girls slowly joined in the fun, though Bo was more withdrawn than usual. Tayla played, as she always did, with a gentle spirit ... and a way of trapping their mother so Toru would get caught by Kei. It was an unfair game, but it was worth getting covered in flour and smiling for the first time that day.

Watching, Tavyn laughed. It was all so amusing! That, of course, was when he felt a tug at his long hair. The youth blinked in surprise, and then found Ivory squirming to run ... and mocking him!

The redhead immediately took up the chase. He was just about as fast as she was, too! There was a moment when she lost him, and couldnt' see him. Suddenly, he launched himself out of nowhere, ramming into her and tumbling a few feet with Ivory until he was breathless and laughing too hard to regain his strength.

"The look on your face!"

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 12-12-2013, 09:01 AM

Haruhe nodded and then let herself smile as Caleb bumped her. Her one eyed husband always knew how to make her feel better. Seeing their replacements she nodded to the village hunters and then took Caleb's hand. "I want to visit Moonbeam really quick, I've got a question for her." she said lightly and walked hand and hand with her love towards the heart of the village. Stepping into the area Haruhe stopped just in time as a blur Senri took down Moonbeam. Laughing at the sight, the hunter couldn't remember the last time those two had truly scuffled around with each other. The question could wait, there was fun to be had. Jumping on Caleb, she laughed as they went to the ground and began to playfully tickle him.

Moonbeam laughed breathlessly as she got herself unpinned. Moving to struggle playfully against Senri, she growled and then pinned him. Kissing his nose she chuckled and nuzzled his cheek. "Sometimes I tend to have good ideas." she thought playfully back. "Back in the day i could really give you a run for my money. Lets see if I still have it." she thought teasingly as he tried to struggle to get out of the pin.

Kiyomi Laughed at the surprise on Devan's face. It was fun to see that expression, because many times he said he could never be surprised, but she fooled him! She got away and was on her feet, trying to run, but was snagged by the waist. Laughing breathlessly, she looked up at him and then kissed him lightly before trying to wriggle away. If she knew better, she better get away fast before he started tickling her.

"AH HA!" Yuki exclaimed tryumphantly. Tickling more and trying to hold down her arms, he laughed as she smacked him a few times. They really wouldn't be married if he couldn't handle a few good hits. She always showed that tuff love, many times it was her way of affection rather then a hug or something. There was no better way for her to say I love you silently then a good smack to the back of the head. She always said she was just beating him in the most loving way possible, which always made him crack up more. They were such a quirky pair, and that brought joy in his life.

By the time all the little ones had joined in, Toru knew she was going to be caught. When she was trapped and Kei got her, she tossed the bowl of flour up in the air and turned on him as they fell. "Get him kids! Tickle him!" she shouted playfully as she struggled to hold him down. Nori laughed as he got covered in flour but pounced on his parents and began tickling his father, and then playfully tickled Bo, as Toru tickled Tayla playfully. There was nothing better then a family tickle fight.

Ivory was shocked as she was sent tumbling. Looking up to see Tavyn she laughed hearing him, and shook her head. "You have a stick in your hair!" she laughed and pulled it out. Then with a squeek she tried to wiggle away. Then pushing she rolled them over, and they were sent rolling down the hill. Dizzy and disorientated a bit she flopped onto Tavyn's chest and laughed, the world spinning still. "Sooo dizzy." she chuckled breathlessly. Looking at Tavyn's spinning face she laughed harder. "It looks like your an owl with how your head is spinning." she said playfully and laughed into his shirt.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 04:51 AM

Caleb nodded to their shift replacements. He flicked his tail against the back of Haruhe's legs to acknowledge what she'd said. "More questions! You're going to kill her with your curiosity, you know." His playful tone was followed by his grip tightening on her hand. Caleb had always enjoyed playing and taunting Haruhe. She handled it so well!

The hunter started in surprise as Senri and Moonbeam flashed by, tumbling to the ground. Caleb's attention was on them when Haruhe suddenly attacked. With an exclamation of surprise, the male was knocked down. He struggled to avoid being tickled, but to no avail. Caleb pushed Haruhe's hands away as best he could, and then grinned slyly ... before snagging both of her arms and pinning them to her sides, forcing her to be caught against him. Her lips were within easy reach, too.

Pressing a kiss to Haruhe's lips, the werewolf grinned. He'd have purred if he could. "Tag."


Senri chuckled as Moonbeam pressed a kiss to his nose. The action was so endearing, it made his mental defenses waver. Relinking his mind with hers properly, Senri could see through her eyes, in a manner of speaking.

"Let's see if you still have it," Senri agreed, shifting against his wife's hold. She had practiced against bigger opponents so often that she was used to knowing exactly where to put her weight to keep him down. It was effective - to a point. Senri was a rather large werewolf, you see....

With a surge of strength, he tossed Moonbeam from him.


Devan didn't let the kiss distract him. The vampire grinned, kept his hold on Kiyomi, and then managed to pin her with one arm while starting to tickle her. He knew every spot she found ticklish - Devan knew the woman better than he knew himself. He ruthlessly began to tickle Kiyomi, not stopping until she was so breathless, she could hardly laugh.

Grinning, the male brushed hair from Kiyomi's face lovingly. The action was followed by a kiss to the corner of her mouth. "No escape for the beautiful woman today."

((AHAHA, yup! Morrigan is like that. xD She says "I love you" by punching you in the gut and the like! LOL))

Morrigan squirmed and lashed, writhing as though she was in actual danger. Oh, so ticklish. One arm was pinned to her side. The woman managed to get partially free, only to find herself crushed in his arms, being tickled to death. At this point, she was breathless from laughter and from the struggle.

"Yuki!" She bit at his face, continuing to fight against him as best she could. In response to her lifted heart rate, her elemental-fused hand warmed to the point of almost burning Yuki's hip as she pressed against him, trying to free herself.


Kei and everyone involved ended up in one big floury, laughing, choking mess. There was nothing quite like this sort of behavior! It had been a while since the whole family participated. It was good to see little Bo alongside them, too. As the children darted about, and they all began to pin him and tickle him to death.

It was many minutes later when all of them were completely breathless. By that time, Kei had caught Toru and Tayla, and had one of them under each arm. It was affectionate, and he nuzzled against his daughter and wife. He didn't miss how Bo had finally begun to smile in earnest for the first time that day. The redhead was comfortably sitting beside Nori now, looking content.


Letting out a quiet "oof," Tavyn continued laughing. Everything was spinning. After that roll down the hill, he was hardly able to see straight! The redhead grinned and joined in Ivory's laughter, appreciating their sudden time together. Again, he couldn't help but wonder if this was how it would be from this point on.

Reaching to unsteadily hug Ivory to him, he fought to catch his breath. "At least I got to see your face when I scared you. That was worth everything. The stick in my hair, being laughed at for looking like an owl..." Tavyn bumped her arm with his hand playfully. "This is nice."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 03:57 AM

((*has officially killed it*))

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 04:49 AM

(noo! I have a post in the works!)

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 04:49 AM

((WHEW. *sobs on thread* I thought I finally killed it after that disgusting wait! ))

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 04:53 AM

((oh no! I am so sorry the post is almost done I just haven't been able to finish the last bit because of college starting up again! I'm sorry! *huggles*))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 04:58 AM

((*purrs and nuzzles* No worry! :3 I don't mind! I'll be alright! Almost sleep time for me tonight, anyway. ^__^" Hope your classes are going well so far!))

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 05:18 AM

((It be going good! just gotta get back into the routine of school again. :3))
Harhe growled playfully as Caleb pinned her arms to her sides. Though a purr came from her lips as he kissed her sweetly. He knew just what to do to make her not fight back. She hated that sometimes. Wiggling as he held onto her arms she squirmed free and then tackled him again, this time grappling to get the pin. Panting as she finally got it she leaned down and planted a sweet old kiss on his lips as a pay back. A sweet payback, but revenge none the less. Giggling as she was rolled over she looked up at her darling one eyed husband and grinned. This was the life. She hoped it only got better from here.

Laughing as she was tossed from Senri Moonbeam swiftly pounced on him again. Giggling as she used her momentum to stop him from getting up and knocking him back down again. She often thanked her brother for having instilled in her to keep quick and spry even while getting older. It helped her beat up on her husband now and again. In the most loving way possible, mind you.

Grappling with his weight was rather hard. Out of all the many many wolves Moonbeam had come across he was one of the absolute largest on record. Which was saying a lot. Many times he used his sheer weight against her, but if she moved fast enough she would be able to win against him. "I'm going to get it!" she laughed as she pressed harder, her arms moving faster to try to lock his against him as her legs kept his pinned down. This was the kind of fun she enjoyed.

Yuki laughed as Morgana became breathless from his relentless attacks of tickles. She never was too keen on being tickled. The hybrid actually down right hated it, but she tolerated him. Or so she told him. He had a hunch that she loved it though. She would never admit it, but she loved his attention, no matter what small little bit she could get a hold of. It was so darned cute when she was trying to hide it. Kinda like now. Grabbing her hot hand on his hip, he dipped her romantically and looked into her eyes with a dashing smile.

Going from fun loving to suddenly romantic was his specialty. It tended to take her breath away, if her giggling hadn't. "I will stop if I get a kiss." he whispered as he held her there, as if they were frozen in time and space. Suddenly thrown into their own world.

Nori grinned as he looked over at Bo. They were both covered in flour and he was still giggling while trying to regain his breathing. Man what a blast! Getting dirty and having fun was awesome! Flopping onto his back he gave a small cough and then chuckled. His breathing was finally starting to slow down a bit as he stared up at the sky. It looked bright for the first time today. It was nice to not think about anything but having fun. Turning his head up to Bo, he couldn't rememeber the last time he thought a girl was just so dang adorable. Her red hair. Those big green eyes, that cute little nose. And she was an older lady, though it didn't really affect Nori other then he was surprised she took interest in him. He was one lucky cat. Literally. "I know who to call now in a tickle fight. You tickle something fierce!" he commented with a grin up at her.

Ivory giggled in agreement as she was pulled into a simple one armed hug by Tayvn. Giving a soft purr she then nodded. "Yeah I bet. It will be the only time you will see that face!" she said jokingly and then laughed some more. It was nice having things this way. Her dad not giving Tayvn the stink eye was quite refreshing. "It is nice." she said and looked up at his handsome face. A soft blush grew on her cheeks and then she looked up at the sky. It was easy for her to admit she needed him, and yet he still gave her butterflies when he looked at her like that. It was the look her daddy gave her mommy, like she was the center of his universe. It made her all giddy inside. "You're the best Tayvn." she said softly as she looked up into that face adn gazed into those blue eyes. She just adored this boy.

Toru smiled and giggled with her husband and daughter. It was such a nice change of pace. Getting to goof off a bit was always healthy. Looking around she shook her head making the excess flour fall off. "I think a relaxing bath in the springs would be a good way to get all this flour off." she suggested and giggled as she wiped off a chunk of flour off of Tayla's head. She adored seeing Tayla laugh and smile like this. The young one had always been quite introverted, so whenever a small smile came to her lips, or a gleam came to her eyes she felt so much more happy. Her little girl deserved the world.

Zayln walked into the tent with a confused look on his face. Unlike the other kids he had taken a lot longer to recover. He also was still blue about the death of his closest friend, and brother figure. Seeing the flour covered family though caused him to chuckle. Looking up at his father who was smirking he giggle more and waved to his friends. His chest was still bandaged because some of the wounds had yet to heal, they hadn't found the embedded metal until he awoke, so now he was for sure on the mend. But trying to sleep last night had been very ruff.

"I believe that is a good Idea Toru. It will be good for the children to soak in the cleansing waters. I will gather a group of warriors and we will head out. It will be good for the little ones to see the forest animals. I am sure they haven't seen monkeys in person yet." he said and gave a wink. He could already tell Nori's eyes were getting huge with wonder. Another distraction on the way to a bath would help with keeping their minds off of things. Chuckling softly he ruffled Zayln's hair. "Eat quickly, I will get your mother." the vampire said. He cast Bo such a swift glance that she probably didn't see it, but he was beyond worried for her. And deep down, truly hurt that she couldn't come to trust him after what had happened. He didn't blame her, but it still hurt none the less.


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