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Old 10-03-2007, 06:02 PM

�Goodbye, mother!� Shin said. �Goodbye sister!�

�Goodbye brother!� Satsuki said waving her hand in the air.

Hachi closed the door and looked at the place and it was messed up.

�Don�t worry, I�ll clean it up, you take a bath with Satsuki,� Nobu said smiling at her.

Hachi�s eyes became teary.

�Dai jo bu?� Nobu asked.

�Yeah, I�m just thankful that you�re here,� Hachi said.

Hachi buried her face in Nobu�s chest.

�Is mama alright?� Satsuki asked, frowning.

Nobu nodded and grinned at her.

�Gomen, gomen, I just got carried away,� Hachi said unburying her face.

�Come Satsuki, let�s take a bath,� Hachi said sniffing.

Nobu smiled at her. For you, I�ll do anything.

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Nobu went to the bathroom and thought that they were done. �Gomen, Gomen, I didn�t know that you guys are still here.�

He looked down trying so hard not to look at Hachi.

�Join with us!� Satsuki said splashing some water.

Nobu just chuckled nervously. �That�s okay, I�ll go after you guys.�

Nobu went away and closed the bathroom door.

He sighed and wondered how Asami was. I am still worried about her.

�We�re done!� Satsuki said a little while.

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:02 PM

Nobu was sitting at the dinner table.

�I�ll go get your bath ready,� Hachi said smiling.

�Alright, I�ll go play with Satsuki,� Nobu said.

0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x 0x0x0x0x00x0x0x0x0x0x0

�Is it okay if I stay here for the night?� Nobu asked.

Hachi nodded and gave him another towel to dry his hair.

�Nobu, sleep with us!� Satsuki said.

Nobu smiled at Hachi and then at Satsuki.

And so they laid at Nana�s bed because it was wider.

Satsuki was in the middle and Nobu and Hachi felt awkward as ever.

�Mama, do you love Nobu?� Satsuki asked once she was half-asleep.

Hachi looked at her and looked at Nobu.

�Of course I do,� Hachi said.

�Nobu-chan, do you love Mama,� Satsuki asked.

�Of course,� Nobu said grinning at Hachi.

�Then why don�t you guys get married?� Satsuki asked.

Nobu and Hachi looked at each other and then looked away.

�Goodnight Satsuki,� Hachi just said kissing her daughter in the forehead.

�Goodnight Satsuki,� Nobu said.

�Goodnight Papa,� Satsuki said.

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:03 PM

Nobu and Hachi just felt as if they just want to tell each other how they like, but they just closed their eyes.

I know I could only show my love for him in my dreams.

�That Bastard!� The older man shouted as he glared down at the article on his disk. �He planned it, from the start, played us�no me like a fool�

�Kudou-San� Kurata Minoru said calmly �it would appear as if he knew something like this would happen and he was waiting for it before announcing his marriage�

Kudou, editor and chief of �Search� magazine glared at this best photographer. �I don�t care how long it takes you or how much it cost, but I wasn�t something on that guy, something that will knock him down�

Kurata smiled at his boss �Business or Personal?�

Kudou took a long drag of his cigar as he glanced down at the smiling couple �Personal. I want to catch him with another woman�

Kurata lifted an eyebrow �What about the wife? She�ll be hurt�

�I don�t care about ordinary women, find that other woman, and get pictures that can leave no doubt at what he�s done�

Kurata sighed as he realized he just signed on for another long term job �yes Boss�

�Just do it� Kudou-san ordered

�Very Well� Kurata said as he slowly stood up �I�ll get you the story you want�

Kudou-san smile slightly as he watched the young man leave �Minoru�make sure he doesn�t catch you�

Kurata nodded before leaving the office.

Kudou-san took out his cigar and picked up the article. �I�m going to get you now Ichinose Takumi�I�m going to get you good�

Nana (aka Hachi to her friends) sighed as she flipped though the channels on the T.V bored out of her mind. Takumi and his band along with Nana and hers are all on tour, Takumi in London and Nana in another city, while she stayed at home bored and alone.

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:04 PM

Hachi shook her head to shake out the negative thoughts, she knew everyone would be busy with their music and tours, especially Takumi, but it didn�t stop the loneliness she felt every so often. Hachi sighed once more as she turned off the T.V when a sparkly from the left had caught her eye.

She lifted her hand to stare at the diamond engagement ring that was recently joined with a simple white gold wedding band. She loved her rings because to her they meant that her she was finally getting her dream, a family. Things were finally going right after so much unrest the last few months that she can honestly say she was content, and sometimes even happy.

She knew she had hurt a lot of people with the choices she made, but really what else could she do. She knew in her heart Takumi was the father of her child and that there really wasn�t anyway Nobu could support them.

�Argh� Hachi moaned softly �That sounds cold even in my head Sa-cha, Mommy doesn�t mean that she only choose Takumi because of money�I did it because of you, because you deserve a family� Hachi smiled softly when she felt a small flutter from her stomach.

�I know in the past I�ve been selfish and naive to believe that things would never change� Hachi sighed �But I then I never thought I would be a mother either�

�But then you came into my life and you opened my eyes to the fact that I had to think about you before myself� Hachi rubbed her stomach as she continued to talk � I knew I had to do what was right not what was easy. Yes I would have been easy to stay with Nobu, but it would have been for the wrong reasons.�

Hachi slowly got up from the sofa and walked over to the windows �I did love Nobu and if wasn�t pregnant I might still be with him�

�But these last few months without any contact with him made me realize�maybe it wasn�t love� Hachi said with a slight frown �I�m not sure I know what love really is anymore�

Hachi giggle slightly when she felt a sudden kick or was that an elbow? �Don�t worry Sa-chan I will always love you�

Hachi turned her gaze back to the window before slowly looking around the very quiet living room. �Let�s go to a movie Sa-chan and I�ll introduce you to the best snack food, Popcorn�

With that thought Hachi got ready to go out.

Nana, do you remember when you told me that he was a player? I wish I had listened

Nana O. Laughed as Ginpei lost yet another round of Mahjong to Shin. �Well Gin..what do you exepct� Nana said with a grin as she got up from the table �Our brat is a wiz�

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:05 PM

Shin gave her a cocky smile �I wont agrue that�

Nana repsonded by messing up his teal coloured hair. �Brat� she said affectionaly as she walked by him to the sitting room.

She made her way over to the sitting area by the T.V. and turned on the local news, hoping to hear something about Trapnest, well mostly about Ren. However the weather was on instead.

�Blah blah� Nana muttered as she leaned over to get her smokes that where on the table.

�Give it up Gin�you won�t beat me� Shin�s voice carried over to her.

Nana looked back and grinned as Ginpie contunied to cry about losing not just one game but six to a sixteen year old. She glanced back at the T.V. and noticed that it was now a commercial. She looked up when she felt a nudge as Yasu sat down beside her lighting his favourite cigeratte brand. Black Stones.

Nana picked up the back and smiled as she recalled how they named their band after the brand. �Hey Baldy� Nana greeted �Got tired of losing?�

Yasu just shugged �thinking of a better battle plan�

�Hai Hai� Nana laughed as she looked back the table, which was now empty.

�The game seems to be over� Nana said as Shin and Nobu walked over to her and joined them around the coffee table. �Where�s Gin?�

�Crying in his room� Shin said with a smile �Making dinner� he addes when she gave him one of her glares.

Nana was about to say something when the where interputted by the news station.

�Good Evening, we have a special report from you today regarding Trapnest bassist player Ichinose Takumi, who we reported got marrieda few weeks ago to a Komatsu Nana, former roomate to Osaki Nana, BLAST lead singer,�

Nana frown wondering what the where up to bring this up again. Nana looked over at Nobu and tried not to wince at the hurt look on his face.

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:05 PM

�It�s been reported that Ichinose Takumi has been romatically linked with none other then the recetly let go Morishit Sumika from the hit show �The New Golden�, who was let go do to contract dissagreement. Apparently the two have been lovers for a year but it�s never been proven, until now. We�ve recently uncovered a photograph that shows clearly what there relationship is�we do apologies to our younger viewer�

Nana stared in total shock along with the others in the room as she stared at the picture of Takumi in bed with the blonde actress

�That bastard� Nana whispeard as she glared at the T.V. wishing it was Takumi so she could beat him up �I knew he was a rat bastard�but how could he�

�Well Honda-san, what will this mean for Trapnest?� asked the male co-ancher

�Well we haven�t heard from the bands officals yet, but once we do we will follow up for our views. Also if you weren�t already aware the Ichinose family is expecting their first child, due to be born around May. We currently have a live camera outside one of the local cinimas where Mrs. Ichinose is�let�s see what she has to say�

The BLAST members all watched in horror as the news room faded out and an outside location zoomed in.

�Yasu� Nana said as she looked over to her friend �What are they doing�

Yasu stared at the screen as it showed Nana walking out of the theatre with a happy smile before realizing there were reports running towards . �I don�t know, but it can�t be good�

Nana nodded as she turned back to the screen, extermely worried about her friend. Nana

�Mrs. Ichinose, Mrs. Ichinose�How do you feel about your husbands uncovered infidelity?� One of the closer reporters asked

�Infa�what?� sounded a confused Hachi

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:06 PM

�Mrs Ichinose, we have proof that your husband as been an intimate relationship with none other then Morishit Sumika, any comments?�

Yasu clenched his fist as Hachi�s face became even paler at the callus words of the reporter. �Where did they getting this information? And what do they have to gain from it?�

No one replied as they too didn�t know the answer

�No comment� Hachi�s voice came though the television �Leave me alone�

�Mrs. Ichinose, look at this if you don�t believe us�

Nana couldn�t believe her eyes when she saw Hachi take the photo from the reporter and wish for anything she could be there to spear her friend the pain she is going through right now. �Oh Hachiko"

�Any comments on this Ichinose-san? Did you know that he was seeing her? Did he marry for the baby only? What is the nature of your marriage?�

�Please just leave me alone� Hachi whispered

Nana could feel her eyes fill up with tears as she watched Hachi get harassed �Why can�t they leave her alone�

Yasu frown at what he was seeing as he reached over and pulled Nana towards him �She�ll be okay, she�s strong�

Shin watched his �mother� as she tried to get away. He felt helpless watching her as they asked questions after questions that were not only humiliating her but hurting her far worse then any physical blow. All he wanted to do was protect his mom and kick some serious Takumi ass.

Nobu watched as the woman he loved flinch at every question thrown at her those bastards asked her. He watched as her tears slid down her cheek unchecked as she stared at the photo of Takumi. He wanted to be there, to hold her, to protect her but he couldn�t and it hurt him to see her this sad. Nana

They all watched as their friend ripped the photo in half and turned away once again to reach the waiting cab, waiting at the bottom of the stone stairs.

They watched as Hachi started down the stairs when an eager reporter grabbed her arm and pulled around.

They watched in silent terror as she pulled away but lost her footing and started to fall backwards down stone steps.

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:07 PM

�Ichinose-san�are you awake?�

Nana moaned softly as she tried to open her eyes but they felt like led and her whole body hurt

�Ichinose-san, please wake up?� The persistent voice urged.

Nana tired once more and this time they opened only to quickly shut again due to the over head light. After a minute or two she tried again and this time much slower so she could adjust to the light.

�What?...where am I??� Nana question as she slowly looked around her. She noticed the people standing around her and knew they were doctors for their long white coats. She glanced around the room she was in and realized she most be in a hospital.

Why? Nana thought to herself as she took in the details of her room. The walls where an off white colour and there wasn�t much furniture, just a closest, a desk and two chairs. She slowly brought her hand up to her face and pulled away the air tube from her nose when she noticed the I.V in her arm.

She felt weak and extremely sore but she took in her surrounding once more. She knew she was in a private room and that there were at least one doctor and two nurses.

Why am I here? Did I have an appointment? Nana thought in confusion as her left hand traveled to her stomach and the doctor knew it was at that moment his patient knew the horrible truth.

Nana at first was confused as to why her stomach wasn�t hard like it was this morning when she remembered the fall. �The baby! ...where�s my baby?�

�Ichinose-san, I�m very sorry, but the force of the fall and the numerous stairs in which you hit� the doctor paused briefly �The baby wasn�t able to survive, you had a miscarriage�

Nana just stared at the doctor in shock �No, No�you�re lying, you lying! Where�s my child, I want my child�please� Nana cried �please!�

Nana cried out in pain as she tried to get out of the bed �I�ll find her myself�no get away� Nana snapped as the nurses tried to restrain her as the doctor pulled a syringe filled with a clear liquid out of his coat pocket and injected it into her I.V.

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:08 PM

�I�m sorry Ichinose-san, but your baby wasn�t able to survive� the doctor looked down at the small woman with honest regret �I am truly sorry for your loss�

Nana slowly stopped fighting as her body started to relax from the drugs. She turned her head away from the doctors and started to cry softly but before long they became deep gut wrenching subs that rocked her small frame.

The doctor eyed the young woman with sad eyes before he nodded towards the door informing the others it was time to leave.

Nana didn�t even notice them leave nor hear the door close softly behind then. She couldn�t seem to stop the tears or her body from shaking; she just didn�t have the strength or the will to stop.

In the darkened hospital room she cried for the loss of her child alone.

Hachi I never regretted anything more then that night I introduced you to him. I wish I could have changed that night�then maybe things would have been different.

Yasu quickly pulled Nana into his arms when he saw Hachi start to fall, the last thing he wanted was for her to see her friend roll down the stone steps and look like a broken doll at the bottom.

Nobu sat frozen as he watched her fall hitting each step and feeling as it he was the one the falling, it was his body getting hit by the stairs. He watched as she rolled to the bottom and stopped just before going onto the road. He looked away unable to be look at her broken body and stared at the other Nana as she cried into Yasu shoulder.

Shin couldn�t take his eyes off the T.V as his mother landed on the ground with a loud thump. He watched hoping she would get up and start screaming at the reports but she didn�t. She just lay there broken, nothing moved and not a sound was heard as they watched her lie there on the hard ground. He frowned slightly when he noticed something when one of the cameras zoomed in. �blood?�

The others in the room turned to face Shin, not hearing what he said only that he said something.

Nana pulled herself away from Yasu and looked at their youngest band member �what did you say Shin�

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:09 PM

�Blood� Shin repeated still staring at the screen �She�s bleeding�

Nana�s eyes widened slightly at his words and gasped at the sight of her friend.

Yasu looked at the screen and cursed when he saw the pool of blood forming under his friend. He paled as he reached for his phone knowing but hoping he was wrong as he dialed a familiar number.

Nana still staring in terror as the blood became more and darker.

�MOVE you bastards� Nana screamed at the T.V �HELP HER! YOU BASTARDS!�

As if the stunned reports could hear her they started to move frantically around yelling out �call an ambulance� and �is she alright?� before the T.V. screen went blank. The News station had lost the signal.

Nana hit the table with her fists not caring that she spilled the drink as she fell to her knees not even realizing she was standing. �She going to be okay� she whispered to herself as she stared down at the floor. �She has to be okay�

The others just ignored her as they where in shock to do anything.

�Takumi�it�s Nana-chan� Yasu voice broke over the silence �There�s been an accident�it doesn�t look good�

Takumi smiled at the antics of his band members as they were playing their usual card game. It was their day off and since it was currently raining they decided to stay in and play. He would have preferred to keep working but with everyone bugging him for at least a day he couldn�t say no (basically he was out voted)

He was about to ask for another card when he felt his cell phone go off in his breast pocket. He looked at the time and realized it was too early for an e-mail from Nana as she normally e-mailed him once a day to tell him about her day and about the baby.

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:09 PM

Although he would never admit it out aloud, he looked foreword to them. There was something about the idea of his woman e-mailing him just to talk about their child. It made him feel like he was home and that he mattered. He always liked it when she told him she missed him and that it meant she missed him and wanted him and not the teen boy Nobu.

So he was really surprised when he saw �Baldy� flash before him instead of �Nana�.

�Yasu, this is a surprise� Takumi greeted �What can I do for you?�

The other band members stopped playing when they heard the other drummer�s name. They looked over at Takumi wondering why Yasu would be calling them.

Takumi listened careful to Yasu and felt grateful he was sitting down �An accident? Nana?�

Ren almost choked on his beer when he heard Takumi say �Nana� he wiped his chin and started to rise from his seat when Reira�s gentle hand touched his arm.

�It�s probably regarding Hachiko� Reira said softly as she looked towards Takumi �his Nana�

Reira looked back up at Ren and gently tugged on his sleeve until he sat down again �Wait until he�s off the phone, he�ll tell us what�s going on then�

Ren nodded as he continued to stare at Takumi praying that Reira was right and that his Nana was okay, but he also prayed that her friend was okay as well.

�What happened?� Takumi demanded as the feeling of dread swell within him and for brief moment wish he hadn�t asked that question.

Somehow someone found out about his relationship with Sumika and happily informed the media and his wife, who was now being rushed to the hospital after a nasty fall. He had his suspisions on who would do this and once this was over he would deal with them personally. For no one messed with his family.

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:10 PM

�Is she okay?� Takumi slowly got up from his place at the table �and the baby?�

Ren and Reira looked up sharply when they heard the painful question and they knew this wasn�t good news.

�I..I see� Takumi muttered as he closed his eyes taking a deep breath �Arigatou gozaimasu Yasu�

Takumi closed his phone and turned away from the table to walk to wards the office located to the left of the room.

Reira watched Takumi walk slowly to the office door as if in a daze �Takumi�is �is she okay?�

Takumi pause briefly as he opened the door �I don�t know�excuse me I wish to be alone�

No one said anyting as they watched him dissapear into the darkened office.

Ren waited until he was sure the door was closed before he picked up his phone and dialed.

�Yasu�what the hell happened?� Ren demanded as soon as they were connected.

�Nana-chan could be losing the baby� was all Yasa would say before haning up.

They had a photo of you and one of your women�she tried to leave but someone grabbed her�there was a lot of blood

Those words kept playing over and over in his head as he walked over to one of the overstuffed chairs before sinking into it. Takumi stared ahead of him tying to sort everything out in his head. She was suppose to be safe, a commener would never get the attention of the media and why was she even at the thearter because she was lonely you baka

Takumi ran his hand through his hair before flipping his phone open. He searched for her familiar number and quickly pressed the call button. He needed to hear her voice, he needed to know she was okay.

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:11 PM

He waited for what seemed like hours before he heard her pick up.

�Takumi?� Nana�s voice answerd. He closed his eyes when he heard her voice because it sounded so hallow.


I wasn�t scared about becoming mother because I knew you would be by my side. Maybe I was to young to really realize just how alone I really was then, but everytime I saw you sing I knew you were with me�so I never feared becoming a mother, I looked forward to it actually�

Nana stiffened at the familiar ring tone. She knew it could be one of two people calling her and both were the last ones she wanted to talk to. She didn�t want their sympathy, she didn�t want to listen to someone say they were �sorry� it hurt when the doctor said it. She didn�t know what to do anymore, she didn�t want to deal with anyone or anything. She just wanted to dissapear.

The phone kept ringing that she finally opened her tear swollen eyes and groaned as she rolled over slightly to reach for the offending phone. She stared at it as it contiuned to ring and for a moment she thought about just turning it off and ignoring the world for just a little bit longer. Nana flipped open the phone and stared at the call display. She knew it would be him and suddendly she felt both great sadness and even greater anger. She was angry that she was here in pain and he was half way around the world. She hated that she was always alone, always waiting for him to come to her�she hated it Do I hate him?

Nana hit the call button and slowly brought the phone up to her ear. �Takumi?�

�Nana� Takumi�s strong yet gentle voice sounded �Are you okay?�

Nana bit her lip to keep from screaming at him that she wasn�t okay that she felt empty, but she couldn�t put the words to her feelings.

�Hai, Genki-desu� Nana replied softly as tears silently rolled down her cheeks.

�That�s good� Takumi replied with a relived tone �and the baby?�

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:12 PM

Nana tightened her grip on the phone at his causually question regarding their child and tried to keep from crying out like she wanted to. Even though she was mad at him she wanted him here with her, here in her bed holding her like he did when he found out she was pregnant. She wanted him to tell her it would be alright�she just wanted to be held.

�Nana? What about the baby?� Takumi�s voice demanded as it brought her out of her shell.

�There is no baby� Nana whispered mostly to herself then to him. �I lost the baby�

Silence was the only response she received after she said what she didn�t want to believe.

�Ah�I �I see�

Nana closed her eyes �Sayounara Takumi� she whispeared before disconnecting the call and turning off the phone completely before closing her eyes once again and letting the tears and sobs shake her body once again.

Takumi sat in darkened room with only the beeping of the disconnected call as the only sound. He sat there in the dark not caring about anything other then what he just found out.

There is no baby�I lost the baby

His heart pounded painfully in his chest as her words washed over him. He closed his eyes tightly against the suddent pain he felt a the thought that he wouldn�t be a father and that he lost is child, just lost his daughter. He wanted to be the father, he wanted to have the family he didn�t think he needed. He always took care of himself and the idea that he would have someone to look after, to protect gave him peace.

I lost the baby

�Dammit� Takumi cursed as he throw his phone accoss the room. He quickly got up from the chair and paced around the room before stopping in front of the window. He stared down at the London street watching as people went on with their lives ignoring everyone around them.

Takumi placed his hand on the window and slowly bowed his head �why�why did this have to happen?�

Sayounara Takumi

Takumi jerked his head up when he recalled her last words to him and looked down at his broken phone.

�Sayonara�eh?� Takumi muttered to himself as he looked down at his wedding ring. �Not yet Nana�.not yet�


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