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Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 04:33 AM

Kinate heard the shouting and the sounds of feet treading faster and faster, closer and closer towards her house. When the man slammed through her door she was instantly up on him snarling. With one hand she extended her claws to be right under his chin, against his main veins. Her other hand held up in front of the human mob, a white mist surrounded her hand and the atmosphere became quite colder. Her fangs bared out sharply, and then she sniffed the air, she turned to the mob, " Leave.."

Kinate looked to Noura and frowned lightly then looked to the man, removing her hand, her red markings were very similar to the ones that he bore, " You are of the Sacred clan..."

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 04:42 AM

"Yes i think i am all right, thank you for your concern. The Sacred Clan?" He asked the last part with a dumbfound look on his face. Getting up and straighting himself, he looked around and saw the damage he had done to the door, he flinched at it. "Sorry about that, i will fix it for you." He said as he turnned back to the two girls and pointted back at the door behind him. He saw that the girl who had asked him had a smell that was simular to his own, her white her framing her face to make it look softer making her look cute, the other girl smelled like a half-breed but she was also cute exspecially with her ears. He smiled stupidly at them to show that he was friendly and that he didn't mean to wreak thier house.

((Thanks it was one of those moments i was in hehehe *anime sweat drop* ))

Noura Black
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Old 02-21-2010, 04:55 AM

Noura watch Kinate with a 'wow' look and then turned to guy her jeweled eyes watch the two of them carefully as she walked over to Kinate and smiled at her as to say 'his not evil'. Her ears popped up as she tried to clam her friend a little more. "There are still some people standing outside." she said pointing at a few kids.

(omg Short)

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 04:58 AM

Kinate looked at her door and rolled her eyes, " Forget the damned door," she walked out side of her small abode and moved a piece of wood over her door. Immediately she was next to the silver haired man and sniffed him yet again and looked at his markings, taking her fingers and gently tracing the markings lightly, she pulled up her own sleeve the markings were nearly identical, minus the coloring, " You are of the Snow Fox Clan.." She hear Noura and looked to the kids who were looking through the crack, " Oh.." She smiled lightly and left the man's side and walked to the kids.

" I didn't mean to scare you." She lightly moved the wood away from the door and gently touched the children's shoulders. "I'm truley sorry." There was a sad look onto her face.

(( sorry for the delay XD))

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 05:13 AM

((it is all good))

"I never heard of that mom always talked of this white fox that came out of now where and how the loved each other, but my clan is the Kitsune." He said as he stood really still as the girl looked at his markings, he still felt like he should fix the door. He noticed that the other girl was timid for some reason. "I am Mathais, but i guess you can call me Mat like my mother did." He said to her as he leaned forward a bit and waved at her, smiling stupidly again. Leaning back he turned his head towards the girl that walked over to the little villiager kids. "I think i scare them more than you do." he said jokingly trying to get them to smile, he wasn't sure if it was going to work or not.

Noura Black
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Old 02-21-2010, 05:15 AM

Noura frowned a little as the kids told her it was ok and walked off she looked at the man "I'm cuts or any thing?" She looked at him "So your a mix too?"

(XP it all cool)

Last edited by Noura Black; 02-21-2010 at 05:32 AM..

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 05:32 AM

Mathais looked down at him self and chuckled a little bit. "It doesn't look like it but if i did i will be fine. I think so i never knew what my father was." he said as he fidgetted in place, he didn't know if he should sit down or leave or just stand there. He looked over at the girl who kept saying he was of The Sacred Clan and saw that she hadn't move or said a thing. he pulled out a leaf and started to play with it as he watched the girls silently.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 05:40 AM

Kinate watched as the kids meandered off, she frowned lightly, "It's not my place to be the one who is scary Mathais, they were afraid because of that fact." She let out a long sigh and turned to the fire and turned over the fish, " So you have the same blood as I running through your veins and yet you cling to your Kitsune blood? How disgusting." She hissed lightly, " The only think that makes you look Kitsune is your teal eyes and your lack of ears.... Well Snowfox ears that is."

She reached out towards her shelf again placing a fish on each plate and handed one to Noura, and then stood up and gave one to Mathais, " The name is Kinate, Kinate of the Sacred Mountain." She stated this nonchalantly as she walked back to the fire and took the last fish off of the stone and put it on her plate.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 05:53 AM

"It may not be your place to be the one who is scary but the fact of the matter is all three of us are scary even if we aren't looking scary at the moment. Kinate, you say i am disgusting for not knowing everything about me and keeping the part of me that i do know about me alive? Yet you say nothing about Noura who clings to both parts of herself, there is no difference between me or her. What is disgusting about being who I have known myself to be?" Mat said as he stopped smileing and got a serious look on his face. He took the plate, sat down, looking down at the food he sat it next to him. He wasn't trying to be rude but he felt like he didn't need to be holding anything in case he had to leave right away. He pulled some meat off of the fish and ate it slowly wondering if he should just leave now or change the subject.

Noura Black
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Old 02-21-2010, 05:58 AM

Noura sat and eat quietly as she watch the two foxes in front of her. Her ears Moving ever time there was a sound outside or the fire cracked and popped. She was on full alert after that whole affair.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 06:41 AM

Kitane shrugged, " Kitsune are shape shifters, they have never been trusted among our clan. Ever since the Juction happened." She stood leaning against her door frame, she had suddenly lost the will to eat, looking out at the stars. " I'm just saying that you have more to you, than just Kitsune, something greater.." The snowfox let out a light sigh, "To be honest Mathais, you are a contradiction, you are of both fire and of ice. It's a wonder how you survived, without your heart failing."

((AUGH sorry for the lateness and the lameness guys I had to go pick up my brother.))

Noura Black
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Old 02-21-2010, 06:44 AM

(yay *runs and glomps* your back XP sorry no rp with this post)

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 07:07 AM

((it is okay we love you anyways lol))

"The Junction? Well i never knew that i was part snowfox, my mother died before she could tell me everything......and the kitsune didn't really want me......all i know is that my dad left before i could know him or learn anything from him. So i guess i am either an accident or something unnatrual." He said saidly as he picked up a picture on the floor next to him and looked at it. He ate some more of the fish, and saw that the picture was of the mountains, he wipped his hand on his pants and stuck it in to the fire to pull out a piece of charcal wood. Grabbing another piece of paper he sketched the same thing but added a fouuntain with three diffrent colored foxxs in front of it.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 07:15 AM

Kinate let out a sigh and walked to the fire and blew onto the frying stone and it instantly froze, she picked it up, it had been cooled so it would not burn her. "The Junction used to be the term that we used to bring the foxes from the snow from the fire, and from the wilderness together, kind of like a meeting. But once a kitsune, a child of the fire, killed the leader of the snow and took his shape. there was a bloody battle..." She looked at his drawing, " Why do you draw that?" She knew that the drawings that Snowfoxes drew often predicted the future of some sort. She handed out her fish to Noura, " Noura do you want some more? I'm not that hungry.."

((Aww I wouldn't leave ya'll without any reason))

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 07:35 AM

Matt really focused on the picture in front of him and frowned, he looked up at Kinate and cocked his head to the side. "I have no clue why I drew it. I have been doing things like this alot lately. What ever happened to the Foxxs of the Wilderness?" he said as he finished his fish off, looking back down at the picture, he etched some markings on each one of the foxxs. "This is all very interesting thank you for enlighting me." Mat said as he looked up at her and grinned, he may have seemed harch earlier but somethings just hit a spot that he can't help but go on the offence about. He looked back at the now cold fire place and sighed, things were getting complicated to him he now knew that his father really was a Snow fox.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 07:44 AM

Kinate helped Noura under the covers of the Tatami that she had laid for her and covered her with the comforter, the poor tyke was probably really tired. She then went and grabbed a bunch of drawings that she had done in ink and brought them to him she sat down next to him. " Something that all Snowfoxes are able to do is to predict something in time whether it be the future, the present, or the past. unfortunately we can't tell what these are. They come to us in dreams, thoughts, and we just have to get them out. Mainly by ink painting." She took his hand and laid it on the picture in her lap of a burning village.

"Close your eyes, you can see it can't you?" she watched him lightly

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 07:54 AM

Matt closed his eyes and saw what she was talking about he could even hear the screaming and the smell of burnt fleash. His nose twitched like it was trying to get the smell out of it. Opening his eyes he looked into Kinate's eyes searching them for some unknown answer. "I see what you mean." he said as he pulled out a picture that he drew of her and Noura. Taking her hand as she had done his, he put it on the picture. "Now, you close your eyes and tell me if this seems familiar." he whispered as he watched her reaction to it.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 08:04 AM

Kinate nodded lightly with her eyes closed, " No wonder you knew which house to crash into," opening her eyes she looked up at him, " How long ago did you draw this?" She looked over to Noura, making sure that she was alright.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 08:21 AM

"Hmmm.....almost a month ago. I was headed towards the mountain for some reason then I drew this and my direction just changed and here I am. The picture of the looks like this one. Is that why you are staying here because you know that it is going to be destroyed?" He asked as he shiftted his position and tucked his pictures away into his bag. Looking over Kinate he saw that her markings were red instead of blue like his, so that could only mean that she is a pure Snowfox. He looked at the picture of the three foxs again, something looked familiar about them.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 08:32 AM

Kinate nodded lightly, and showed more pictures, inkings, drawings, scriptures, " Mainly for that reason yes. That and I've happened to gain the trust of these humans. They are lacking a priestess to watch over them, so I do the best that I can. But even a demon can get sick to their stomach with the smell of bitter blood all the time." She let out a sigh and looked at his markings, " They are blue because you are male. Red signify the females. And This circle. " She pointed to the circle that was in the middle of her forehead, " Means that I'm of pure blood. But these," she traced the red stripes at her cheekbones, " State the status of yourself in the clan. The higher your marks, the higher your status." She gently touched his markings on his face, " Even with being half Kitsune, your markings are a hair higher than my own. Your father must have been quite up there in ranks."

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 08:43 AM

"You are very knowledgeable, I like that in a girl. Hmm....what rank are you?" he said as he scratched at the back of his neck and looked at the papers she had handed him. They all held something or another dealing with the villiage or other places. Some of them containing verious demons or humans either dying or killing or just a tranquil scene. One of the drawings caught his eye, it held a female kitsune and a male snowfox. He dug around in his bag and pulled out the picture that he done of his mother and compared the two. He looked Kinate in the eye with a surprised look on his face.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 08:53 AM

Kinate smiled softly, " I'm in the inner circle, one of the higher ranks, mostly because my father was the leader of our clan and the sole protector of the Sacred Fountain, my mother was indeed one of the lower ranks, her markings were down by her collar bone." She looked at the picture and then his desperate look in his eyes, " I drew that the other day, its of Malfais the Magnificent. He is a legend in our parts, he descended from the mountain and never returned to the Sacred Mountain, his holy candle blew out before the massacre on the mountain peak."

She looked down at his drawing, " Is this your mother?"

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 09:02 AM

"Yes i drew this the day before she was killed...."h looked back down at the picture she drew and pointted to the women in it. "This......this is her also but a little younger then in mine....could you think....." he was having trouble talking he was shaking so bad he knew it was his mother in the picture he knew her when he saw her but the male Malfais could that be his father. He stared at the picture longer before looking back at Kinate, he handed both of the pictures to her so she could compare them and tell him what she tought. He reached into his bag and pulled a leaf out and started to play with it to help him calm down from the shock. He watched silently as she looked at them wondering what was going through her head as she compared them.

Dark Amaya
Dark Amaya is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 09:12 AM

Kinate looked at the two pictures, both women seemed very similar. She touched the picture of Malfais and the woman, she could hear her voice and then moved to the second picture, suddenly she felt this pain in her head, " Paper..." she growled, she had never had a vision that so severely wanted to get told. She grunted and reached flipped the paper over and dug out a stick, she couldn't find any ink so she cut open her wrist, using her blood she began to draw a series of small drawings on the one paper. She had her eyes closed yet the pictures were very detailed. Hissing she finally opened her eyes as the pain in her brain had stopped.

"She's your mother... And Malfais is your father..." She pointed to each picture explaining each one, " This is the time of your conception. The time of your father's departure. The day of your birth. The day that Malfais' holy light went out. And Your mother..." Kinate touched her head, " I don't speak Kitsune, I think she left you a message through me from the spirit world." She took his hand with her bloody one and pressed it against the last drawing of his mother. She watched him intently. That vision took a lot out of her.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 09:27 AM

His eyes seemed to glaze over and he could hear his mother's voice again. He looked about the room with out looking and looked at Kinate with out really looking at her. He stayed like that for a while, until he started to blink, he looked at Kinate with new eyes. "You......." He just said that one word, but it said more then what he could say at the moment, he sat there and stared at her. He finally looked down at there hands, liftting her hand up to his mouth he did what he always did and licked the cut clean. He ripped a piece from his shirt, wrapping it around her wound and let her hand go. They sat there in silience until he found his voice again to say more than just you to her.

"You, are really special you know that?" he couldn't bring him self to tell her what his mother had told him, even thought he knew that she deserved to know after cutting herself just to tell him. He looked at her and felt like his world had just snapped into place, she was a big part of it. He looked over her and saw every little detail about her that he didn't notice before. He pulled a piece of clean paper out and using the charcoal piece of wood he started to draw her.


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