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ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 05-30-2010, 08:43 PM

"More like me? Yeah right." She followed him to the sound proof room thinking. "I still think you'd be all hot for the librarian." She sat as well and opened her bag trying to find the labs in the mess that was her backpack." I just put them in here" she mumbled. "Ah found them!" She pulled a big stack of notes and labs and data out.

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Old 05-30-2010, 09:35 PM

"I wouldn't go for her in a million parsecs..." trailing off he looked at her labs and data "How can you even discern which lab is which?" he said exasperated flipping through her papers and sighing. "we need to sort these out so that the labs and data all match up before we can do anything." walking out of the room he found an expandable file (picture will be below) and bringing it back in. "When we find a lab with both data and lab put it in to one of the slots. There are 25 slots so more than enough for your labs." looking at her as he handed it to her "Well get started i don't know what is what in that mess."

ICKy Charity Owner
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Old 05-30-2010, 10:25 PM

She sighed, "I didn't know they had to be organized labs." She started pulling random papers out and trying to sort them. Several minutes went by and she kept looking up at him with half a glare on her face. She was getting flustered cause it wasn't something she normally did and she didn't feel like doing it. So instead, she decided to try to fluster him, "So how'd you get that body?"

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Old 05-31-2010, 12:45 AM

"What do you mean how did i get this body?" looking down he remembered that she had seen him with his shirt off and he turned red. "i know what your trying to do, your trying to get me to do the work for you but im sorry thats not going to work." looking right at her he thought for a minute then stood up and took his shirt off "I hope you don't mind but its to hot in here right now and there is no fan in here so i thought id take my shirt off to cool down."

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 04:28 PM

she stared at him open mouthed and in shock. Really, nerd has bravo? She didn't realize she was staring for a few minutes before she caught herself, shook her head, glared at him, and went back to filing the stupid papers.

After another.... ten minutes probably she looked at it, "I think they're sorted now. Happy?"

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Old 05-31-2010, 04:36 PM

Taking the folder he found that she had indeed sorted everything correctly. "Okay now bring out three of the labs on this list, these are the labs you must do no matter what." smiling he sat back down with his shirt off but a little closer to her this time and he started to read his book with out his glasses on, turning the pages slowly he smiled when he caught her looking at him.

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 04:44 PM

"This is going to be a long take forever torture." She groaned quietly, leafing though the labs there and pulling the first three on the list out. After staring at the pages for a few minutes and doodling on the corner every so often looking over at him she set down her pencil and turned to him glaring. "Why in the world are you sitting around with your shirt off. It's not right."

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Old 05-31-2010, 05:09 PM

"I told you already its hot in here and id rather not sweat, sweating is for those who like their own stench" zack said this with out even looking away from his book. Finally he set his book down and looked at the lab and smiled "The only thing you have problems with is writing a whole paragraph, you seem to like to condense the explanation into one or two sentences. You don't really have a problem understanding science its just that you don't like to write about it." he put the lab down and leafed through the other labs and all the questions were the same.

He then sat down at the computer and typed out a guide for her to use and printed it out and handed it to her.
1. Restate the question 2. Briefly explain the experiment 3. State your findings 4. Give your opinion on how the experiment went and 5. State whether your findings were valid
"Here use this on all of your labs that you have and i am positive your teacher will approve them. I say this because i used that method and got an A in that class last year."

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 05:20 PM

"Well I'm not dumb, of course i know it. Labs are just stupid." She crossed her arms and waited for him to finish whatever he was doing on the computer. Taking the guide from him she read it quickly. "Well, that seems easy enough I guess.:

"Last year? Aren't you in the same grade as me?" she groaned, than grinned, "So if the reason you have your shirt off is that its to hot, than that means i can do it to." She smiled sliding her shirt up over her head, "You're right, it is awfully hot in here."

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Old 05-31-2010, 05:29 PM

Averting his eyes from her body, well now that was a nice view and very sexy "Well im not going to object to you getting comfortable just please let me know that you have a bra on." still looking away and waiting for a response. He fidgeted with his book and began to read until she answered him. "Oh sorry i forgot about your question. Yes i am in the same grade but i took everything advanced and i mean everything, this year is my senior year and i am taking all college courses."

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 05:39 PM

"Of course I have a bra on." Than as he seemed to be stopping averting his gaze she added evilly, "My breasts are far to big not to wear one."

Hmph, serves you right you nerd with your nice body and your smarts. "Looks like college will be easy for you than." She was now sitting up straight in her chair acting competely innocent as she started writing out the first lab using his guideline.

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Old 05-31-2010, 05:47 PM

Looking over at her she was right they are very nice and far to large to go without a bra. "So do you have what you need for now..." looking down at his watch "Wow its 7:30 we really should get going korry the library closed half an hour ago." grabbing his shirt and throwing it on. "Would you like a ride home?" he smiled as he put everything in his bag.

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 05:59 PM

"Seriously? We've been here for two hours!" She let her head fall onto the table with a thunk before brushing her hair back out of her face as she reagined her posture. She hesitated on accepting the ride because it was probably some junky old used car. But in the end she shrugged and accepted, repacking her bag with the now, not quite so messy group of labs.

"I'll take the ride its rather late to be walking in the dark." She stood up and did a handstand starting by leaning over backwards than continuing the flip back onto her hands. All she was doing was stretching after sitting for so long. She went to grab her shirt from the table and froze, "Hey, did you take my shirt nerd?"

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Old 06-01-2010, 02:49 AM

"Now why would i do a thing like that, I unlike the guys you like to flirt with have manners and morals so i would not take something that did not belong to me." Taking the time he was talking to search for it finding that he could not find it he took off his shirt. "Here it is far better if a guy is indecent that a lady." handing his shirt to her he blushed then started to walk out towards the his car.

ICKy Charity Owner
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Old 06-01-2010, 10:17 AM

She took his shirt in wonder, He, IS far different from the other guys that flirt with me... She slid the shirt on and followed him, Hell of a lot nicer than the football players fo sure. She heaved her backpack further up onto her shoulder, And alot sweeter to... She smiled and ran up to catch up with him, than she saw his car. Dropped her bag and stared at it in open mouth diebelief. "Is that really your car?"

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Old 06-01-2010, 11:10 AM

Walking up to the evo X he just opened the back door since the key was in his pocket then moved to the trunk and grabbed a clean white tshirt out of a basket in his trunk. "Of course this is mine, who's would it be?" moving around the car after shutting the trunk and opening the passenger door for korry. "Here you go." waiting till she got in then closing the door for her. He moved around and got in the drivers seat buckling himself up he started the engine then put the car in gear, "So where do you live?" putting his hand on the gps to enter the address.

ICKy Charity Owner
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Old 06-05-2010, 04:13 AM

(sorry about that)

"How in the world could you afford this?!" She stared open mouthed at the car and than got a questioning look on her face as he opened the door for her. She smiled at him and climbed in, "Why thank you." She buckled up and sat patiently waiting for him. When he asked she gave him the address than turned to lean looking out the window.

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Old 06-05-2010, 05:13 PM

"Well i didn't afford it my parents did, my dad kind of owns the mansion at the top of the hill." starting to drive towards the destination "Though with such a big house i never get to see him or anyone as a matter of fact." turning on some music he found that someone had messed with his play list "oooh my brother must have switched the hard drives on me again. Could you open the glove box and grab the hard drive that says driving music." as he took out the hard drive.

ICKy Charity Owner
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Old 06-06-2010, 12:45 AM

Korry was in shock, though she supposed that since he was a nerd that it made sense, but still. This was crazy, the kid was rich beyond belief, and not to bad looking she had to admit... She could never tell her friends that though. "That's amazing, yo are so lucky." She leaned forward and opened the glove box. "This one?" She pulled it out and than handed it to him after he pulled out the other hard drive.

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Old 06-06-2010, 02:10 AM

"Yeah thanks it helps me drive better because im always thinking of other stuff the music allows me to concentrate on driving and the people in the car." he was going around the turns towards her house at well above the posted limit pushing her into him on the right hand turns. "Is this to fast for you?" he said as he reached a section that was posted at 65mph and pushed the car up to 90mph going around the turns with ease. Arriving at her house he smiled "Same time tomorrow at the library?" asking her his face was red and his brow had a little sweat on it.

ICKy Charity Owner
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:57 PM

She laughed in delighted giggles as he sped up the car and than in little screams as she was jostled around the car even with the seat belt on. "Things are never to fast for me!" She said happily even as she got thrown into him on particular fast right hand turn. As she got out of the car face red from the speed, and not for the reasons his was red she smiled, "Okay sounds good." She turned and headed up her sidewalk onto her porch and than turned to look back at where his car had been with a curious expression on her face.

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Old 06-10-2010, 12:24 AM

Once she had reached her house he sped away to avoid her from seeing that he liked her. She was a prep and a jock while he was just a nerd that she seemed to like. Getting home taking the long winding road up the hill he drifted around the turns easily and always just hitting all the edges since he had been practicing for 3 years now. Getting up to his room he was greeted by the butler that had been there since his father had to work almost eighteen hours a day. "Hello Jones, how was your day?" he said very tired as he plopped face first into his king size bed.

ICKy Charity Owner
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Old 06-10-2010, 07:06 PM

Korry went inside giving a small wave to her mom who was at the kitchen counter preparing supper, "Dad home yet?" Of course he wasn't, in fact his return home time was not even a sure time yet. She shook her head and through her book bag on the couch and plopped down next to it to watch television. She could hear the video game noises from her younger brothers room, loud gun shots and shots of die zombie! Or something along those lines. Her older brother the bum who couldn't move out of the house even after he'd graduated was upstairs doing god knows what.

It was all so normal to her, but now she wondered what it was like to be able to zoom around in a car like that. To live in a mansion. She bet he got to see his parents alot, or had no annoying siblings to deal with all the time. Realizing what she was thinking about, Korry made a face and turned the television off and went upstairs, leaving her bag. She took his shirt off and threw it on her bed. Making a face at it she decided that there was no chance in hell he was as good as the jocks she would normally flirt with. No use flirting with everyone, especially the unwanted nerds.


Besides, her image would drop if she ended up liking him... She shook her head again and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for bed.

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Old 06-11-2010, 02:43 AM

Zack remembered that he needed to prepare for tomorrow remembering to pack an a shirt for tomorrow. Getting up he took off his clothes then got dressed in his pajamas and did his homework. He thought of how korry still had his shirt then started to think what she was doing. He smiled then pushed the thoughts away into the back of his head so that he could finish his english paper that was due next week. He always did everything before it was due so he could relax and do the normal homework that the teachers assigned without fail. When he finished the paper he turned the computer off and went to bed falling asleep quickly.

ICKy Charity Owner
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Old 06-14-2010, 08:18 PM

Morning came quickly after a brief shower and climbing straight into bed. She couldn't concentrate on anything else, something was nagging at the back of her mind. She tossed and turned for awhile even after turning the lights out and locking her door. Than the annoying alarm directly by her head was going off and she rolled over groaning and slammed it off. Just a few more minutes. But she knew better than that at least and she pulled herself out of bed.

Still groggy eyed from sleep she moved to make the bed still not dressed and her hand passed over Zack's shirt that she had apparently not moved off of her bed after chucking it there. She picked it up and stared at it for a second before walking over and putting it in her backpack, than getting dressed. It was like a zombie cry in her head as she walked downstairs to grab a hot cup. She'd need it so she could wake up to jog to school . Something she did every morning to keep in shape.

(oh yay you're on!!!)

Last edited by Inspiration; 06-14-2010 at 08:56 PM..


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