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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 06:51 AM

Auris had shook his head slightly. Reaching over to pat the top of her head gently. "Now now. The only reason I ate them was because I was told not to. Part of the allure is the fact that I'm not supposed to eat them." He shrugged a bit and slipped away from the counter. At least she hadn't smacked him yet. He slipped closer to Aria and leaned down to give her cheek an affectionate peck. "It's my pool. I'm just nice enough to share it with everyone." He smiled at her as he stepped away a few steps. A soft sigh escaping his lips. "Why open a place in this city? You should come and live in Pandoris with me." It wasn't the first time he'd said those words to her, and it probably wouldn't be the last. No matter the answer, every now and then he'd ask that question.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 09:47 PM

Stella drifted out of her daze softly just as her music ended. It didn't seem like anyone had noticed her playing, and the smell of delicious cupcakes were calling to her. Smiling ot herself the half-angel slipped off her stool. After placing the wooden harp carefully to the side the young woman slipped off he stage and into the kitchen. Of course, the moment she noticed Auris she froze. Careful not to attract his attention, Stellara went to Aria's side with a shy smile. "Do you think I could have a cupcake? You always manage to make each batch better then the last." Glancing nervously at the merman, Stella silently hoped he wouldn't notice her. He frightened her a little, because she was always afraid he'd play a prank on her.

Frost smiled and raised the half empty glass of fire whisky to the bartender. Tilting his head to the side he watched as the man with red hair spoke with the young woman sitting beside him. Tobias frowned as his dark eyes flashed with indignation. Another person with memories lost. At least his returned piece by piece. By now he remembered much of his life, but perhaps she wouldn't be so lucky. Addressing himself to this girl in a plight similar to his own, Frost<s voice was uncharacteristically gentle. "I do not know who you are, but I have gone trough a similar memory loss. If it helps you at all, I remember nearly everything now though it has taken years of waiting." It was no great comfort, but all the ice mage could offer.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 10:11 PM

Aria mildly glared at him when he pat her head, but the effect was muted at the tiny upturn of her lips as she shook her head. "What am I to do with you?" She murmured jokingly as she turned towards him and leaned against the counter. Ruby eyes flickered to the door and she smiled brightly to the little angel that walked in. "Go right ahead. I do have some near the register that are new. An experiment of blending flavors." She told the girl, spinning to clean up her mess and setting the trays in the sink. She moved over to the door, pressing the swinging door outwards but paused to glance at Auris. "I opened here because I didn't want to be stared at as a member of the food group...I'm a fish, Pandoris is all shark." She explained, but a mischeivous grin slowly formed on her faced. "Oh and my baby sister is planning on visiting. LeeLee is looking forward to meeting you." She said as she stepped through the door and walking up behind the bar, frowning when she noticed the amnesiac female hadn't really touched her sweet.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 10:55 PM

Ruuya merely sat at the bar for a moment and let everyone else talk, afraid to intrude. Even though most of them had completely different personalities, they somewhat resembled a family. Soon, it dawned on her that she really did need that drink to calm herself. Shyly, Ruuya turned towards the bartender and smiled sweetly. "A-Ah... Would you mind making something that can give you a little kick in the stomach?" After a few minutes, she also remembered that she wanted to see if the tavern needed an entertainer. "A-And... Um... You wouldn't happen to know if The Rabbit Hole was hiring singers or entertainers, would you?"

Last edited by ChiNoMizuumi; 08-17-2011 at 12:42 AM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 12:18 AM

Lilah stared as the one they called Auris walked into the kitchen. She looked familiar to him? That was a good sign right? She would need to find out more about this man, then maybe she would find clues as to who she was. When the man who had the scar on his neck spoke to her she looked slightly in his direction, not making eye contact. His words hadn't comforted her, but his voice somehow did. Another person entered the tavern and sat at the bar. The place was quickly filling with people. People who could hold clues to who she was. Looking back towards the kitchen hoping for Auris to return, the one who welcomed her appeared. She wasn't going to get anywhere hiding in her shell like this. After taking a few moments to look around at her surroundings and seeing a pool, remembering there had been a squid relaxing in one, she directed herself towards Aria, "What is this place? I'm sorry I don't know your name..."

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 05:09 AM

Giving the new male a nod back Alice listened to him speak. So he had lost his memory also? It was interesting that two people in the bar had lost there memories at some point. Hearing the newest newcomer Alice looked over to her. "I have just the drink." Spinning around faster than a normal human Alice grabbed a tall glass and a strainer. After filling the strainer with some ice and two different kind of liquids, she capped it off and then shook it. Her hand blurred using her speed to quickly shake it. Setting the strainer back down she poured the drink in the glass, without the ice cubes. After putting a slice of lemon in it that she got out for a fridge she set it in front of the girl. "As to your other question I would ask Aria. She is the owner of the place." Making a motion to her hand she pointed to the women in question. "Oi Aria come over here a quick sec eh?" Alice called out and wiped the bar down with a towel.

Running on all paws the cheetah skid around a corner and took off running again. She was fast even by cheetah standards. Coming up to the entrance of the Rabbit Hole the little cheetah ran inside. Taking a bounding leap she landed on top of the bar towards the end of it. Purring loudly and sitting back on her hind legs she shifted into the form of a girl. Grinning brightly she pushed her hair, that looked just like her fur in her cheetah form, back from her face. She was sitting with her legs crossed and her elbows resting on her knees. "Hi everyone!" She said in a bright and cheerful voice. Her large golden eyes were looking around at everyone. When her eyes fell upon Alice she grinned even brighter if that was possible she scrambled down from the bar and wrapped her arms around Alice's waist. Who in fact laughed and hugged the smaller girl back.

Flicking her tail and smiling Chenol swan forward. She was taking her daily swim before she was do in for work. Thinking about work Chenol realized she was probably late. Flipping backwards she swam off quickly, her long blonde hair trailing behind her. Coming up to the pool entrance to the Rabbit Hole Chenol quickly swam to the surface. Popping her head out of the water she looked around. After swimming over to the edge she pulled herself out of the water then shifted. Now having two legs Chenol stood up. Her body was dry but her hair was not. Grabbing her long mass of hair she pulled it away from her body so her clothes didn't get wet. She was wearing a pair of white skinny jeans, a dark blue tank top, and a pair of dark blue flats. Running into a supply room she grabbed a towel and dried her hair quickly. Now that it wasn't sopping wet she let her curly hair fall freely down her back. After grabbing an apron and tying it around herself she walked into the bar.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 06:01 AM

Auris pouted just slightly as he followed Aria out of the kitchen. "I wouldn't let any sharks near you. They have to listen to me anyway..." He was pouting cutely but only for a few moments. Blinking and just staring at Aria. "Erh...Isn't it a hazard to mine or your health to be near your family, or did I miss something?" Auris shook his head slightly. It didn't matter really. "How old is she?" That was what mattered. Really. Auris' attention quickly shifted when a certain cheetah came zipping around a corner and into the room. He watched her for a few moments, a gentle smile on his lips and then his attention had shifted again and he was moving. Auris was behind the bar, and leaning on it right infront of the amnesiac female. Peering at her. "It bothers me that I can't remember where I met you before. It bothers me, because I usually don't forget the names of the girls with the pretty faces." He leaned in just a tiny bit closer.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 06:22 AM

"This place is The Rabbit Hole. We're an inn and I guess tavern/club like place. My name is Aria, but please give me one second." The mermaid said to the amnesiac as she started moving towards Alice, wondering what the harpy needed from her, before ruby eyes blinked comically as the cheetah zipped by. Weakly waving hello at the sudden exuberence of the shifted feline, Aria sighed, then nibbled her bottom lip as she frowned thoughtfully over what Auris said about her family. Technically, it would be true. Her father had been a warrior, still is, and he raised his family as such, having finally gotten a new wife who had birthed him a son he always wanted before she left that last time. But Aria had always been the black sheep of the family, well not the only one since now Leesia had left, but the youngest girl had never shown a retaliating back-bone before. "Aleesia is one of the few like me. And don't even think about messing with her. She's 16, too young for you anyway." She said, before stepping up beside the harpy, smiling at the female customer she'd been talking to. "Hello. I'm Aria, the owner, is there anything I can help you with?" She asked brightly smiling. though the crimson eyes had caught sight of Chenol in peripherals and she waved with a slight wiggle of her fingers.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 06:34 AM

Aria explained the place and introduced herself before excusing herself quickly. When Auris stopped in front of her and brought up recognizing her again, her face brightened, and when he'd said she was pretty, it brightened in a different way causing her to look down again. Quietly she asked him, "Can I ask, who you are? Where do you come from?" Looking up at him finally, "Maybe knowing, could help me to remember something about myself... if we do know eachother..." Her voice trailed off. Surely she would remember someone like Mr. Tall Dark and Handsom, right? When a cheetah popped onto the counter Lilah jumped again. Why was she so jumpy? Trying so hard to remember if she had always been this way, she came up with nothing. Sighing as the tavern seemed to grow louder, she leaned closer to Auris waiting curiously for his response.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 07:47 AM

Auris continued to smile at the female, when she brightened a bit at his words he seemed to smile even more at her. That head tilted to the side just slightly as he studied her. "I am Auris. Prince and heir apparent to the throne of Pandoris." He stepped back just a bit so he could bow politely to her. Then he came forward again, leaning on the bartop, his gaze resting on her in a thoughtful manner. "I have traveled to many places." Auris leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the amnesiac's cheek. "The past isn't important." He gave her an almost shy look. "Come to Pandoris with me, marry me and be my queen. Together we could build you a bright future filled with wealth and happiness." Auris looked completely serious as he said that.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 05:59 PM

Ruuya took a sip of the drink the bartender gave her. It burned her throat slightly, but not enough to cause discomfort. It actually tasted quite amazing, and she took another small sip before setting it down on the bar and talking to the owner, Aria. "A-Ah... I'm sorry for taking up your time, Miss Aria," she said quietly. "I was just wondering if perhaps you'd be willing to hire a singer for The Rabbit Hole?" Ruuya really hoped that Aria would allow this -- where else did she have to go? She was just as much an amnesiac as the other girl who was becoming flustered due to that Auris character.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 10:30 PM

Aria's eyebrow twitched, though her smile remained pleasent, when she heard Auris talking to the poor girl. But she would deal with later. "Please Aria is just fine. And sure! We could always use more entertainment around here." She replied, though she started to look around for something, or maybe someone. Figuring the tiny angel had decided to eat in the kitchen, shy thing that she was, she went back to smiling to the girl. "When she comes back out, I'd suggest talking to our resident angel, Stellara. She's also one of the singers here. And if you like you can try one of the cupcakes on the counter." She said, waving at the stand with the baked goodness on it. Moving back towads the open space between the bar and the wall, passing by Auris who she calmly swatted on the ass, before stepping around the bar to mingle with the few morning guests that had started to show.

Aleesia sighed as she was finally allowed through the gates, seriously, was everyone here that paranoid? She shook her head, red tresses floating every which way in a lovely halo before streamlining against her back as she twitched her tail to propel her through the water as she slowly explored the city, trying to find the place her sister told her about. Hopefully Ria would let her stay and help out. It'd certainly be nice to be with her favorite sister again. And if she remembered correctly, that perverted shark would be there too. She had plans for him, hopefully the outcome would be him giving back her sister. She pouted as she recalled that day, when she'd last seen Ria, and Ouris...Aris...Auris! That was it, that was the meanies name. She paused, blue eyes looking around in hopes of seeing some sort of sign to the location.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 10:44 PM

Tobias watched events unfold with an amused smile. Glancing around he picked up a cupcake from a nearby plate after remembering what the owner had said. Then the cheetah girl barged in. Frost was more glad then ever he was a calm sort of man, otherwise that girl would have been frozen on the spot. Calming down after taking a few bites of the cupcake, he addressed himself to the red haired man with the lovely amnesiac. "Hey there Romeo, aren't you moving just a little bit fast? You've just met the lady." Automatically one elegant hand went to rest upon the sword at his hip, though the mage could defend himself without it quite well.

Stellara nodded as Aria left. With a smile upon her face she followed after some time of simply being alone. The half-angel rather liked hearing relative silence, so she could then fill it with music. Now as Stella moved her long brown tresses swayed with every step. Soon enough she had slipped around the counter and plucked one of the delicious cupcakes from the plate. Sitting down beside a man with long blue hair, she began to eat daintily until a cheetah came flying over the counter. With a loud squeak of fear Stella plunged under the counter to hide from this exuberant person.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 11:05 PM

Ruuya giggled as Aria nonchalantly swatted Auris. She thought it was adorable, and even though she just got there, their relationship was quite evident. The orange-haired gir then took up Aria's offer to try a cupcake -- they looked delicious. Quickly, she swiped one from the the counter and sat back down, nibbling at it after she finished her drink. Now, she just had to wait for... Stellara? I suppose that would have been the one playing the harp from before. Ruuya pondered. She saw her sitting at the bar, as well, but she was having a little snack so she decided against going up to her. For now, though, she would just wait at the bar and eat this remarkably scrumptious cupcake. She makes some damn good cupcakes, I'll give her that...
And it was calm.... Until a cheetah flew out of nowhere, bounding over the bar counter. Ruuya jumped, the cupcake falling from her hands as she fell out of her seat. "What a wonderful way to begin..." she mumbled.

Last edited by ChiNoMizuumi; 08-17-2011 at 11:11 PM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 12:07 AM

A prince? Lilah was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Waking up on a beach without a memory, learning to use her legs and sitting before a prince could do that to a person she figured. When he kissed her cheek and asked her to be his queen her face reddened again. She knew he must be joking. When the man who had tried to comfort her earlier spoke she looked his way. Watching him place his hand on a sword attatched to his hip she began feeling uncomfortable. She wanted to ask Auris what Pandora was, and where it was... maybe she was from somewhere near there if they were familiar. But instead she stood. The man with a fighting tone made her nervous. She didn't know who she was or why she was in the situation she was in and felt like any hostility was a danger. Taking a step back from the situation her legs feeling weak still, she frowned down at them. What is wrong with me? You would think I'd been using them for days without rest the way they are acting... And then it happened, before she knew it she was on her butt. Frowning harder, she sighed as she reached up to grab onto a bar stool for leverage. It was strange though, her legs didn't hurt. It was almost as if she'd never used them before, like using your left hand to write your name, it was shakey and new and from anyone elses point of view, probably comical.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 12:48 AM

For a moment Stellara stared at the young woman who'd fallen fro her chair. With a shy smile she crawled over then offered her hand to the other. "Hello, my name is Stellara. Do you need any help?" It wasn't so frightening to speak with another female... Not when people she knew were around. No matter what the circumstances though, the half-human was always wary of men. She rather thought it had something to do with her heritage, then small memories which would surface of her younger years came to crush the idea. It hadn't been horrible, but all the teasing about how different she was had affected Stella.

Easing his hand away from the sword, Frost tried to relax. It appeared like his first instinct had frightened the one he was trying. A silent curse left him though as Lilah fell to the floor. Kneeing before her now, he offered a hand to help her get up. "I apologize, truly I only wanted to help you," stated the blue haired man with a note of concern in his voice. This was unusual for him, being so kind. Pushing the thought away, Tobias flipped his feathered cloak out so it spread upon the floor. If it impeded the annoying red head's way, then so be it. At least he could feign innocence if he tripped.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 01:01 AM

So this is Stellara... Ruuya thought. Such a nice girl. Shy, but very nice. Gently, Ruuya took the girl's hand, smiling shyly. "Yes, thank you." With Stella's help, the bright-haired female stood back up, then looked at her with a smile. "By the way, my name is Ruuya. Ruuya Hanami. It's a pleasure to meet you." Then, she remembered what Aria told her about talking to Stella. "A-Ah, and, Aria told me to talk to you about being an entertainer... A singer really... I hope you don't mind, Miss Stellara." Ruuya looked at her feet nervously.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 02:07 AM

Looking up Lilah saw the girl who had fallen out of her chair when the cheetah ran in, crawling towards her. It really was a comical sight for them both to have ended up in the floor like this. But Lilah was still frustrated. Moving slightly away when the hostile man approached, she listened to his apology and warily reached foward and took his hand. She would have prefered not too, but she didn't have any other choice unless she wanted to spend the rest of her day on the floor. When she placed her hand in his a shock of cold swept over her and she was momentarily entranced, before her was a woman, with long pale hair just like hers, wearing what looked like a dainty crown. The woman was reaching down for her chuckling, "Oh Lilah, it's just a whale, don't be afraid..." and then she was being held close. In the next instant Lilah snapped out of it blinking owlishly up at the man who was helping her up.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 08-18-2011 at 06:26 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 02:12 AM

Auris had 'eeped' ever so softly and straightened almostly insantly when Aria smacked his rump. He blinked, glancing off to stare at her behind as she walked away. Slowly Auris turned his head back to the amnesiac female and the man with a sword. "Moving too fast?" Auris blinked and echoed the male's words. In his opinion he wasn't moving fast enough. The hand resting on the sword didn't pass by the shark's notice, but he ignored it. He wasn't doing anything mean or harmful to the girl. He had only asked a simple question. When she stood and then fell, Auris glared at the man with the sword. "At least I'm not the one tripping defenseless young ladies so I can help them up to make myself seem more charming." But he was grinning at the male, and in fact, the young man had been next on Auris' list.

Shaking his head, he would have gone to the girl's side and picked her up, like earlier, but this hostile man had already beaten him to that. The shark gave the man a wink and spoke gently to the amnesiac girl. "Honestly dear, it's clear that you aren't used to human you really shouldn't make sudden movements like that. I don't like watching pretty ladies fall, and I'd hate it even more if you got hurt."

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 04:54 AM

Aria had a secret smile on her face, she'd heard the eep as she passed, but she remained friendly and kind as she talked with a few of the patrons, admonishing those that tried to get too far with her. Ruby eyes flickered to the girl when she'd fallen, but when she'd been helped up by the male, she'd felt something, something that brought a chill racing up her spine. It wasn't dangerous, she could tell that much, but it was strange. She'd have to look into it with her baby sister when she got her. Of all of her father's daughters, her and Aleesia were the strongest magically. Thinking of her sister, she smiled, knowing her sister was close and would be coming up from the pool soon.

Leesia took a turn, grinning and giggling as she finally found her sister's place. From the outside she could tell it was cute, definitely fitting her sister. Propelling herself forward, she slipped through the rather large tunnel that came up into a large pool with an open air pocket, and as she made her way towards the stairs she could feel her magic switching her tail to legs and keep her clothes dry. She stepped over to a table and picked up a fluffy towel, drying her hair as much as possible, while manipulating the water that had landed on her shirt away from the fabric. Dark crimson flats covered her feet, dark green skin tight capris that flared slightly at the knee with a black belt encircling her waist. She was also wearing a maroon camisole top with a forest green over shirt left open over that. Producing a brush from somewhere, she got the tangles of her hair out and pin it back with a black clip. The smaller mermaid stepped to the doorframe, watching her sister move around, before sapphire eyes caught site of the shark, apparently flirting with another female behind her sister. She leveled a glare at him, how dare he be so disrespectful!

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 06:42 AM

((Whoo! That was a lot to catch up on lol))

Letting Dash go Alice grinned at her and gave her a little push. "Shoo shoo," she said warmly in her British accent. "On the other side of the bar Missy." Alice had grown fond of the little shifter quite fast. She just couldn't help but melt a little when she saw those huge golden eyes. As Aria cam over to talk to the newest girl Alice flashed her a small smile. Then turning her attention back to everyone else she couldn't help but smirk a little when the two singers fell off there chairs. Surely Dash running in and hopping on the counter couldn't have shocked them that much? But Alice knew how shy Stellara was so it made sense. "Anyone need a drink?" She called out loudly.

Seeing Aria waved to her Dash waved back enthusiastically. Grinning mischievously at Alice she bounded around the bar and sat down in the middle of everyone. She couldn't help but giggle a little when two of the girls fell. "I'm sorry if I scared you! I was just so excited." She squealed out, flashed her large golden eyes at them. Then spotting Chenol she grinned and waved hard at the mermaid, who returned the wave by blow her a kiss. Turning back around Dash smiled innocently at Alice. "I'll have a marrrgartia," she purred at the last word. When she got a glare from Alice she grinned. "Ok fine! A root beer please!" A few seconds later she was passed a tall glass of her favorite drink with a straw. Lightly squealing in happiness she popped the straw in her mouth and drank away.

Smiling Chenol waved over to her boss. Then after blowing the kiss to Dash, she walked over to a table and started taking drink orders. She brought out a notepad and a pencil, writing everything down. Sure she could remember everything they ordered but it was just easier that way. Especially if she was taking more than one tables orders at a time, which she was doing. Once she had about four different tables orders Chenol walked over to the bar. "Hey Alice I got some drinks for ya," Chenol said sweetly and grinned at the harpy. Passing her the notepad to look at. Looking to the side she noticed the girl with the pale blonde hair. Something was really familiar about her but she couldn't place her. Taking a few steps until she was closer to the women Chenol studied her again. "I think I've seen you before..but I can't remember when or where..." Taking in her facial expression Chenol frowned lightly. "Are you alright? Can I get you anything?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 02:15 AM

A small answering smile flitted across the young woman's features. Still shy though, Stella quickly released Ruuya's hand. biting her lower lip, she attempted to think of what kind of attention a singer would. Now that her thoughts had turned to her work and entertainment, the brunette had become more confident. "Well, it all depends on how good you are. Perhaps a little trial run might be in order Ruuya," smiling gently the angelic woman placed a guiding hand upon the young woman's arm. Turning to face the stage Stella bent her head near her potential co-employee so she could be heard over the rising din of the inn. "It's a pleasure to meet you, and I'm certain you'll do well." Nudging Ruyya towards the stage now, Stella was smiling brightly.

Ignoring Auris, Tobias regarded the young woman with a strange expression on his face. For a brief moment his magic had slipped without any of his intentions... As it sometimes did when recognizing another person who had an affinity for ice such as he. Or at least, someone who had something powerful to do with the element... This was strange indeed, and this woman's reaction was even stranger. "Excuse me Romeo, but I would like to speak to the lady alone... If it pleases her?" Gaze moving from the red head to this girl, Tobias tried to rein in his temper and tone into a respectful semblance of normalcy.

\ (•◡•) /
ChiNoMizuumi is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 03:20 AM

Ruuya flashed her own smile, a bit of her tension disappearing. But only a bit. The rest remained because, frankly, she never sang on a stage before, and hadnt sang since she escaped from the creepy place she woke up in. Yet, there was this little feeling in her gut that just screamed, "Get up there!" so she indulged that gut instinct. Before skipping towards the stage, the orange-haired girl whispered to Stella, "Don't laugh if I fail."
Once she got on the stage, she disappeared in the back for a little while, trying to figure out what to sing. Ever since the day she woke up, Ruuya embraced the fact that she was part-computer, and the proof was in the "database" of songs that she could remember. "If this arm has the parts..." she muttered to herself, lifting her left arm to one of the stereos backstage. "Then I can transfer music..." Slowly but surely, Ruuya was able to do just that. Now, all she had to do was sing. Stepping out onto the stage, she peeked at Stellara before the music began. It was mostly piano music, soft and melodious like the half-Angel's harp. She followed up with her own voice, smooth and calm. I hope... This isn't too bad...

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 07:22 AM

Auris watched the two curiously for a few moments. Just watching, when the male asked for some privacy the shark shrugged slightly. "Sure...sure. Behave yourself, don't make her fall again, and don't do anything to offend her delicate sensibilities." He grinned at the male for a moment before he turned from them and started off in Aria's direction. Of course Auris gave the other patrons and employees a charming smile and a slight wave as he passed by them.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 01:54 PM

When a soft music began playing Lilah looked over to see Stellara at the stage, with the girl who had come in shortly after her beginning to sing. When Auris made the comment that Lilah clearly wasn't used to human legs, her purple tinted eyes stared blankly at him. What was he implying by that? That she wasn't a human before today?? Accepting the help from the man with the sword she stood, clinging closely to him to keep from falling down again, but her eyes still on Auris. Almost ignoring what the man who'd helped her up said and the fact that Auris had already turned his back, her voice less timid than it had been all day, "What do you mean by that, not being used to my legs?" she asked. Auris made her curious and left her with nagging questions that she wasn't going to let go. Not when she thought they might help her remember who she is. Before allowing him to answer, she released her space invading grip on the man and took a step forward, still clenching to him with one hand, "What is Pandoris?" By this time the Tavern seemed to be a hot spot, with people all over the place it was hard to notice everything going on, not that she really would have anyway, not with all of this on her mind.


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