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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 05:33 AM

Scarlett nodded and crawled over Alex to get out of the car. She hten shut the door behind her, giving him one last look through the tinted window. She then followed along beside Winter. They had been so close when they were young.. but when Scarletts mother got sick she just never had the time to go and see Winter, or even have any friends for the matter. It killed her that she had lost most of her friends, but at the time she had her mom set as her one priority.

When they walked up to the grocery store doors they were of course locked. So, Scarlett gave one swift kick to the glass and watched it shatter before her eyes. She then reached her hand in and unlocked the double glass doors and then eagerly pushed it open, her left hand already having the gun ready for combat. "Let's not split up, and we should probably get canned foods and stuff that wont expire for awhile." She said, running her hand through her dark bangs with her free hand.

"So.. now that were alone.. do you like Declan?" She asked her, smiling slightly as she stepped into the grocery store. The place was pitch black, but they could manage. There was a little bit of light coming in through the windows, so they could make out where everything was.

Declan blushed at her kiss, once again thankful it was dark. But once the girls were out of view he turned on the car light and looked back at Justin. "Okay Kid, theres one rule that Alex and I have since your living with us. No touching our girls. No staring at them.. and absolutely NO groping them." He said, looking to Alex with a smirk. "I know the girls think its just you being a sweet innocent, scared child.. But if you do anything that would upset them, or us then were going to have some problems." He said, knowing that Winter wasn't his girl just yet.. but he was meaning to make a move on her at the next place they stayed at. He glanced out the window. "Hey Alex, do you think that motel down the street looks safe? I mean, if we were locked in a room for the night I think we'd be pretty safe.. and I'm dying to sleep in a bed."

He looked back at Justin. "Look, I'm sorry.. but I really like this girl and i'd rather not see a twelve year old make more moves on her than I do." He said, giving a light chuckle. He leaned his head back on his head rest and watched the girls go into the store. Anyone could tell by his face that he was obviously worried.. but he knew the girls could handle themselves.

Justin smirked. "Last I checked Winter wasn't your girl. And as long as theres no rings on their fingers then I'm free to flirt." He said, looking at the both of them with a defiant look. "I'm not about to be the only guy in the world without a girlfriend or someone to live my life with. I don't know if you've noticed or not.. but theres slim pickings now that 50% of the populations been killed off or turned into zombies." He said, watching both the girls walk away. He gave a small whistle, grinning at Alex. "Scarlett's definitely got a nice rack.." He muttered. "Winter too. Though I haven't gotten to see hers up close yet." He smirked, knowing that he must be getting on the guys nerves. But he knew they'd never tell the girls what he was saying.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 06:14 AM

Winter trooped beside Scarlett, her guard on high alert to make sure no zombies tried to creep up on them. Of course, they weren't exactly that smart, but they still scared the living daylights out of her. She chuckled as Scarlett smashed open the door, unlocking it and opening it to let the two enter.

"There's plastic bags at the counters," Winter said before grabbing a cart that looked like it hadn't moved in years. She threw as many bags as she could in it and grinned at her work, wiping off her hands on her jeans. "I will be one happy camper if we find some fruit cocktail," she said and laughed, referring to the sliced small fruits inside of a can.

She blushed as Scarlett asked her if she liked Declan, pushing the cart down the canned foods aisle. "That obvious huh?" She asked and tried to get her cheeks to stop lighting on fire. "But yeah, I really do," she said with a content sigh and began shoveling in cans, checking if they were expired, in the plastic brown bags.

"You and Alex are pretty steady," Winter commented as she swiped a lock of red hair that fallen loose back behind her ear. Her long ponytail swayed as she walked and grabbed foods.

Alex too turned to face Justin completely, having been angled at his seat. A deep scowl was set on his face as he listened to Declan scold Justin. He couldn't help but grin as Declan admitted that he liked Winter. Alex had had a feeling that was the case and could easily tell Winter felt the same. He had been able to read her like a book since they were small.

At Justin's comment Alex's anger boiled to an infinite degree and he nearly pounced on Justin. He grabbed the kid's shirt collar, yanking him, but not too hard, to bring them face to face. "Do not talk about them like that. It's pretty damn degrading. It's obvious you were never taught manners," Alex's voice was low and husky as he talked, his words laced with venom and hidden threats.

Releasing the kid, Alex leaned back and raised an eyebrow, daring him to make another comment. "They're way out of your league, and if you can't tell they're way older than you too," he said, calmer this time. Glancing back at Declan, Alex eyed the motel. "Should be. This place looks like a ghost town. We can check out when the girls are back," he replied and nodded in agreement. A bed sounded like heaven to him.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 06:34 AM

Scarlett followed after her, giving a small laugh. "Me too. Hopefully we'll be able to find a few things that haven't already expired.." She said, her eyes glancing at all the cans of fruit. "Oooh, peaches." She said, bending over and grabbing a few cans. She sat them in the car and looked at the expiration date. "Hmm, they have another month before they go expired." She said, looking down at the six cans she grabbed. "It is a little's just so cute how you both act around each other. I think Declans been meaning to make a move.. but its kind of hard to be romantic when were all breathing down each others necks constantly." She said, giving a small giggle. "So I think at our next rest stop he's going to want to have a little alone time with you.." She said, looking around for more fruit.

"We should probably grab a few boxes of water too." She mumbled, then blushed at Winters comment. "Yeah.. I guess.." She said, letting her bangs fall into her face to hide her blush. "He's just such a great guy. I can't see myself ever being without him." She said, sighing happily. "Its a shame his parents didn't like me or I could've gotten to know him before all of this happened." She said, giving a small smirk. "But then again, his parents didn't like a lot of people.."

Declan grimaced. And then smiled when Alex scolded him for what he said. "If you ever talk about them like that again you'll wish you were back at that farmhouse." He spat, running his hand through his hair again. He then nodded to Alex. "Do you think having joined rooms would be okay? I'd like to tell Winter how I feel.. without having everyone around." He grinned. "It's not that I don't like having you and Scarlett around, it's just weird to tell my feelings while a couples kissing and all over each other in the next bed." He smirked, then looked to Justin.

"Plus Justin here will be needing his own bed. I wouldn't want Scarlett or Winter to wake up with him clinging to them." He said, looking back to the store, then checking his watch. "'s been five minutes. I'm sure their doing just fine. You know how girls are with shopping.." He said, rolling his brown eyes.

Justin glared at Alex. "I'll talk about them any way I want. And they may be older than me, but it doesn't mean I can't stare." He said, grinning. "Your just mad that my face was all over your girls chest, and yours wasn't." He said, looking at Alex as if to challenge him. He then looked away. "We don't need two rooms, we can all sleep in the same room. That way i'll get to sleep with at least one of the girls, and if a zombie breaks in you guys can fight them off easily." He said, straightening the collar of his shirt. "I have manners, their just very weak from being alone in this mess for a week."

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 06:53 AM

Winter squealed in delight as she found a can of fruit cocktail that hadn't expired. She did a victory dance, hopping about the narrow and holding the can triumphantly. "Let there be fruit!" She shouted happily and set it in the cart like she was going for a slam dunk. She laughed at her own silliness and that she had been that delighted over a can of mixed fruit, but she couldn't help herself.

Calming down, but still jazzed, Winter grabbed a few more cans, humming to herself merrily. She glanced over at Scarlett and grinned widely. "That's adorable, but you and Alex don't seem to mind," she said and made a sloppy kissing noise. Her mood had suddenly lifted from finding what she wished for, the smallest things making her extremely happy.

"Kidding," she added so Scarlett wouldn't get offended. She didn't think she would, seeing as when they were younger they acted like that all the time, but times had changed. She thought of Scarlett's mother and felt nothing but pity for her, but she could relate to it.

"Aw, that's adorable," Winter said softly as she thought of Declan. "There should be some water jugs and boxes of bottled water around her somewhere. We should grab some basic supplies too. Candles, pans, water containers, matches," the redhead listed and pushed the cart a bit farther down the aisle as they walked. She tilted her head when Scarlett brought up Alex's parents and sighed.

"No, they certainly didn't," she commented with a small laugh and the roll of her eyes. "They hated me, that was for sure. I'm surprised they even took me in. My brother kinda disowned me after my mom... you know. And the Sisterhood definitely didn't want me," she said and shrugged. Her voice had gotten a sad tone to it, but she brushed it off.

"You definitely won't be talking ever again if they hear your rotten little mouth," Alex fumed, rage in his blue eyes. "Actually, I'm not mad that you smothered her chest. I'm mad that you would take advantage of them like that," he said and smirked at him, cracking his knuckles.

Of course, Alex wouldn't hurt the kid, but it wouldn't kill Justin if Alex just freaked him out a bit. his knuckles popped loudly and he shook his head. "Oh no no, that won't be happening. Declan, joined rooms is perfect. I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear Scarlett and I making out as you have your heartfelt moment," he teased and laughed.

With his eyebrow still raised, he looked back at Justin with a disgusted grimace. "Well then you better regain 'em and start using them," he said viciously, his voice still a raging a fire. He looked back at the grocery store and nodded to Declan, chuckling at his comment. "And talking. They haven't done that in a while," he spoke curiously. Even he had noticed the pull between the two girls' friendship.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 07:12 AM

((I'm off to bed, Night! (: ))

Scarlett let out another laugh. ''Well Alex and I don't care who see us kiss, were just so caught up with each other that no one else is around when we have our moments." She smirked. "Wow.. I sound so sappy.." She said, grabbing a few more cans of other things. She giggled when Winter got so excited over the fruit cocktail, though it was delicious so Scarlett got excited as well.

Scarlett helped push the cart down the next isle, grabbing three large boxes of bottles water and putting them in the cart as well. She then grabbed a few flashlights, battery packs, a medical kit, candles, and five water bottles. It was amazing that this store had a survival isle. There was even a sign up on the shelf that said 'SAVE YOURSELVES FROM THE ZOMBIES BY BUYING THE BEST EQUIPMENT IN TOWN'. Scarlett smirked. "Wow, this store must've really liked this whole zombie outbreak.. The only thing not over here is matches." She said, biting her lip.

She then smirked again. "Yeah, I hated how much they disliked us just because of our beliefs. I remember when Alex's mother clearly told me that I wasn't good enough for him, and nothing but trouble. And that was just because we had a small conversation in public!" She said, smiling. "It was pretty funny, though it made me feel bad."

Declan nodded. "I know. Lately you two have been getting more and more closer, and i'd rather not have you two going at it while i'm talking with Winter." He said, chuckling as he pictured it. "Though it sucks for Justin.. because either room he'll be hearing a lot of kissing..." He grinned.

He looked back at Justin, shaking his head. "Your twelve, i'm pretty sure that Scarlett would rather have Alex, a mature man that can please her in many ways.. then a boy whose probably never kissed a girl before." He chuckled. "And hopefully Winter likes me wayyyy better than you." He said, looking back at the store. "Yeah, hopefully they reconnect again. They used to be pretty good friends.." He said, leaning back in his chair. "I hope they hurry. I'm sooo excited by the thought of sleeping in a real bed. This car kills my back.."

Just sighed and turned over on his side. "Please, i'll make sure you don't even get to kiss Scarlett." He said, knowing that he'd be put in Scarlett and Alex's room since Declan wanted alone time with Winter. He'd be all over Scarlett, begging her to let him sleep with her. Then he'd sleep right between her and Alex. He grinned to himself at his plans and closed his eyes, acting as if he was asleep.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 08:18 PM

"Obviously," she said but laughed, looking at a few boxed foods on the other side of the aisle. If they had pans and pots they could make the boxed food, at least the ones that said just add water. Some just had to be cooked in a pan and they would be done. Winter grabbed some in her hand, including instant mac n' cheese, hamburger helper, and more.

"You do sound sappy. But like I said, it's cute," the redhead said with a smile and headed back to where Scarlett was, dumping the boxed foods into the cart. Her brow furrowed as she looked over the zombie aisle. It was weird, being in a store. Then again, everything had been weird the past few weeks. But she'd never known of a town not guarded by fences, with these weird inventions such as cars and computers, or without the Convent AKA Sisterhood involved. In fact, she hadn't even seen a trace of the Convent.

"Maybe there will be some up front," she offered with a shrug. They really did need the matches, or at least something to help them start a fire. She laughed at Scarlett's coment on Alex's mother. "I think they just liked that the Convent was solid, and there. They couldn't see the ocean, couldn't hear it, hadn't seen pictures, so they didn't believe in it. They didn't have someone like our parents to tell us about it," Winter said sadly, throwing in an extra two blankets in the cart. "Not much of an excuse though. They were so rude. They even tried to sway Alex to their beliefs. And it had started to work. But I put a stop to that," the redhead said defiantly and stuck her chin up proudly.

"Think we're good," she asked and gestured at the almost completely full cart.

"Jealousy," Alex said in a sing song tone to Declan, but laughed. Scarlett and he had gotten a lot closer, the zombie siege pushing them together. It was one of the few good things of the terrible ordeal that had taken place in their Village.

He glared back at Justin. "I'm sure there will be a couch just calling your name," he said in a matter of fact way. He growled as the player of a kid acted asleep, but rolled his eyes and looked back at Declan. "They were pretty close," he said with a sigh. "After Scarlett's mom and Winter's dad.... They just kinda stopped talking. Winter's brother disowned her so she stayed with me," Alex explained, knowing Declan didn't know the full story. "Mine too," he said and stretched in the back seat, trying to find a comfortable position.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 11:14 PM

Scarlett gave a small nod. "I've always wanted to go to the ocean. My parents told me all about them, and the mountains!" She said, smiling. "Hopefully we'll see something amazing before we get to the next guardian village." She said, sighing. She then watched Winter put the stuff in the cart. "Kay." She said, hearing her say they were good. She gently pushed the cart back towards the front and smiled when she found matches. "Yay! They were right next to the childrens coloring books..How odd." She giggled, grabbing all of them and putting them in the cart. There was twelve packs left.

Scarlett pushed the cart out the grocery store door and went over to the car, opening Alex's door. "Can you help me unload the cart please?" She asked, going to the back and lifting up the door that led to their storage area in the back. She then started to take out all of the items they had got, making sure to fold up the blankets and sit the pillows neat on top of them before pushing all the boxes of water back into the corner. She wanted to be able to store as much as possible in the back just in case of an emergency. She peered over the seat to see that Justin was asleep. "Aww, how cute." She whispered.

Declan smirked when Scarlett commented on the sleeping boy. He got out and started to help put the groceries away neatly. "How do you girls feel about staying in that motel just up the street? It looks pretty safe and as long as we lock the door and keep the shades down we should be fine." He said, looking over at them for an answer.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-01-2011, 03:57 AM

"Same here. I wish we were going there instead of the safe village," Winter said, exasperated. Her green eyes wondered over the the grocery store as they walked back to the front, and her eye caught on something. It was a post card of the silhouette of a woman standing on the sand, the ocean beautiful and blue in front of her. The redhead gasped and was about to show Scarlett, but stopped when she heard her call out.

"Wow, that's... weird," Winter said, making a "wait, what" face as she thought about it. However the idea of the matches being next to the coloring book made her chuckle. She pocketed the post card, neatly and precisely folding it before doing so. She slowly followed Scarlett, trailing behind her but making sure to not get too far away. The idea of the post card, proof of the ocean, in her left back pocket comforted her.

As they arrived at the car, Winter began piling in the brown plastic grocery bags. She smiled at Justin. "Poor thing, probably exhausted," she said and continued her work. Once the groceries were all stacked in the car, she slammed shut the door and put her hands on her hips, looking out at the motel. "Sounds good. I'd love a bed," she replied and smiled up at Declan before looking at three others. "We still need to hit the gas station, who wants to go with me," she asked and glanced over at the abandoned gas facility.

Alex hopped out of the car and rolled his eyes as the girl's commented on how cute and adorable and pitiful the sleeping child. If they only knew, he thought. Sucking up his pride, he easily organized the bags in the back, the four of them getting everything loaded in a mere instant.

He frowned at the gas station, wondering if they could hit it tomorrow. Knowing the other's they would probably want to get it out of the way as quick as possible. He waited to see if the others would offer first. It wasn't that he didn't want to go, he just figured either Declan would want to go to be alone with her, or Scarlett would want to go considering they were rekindling their friendship.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-01-2011, 04:16 AM

Scarlett was about to say she'd go with Winter, but Declan suddenly popped up saying that he would. Scarlett then got in the car and looked to Alex. "See Babe, Ii made it just fine." She smiled, giving him a small kiss. She then looked to Declan. "Ooh, that sounds nice. I'd love to sleep in an actual bed." She said, sighing happily at the thought of sleeping in a bed. She bit her lip, watching as Declan made his way over to Winter. It was so cute to see them flirting.

Declan looked to Winter. "'Sure, i'll go with you." He smiled, taking her hand. At her words of Justin being a poor thing he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, a bed sounds great to me too." He said, shutting the back of the SUV and then looking at Winter. "Should I drive the car over there or do you think we can manage a little walk?" He asked, giving a small chuckle.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-01-2011, 06:26 AM

Her fingers intertwined with Declan's, and Winter smiled. She thought for a moment before glancing back over at the gas station. It wasn't a far distance and she didn't want to waste their gas, seeing as they had very little and would need it for the next day. She tilted her head to the sead and contemplated.

"We can just walk," she said softly and smiled. She debated showing him her post card that she had picked up. Maybe it would swoon his mind and make him want to drive straight to the ocean as well, but she didn't know. He had been a Guardian, and usually they believed that there was nothing outside of the Village.

Deciding to just show it to all of the group little, she began making the treck to the gas station, Declan's hand still in her own small one.

Alex chuckled and kissed Scarlett's forehead, getting snug in the backseat with her. "Look at those little love birds," he said teasingly as he watched Declan and Winter outside of the car. Laughing a bit, he sighed and looked down at Scarlett. "I'm surprised you didn't get eaten alive,"he joked but grinned to show he was kidding. He mentally debated how long it would take the other couple to get the gas. With a mental shrug he decided it wouldn't be long, but he stretched against the seat anyways to get more comfortable.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-01-2011, 07:07 AM

She gave a small laugh. "I know right? I kept thinking every minute that something was going to happen.." She said, putting her head on his chest and curling up with him. "Ugh, this seats killing my shoulders.." She mumbled, then looked over at him with a smile. "I'm excited that I get to sleep in a comfy bed tonight with such a handsome man." She said, kissing the side of his jaw.

"So did Justin give you any trouble while we were gone?" She asked, running her hand through his dark curly hair. She looked over at the sleeping boy that was now leaning up against her and grabbing her side. "Hopefully he'll sleep on the couch in the room." She said, giving a small smile.

Declan nodded and led her over to the gas station. "This is all so weird.. seeing what life used to be like before all of this happened." He said, walking over to the gas machine. "Were probably going to have to break in to get containers to put the gas in so we can get a bunch.." He said, running his free hand through his dark hair and leading her over to the gas station doors. Surprisingly they were already opened. He walked in and noticed the beef jerky on the counter that you could buy for five bucks, but just took a handful of the packages and put them in his pocket for everyone.

"Hmm... they probably keep gas containers in the back." He said, heading to the door that read 'EMPLOYEES ONLY'. He rolled his eyes and kicked open the door, heading inside with his hand still on Winters, then his other hand on his gun.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-01-2011, 09:32 PM

Winter couldn't agree more with his statement. "I didn't even know most of this existed. I mean, I wanted to think there was something else beside the Village, but it's weird now seeing that there actually is," she said, exhaling a breath of air as they walked. Her brow furrowed as the gas station doors were already opened, making her more suspicious and cautious than she already was in the ghost town.

Her eyes gleamed at the beef jerky and she laughed quietly as Declan shoved some in his pocket. Her eyes roamed over the other random items they passed while walking to the back. A bag of gummy bears and caught her and she grabbed two, putting them in her pockets as well, just barely fitting. She loved sweets, that was for sure.

"Be careful, there could be something back here," she said as they headed to the back, following Declan's movement of grabbing his gun and doing the same. "I'll look over here," she said and broke away, frowning as their hands disconnected. Grass green eyes darted over the random car parts and she saw a few empty containers, cobwebs covering their red surfaces. "Found some," she shouted and grabbed as many her hands could hold.

Alex chuckled lightly and enjoyed the feeling of Scarlett's warm body next to him. "I think the pleasure is all mine," he teased and gently tickled her side. The bed sounded fantastic, and he was praying to whoever or whatever was listening that Justin wouldn't mess his night with Scarlett up. But he had a feeling the perverted kid would.

Clearing his throat, the dark haired male glared at the sleeping boy. He had curled up to Scarlett, and it made him seriously doubt that Justin was actually a sleep. For a second as Scarlett glanced away he thought he saw the kid grin, but Alex made no comment. He wanted to tell Scarlett the degrading and rude things the boy had said, but he knew she wouldn't believe him. She pitied the kid too much.

"Nah, just said how thankful he was for what all we have done for him," he said a bit forcefully, hoping Justin would get the hint. "Yeah, I hope so too," he said and gritted his teeth, a glower on his face.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 12:58 AM

Scarlett smiled. "Aww, thats sweet." She said, blushing at his comment. "Whats wrong?" She asked, putting her hand on the left side of his face and looking at him. You could tell by his facial expression that he was upset. She gave him another kiss. "You can tell me anything." She said, giving a small smile.

When he tickled her side she laughed, continuing to laugh until he stopped, hoping she hadn't woken Justin. "Just wait till I find out where your ticklish." She grinned, giving his collarbone a small kiss.

She then looked down, seeing Justins hand gripping on to her leg. "Weird.." She mumbled, taking his hand and gently pushing it off of her.

Declan went over and grabbed as many as he could as well. In all he grabbed about six. "Kay, I think this is plenty. Lets go fill them up." He said, walking out of the room. "I know, hopefully none come out right now while i'm not holding my gun." He said, looking to his gun that was shoved into his pocket. He made sure that Winter followed him until they got to the pump.

One by one he started to fill up the containers until all of them were filled, then he gave a hand motion to Alex to have him drive the car over. "This should give us plenty of gas for our trip to the new village. But theres kind of something I wanted to do first before we went.." He said, taking a small travel brochure out of his pocket and flipping it to a picture of the beach. "I've always wanted to go."

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 01:27 AM

Winter nodded, senses on high alert as she readjusted the six canisters in her hands. She followed him out and filled her own containers, careful not to get gas on her, which she very nearly did considering she had never used a pump before. She waited for Alex to drive over and stretched her back before picking her cans up.

Taking them to Declan, she put them beside his, having had to walk a tad lopsidedly because of the weight of the gas. Sighing, she wiped off of her hands and stood on tip toes, peering over his shoulder at the brochure. She stepped to be completely beside him and pulled out the post card, grinning. "It's beautiful, isn't it," she said with a sigh and thumbed over the picture, surprised that Declan even knew and believed in the ocean.

"I wished we didn't even have to go the village," she said low, barely audible for anyone to hear. A frown tugged down the corners of her lips and she slipped the card back in her pocket as the car pulled up beside them.

Scarlett's blushing made Alex grin. She was quite beautiful, and he had thought so even before the zombie siege. His parents had never allowed the two to socialize though, not liking her beliefs. They had no pity for someone who believed in anything other than the Convent, the Village, and the Guardians.

The male leaned into Scarlett's ear, hoping he wouldn't regret telling her what he was going to. "The kid, Justin, was commenting on how nice your breasts are and how he's hoping to score with you and Winter. It was pretty degrading, and he's taking advantage of you two," he whispered in hushed tones. Before she could reply he glanced up and saw Declan waving him over. Sighing he kissed Scarlett's cheek and got out of the car, switching to the front seat.

Expertly manuevering the car, having watched Declan seeing as he wouldn't know others, he pulled the black SUV up to the pair, wondering at what they were looking at.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 01:47 AM

"I don't want to go to the convent either." He sighed. "But its a life." He said, shoving the paper back into his pocket. He took his gas cans and went to the back end of the car, putting up the trunk and putting all the cans inside, including Winters.

"Kay everyone, lets head to the motel." He smiled. He shut the trunk and headed to the front, waiting for Alex to get out of his seat. Once he did he slid into the front seat and turned on the car.

He shut his door, looking back to make sure everyone was in before starting to drive in the direction of the motel. "How does everyone feel about going to the beach? I heard theres some nice houses in Florida we could stay at for a week..then head straight to the convent." He said, biting his lip.

When Alex got back in she sighed. "And to think I thought he was a nice boy.." She whispered. "Well you don't have to worry about that boy because my breasts are only for you, and the only one that will be scoring is you. Unless Declan and Winter get together of course.." She whispered into his ears, giving a small laugh. She then looked to Justin. "He's definitely sleeping on the couch at the motel." She said quietly to Alex, giving another grin.

She laid her head on his shoulder and cuddled up to her Prince charming. She had liked him long before the zombie siege, but since she knew his parents would never agree to let him be with her, she had always never pursued a relationship. "The beach? That sounds wonderful!" She said excitedly. "I've always wanted to go there." She said, already picturing herself walking in the sand by the ocean and then going for a swim.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 02:10 AM

Winter sighed and watched him put the cans in, hands in her back pockets. The boys switched seats and she waited for a moment before getting in. "A crappy one," she whispered to herself, alone outside of the car. With a sigh she opened the passenger door and hopped in, the car door slamming behind her.

Her fingers drew patterns on the jeans she was wearing, zoning out as she thought of returning to a new village, most likely identical to the one they had left a week ago. She grinned when Declan brought up the beach. "It'll be like a vacation," she said happily, glancing behind her at the three in the back.

"And here I sat thinking you wouldn't believe me," Alex chuckled as he returned to back seat. Take that, perv, he thought mentally, looking at Justin. He laughed at her statement. "Well lucky me then," he tease and leaned down, kissing her neck softly. He pulled back up and looked at the others. His eyes glanced at Justin, satisfied that karma was coming back to get the kid. The thought of him sleeping alone on the couch made Alex smile.

"A vacation sounds great," he said, knowing the could all use some beach air due to the past week. They weren't exactly in the best situation, and he knew the beach would cheer all of them up, at least momentarily.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 02:26 AM

Declan pulled up to the motel and parked in handicap parking right in the front. "Take that law!" He teased, chuckling and getting out. "Okay, we'll only take weapons in to sleep." He said, going over to Winters side and opening the door. "Your room awaits, Mi'lady." He smirked, doing a bow. He then went over to the hotel door. "Alex, can you grab the kid?" He asked, looking back at him. He then broke into the Motel entrance door and unlocked it, walking inside. "Looks like a pretty nice place so far. "What number rooms do you want?" He asked, heading behind the desk and looking at all the room keys.

Scarlett blushed. "Yes, lucky you." She smiled, closing her eyes at the good feeling of him kissing her neck. When they pulled up to the Motel she slipped out of the car with her hand gun in her pocket. She looked to Justin, sighing a little. "I'll help you with him." She said, grabbing the pre teens feet. "I can't wait till we get to the beach.. it'll be amazing." She said softly.

((Sorry its short xD I'll make longer posts once their in the motel.))

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 02:45 AM

Winter giggled as Declan opened the door, gracefully hopping out and landing on her feet silently and skillfully. "Well thank you kind sir," she said and did a little curtsy, laughing at their odd behavior. They were all just happy to have made it to the small motel, and it put them in better moods.

She followed him to motel entrance, being carefully not to step on shattered glass. The motel formed a rectangular U shape, ten rooms on each long line and what seemed like five at the curve of it. She thought for a moment, tapping her chin as she thought of numbers to pick. "Seventeen and eighteen," she said decidedly, grinning. For one, she herself was eighteen. But mostly she picked the numbers because that was how old her parents were when they got engaged.

Making sure his gun was safe in his pocket, Alex slid out of the car with one last grin to Scarlett. He frowned at the kid and reluctant grabbed his hands, pulling him out of the car. Once he was out, the kid hung between Scarlett and himself like a duffel bag, nearly touching the paved ground beneath them. His grip was a bit harder than necessary, holding the kid's skinny arms in only one of his hands, but Alex thought it was the least he deserved.

"Warm sand, cool ocean, drinks on the beach," Alex said, his voice a bit distant but pleased as he thought of the beach. For a moment he wondered if they could just live out there forever. It sounded pretty nice in his head.

((S'alright! I will too :D ))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 03:07 AM

"Kay. Seventeen for us, and Eighteen for the lovebirds." He chuckled, handing Winter the room key. He took her hand and led her down the hallway. "Hmm.. Fifteen, Sixteen, ah, Seventeen." He said, taking the key again and unlocking the door. He then smiled at the appearance. It was a luxurious room, with two beds and then a door that led to Eighteen. "It's perfect." He smirked, going over to the bed and plopping onto it. "Ah.." He muttered, then got up.

He went over to the door. "Nite guys." He said, shutting their door and bolting it so that they'd be safe. "Okay.. Um Winter, I kinda had something I wanted to talk to you about.." He said, sitting on the end of the bed nearest to the covered window.

Scarlett excitedly followed everyone inside and watched as Declan handed Alex the room key. When they got to their room she quickly said goodnight to Winter and Declan, then waited for Alex to unlock the door.

Once he unlocked the door Scarlett drug Justin into the room and laid him on the couch by the wall. She then turned to Alex, going over and giving him a kiss. "I can't wait to go to the beach. Me and you laying back in the sun on the warm sand.." She smiled, kissing his jaw. "Sounds wonderful right?" She asked, locking the door behind them and then putting her arms around him.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 04:24 AM

"G'night guys," Winter called as she stepped into the room. Her eyes widened as she took in the nice sized beds and two door ways, one leading to Alex's and Scarlett's room, and the other most likely to a bathroom. She sat on the bed untaken by Declan and smiled, stretching her arms and letting her hands run over the soft fabric of the blanket covering the bed. She hadn't expected the rooms to be this nice; after all, the outside was a bit dingy, to say the least.

Her tan skin contrasted well with the dark maroon of the bed comforter, close in color but a little darker than her hair. She was tired, that was true, but her ears perked at Declan's statement. "Hm? Shoot," she said, waiting for him to speak. Her left eyebrow had rose, watching him as he closed and locked the door then sat back down on the other bed.

Unlocking the door, Alex stepped inside and smiled. It felt nice and cozy in the room, medium sized and with a good amount of furniture, but not crowded. "This is what I call five star," he joked, but the room was a nice change from the car, where they were all close to each other. He watched Scarlett drag Justin in, who looked like he really had fallen asleep. He called out a goodnight to the others, stepping towards the brunette after closing and locking the door.

Alex's strong arms wrapped around Scarlett's waist and his eyes closed as he kissed her back. Looking back at her, baby blue eyes twinkling, he grinned and thought of the beach, his muscles relaxing. "Mmm. Sounds down right amazing," he commented and laughed. As her arms wrapped around his neck he lifted her up, using one hand to put her legs around his waist as he carried her to the bed.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 04:57 AM

Scarlett continued to kiss him, wrapping her legs around his waist as his hands arranged them too. She kissed his neck, trailing a few kisses down to his collarbone. "I love this room..its pretty comfy." She said, smiling and then looking at Justin over Alex's shoulder.

Here she was, her legs wrapped around a very handsome guy, kissing him and about to be put on a bed, when there was a twelve year old in the room. She still had her arms around his neck. "Plus a beach house in florida is bound to have more than two rooms." She smiled, running her hand through his dark hair.

"Well.. Do you like me?" He asked nervously, giving a small smile. "Cause I like you.. and well.. I see what Scarlett and Alex have and I want that for us." He said, looking up at her with his brown eyes. He then looked away, clearing his throat.

"Heh.. so.. that was akward." He chuckled, laying back on his bed. "But if you do like me, then you can sleep over here with me." He said, patting the spot next to him on the bed.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 06:15 PM

Winter smiled, covering her hand not to laugh. He was acting like a little school boy as he told her he liked her. It wasn't that she was making fun of him, it was just adorable and a tad funny. She stood up from her spot on the bed and walked over to him, laying on her side beside him.

"Of course I like you," she said softly, rolling her eyes at him. She grinned and kissed his cheek, her other hand lightly stroking the side of his cheek. Her green eyes stared into his brown ones and she seemed to melt like snow in the sun. She tucked her red hair behind her ears, which she had untied from its tight pony tail while in the car.

"Well, I wasn't really thinking of the room right now," he replied and chuckled, staring at her happily. Alex laid Scarlett on the bed, leaning and hovering over top of her, but not laying on her. Her brown hair fanned around her like an angel's halo, making his eyes look over her closely but affectionately.

"Way more than two. We could live there forever. Start a little world of our own on the beach," he said, his voice a husky whisper. Luckily Justin was asleep, not intruding their business. Of course he wouldn't go too far with the kid in the room, and if he woke up and had a problem with this he could just sleep in the bathroom, Alex figured with a small smirk.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 06:48 PM

((Oooh I know how Justin could die xD))

Scarlett listened to his words, smiling when he laid her back on the bed. As he hovered over her she gave him another kiss. "I'd love to live on the beach with you forever.. but how would we survive?" She asked, her green eyes looking at him sadly. "I don't want to go to the convent.. but if it means I can live with you forever with no worries then i'll go there." She said, wrapping her arms around him.

"If you think that we could live happily.. and safely at a beach house then i'd love to go there with you." She whispered, giving him another kiss. "I just don't want to lose you." She whispered softly, running her hand through his dark hair. "Your really the only thing keeping me sane right now.." She said, her eyes looking at him as she let out a soft sigh. The zombie world was definitely a cruel place. You were either confined to a life of the covenant or confined to a life of worry.

Declan smirked and leaned over, giving her a small kiss on the lips. "Good." He chuckled, running his hand through her red hair. "Were about 12 and a half hours from the beach. Were going to the nearest place, which is Florida. Hopefully we can find us a nice beach house to stay in. Once we get there we'll have to board up the windows, keep all light in.. I'd say the only thing we could keep unboarded was the back door so we could walk to the beach." He chuckled. If they did end up staying at the beach for a lot longer then they planned then he and Alex could possibly make a wall around the whole home.

"Theres a lot of gated communities in Florida that are right along the beach.. If we could get in one of those then i'm sure we'll be safe. " He said, looking at Winters eyes.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 07:46 PM

Winter's eyes fluttered closed as he kissed her on the lips, slowly kissing back. He was her first kiss, and the thought and feeling made her body tingle and her cheeks burn. Her green eyes slowly opened again and she watched him, enjoying the feeling of his fingers in her silky tendrils.

She sighed thinking about the beach, already imagining swimming in the blue ocean, visions her parents had told her all about. "I'll drive," she offered, already excited about the mere plans of going to the beach. She secretly hoped they could just stay at the beach house and not go to the village, and she knew at least Alex hoped so too. If the area was clean and they were well protected it would be perfect for the four of them. Heck, they might even meet a few other survivors!

"We can stop at any stores on the way, really load up with supplies. The house will probably have some too, but better safe than sorry," she thought aloud, scooting a bit closer to Declan on the bed.

"I don't know if the Convent would even take us in. There was a rumor around about a year ago that they took in a survivor. Abigail. They used her to experiment on, but she turned into a zombie because of it. Not the regular Unconsecrated either. Like, a hybrid," he said as he thought about. Truth be told he had even seen the light blond haired girl once, on his way home from his usual walk around the Village. She had stunning blue eyes and hair that was almost white, flowing to her hips. He had been called away by his mother before he could see much more of her.

"We could always load up on supplies, survey for other survivors, start up our own little make shift Colony," he offered, the idea making his eyes light up. He rolled and plopped beside her, arms still around her waist. "You'll never lose me, babe," he whispered to her and winked, kissing her cheek affectionately.

((Oooh how?! :D ))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 08:11 PM

((Well, Alex and Scarlett could go to another room to get romantic and then Justin would wake up and realize he was alone so he'd wander around the hotel looking for them thinking that they had left without him and then BAM Everyone would suddenly hear a ton of screaming, run out of their rooms and we could say there was like three zombies in the hotel xD And of course this would happen right before Alex and Scarlett did anything, just to get on their nerves Lol))

Scarlett listened to his story and nodded. "We'll have to run it by Declan.. but I'd love to live at the beach." She said, giving him another kiss. "Promise?" She asked softly, taking his hand before giving him a more passionate kiss.

Her green eyes looked at his eyes, wanting so much to believe that nothing bad would ever happen to the two of them. "If we found a lot of survivors we could definitely make our own colony..and start over." She said softly. "And teach everyone about how the world was before this mess." She said, excited about their idea.

Declan smirked and gave her another kiss. "Sure you can drive. And we probably should collect as much stuff as we can.. and who knows, if we really enjoy it then we might stay forever." He said, wrapping an arm around Winter and pulling her closer. He gave a small yawn, continuing to run his hand through her soft hair.

He held her close while thinking of what the future could be like. "Maybe we could start our own village there.." He mumbled, looking to her for her thoughts on the subject.


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