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MintyRey is offline
Old 10-14-2011, 05:47 PM

Dei was slightly surprised when the woman didn't understand. He was sure he had asked clearly. "Where we're going, what's it to you?", he reiterated, not knowing that she still might not understand. Perhaps Callie was used to speaking a different language? Although, it sounded to him like she spoke English just fine. Either way, he didn't get an answer immediately. Callie had become preoccupied with calming the winged girl down.

'Well, better her than me.', he thought, readjusting his eye-patch with a few fingers, 'My social skills aren't exactly the best, that's for sure...' Dei hadn't been around people enough these past few months to practice the finer points of human interaction. Nobody seemed to want to stay put after hearing rumors of a paradise untouched by the war. It had piqued Dei's curiosity but he had decided long ago not to do anything about it unless he found more proof of its existence. Proof like actual directions, perhaps. Why waste energy on something that might not exist anyway? Besides, he'd met some people looking for such a place the first year he got out of the shelter only to meet them again two years later. They had been following directions passed along by word of mouth and still haven't found anything. It was then that Dei knew the fools were going around in circles. However, the group continued onward to the place of hope despite not knowing exactly where it was. At least they had spirit.

Dei watched as the emerald eyed woman lowered herself to the same level as the girl. It was a good way to seem less threatening. Her voice and expression were both kind, and Dei couldn't help but think she was probably used to taking care of kids. After the teary eyed mutant had accepted Callie's help with standing, it was only then that the man noticed how tall she actually was. For a "kid", she was already almost as tall as Callie. Or maybe Callie was just short for a grown woman.

In a soft voice, the long haired girl introduced herself as Angela. Her protest afterwards was a tone louder.
"Alright, alright, fine! What were you doing then, Angela?", he asked. Not once did he think he was in the wrong, having already forgot that she shouted something about someone "making a racket near her roof".

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-17-2011, 05:36 PM

Taking a step back when Angela stood, Callie turned her attention back to the man to respond to his question. "Where you are going," she repeated, "Will there be other humans?" she asked, expressionless again. "I have been alone for a long time, I would like to find a place among humans, such as myself," she added. She was saying all the right things to lead them to believe she was human and in search of companionship.

"If you and your girlfriend need help, I can prove very useful." And wasn't that the truth. 095-3678 was very useful. She was strong, quick, knew their exact location, how to get anywhere, how to assess medical emergencies, etc. She was a cyborg, with half a robot brain. Unfortunately for this unsuspecting pair, useful isn't what she was planning on being for too long. Watching as the two conversed, Callie smiled, not yet realizing that they were arguing and that smiling wasn't the appropriate response to the situation.

Squall Ravenhart
Squall Ravenhart is offline
Old 10-23-2011, 07:34 PM

Angela spun to face Dei, indignation sparking in her normally calm face.
"You were making so much noise and I live up there" she pointed to the a roof above them, different to the building she had fallen from. "I only came to find out what it was. I don't spy" she said again for good measure.

As her ears caught up with her words Angela was mortified, she had never raised her voice to anyone, ever!
Blushing crimson the girl lowered her head so her hair obscured her face.
"I'm sorry" she mumbled. What if I've made him angry?
She shuffled backwards a little, once again reminded that she was temporarily earthbound.

Angela didn't hear a word Callie had said until she heard the word 'girlfriend', at which her head snapped up eyes full of fire again.
"Girlfriend?" she repeated in a choked voice.

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TearRose is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 11:15 PM

The cyborg was shocked to have been suddenly grabbed and hoisted into the air. She wasn't sure what exactly was going on, all she knew was that this beast was attacking whomever had saved her and she needed to do something about it. The girl pulled out a knife from a hidden compartment on her leg. She reached around the metal obstacle and stabbed the creature in the eye, making it cry in pain and detach itself from her savior. It fell to the ground, acting as if it was not sure what had happened though it felt pain.

MintyRey is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 04:46 PM

As he thought of a reasonable answer for Callie's question, Dei turned to face the top of the building Angela had pointed out. He considered for a moment telling her that they weren't exactly going anywhere. Neither did they have a plan to go anywhere since he and Angela had only just met. But if by some brief spark of insanity did they actually decide to seek out other people, the chances of them finding any within a month would be slim to say the least. Also, why would anyone want to go through the trouble of living on top of a building? 'Isn't it dangerous passing through all those narrow corridors and staircases just to-- Oh. She can fly.'
With these thoughts buzzing in his head, it was easy to miss out the winged girl's meek apology and all the man did was nod distractedly and reply with a vague, "That's fine.", at what she may have said. Dei continued to muse silently until his concentration was interrupted by Callie's provocative statement.

"Girlfriend??", he blurted at about the same time as Angela, also questioning the way their relationship was labeled. "N-no, no, she's not my girlfriend.", the blond added, waving his hands before him in a manner that signified "absolutely not". "You misunderstand, we just met a while ago. We barely know each other." Dei hoped that the green eyed woman would realize her mistake.

Last edited by MintyRey; 11-08-2011 at 04:49 PM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-12-2011, 08:50 PM

"So you are not friends then," Callie stated, "information noted." She hadn't meant the term in such a way that they were romantically involved. But her robot mind didn't realize that's how it would come off. She had simply thought that this was a girl who was his friend, a girlfriend. For being so smart, it was a shame that her computer of a mind couldn't pick up on such simple human things. All of those smarts could be thrown to the wayside without a heart to back them up. But her smarts weren't meant for good, so a heart was unnecessary.

Smiling again, as she knew that was the best way to earn trust quickly, Callie spoke once more. "Should we begin traveling?" she asked, unaware that the girl lived here and that the male was a lone traveler with no destination.

dark world dealer
dark world dealer is offline
Old 12-09-2011, 10:25 PM

Dylan was travailing down the road trying to find out where he was when he saw a city in a distance What is that Dylan new that it wasn't safe to stay there for long periods of time so he wanted to hurry Dylan made his way to the city walking past abandoned car's and truck's Dylan stopped to see if there was any thing that he could use when he came up to a broken down semi truck Dylan made his way to the back when he saw that there was already attempt's to brake it open he new that a small lock wouldn't get in his way Dylan spun around braking open with a kick hmm no problem Dylan then saw a bunch of weapon's when he realized that this truck used to ship firearm's for a military group Dylan made his way in looking for some thing that could help him when he saw a bunch of combat knifes so he took a bunch because he new that hand to hand is useless to a gun

Squall Ravenhart
Squall Ravenhart is offline
Old 07-23-2012, 09:58 AM

Angela nodded, emphatically agreeing with Dei.

What Callie said next shocked and scared her.

"Traveling?!" Angela squeaked. "But I live here". Her mind felt full of thoughts, so much had happened and her shoulders hurt demanding as much of her attention as possible.

"I don't want to leave" she muttered quietly, playing with the leaf anklet with one bare foot.
Her left hand made its way into her pocket, clutching the piece of paper she'd had for forever.
Shaking her head at Callie, Angelo backed up towards her building. She desperately wished she could just fly away and stop thinking.
Why did I have to come down here? she thought sadly.

MintyRey is offline
Old 07-29-2012, 03:39 AM

[Oh yay! A revival of this rp maybe? ]

Dei looked from Angela back to Callie after the suggestion of traveling was brought up. It didn't surprise Dei much that Angela was completely opposed to leaving the area since she had already proven how meek-natured she was. But while the winged girl had no desire to move from this place whatsoever, the man was only reluctant to go anywhere without good reason. He knew eventually he would leave this broken down city just as he had left the many other places he had temporarily called home. But that was only if he could no longer stay here, either because the resources had run out or because the place had become too dangerous. Moving around in search of other humans was a motive he had long since abandoned. He had no need to constantly be in the company of others and he's met enough people over the years to keep him from feeling lonely. However, as there weren't as many other travelers wandering through this area in a long time, Dei couldn't help but entertain the thought.

Turning to Callie, he asked "Suppose we did decide to 'travel', in what direction do you suggest we go? If you hadn't noticed there's basically nowhere around here, much less anywhere else on this dilapidated old planet, that doesn't look like this place." Dei stretched out his arms to indicate the rusted, torn, and crumbling infrastructure that stood around them before continuing, "And don't even think of bringing up that 'Utopia' crap. No one's ever found it and no one ever will. You know why? 'Cause it simply doesn't exist!"

\ (•◡•) /
TearRose is offline
Old 07-31-2012, 09:14 AM

((holy crap. have you guys really been posting this entire time???
Sorry I left..... everyone just seemed to have left me.... :/
maybe I'll make a new thread....))

Squall Ravenhart
Squall Ravenhart is offline
Old 08-02-2012, 06:54 PM

((Poor TearRose it is such a fun idea would love to continue it))

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TearRose is offline
Old 08-03-2012, 02:05 AM

((Alright. I will be making a new one. For those of you interested, please resend your character profiles (or make a new one). If you don't I'll assume you are no longer interested. :3 ))

---------- Post added 08-02-2012 at 10:38 PM ----------

Journey to Utopia ((Remake/ accepting characters))

new thread if you're still interested.


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