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Caboose :3
Clairefirestar9mm is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 04:19 AM

Alaina mused over this for a second. "Would you happen to have hot chocolate," she finally asked, a timid tone to her voice. Then she looked around again, her eyes resting on the bar. "Um, I guess I should take a seat instead of standing in the doorway like an idiot," she added with a soft, nervous laugh. She hesitantly began towards the bar.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 04:22 AM

"Yes, we most definitely have hot chocolate." Eirian said cheerfully. "There's nice soft fabric on the bar stools, you should be quite comfortable." Eirian said with a smile.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 04:32 AM

It seemed like a smile was going to be plastered on her face for the rest of the night. Laughing a little, because she thought this girl was cute, the twenty year old tried not to let it show too much. "Why not ask your brother right now?" She thought they were an adorable pair of siblings.

As Haru went on, Veda turned her eyes to him and titled her head to the side, a little bit startled with his reaction. "Is it that surprising Haru? As for the mansion.. You're quite a ways away, it's on the far far side of town. It was the haunted mansion last year! Now that was fun." Veda slipped off her red military style jacket and made herself comfortable while trying not to look too much at Haru after the younger girl's outburst. "Maybe your bunny hate the strawberry?"


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 04:49 AM

Eirian bought the blue eyed woman her hot chocolate, On seeing that everything seemed well in hand with the tavern, and feeling quite sleepy, Eirian decided to walk upstairs to her room. Eirian waved goodnight to all the tavern guests." Goodnight all." Eirian said, smiling but with a sleepy tone in her voice.

ooc: Goodnight everyone, I'm so tired, I'm gonna go to to bed. Please feel free to continue the role play with out me, and have fun! It's been nice role playing with you all, and I will be back on tomorrow. Now, to the home page to go afk ^_^

Caboose :3
Clairefirestar9mm is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 05:15 AM

"Thank you," Alaina said as she sat down and the chocolate was given to her. She gave the woman a smile, then inclined her head to her as she bade them all goodnight. She gingerly picked up the mug and cupped it in her hands, savoring the warmth of it between her hands.


sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 05:24 AM

Ellie started to fumble with Elliot's ears again wondering how she should tell Veda that Haru and her are not siblings and that the blonde she should burn that thought out of her mind. They looked nothing like siblings! But Ellie did like her servant like a brother, an eighteen year old brother. Before Ellie could say anything, Haru spoke up and said, "We're not siblings.... I'm her, er escort. Yeah, her escort." Ellie wondered why her companion didn't tell Veda that he was her servant, not some escort. But no matter, the young girl thought, it doesn't matter what he says he is, as long he says that he's with me it's ok.

Haru sighed and sat down then replied to Veda's question, "Where I come from, I can't go to a college because it's against the law, sort of." then he crossed his arms and sat back in his chair relaxing a little, "That's interesting, I never heard of old man Nick actually allowing people inside his mansion." Then all of the sudden Ellie started searching for the missing strawberry and he quickly looked away trying to make sure the girl wouldn't notice. If she knew that he took the bes part of the cake... he doesn't really wanted to know, all he's going to say is "magical things" would happen. Then Veda quickly told his master that the rabbit must've ate it. Ellie wasn't that stupid, but somehow she fell for it and Haru relaxed a little then took his finger and dipped it into the sundae and popped it into his mouth without the girl noticing.

"Oh.... that's weird but ok." Ellie said hugging her stuffed rabbit, then she noticed her ice cream had been eaten too but she quickly assumed it was Elliot, "So Veda, what year are you in in college?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 06:37 PM

The nineteen year old regarded the pair qith a quizzical expression. "Aren't you a little young to have an escort? I thought escorts were for going to balls and things like that. " Letting the matter drop easily enough Veda turned to Haru with a smile. He was kind of cute, in a ... Well she wasn't quite sure in what way she thought he was cute, though the young woman was a little envious of his hair color.

"Against the law? School! No way!" Incredulous after hearing that, Veda couldn't help but stare at Haru and the girl with incomprehension. The thought of such a thing weighed upon her mind, making her answer to the last question very vague. "Oh, second year.."


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 09:26 PM

Gwena stumbled out of the kitchen having fallen asleep on one of the counters, she dragged her half asleep body to an easy chair by the fireplace. She began to peruse a book she started reading three months ago entitled-'how to train your sister', having decided the book no longer interested her, she threw it onto one of the shelves of a near by bookcase. And began snooping into all the travelers belongings in her usual stealthy ninja sort of way.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 12:31 AM

Numei pushed the door of the tavern open with one hand just as he reached up and pulled a collar with a bright pink ribbon tied in a bow on it, off of his neck. Damn humans. He wasn't some pet or toy to be owned! A sneer was on his lips as he stepped into the Tavern, quickly dropping that collar and ribbon in the nearest trashcan. His long brown tail twitched behind him as his right eye, an eye the color of blood with a darker red pupil, flickered this way and that. Trying to see everything around him with just that one eye. The other eye was rather non-existant and the empty socket covered by a black eye patch.

This place would do. He only wanted a drink anyway. Something to calm him down before he started murdering idiotic people. His ears twitched and flicked from the noises around him but he paid them almost no attention at all as he moved towards the bar. Numei was clothed in simple attire, black t-shirt, white cargo pants, black shoes. The neko leaned on one arm against the bar, his single eye glancing around looking for a barkeep. "Heeelllooooo? I want a drink. Now." That one eye narrowed just slightly.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 01:28 AM

Casimir had been sitting quietly waiting for something to happen. As the other elven owner began going trough his things, he sneered. Then a strange creature he'd only heard about before stepped inside. Smiling to himself the hunter stood from his seat and walked over to join the young man. "You look like you've had a bad day. Mind talking about it? " The dark haired man was rather curious about this cat eared person.

His familly had only ever come across stories of them. They were pets to most from what he heard. Even Casimir didn't think anyone should be treated as such. "I'll even buy you that drink you want so much." Leaning against the counter he smiled at the other man with a mischievous twinkle in his dark eyes.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 01:33 AM

Eirian wandered down the stairs after doing the daily cleaning of the non occupied rooms. "Good evening all." Eirian greeted. Eirian was quite cheerful....until she noticed Gwena going through some bags. "Gwena! What are you doing!? And where were you last night? Eirian shouted in a rather irritated tone.

ooc: Good evening all ^_^ I got on a bit later then I had planed, but I'm here ^_^

Caboose :3
Clairefirestar9mm is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 01:36 AM

Alaina made an appearance, rubbing her eyes sleepily. The tavern seemed more... crowded then before. Or maybe it was just her imagination, she hadn't paid attention to how many people were there before. Brushing her hair out of her eyes she went back to the bar, watching as the woman who had helped her the night before scolded another elven woman.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 01:38 AM

Numei was clearly surprised when this man approached him. His ears twitching and swiveling in the man's direction, even though Numei didn't even glance at the fellow. Numei surveyed the bottles on the shelf behind the bar with his one eye. "What's the catch? What do you want from me in return?" That eye flickered to the side, glancing at the man for only a second before he returned to staring at the bottles. Would they even let him drink? He wasn't sure what the limit or laws about such thing were, but honestly, Numei was only 19. From his tone of voice it was apparent he didn't quite trust this man that had offered to buy him a drink. "Gonna drug my drink and drag me off to be a pet? Is that what you're planning?" He snorted lightly, his tail flicking behind him a bit.


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 01:49 AM

Gwena ignored Eirian and looked around at the patrons and mumbled "see why I gave up on reading how to train your sister?" rolling her eyes. Gwena took some bottles down off the bar shelf and set them on the bar counter and a tip jar right next to them. "Drink what you want, I don't care. Just don't steal or go behind the bar, if you want anything hot to drink just ask Eirian. If you want something to eat, I can probably find some stale bread in a mouse trap or something" Gwena finshed talking and sat back in her easy chair, having gotten bored fishing for shiny objects in the patrons things.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 01:56 AM

Eirian just sighed. "What am I going to do with her." Eirian knew all to well how strong willed Gwena could be. Eirian deiced to leave the bottles and tip jar, with her and Gwena there, it wasn't terrible idea. Eirian did add though to the guests. "If anyone would like something to eat, I assure you, we can do far better then stale bread." Eirian gave a "how dare you say that" kind of look at Gwena as she spoke.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 01:57 AM

Chuckling, the man slid money onto the counter. His eyes followed they way his companion's ears traveled here and there. It was hard not to reach out and pet them, to see if they were as soft as they appeared to be. "I can promise you, I will do no such thing. I won't even touch the drink." Turning his head to the side, Casimir wracked his mind for the reason why he had stood to begin a conversation in the first place. Returning his gaze the the red eyed man, he regarded him seriously. "People like you are pretty rare, I was just curious about you. That's all, no ulterior motives."It was the truth, plain and simple without any added frills.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 02:04 AM

What the hell was wrong with that girl? Numei arched the eyebrow over his working eye at the woman that had set bottles on the bar and a tipjar. Well, he certainly wasn't going to leave her a tip, but honestly he did find her comment about stale bread funny. For only a few seconds and amused smile graced his lips as he reached out and quickly snatched one of the bottles and brought it close to his chest. That one eye danced this way and that, almost as if daring someone to try and take it from him. Then that eye landed on the male next to him.

"Everyone has ulterior motives. Especially when they think something rare is involved." His tail flicked behind him in slight annoyance. Still, what harm was there in talking to this fellow, especially if the man wanted to buy him drinks. "Curiousity killed the cat, ya know." He regarded this man for a few moments with his one eye and then shrugged. "Fine. What do you wanna know about me?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 02:12 AM

Taking up a bottle himself, Casimir settled down onto a seat with a rather content sigh. Well, at least he wasn't going to be bored. "My name's Casimir. It'd be nice to know yours. " Turning to glance at the elf woman, he paused for a moment before taking the money and placing it in the tip jar. Now it was obvious that he meant to pay for the drinks. Now he could pay attention to his guest without letting anything else distract him.

"What happened to your eye? I'll tell you how I got this scar." Casimir pulled down the collar of his shirt to reveal a nasty looking scar, or at least the tip of it. It ran down his chest, in three parallel lines and had been caused by ignorance and overconfidence on his part.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 02:24 AM

Eirian, having cleaned the upstairs, now started her work on the tavern room. She moped the floors, wiped the tables and chairs, and made sure all of the china on the shelves were clean. Then she went to work making sure the fire was kept a glow. finely after finishing the cleaning, Eirian decided to poke over by Gwena, and find out where she had went to last night. "Gwena." Eirian wispered, so as not to make a scene among the guests. "Where did you go last night? I walked in to the kitchen to give you an order, and you weren't there." Eirian hoped for a better answer then she had gotten from Gwena earlier.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 02:32 AM

Numei's eye widened and he nearly dropped his bottle. The only thing that saved his bottle from crashing to the floor was his quick reflexes, catching it by the neck with one hand. His eye staring at the man, Casimir. Not exactly what Numei expected for a first question. Usually it was a 'where are you from, how did you end up here?'. This man had officially stunned Numei. That eye trailed along the scar Casimir revealed, it made Numei shiver, and his ears droop just the slightest bit. Numei regained his composure as he slipped into a seat.

For a while it would seem like Numei wasn't going to say a word, he raised his bottle to his lips and drank deeply from it. When he lowered the bottle he had closed his good eye and sighed softly. He closed it, to keep Casimir from seeing the emotions there. "When I was ten some men came to the town I lived in. Way way out east, high up in the mountains in an almost hidden valley my clan lived. For years and years, no one had ever bothered us there. But these men, human hunters found our village. They were taking the children away in chains and collars, killing the elderly and the men. They did terrible things to the women before killing them, to my mother before killing her. I fought hard for my freedom, for vengeance, for the others, but I was only ten. These grown me, easily subdued me. That should have been enough, I was only a child. Apparently easily subduing a child wasn't enough for them, they ripped out my eye and left me there. Surely they didn't expect me to survive the injury." Numei had snorted lightly and opened his good eye. No emotions shone in the blood red orb, only coldness, and he still hadn't told Casimir his name.

Last edited by Kry; 11-28-2011 at 02:45 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 02:50 AM

At first Casimir thought the young man wasn't going to answer him. There was no telling what the tale of this missing eye could be. The older man wouldn't fault the other if he said not a word to answer his question. Shifting in his seat, Casimir tried not to let his imatience show.

Though as the neko began his tale he could only listen in horror. Casimir hadn't believe those boasts during family reunions, but now he knew they were all too true. He spoke to one of the victims from that slaughter. To think that his uncles, his cousins, could have done such things to a whole village... "I suppose it would be a bad time to tell you that my relatives are the ones who did this to you, and to your people." The hunter didn't believe in pretenses, or in hiding the truth.

After a moment's contemplation, he began speaking of his own tale. "Which leads me to my story. I was thirtheen and out on my first hunt. This wasn't the usual hunt simply for the sake of hunting.. There was true reason behind it. An fearsome dragon had gone senile and was attacking a series of villages periodically. Even the elves called upon us to come hunt him down. Needless to say when the cany old dragon faked his demise, I stepped forward to mock him. He clawed me then, nearly killing me and I've never made that mistake again." Casimir finished with a pained expression, and his hands gripped his bottle tightly. They trembled visibly with a mixture of guilt and fear the hunter had never known before.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 03:03 AM

Numei had huffed lightly when Casimir admitted guilt, or rather, admitted to the guilt of his relatives. "You have horrible relatives." That was all he said about that, bringing that bottle to his lips again for another deep drink. His eye danced about, looking this way and that. Watching his surroundings as Casimir spoke, but his ears had swiveled towards the man, Numei was listening to him. "You have to admit though, it was smart of the dragon to fake his death, you were incredibly stupid to mock him. Even if he had really died then, creatures who die in battle don't deserve to be mocked, even creatures that die cowardly deaths don't deserve to be mocked. Then again, I suppose you were just taking lessons from those horrid relatives of yours." Numei's tone was like ice. Cold and frigid. He wasn't doing it on purpose though. Not really. Just to shut himself up, Numei raised that bottle to his lips again.


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 03:36 AM

Gwena got up from her chair and started dusting all around the room. She dusted Eirian, the shelves, the ceiling, the floors and from there dusted the patrons (the two by the bar especially). Dusting and cooking are Gwena's specialties, she thought dusting was fun especially when she stopped to dust people (people were always fun to dust). After dusting she ran to the kitchen to bake some cookies, this time she wanted to experiment by putting some roast ham in them with a honey glaze. After adding the ham she decided to put in some wine, beer, eggnog and some purple stuff she found on the back of the cabinets. The cookies will take twenty four hours to bake (or roughly so), she sets the clock to warn her when their done baking. She returns to her spot in her chair and stairs at the folk at the bar thinking their an interesting set, maybe they have valuables on them she could ahem, "borrow". After staring at them for awhile she dismissed the thought, realizing neither one looked like they'd have anything "too" valuable on them, at least not that she could get to, she was sure. None the less she continued to stare after all she was bored and Eirian was giving her a head ache, so might as well.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 03:43 AM

Eirian, still without an answer, decided to drop it. "Hmm...I smell something.....horrid. Gwena must be experimenting with her baking again." Eirian decided to do a little bit of work in the kitchen as well, making hot chocolate. After it was finished, Eirian took it out to a table in the middle of the tavern and announced it to the guests. "Fresh hot chocolate, on the house. Anyone who would like some, come help your self please." Eirian said with a warm tone, softly smiling.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 03:46 AM

The hunter simply raised an eyebrow upon hearing the neko's reaction. Swiveling his chair around he made no comment as the owner dusted him down, he was used to far worse. "Oh, I know better now. Much better then that. My respect for life in general has been growing, despite what my 'horrible relatives' have taught me." Twirling his bottle around in an absentminded way, the young man contemplated the neko with a rather curious expression. "I find it hard to believe that you're perfect. You must have some faults of your own." The words were spoken with a slightly challenging tone, though with enough good humor to show that Casimir only wanted a friendly conversation.

Upon hearing about free hot chocolate, Veda jumped up with a big a smile. "Sorry to leave guys, but I can't resist hot chocolate." Walking over the blond smiled to herself. The smell was delicious, and when she finally took a sip of the drink it became wider. The savors were dark and rich and overwhelmed the senses in a delightful way.


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