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Pandora Night
Pandora Night is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 01:26 PM

Noelle had found a big enough spot on the floor of the plane where she could lie down on her stomach and read her book. She didn't like reading while sitting up in something that was moving, especially in an airplane. It always gave her headaches. She had her legs up(like this), her book open and laying in front of her. She silently read the book, ignoring everyone else who was talking.

Scratch was sitting next to Crimson in whatever open seats there were. They were talking about... stuff. Lots of random stuff...

[[I didn't know what to do with Scratch and Crimson, so they are just talking about random stuff. >w<;; Sorry if my posts seem like fail.]]


Staria is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 05:33 PM

((I was looking around around at lists... did you know they sometimes carry around metal detectors? xD I don't know why but that surprised me)

Mira tilt her head to the side as she gazed at Casi. Of course she could list names but she doubted he'd recognize it. Instead she decided to get out a notebook. She wrote down the names and purposes of each piece equipment and what they processed such as hair or blood. Many of the items on the list were machinery that were complex and needed the dry, clean environment but a few were basic scalpels and things she used for dissection. She then handed the list to Casi so he could look it over. There was also basic fingerprinting powders and lifting tape but that was in her personal carry kit.

"There, that should let you know my needs" She said with a slight smile. She was actually rather pleased with him at the moment and it showed in her warm smile. On her other missions no one had ever taken interest in her equipment or what she did. They thought of her the same as a piece of equipment herself, something to ignore in a bag until they were needed... and even when needed just something to push a button on to get it to work. Nothing you needed to understand HOW it worked so even the simple acknowledgement of asking for an equipment list meant a lot to her.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-24-2012, 02:47 PM

With a laugh at his reaction, Karlin pulled back to lean against the chair once more. Tilting her head the side she pursed her lips in thought. Not that he mentioned it, she did remember meeting him briefly. Shrugging with a twinkle in her eyes, the young woman found herself reaching out to tug at Lucen's long locks lightly.

"You got it, and it's nice to be reacquainted with you. I doubt I'll forget you again." Sometimes even Karlin thought she was too much of a tease, but she had so much fun that she just couldn't help herself.

Casimir's eyes roved over the list carefully. He found himself muttering slightly about things not having been told to him and how in the world they would manage to fit everything into a cave if need be. "I'll need you to tell me what's absolutely necessary and what isn't, in case we need to move fast and can only grab a few things." He took his role very seriously, and wanted to make sure to have plans in place for all eventualities. Of course, the brown haired man was still coming up with those possibilities so he was in a constant state of planning. It was a little tiring, but rather enjoyable after a bout of vacation time. Actually it had been torture not being able to do anything save lounge around.


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