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Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 09-18-2012, 11:51 PM


Ver'mona swayed her mosquito-like tail left and right happily. Her father, Andre, a scientist of the compound was letting her help the guards in patrolling the cells. She liked being able to wander the compound and not cooped up in her cell, Andre was thinking of letting Ver'Mona become a guard for someone of her age, but she knew how to protect herself. "I can't believe papa is letting me help patrol, isn't this exciting Dero?" She asked her little mech mosquito she built herself. It buzzed softly in a language only Ver'Mona understood. She giggled softly, "I know right, I can hardly believe it. Now, let's see what we have to do here." SHe said looking around at the numbers on the door. She believed she was in the punishing part of the compound, she looked at the list of people, seeing the next person on the list. Aldrea Angelina. "That is such a pretty name, I wonder if her mother named her that?" Ver'Mona giggled softly as she started to flying towards the part of the room marked with the letter 'A'.

Aldrea Angelina sat in her room against the wall. The chains around her wrists kept her pinned to the wall, the lights in her room were shining brightly. It was the ultimate nightmare for a bat, her eyes were a beautiful dark blue that shone brightly as if they had stars in them, Aldrea Angelina sat there in silence keeping her eyes closed and her four wings laid out on the ground. A voice startled her as she looked up to see a familiar face looking at her through the window on the door, she looked like a 12-year-old. "Hi, I'm Ver'Mona. You must be Aldrea Angelina, I'm here to turn the lights brighter...I think." She said softly as Aldrea's eyes widen up. She slowly shook her head, unable to speak well. Ver'Mona looked at the controls as she tried to remember which buttons to press and turn. She puffed her cheeks and pressed a button on the panel and heard a loud buzzing sound, it was the lights in the room Aldrea was in. Ver'Mona looked up to see the lights got brighter in the room, she giggled softly clapping "Yay, I did it." She cheered happily and didn't know the one thing she did wrong. The lights were bright but they were too bright and Aldrea screamed loudly thrashing about.

Michael hovered in the corners of his punishment cell, after killing two more scientists in his escape, they placed him in a straight jacket. The only way to keep him calm was to place him near his little sister, Aldrea Angelina. He slept peacefully in the cell across from his sister and every once in a while would send a tentacle to her to reassure that he was ok since she was a worrier. Michael, however, was happy that the scientist gave him full custody of his sister, even though they were only half siblings. Having two different mothers and the same father was the only thing that kept Aldrea close to him. He was an octopus and had no face, how he is able to speak and eat is unknown to everyone but him. Michael sat there in his straight jacket, unable to move his long arms until he heard a giggle and a scream afterwards, his head snapped back knowing it was Aldrea screaming. He lifted his tentacle and let it zoom out of the barred window of his door towards Ver'Mona. "How dares harm my sister?" He asked in an eerily deep and dark voice managing to stand up slowly as another tentacle slid out the cell. Ver'Mona gasped and dodged the tentacle as she shook terrified, "I-I-I'm s-sorry." She panicked flapping her wings quickly as the two tentacles grabbed her throat and arm. "Sorry won't cut it, I will just have to kill you." Michael said in an sort of creepy and happy voice. Ver'Mona started shaking more and screamed with Aldrea, only she started to scream for help.

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Old 09-19-2012, 12:07 AM

Remaining seated within the corner of the now slightly less frozen room, Yukio was able to finally breathe much more clearly now. Each breath he had taken now easily allowed him to once more breathe out bits and pieces of ember out to keep himself warm. Looking around the less cold room which it once was, Yukio had returned his gaze onto the window which someone had wrote the message earlier onto. The message which was once on there was no longer on the fogged window. Rather, then seeing complete darkness through the windows as he normally would have. Yukio could now see what looked like tall figures standing on the other side of the glass, no doubt that it was the scientists studying onto his powers once more. Seeing as how they were conversing with one another had gotten him slightly curious about what they must've been speaking about.

However, it hadn't really mattered since within simply a minute or two, the cold waves of air had blasted into the room like it once done before the room had warmed up just slightly. Refusing to simply stand and take the freezing air once more and possibility be turned to a statue of ice for these scientists to do their tests on him. Yukio had held down as much of his burning flames into his body, his own skin was slowly turning into a completely dead pale color as the blasts of wind continued to freeze over his body. To the scientists, they hadn't bothered to ask themselves why he was giving up so easily this time. Since to them, this was better for them to get their tests done easier and quicker.

Once the order was placed out to stop the freezing air to be blown and for the order to warm up the room just slightly. Warming up the room just slightly was to allow the scientists to come into the room and checkup on Yukio's now completely frozen body. Although, before the scientists had decided to come into the actual room; Yukio's body had began to give off a strange redish orange glow around all the ice that had surrounded him. Within simply moments, the room had exploded into a burst of flames as a large hole was melted onto the wall which had lead him out to the hallway of the compound. Panting heavily, Yukio limped his way out to the hallway before turning his head left and right. The lights around his part of the hallway were turning red and flashing continuously. The scientists were able to survive the explosion due to them not entering the room yet.

Cupcake Queen
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Old 09-19-2012, 12:15 AM

Natalia heard the scream for help and bolted up grabbing her weapons and ran as fast as she could to the room where the scream was coming from. She noticed Michael trying to hurt Ver'mona. she sighed and walked up. "Michael. Ver'mona is a guard as well today. do not try killing a fellow guard. She just doesn't know how to control the lighting for your sister correctly. Instead of being pissed show her what to do," she said calmly, not afraid of Michael. She then saw that Yukio had escaped from his cell. "Damn it," she said to her self, now ignoring the two argueing. She ran towards Yukio and stopped a few feet from him. "Yukio, as a member of the guard i demand you get back in your cell or i will put you back by force," Natalia siad. She knew she would have to find another cell for the time being though.

Last edited by Cupcake Queen; 09-19-2012 at 12:19 AM..

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Old 09-19-2012, 12:50 AM

Once standing right outside of the large hole that lead him back into the cell which was freezing cold. Yukio had continued to pant heavily, each breath he had taken was now coming out to be large huffs of flames coming from his own lips. There had been flame spots in all different parts of the walls and even on the floor due to the debris that had been blown away because of how large the explosion had been. Soon enough without so much as a warning, a slightly loud alarm had gone off to tell the compound that there was an escaped subject in the area. Yukio had known this sound all too well since this hadn't been the first time a subject had escaped from their holding cell. Taking a single step away from the large hole in the wall, he was soon stopped in his tracks when he had heard someone coming up behind him. Turning his head over his shoulder to see that it was one of the guards, she seemed to had been telling him to go back into his cell. "Um, I can't really do that. I don't want to die in guys are killing me. You think I'm going to let you just take me back that easily?" Shaking his own head after speaking, Yukio's own aggressive side due to his flame element had began to take over slowly. "Besides, are you telling me. That I'm the only escaping subject? I'm sure there is something going on over there, I'm sure the scream of help I heard wasn't just for fun."

Cupcake Queen
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Old 09-19-2012, 01:00 AM

Natalia unsheathed her katana. "Stand down or i will use force," she said coldly. She was not in the mood to deal with him. If she didn't get him in his cage, then the other guards would kill him.

Shania583 is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 01:23 AM

Genevieve looked at Messor when he mentioned all the games and then said "The simplest one to learn would be the best to play first, wouldn't it?" She was about to just pick a game when she heard the familiar alarm and smiled, there was an escapee out there trying to get out. She shifted into her water form pretending to look bored, this was her chance to get out if anything they would be per occupied with the other escapee to even realize that she had gotten out. Well besides Messor but she could handle him.

Waiting for the perfect time she bolted up onto her feet and across to the door moving around Messor, she turned and said "Sorry about having to leave but you know how it is". She smiled then with her water form slipped through the gap between the door and the frame out into the hall. She started running remembering some of the halls that she had already tried to escape down. When she reached a new set of halls she looked down it and saw the other escapee. He appeared to be of a fire element and he was being confronted by one of the guards. On instinct she took off in the other direction.

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 09-19-2012, 03:16 AM

Michael growled and hissed from the inside of the cell until he heard a familiar voice, "DOn't have that tone with me, you know newbie aren't allowed near my sister's cell and that is final." He growled slowly standing up and used the rest of the tentacles to break the door down and 'see' what is going on. Ver'Mona gasped sharply flapping her wings to see Natalia helping her, she smiled softly happy to see someone came to help her. But started to shake seeing the thing that grabbed her, and it had no face. She looked away only to see one of the experiments escaping from his cell. Ver'Mona gasped softly but felt something happening on the other side of the compound, "I'll be right back." SHe said flying after what she thought was another escapee.

Michael growled as he stood his full height of 9 feet. Still in the straight jacket due to his consequences, he turned his head to the door of his sister's cell, "I'll be one moment Allie, just hold tight and keep your eyes closed." He said turning his head to face the boy. "If I were you I would listen to the girl, I'm not in the best of moods to be killing or capturing anyone right now." Michael said tucking the straight jacket as it strained. The tentacles waved all around him as they formed blade and almost looked like spider legs. He slowly started to walk forward, he shoes tapping the floor as the straight jacket slowly lost a buckle.

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Old 09-19-2012, 07:00 AM

Waiting as how the female guard in front of him had began to unsheathe her own katana, Yukio could only stare in a bit of boredom. He had just escaped the hellish room he was placed into, that room had been more of a torture room then a cell for the young male. Once more, the female had told him to return into his cell room even though it was destroyed and yet once again he had shook his head in refusal to return into that room. The cold may had been gone but it was quite too obvious for Yukio that the scientists were going to make him go into another holding cell later, and there was another fact that they would probably make the next cell much stronger and resistant against his flame element. "No way...use as much force as you want. There is no way I'm going back in there. You people are torturing us! There way I am going to die here!" He had screamed out in full anger and determination, the flame spots that had covered around the hallway had grown larger as though they were alive.

Watching as how an older looking male had made his way over as well, speaking about how Yukio should listen to the female guard since the male guard wasn't in any mood to do any killing nor capturing of anyone. Watching as how the male seemed to extend out multiple tentacles which quickly turned in blades, he couldn't help himself but let his flames immediately die out. The hallway was now completely dried out of flames and Yukio's own body looked as though it had lost all energy to continue to fight back. He hadn't gotten any food in his body and not to mention the explosion he had made with his remaining energy was probably the last thing he could do anyway. Using anymore flames would probably end up causing him to die even quicker then having to go through a fight that he was outnumbered in. Just because there were two of them hadn't meant that he had no chance, but more rather it was because he was too weak at the moment to really do anything. "So what?...your going to force me back into those rooms, and do more tests?...hmph. You call yourselves guards, but do you honestly think..those damn scientists are just going to keep you the way you are?" Panting heavily as small embers had began to escape his lips rather then actual flames any longer. Yukio hadn't bothered to explain anything else, or rather because he didn't have the strength to continue speaking.

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Andraus is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 11:24 AM

When the girl ran off, messor went after her, as fast as he could. He wasen't planning to stop her, if he could prevent it, he was just making sure she had a way out. He didn't like this anymore then she did. He was planning to fake a battle, but just end up giving her a hole to escape threw.

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Old 09-20-2012, 01:36 AM

Azure eyes fluttered open to the wailing of the alarms going off. Due to her last attempt to escape the scientist had put Haizea in a special cell where they could control the amount of air around her; only allowing her enough air to keep her alive. The pass day she had been controlling her breathing to use as little of the air as possible. The alarm told her it was time to try escaping once again. Closing her azure eyes Haizea started to make what little air there was within the cell shift and swirl around her. The teal bells around her wrists jingled, the sound growing louder as the air swirled faster. When her eyes opened the air rushed towards the door of the cell bursting it open. A smirk formed on her lips, her bells falling silent.

Quietly Haizea walked out of the cell, looking up and down the hall. From the sounds of things most of the guards were down the hall to her right. For a moment she considered helping the other mutant that was trying to escape. After all there were strengths in numbers, but really she could care less about others if it hindered her from obtaining freedom. Her head told her to take her chances on her own, but instinct told her to try teaming up with the other escaping mutant. She ended up following her instinct. Bells jingled slightly as started floating. Using her control over the air she floated down the hall silently and turned to see a fire element standing up to the guards. How interesting, she smirked once again.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 09-21-2012 at 03:41 AM..

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
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Old 09-20-2012, 11:05 AM

( i thought you only had one mutant rose. :/ confused moment for me. who is Azure?)

Natalia could hear all the alarms going off. Why couldn't these mutants be good and stay put like they were supposed to. She noticed the wind element out of the corner of her eye. She was getting fed up with all the escapees. She exchanged her katana for her plasma gun and pointed them at Yukio. They were set on stun so they would simply knock them out. " no more chances Yukio," she said. She fired one but made it purposefully miss. "The next won't miss and you will be knocked out," she said, the annoyance obvious in her voice.

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Old 09-20-2012, 04:51 PM

((I do only have one. I can change the word azure to blue instead. I was just using azure to describe the color of Haizea's eyes.))

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
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Old 09-20-2012, 09:09 PM

(:O oh like i said confused moment. i thought that was a name lol. not very knowing in the morning my bad lol)

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 09-21-2012, 03:35 AM

Michael turned his head to face Natalia as annoyance seem to grow in her, she pulled out her guns. The fire went straight to the wall. A heavy sigh escaped his head as he got his arms out of the straight jacket and his long clawed fingers gently scratched against the wall. "Now now Nattie, we can't use violence on someone who is unarmed, how do you sleep at night?" He asked with a strange sound in his voice as he walked close to Yukio and circled around him slowly. "Now Yukio, is it? I will make you a deal. I will make sure myself the room given to you isn't cold, that it will be at a somewhat normal temperature but it will still be cold enough to keep you fire down. In exchange, there won't be any test done on you in, let's say, a month." Michael said with a influencing voice, he was known to have been kind to the mutants and elementals in his own way, but everyone knew of his temper when it came to Aldrea, he would whether get his limbs and tentacles yanked out of him than see his sister in pain. Michael used his tentacles to pick Yukio up slowly so he would be a least head height with him, "You know what you are going through is hard, we are all going through the same thing. Sometimes good comes out of bad things, it just takes time and time is what I am giving you. Trust me." He stated tilting his head, his faceless head seem to expand where a smile would be if Michael had a mouth.

Ver'Mona managed to find Messor and the escapee running down the hall. She flapped her wings harder to catch up with Messor, "Why aren't you catching her? My daddy would be upset if you don't catch her." SHe stated in a firm voice for a 12-year-old. B.U.Z.Z. flew beside Ver'Mona as it looked forward, "Go Buzz," She said it flew after Gen to see where she was going. Due to his size, B.U.Z.Z. was able to keep up without being detected.

Shania583 is offline
Old 09-21-2012, 04:11 AM

Genevieve had kept running and looked over her shoulder once in a while to see if anyone was following her, she knew that Messor would be but she hoped that she had lost him in the maze of halls she had taken. Although taking the maze of halls had probably no been the best idea for her as she rounded a corner and found it to be a dead end. She quickly spun on her heels and ran the other way. She was looking for a door that would hopefully be close to the outside of the building for her to get out. She had already tried a few doors, but when she saw what was in them she quickly got out of there and began running. Hitting yet another dead end Genevieve shifted back to her solid form so that she wasn't a running pool of water that looked human anymore. She needed to think about where she was now and what halls she had taken, she was lost now and hit her fist against the wall. She thought to herself 'this just isn't fair, there should be a way out around here somewhere.'

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Old 09-21-2012, 06:03 AM

Remaining still the entire time as though Yukio had been frozen in place due to how weakened he was. His stamina to stay standing and even barely awake was depleting on him at a rapid pace, it was now only a matter of time that his body would end up shutting itself down completely and cause him to go unconscious to the ground. His own breathing which originally always had flames coming from his own lips was now simply giving out little puffs of smoke at this point. It was barely noticeable, but Yukio's own breathing was beginning to become much heavier then it had ever been before. The sounds of speaking around him were still very clear, so hearing the female guard take out another weapon and sheathing her sword was easily heard. The sound of the plasma gun just nearly hitting Yukio had barely affected him in anyway, but rather he had stood completely still as though he hadn't noticed the gunshot. "They will kill us all..." were the only words that had escaped his own lips as he remained silent right after. Yukio had expected nothing less from the scientists, they were testing on all the mutants expect for the ones who had become guards. However, to Yukio; he had a strange feeling that those guards weren't as safe as they had thought they were. They were all still mutants anyway, so why wouldn't they get tested sooner or later too?

Feeling his own body get lifted into the air just slightly, Yukio had noticed how it had seemed to be the male guard who had picked him up. Staring back into the eyes of this strange male guard with Yukio's own eyes showing almost as though he were lifeless on the inside. His eyes showing nothing but complete blankness. Listening to the voice of the male guard speaking with him, he had heard how everyone seemed to had been going through a hard time. A few words were mumbled through his own lips before the heat began to take over Yukio's own body slowly. Soon enough, each part of his own skin had began to turn a dark shade of red and orange mixing with one another. His entire body increasing it's heat to the point as though if someone had touched him, it would feel like molten lava. "You know...what I'm going through...?....You don't understand, anything..I'm going through...none of you do." His voice sounding slightly devilish for a moment, but within the next second had passed by his own body had quickly cooled itself down before turning completely bleach white. Both of his own eyes widened in shock as they had both turned white, his once bluish colored eyes and pupil had disappeared to show only the white parts of his eyes. Yukio had finally lost his strength and passed out.

Cupcake Queen
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Old 09-21-2012, 10:35 AM

She turned to face the wind elemental. "As for you, i see you have destroyed your cage as well. I will find you a new room as well, and it will be more comfortable if you cooperate and don't try to escape" natalia said. She didn't want to harm the other mutants but she knew the scientist would kill her if she helped them escape.

Last edited by Cupcake Queen; 09-21-2012 at 11:19 AM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 09-22-2012, 12:03 AM

After Finally catching up to her, 'accidently' knocking out the little Mosquito drone, Messor held out his hand, and a giant boulder formed by it. "Catch!" He said, throwing it at her. As he planned the boulder made a hole in the wall, and said "Crap! I gave you a route of escape!" which was prison guard code for "Get the fuck out now!"

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Old 09-22-2012, 02:25 AM

The wind element’s eyes remained emotionless as she watched. Her head shook slightly at what the male guard was saying. At least the fire element could see the bluff. Even if the guards could ‘improve’ your living arrangement it didn’t mean a damn thing because in the end the scientist would eventually kill those that won’t bend to their will. “I’m sorry my dear, but I must agree with what the fire element was saying. You know nothing of what we have been through and eventually the humans that keep us here will kill us. Plus I don’t really feel like cooperating, there is no fun in that.”

The woman’s azure eyes brightened slightly when she felt the shift in the air within the compound. She didn’t know who, but someone had made an escape route to the outside. There was no reason for her to fight now in her weakened state, she could just simply run and hope that she was faster than these two guards. “Seeing as how the fire element seems to have passed out I guess I should be going.” At this point knew she had little chance of escape if she tried to rescue the male fire element so it was best to go on her own. She would be back for the interesting fellow and others if she did manage to escape. She whistled slightly causing air to rush into the hallway, kicking up the few flames that remained. Quickly she darted down the hallway, heading to where she felt the change in air accrue.

Cupcake Queen
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Old 09-22-2012, 02:57 AM

Natalia sighed and gave chase. She used her balance to keep up with the wind elemental. She was not eltting her escape. She shot one of her stun lazers at her trying to hit her.

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Old 09-22-2012, 03:25 AM

Haizea barely dodge the blast by darting down another hall. Hopefully it would be the one to lead her to freedom. She felt herself losing balance so she landed, taking off again on foot. Things didn’t seem to be boding well for the wind elemental at this point. Due to the earlier burst of energy and using energy she could have saved was starting to take its toll. She ran as fast as her feet could carry her, her breathing becoming more and more labored. Which way is it? She couldn’t get lost now, not when she was so close.

Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and ...
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Old 09-22-2012, 03:30 AM

Natalia was getting exhausted as well form running. she fired several shots at the wind elemental. She then decided to put her cat skills to use. She jumped up and landed on the girl, hopeing to knock her down with the added weight.

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Old 09-22-2012, 03:43 AM

One of the blasts grazed Haizea’s arm, but she ignored the pain. Her lungs were starting to burn from the running. It wasn’t until the other girl had pounced on her that she finally stumbled, falling hard to the floor. “Get off me,” she managed to choke out as she coughed. She was in pain and too tired to struggle much against the guard.

Cupcake Queen
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Old 09-22-2012, 03:54 AM

She stood up and grabbed the girl. "You are causeing too much trouble than you are worth." she said. She found an empty cell and put her in. It was thick metal that wouldn't give under much. She turned on the security and closed the door.

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Old 09-22-2012, 04:09 AM

Her azure eyes were as emotionless as they had been before. “I knew you were no different than those damn scientists.” A small smirk was on her lips as she spoke. Once the girl had the door closed she allowed herself to falls backwards. With what little strength she had she created a cushion of air under herself that lowered herself to the floor. At least she could breathe normally in this cell. Her body felt heavy, her eyes closed slowly. “I guess I used too much energy," she whispered to herself before finally passing out.


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