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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-06-2013, 01:58 AM

Addison had woken up early in the morning, just after dawn, to finish the preparations he had planned. He went about his typical rounds in the garden first, but spent an extra hour or so outside so as to make sure that everything was just as beautiful as he had left it. Then, he did a double-check and made some additions to his already splendid setup. He livened up the porch with candles and pillows similar to those on the pergola, and draped more flowers around the fountain to attempt making the scenery as magical as possible. He did avoid one area. I refuse to return to that pergola... He was... crying... His facial expression would darken all at once when he glanced at the structure, so he neglected it. It was nothing short of the day before, anyhow.

Upon returning inside, he did happen to come across the two plates set up at the dining table, but was not as keen to pick up on why. Instead, he assumed that perhaps today Zuri would eat with someone else. Practicing human interaction at breakfast, maybe? The thought dashed away at his gut, but his face held a grin nevertheless. No matter how much he tried to dismiss the idea that Zuri may actually have some interest in him as a person, Addison kept remembering how he had been so well taken care of yesterday. His hand was still causing him pain, but the bandages held up well through the night and well into that morning. He would study them from time to time, just letting his mind wander before reeling it back in.

It was as he had just finished readjusting the bouquets that the first guest arrived. Curious, but now feeling that eery knot in his gut return, Addison hesitantly made himself take a peek at the woman. Just one peek, he promised himself. Peering stealthily from a drawing room that lay off to the side of the entrance, his breath caught a little at the sight. Not that he was attracted to her, no-- but that she was indeed beautiful. The sickening feeling in his gut intensified, and he had to force himself to peel his gaze from her and retreat back into the side hall. Closing his eyes and resting his head against a wall, he murmured a soft curse and let his injured hand curl into a fist. He regretted this action immediately. Cringing, he would let the fist go slack before flexing it a couple of times to ensure that he had not opened the wound again. Relieved that he hadn't, he recollected himself and ventured back to his duties with a small smile.

Not forgetting his suggestion to Zuri the other day, just before leaving the garden, Addison had picked a group of lovely red roses for each woman visiting today (having had to nag Sebastian for that exact number). They were not so grand as those that he had placed in the Master's study, but were still a second group of the best blooms. Addison had tied them together gently in a delicate, silk, black ribbon and left them in a small vase near the entrance. He instructed a maid to alert him when Zuri awoke so that he could hand them off to him personally, but unfortunately, she hardly came in time.

When Zuri stood up from his meal, Addison hardly just came running into the room. Panting and having to bend over for a moment from the rush he had driven himself on, he held in hand the roses he had set up, still fresh and dewy. Straightening himself up after a moment, embarrassed, he would shyly clear his voice and offer them to Zuri. "Good morning! These are for the ladies, sir, if you still thought it to be a good idea," he explained, his eyes studying how the Master had arranged his hair today. It was actually quite a nice change from the usual, but Addison was more fixed upon his eyes, and even hands. They do not appear as they did in the glimpses I had yesterday, but... but I still see that fleeing beauty when I look at him. Realizing he had been staring a bit, he quickly averted his gaze, a blush rising to his cheeks.

"I wish you luck today, with your guests." He then added softly, smiling though his eyes betrayed it. He would have begged him to dismiss the women if not for the sake of formality. And, of course... to see him happy and beautiful for all to see once more.

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-06-2013, 03:10 AM

Zuri nearly left the dining hall until he stopped in his tracks when a panting Addison came up to him, roses in hand. The master stood there for a while until the other man ceased to speak. He curled the corners of his lips and delicately took the roses. "Thank you, Addison." He said rather warmly. He wanted to look more into the gardener's eyes, yet the other man averted them, a slight tinge to his cheeks. Is he...still upset over yesterday? Zuri also looked away until they both managed to look at each other at the same time. "I...have a good day today...don't hurt yourself again." The master bowed his head farewell, turned his back slowly on the other man, and briskly walked out of the dining hall and into the great hall.

The guests were all beautiful, in their own way. Many Zuri had recognized but others were mere exotic beauties. Like the flowers in the garden, the guests came in an array of colors and styles. Many were dressed extravagantly and opulent, which colored the hall elaborately. Zuri took a deep breath and began handing each woman a rose, who thanked him in return. The last one he gave to a simpler-looking woman. She took the rose graciously and curtsied. "Thank you, Master Zuri. It is a pleasure to be here." She chirped in a musical tone. quite different. Even in her appearance.

As the day went on, Zuri had spoken with all of the women in the hall. When he was in their presence, they would speak kind words to him, but when he left merely two feet he could hear them giggling to themselves about how ridiculous this gathering was. The master clenched his fists, yet continued to converse with all of the guests with a fake smile. The woman whom he gave her rose last sat on one of the couches, her hands folded and her gaze out the window. He figured it was time to talk to her now. He made his way to her and sat down in the couch she sat at.

"You're garden is beautiful." She said as he sat, "Like your eyes."

He was taken aback at that comment. They are cold as ice, what is beautiful about that? "I don't understand how you see that."

"Even the solemnest creatures have beauty in them." She turned to look at him with big brown eyes, "You have a beauty of your own, I can see."

Zuri furrowed his brows as she studied the woman. Her dark brown eyes matched her long brown hair, braided at her side and ended at her shoulder. Her dress was simple; a strapless, green dress that went to her knees and accentuated her hourglass figure. She really was simple, but even so she was beautiful. "What is...your name?"

"Allaria." She smiled and bowed her head. They began talking about many things, their lives, their interests, almost everything. In some parts of the conversation, Zuri's real smile glistened and he made the woman laugh. Some guests began leaving, needing to take their coach before it left. Pretty soon it was just Zuri and Allaria. The master hadnt noticed too much, but the girl was moving closer to him. "Have you ever fallen in love, Master?"

The question made Zuri feel odd. What does that feel like? He thought back at yesterday, how he felt in the pergola. It really was an odd feeling, but Zuri couldn't define it as love, or affection. Then...what was it? I don't know. "No...uh...I do not know the feeling."

"It's a strange feeling, I must say. It feels like the world is stopping. Like you and the other are the only people-"

"In the entire universe." Zuri finished her sentence. Exactly how it was yesterday. That can't...Allaria is just like Addison. Kind, simple, beautiful. A woman version, almost. And yet...

"Oh do you feel it too, Master?" Her eyes almost seemed to glisten with brimming exuberance. The master smiled back warmly. No...I can't love him. He is a man. But he... He felt someone touch his hand. It was Allaria's. He flinched, drew back his hand and stood up.

"Uh, I think we are out of time today. I...I will be in touch with you..." He said looking away from her.

"Of course, master. Farewell." She curtsied, flashed him a smile and retreated to the outside. Zuri sat back down on the couch. What have I done?! I've driven off the only partner I could ever hope of having! I'm going to be stuck like this...forever... A tear rolled down his cheek and his hands began clawing at the fabric of the couch. He began panting, trying to calm his rage.

The butler was about to come in to get any news about the women, but seeing his master's state he dared not approach him. Even after a sociable night he still found ways to get angered, it seems. In a heap of desperation, he began seeking out the only person who had even made the master merely curl his lips at the sight of him, hoping that he would calm him down.

"Addy? Addison! Where are you?" The butler called out into the hallway, in a desperate search for the gardener before it was too late.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-06-2013, 04:19 AM

Addison, still breathless, felt even more breathless in fort of the Master. Especially knowing that he was soon to start courting a young, beautiful woman of his choice. Why are you feeling so cross? And what is this knotted feeling, for heaven's sake? Eyebrows furrowing slightly, he would continue to smile warmly, but now showing a clear mixture of emotion as Zuri said his farewell. "You're welcome sir," he replied quietly before watching him walk away. Suddenly saddened once more, Addison could not even force a smile as he looked once at Sebastian then walked out of the room quickly. He could not bare to be seen like this.

While he heard Zuri begin to greet the ladies, Addison let out a heavy sigh and strolled at a fast pace down the main hall of the manor towards the kitchen. He had yet to visit his friend due to that mishap earlier, and this time he would not be stopped. Shy as he was to admit it, he was in desperate need of gentle words. Walking in briskly, he was pleased to see that few staff members were currently in the expansive room. The few that were there were busied with pre-preparing the Master's meals, all except for one. There was a petite woman in her thirties leaning over the sink, washing dishes skillfully by hand.

"Flora?" he spoke up pathetically, his shoulders now hunched and facial expression so distraught that when she greeted him, she did so with a hug.

"Oh hello Addy, it's been a few days... The garden is looking so lovely, and, darling what's the matter?" she spoke warmly, knowingly cautious of his present attitude.

"I-I have done something," he admitted dumbly, words not coming well to him.

Taking his hand, the woman lead him further into the kitchen, seating him on a stool nearby the sink so that she may continue while he spilled everything. Well, nearly everything. I cannot let her know that I have... That the man I speak of is the Master. I must be vague. It is my duty. He repeated this mentally as he cautiously spun the short tale of the past day's happenings. She was his most trusted friend, and seemed understanding, listening to the end. She even smiled at him and hugged him once more as he finished by telling of the beauty of the first guest he caught a glance at and how he had trouble speaking to Master Zuri earlier.

Then, his dear Flora did something that shocked him. She began to laugh. "Dear Addison, you have feelings for the man. Don't let anything stop you!" she declared boldly, patting him firmly on the back. Her hand was so firm, and he so surprised, that he nearly fell off of the stool.

Bewildered, Addison hesitated with how to react to this. "I do, I... do," he admitted, thinking back to the previous day. To Master Zuri and the moments without rules between them. That memory stirred a smile back onto his face, and lead him to nod determinedly. "I should be happy about this, no?" Striding off with a bit more pizazz, he went to go check on his bouquets. He even dared to quietly enter the room in which several ladies were waiting; dared to sneak a glance at Zuri; dared to keep quiet as he heard the woman beside him speak of feelings so tenderly. Shatter.

Not able to bear it, Addison walked out briskly, nearly walking right into Sebastian whom waited out in the hall. Hot tears welled in his eyes as he walked out into the garden, teeth and fists clenched. He did not stop, nor look up at anyone or anything until he reached the very back of the garden. The high trees were so dense that he would be hidden there, and not only that, but he knew no one could hear him any longer. Drawing in a shaky breath, he clutched a nearby tree and let his sobs come rolling out.

Addison's eyes were red and dry by the time he heard the softest of calls of his name. Head perking up, he suddenly seemed to remember his place, and what was going on, and... is that Sebastian? Why would he call for...? He paused mid-thought, horror on his face. Something happened to the Master! Never had Addison moved with such stealth and speed. He leapt past trees and bushes, not even taking the time to get on the proper path since that would have taken too long. He ran inside, dodging maids and butlers alike - even Sebastian- as he came panting into the room where Zuri was clawing the couch. Sliding to a stop, and seeing that he seemed at least alive and well health-wise, the fright left his face leaving a worry.

"Master, what is the matter?" he asked calmly, a warm grin gliding onto his lips as he slowly approached, placing one of his hands gently upon the other's shoulder once more.

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-06-2013, 11:43 AM

zZuri had nearly ripped fabric from the couch when the gardener came into the room and sat on the same couch as him. He looked up with eyes that had lost their last shred of hope. He averted them quickly and cursed himself. "No need to help me, Ill be fine." He ground his teeth in his mouth as another tear escape his eye. He looked outside to see that the Allaria was leaving on her coach. Why did I flinch at her touch. He glanced at Addison again. They alike. So why didnt it feel the same?

Zuri looked down at his lips, thinking of what to say, but his words catching in his mouth like marbles rolling around on his tongue. "Addison, I...Im sorry...that I...left you there...yesterday." His fingers untensed their gripped and he put then flat on the cushions, marks being noticeable at the area he gripped. "I shouldnt have quickly left like that, without an explanation." He glanced at the man again. So gentle...Could I really...?

"You are a person like me. A monster. I was were faking it." Zuri confessed softly, still refusing to look at Addison in case he choked on the words he was trying to say. He looked out to the window again. He sighed deeply, thinking aloud like he did last morning to the gardener.

"And she...she didnt laugh behind my back. She was so you..." The words came easier now. He had slowly begun accepting his fate. His chance of being changed back had left on the coach far away from the mansion, and yet he dared stop the woman. "She touched me, and it didnt feel like your touch. It felt wrong. But..." Does love only exist between a man and woman? Or could it also be... He finally slowly turned his gaze to look at the man seated next to him. He then looked down at their hands, just inches away from brushing against each other. Zuri wanted to try something.

The master ever so slightly brushed his fingers against the others. Just that slight brush made his insides take a complete turn. He felt the maggots in his stomach turn to fluttering butterflies. He felt the blood rushing to his face as he felt his face flush a color as deep a color as the roses in his study. I...I think I...

He felt his head become light and suddenly it felt like an excrutiating thing to sit up. He became almost limp and slumped in the couch. The hand furthest away from Addison rose up to his forehead. I couldnt...but I could...I think I.... He slumped for a while, half-pleading in his head to the other man to stay, to speak to him, to be there, to reciprocate the master's thoughts and feelings, if not just slightly.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-06-2013, 05:07 PM

Spotting the tear escaping the other man's eyes, Addison's eyes showed a sadness to match. Why, he was unsure of. Yet the sight pained him. Almost instinctively, one of his hands riased to Zuri's face, gently wiping the tear away with his thumb. Master, what happened to you? He tried his best to the read the look on the Master's face, but all that he gathered was hopelessness. Sincere hopelessness. I saw the way that woman and he were getting along, though. Did not all go as planned? Pouting slightly, Addison did not ask, but waited for the answers he wished to hear.

Addison's eyes grew wide with surprise as he instead heard an apology. Turning to study his Master carefully as he spoke, he wondered why. Why now, did he find it a suitable time to apologize? Nevertheless, he eagerly took it. A small, warm smile came to rest on Addison's face as he nodded once, curtly. "There is no need for apology, sir, I was..." his voice trailed off a bit, as he thought back to it, "I was acting in a manner I should not have, as your gardener." Speaking those words cut away at Addison, but he knew them to be true. He was forgetting his place. Yet, that happens so easily around him...

His eyebrows slightly furrowed together once more as Master Zuri continued, worry again lighting his features. If he truly considers himself a monet... he does, but... if he continues that, he will never be capable of... Addison's gaze dipped for a moment, thoughtful as he let his Master finish. "I cannot fake my emotions towards people," he then admitted, softly, rubbing the back of his head slowly, "That is why I can not... control my sense of formality around you." Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, when he reopened then, Addison dared to look back up at Zuri. He was embarrassed, but sincere, as he tried continuing, "I... I-"

The warm, tingling feeling of his hand being brushed by another made his heart flutter. Looking down at the two, he saw the Master's fingers brushing against his own. Confused and unsure of himself, Addison would glance up at Zuri before back down at their hands. Do it. He pleaded with himself, torn, but finally gave in to the feeling and moved to his hand fully hold the other's. He entwined his own fingers through Zuri's, remaining gentle but firm. Then looking back up at him with a warm smile, his gaze lingered on his Master's face as if to ask if that were alright.

THe redness of ther other's face was undeniable by this time. Addison peers at it curiously, a slight tint rising to his own as he wondered over its cause. Nevertheless, it's... it's... cute. Seeing a hand rise to feel his forehead, however, Addison let a tinge of worry re-enter his face. "Are you feeling sick? Faint?" he asked worriedly, confused at the mixture of limpness and redness. Have I caused him distress again? Because, I do... I...

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-06-2013, 11:21 PM

zZuri felt Addison grab his hand when he brushed against it. All the words he had told the master...he wasnt lying. He could tell, just by seeing the man's eyes. He looked up at him with tinging cheeks and slowly removed his hand from his forehead. He sat up again and this time took a gentle hold of the gardener's hand.

He looked into the gardener's eyes. His eyes like skies. Zuri didnt even care how red his face was at that point in time; he knew what he had to do. He took his other hand and slid it up to touch the other's chin. His skin was soft against the master's bony, rough hand. He began tugging at the chin, like he had at the pergola. This time, he did not flee. He sat in his place, looking into the other man's eyes. Without thinking, Zuri pulled Addison's chin closer to his almost forcefully and pressed his lips against the other's.

Blood began rushing to Zuri's face again and all around his body. A soft glow came from him, starting from his hands and working his way all over his skin. His hands became softer, tanner in complexion. Lean muscle began to grow back on his thin, skeletal body. His hair shortened and became a lighter brown. The master didnt notice any of this, but even so continued to kiss Addison. For, if he let go, hed be tempted to flee again from sheer embarassement. For a moment, he pressed his lips hard against the other, so that the other make couldnt pull away.

Ever so slowly, Zuri's muscles began to relax. He cupped Addison's cheek and inhaled the gardener's scent of freshly cut grass and flowers. The kiss only lasted for a minute, but it felt nearly an eternity. Softly he pulled away to get a gulp of air, looking at the gardener with relaxed green eyes. When he looked away from the other man's eyes did he notice his changed features. He took his hand off of Addison's cheek and examined it closer. It was his complexion, his skin from before his change. His hand shakilly went up to his face to touch the soft lips and cheeks he had, then slowly up to his hair, soft and short. He quickly stood up and rushed to the window. It was close to twilight so his reflection came out transluscently. It stared back at him, gaping because it wasnt the same reflection from this morning. Dark green eyes scanned the rest of his body, his lean, healthy body. And his skin, oh his skin! It wasnt ghostly white anymore, but turned back to his normal, olive-colored skin. He began pinching himself, making sure nothing was a dream or a figment of his imagination. His eyes went wide and he looked back at the gardener. Hastilly, he went to him and sat down next to him.

" broke the spell." His voice nearly caught in his throat trying to make himself calm enough to talk to him. When you have room in your heart to love others and they love you back, the spell will be broken. That means... "Addison, I...I..." He took his hand and placed it on the other man's shoulders, looking at him with deep green eyes. "I love you."

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 02:43 AM

Addison's gaze was helplessly locked onto Zuri's icy set of eyes, though he couldn't help but notice the glimpse of green he was granted as the two drew closer. Closer. The feel of the other's hand on his chin was a welcome surprise, coaxing a grin onto the gardener's face. Yet, he felt the ache of anxiety accompanying the fluttering butterflies in his gut. Will he... flee once more? Addison couldn't help but desperately hope that he would not, but he was still unsure. It pained him to be so close, yet feel as if the moment may be swept aside once more.

The insecurity Addison experienced lead him into shock as Zuri pressed his lips to his. The feeling was simply... right. Complying to the emotion he felt, Addison allowed his eyes to close and his body to lean slightly more so in Zuri's direction. His free hand moved to caress the back of the other's neck gently, yet firmly, as if he were still afraid to lose the moment. This is... real...? The kiss was warm, sweet, and felt almost magical on his lips. Addison felt lost in it; completely melted down by the surreal experience he could have never dared to actually wish for. For once, he even forgot about the social distance between them. The bit of force he felt on Zuri's behalf was surprising to him, but it provided much-needed assistance in wiping his insecurities clean. This was what Zuri wanted. What I wanted. It is not one-sided in the least.

Once the two parted and Addison opened his eyes, his teal gaze was shocked to affirm the same truth visibly. "You've..." he stammered slightly in his surprise, his eyes drawn wide as his mouth remained parted slightly. He could not utter a word that seemed proper for the occasion at first, but instead, as he saw Zuri move to the window to inspect his appearance, Addison let a warm smile wash over his features. He got his wish. Finally. Studying the change in the other, he would nod slowly in remembrance of what once was. This was most certainly his original form, and not only that... This means- Addison felt his heart leap in his chest, his blue eyes and wide smile shining the brightest they had up until now. All the same, a shy blush rose to his cheeks.

As he was once again approached, Addison happily kept his gaze with the Zuri's, wondering what came next. When his words began, the knot that had been gathering in Addison's stomach took its final clench upon his body, but when they ended... it released entirely. A wave of relief washed over him as Addison looked calmly into the charming green eyes of the man before him. "I love you, too," he stated firmly in response, no longer afraid of hiding what had been culminating within him. He even leaned forward to embrace him, wrapping his arms fully around the other in a warm hug. "I am so glad to finally see this day..." he admitted in a softer tone, then hesitantly, trying, "Zuri."

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 08:19 AM

Zuri was taken aback when the other hugged him; then again, the whole situation made him bewildered and surprised. He...loves me...he loves me! tears of joy stained his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Addison and hugged him tight. He lifted his eyes when Addison spoke again. He...has felt this? For a long time? "How long have you felt like this?" He asked as he pulled away softly to look at the other man's eyes, still holding him close. He began kissing him softly all over his face: on his cheeks, above his eyes, above his eyebrows, below his jaw, behind his ears Zuri pressed his lips on every little corner of the man's face. He had kissed him once, yet that wasn't enough. Every time Zuri kissed him, he felt another flutter in his stomach. He felt so light and so happy, something he hadnt felt overflowing in such a long time. After he was done, he slowly pulled Addison so that he lay in his arms and kissed the top of his head.

How have I not noticed this before? Zuri kept wondering as he started to caress Addison's cheek. Of course there was the fact that he was another man, which was a big factor. He never knew that he would ever feel an attraction toward the same gender, considering his family was old-fashioned and strict on that part. There was also the social difference. Never would I have thought to fall in love with one of my own servants. Softly, Zuri began playing with Addison's hair, Love is truly blind, I suppose.

It wasn't as if he had chosen a mediocre partner; that most certainly wasn't the case. Every inch of Addison was unique and wonderful to Zuri. Kind, beautiful, simple, all the other servants in the house seemed to love his personality too. The others! He had completely forgotten where he was and what has had happened in the short length of time, even if his changed features were plain in sight. What will they think? Surely they can't be afraid of me now that I've changed back. Even so... He looked down at Addison, peaceful and happy and flushing as much as he was. I will have to treat the others kindly too, or they will think Addison gets special treat me because I love him. Love...

The word still hadnt settled on his tongue quite right yet. The only time he had ever an idea of love was when he was a little boy. Still being isolated, he would often look out of his windows and watch the others play mournfully, wishing to join them. A little girl his age would come out from the group of playing children, walk up to the window Zuri sat behind, tap the glass and sit near him. They would spend hours just sitting, showing each other different things from both sides of the glass, laughing and making art out of the fog. When it was time to go, they would touch the glass sadly and walk away. After several days of that daily routine, Zuri came up to his mother with a smile from ear to ear "There's a girl out there, and I love her!" But his mother laughed to herself and messed his hair up, "Oh sweetie but she is a peasant girl! There cannot be love between a rich boy and a poor girl." After that, Zuri had a skewed impression of people below him as he grew up, never stopping to think that he could love someone of a different status.

But this was different. It felt right. Even with a suitable woman of equal class, it felt wrong. Zuri pulled Addison off softly and planted a kiss on his lips again. As soon as he had done that, the butler came in. "Master? I was wondering if you were alright-" Zuri quickly pulled away and looked at the man with his jaw to the floor. He ran up to him and began touching his face, making sure that he wasn't a mirage. "Oh Master, have you truly come back?! The spell is broken? But...who is responsible? We must plan a wedding right away!" Zuri averted his eyes to look at Addison again, sitting on the couch waiting for Zuri to come back. Sebastian raised his eyebrows. "I...Ah, I see." He straightened himself up and pushed his glasses up, "Well, I don't think we can tell the others just yet. But I'm sure your change will cause a stir. I will leave it up to the Master to decide what to do." He smiled up at his master, something he hadnt seen in a very long time. He bowed his head and began walking back to the exit doorway. "I will instruct the others not to enter until Master leaves the room." He smiled as he departed from the room. Interesting how others will treat you after a change in appearance.

Zuri sat back down on the couch and held Addison's hand. "Addison. Addy." He rubbed the other's alm with his thumb, "We're going to have to tell the others eventually. Do you think everyone here will be alright with us...being together?"

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 02:41 PM

Feeling a few droplets of liquid on his shoulder, Addison would loosen the embrace to catch a glimpse of Zuri's face. Tears? Worry crossed his features for only a moment before he realized that these were not the sorrowful tears of a sad man. No, these were tears of joy. A smile quickly reclaimed his face, relieved to see that this time, the other seemed to feel no pain. Instead, he posed a question. A difficult one that drew Addison to think deeply for a number of moments. Racking his brain, he delved into his memories with the intent of finding that very answer for himself.

"I suppose..." he began, still thoughtful, then paused. How long has this feeling claimed me? Serious thought etched deeply into his facial expression, he let his mind drift back. He had been working for the same household since he came of working age, yet he did not pay particular attention to the Master until he began spending more time inside. With Flora, he remembered, his younger thoughts fuzzy yet clearing as he thought. Even then, he typically observed the allusive man from afar, only truly speaking with him on a few occassions. Then a fondness grew. He began to labor with more determination, spend more and more time indoors after his duties were through, and trying to get to know the man he worked for better. Once the curse was placed, he believed he knew his Master rather well, even if that idea was not reciprocated. The feelings had formed on their own sometime between his discovery of Zuri's nature and the spell's origin.

But when? Sighing softly, he finally admitted a bout of defeat, "I am unsure. I only recently discovered what exactly the feeling was, but I haven't quite an idea of when this began. I... I have harbored some feelings for the past few months, however." He spoke openly, but not without some spell of shyness. It was embarrassing to admit, but for now, he was simply overjoyed to know that Zuri cared at all. He loves me.

After being so caught up in his own thoughts, Addison was surprised to find a pair of soft lips brushing his face. They trailed over his skin for what seemed like a much longer time than it actually took for Zuri's kisses to cover his face. Relaxing under the show of tenderness, even chuckling a little at the idea of his Master showering him with kisses, Addison would comply by remaining still and smiling through it. When Zuri was through, and gently pulled him to lay hid head upon the other, Addison in his relaxed state followed the coaxing. Leaning his head lightly on Zuri, he let his eyes close to take a moment's rest, relaxing even more so at the feel of the kiss he received on his head. This is... bliss. Grinning to himself, Addison savored every second of it. Each kiss he had received worked to lift his being higher into the clouds; so for the time being, there was no coming down.

Feeling Zuri's wish to adjust once more, Addison would sit up just in time to hear the nearing of foosteps and see the butler enter. Curious, he watched their interaction, his cheeks flushing as he seemed to have figured out what had happened. Nevertheless, seeing another so joyous over Zuri's transformation back to his normal self was heartwarming. Watching fondly, Addison smiled and rested where he sat patiently. As questions were asked about it, however, Addison felt a small bout of shyness and needed to avert his gaze from them. This may be tricky. He realized, calculating the troubles they may soon face. Though, I will have him... it will be worth the drama.

Looking back up at Zuri, he smiled once more as the other sat down beside him. Addy? The use of his nickname brought a bit of humor into his eyes and brightened his smile. How... different to hear that from you. Watching their hands as his was rubbed so gently, Addison let his gaze lock onto them as he thought over his Master's question. Sighing softly and rubbing the back of his neck thoughtfully with his free hand, Addison would let his smile fade. "It will be troublesome." He admitted, "There will be some that support it- especially upon seeing you back to normal- however, others... will find the idea of us less appealing..." It wasn't by any means a traditional sense of relationship, regardless of how right it felt. There would always be people to oppose that, sadly.

Last edited by Arc Angel; 08-07-2013 at 09:33 PM..

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 08:33 PM

zZuri looked deep into Addison's eyes and nodded. They would eventually have to tell the staff; his change would cause quite a stir. He took Addison's other hand with his free hand and kissed them affectionately. He didnt know why he was being so affectionate; probably because he has never had someone to be able to call his, or have someone to reciprocate his feelings with. He wanted to treat Addison as if today were their last day together, everyday; just in case he were to leave Zuri for being...well, himself. His eyes fell to the window outside, noticing that it had become darker now. "Are you hungry? Its about time to have dinner I suppose." He stood up from his seat and tugged at Addison's hand so that he would follow him. He lead the other to the door leading to the dining hall. He stood before the door and took a deep breath before pushing the door in and leading Addison into the other hall.

Immediately, a few servants preparing dinner looked up and gasped. They looked at the master, at Addison, at their hand-holding, and then back at the master. They understood instantly and nodded with smiles on their faces. They quickly finished their task and set the table for two. Zuri went up to the chairs with dishes infront of them, pulled a seat out for Addison and sat down next to him.

Dinner was a stuffed turkey with fried potatoes and honey-glazed carrots. Zuri immediately dug into his food, trying to be polite as possible, yet trying to get as much food he could get into his stomach as quickly as he could. After the events of a few moments ago, his energy seemed depleted after his high. He noticed the servants peering into the hallway, chatting amongst each other and smiling at them. He guessed on what they were talking about and immediately began blushing. He tried to down the tinge of his cheeks by sipping water but even then it was still noticeable. After a few sips, he realized another slightly important matter.

"I...I doubt your bed is any comfy." He made an excuse, "Do you want to...sleep in my bed with me tonight?" Of course he didnt expect anything to happen in between the sheets then considering it was their first night being together, but nevertheless it didnt feel right kissing Addisom goodnight and then going their separate ways for the night. If anything, the servants who knew about their relationship would think it odd too. All in all, he secretely hoped that Addison would come sleep with him tonight and the nifhts to follow.

When they were both done, Zuri waved his hand at the servants so that they could take their things away. He stretched his back out and let out a soft sigh as he let his eyes fall back on Addison. My Addison.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 10:14 PM

Addison experienced some tensity in his form as he thought over their opposition, however; he couldn't help but fall back into a more relaxed state of mind as he again felt the tender touch of Zuri's lips. Watching as his hands were kissed, Addison would smile sweetly towards Zuri once more. Tensity dissipating, he found himself simply focusing on the other right now. It is so easy to forget of other things, with him here, with us like this... The subject of dinner, for example, was one that he had altogether forgotten of. When was the last time he had even eaten that day?

Unknowing of the answer to his own question, Addison would nod in agreement. "Yes, it is about that time." Feeling the small tug lead a playful smile to his lips. Without another word, he stood and willingly followed alongside Zuri. Upon arriving in the hall, he noted the weighted gazes of surprise cast in their direction. Rubbing the back of his neck shyly, he let his gaze dip instead to the flooring as a pink tint rose in his face. They all understand what's happened. Addison was unsure of what dinner would be like, as there were still many questions that he had about this new relationship, and he knew that there were many details that would need to be worked over. The difference in classes, my being his servant... is this... How will this mutual affection change things? As the table was set for another, Addison felt the attention of those present change course, and once more felt better about lifting his gaze. Glancing over at Zuri, he smiled readjusted his hand so that their fingers were gently laced together. It will be an adventure, surely.

"Thank you," he spoke warmly to Zuri as his seat was pulled out for him, sitting down and getting situated with the sensation of eating at his table again. The transition between eating outside, in the corner of the kitchen, or even in his small space in the serving quarters, and eating in the actual hall was astonishing. Addison was having a bit of whiplash, having to keep himself calm yet remember that he was now of a different standing with Zuri. Be yourself. There is nothing wrong with eating with your love. Loosening up a bit, he would return to his happy daze of an attitude throughout the serving of dinner-- which, in itself, was another dramatic change in what he was used to.

He almost forgot to being eating as he instead found himself studying Zuri for a few moments, and the velocity with which he ate. He was well-mannered and eating with all of the proper behavior of a lord of his own estate, but it was obvious to Addison that he was hungry. This was a huge relief to him. Keeping his manners as well, yet feeling more casual about it, Addison began to eat at a relatively quick pace as well. This food, even it is different! After his first bite, he slowed his chewing just to savor it, amazed by what Flora could whip up in that kitchen of hers. "Wow," he whispered softly between bites, then realizing he had spoken, shyly took a sip of water before returning to his plate of food. It seemed that his eyes would keep traveling in Zuri's direction, as if afraid he would leave his company. Addison was relishing his time spent by Zuri's side, now that he had the opportunity to spend it there.

As his Master spoke up again, Addison would turn to him with curiosity dancing in his eyes. Taking a sip of water at the time, he had a rather hard time swallowing due to is surprise. However, managing to do so, he would stare at Zuri for a quiet moment, his lips parted slightly. Eating with him is one thing, but... Feeling his heartbeat pick up, Addison realized he had forgotten his manners and cleared his throat a little. Chuckling at himself and his shy reaction, Addison would smile in acceptance of the offer. "I would love to... join you in sleeping tonight." He spoke firmly, though a light blush clouded his cheeks. We are in love. It is natural to sleep side by side.

When they were finished, Addison let his gaze wander over to the bouquet that sat on the table, still appearing as fresh as it had been when he placed it there the day before. Smiling gratefully, he would then let his gaze move on over back to Zuri. Their gazes caught. Addison felt as if in a trance once more, sitting there with him, looking into his eyes. The green in the other's was astounding-- truly beautiful. Yet, the man sitting there held more beauty in his actual person than in his looks. At least, that is how Addison let himself think of Zuri. Instinctively, one of his hands reached to gently hold the other's forearm. Then, leaning his face in, he planted a gentle kiss on Zuri's cheek. "Thank you," Addison stated with great appreciation, the weight of his sweet words suggesting that his thanks extended beyond dinner. "I am extremely thankful for how... things have turned out."

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 10:57 PM

Zuri opened his eyes a little wider as he felt Addison touch his forearm and put his lips to Zuri's cheek. He looked up at him when he spoke, a smile forming on his lips. "I'm grateful too." He replied, "If only I knew it was you who would be the one to take my heart, I wouldn't have spent spent so much time and stress over trying to find someone else that wasn't fit for me." He thought to himself for a little. If I hadnt been preparing for today, I probably wouldn't have met Addison fully. So maybe it was good that I was trying to find someone else, only to find that my partner is Addison. He leaned in close to place soft, short kisses on the other's lips. He straightened back up when he had a little idea, in hopes to further repay Addison after leaving him briskly yesterday.

"Come." Zuri said softly, tugging at his wrist again and leading him out of the dining hall, out of the mansion and into the garden. From memory, Zuri went down the path that lead to the pergola. The darkness of the sky created darker hues on the surrounding flowers and the little lights placed here and there had just turned on, illuminating the path. In no time, he found the pergola and lead Addison into it. He softly urged the other to kneel infront of him, much like yesterday. "This is to so we can go where we left off yesterday." Zuri smiled, placing his hand on Addison's cheek. He leaned in slowly and placed a passionate kiss on Addison's lips. He slowly put his other hand on the back of the other's neck and began kissing him deeper.

Heat began rushing up and down his body and suddenly he wanted to deepen the kiss even more. Zuri slightly opened his mouth and started poking Addison's lower lip, begging for entrance. Once the other obliged, his tongue entered and began flicking against the other's tongue. He tasted like the dinner they had just had, with a hint of honey and sugar. He untensed instantly at the taste and began slowly exploring Addison's mouth. Sparks of heat and tingles raced up and down his body, making all of his senses feel alive and rejuvenated.

The hand that had been holding the back of Addison's neck began to travel up to his hair, where he gripped the back of his head softly. So soft, such an alive feeling. Zuri felt all of his problems that he had had for a month melt away in their kiss. He didnt even care that he had changed to his old appearance again. The fact that he had Addison meant that everything was right in the world, was right for Zuri. He pulled the other up onto the bench softly and made his embrace close to him. Their exchange of heat made Zuri feel warm, but the cool night air balanced that out.

After a short while, Zuri slowly retreated his tongue back into his own mouth and broke off the kiss slowly. He didnt want to go any further than that tonight, in case Addison didnt want to and so that it didnt make a cut in their slowly growing relationship. He looked into Addison's eyes, filled with the light of the lights around them and the affection that Zuri also bore. He rubbed the other's cheek with his thumb and curled his lips up again. If this is what love feels like, every single day, he thought to himself, I never want to fall out.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 12:44 AM

Addison blushed with Zuri's response, still not used to the idea of their being together. Of him having somehow stolen Zuri's heart. Hearing and thinking of such things set his mind adrift and his heart afloat on waves of happiness. It also had a knack for drawing smiles out of him, which it did, as he rubbed one of his cheeks in awe. I would have never imagined something could feel so warm. Smiling to himself, he had no verbal response for Zuri as he let his free hand rest on his chest for a moment to feel the pattering of his heartbeat. Looking up, he saw the other leaning in, and met him halfway to gently return the series short kisses.

He made a mistake by assuming that they were headed to rest for the night when he followed after Zuri, instead finding himself being lead outside. Into the garden? What for? Curious and feeling a little rush of excitement, Addison followed Zuri along to where he was lead with a childlike marvel. The pergola. Raising an eyebrow curiously at the other as he was made to kneel in front of him as before, he wondered just where this reenactment was going. He complied easily, trusting of the other. Feeling the soft brush of Zuri's hand on his cheek, Addison again smiled and looked up at the man he loved with adoration. The lights he had threaded through the flowers of the garden illuminated well, creating a dreamlike setting. Addison fell head first into it, so to speak.

As the kiss reached his lips, Addison was surprised with its depth of passion, but did not hesitate to return it. Pressing his lips a bit more firmly to reciprocate the emotion, he let one of his hands rest gently on one of Zuri's cheeks. The pleasant warmth he had felt in his chest earlier intensified as he complied to open his mouth to allow the other's tongue entrance. The pleasant sensation of Zuri's tongue exploring his mouth compelled him to allow his to do similarly, though his instead more so focused on rubbing, caressing, and twirling about the other's. The taste was of the meal they shared, but there was an extra sweetness in Zuri's kiss that had Addison addicted. He noticed, being so close to the other, that there was also a sweet fragrance circulating in the air aside from that of the garden. Lastly, there was also a sweetness in his heart that fluttered wildly.

Feeling a hand in his hair, Addison relaxed further, his body itching slightly closer to Zuri's as his free hand came to rest on his upper back. He was lost in bliss, and even after the two parted, the heat he felt merely slowed instead of ceasing. Peering up at his love with bright eyes, he smiled and studied the smile on the other's lips. Before yesterday, I had never been able to see him smile like so. That thought stirred a refreshed warmth into his facial expression. Sitting there beside Zuri, with the other's hand caressing his cheek, he closed his eyes for a moment to calm his beating heart. Reaching out carefully, one of his hands gently grabbed and held Zuri's free hands, which he looked down to see upon opening his eyes once more. Back leaned against one of the pillows he had set out, Addison let his gaze finally wander around the ceiling of the pergola, with the now deep purples of the wisteria and glimmering lights. "I should have ran after you, yesterday," Addison spoke up thoughtfully, remembering their moments here the day prior, "I did not think it was my place to, at the time, or I would have."

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 01:31 AM

Zuri's smile never faltered when he gazed at the man. "I understand." He responded softly, "What matters now is that we can show our feelings without anything between us." He planted a soft kiss on his cheek before softly pulling him up so that they could make their way back to the mansion. He interlocked his fingers with the other and strolled through the path, glancing at the beautiful flowers along the way. I can't believe he did all of this...for me... They made their way back into the mansion, in which Zuri opened the door and was greeted by his entire staff. They all gasped at the sight of their master and the physical connection between Zuri and Addison.

They all began to chatter happily, commenting at how wonderful it was that the master has gotten back to his own self, that they couldn't believe that a master and a servant could be together, and that love was truly blind. Zuri's face began to flush and he assumed that Addison's was too. The master cleared his throat and stood tall, trying to look as if he wasn't embarrassed by the situation at all. Many of the servants began beaming smiles at them and commenting on how sweet they were together.

"We will answer any questions you all may have tomorrow; it is getting late. Have a wonderful evening." The master said before bowing his head and leading Addison down the hallway to his bedroom. He let out a deep breath as his cheeks went back to their normal complexion. News travels fast around the house, I would guess.

Zuri turned the knob to his door and opened it. As soon as they entered, he felt a wave of drowsiness hit him. He began taking off his vest and shirt when he realized that Addison was in the room. He turned around to look at him as his cheeks flushed, covering himself as if he were some shy maid. "S-Sorry." He said nervously, "I won't ask anything of you tonight, I promise." When his cheeks became cooler, he slid off his shirt once again. Usually the master slept in the nude, but for the sake of the other man being with him in bed tonight, he would keep his underwear on.

He turned around and threw his shirt and pants into a nearby hamper. He climbed into his large bed and waited for the other to join him. It would feel different with the extra weight on the bed but even so he knew it would be a lot better than sleeping without Addison.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 02:11 AM

Addison would lower his gaze to look upon Zuri once more as he answered, a smile playing along his face. He's right. Absolutely right. Nodding in agreement, he let his thoughts sweep over the past and brushed it aside for the time being. There was no need to dwell on unnecessary bits of resentment when he was with Zuri. The kiss he received on the cheek served to ensure these feelings as he stood to follow after Zuri's lead.

As they walked through the garden, Addison would briefly inspect the rows of plants as they passed them by. While he did not see any adjustments that needed to be worked on now- not that he would wish to work now, while he was in Zuri's company- he was already making note of what was to be done in the morning. Some of the wisteria saplings need to be supported, a few of the bushes have some strays, and I see that more roses are in bloom... He intended to still work hard, despite his newfound match. Addison loved Zuri, but second to him was his love of the garden. Now that the two entwined, he would be sure to watch after both. Now, with Zuri, and in the morning hours in the garden. The idea of having both loves in his life only brightened his mood as he thought them and his time allotment over.

Upon returning inside, it took him a moment to be pulled from his thoughts be the crowd. When he was, however, he felt his insides shrink away. Feeling incredibly shy at the amount of attention, Addison's face painted itself in red and his gaze lowered humbly. The hand he had entwined with Zuri's squeezed his once gently, as if assuring himself that he was still standing beside him. Then, letting his gaze creep up to see Zuri standing so tall and with such confidence, Addion felt himself relax a little as well. I need to show him I can handle this. Grinning, he stopped averting his gaze and allowed himself to look at the others as they seemed to marvel over the sight before them. Flora stood off to one side, waving slightly at Addison as he caught her gaze. Immediately, his smile blossomed into a full-fledged 'Addison smile' once more and his embarrassment subsided. All of this felt right, especially with Zuri beside him, and seeming happy.

As they entered his room, he felt his heart pick up its pace a bit, even without the idea of intimacy crossing his mind. This was Zuri's private quarters-- he was being let into a special place, here. Addison savored that fact, walking into Zuri's bedroom and studying it thoughtfully. Then his gaze caught movement off to the side and he turned to see Zuri undressing. Zuri. Undressing. His eyes drew slightly wider, caught off guard as he saw the man cover himself, as if shy. Cheeks tinted again, Addison chuckled lightly, averting his gaze to allow him privacy if he wished it. Rubbing the side of his neck shyly, he would speak hesitantly, "There is no need for apology. I understand." Then, adding slowly, thankfully, "I appreciate that."

He then calmed himself and removed his vest and shirt carefully, folding each and placing them in a neat pile together near the foot of the bed. Addison normally washed his own clothes, so he only saw fit that he should probably continue doing so. Then, with an ounce more of shyness, he removed his pants to be folded and added to the pile before joining Zuri in bed. He did so carefully, moving to the side opposite the other before sliding himself onto it to lay down. His muscles relaxed greatly with the comfort of the mattress, leading him to let out a soft sigh of relief; Zuri had been ever so right in assuming his bed had not been comfortable. At least in the sense that the bed in which his Master slept in was far better than he could have ever expected.

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 02:34 AM

Zuri's eyes instantly brightened when Addison came in. He didnt expect the other to undress to his underwear also, but it wasn't like he disliked what he saw. Without the uniform, Addison had a toned body, lean and fit. His eyes trailed from his collarbones down to his waist. Hesitantly he moved a hand up to touch his forearm. So...perfect. This is all from gardening?! Zuri couldn't believe it, but it seemed like the right reason, considering the man had labored hard to make his gardens perfect. He pulled the covers above himself and gently pulled his partner close to him so that he could wrap his arms around. His waist softly brushed against the other's, making his cheeks flare red again. He adjusted himself so that he didnt accidentally do that and kissed Addison's spine.

"Goodnight, Addison." He whispered softly into his ear before kissing below his ear, "I love you." He nestled his face into the other man's hair and softly inhaled his partner's scent. It was a wonderful, relaxing smell, making Zuri fall into deep sleep instantly.

He woke up with the sun shining in his eyes. He stretched and went to reach for Addison. He was missing. Zuri opened his eyes wide, quickly got out of bed and went looking for him. Did he leave me in the night? Did he not want me that close to him? Dammnit Zuri you promised you wouldn't try anything. He went to the window and looked down at the garden. He spotted his partner, doing his usual morning rounds like any other day. Zuri untensed and let out a sigh of relief. He really does labor hard over the garden. He thought to himself as he gazed fondly at his lover. He decided he wouldn't bother him; Addison probably had complicated gardening things he had to do anyway. Zuri went back to his bed to catch a few more hours of slumber.

Fully awake, he got up and stretched himself out. Finding a loose t-shirt and jeans, Zuri took the clothes and glanced at the dresser. Looks like I won't have to make a mark today. Or the days going on, either. He exited his room and made his way to the shower. Closing the door, he turned on the cool water, stepped in and took a quick shower to wash away what could have remained of his other, hideous body. After that, he stepped out, turned off the shower and dressed himself. He looked at himself in the mirror without shying away and made a small smile at his reflection. I should probably tell Sebastian to bring all of those mirrors back.

Zuri exited the bathroom and made his way to the dining hall. The servants had gotten the hang of setting out a pair of dishes now, so the master was greeted with so, along with a few plates of eggs, toast, fruit and bacon. A servant came up to him and the master told him to call Addison in when he was ready. After that he waited patiently for the other man to join him before he so much as touched his food.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 03:37 AM

After slipping into bed, Addison let his gaze follow the outline of Zuri, without the constraints of much clothing. A blush soon claimed his cheeks as his eyes followed the curve of lean muscle under his marvelous complexion, trailing all the way up to Zuri's eyes, where his gaze remained locked. He truly is a beautiful companion. Addison smiled at Zuri full-fledged as they made eye contact once more, and found himself better relaxing as they moved in closer together. His back curled to rest towards Zuri, he took comfort in the lean arms that enveloped him, his own resting securely atop the others'. What he thought to be Zuri's hips brushed against his, lighting his cheeks aflame, but he did not flinch away-- not that he needed to, seeing as he soon felt his hip placement shift. Addison trusted Zuri's earlier words. He felt no need to feel anxious because of their body's close proximity, however shy the idea of that made him.

"Goodnight,..." he paused briefly, confronted once more with the predicament of whether or not he still ought to address Zuri as his Master. It was only proper, but in bed, like so, he was unsure. We are going to fall asleep in each other's arms, do not be silly. Giving in to his feelings and setting aside the formality, Addison replied softly, "Goodnight, Zuri. I love you." Smiling at his own words, as well as the feel of the kiss beneath his ear, he began to drift off to sleep. Pressed gently against Zuri's chest, nestled in such a comfortable position, he slept well into the next morning.

Well, in his eyes, he slept well into the morning, anyways. He slept in just slightly past dawn, which was the time he normally rose to work at. Opening his eyes calmly, he turned to look at his sleeping love, and smiled. "Good morning," he whispered, planting a gentle kiss on Zuri's cheek before slipping out of the bedroom with his clothes, so as not to wake him up. As he recalled, he typically woke up long before the Master, anyhow.

At this time, the rest of the household was already stirring, maids and butlers moving about to ensure their morning chores were taken care of. He received many glances, and even heard some small giggles from them as he retreated shyly to his own quarters. Questions were asked, but he only answered them vaguely if at all, not feeling right speaking about things without Zuri present. He was kind, of course, and smiled with even more warmth than usual, but there were also several shades of embarrassment covering his expression as he went to freshen himself up for the day. Once done and dressed in clean clothing, he set out into the garden with his tools, apron, and gloves once more to do his labor. He trimmed, rearranged, and raked for a few hours, and when it was all done, he inspected his work from the porch while sporting a broad, sun hat. In some ways, it was a womanly choice to add to his uniform, but he would ignore that as he worked under the sun's rays. Looking out over his work, flowers radiant in the sunshine, he smiled in an accomplished manner. Wonderful! Now, if I hurry, I can be there when--

"Excuse me, Addy, but your presence is requested for breakfast," a butler announced from behind him, and Addison turned to him with widened eyes. "I'm late!" he cried, ignoring his tools for the moment as he jogged through the halls to the dining room. Of course, it only took about a minute or so for him to reach it, but he still felt downright awful for not being there when Zuri woke up. Spotting his love already seated and waiting for him, he grinned guiltily. "My apologies, Master, I-" he hurriedly spoke, then pausing to quickly remove his sun hat and apron in an almost embarrassed fashion. Something about having let Zuri see him as such brought a shy flush to his face. "I meant to be there when you awoke," he then began again, earnestly, "I do hope your morning has been going well, though."

Smiling and suddenly feel better at ease after having said that, Addison carefully removed his grass-stained gardening gloves from his hands as well before moving to sit beside Zuri. Leaning over tenderly, he placed a firm kiss on the other's cheek as he got situated at the table, folding a napkin over his lap in a polite fashion. The bouquet at the end of the table was still looking splendid, with a few new blooms added to brighten up the mixture and its water having been changed and given a liquid fertilizer. However, this was not what Addison chose to look at. Instead, his gaze was set upon Zuri as he waited first for him to begin eating before he dared to. He looks so fresh... replenished and young, as beautiful as I remember him under the pergola yesterday.

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 04:10 AM

Zuri looked up as he saw his partner hastily walk in. He glanced at him up and down. He had a rather womanly sun hat on, probably to shield him from the rays of the sun but nevertheless. That, and the fact that he had addressed Zuri as his master made his mouth form into a playful smile and a light chuckle escape his lips. He felt tingles flare from his cheek as Addison kissed him and seated himself next to the master. The other seemed to be waiting for him to start, so gingerly he started taking a little bit of everything from each pile of food.

"You don't have to address me as Master now if you don't want to, Addy." Zuri spoke, a small, playful grin growing on his lips, "Although you can address me as such in other places" He nonchalantly winked and said nothing more on the subject, letting his partner catch on to what he meant. He still didnt want to rush Addison into anything he didnt want to do, but Zuri predicted that the deep kisses they shared wont be enough for long.

Shortly after the two have begun eating, Sebastian came into the hall. He bowed at both of them and began speaking to Zuri. "Master, now that you and Addison are together, do you not want to start planning your future? A wedding perhaps? I'm sure your parents would love that you have finally found someone!"

Zuri nearly choked on his eggs. My parents! He had pretty much forgotten about them and telling them about his change back. They had left him shortly before his change, but even then they still heard about it. They hadnt spoken to him since because he had been so violent to anyone commenting on it. But now...

"Sebastian, no need for rushing!" Zuri said with a slight tinge of nervousness in his voice, "I...will call my parents soon. We aren't planning a wedding anytime soon as far as I, we, know." The butler nodded several times, bid Addison good morning and left them to eat.

Zuri slumped his shoulders and put a hand to his forehead. "My parents." He breathed, "They...aren't going to like this. At all." His parents, especially his mother, knew nothing about love. They had an arranged marriage themselves so they were blind to everything consisting of love. They were Christian Orthodox and of high birth; a combination that went completely against Zuri's and Addison's relationship. He looked back at Addison. But I can't leave him. Not now or ever. I have to make them see that I truly love Addison. If its the last thing I do. "No matter." Zuri said, straightening himself up again, "I will bring back the curse and live with it forever if it meant having you. They aren't taking you away from me." The sincerety in his voice surprised him, but he knew he meant every single word. I will not lose you.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:03 AM

Hearing the chuckle coming from Zuri, his blush deepened with embarrassment. At first, he only attributed the other's humor only to his tardiness and the fact that he had been wearing the sun hat. He ended up disregarding it for a few moments as he noted that Zuri had begun to eat. He slowly followed suit, still feeling a tad shy but ultimately relaxing more as he sat with Zuri. Then as he heard Zuri speak up, he paused his chewing and his blush reclaimed his cheeks in deep red coloring. Swallowing hard, he thought back to what he had said. Master...I did say that!

At first, the innuendo of his words didn't reach him. Instead, they grazed right over his head and he instead chuckled a little in response. "Th-thank you, I believe it's out of habit," he admitted shyly, realizing that his addressing him as so must have been the source of his humor. Then, wham. His second set of words that had hung over Addison washed over him with a surprising realization. Is he suggesting...? Glancing over at Zuri with a pink tint to his cheeks, a grin crept onto his face. Humor danced in his eyes, but he said nothing of it. He did suppose intimacy would happen one way or another between them, but he didn't think he needed to voice a reply to that. It was a mutual understanding.

Sebastian's entrance lifted Addison's gaze from Zuri, curiosity playing in his eyes as he heard his suggestion. Eyes widening slightly, he felt a blush return to his cheeks, and quickly averted his gaze once more. A wedding? Oh, my. Not that the idea didnt appeal to him in some sense- anything tying him to Zuri in a romantic way was a welcome suggestion- but it was a surprise to hear. Wishing to cool down, he picked up his glass of water with some speed and took a few healthy gulps of it before setting it back down on the table slowly. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he then saw the reaction Zuri had experienced. Raising an eyebrow at him, he wondered what had caused it. The idea of the wedding, or the mention of his parents? Either way, the anxiety he picked up on put him a bit on edge. He tensed a little where he sat and his smile faded to a halfhearted grin, but he remained positive. As Sebastian left, he returned the good morning before resuming eating.

Looking to the man at his side, Addison frowned slightly as he slumped forward. "What's wrong, my love?" he asked sweetly, one of his hands gently moving to hold his closest forearm. However, he seemed to alleviate the problem mentally. Seeing this made Addison relax, if only a little. His eyes drew wide with surprise not long afterwards. Setting his silverware down, Addison turned to look at Zuri with a mixture of adoration and confusion. His words were sweet; they meant a great deal to him, considering he knew how much having the curse broken meant to Zuri. They also left a bad taste in Addison's mouth, for the suggestino that Zuri's parents may try to break them apart. Eyebrows furrowing, he felt the need to speak about this.

"Zuri, they-" he paused, then began again, "They will not approve of this?" His question was basic enough, but from what he was picking up on, Addison already had a good idea of what answer he would receive. They will certainly disprove, if not because I am male, then because I am a mere servant. He tensed where he sat, his mind reeling in a direction he wasn't fond of it heading. Would I even be able to dissuade them of those views? Hardly. Cringing, he shook his head and looked back at his plate, suddenly losing his appetite.

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 01:38 PM

zZuri looked into the other man's eyes solemnly. "Theyre strict, orthodox christians along with being a wealthy family. It isnt because youre a terrible person, I assure you. They just...dont understand what love is. They really dont." He sighed, letting the hand that touched his forehead fall gently down to the other's arm. "But that isnt going to keep me from you. Theyre the ones who left me, they shouldnt be dictating my life." He took Addison's cheek and planted a kiss right on his lips to show his sincerety.

Once they had both finished breakfast, the servants took their dishes away and they both stood up from their seats. Zuri took Addisons hand again and lead him out into the garden. He guessed that his partner would want to continue work, even with their relationship.

He began strolling through the garden, going on a different route as opposed to the path that lead to the pergola. He wanted to see what else Addison had done. He took a slight left this time and found himself in the mansion's orchards. Fruits of every single kind, even ones he didnt know where fully ripe and some had fallen to the ground. He reached to pick an orange off of its branch, peeled its skin and took a bite out of. Tangy flavor burst in his mouth as he took more bites. "This is...wonderful..." He said to himself more than to Addison. He reached up to pick another one for his partner as he continued down the path.

After some time they arrived at what seemed to be the vegetable garden. Rows and rows of produce grew in neat patches, heavilly cared for and carefully tended to. He let go of Addison's hand, found the nearest bench and sat down in it.

"I want to watch you work." Zuri smiled, folded his arms behind his head and gazed at his partner lovingly.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 04:13 AM

Addison's eyebrows furrowed further with worry, his eyes showing a touch of serious thought as his gaze focused on Zuri. His hand on the other's forearm remained gentle, his thumb rubbing slow circles on Zuri's skin there. Strictly religious, and incredibly well-off. Sighing softly, Addison let a slight smile return to his lips. It was a worrisome thought, considering their relationship had two enormous contradictions to his parents' lifestyle, but the words Zuri spoke after calmed him to some extent. Though they, too, were worrying... A twinge of sadness replaced the worry in his gaze, seeing as how it seemed that the other felt abandoned. Nevertheless, his thought were abruptly cut off by the kiss. It was so earnest that Addison could not help but dismiss his thoughts

A smile pleasantly lit up Addison's face as he walked out to the garden with Zuri, again allowing his gaze to occasionally wander off and check the work of his neat rows. There were a few adjustments he saw that needed to be made, but when he saw the ripe fruit on the ground, he felt a slight frown come to his face. It was a waste! Expression faltering, he was about to become upset when he spotted his partner reaching up to a branch. Curiosity quickly replaced the storm cloud of emotion that had built up in his facial expression. Lips parting slightly, in awe of the way his mood had suddenly changed, he studied Zuri as he bit into the fruit.

"Good to hear," Addison chirped up happily, then smiling once more as he was handed an orange as well, "Thank you!" Swing in his step once more, he carefully peeled and ate his fruit along their walk. Savoring the taste, he thought back to the kiss they shared under the pergola last night, almost likening the fruit's sweetness to that which he tasted and smelt from Zuri. The memory drew a blush to his cheeks, but he disregarded it as he felt the loss of Zuri's hand. Turning to look at the other, eyes widened slightly, he saw him sitting down and raised an eyebrow at him slightly. Watch me work?

Rubbing the back of his neck, Addison looked back over the vegetable garden for a moment. There was surely some work to be done, the question was how the other could possibly find simply sitting there entertaining. A bit of amusement dancing in his eyes, Addison would suddenly turn to Zuri with a warm smile. Swooping down to place a gentle kiss upon his forehead, he would then straighten himself up and reply, "As you wish. I would just prefer not to bore you."

Quickly retrieving his gardening equipment and slipping on his gloves, he would kneel casually upon the soil facing Zuri and begin tending to the garden. Addison watered it all by hand, then proceeded picking what was ripe and weeding what was unneeded. It did not take him quite so long as normal, but if Zuri did not speak up against it, he would take a good hour or so tending to the in-season vegetables. By the end of it, he stood in front of Zuri in an accomplished manner, the basket he had tucked under his arm filled to the brim with ripe vegetables; tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, and an even an eggplant. "I will make sure this is a part of dinner tonight," Addison spoke up in a sweet manner, happy with the idea of Zuri being served some of the fresh vegetables from his own garden. Especially after seeing him enjoy that orange. I want to... to please him with better, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 01:14 PM

Zuri looked up at his man and smiled. "You wouldn't bore me." He responded. When Addison kneeled in front of him and began working, Zuri looked fondly at him. It was odd how much his man worked hard and labored fondly over his work. To the master, it just seemed like a tedious, repetitive task. Nevertheless, Addison did a wonderful job doing it everyday. Zuri glanced over at him, his toned body bending down and doing each task individual. You handsome. He felt himself getting warm and felt things get tight. As he noticed, he shifted his legs so the feeling would stop. Stop that, Zuri. Not until the feeling is mutual. Despite that, he still ravished over his partner's body.

After some time, his partner came up to him, looking pleased with himself and carrying a basket with sweet vegetables. A soft smile played on Zuri's lips. "I would enjoy anything you've grown from your own hands." Another idea popped up into the master's head. "Do you...happen to have a surplus of fruit and vegetables?" He asked, "Maybe we can try selling these in town. I'm sure everyone would love them, and won't run off now because of me." He smiled at that thought. It would be a surprise to all of them to see him change back again. That, and Zuri half-wanted to show off his new partner. "It would be good extra income into the mansion, I'm sure." The master also owned an inherited family business that sold computers. His father gave it to him on his 19th birthday. He didnt do much with the company, except for accepting/denying any suggestions the workers sent to him and collect the money.

Zuri reached up to grab Addison's shirt so that he could gently pull him onto the bench next to him. Delicately, he removed his partner's gloves and untied the gardener's apron off of him. He put a hand on his partner's shoulder and locked lips with him. He could still taste breakfast on his lips, but that didnt dull the taste of Addison. Zuri opened his mouth slightly and allowed the other's tongue to explore his mouth. His taste made the master's insides tingle and flare. His hand that had been on Addison's shoulder snaked down so that it was on his waist. The intensity of the sun and of their kiss made beads of sweat drip down Zuri's cheek.

He parted from the other's lips to get a breath of air and to place his lips on other parts of his partner's face and neck. He dragged his lower lip to Addison's jaw bone and placed a few kisses there. He then moved to the other's neck and placed feather-light kisses slowly up and down his neck. He then went up to kiss the back of the other's ear. Slowly he moved his head back so that he looked into his partner's eyes again. He placed a soft kiss on his lips before returning his hand up to the other's shoulder. The neck kisses were a bit daring for Zuri; he didn't want the other to feel uncomfortable, but he did feel his stomach flutter when he placed his lips on the other's warm neck.

He stood up from his seat and waited for his partner to gather his things as well. "Show me what else you need to do. I enjoy watching you work." Zuri gently smiled at Addison.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-10-2013, 03:55 AM

Seeing the smile on Zuri's face was more than enough of a reward for Addison in return for his labor. Smiling in turn, he would set the basket of fresh vegetables down in his wheelbarrow. "Why, certainly," he replied thoughtfully to the suggestion, touched at the idea that Zuri believed his produce was of enough quality to sell. That... that might just work out! Cheerily, he would nod and consider the details involved in such a task. "Even a simple cart of these one day would supply a healthy lump of extra income," he remarked, taking a liking to the idea. That, and, hopefully it would create more opportunities for him and Zuri to spend time together. Something about going into town and spending a morning selling fresh fruit and vegetables as a pair seemed romantic to him, even if it were mere fantasy. He was unsure that this was what Zuri actually meant by it, but he did not hesitate to let his mind wander in positive directions. "A lovely idea!"

At the slight tugging feeling at his shirt, Addison would let his mind drift back to reality, looking down at Zuri in surprise. Smiling warmly and chuckling a little, he would comply and sit down beside him. He watched in awe, with his heart already beginning to flutter as his gloves and apron were so carefully removed for him. The anticipation for the kiss made him eager to accept Zuri's lips, locking his with the other's once they met in a passionate tangle. His hands rose to rest on Zuri, one on the back of his neck to play gently with the ends of his hair, and the other on his back to hold him in a partial embrace. Feeling Zuri's mouth crack open and no tongue enter his mouth, he decided it was his turn to explore and almost shyly slid his tongue into the other's mouth to slowly explore every crevice within reason. He's so sweet... warm... Addison's eyes closed peacefully, his muscles relaxing, but at the same time an all too familiar heat rose within him.

His cheeks weer flushed due to heat and intensity by the time their lips parted, but Addison struggled to push back the thoughts of intimacy stirring in the back of his mind. His struggle was made all the more difficult by the series of gentle kisses trailing down his jaw and neck. Staying still so as to make it easier for Zuri, Addison would let his gaze travel upwards as he felt his skin light aflame behind the trail of kisses. He removed one of his hands from the other to make sure he wasn't constraining him, but the hand resting at the back of Zuri's neck remained. Addison's fingers gentled his hair from there, but did not actually make the move to venture through the silky locks.

Before he could even think of it, Addison was again looking upon Zuri, with the request that he continue work so that the other may watch. "Hmm," he thought his duties over for a moment, recalling that he had already accomplished most of them in the time before the master awoke. "I... suppose I have an idea of what to do." He would smile sweetly, standing and gathering his equipment once more. Then, gently grabbing one of Zuri's hands, he would lead him down a less-taken path towards what he believed to be the better of the blooms. Particularly, the roses. Then, smiling playfully, he would stop and look over at Zuri gently. "I need to replace a few of the blooms within the household so that the bouquets do not begin to wilt," he explained, "how would you feel about helping me choose the flowers? Most in this section are ready for the season, though there are others that would also do wonderfully."

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-10-2013, 09:54 PM

Zuri allowed his partner to lead him to a different path in the garden. He looked all around him at the different flora and foliage until Addison stopped at a large spot where the flowers seemed the largest. He back at his partner, smiled and nodded. For a few moments, he couldn't choose any favorites just yet; they were all so beautiful! The roses especially. Out of sheer instinct, he slowly put his nose to one and inhaled its scent. Wonderful...truly... He let out a soft sigh and retreated his nose from the flower. He glanced at the other ones and immediately began searching for the best ones.

He didnt know the proper way of cutting the flowers off so whenever he found one he liked, Zuri would call Addison over, point to the one he liked and let his partner expertly cut them off and put them in the basket. They spent hours looking for the right ones until eventually they went in to replace the flowers Addison thought to be wilting or not fresh. Of course to the master they looked fine, but of course he was no expert. Instead, he would quietly follow the gardener as he took a few flowers out, replaced them, and went on to the next bouquet. Servants would look up when they saw the couple and began smiling warmly at them. At least they don't look at me in disgust anymore. Zuri smiled at that and followed on.

After a while, it seemed that Addison was done since his wheelbarrow became empty of the flowers and beads of sweat framed his face. Zuri went up to him, wiped off the swear and kissed him on his forehead. "You always do your job so wonderfully." He said softly to him before planting another kiss on his forehead. He motioned to his partner for him to follow as they went back out to the garden and into the shed. He let the other remove his uniform and put his supplies back onto their designated shelves. Zuri also felt hot as he realized when he wiped his brow of sweat.

He checked his wrist watch. An hour past noon. Time seemed to fly when he was around Addison, or did anything aside from staying in his room for that matter. It was a weird change, but a good one indeed. He looked around the supply closet. It was cramped yes, but less cramped than it had been when the mirrors were there, he guessed. He didnt know if any plans were being made to put the mirrors up again but it didnt matter to Zuri. Maybe I should get Sebastian to get some builders to make this closet a little bigger. He wouldn't have thought of the idea back when he was introverted, but now that he is out of his room now and exploring what he had missed during his introvercy, he might as well make some changes as a way of gratitude for the servants that still worked here.

He also thought of something else. "How would you think of going into town sometime today?" Zuri asked, "We could scout for a spot to sell our produce there, and we could also go on a little trip and maybe have lunch there." It had been weeks since he's been away from the mansion and he was sure it would be fun for both of them. "Of course, when you're cleaned up and feel ready." He smiled and casually leaned on the wall behind him.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-11-2013, 03:09 AM

Addison watched with a small, curious smile as Zuri approached the bushes, wondering just what he would do and how he would choose the blooms. His eyes slowly widened at the sight before him. He's... Addison found himself in a hushed awe at the sight of Zuri leaning in to smell a rose; the rose itself was beautiful, one of the garden's best, but his love far out-shined it. The curve of his features, his mysterious eyes, his complexion under the golden sun-- all of it entranced him. He is so beautiful. He found himself lost for a moment before shaking his head to clear his mind, and walking off to trail after Zuri.

He would be patient, quiet for the most part, but his eyes would often trail after Zuri. He blamed the heat of the sun- and perhaps it truly had something to do with it- for the intense warmth bubbling up from within him. Once, he could not help but let this feeling influence his behavior. Addison stood at Zuri's flank as he picked out his next choice, but when moving to clip the stem, he simply moved forwards to work around Zuri. His chest pressed gently against Zuri's as he leaned forward, arms wrapping around the other on either side to carefully clip flower. Taking it into one of his hands, Addison then paused there, placing a few gentle kisses on Zuri's neck and shoulder before backing away to a polite distance once more.

After replacing the poorer blooms throughout the house, Addison would turn to Zuri, surprised as he was greeted by a kiss on the forehead. The combination of the kiss and his complimentary words drew a shy flush to his face. "Th-Thank you," he replied, rubbing the side of his neck, unsure of what to say in reply. It was for you. Then he simply let his words flow. "You deserve the best." He spoke genuinely, smiling as they headed towards the shed. He removed his gloves and apron, folding them and setting them away before turning to Zuri once more. Seeing the sweat on the other's forehead, Addison would grab a clean hand towel from his shed and gently move to wipe the sweat from Zuri's brow.

The suggestion was another surprise, but instead of allowing his eyes to widen, Addison thoughtfully turned his words over. "Go into town..." he spoke quietly to himself, liking the idea of heading out there with Zuri. When was the last time I even visited town? He figured it to be months, since he did not often leave the manor. "It's a wonderful idea, I'd love to join you," Addison decided aloud, smiling and kissing his partner's cheek. "Perhaps I should change..." he again thought aloud, looking down at his outfit. He wore light brown slacks and a pressed, white button-up shirt, the sleeves of which folded up to his elbow. There were no grass or dirt stains on his person, despite his laboring, due to the apron, gloves, and his attempt at being careful to keep clean in front of Zuri. Nevertheless, he had been wearing it all day.


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