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Arc Angel
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Old 09-03-2014, 12:47 AM

The kitsune stirred at the footsteps coming down the hall, unused to having anyone else around when he was asleep. His ears twitched above him, his body still curled about itself in the center of the bed. It wasn't until he heard the woman's voice, however, that he finally woke with a start. Gasping, he sat up, eyes widened as he stared at the room he was in in momentary confusion. When all that had happened came back to him, he sat up quickly and growled lowly. Silv would pay dearly; that was the foremost thought in his mind. His spirit was back and kicking after his nap, leaving him feeling rejuvenated although he was only asleep for maybe an hour or so. Kitsune required little sleep, though they often slept for long amounts of time, for when they were not moving, their bodies naturally worked to rejuvenate themselves in a way most other creatures' bodies did not.

Rubbing his eyes as he sat in the middle of his nice pile of pillows and sheets, he eyed the area where the door would be suspiciously before waving his hand. The spell would dissipate, revealing the door to her, which would open slowly to gesture that she may enter. Kieran held his eyes narrowed at her, unsure of what to think of her presence. Was he being sent for? Fetched, like the animal he was to be treated as? Yet, as he saw her, his face contorted into a bit of confusion. She smelled rather like a human - exactly like a human, to be precise - yet she didn't appear to be such anymore. Something had changed her, and that something was indeed magical. Standing curiously, he forgot momentarily of his anger as he eyed her form. "A... cat?" He questioned in a whisper, eyes dancing with curiosity as he drew in deep breaths before circling her perhaps a tad closely.

Then, stopping in front of her, he eyed what she had brought with her. "Sorry..." He started hesitantly, having been told at times that his instincts weren't considered normal in many social circumstances. Kieran couldn't help it, he was a curious creature. Lifting his eyebrows towards her, he felt just a little curiosity as to what her visit was to be about now. "You brought clothing? My... clothing...?"

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 09-03-2014, 01:13 AM

As the door appeared she smiled knowing that this was ether going to go bad or good no matter what she did. So it was better if she presented him a smiling face then one that he would expect. She was reaching for the door knob when it opened for her. Her tail twitched in surprise and she blinked rapidly at the dimness of the room. He had not taken the time to add light about the room before opening the door to her it seemed. Sighing she whispered a word in old elfish bringing the lamps in the room up to a low light so that they both could see well. ((this would be dim to us as they both should have low light vision))

Bowing her head, her ears laying back in a relaxed pose and her tail twitch in embarrassment she smiled looking up at him through what remained of her lashes and her upper whiskers at his comment. “well yes I am part cat.” As he got closer to her he would smell the cat as well, it was fainter in her as the human smell seemed to overpower it. Running a paw over the slim gossamer dress she wore that hid little of her form underneath she chanced a look up at him. “I have never seen a Kitsune before in my life. My first master was trying to make me in your image.”

Holding out the bundle of his clothes she smiled, a bit of worry creeping into it. “ I got your clothes for you. I thought that you would like a bit of home, I know I did when I was first taken.” She wondered if he could smell the magic of his Gem on her where she had rubbed it on her skin. “My Lord is not as bad as most masters can be. He saved me from the pain you know.”

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-04-2014, 12:40 AM

Under further investigation on his behalf, eyes having been fixated upon her curiously for quite a few moments now, Kieran came to the conclusion that something was off about her. She smelt mostly human - partly rather like a cat - yet her appearance was transfigured completely. Someone had done this with magic. An apologetic grin passing over his face, he finally found his curiosity sated. Rubbing the back of his head, he felt a tad sorry for his behavior. "Sorry. Habit, I suppose." He began, then, a touch of sympathy lit his eyes. So, whomever did this to her was a master of hers? Sickening. Frowning a little, he nodded slowly in understanding. That was a very dark type of magic, to bend someone's natural form like that. "That... must've been a horrid pain." He spoke softly, his own tail twirling up behind him as he eyes her a few quiet moments. He couldn't understand what made someone feel entitled to own another, much the less alter them this way.

"Right... Well, thank you." He spoke slowly, words seeming awkward coming out of his mouth. Kieran still wasn't happy about any aspect of his situation, yet he could hardly act out on her. She was of similar standing here, in a way. He took the bundle gingerly, moving to set it upon his bed before turning back to face her. A fierce look passed over his face as she mentioned the man keeping them here, him against his will, though he assumed that was not the case for her after she spoke. Eyes boring into hers with a tense look, he said nothing at first. Then, tearing his gaze away and forcing himself to calm, he let out a heavy sigh. "I... am glad he is better to you than your last. This doesn't excuse his ownership of slaves, however." He spoke evenly and without malice towards her, though the topic certainly heated him up.

It was now that a scent finally caught his nose; it was unlike any other smell, a familiar one that sung a pleasure to him that could easily outshone both aromatic flowers and freshly baked bread. Eyes widening at her, he approached her hesitantly, drawing in a deep breath once he was but a step or so away. Then, suddenly his eyes narrowed in on her with a fired determination. Movement swift, his hand surged forward to grab a firm hold of her forearm, though not in a manner meant to harm her. "Tell me. Where is he?" He questioned darkly, voice dipping into lower tones than he'd before even spoken to Silv. It's here. That thief!

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 09-04-2014, 06:40 AM

“so it is a habit of Kitsunes to stare at those they have never seen before?” she smiled and watched him as she wondered why he was looking on her with a touch of pity. She knew what pity looked like for she had seen it many a times from her own face. His face was not completely like hers in expression but close enough that she could read it well enough. Better then most of the others would have been able to read it. The only person she could think of that would not have a problem would be Silv himself. Though she would never call him by his public name let alone his true name.

A twinge in her arm echoed the pain that she once had to bear day in and day out when she was transformed, so many years ago. “ yes the pain was excruciating. It was the worst I have ever had to deal with. Some days I suffer slight pain in my joints now and again. My Lord has done all he can to remove the pain from my joints.” She smiled her canines gleaming in the dim light. “before he worked on me I could not move without pain. The one who made me this way did not care how deformed the joints were as long as I looked like what he was trying to create. There was one that died of the pain before me.” The last was said in a sad whisper, her ears flat back, whiskers sleeked to the skin and her eyes wide.

“are those the colors you like? If so I think I might be able to find some sheets and blankets that are of that shade for you. He had some rooms done up in the colors years ago.” She said as she took note of how he had made up the bed. He seemed to like the den feel, maybe I can talk My Lord into giving him a room more like a den then this one. she thought as she looked around at how sparse the room was. When he had brought her here to the training hall she had gotten more comfort then this bear room offered, maybe he would let her bring other items in to warm this place up. She only hoped that the Kitsune would not rip them all up. “what is your name? I cant keep think of you as the Kitsune and I know that My Lord must already have another name for you, but it would nice to hear your own name spoken to you once in a while.” She shrugged at his comment about slaves.

“I have lived all my life as a slave I do not know anything beyond the collar.” Her statement was a matter of fact with not sugar coating to it. She did not see a reason for her to lie to him and tell him she hated being a slave or say that he was right. There were to many factors that played into whether it was right or wrong to keep another living being. She was caught up in the thought of slaves that she did not first notices his body langue change when he caught the scent.

Her eyes narrowed and her ears dropped back again in worry as he stalked hesitantly towards her. What had he heard or smelled that had made him into a hunter now. Her body screamed at her to run but before she could his hand gripped her arm. She froze all muscles locked and ready to send her running if a chance occurred for her to escape. The fire in his eyes made her heart skip a beat and she knew he could tell that she was afraid of him. Any animal could smell the fear sent wafting off her at the moment. “I…I left him in his studio.” She stuttered. “but you wont get to him. The magic will not let you passed.”

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-04-2014, 07:05 PM

Shaking his head, he chuckled a little. Then, thoughtful, he shrugged as if changing his mind from the no signal he'd sent. He wasn't sure how to explain why he looked her over in that manner. "I suppose... Kitsune are wary of new people, they like smelling and looking them over carefully before interacting." He tried to explain, rubbing his neck. "It's a very... animal-like, natural instinct." Then sighing softly, he said nothing more of her appearance, nor her pain. Kieran reckoned she wouldn't want to say anymore of it, and he didn't wish to offend her. She was the first person to treat like as an equal in the past couple of days, which was refreshing. This was the major reason he didn't speak further of it, but the other was his unwillingness to recognize the man keeping them as servants as a good person. He had done something nice in trying to bring her comfort, but Kieran wasn't ready to make nice due to simply that.

As she asked about his preferred color choices, his eyes widened a little, surprised by the seemingly nice tone of hers. Was she really going to offer him kindness in this position? Ears flattening a bit, suddenly very aware of the room he stood in, his reply was just barely over a whisper. "Yes... I'd appreciate that." Seeing her shrug off his comment on slavery, he felt little shiver run up his spine. You mean to tell me that she's content here? You've got to be kidding. Lips pursing in distaste of the thought, he tried to brush it away. He was enjoying speaking to someone at his level, for once, and took some comfort in her presence even if he wouldn't own up to it. "My name is Kieran. It will always be Kieran." He spoke in a more even, normal tone this time. This was something he knew for sure, even if the Master gave him anew name. It would never truly be his.

Her next statement, blunt as a knife to Kieran, sent him again into feeling pity towards her. It was this pity that lead him to let go of her arm after he sensed her fear. Even if he were fired up, even if he were ready to kill Silv when possible, he did not mean to scare her. Backing off, Kieran stepped away from her to allow her to leave if she wished. She certainly must've wished it after his roller coaster behavior. "I'm sorry I frightened you. That ball you must have found is my Token. It is a piece of me, a part of my soul. It is important that I get it back." He spoke softly, though there was still a hard edge in his tone. While he did not dislike her, his hatred of Silv was at an all-time high. "I'm not myself without it, and if it is mistreated, I am mistreated. Does that make sense? If he simply casts it away, I could die from separation!" He spoke with urgency, though he did not breach yelling. Kieran was being more careful not to scare her, or make her think his anger was directed towards her.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 09-04-2014, 07:37 PM

“it makes sense with what the old books told of your race.” Leaning forward she took a sniff of him like a cat unsure of the cat in front of it. Her ears slowly moving taking in all the sounds around her. “I used to be that way after the fist spell. I had so many conflicting instincts that I thought I was going mad. After a few more spells he suppressed those Instincts. She smiled and slowly rubbed the side of her neck with her paw. “once I knew what was going on I knew that they should be a part of me again. Now after My Lord bought me I asked him unlock those instinct again. Now I have control over them and I usually don’t act on them.” she blushed again a light color of pink showing under her white fur of her face.

Her ears drooped as his flattened worried that she had said something wrong that he was going to be mad at her about. Then she smiled and her ears perked up when he said yes. “hello Kieran I am called Popokey. My mother gave me a name when I was born but she died to so after for me to recall it. My Lord let me pick my name when he got me. He did not like the name X13 which is what I had been called most my life.” Standing on her toes she twisted ever so slightly from side to side. “I like Kieran better then Lepold. Don’t know what he was thinking when he picked that.” Wrapping her arms around her waist she tilted her head to the side and smiled sweetly.

Wrapping her arms tightly around her body her eyes filled with sadness and worry. “you mean the Gem?” she shivered as she stepped back a step her ears drooping in sadness. “he has it, he will keep it safe. He seemed interested in it.” She realized that she was purring in fear and tried to stop. The purr quieted but did not stop as she stood there. “I don’t think he is going to be getting rid of it any time soon. He likes protecting things that interest him. I don’t think he will mistreat it, maybe in time he will return it to you.” Her ears slowly started raising but they never reached full height.

Arc Angel
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Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-04-2014, 08:26 PM

For once, a slight grin lifted Kieran's lips as he looked over at her. She was alright so far, in his books, to say the least. It was somewhat amusing to him to see her step forward to sniff him, after she'd reacted strangely to his method of doing the same. He figured that she was still quite human, even with that appearance and those instincts. "Mine are rather.. traditional, to me. It's like saying 'hello' for the first time." He explained almost shyly, his tail twirling behind him. "So, you can feel free to around me." After all, Kieran couldn't imagine what holding back his natural instincts all the time would be like. Awful, he was guessing.

"Popokey? You made a nice choice." He commented thoughtfully, mind running back to the new name he had been given. Leopold. A strange, foreign, old-world name that made him cringe. "I don't think he knows my true name." He replied, seemingly uncaring as she commented on what Silv called him. In his mind, that cruel man didn't deserve to know it, anyways, though it would be nice to be rid of the name he'd been given. Then, realizing she'd complimented him, he awkwardly added in a small voice, "Thank you." Sighing softly, still feeling as if he may be scaring her, he backed away from her to sit on the edge of his bed with his tail resting over his lap. One of his hands gently stroked it as he sat there, fingers brushing out the silky fur.

"Yes, it's a gem..." He admitted with a soft sigh, slightly relieved that she thought he'd keep it, but upset with the idea that it was in his possession. How dare he just keep it, as if it were his? Kieran had felt a deep ache for it since he awoke to find it gone, and now it was in the clutches of a man he hated. Even worse, yet-- the gem would end up giving Silv an automatic upper hand on him, as if he hadn't had one already. "I hope he gives it back soon." Kieran then softly whispered, eyebrows knitted together. If not, he'd have to take it back somehow.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 09-04-2014, 09:11 PM

“I will try my best to remember that you do not mind me allowing my more animal reactions to show. Some of the slaves and servants here do not like my more animal qualities in behavior to show around them. they sometimes get jumpy.” She giggled at the memory of one of the maids running when she pounced on a rat that had somehow gotten into the building. It had been good that she had held back on eating it there, someone had poisoned the poor thing before putting it into his home. Looking back up at him she watched his tail twitch and wanted to pounce on it. In a way she still was much a kitten. “do you like rooms or dens? I like nice small cozy dens where you can cuddle with another warm body, just cuddle.” The latter part she said rather quickly, like she was trying to make something quite clear.

Her blush darkened as he complemented her on her choice of name. “why thank you. I looked long and hard for a good name. so many names to choice from that I was afraid that I never would find the right one.” Reaching out she gently brushed his ear, her fingers had been itching to feel his fur ever sense she had seen him. She was the only one that she had ever seen that had fur all over her body and hers while parts were soft was mostly corse hairs. “unless they knew your name when they sold you then he dose not if you did not tell him. He usually tries to keep the name the person knows well as their name. though there are times he has changed a name, ether because he could not say their name or they did not provide it to him when he got them. he probable would not mind calling you Kieran if you told him. Its such a nice name.” she watched him sit and pet his tail, her own tail twitched in longing. No one had ever touched her in that way before.

Shivering she caught her own tail and started petting the tip of it as she watched him. “it’s a pretty gem, I liked the feel of it.” She watched him trying to understand if he was still upset or if he had calmed down enough for her to feel safe turning her back on him. “well I know that he will be more inclined to give you nice things if you don’t get upset and destroy what he has given so far. We had one slave in here who ripped up all the furniture and tried to set it on fire. He was so mad that day that I was afraid that the people in the lower Wards were going to not survive the night as he tried to cool his anger. He never attacks us in the house, other then when he is attacked, and then he only goes as far to restrain the attacker.” Taking a step back from him she felt for the door. She had heard the attack that had happened on the balcony as she left by the servants’ door. The others had told her what had occurred when she returned and now she feared that she might have said the wrong thing to him. “don’t be angrier. He is a nice man once you get to know him.” As she felt the door way with her tail she turned and dashed down the hall.

Silv was surprised when Popokey burst through the spellwall. He had been looking over the Gem trying to figure out why it was so important when she burst through. Seeing the state she was in he set it aside and opened his arms to her and she buried her face in his chest. “he did not hurt you did he my little kitten?” his voice was soft and gentle as he stroked her hair as she cryed into his chest. “I will punish him if he has.” She shook her head smearing snot acrossed his chest and vest. “then what is wrong little one?” Gently lifting her head he looked into her wide eyes his filled with love and concern.

“he wants the gem back, he was so mad that you had it. He says its special and he needs it or he wont be himself.” Her voice was near a yowl as she tried to bury her face in his chest again. He could feel the purr of fear building as she spoke. Pulling her closer he sighed and started to hum.

“if he is going to send you running from him each time because of the way he was acting then he is not going to get it back. As it is I am unsure of what he can do with it so he is going to have to live without if for now.” Lifting her up he picked up the gem and placed it on a high shelf against the wall. If he really had a connection to the gem he might feel where it was on the wall in his room, but Silv knew that he would not be able to get passed the spell work in the wall to get it. Turning from the room he carried her out into the main area of his home to calm her down. Lepold would find out what the punishment was to upset one of the other servants’ who came in to deliver something.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-05-2014, 07:45 PM

As he sat there, calming himself by petting his own tail gently, he looked up at Popokey curiously. Why was she being so nice? It was strange, to find a good person in a place like this. Maybe the Master had sent her to do this. Frowning a little at the thought, he shook his head. No, he wouldn't do anything of the sort. He hadn't done anything nice so far, and Kieran did not see that changing anytime soon. The thought made him shiver. How could she seem so happy here? "I like small, cozy dens, too... Lots of blankets..." He spoke thoughtfully, fond of the idea. Then, blinking in surprise at how she'd quickly added the last bit, he laughed a little. "Just cuddling, of course. It's the best." He nodded in agreement, seeming to like the idea of doing so. It would be comfortable to do so, unlike the bed he currently had. He had found little comfort in the missing abundance of pillows that he had kept in his own home.

"Thank you," he spoke hesitantly as she complimented the gem. It was a part of him, and a very important one at that, so it was nice to here something of the sort from her. At the same time, it still bothered him deeply that Silv was holding it. "Mmh," Kiernan spoke in a bit of disbelief at her comments on Silv. To Kieran, he was still a cruel, freedom-stealing man that had another thing coming. He was still set upon maiming him, or worse, once he got the choice. He was startled, however, by her sudden sense of fright. "Po-" He began, eyes widened as she opened the door, "pokey...?" His gaze trailed after her as she ran, an agonized sigh leaving him as he fell back onto his bed, closing his eyes in distress. He hadn't meant to upset her. She was the only comfort he had here, and now she was upset. Was it because he was upset with the Master? Frowning, he turned over and curled into a ball. That must be it.

Or, perhaps he had hurt her when he gabbed her arm? Thinking over it, he then shook his head to that, too. I don't know, but I'll have to apologize to her... This is when a sob finally shook his chest. Tears fell slowly from his cheeks as he lay wrapped up in a ball again, blanket now pulled over to completely cover him. The door remained unveiled, Kieran now not bothering to hide it again. What was the point? He felt distressed, angry, and now regretful. "I didn't want to upset her..." He sniffed, eyes closing tightly. "She was the only person I could possibly talk to." He spoke softly, just a touch above a whisper, body tensed with the mix of emotions.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 09-05-2014, 08:23 PM

Nodding Popokey thought slowly of all the different items that she could get her hands on that might help him feel more comfortable. There was a second room that was unseen in this hall that would work better for his den then this one. Maybe soon Silv could open that up for him to sleep in. she would have to tell him about Kieran love of dens not big rooms like this one with no real good bed. Opening her mouth she decided not to tell him that she thought she could find all the stuff needed for a den.

She heard him call after her but she really did not want to stop. He scared her in a way with the way he was acting about My Lord. She wanted him to see My Lord how she did but he seemed so determined that he would never find anything good about Silv. How could anyone not see any good in My Lord? How could he blame My Lord for the room when he never told him how he likes to live. She hoped that he was not going to be another one of the ones that was left with just blankets on the floor.


Hours later Silv opened the door into the room to look in on Kieran. “you might as well get up Lepold. I have things for you to do and then you can have some dinner.” He planned to see if he could get Lepold to lounge on some blankets for him to sketch. He had an idea but he wanted to make sure he got the pose right. “I don’t think I am going to have popokey come down here until you lean better manners as it is I had to spend a few hours calming her down. Not often she gets so wound up that I have to calm her.” He sounded slightly annoyed at that thought.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-05-2014, 08:35 PM

As the door was opened, Kieran sat up, eyes dry and reddened from his earlier tears. He had been expecting - no, hoping - to see Popokey standing there, so his expression was that of a small smile. However, when he opened his eyes to see Silv, he tensed. Hands gripping his sheets in distaste, his eyes narrowed in his direction. Smile completely wiped from his face, he instead took on a slight frown. He was about to say something witty, something rude and tasteless, but he was stopped as Silv mentioned Popokey being so upset that she needed to be calmed down. More so, he needed to spend hours calming her. Wait, he calmed her down?

His gaze lifted to him with momentary curiosity before lowering again. Ears flattening as he sat there, Kieran let out a soft sigh. "I did not mean to upset her." He spoke softly, letting out a small animal-like whimper at the though of her upset. Was that a touch of salt mixed with her scent that he smelled on him? She'd been crying... Setting his jaw stubbornly, he said no more of the matter, instead putting on a brave front as he slinked out of his bed casually. Then, voice taking on a little bit of an edge, he questioned, "What do you need from me?"

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 09-05-2014, 09:02 PM

Silv knew that the smile that had been on Lepolds face had not been for him but he did wish that it had been. It looked nice to see a smile on him, it would be nice to draw that smile some time. Silv waited prepared to fight again if Lepold attacked, yet as he spoke he saw the fight seem to drain out of Lepold. Maybe having Popokey around was a good idea, he seemed to care for her more then he did for Silv.

“I did not think that you meant to upset her but she was Broken, not just trained before I got her.” He said softly as if that would make all the difference for her being upset. His eyes narrowed as he watched Lepold show all the signs she would if she was sad about something. Her maker did a lot better job then he knew when he made her to be like Lepold. “what I have need of you is that I am working on a painting and I am not able to get the pose right. I need you to pose for me.” He wondered what it was that he had seen or smelled that made him act as if he wanted to obey Silv.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-06-2014, 05:23 AM

As he spoke in something that appeared to be understanding, Kieran's eyes widened a tad. Was this man truly being merciful? No, he must've misheard him. Shaking his head a little at his thoughts, he found a slight frown to rest upon his face once more. "I didn't." He admitted, sighing softly again, eyes focusing on the floor beneath him as he thought of her. He still couldn't believe he'd upset her so; he'd have to be more careful next time. After promising himself that he would be, Kieran looked up at Silv once more. There were signs of curiosity there in place of hatred, but he did certainly still hold some hostility towards him. "That..." He paused, unsure of what to say. It wasn't a very difficult request, it seemed, and he did want to appease him for now, if only to see Popokey.

Yet, there was a distinct second set of smells upon him-- yes, that familiar scent that was better than the combination of perfume and freshly baked bread. Narrowing his eyes on him, Kieran refrained from baring his teeth. Instead, sitting cross-legged on his bed now, he stared down the other ma hesitantly. "First, I... I wish to see my gem." He requested, part of him demanding it in a sense, though his words were more polite than ever. "It is important to me, to my health." Kiernan added, realizing otherwise he would probably be kept from it. People were greedy, after all, and he'd heard many stories of them stealing away kitsune gems for their own. This was partially the reason his race had began to become more rare, all the hunting and gem separation. Being separated from something that was distinctly a part of them could indeed be fatal to one of his kind. Kiernan, while he wasn't fond of Silv, was willing to behave himself for now if it meant his live was not at stake. He needed to stay strong and live here if he were to escape one day.

"I don't expect you to give it back." He spoke quietly, eyebrows knitted together in distress at his own words. Once a gem was lost, it was lost-- his had certainly been so, even if he planned to fight the circumstances. "I just need the strength."

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 09-06-2014, 06:34 AM

Silv raised his eyebrow at Lepolds reaction to his comment about Popokey. Was that surprise that I saw there? Is he not wanting to believe that I could care for those that I own? frowning Silv watched as Lepold looked at the ground and seemed to be thinking. What could he be feeling for Popokey? Should I let him know all she has been through, give him some one to care and protect? It would make it a bit easier to bend him and not brake him. But is that how I want to tame this wild creature? “maybe when she is feeling more up to it I will have you both pose for a picture.” Tilting his head to the side ever so slightly he smiled. “yes I think you two would make a cute pair. In fact I think I know a man who would pay much for a painting of you two. Something sweet but innocent.”

As he asked for his gem Silv’s eyes became cold as he raised an eyebrow. “do you think I do not know the tales of your kind and how you can work great magic’s with your gem? No I do not think at this time you have earned the right to have your gem back. Maybe once you have shown more control and care we can talk about it again.” Reaching gracefully out with his hand a chain appeared between his hand and Lepolds collar. “Come along Lepold, we have work and there is not as much time as I would like to have.” Gently he flicked the chain to get Lepold moving but he would not pull unless Lepold did not move when he walked forward.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-06-2014, 05:14 PM

Kieran's ears perked a tad at the suggestion Silv made, though he more carefully guarded his facial expression. He'd allow me to see her again? The thought was indeed appealing, though less so due to the idea of it being done for a painting. Kieran wanted to see and speak to her, not sit beside her dully. Then again, it would mean a chance to apologize and he'd take that. "That would..." He stopped himself from saying be nice. No, it would not 'be nice'. I'd be forced to sit for a picture for this wicked, wretched man! Frowning once more, he lowered his gaze, as if afraid the other man would see the sparkle of curiosity in his eyes. His defiant nature definitely had no subsided. "I see." He then corrected himself, wording with a dry, sarcastic edge.

As the man's gaze turned cold, Kieran felt a shiver run down his spine. That would be a no. Cringing away from him, Kiernan turned to sit sideways, arms gently wrapped around his form. He felt as if this meant punishment, and hated the idea of him keeping the gem for himself. The gem was his alone, a part of his soul! I could become ill in a matter of days... A soft growl left his throat, but he said nothing of it. Instead, as the chain appeared, he made a short show of baring his fangs before actually complying. Standing of his own will, he would follow the other man, hateful eyes boring into his back. He had half a mind to attack him now, with his back turned, but he was chained and sealed her by magic, so he knew better. Kieran needed a better plan.

For now, though. I need to convince him to allow me my Token. Without it... Kieran quietly grimaced.

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-06-2014, 05:53 PM

As Silv lead him out into the studo Kieran would feel the magic of the hidden door surround him and fallow him. There was going to be no going where Silv did not want him to go. Along the walls where shelves full of items, some magical some just ordinary props that one might use for a painting. Two long windows let in light from the outside on the walls opposite of Kieran’s prison door. High up on the shelf on the wall of his prison he would feel his gem. Silv guided him to a box covered in pillows and sheets. They were white but they looked soft. “I would like you to lunge as if your sunning yourself on some rocks.” He hooked the chain to a loop on the floor before sitting down at an easel with a pad of paper on it. “don’t really think about how you lay just lay.” His voice was gentle and soft. He knew that soon the poor Kitsune would be hungry so he would have to work fast before he did.

He wondered as he waited for Kieran to pose for him if the kitsune was already hungry. He had missed two meals already. The chef had made one only for Silv to send it back when he looked in on Kieran to find him asleep. He did not want his new friend to starve, yes he was afraid that he might do it out of spite. “the sooner we get this done the sooner we can eat.” He said as he leaned over to his table of brushes, pens, and pencil to look through them.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-11-2014, 01:19 AM

As he entered the studio, Kieran's eyes carefully flickered over all that the room encompassed. The two windows were a welcome sight, as were the variety of magical items he saw taking up numerous shelves. If he could get his paws on something familiar, perhaps he could use it. The question was, what was familiar? It was when this thought occurred to him that he finally sensed it; his gem. His eyes widened as he followed Silv's directions mindlessly, his whole attention focused on the direction he felt it in. "Can't see it from here," he murmured lowly, then growling a little and coming to his senses as he was chained to the floor.

His eyes narrowed quickly in the other man's direction, a louder growl coming from him this time, though a soft grumble in his stomach did alert him that perhaps cooperating for now would be a good idea. Setting his jaw stubbornly, Kieran sighed heavily before sitting upon the box. His body was tense as he adjusted himself to lean back, propping himself up carefully as he tilted his chin at the other. In other circumstances, Kieran mused he may have enjoyed posing for pictures such as this. Now, however, his eyes coldly bore into Silv. "For the sake of food." He spoke lowly, wishing to ensure that he knew he was only cooperating for his own good.

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-19-2014, 11:35 PM

Silv watched as the kitsune looked around the room as they walked in. he woundered what was going through his head as he watched him. Was he thinking of all the magic items as a way to escape or was he thinking of trying for a direct line of escape? Then as he fallowed silvs orders he seemed to lock on to where his gem was. Silv readied for the attack he knew would come when the kitsune got its scent. Yet when it did not come he was a bit surprised. His ears picked up the whisper of the kitsunes voice. He smiled and watched.

Reaching out he brushed his fingers through the kitsunes hair avoiding the attack he knew was coming. “of course for the sake of food.” Moving Kieran’s arms and fingers around till he was posed just so. “stay like that, you move I repose you.”

Arc Angel
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Old 09-19-2014, 11:55 PM

As he was approached by Silv, Kiernan recoiled a bit, hesitant to allow the other man to touch him. Yet, he knew he had to. So, he would comply, albeit his body trembled a bit upon doing so. Unsatisfied with his body's weak response, his gaze averted him completely, wishing to maintain his dignity even in the littlest way. He said nothing to the threat of being reposed, instead only allowed a brief grumble to rise in his throat. He didn't move, though. While he was quite uncomfortable with sitting still and being accommodating to this man, he was determined to be fed. He hadn't eaten in... how long now? His stomach felt weak, and the fatigue was drawing him to thoughts of curling up to sleep himself away.

That would be a peaceful death, he imagined. Though this was not the path he chose. He would sit still and avoid having to make contact with this man as much as possible, if only to live to fight him another day. Though, the question lingering in his mind is how he would live if he were kept for too long from his Token. Biting his lip quietly, he lowered his gaze, but otherwise kept his pose. "May I see it... When it's done?" He questioned, remaining still as he asked the question merely to busy his mind.

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-20-2014, 12:12 AM

“well at the moment I am just working on sketches but I would not mind showing you it after I am done.” Sitting down at the easel Silve started to sketch as he watched Kiernan lounge upon the box. As he worked he wondered what Kieran was thinking of that made his face show so many emotions. Working quickly he tried to catch each look and twitch of his face. “it will take me some time to finished the full picture but when I do that I did plan on you seeing it before anyone else outside of the house saw it.”

As time passed Silv got lost in the sketching that he forgot about Kieran and how he might be feeling. It was not common for him to have a model that would stay for long periods of time without complaint so it was a joy to have one that did.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-21-2014, 01:14 AM

"I... see." Kiernan replied grudgingly, not wishing to admit that he did hold some interest in seeing the finished work. No one had done artwork of him before, as far as he was aware. It was a new experience, and in a sense, he viewed it as an interesting one. It was a mildly exciting thought, to have his image immortalized. Yet, to have his form examined and re-made by the man before him had a whole new feel. Complete disgust. Kiernan nearly wanted to hurl at the thought of the man sketching his form, as he was now... Or was that his weak stomach speaking for him? As time wore on, he grew a tad restless. While he forced most of his form to remain still for the sake of not wishing to prolong their time here, his face eventually began to shift as his gaze wandered about the room.

He was trying to focus on something, anything, but his hunger and the fatigue he felt slowly spreading. However, after some time, the spell of sleep finally seemed to sink in. All at once, his body finally slumped forwards, falling face first onto the floor with a thud as Kiernan lost consciousness. He had been hungry-- hungrier than he would've liked to admit. This accompanied by the range of passionate emotions and depression he had felt the past couple of days had his body crippling, and the absence of his gem left him with nothing to rejuvenate him. He was to fall ill if not for assistance; even now, after blacking out he had a bit of a fever.

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-21-2014, 03:14 AM

My he has such a lovely range of facial looks, is he working his face like that so that he will not have to set for me again anytime soon? Silv wondered as he kept drawing. He had been expecting his new pet to fight him ever facial expression that he was happy to get as many of the sketches done as he sat there. Whatever his thoughts are I believe I will have enough sketches to start… He lunged forward to catch Kieran as he slumped forward. “oh you silly creature.” Running his fingers along the chains he made them disappear as he pulled Kieran into his lap. Gently his fingers brushed along the edge of his jaw as he tried to think of what to do now. Clearly the kitsune had been fighting his hunger a lot longer then Silv had thought. Had he been kept without food for more then a day? He would have to contact the half elf and find out how long they kept him in the sleep spell. For it did not look like it had been a freeze spell as Silv had first thought.

As he ran his fingers through the light fur of his face Silv swore a few times. He could feel the poor things body heat had gone up since he had been brought out into the room. Reaching out he called the kitsune’s gem to him. It seemed to sing as it got closer to its true owner then it had before. Laying it below Kieran so that it barely touched his back Silv sent out a command to bring broth and a light soup at once to the art room. One of the kitchen staff answered they would have some down in a matter of moments. “I am sorry little fox, I had not realized how hungry you really were. I would have given you something to eat had you asked.”

Arc Angel
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Old 09-21-2014, 03:33 AM

Kiernan's body was limp in the elf's arms, skin eve a tad pale before the gem was brought nearer to him. The fatigue that wore on him subsided enough for his fingers to twitch, the coloring of his skin to liven up to a better sense of normalcy. His fever even died down quite a bit with the close contact to it. Sleepily and inclined towards warmth, he instinctually leaned closer to the elf. In this manner, he was blissfully aware of the fact that he was even being held. Even after he began to stir from his weakened, dazed state he curled in closer to the man, one of his hands gently clutching at the fabric of his clothing as his tail flicked gently beneath him. Kiernan wasn't himself right now; he was quite weak and too far gone to realize the circumstances.

Meanwhile, a carriage drawn by two black horses stopped abruptly outside. Out of it stepped a regally dressed, red-haired figure of a man, lead on by a small child. She was a blond, blue-eyed girl with the look of innocence, but the mortified expression engraved into her face told of her status to the man; she was a slave, and not a well taken care of one. Dorian Arnoult, the man she lead, was not one to play nicely with possessions. He fed off of innocence, delighted in seeing souls breaking, and often claimed the untamed for slaves simply to break them down. This was one reason he was to visit today, for he had heard that his long time family friend was hiding away a new little addition to his household. The devilish gleam in the demon Dorian's golden gaze would tell plainly that he was here to wreak trouble with the new little darling.

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-21-2014, 03:58 AM

Holding him close Silv sighed and gently stroked the fur along Kiernan arm and shoulder. “I wonder if you will take soup in this start or will I have to wait for you to wake.” His voice but a whisper as he shifted slightly to put both of them in a more comfortable position. He did enjoy the feel of the kitsune up againted his body but he knew that the creature would not allow this if he were awake. And so he was trying not to get to relaxed to this. It would be rather hard to gain his trust again if he felt that he had been taken advantage of.

Up in the kitchens the cook was just setting the bowls out to be filled when one of the maids came charging in with a look of dread on her face. The ladle filled with soup went flying as she came to a skidding halt. Seconds later it returned to earth and the poor young maid that had set it in flight in the frist place. “well now young one you better have a good reason for that.” The cook’s mood had been grim all day and now it had turned dark with the wasted food and time that the maid would take up changing.

“Yes cook I do.” Her voice was filled with fear as she pointed to the window that looked out on the street. “you better have a look, cook.” Half the kitchen moved to take a look but stopped with a look from the cook. She slowly walked over and looked out. The color drained from her face as she looked back upon the younger staff of the kitchen.

“oh lords, help us.” Was all she said as she turned to the stairs up to the main hall. She only turned back to point to the maid and the soup. “fill those up for the master, we will have to see about this one.”

In the hall above the spell to announce carriages in the lane had summoned one of the common maids who walked to the door to open it. She was an old hand here at the house, had been in the family for some time. Some might have thought that by now she would have become a proper maid not a slave dressed like a maid but she still had the collar on. Opening the door she looked out upon Dorian and his new Pet and she smiled. Her smile was not a true smile but she had worked on it long enough that few would have been able to tell that she was not happy to see him. “good evening Lord Dorian.” She said as she bowed him into the entry way. “may I take your coat or anything else?” her voice was sweet and soft. “the master is in his study if you are wishing to see him.”

Arc Angel
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Old 09-21-2014, 04:19 AM

The young girl that lead him in stopped at the sight of the maid, nodding her head politely to her, and Dorian paused by her side, a devious smile lighting his face. He would have once been handsome, but now his features twisted all too darkly for such to be true. As he placed a firm hand on his pet's shoulder, the young girl shivered, but knew better tan to flinch away. She had many scars, despite her cooperation with him. Disobeying him was of no option to her. The empty look in her eyes was proof of this as he spoke up. Instead of consulting the woman who'd spoken to him, he instead leaned over the young girl to speak gently to her. "See this old woman, how she questions me so easily? Dreadfully shriveled old bag, isn't she?" He spoke with a voice like silk, but his words had an obvious bite to them.

The young girl stared up at her blankly, nodding. "Good darling." He replied before scoffing and straightening himself up. "Send some tea on down, I'll do down to meet him." He spoke plainly to the woman, not even bothering to make eye contact. "Come along, Dolly." He cooed to the young girl, her now following him as he walked, posture high, into the home with prior knowledge of the layout. She was clothed rather like a doll, herself. She wore a beautiful lace dress that tied with a ribbon around her waist, and walked under his shadow like a puppet. "Ohh, Silvy, deeeeear~" He purred sweetly as he reached the study, not bothering to knock as he simply swung the door open.

Then, stopping in the door frame, he looked over the scene before him. Smirking, one of his gloved hands rose to his chin. "This is what you're doing with him, eh? Taking advantage of the lil thing?" He chuckled, waggling his eyebrows suggestively as his golden eyes danced with mischief as they locked on the form of the kitsune, caught between sleep and consciousness now.

As he stirred, Kiernan moved closer to Silv, still seeking warmth and the peace of sleep.

Dolly popped her head out from behind him, staring with her blank gaze into the room without expression. A scar would be seen on her neck, deep and ragged, from this position. Dorian making a 'tsking' noise, as if to shame Silv, but his amused smile said otherwise. He would have approved of such actions, if he knew they were to be true. That wasn't like the man he knew, though.


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