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See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-21-2014, 01:56 AM

As Discord stepped past him and into the hall, telling everyone to start looking around, Vlad smiled slightly. His glowing eyes moved to the others, observing them with an interest he usually didn't seem to have. His glowing eyes lingered on Sai, who seemed to be shaking his head more than usual. Was something bothering him? Did it matter?

Vlad glanced briefly to Artemis as she started on about their current century. He listened halfheartedly, his mind focusing on the energies of those around him. It was always nice to be away from solitary confinement - there was a lot to pull from. Like Vex. Or Shadow. Or Hime. As his mind settled on each of them, Vlad took a pull of energy from each. It wasn't much - just a small reminder that he was tasting the air, really. It could have been a cool draft. His thoughts drifted until Artemis stopped talking.

The tall male glanced into the next room, and headed that way. It was in the opposite direction of Artemis and Volkov as they started their own search, and even away from Discord as the boy began to look around. This room was odd. It was a sitting room, of some sort. It was quiet, and when Vlad approached the window, he realized that it reminded him of the screen he often found comfort in while he was with the agency. It was a different scene, but he could still imagine the city street outside.

Blinking, Vlad approached the window and looked out. Let the others search. He wasn't one for obeying orders the moment they were given. He would wait for a while before growing curious enough to search the building.

Sai shook his head again. These questions were so ... inappropriate. There were no responses that he would voice, and he prayed that no one else could hear them. He didn't know how lucky he was - Sai was hearing the ghosts, not his companions or any visitors.

He listened as best he could to Artemis as she laid down a few ground rules, but was again surprised when no one quieted down enough to listen. Wasn't it completely and utterly rude to keep talking?

Moving closer to Hime, he frowned. "How many people are in this room, exactly?" He did find it odd that no one was responding to the questions or voices about them. I mean, if someone started poking you and making fun of you, you'd respond right? Well, for once, Vlad wasn't. Neither was Discord as he walked out of the room. And Hime was doing a fabulous job of ignoring the freakishly creepy voice that was telling her about his long lost family.

"No, I don't. Stop asking me that." Sai spoke as though responding to someone, but of course, there was no one there. No one had asked him anything. His "gaze" shot up to the aura beside Hime, and he scowled. "Just take your comments elsewhere. They aren't welcome."

It was too much. There was far too much noise. Sai cringed as a few of the strangers began to argue - and loudly, at that.

Last edited by Esmme; 04-21-2014 at 02:00 AM..

a91nicole is offline
Old 04-21-2014, 04:19 AM

After realizing that few people actually cared about what she had to say, Artemis decided it was time to explore. Volkov mentioned looking around, and Artemis figured she was as good of a companion as any to explore with- better, actually, as Volkov had none of the infuriating traits some of the others might have had. She followed the catbird, staying about a few feet behind. Of course, the moment Volkov said she had to see something, Artemis ran- or at least attempted too. The dress made running quite difficult.

Soon enough, she was standing in a doorway that made her stop and gasp in pleased surprise. There was a library... a huge library. "Oh my god Volkov... it's beautiful!" she whispered, walking into the center of the room to better admire it. There were shelves and shelves of books, so high that they needed a ladder. Artemis watched as Volkov flew, apparently having seen something.

Soon the little bird returned to her, dropping a key in her hand. Artemis looked at it for a moment before clasping it around her neck. It seemed it was meant to be worn. Artemis patted Volkov on the head as she landed on her shoulder. "Thank you! And bless you..." she said with a little smile. That might have been the cutest thing she'd ever heard. "Do you want to try and find the room this goes too?"

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 04-21-2014, 05:21 AM

Since Sycom seemed to be a bit too traumatized to answer her as he walked past she turned her attention to the others. She was able to gather that the goddess had spoken to them about why they were here or at least something along those lines. Really she wished she knew what the woman had said. It was annoying enough knowing that she was there present in the back of her mind. Vex was about to speak up when Discord suggested that they look around to figure out when and where they were.

The woman gave Shadow an approving smile and nod when she whacked Vlad with the book. He deserved that and more in her opinion. Artemis was next to speak up and she listened. Oh Vex knew exactly how dangerous messing with time could be. “Artemis is correct. We all must be very careful. One slip up and it could mean game over.” The thought of having to look after everyone and to prevent damages to the time line was a bit overwhelming. Why was she the one stuck with this responsibility?

That’s an easy question to answer my dear Vex. It’s because of the power you hold. Plus you know what the risks and dangers are. After all you won’t let that happen again right? At least not to them anyway. As for yourself I’m not so sure. Maybe you would rather that that be your fate? Vex raised her hands to her head, holding it once again. “Stop it,” she breathed.

The voice in her head faded away, laughing at her. Damn did that Goddess have a twisted sense of humor. She looked over at Sycom with a slight pout. Really she wanted to talk to him in private about this whole situation, but it seemed that would have to wait. Right now she just wanted to get away from this room and explore or at least do something constructive. As she debated what to do a cold chill came over her. She glanced at Vlad suspiciously before he left.

She walked over and linked arms with Shadow and Ashes. “Let’s go have some fun shall we?” She gave them both a big smile. Pulling the pair along she lead them down a hallway. Spotting a large door to the right halfway down the hall she let go of them and moved closer. The door looked like it was hand carved wood and very heavy. She ran her hand across the cravings. It really was an elegant piece of craftsmanship. Vex gave the heavy door a push. It opened slowly to reveal a ball room.

The room was large with what looked like a marble floor. In one corner of the room stood a grand piano and a small assortment of instruments, there were a few long tables on the opposite side of the room and flowers and decorations everywhere. The room was quite stunning with its vaulted ceilings, silver chandeliers and large windows to let light in. Vex couldn’t believe her eyes. “So beautiful.”

Last edited by blueblackrose; 04-21-2014 at 05:48 AM..

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-21-2014, 05:46 AM

Volkov purred hearing Artemis so happy and bumped her forehead against the other woman's. It just seemed like a natural thing to do when a cat was happy or pleased with a human. Nodding when she heard the offer, she hopped down from the woman's shoulder and wove in and out between the legs of a small table. "Well maybe if we find anything that has a lock on it, or a hidden door. For all we know it could be a fake book with a lock." she said and looked around at the huge expanse of the books. She would definitely want to look at those and read a few. She did love books, and old books were always so interesting and beautiful looking. Purring lightly, she moved around the room, looking in smaller places that would be awkward for a human to bend over and look at. Once or twice she found another dusty spot and let out a little sneeze. Shaking herself as her feathers ruffled and then settled back on her back again, all neat like. "I wonder..." she said and then wiggled under the rug on the floor. The little bump underneath it moved to the left and right, back and forth along the entire length until she poked her head out the other end. "Nope not under there." she said and wiggled out from under the rug. Leading the other woman through the next hallway, she saw a candle holder on the wall, opposite of the window in the hall.

Flapping her wings as she jumped, she nearly missed the thing, but pulled herself up and sat in the section that was empty to hold the candle. It suddenly creaked and lowered, making Volkov mew in surprise and jump off, but a stone moved out of the way to reveal a key hole. "Oh, that's interesting." she said, walking up to the wall and sniffing it in interest.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-21-2014, 01:49 PM

Alone again it seemed, that was fine with him. He walked along the dark hall for the current time, looking over the older styles that seemed to be present around this time. Makes me more and more glad we were never actually from around here Berserker said. Kanra chuckled a bit, "it is a bit....bland..." He paused before a door, tilting his head as he looked at it. He opened the door, to reveal a study beyond. A fireplace directly across from the door, with large bookshelves on either side, and a desk situated to the right, while what looked like a makeshift bar like area to the left.

He stepped inside, the wood floor decorated with a large woven rug, seemed this room had not been actively used in awhile. He took a better look at the fireplace, and scowled a bit. Could do without that Berserker said. A large hand painted portrate of Sycom hung above the fireplace in this era's style clothing and setting. Seems this would have been his office. "I suppose such a thing would be considered respectful in this time..." he turned away, "lets move on, it's creepy enough with the real thing playing the part of a father....the painting crosses a line." Berserker chuckled, and the two stepped out of the room once more. He could feel Vlad, still lingering back in the room as everyone else was out looking.

He smiled, deciding to have a little fun with the sour man. He began releasing his energy, letting it slowly drift down the hall similar to what a scent might do, but Vlad was the only other one who could pick it up besides him. He turned away then, and began walking deeper into the large estate. It would tempt the other, and perhaps if he could find him, they would have a little fun to liven up this dark estate. It needed a bit of a remoddle. He moved to a branch off hall, looking around slightly at the still very plain and old fashioned work that had been done with it. He sighed lightly.

a91nicole is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 02:16 AM

"I certainly hope we find it. Perhaps we shall not tell anyone else." Artemis said with a conspiratorial, mischievous grin as she once more patted Volkov. Immediately both of them had the same idea, and they began to explore. Volkov was clearly the better explorer, largely because massive skirts were not very agile. No matter how much Artemis was enjoying this, adapting to anything beyond skin-tight pants was rather difficult. But this was how it was here, and she'd have to get used to it. She watched as Volkov searched the room, giggling when the kitten when under the rug and bobbed around for a moment before returning to her.

They soon left the library, clearly the room wasn't in there. Volkov found an odd, empty candle holder. Everything else in the house had been pre-lit for them, so this did strike her as a bit strange. And with good reason, considering that Volkov's weight pulled the switch and opened a key hole. "Well I think we know what goes there." Artemis spoke, barely able to keep the excitement from her voice.

She removed the key from her neck and turned it in the lock. The lock clicked and the door slid to the side, revealing a tall staircase. Looking up it, Artemis had a brief moment of apprehension "Dear lord I hope there's not some mad scientist up there trying to bring people back to life." she chuckled lightly, unsure if Volkov would catch the reference she had made to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. "Well Volkov, I don't know about you, but I think a mysterious dark staircase is exactly the type of thing we should climb!" she exclaimed, picking up the little catbird and placing her on her shoulder. With that, Artemis stepped onto the staircase and began to climb the strange tower.

Last edited by a91nicole; 04-22-2014 at 05:00 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 03:55 AM

It was simple to ignore at first. Vlad knew what Discord was doing. The scent of power was strong - Discord was letting it spread through the estate, wasn't he? The Undertaker smiled slightly, looking over his shoulder in the direction of the door. To go, or not to go?

Vlad paused, considering staying where he was. There was no harm in waiting while everyone else explored. Then again ... it was quiet here. A frown crossed his face. Should that bother him?

The Undertaker sighed quietly, stepping slowly away from the window. Fine. He would find the young master of the house. Why not play a bit of "find Discord" in a house this big? Besides, as much as he'd like to deny it, Vlad was curious about the place. Being in another time period was interesting.

Vlad stepped through a few hallways, following the trail of Discord's power. After a few turns, the dark-haired male paused. Oh. It truly was a game, then. Scenting the air before him, then through the doorway on his right, he chose a direction. Discord's Purium was active alright. And it was scattering its scent through half the building....

Teal eyes narrowed in concentration. Rarely did he track others down with the use of his powers. Perhaps it was a lesson he was to learn here in this place. Taking a deep breath, Vlad followed another bit of the trail. He took a wrong turn. The scent was weak here. Doubling back, Vlad focused - in that moment, he became as concentrated on finding Discord as he usually did with his enemy. There would be no stopping him until he found the boy.

Vlad continued to track Discord, taking a few wrong turns in the process. It was irritating, but there was something about it that kept Vlad's rage from intruding on his thoughts. This wasn't serious. It was a game. Didn't people tell him to lighten up fairly often? Why get angry with losing the trail if this was meant to be a bit of fun? The male's glowing eyes locked on the next doorway. There was movement, and he glimpsed a familiar lithe form.

Stepping into the room, Vlad tapped the side of Discord's head with his fingers. Why? He had no idea. It just sort of happened.

"Like a dog to a whistle. I'm sure you expected it." he smirked, shaking his head. Sometimes, he didn't bother denying the fact that his personality was ... stubborn. He was stubborn in his pursuits, in his fighting, in his thinking .... Vlad was all around a pretty stubborn person. Sadly, everyone else knew that, including Discord.

"Found anything interesting, young master?" The words were equally a real question and laced with sarcasm.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 05:28 AM

Volkov watched with curiosity as Artemis pulled the chain off from around her neck and put the key in the keyhole. Watching as the key gave a click and the wall gave way to a door, the cat peaked around the door and looked up the dark stairs before the agent pulled the door open. Tilting her head to the side as he tried to contemplate what was up there, she gave a purr as she heard Artemis. "Yes I wouldn't want to claw the face off of frankenstien." she said lightly, and purred as she accepted her spot on the woman's shoulder. Keeping her balance easily, it helped that cats could see quite well in the dark. It seemed to take a good few minutes before they came to another wooden door, but the key proved useful once again.

Surprise lit up the cat's face as they saw a beautiful room filled with tapastries of stars and planets, books and notes littering the desk area and many astrology instraments, as well as a large telescope. Jumping down from the shoulder she had been perched on, the white kitten looked around, curiously sticking her head in places to see if anything was really interesting. "This is so cool." she said and then jumped up onto the window. Her paws on the glass as she looked outside, she could see for miles. Purring and tail twitching in happiness she noticed a string by the desk. Her cat instincts kicking in, she ran over to it, and began batting it. Mewing as she bit and pulled it, she slipped and fell off the desk and landed on her feet. The string still in her mouth she gave it a tug and there was a creak. Looking up as a part of the ceiling pulled back her mouth fell open in surprise. "Its an observatory." she breathed and looked back at the string. "Pull that thing, maybe it opens up all the way." she said to Artemis, running over to her side with a jump added at the end as she pawed the hem of her skirts. This was so exciting!

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 02:01 PM

Discord seemed to quickly pick up on Hime pointing him out to the rest of the group; whether he had wanted to remain hiding or not, she didn't care. She wasn't exactly sure how she felt about wandering around the house, at least not with such a large group that was heading out. Her eyes rolled towards one of the windows where she thought about trying to peer around the castle grounds to find Volf. She had a feeling that her mechanical friend was quickly surveying the area.

Before she had a chance to move on any thought of doing anything, the silver haired male she was co-leader with spoke up to her. His clothing, similar to what he normally wore, the era difference didn't sit badly on the male. The troubled look on his face made the woman think that he shared her same thought, he was going crazy.

Hime's brow furrowed slightly for a moment before she looked around the room quickly. "Just Division 1, save for Mozilla and Lolipop," she replied, her weight shifting to one foot, her hands planted firmly on her hips. "Volkov, Artemis, Vex left to follow Discord and Vex took Shadow and Ashes with her," she then added to take into account that the group had started moving out. Peering towards the hallway once again she then added, "Oh, it looks like Vlad joined them as well."

She took a couple steps back towards her chair before picking up her top hat, putting it on and gathering up her horse whip and propping it on the floor like a staff with how big it was compared to her. She then shot a look towards the dark haired male she had struck earlier; she was not going to put up with his smart remarks again. "You're more than welcome to catch up with them if you wish," she said as she turned to face the blindfolded male once again.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 02:05 PM

Kanra continued to move along, checking out a few other rooms that he found along the way. He could feel in turn the other getting closer to him as well. He did not bother to hide himself, or to shut off the energy that was leading the other right to him. He was in what looked to be a sitting room, his eyes on the table, before he felt the tap on his head. The words reaching his ears, caused a slight smile to form upon his lips. He turned to glance at the other, a playful glint within his eyes. “Besides a very disturbing portrait of Sycom, nothing much at the moment” he crossed to the table, picking up what looked to be a makeshift newsletter for this time period. It confirmed they were no longer in their own era, as well as that trouble was lurking within this one.

He handed the paper to Vlad, before he crossed over to the window and drew the curtains open slightly. “Seems a lot is going on around here, but their holding back as well…..human minds really are quite fragile” he chuckled, there was a bit of an ironic nature to his words, for his own mind had suffered two fractures and a joining…quite the feat, but he was still alright. He looked across the way, and for a moment, though he caught a glimpse of someone lurking just beyond the gates. “Seems we are already attracting some attention as well” he said, allowing the curtain to fall closed.

He turned to face Vlad now, leaning back against the wall. He had not stopped his energy, allowing it to still linger within the room and around him as well as Vlad. He closed his eyes for a moment, the time laps between all of this and his feelings for the moment was leaving him with some energy to burn. Since the joining, his energy was more balanced, holding both Kanra’s light, and Berserker’s darkness within it. He found it to be more powerful now than when they were apart, as well as certainly having a stronger effect on their little playmate. He opened his eyes, fixing Vlad within his gaze.

a91nicole is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 04:40 PM

Artemis chuckled as Volkov confirmed that she did, in fact, catch her reference to Frankenstein. Soon they were climbing the stairs and it wasn't long before they reached another door. Artemis opened it and pushed it open. She gasped in pleasant surprise as she saw the room. It was beautiful, and full of all manner of tools and charts Artemis had only ever dreamed of seeing in person. Volkov had left her shoulder and gone to explore the room on her own. Artemis did the same.

She was running her hands over the massive telescope when she heard a massive creak. Artemis looked down, seeing Volkov with a string half-hanging out of her mouth. It was absolutely precious and she scratched behind Volkov's ears before hearing Volkov tell her to pull it and feeling her little paws against the hem of her skirts. Artemis did, and it took quite a bit of strength and shook up quite an amount of dust, but soon the entire ceiling opened up to show a massive amount of windows.

"Oh my god... this is gorgeous!" Artemis exclaimed, unable to keep the excitement from her voice. She immediately went to the telescope and placed her up up to the eyepiece. It was focused on a city, but the image was blurry. Playing with the knobs, Artemis was able to focus it. It was incredible how much she could see. The city was likely only half a mile to a mile away, but it was still impressive. She was even able to read the signs on the buildings, which finally answered her question of where they were. "Volkov... you have to look in here. You'll probably have to transform to your human form, but you can see the city from here. And it seems we're in Salem."

Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 06:04 PM

It was startling to see Vex speak in a voice that wasn't hers. Right off the bat, he knew it was the goddess she was infused with. As the goddess' words rung true, Sycom gave a reluctant sigh. Things could have been worse for him. Sure, he felt silly in his olden day getup of a navy coat atop a cream cotton button-up shirt with beige pants. A top hat donned his head and a cane was tucked neatly between his fingers. The cravat around his neck choked him some, but Sycom found it easy to adjust when he loosen the button of the jacket. With a sigh, his green gaze fell back on his woman, Vex.

She seemed confused. Shocked and a tad worried, too. With a reassuring smile, he dropped a hand on her shoulder. "I don't believe the goddess within you approves of me as much as you do. We'll just have to show her I'm more than worthy of your love, right?" Leaning in, a peck was placed on her cheek.

The moment was fleeting though for Vlad up and ruined the moment by causing a mess for Shadow to clean. Artemis, quick to enthuse about the whole idea of being back in the days of the past, didn't seem to really address Vlad as he expected. Weren't Vlad and Artemis a thing? They sure appeared that way in the future they came from. Of course, who was to say all the memories from the future drifted backwards into the past. The thought of not losing memories was enough to make Sycom's head spin. Something had to give and the memory was pretty weak.

With a shrug, he let his eyes fall on what unfolded next. Sai finally appeared, which was a relief. At least another agent was in the mix -- not that the criminals couldn't be trusted. Still, once a criminal, always a criminal, right? At least with another agent in the room, Sycom could breathe easy. Well, easier.

The exchange between Hime and Reino was cute enough to make Sycom smile. If only Reino wasn't interested in another woman, he could almost ship the taller man and the short woman. It was funny and the way they reacted to each other was equally enjoyable.

"Oof," he doubled over due to the pain just above his goods. Glancing at Hime, he let out a light hiss. She didn't have to be so mean, he was merely joking. Perhaps, in time, he would break her from her stern mold. Until then, he would just have to deal with the pain that came with toying with Hime.

With Hime speaking on behalf of Discord, Reino looked over at the other criminal. Just what was he going to have them do? Sycom and Vex were his aids, but Discord was the one calling all the shots in the end. Funny how things turned out, Reino mused before his eyes caught a glimpse of Volkov. Of course, he wanted to make a move, but the maid uniform on Shadow was equally attractive. Not to mention, Hime was rather nice looking in her own uniform. Breasts popping from her chest, what man wouldn't try to pursue the tiny-framed yet big-boobed woman?

Discord finally spoke up and offered direction. They were to explore. It seemed easy enough, right?

Can't talk about power or electricity. Sycom nearly died. No electricity? His eyes started to shift around the room. Sure enough, there were no switching. There weren't computers. Why, even his cell phone... wait, how did he have a cell phone? Reaching into his pocket, Sycom pulled out a litter of small, nude-colored earpieces. Oh yeah, he was the communication guy. The voice in their ears -- as usual. Clearly, to succeed in this world some level of technology was needed. Thank goodness the goddess was kind enough to leave him his toys. Not being allowed outside the house was worth the price of having electrical gadgets that magically worked. Well, at least Sycom thought so.

With Sycom trapped in his own world, Reino figured he might as well tag along with the group. He was silent in his movements, keeping to the back as he watched Volkov snag the key and gave it to Artemis. What did that key hide? He was itching to know! With how Volkov looked in her cat form, Reino found himself dying inside some. She was perfection all rolled up into a cute little kitten. And then there was Artemis. Even though the two didn't spend much time together, the raven did enjoy her company. She was beautiful, but in a hearty kind of way. She was strong, capable, and wise. She was a survivor and reminded him of Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Game series he read when he was younger. His lips pulled into a smile as he watched the two women go at it. They were so excitable and downright adorable.

"Whatever it is," he finally spoke. Clearly the two weren't aware of his presence, as noted by their desire to keep secrets. Reino stepped in and moved closer to Artemis, "it must be worth the hassle of hiding." Volkov moved to where Reino was going to suggest. With it being a dud, his gold orbs moved around the room more. Perhaps the walls hid the secrets?

Sure enough, Volkov found the spot and Artemis was already moving to investigate. Was it really wise to send the women down first? Too slow, he cursed himself and tagged along behind the two.

Thankfully, what the chamber hid wasn't a monster or a man. It was a observatory. It was magical and full of a lot of nifty items. Clearly the goddess had more in store for them than he originally believed.

"Salem?" Reino scoffed at the irony. "Of course we go back to the place where I nearly died. But it makes sense. There's where the monster sighting occurred. I'm sure it's where it needs to end, too."

Meanwhile, Ashes was getting tugged into the group with Vex and Shadow. Having not spent much time with either, he welcomed the opportunity to spend time with them. Vex was graceful beyond belief and he fully understood Sycom's passion toward her. Shadow, who he still believed was Reino's woman, was equally as graceful and just as lovely. They were so alike yet so different. Vex choose her high school sweetheart and Shadow was moved by the bitter bad boy. Funny how love works, he told himself.

"I wonder," Ashes whispered as he looked over the grand piano. Without another word, he slipped onto the ivory seat. Hands sprawled out, he let them stroke each of the white keys. With a calm exhale, he began to play.

Finally escaping from the depths of his mind, Sycom began to explore. At first, he followed Discord, but stopped the moment he stumbled into his office. It was so weird to see a painting of himself on the wall. In fact, he grimaced. Had he put on weight? Or had the artist failed in catching his slender pique? With a quick glare, he slid into his chair and pulled open the drawers. Sure enough, electronic gadgets were tucked away. "Oh thank god."

Wanna roleplay? WTF or Mene

Last edited by Xavirne; 04-22-2014 at 06:06 PM..

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 06:37 PM

Volkov watched in awe as Artemis pulled he ceiling away to reveal the beautiful glass ceiling. Finally noticing Reino, the Russian kitten pranced over and rubbed against him, moving between his legs. "Isn't this amazing?" she purred happily, and then hearing Artemis, she moved away from Reino and transformed. Stretching her arms out a bit, she blushed a bit remembering her outfit. Brushing it off, she smiled at Reino as she tucked in her wings and walked to Artemis's side. Waiting for her turn, she took in a breath of delight. "Its beautiful..." she whispered, finding herself wanting nothing more then to explore the town. Hearing Reino's words of almost being killed her, she frowned and stepped away from the telescope. "Well I guess that makes some sense, though I will do everything I can to keep you from dying here." she said lightly and tapped his chest, hearing the light tink of the metal under her nail. Smiling at him brightly with innocence, she then hummed as she picked up a book. She missed Scar, but she could live. Having Scar taken away from her had been a ruff experience but this would figure this out as well.

Opening the book, her face grew a wide grin. "Magic." she breathed, flipping through the pages, her pale fingers trailing over the thick paper with care and reverence. "Its beautiful... How they believed in shapeshifting, and healing magics in this time. It was these thoughts that transcended through time and made my DNA splicing possible... How wonderful is it that thoughts like this could with stand the test of time?" she breathed and closed the book hugging it to her chest. Her brother had always believed she could preform magics, and she had pursued healing so she could preform a type of magic that would save lives. Even if it was calculated, the children she had saved thought it was magic. "My brother would have adored this. He originally wanted to major in history, but went into the army because his skill set was too important not too. He would be going more nuts then Artemis." she said and let out a chuckle, offering a smile to Reino.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 10:12 PM

The laughed surprised her, almost causing her to falter in her steps. Vlad never laughed and it was a really odd sound. Coming to a stop near Ashes, she glanced back over at the tormentor just as he snapped some of her energy. Shadow felt a dull coldness seep into her arm and she glared at him, hard. Taking a deep breath she made sure she didn’t lose it and send a knife flying at his head. He was just trying to irritate her. Calming down she glanced around the room. She stayed silent as the others came and go and talked among-st themselves. Forever the quiet one.

When Vex came over to her and Ashes she gave her a grin and allowed herself to be pulled along. Shadow glanced across Vex and looked at Ashes. She really didn’t know much about him, maybe they would get to know each other. When they entered the ballroom she could help the small gasp that escaped her lips. It was truly stunning.

She watched Ashes with interest as he walk over to the grand piano and sat down. He could play? The song that started was a familiar one to her and she couldn’t help but smile. Flashing Vex and grin she unhooked her arm and walked over to the instruments. She stroked a beautiful violin, admiring the quality of it. Should she play? Or should she sing? Finally deciding to use her voice Shadow walked over to the piano and stood at the foot of it. She listened for two beats before she began singing along with Ashes playing.

[“And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more…”

a91nicole is offline
Old 04-23-2014, 12:16 AM

Artemis had jumped when she'd heard Reino start speaking to them. Had he really been following them the whole time? Apparently he had. So it seemed he was in on their little secret place as well. "You know you didn't have to sneak up on us, Reino. Artemis said with a bit of a grin. She didn't mind. She was too excited about the observatory to care. Not to mention it was nice to have the company, and everyone seemed in a much better mood here than they had been in the present time.

The conversation did, however take a bit of a more serious turn when he talked about almost dying here. That stung, but it was true. "I feel like we will stand a much better change of not dying here, since we have Purium and training on how side. But we will have to be careful with letting others see you guys's purium abilities. If we are in Salem around the time I think we are, the witch trials are about to start. I doubt anyone here wants to be labeled a with." Artemis mused, looking through the papers now.

Volkov's comments caught her interest and she smiled, so Volkov's brother had been a man of learning. How lovely. What a shame he'd had to join the military. "Sounds like your brother and I would get along." Artemis said with a laugh. "But it seems the fates always have plans for us we do not expect. I certainly never thought I'd come to Salem during the witch trials. I just hope the rest of Division 1 is willing to listen to my lessons so that they don't shoot themselves, or the rest of us, in the foot while we are here."

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 04-23-2014, 03:14 AM

Before she had left Sycom’s side she gave him a small smile and nod. He was right. The goddess was going to annoy her to no end. She told herself it was fine. There were at least two people here that would help her deal with it if she couldn’t do it on her own.

“Sorry for dragging you two along. I just….I just needed to get away from that room and Sycom. I don't think the goddess likes him much. Then again maybe she just doesn't like others questioning her. Boy can she be annoying.” The voice in her mind told her that she heard that and wasn't pleased. She sighed slightly.

The silver haired woman moved further into the room. This was a place she wanted to show Sycom later. They would really be able to have that dance he always talked about here. Her attention turned to Ashes as he moved to the piano. “You know how to play?” The question seemed pointless as the male began to do just that.

The song was one she recognized. It was such a lovely and touching song. One that made her think of Sycom. As Ashes played and Shadow sang she started to dance. It had been so long since she last done something like this. While in high school she had been a part of the schools color guard. They often did dance routines to popular music. The only thing that would have made this better was if she actually had a flag to use, but just dancing was fine.

Her body flowed with the music. Her movements graceful and in perfect timing with the music. Vex also found herself singing along with Shadow during the chorus of the song. When the music came to an end she could feel herself blushing slightly. She hadn't meant to do that in front of them. "That was beautiful you two," she said, smiling. It felt good to be here with them and being able to learn more about each other since they really hadn't had much time to do so back at the agency. Of course her and Shadow had become friends and were able to get a little close to each other before all of this happened.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 04-24-2014 at 03:47 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-06-2014, 03:33 AM

Vlad frowned at the mention of Sycom's portrait. "Self-conceited, isn't it?" The undertaker looked around the room calmly, his mocking tone fading. His teal eyes were lingering on a set of books when he heard Discord's voice again. "Human minds have trouble handling what we've seen," he agreed, smiling slightly.

Accepting the paper that Discord handed him, Vlad scanned it quickly. Ah, yes. Monsters. Demons. Hell on earth, or whatever they wanted to call it. He opened his mouth as though to speak when Discord caught sight of someone beyond the gates. "Already drawing attention?" Vlad stepped to the curtains just as they closed. Subtly moving one, he glanced outside. There was a brief flicker of movement, but nothing he could identify as either male or female.

Vlad stepped back, murmuring something about being unable to see. There was a pointed silence during which the undertaker kept his eyes on the closed curtains, ignoring the youth beside him. Finally, he sucked in a small breath through his mouth, avoiding the smell of energy. "Is there something you need?"

The undertaker's Purium lit. Slowly at first, but it began to glow from beneath his black clothing. Such a potent source of energy was difficult to ignore. Discord knew that. He'd always known that. It was worse now, especially in such an enclosed space.

"Can we continue our search, boy?" The words were calm, with a lilt of sarcasm at the end. Vlad stepped back, turning his gaze to the door. His pace was quick as he moved to the hall, finally breathing deeply. He'd practically been holding his breath. Not that it had helped block out Discord's energy, but it had at least given Vlad something to focus on in the attempt to keep himself sane. "I'd rather not be as high as a drug addict throughout the time we're here, Kanra."

Kanra. He never used the boy's name. This was a different world indeed!

Sai's frown darkened when he heard Hime's answer. How many people were in the room? A few lingering members of Division 1. No, now it was just them. Something about Hime's tone was ... off. How on earth could there be only a few people in this room? He could see and hear a dozen others.

There was a snicker from beside him, and Sai resisted the urge to look at whoever was mocking him. Or were they mocking Hime, who was no standing a few feet away with her horse whip before her like a cane?

Sai fell silent for a moment, trying to discern why he was hearing so much. He stiffened as he heard another set of voices start up with loud mocking cries. Obviously Hime couldn't hear them. The short blonde would never have stood for their outpouring of piteous noise.

Glancing in the direction that he'd last seen the auras of the others, Sai smiled slightly. "I'm not sure if I'm welcome with them." The silver-haired male shook his head. "Are you experiencing any negative effects from the time shift?" Was he the only one hearing voices? Voices were never a good thing. Ever.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 05-06-2014, 06:52 PM

The woman watched as her answer seemed to very slowly sink in with him. From the looks of it, it was as though he didn't really believe what she was saying. His body language was tense to say the least and Hime couldn't really figure out why, not so much that she cared in this world, it wasn't like they were going to be under any direct threat in their home base this soon. Moving slightly, she shifted her arms so that the whip lay beside her breast as she crossed her arms under her bosom.

When the taller male smiled, Hime felt herself relax a bit after unknowingly having gone slightly on alter at the slight chance of being under attack already. Even though she had calmed, she was still convinced that her partner Senior Agent was still going crazy in this world; or perhaps he always had been, she never had the opportunity to really talk to him to find out. She had no idea what he meant with his first sentence about being welcome with them, but wasn't about to press the matter. As it stood, it wasn't something that she needed to know about and he could discuss the matter with her whenever he so chose to do so.

It was when he asked how she was doing that she did respond. "Other than feeling a little sick and wondering where and what on Earth Volf might be, I am no more worse for wear than usual." The woman's eyes drifted over towards the window for a moment, her body turning to match her gaze. Even from where she stood, with her outlook over the front courtyard, there was nothing that gave the massive mechanical wolf away at this point. Knowing the robot, if he were powered up, he would be as close to his master as he could be. Given the fact that he wasn't there now meant he was either powered off or not large enough to just destroy half the mansion getting to her.

A smirk graced the tiny woman's features at the thought of Volf trying to tear down the place trying to get to her. Blue eyes rolling to the side, Hime cast Sai what appeared to be a sly look, given her smirk and the seemingly semi-joyful look in her tone eyes. "How are you faring?" She then asked, not fully agreeing with the look he had received.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-06-2014, 08:34 PM

Kanra watched Vlad for a moment in silence, tilting his head a bit at the other suddenly seeming to desire getting away from him. He smiled at his comment about now wanting to be high, and calling him by his name. The other was always seeming so old, refering to Kanra as a boy. He was no child, an adult legally in age. He stepped over to the other, looking up at him in a teasing manner. "I want...." he let the thought fade between the two, before he simply turned away from him. He smiled, leaving the other to guess about it, walking down the hall to continue exploring. If the other wanted to follow, it was up to him. If not, that was fine as well. He was used to being on his own anyways even now. He was a bit curious as to where Remy had gotten to, a light playful smile spreaded across his lips.

Perhaps he would find the other to play with, if Vlad began to bore him as he usually did being such a sour puss. He glanced at the various painting within the hall around him. There were so many different scenes, and some of the supposid family here. He did not even once look back at Vlad, continuing to leave the mystery, and the other's thoughts to his own. He paused at a door down the hall, opening it to what looked like art room. Marble busts and paintings hung around. A large rug sat in the center, with a huge black piano sitting on it. Seemed pianos were popular in this time, there had been one back in the main room to. He could hear the light echos of the notes even here. He smiled, liking the sound.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-21-2014, 01:33 AM

"Well that's good." Sai wasn't sure what else to say. Hime wasn't experiencing any negative effects from the time shift. So it really was just him hearing the voices. This was equally disheartening and worrying. The male frowned, shifting uncomfortably. A few jeering voices sprang up in Hime's wake, poking at Sai as he tried to puzzle out why he could hear them. He nearly missed the small blonde's question.

"Hm?" His "gaze" moved to Hime again, and he tilted his head questioningly. Before Hime could repeat her question, however, another female voice repeated it for him. It was a voice that he'd become very familiar with throughout his time at the SFA. So familiar with, he would never forget it. It was the voice of his previous partner Siri. Siri had died with Sai's entire team when he'd lost his sight.

Sai's expression froze, and he seemed to stop breathing. He paled noticeably. The agent looked to where he'd heard Siri's voice and he stared at the familiar form that stood a few feet away.

"Siri?" His whisper was uncertain. When the pale aura shook her head, Sai slowly reached out to touch her shoulder. His hand passed through Siri as though she wasn't standing before him.

"Answer her, Sai."

Sai was still numb with shock when he spoke. "Can you see her?" He knew Hime's answer before she said anything. No, he was not faring well. In fact, he felt like he was completely crazy. Sai's voice dropped to a whisper. "I think something's wrong, Hime."

Vlad glanced over his shoulder at Discord as the youth stepped into the hall. "You want ...?" His teal eyes narrowed, and the tall male followed their new leader at a leisurely pace. When he finally caught up with Discord, the undertaker looked irritated. There it was. His usual annoyed expression was returning. It looked so natural on him that Vlad looked out of place without it!

"You're always so enigmatic," Vlad said, his tone conveying his disappointment. He stayed a few feet away from Discord at all times, as though perhaps the distance would lessen the "scent" he was picking up on. It didn't.

He was annoyed for a while, but tried to distract himself with their surroundings.

Vlad tilted his head at the sound of a piano echoing from further in the house. It was a nice sound. It piqued his curiosity suddenly. Perhaps there's a violin ... The undertaker scoffed quietly, shoving the thought from his mind. In their own time, Vlad was easily and readily distracted by his misery. This was so calm and free that his mind immediately moved on to what life was like before his time as a criminal. He'd once played the violin.

Just as he rid himself of the thought Vlad caught sight of (low and behold) a violin sitting near the piano. There were other instruments as well, all in perfect condition. They were beautiful things, all pristine and crafted masterfully. Vlad didn't think twice before stepping closer to the instruments. He silently inspected them for a moment before lifting the violin. It was a balanced weight, one that he was familiar with.

Play our song, Vlad!

Hannah had always asked him to play for her when they were young. Vlad had often played the violin for his younger sister to keep her thoughts away from their troubled parents.

Please, Vlad? Please?

Vlad didn't notice his hands checking the tension of the strings until he played the first note. It was a clear, piercing note that eased into a haunting tune. It sounded playful ... and sad. Vlad sent a threatening glance to Discord before continuing. His hands still remembered how to play. It was a comfort to him that he hadn't lost the last piece of his sister that he'd held dear.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-10-2014, 04:45 PM

((Sorry for such short post…))

When Vex joined in Shadow couldn't help but smile. She was a beautiful dancer and had an amazing voice. The song came to a end and she bounded over to Vex. "That was refreshing!" She felt so much better now, like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. Everything that had recently happened had taken a toll on her. She needed some light to shine over the darkness.

Her eyes looked over at Ashes and she smiled at him. “You play beautifully Ashes. I would love to play violin to your piano sometime. Maybe we could get everyone together and play. Have a ‘bonding’ night.” She laughed slightly at this. Like that would happen anytime soon. Vlad would just love to bond with everyone.

“So what else shall we do? Go exploring?”

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 08-10-2014, 07:28 PM

Smiling and nodded Volkov chuckled. "Yes he would have had a lot of nerdy conversations with you I'm sure Artemis." the woman said and then her ears perked up. "I hear music." she said and with a light purr. She moved to the bookshelf. Placing the book back carefully, she noticed something else. Squinting, she then grinned seeing the feathered hat in the corner. Chuckling, she grabbed the concealed hat with a large white plume of feathers, and dusted it off. Grinning she set it on Reino's head and laughed lightly. "It fits you, just not the butler outfit." she teased and then changed back into her kitten form. "I'm going to go check out the music and tell the others about the tower." she called as she bounded down the stairs. With a leap, her little wings spread out and she glided down the rest of the stairs. Skittering across the marble floors, she zigged and zagged, mewing and laughing as her grip wasn't very good. Tumbling into the room with the piano, she landed in Vex's skirts with an 'oof'. Looking up meekly, the white kitten gave a cute mew and skittered onto her feet again. Tucking in her wings on her back, she looked up at Vex and smiled. getting low and wiggling her rear, the kitten then jumped straight into the woman's arms. Purring, she rubbed her head against the woman's neck. "You guys sing wonderfully. oh, and Artemis, Reino, and I found an observatory! Its really pretty and was behind a secret door! It holds a lot of cool things, just to let you know." she said lightly with a purr.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-10-2014, 08:43 PM

(Tada!~ Finally an entrance from Okami~ )

Well this was...odd. That was putting it nicely. Okami had woken within a room, sliding a hand through his hair. His eyes were bugging him, and he slipped off the glasses for a moment to observe them, before he slipped them back on. Ugh, perhaps he was better off blind than with these? The style and layout of things around him brought to mind an earlier time period indeed. His first intention was to find the others, one in particular. He walked out of the room, taking care to scan and memorize the layout as he moved. He heard the sound of a piano in the distance, and made his way closer to the sound.

Glancing inside of a room, he caught the sight of Vlad and Kanra within. So, the two of them were here. His head was still sore, the remnants of a headache within, the glasses not helping at all. He decided to leave the pair be for now, moving along once more. He deffinetly got the idea they were not within their own time anymore, but he did not know the specifics, having not been there with the others. He figured he should look for Sycom, a sigh escaping his lips. His hand went to his head, great...more orders hmm? He paused, listening to the sounds and hints of the house as to possible locations of other people. Movement in a room not to far away, led him to move to the door.

Speak of the devil indeed, Sycom looking into a drawer. He leaned against the doorframe, in a way that was more casual to him for a moment. At this point, his head and the nauseated feeling settling within him was making him slightly less formal than his usual self indeed. "I suppose this means everyone is here.." he spoke, breaking the silence, and allerting the other to his presence. His eyes upon the other, he would watch his reaction to the sudden appearance of another, as well as to whatever might come next from it. He stepped fully inside after a moment, closing the door behind him. The two of them alone now.

He reached a hand up, tugging off his glasses once more, before he gently brushed a loose strand of hair from his eyes. Seemed his hair was going to be a bother as well. He usually kept it back enough, but he could handle it enough. He looked to Sycom for a moment, though without his glasses, he could merely see blurs and figures. He was in no way weak without them, much in the way Sai was not totally helpless without his sight. Okami had been trained in using all of his senses and more, in order to compensate for his sight. Even without it, he could handle himself exceptionally. For now however, he waited upon the other's words, and whatever else he had in store before he would speak once more himself.


Kanra looked over at Vlad playfully for a moment, as the other began messing with the violin. He said nothing, merely allowing the other his way for a moment. He caught the sight of movement by the door, glancing over but no one was there. He was curious of who might have been watching them for a moment, before he turned back to Vlad. "What is life without a little fun and mystery?" he asked, smiling a bit once more, "besides, if I so easily gave up all my secrets, you would not continue to chase me so." He chuckled, half teasing Vlad. Part of it was serious though, he enjoyed their game, and even though Vlad might not have ever admited it, he wondered if the other did as well.

He moved closer to the piano, gently running his fingertips along the keys. His mind was moving for a moment now to what he had been about to say to the other. He wanted....what he wanted in the end mattered little right? He could want the world and it would never be his. What would be his would be what he was willing to fight for and strive for. He was not about to give up so easily. He was not about to slip back into that place he had been back in their time. Berserker seemed to agree, he could feel the other so much stronger now. A hand moving over his heart. He closed his eyes, letting their bond fill him for a moment. Their energies now harmonized were stronger than ever, and more at peace than he had been before.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 10-05-2014, 04:27 AM

It all seemed to end too soon. When her friend bounded over to her she gave her a hug. Shadow had a beautiful voice and Ashe’s playing was just wonderful. Vex nodded her head in agreement with her friend. It was refreshing and somewhat relaxing.

“A ‘bondage’ night sounds like fun.” The woman laughed before smiling at the two. “I only kid. But really the idea of having a ‘bonding’ night where we can get to know each other better since we never really had the chance is a good one. We should do it.” Of course the whole thing would be voluntary. She couldn’t imagine Vlad willing joining in.

Her attention returned to Shadow how was still beside her. “That is a good question.” Lightly tapping a finger on her bottom lip Vex considered what they should do now. “Exploring sounds fun. I know. Let’s see if there is a garden area like the one we found before Shadow. It would be nice if there was a place like that here.” The silver haired woman seemed to be in higher spirits now. This was probably due to the fact that the goddess wasn’t currently bugging her.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 05-14-2015 at 06:22 PM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 10-06-2014, 12:37 PM

Sai seemed to be lost in his own little world which caused the small blonde to raise a questioning eyebrow towards him. Hime wasn't one to question the SFA, but she was starting to wonder just how this space-y guy would really be a great partner for her. Then his expression changed from space-y to just, frozen. "Sai?" Hime asked as she stepped towards the male, standing on her tip toes to wave a hand in front of his face.

The way he gazed off told Hime that he wasn't looking at her and it almost seemed like he couldn't see her. He started reaching out towards whatever it was he saw, his hand dodging the smaller woman's shoulder as she planted her feet back on the group.

After a little while longer, he finally spoke to her. "See who, Agent Sai?" She asked trying to pull the male back to their reality. She then shook her head when he said something was wrong. "This whole situation is wrong," she bickered thinking about how quickly she had been tossed to the bottom in the chain of command, or at least close enough to the very bottom.

She crossed her arms under her already ample chest, pushing it up further. The small blonde had turned, they were still alone, or at least mostly as the largest part of the group had moved on to where ever their exploring had led them. She looked about the olden furniture slowly before her sharp blue eyes then locked back on the male. "What are you seeing? If something bad is going to happen, let me know and I will assist you or whomever else I need to."

As much as Hime wanted to call Sai a loony, she couldn't bring herself to. She had to trust that the man the SFA gave her to work was was truly on her level.


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