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Old 03-14-2007, 08:36 AM

Xerses may of been a looney been, but considered the army and the power he weild. The man was not foolish.

I just saw it tonight, free at that. and It was lovely! I've loooked through the comic, and it looks pretty dead on. Still need to read it.

I like how most people's comments were that they were excepting it to be in the same style as Sin City. I'm really wondering if any of you excepting it to look exactly like Sin City has actually read any of Frank Miller's other comics?

For what the movie is, it was awesome. You have to go in excepting it to be 1. Not Entirely historically accurate and 2. not the greatest of dialouge or plot. It is an action movie, and for that, my GWAWD it was an epic action movie. I highly recommend it.

This is to be one going into my film collection once it comes out, I can not wait to actually own it!

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Old 03-14-2007, 11:57 AM

I cannot wait to see it. I've been catching previews forever it seems.

Comes out here on the 22nd. Just have to find someone to come with lol.

A z m e r e l d a
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Old 03-14-2007, 09:57 PM

We saw it 2 days ago it was so awesome. If I were to rate it it would be 5/5 leaving out the nudity and sexual content. I loved the last part when all the arrows were ********* - You should see that part. I don't want to spoil it. It is a must see movie but I don't see why all the parents and news casts had to criticize it. It is a wonderful movie that shouldn't be put down. I bet if they saw it they would love it as well. This ends my long post to get gold. I guess I will see you other users in the other topics. Bye.

Kongouseki is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 11:32 PM

i've heard alot about that movie. i want to see it too!

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Old 03-14-2007, 11:56 PM

"Hello? Is this hell? I'd like to have a reservation for 300 spartans, please..."


Lawl, hanging out with my geeky guy friends turns me in to a geeky... um, non-gender-specific person as well?XD

I want to see this movie. I really do. (:

Maximus is offline
Old 03-15-2007, 03:46 AM

This movie is freekin awesome! It's one of my favorites along with Gladiator and Scarface!

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Old 03-15-2007, 06:43 AM

I'm glad you guys like it.

I lol'ed so hard when one character pulls out a certain type of apple.

The Colors of a Dae
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Old 03-16-2007, 06:30 PM

It really was a good movie but I don't recommend it for people who don't like long battles xD The music and choreography was amazing though... I love how heavy metal music just suddenly comes on in the one battle scene. My friend and I started head banging xD

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Old 03-17-2007, 02:41 AM

Ohmahgod, if you guys think the movie is good, you should read the graphic novel. I have it sitting propped up against my Sin City collection, a perfect backdrop to all of my Frank Miller goodness.

The movie only has additions that Frank Miller approved. You can really see his styling in... every turn of that movie.
... except the boobs weren't as big as he goes for. :p

I get so disgusted when people go "Eh, its eye candy, whatever."
NO CRAP its eye candy... its a graphic novel put to film! No one buys an ugly comic book!
The only two characters I was disappointed with were Stelios (they left out some good character background which was important later!) and Dilios... I kept going "FARAMIIIIIR! Not yoooou!"

But Gerard Butler was spot-on for Leonidas. I didn't even catch it was him until the end credits, even though my boyfriend and I like to play "Who's that Actor?" during everything we watch.
My sister and I are going to see it on IMAX later next week... after the crowds have died down, so we can get the best seats. :D

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Old 03-17-2007, 04:59 PM

LORD ATMA'S Movie review

5/5 stars for being an action flick if there ever was one. Badass, is what I call it.

4.75/5 stars overall. I really, really enjoyed this movie, but even then, it doesn't seem worth a 100%, you know? It was just damn good, is all.

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Old 03-17-2007, 08:46 PM

-has the urge to go see it again-

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Old 03-18-2007, 08:07 AM

Spreads The Luck Of The Irish

I cant, Its R

Spreads The Luck Of The Irish

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Old 03-18-2007, 08:36 PM

awww poor dragon *comforts* its a really great movie but its certainly "R" for a reason ^o^ maybe when your a bit older or if your parents approve you should rent it cause it really is an awesome movie.

and oh lordy.. i want to see it at IMAX now O.O that would be really impressive *happy squeals*

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Old 03-18-2007, 09:00 PM

I saw it opening night. At 9. And the theatre was only half full. O.o; I can't imagine it being sold out!

I have the graphic novel (I am SUCH a Frank Miller fan I even have a signed picture with him) so I knew what to expect going in.

I was really happy with the adaptation. Excellent, excellent. My favorite scene is the persian guy bouncing off the spartan's sheild. xD They show it in the trailer. It's just... so funny.

And mm. Many many handsome men with godly bodies. :Q

I'm Turk. I should not be drooling over greeks.. but I am. So there.

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Old 03-18-2007, 09:00 PM

Dude, seeing it in IMAX would be lovely!

what a treat!

saddly the nearest IMAX for me is about 5 hours away. So, no IMAX for Akasha.

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Old 03-19-2007, 12:14 AM


300 was awesome. Not quite as good as Sin City, in my opinion, but it was another fantastic movie that was very VERY faithful to Frank Miller's original comic. I think that's why a lot of movie reviwers hated it. They thought it would be all good and noble and historically proper. Guess they didn't see the part about how it was based off Miller. Plot? Pah! Action and boobies, baby! Action and boobies!

And the hot buff men. Mmmmmm. Gerard Butler in a leather thong. Yummy yummy.

Alan Moore must be pissed. All of the movies based off of his comics were horrible and un-loyal, wheras the ones based off of Miller's comics are all awesome and faithful to the original content.

... I wanna see it at an IMAX, too. D:

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Old 03-19-2007, 06:43 AM

I got to see it in imax. It was so impressive. :O I might not have liked it as much if I had seen it at a normal theater.

Sadly it's not truly imax, it's just a bit wider; it's not all tall like imax movies are supposed to be.

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Old 03-19-2007, 06:54 AM

I actually heard the IMAX version wasn't all that great, now that Jennger mentioned it. It wasn't formatted right for the IMAX screen.

But man, it's Frank Miller? How CAN'T you be faithful to his stories? He is such a brilliant story teller. He brought Batman back to life!

Frank Miller is a god among men.

shosho is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:14 AM

I finally got to watch it last night and at first, I was a bit skeptical XD; A lot of people said it was so good, so I had sort of... built up my expectations and was afraid I would be disappointed TAT; But I'M GLAD I WAS WRONG! XD <3

That movie was just... hair raising and friggin' amazing! There are no words that can describe how I feel after watching this hahah... The glory and all that jazz. Ahhh... I think I may go see it again today XD <3

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Old 03-19-2007, 04:50 PM

*dances around with shosho* it was lovely wasnt it *squee* i was all wanting to twirl around with my cape and sword when i got home *snort* but er.. my sword is a long irish hand and a halk and my cloak.. is a good 6 ft heavy one er.. (and im only 5'7") so i prolly would have tripped and snagged myself on the hilt >.<;; but but! NOW I WANT A SPEAR! *twirls around in cloak* o o that or a blood red cloak like theirs..

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Old 03-20-2007, 07:16 AM

@ jitsu: eee~ *dances* Yes, very lovely~ XD I'm so amazed at how "easily" than handle the spears *A* Those things are heavy as hell~ It's amazing enough that they can jab/thrust perfectly with them, but to swing them like swords with no effort *A* A~ You're taller than me~ XD;;; (5'2" pushing 5'3"? XD)

But yeah, got to rewatch it again last night hahah... and the second time is so much better... SOOOO much better *3* <333 I can't wait for the DVD to come out already ;___; I want to watch the extra features XD;;

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Old 03-20-2007, 07:21 AM

It really sucks that a lot of guys won't see the movie, or have and think it sucked, just because the men were a bit scantily clad. >:U

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Old 03-20-2007, 08:36 AM

oh, really, adderly? @_@; I honestly watched it because my brother was the one that suggested to go XD I didn't even really know what it was about until I saw the movie *3* <3

scantily clad hunks probably raised their insecurities XDXDXD Though my brother had no problem in watching it again with me and his girlfriend, too lol

Divine Tempest
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Old 03-21-2007, 05:17 AM

I really enjoyed it because the Spartans were always one of my favorite armies in History.
I thought the movie was great.
I'm sure to see it again.

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Old 03-21-2007, 05:27 AM

Originally Posted by Adderly
It really sucks that a lot of guys won't see the movie, or have and think it sucked, just because the men were a bit scantily clad. >:U
LOL That was why one of my friends wouldn't go! He said there's something wrong about a movie full of good looking ripped men who wear next to nothing.

To which I responded: You think they're good looking? xD


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