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Old 04-24-2007, 12:39 AM

#55 Goodbye
  • Characters: A'iel Van Roarke & Verdigris
    Scenario: A'iel leaving her home with Verdigris to find out about her real parents.
  • Leaning back against a tree A'iel watched the plump little golden fish swim just below the surface of the mirror like pond. Touching an elegant finger to the water she watched as the perfect reflection of her home rippled, "this is what I will be doing" she murmured to herself, eyes still intent on the wavering reflection before her. Not a few steps behind her, a tall rugged masculine man sat lovingly oiling his scythe to get the tiniest bit of dirt specks from its blade. "Have you considered the future of your people if you do not find out?" he questioned, "surely leading the people while you are so unsure would be unwise as well" he continued, brows furrowing at a particularly stubborn speck of dirt. Slapping the surface of the water to erase the image she turned to the man worried, "What do you think Verdigris?" she asked quietly, trying to keep the trembling in her hands from giving her away. Standing, the man walked forward and crouch in front of where A'iel sat on the ground, still managing to tower above her even in his crouch, "It's not me decision sweet" he said sadly rifling her dark green hair fondly like you would a younger sibling. Light lilac eyes looked back at him glistening, "i have to talk to mother and father" she whispered standing gracefully to her feet and walking quietly out of the inner courtyard.

    Shaking his head antlered head, Verdigris lifted the large 6 ft scythe over his shoulder and slipped it into his baldric along his back, taking care not to clip his tail like he did on so many occasions when he was in a hurry. Looking about the garden he made sure nothing was left behind before walking quickly to return to his chamber. Appearing before the Queen and King in his normal garb would not be fitting if A'iel was requesting what he thought she would be. As he walked he thought of when he had first met A'iel, he was younger then and more reckless, still hadn't settled down to a single place to live for a while, and was just finishing his training with the scythe. He had been at a hard day training and was on his knees in front of a stream cleaning his face and getting a drink of water when a young girl that at first looked like a nymph stepped out from behind a tree on the other bank. Her skin was a pale bright green like new leaves and her hair was a darker almost pine green. Bright lilac eyes with three small circular tattoo's under each peered at him showing no fear and the two small feathery light green ears that dipped out from under her hair twitched ever so softly as if waiting for some sort of response to her appearance. Already she was like no other nymph he had seen, in general they resembled a certain tree or shrub and followed the same coloring and general appearance as the plant. The girl in front of him differed greatly simply because of one huge distinguishing feature; a small cream colored wing that just peeked over her left shoulder. He recalled standing then and stepping over the stream to kneel in front of the little green girl, who promptly threw her small arms around his neck and smiled up at him. He had ended up bringing her to the Kind and Queen of the nymphs because he hadn't know what to do with her and she had resembled their race so much, but when he had tried to leave she clung to his knee crying pitifully. Chuckling to himself he looked up to see that he had walked past his bedroom door while lost in his thoughts, walking back down the hall, he quickly ducked into his room to change.

    A'iel stood in front of her adoptive parents trying to hold back the tears that threatened to pour out, " Mother, Father" she managed to rush out before the tears began to fall, "I think I need to leave for a short time, I need to find my real parents". The last was said in a strained sob, her body wracked with the first strong sob of distress. A strong arm reached around her waist to hold her steady and she turned away from her parents to bury a tear stained face in Verdigris' coat. "I need to . . " she managed to sob out in a muffled voice. Dipping his head in a bow at the King and Queen he held A'iel in a solemn embrace waiting for some sort of response from her parents. "I knew this would happen one day" her mother said mournfully in her voice that sounded like rustling leaves while looking at her child, "there is no way to convince you to stay?" she questioned. A'iel shook her head and clutched Verdigris' coat ever tighter. The king leaned back in his throne and looked up at Verdigris, face grim and fingers steepled, "you will go with her" he said in his deep voice. It wasn't a question, merely a statement of the truth; long ago Verdigris had pledged his life to serve as A'iels' personal guardian and since that time had never left her side for long. Nodding solemnly he looked back at his charge; she had grown so much but still seemed like such a child and would need him to be there for her.

    As they walked together slowly out of the throne room A'iel whispered a soft goodbye to her parents.

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Old 04-29-2007, 04:12 PM

#32 Water
  • Characters: Kyrylo Enease & Calliope
    Scenario: Exploration of the gardens with Destine and Oertenna
  • Kyrylo followed Destine the rest of the way in silent musing about the terrain they were passing. Every so often his eyes would flicker to an area of interest: a pile of haphazard stones , a certain type of bright fiery flower, a bubbling brook. Noticing that Destine was starting to fly in a downward slope he followed, slowing his speed drastically so he wouldn't crash into her should she suddenly decide to land.

    A few moments later he was glad he had slowed when the elder Fae made a graceful land. Face set in determination he attempted to do the same and once again failed horribly. It seemed landing was something he was going to have to practice after they were let out on their own. He wasn't keen on their being in another group meeting in which he landed on his face in front of a crowd. He frowned at the grass stains now in semi-permanent residence right where his knees, the sound of Calliope's ringing laughter echoing in his head. Deciding that he would have to worry about the stains later he stepped up next to Destine to see what there was to view from the hill she had chosen to land on.

    The giant tree that rose from the ground below them was amazing, it seemed flying to the top of the tree would be an adventure in itself. He made sure to memorize the location of the center garden for later reference before turning to look at the second garden below them that Destine had pointed out. This one was as beautiful as the last, with beautiful running water that bubbled its way around the garden. Flowers of all types bloomed in profusion and between them peeked the beautiful lush blue-green grass that seemed to carpet all the gardens they had seen so far. A calm lake seemed to be the center of attention for several Fae frolicking in the shallows and a grove of wisteria trees at the far end waved slowly in the light wind, dipping their heavily laden branches into the water.

    When Destine flew off after giving permission for them to explore a bit, Kyrylo was at a loss for what to do. Flying was fantastic, but landing and having all these beautiful sights unveiled before you one by one was a bit overwhelming. Not to mention, he was itching to try out the stunt Destine had pulled at her departure. Staring at the water below them for a few moments he shot a sheepish grin at Oertenna before diving off the side of the hill towards the water. Timing his wings to open when he had thought he had seen Destine to it he managed to rise for a second before teetering over and falling in the brook. Hoots of laughter echoed around his head from Calliope making him burst into laughter himself not long after. Dragging himself out of the water he looked down to notice the grass stains had come out, laughing even harder he managed to gasp out " best way to get clean" before he was overcome with laughter once more. Coming to the conclusion that there would be no flying with soaked robes he began walking slowly to where Destine had said she would be waiting.

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Old 04-30-2007, 01:17 AM

#20 Blue
  • Characters: Lord Artemis FitzGerald
    Scenario: Artemis is dragged to a ball.
  • Artemis sat in the college common room staring at the sealed envelope sitting in his lap. It was that time of year again, when all the sons of higher birth would receive invitation after invitation to the many of the balls around England. As parents tried to find a good match for their daughters and the young men tried to find a possible future wife, or at least a short liaison in which to amuse themselves over the winter break. Fingering the edge of the expensive envelope he thought of the many different excuses he could pen back saying that he could not attend.

    "I see you received one as well" boomed a deep voice cheerily from across the room. Walking towards him were two of his best friends since he had started attending the university, Leopold and Gabriel. The one who had spoken, Gabriel, pulled up a chair and sat in front of Artemis, snatching the invitation from his hand and breaking the seal to examine the card within. Whistling he passed it to Leopold and leaned forward eagerly, "you ARE going aren't you?". Shifting uncomfortably in his seat he looked away from the two before clearing his throat and answering "I cannae say that I did, no". The ensuing silence confused him, normally the two would be roaring with laughter or encouraging him to come, receiving neither he turn to see twin grins stretching across their faces. Dreading the worst he hastily stood from his seat and snatched the letter back from Leopold before retreating hastily back in the direction of his dorm. Two pairs of hands reached out and grabbed his shoulders just as he had thought himself free, "You have to go mate. . ." started Leo, "you can't let two handsome blokes, such as ourselves, run free to sweep all the ladies from their feet" leered Gabriel, "can you?" finished Leo with a laugh. Artemis looked from one twin to the other before letting out an exasperated sigh, "i will no dance" he muttered pushing the hands off and shouldering his dorm room open, "you cannae make me".

    Later that night, Artemis leaned back against a wall ducking slightly behind a potted plant. As far as he was concerned he had had enough introductions tonight to last a life time and if at all possible wasn't going to give anyone another chance to corner him into chatting. Sighing he watched as Leo and Gabriel twirled their partners expertly around the dance floor; as long as they were going to enjoy the dance he would be trapped in this hall with the many hundreds of people he didn't want to meet. Edging towards a staircase he had spotted he managed to make it half way to it before he accidentally trod on a satin slippered toe. Blushing furiously he bowed and offered many apologies before glancing up to the clearest set of blue eyes he had ever seen. " I did no see you . . " he tripped over his words before once more bowing and nearly running to the staircase.

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Old 05-01-2007, 11:36 AM

Whats this?! =O DL made another one?! Yup that I did.

^-^ I figured it might be neat to have banners and make 'em match. <3 Soo here goes one for this that matches your OC banner and I think would look neat next to each other due to opposite direction in which it faces. ^^

Of course as with the others ya don't have to use if do not want to or do not like 'em enough. I am not making and giving in forcing 'em onto ya I just like making stuff and more so for friends soo yeah. But I think you know me enough to know all this. xP

Here is what I mean with I think it will look neatish next to each other. [/dork]

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Old 05-02-2007, 05:18 AM

you're so silly! of course i like them (very muchn i might add) and i love how they all can go together just fine <3 its lovely to have little banners instead of text in my siggy. it makes an interesting little assortment of green at the very bottom ^o^

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Old 05-02-2007, 11:34 AM

Erf, maybe but still. I know my stuff isn't the greatest since I keep the designs simple. XD I am not that good with many layers of graphic stuff. It usually comes out messy or when it is good the time it took to make is just far more then I wanna take on an average basis. ;-;

Muahaha yes, they do lay nicely. XD I wasn't sure what to do for the art one but I knew I didn't want it to be the same as the others soo that one was born because I wanted different. :33

Andd lol Mike payed a visit and is now wanting one. I wonder how he learned I made those unless he saw where I posted "here ya go" to ya. o.O;;

Another detail to start out my day better then what I thought possible. I don't think I'll charge him as 10g isn't really worth it. LOL! Not sure I will be able to do what he likes buut I'll try, I know that much since he asked nicely. <3 [/endramble]

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Old 05-04-2007, 08:37 PM

he uh, found out because he PM'd me asking if i could make him one and i told him you made it for me and i dont know jack about pixels or banners ^o^ hahah

and i like your stuff, simple and effective, at least i can read what its saying, i despise when people have banners and you cant make out the words, or they are huge huge and stretch the page like crazy >.<;; *melts* wheee but these are so cute *pets siggy affectionately* i like <3

lol *squee* i think it looks lovely none the less, now if i could just finish up my stupid quest and get the head gear thinger i can go ahead and order emotes myself so i can splash them all around the art and lit forums ^.~

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Old 05-05-2007, 03:44 AM

#59 Tea
  • Characters: Kyrylo Eneas and Calliope
    Scenario: Kyrylo's first experience with tea
  • Kyrylo strolled behind Oerttena slowly trying to dry himself suitably before he reached Destine. Spreading his wings wide, he gave a few soft fluttering to shake any excess water off, all the while peeking around as he walked. His long bangs were plastered to he side of his face made it look almost as if he had chest length sideburns. Grabbing a handful of wet hair he ran his hand down it to squeeze the water out before dropping it and reaching for another lock of hair. He slowed more the closer he came to the tree Destine took respite under wondering vaguely if she had already guessed his reason for being drenched.

    Plopping down heavily to the ground next to Destine, he watched as she took a sip from her seed cup. Flying had given him a horrible thirst and he hadn't realized how much a nice drink sounded until he saw her happily sipping - whatever it was she was sipping. Reaching tentatively out, he prodded the reed he had seen the liquid come out of a few times before touching the place on the root Destine had touched. The same dark brown liquid poured out as before and filled the seed cup beneath it before Kyrylo snatched it up and brought it close to his face so he could look into the liquid. Unable to see through it he dipped the tip of his pinkie in to see the temperature and finding it warm but not scalding took a deep gulp of the liquid. Face contorting in disgust he swallowed the liquid and hastily put down the cup, scooting as far back from the offending object as he could and nearly falling into the pond a second time. Laughter filled his head as Calliope landed on his knee wings fluttering with her gaiety, I take it you didn't like the drink? she asked unable to stop her laughter. Swallowing the taste down he looked at Destine happily sipping away, "What IS that?".

    The splashing of water behind him drew his attention. Turning around he looked into it to see only his reflection and the few telltale ripples that something had surfaced. Watching the water carefully he was surprised when a spray of water splashed into his face. Scooting back from the edge of the water he dried his face and glared at it as his reflection laughed back at him. Calliope , who had been knocked from her perch by Kyrylo's sudden lunge away from the water, alighted on his cup and took a sip from his abandoned drink Fairy Fish she muttered in an exasperated tone.

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Old 05-07-2007, 11:21 AM

LOL. I am sure you could learn about that stuff because its not hard. XD Just can be time consuming at some points but not really hard. Well at least now what I do since I make sure to keep it simple. XD

Haha thanks and I know. I try to make sure its readable as I hate when I see some that I have to struggle and stare to read wanting a damn zoom thingie. >.<

What head thingier?? There are a few head thingers. XD

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Old 05-07-2007, 08:13 PM

oh well i wanted some silly tiara or what not at some point to go for avvy completed look to go with the idea i had for the clothing i want, but since they keep adding more and more stuff its kinda hard to decide what it is exactly that i want ^^;;

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Old 05-07-2007, 09:03 PM

#51 Smiles
  • Characters: A'iel Van Roarke + Verdigris
    Scenario: The start of one of their many adventures
  • A'iel skipped around happily glad to finally be on the move again. Looking back at Verdigris she shot him a winning smile before continuing her excited frolic in front of him. A bright yellow butterfly flew slowly past her immediately catching her interest. Back home the majority of the insects were browns or the assorted shades of green, but never on any occasion bright yellow. Enraptured she followed the butterfly as it flit too and fro from the shade to random patches of light where flowers bloomed.

    A sudden change in wind brought A'iel up short, glancing around as the wind ruffled her soft feathered ears she was shocked to see she had strayed far from Verdigris' sight. While she waited somewhat impatiently for the tall man to come in sight she noticed a trail of sorts winding off over the next hill; unable to see from her current position where it went. Verdigris came to her side beaming a bright cheery smile and nodding his head that she could continue before he continued whistling the tune he had been in the middle of before he approached.

    Cresting the hill A'iel was able to see a small building off to the distance. excited because of its foreign architecture she gathered up her silks around her legs and took off at a run. Chortling to himself, Verdigris loped after the excited youngster, curious as well as to what manner of species built their housing out of bones.

    A few moments later, A'iel burst through the door of the inn looking around, her silvery lilac eyes wide in wonder. "ooooooo" she murmured, "how charming". Stepping further into the in she looked around too see who the owner of this rather interesting establishment. Spotting the tall dark feline and the surprised looking scale covered man she ran over and introduced herself in the fashion typical to her country.

    Placing her hands together in front of her heart she bowed low to the feline "may the trees bless you" she voiced as she opened her hands in a sign of welcome and stood straight beaming. Turning her radiant smile to Cypress she did the same gesture and then unable to help herself touched the scales on his face. "Are these real?" she asked curiously as she traced a long thing green finger along the scales running down his neck and stood on her tippy toes to lift the collar of his shirt to see if the scales continued down his shoulders.

    A shadow loomed over the entry way as Verdigris ducked his antlered head into the door. Nodding a greeting to the feline he turned to see A'iel inspection of the scaled one and burst out into a deep laughter. "Lady Roarke, It seems that boy is quite shocked at your inquisitive pawing" pausing to chuckle "maybe you should let themselves introduce themselves first.". Ducking his large frame through the door way he was glad too see that the ceiling was high enough to permit his 7 + feet of height without having to stoop. Removing the Scythe strapped to his back he placed it just inside the door and mimicked the motion A'iel had done just moments before to both feline and lizard-boy. "I am Verdigris" he said with a warm smile while placing a large hand on the younger green females shoulder, "and this is A'iel".

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Old 05-08-2007, 03:05 AM

Haha yeah I understand what you mean. I wanted to try to get the steel and chaos stuff but now I want to get the hell set *minus skirt/sword* and once I get that aim for the steel then chaos. Nice goal and motivation to help me find purpose to post. Tomorrow I will get orders done and then see about getting my OC thread started. If nothing else at least post reserves. XD

Noir Kalenthiel
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Old 05-08-2007, 08:13 AM

Hey, Jitsu, I hope you don't mind if I borrow you layout for your first posts for my drabble thread.... I am being horrendously lazy..... ^^;;;;

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Old 05-08-2007, 09:17 AM

Here is mine and Bippy's Drabble thread if ya wanted to know.... here

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Old 05-08-2007, 09:42 PM

yay thats awesome that you and bippy made a thread together <3 <3 actually read all the stuff you both put up so far and its so lovely, i will certainly be stalking to learn more about your chars cause its just SUCH an interesting read. *squee* pshaw and i dont mind in the least, after all i borrowed the theme from Aliena.

heheh and you say i have neverending questy DL *snort* your just as bad as i am.

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Old 05-10-2007, 02:09 PM

#65 Taste
  • Characters: Kyrylo Eneas
    Scenario: Learning about tastes
  • Kyrylo looked hesitantly back at the water next to them wondering if he could hop over, get a sip of water, and skip back before whatever it was that squirted him with water the last time did it again. Edging towards the water carefully he cast a sidelong glance at Destine as she mentioned the "thick" and "sweet" tea the Lilthe liked. Not entirely sure if sweet was what he liked, he voted for the water and continued his painfully slow creeping to the waters edge. As he creeped he wondered vaguely of what the tea he had just tried was considered, bitter? tart? thin?. Shaking his head of the random musing he locked his gaze on the water and inched foreward slowly.

    Standing at the waters edge for a few moments with no water squirting at him or any funny business with his reflection he knelt down and cupped a few drinks of water in his hand, sighing happily when he had his fill. "Mmmm, that helps tons" he grinned back at Destine while listening to her talk about the bounty that was the gardens. Tummy rumbling a bit he wondered if they would stop for one of these many foods she talked about some time soon since he couldn't see anything nearby that looked remotely edible.

    "oh! flying is nice, i like it very much. I don't think your going to fast, just.. the landing" he trailed off and blushed slightly, "i have a lot of trouble with landing".

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Old 05-10-2007, 05:14 PM

*grins* That was adorable.

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Old 05-11-2007, 12:33 AM

Kyr is kinda stupid still *snort* i want to do him finding his house at one point.

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Old 05-11-2007, 01:09 AM

#33 Wood
  • Characters: Mitsu Ji
    Scenario: Mitsu Ji finds Artemis' mask
  • Mitsu was having the crappiest day at her university, kicking a can that littered the ground near the library she grinned ruefully and stooped to pick it up and throw it away. Why were people lately caring so little about their environment? and WHY in god's name where they running up and down the halls singing "its raining men" at 3 am in the morning the night before her most difficult final? ah the world may never know. Glancing across the street she checked for the bus that would take her to the building her final was in and not seeing it sat on the edge of a flowerbed grumbling about the time and coolness of the hour. Not long later the bus arrived and she stood to get on it only to step in a wad of spit out gum in the process, "Great, just what i needed, good luck spit" she snarled, whiping the bottom of her favorite ratty tennis shoes on the edge of the curb.

    An hour or so later she stepped outside of the room and leaned on the door exhaling slowly. Her last final and she thought that maybe she hadn't done half bad considering the amount of studying she had done to prepare. Grinning she began walking down the long halls of the history building glancing at the random glass cases of skeletons and sea shells in them. Just outside the building she hopped up on another walled plant bed and stretched happily in the son, glancing down cheerily into the ivy that grew in the bed below her. Only, there wasn't really so much ivy and someone had thrown a big chunk of wood in the middle of the plants. Annoyed she leaned down to grasp it and pulling it free noticing it was a weird mask, "well hello there" she whistled looking at it in admiration's. It seemed an art major had ditched one of their assignments on the last day of finals, Slipping the mask into her messenger bag she skipped happily back to the bus stop; their loss, her gain.

    That night after she had returned home, she took out the mask and cleaned it gently with a bit of soft cloth. It seemed to be carved from some piece of wood and was almost silky soft as if someone had used sand paper for hours. Turning it around in her hands she admired the fine weight of it and the beautiful design the wood grain left. Unsure of what manner of wood it was she lay the mask in her lap and closed her eyes trailing her fingers along it for a while thinking random thoughts about the irony of finding a wooden mask when she so loved fine wood crafting. The mask began to get warm to the touch and she opened one eye to peek at the inanimate object in her lap to see what she expected, a hunk of carved wood sitting in her lap. Shrugging her shoulders she lay back laughing at herself for imagining things, apparently the stress of finals had finally gotten to her, odd that it waited until she was done with all of them to kick in.

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Old 05-12-2007, 03:55 AM

#9 Autumn
  • Characters: Liam FitzGerald + Achilles
    Scenario: Liam first finds the garden and meets Achilles
  • Liam sighed and leaned against the window. Watching a dry brown leaf fall from a tree and twirl slowly to the ground he mused about the past. Lately life had not been the best for him; 14 years old and he had lost his father and one of his older brothers, and now he was trapped in this house with his incredibly sickly weak mother and his antisocial eldest brother. Granted, he hadn't known his older brother or his father very well since they had been gone for a long time fighting in a war, but he was lonely here in the country by himself. His older brother had moved his mother and him out of London when her health first started failing her, and at 14 Liam no longer attended school. Scooting off the edge of the windowsill he grabbed a sweater and pulled it on while walking down the stairs. What he needed now was some sort of way to pass the time or a person to talk to; whichever came first.

    Riding on horseback slowly down the narrow dirt lane he wondered vaguely where he was at. He had never been to the county estate and was very unfamiliar with everything in the area. At each branch off from the main (if you could say that) trail he leaned forward to peek and see if he caught a glimpse of anything interesting. It wasn't until the 6th branch off that a brick fence loomed off in the distance with a gate right in the center of the tree lined path. Turning his mount down the lane he rode slowly to the gate wondering all the while what the gate hid.

    Reaching the wall he clambered off his horse and tied it to the nearest tree before walking slowly up an down the wall looking for some sort of building looming off in the distance. Seeing none he approached the door in the wall slowly debating whether to push it open or knock. Placing his hands on the door he gave a firm push and was surprised when the door swung open, causing him to stumble through the doorway. Eyes widening he looked around at the lush garden that surrounded him; there seemed to be an incredible variation of plants and flowers and zipping between them were bright little creatures.

    Kneeling down on the ground and crawling forward he looked under a particularly bright and bushy plant to try and see what the little brightly colored thing that had just run under it was. Sucking in a breath he gawked at the tiniest little kitten he had ever seen, curled right up under a leaf. As he watched the tiny kitten opened one eye and then lifted its head to look at him, "What are you staring at?" the kitten asked blinking its eyes owlishly at him as if to demand some sort of apology. All Liam could do was stare, "I'm so sorry" he blundered, "i was.. i am.. I'm talking to a miniature cat?" he finished somewhat disbelievingly. "Achilles" purred the kitten smugly as it stood and stretched making its way slowly forward until his whiskers were touching Liam's nose, "and you are?". "Liam" he managed to choke out before pinching himself to make sure what he was seeing was real.

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Old 05-15-2007, 12:26 PM

#17 Orange
  • Characters: Liam FitzGerald + Eros + Achilles
    Scenario: Liam meets Eros
  • Liam had been visiting the mysterious garden he had found for a week now and would always remember to bring something tasty that he thought Achilles might like. Each day the tiny kitten would wait for him under the same bush he had first seen him under, most of the time napping in a ray of sunlight while he waited. On one such day however, Liam arrived to find that Achilles was not in his usual waiting place. Looking everywhere for the kitten, his search became more and more frantic until he sat down exhausted against the trunk of a tree, burying his head in his arms. The day at home had been one of the worst since he had moved, doctor after doctor had come by to check on his mother, and his eldest brother had been in a foul mood prowling around the upstairs study. The days when doctors came were always the worst; they never bore any good tidings, only predicted how much longer she might survive.

    A small mewing noise caused Liam to snap his head up and look around anxiously to find Achilles. Only, the source of the noise didn't come from Achilles, instead it came from a small orange-red kitten that looked to be slight older. Leaning forward he extended the treat he had brought Achilles and whispered "can you talk too?". The Orange cat hastily padded forward and ate the treat before clambering onto his lap and purring contentedly, "of course i do" he said while placing a paw on Liam's knee "why were you sad?". "Oh" said Liam taken back that the kitten had seen his misery so easily, "well I've had a bad day, and could not find Achilles". The orange in his lap began to chuckle causing Liam's eyebrows to raise until he was sure they just might pop off, "whats so amusing?" he asked curiously. "I was curious about who Lord Lofty had been ranting on and on about" chuckled the orange just as Achilles stepped out from under a large flowering plant causing the orange to stop laughing abruptly. "You were saying Eros?" asked Achilles as he prowled his way to Liam's lap and jumped to perch on his knee. "Your going to have to share now" grinned Eros prodding Liam in the belly with a paw before introducing himself; Liam could only smile, his bad day forgotten.

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 05-16-2007, 03:56 AM

#22 Gold
  • Characters: Kyrylo Eneas
    Scenario: Learning about his "gift"
  • Letting out the breath he had been holding for her answer, Kyrylo glanced at Oerttena to see her reaction. He was certain he didn't know what his ability was and wondered if she had any inkling as to what hers might be. In any case a unique ability sounded very interesting and he wondered how he might be able to figure out what his was. Seeing as he had no clue where to even begin he listened attentively as Destine relayed about her past ability and the experiences she had.

    The more he heard about the troubles that Destine had to go through as a younger fae the more annoyed he got at these supposed "friends" of hers during that time. She had just told them that they didn't pick the special ability that each fae got, so why weren't the "friends" more understanding of what her gift was. Irritated he rustled his wings and fidgeted trying to keep from spouting off about something he didn't really know about.

    Gazing off across the lake he considered the possibility of his ability being like hers had been before, only to realize that he didn't especially feel as if he could read peoples emotions in that way. Closing his eyes he concentrated on himself trying to look deep within to what defined him, slowly but surely a faint gold glow began to surround him and cast a soft warm feeling of security. Glancing up he grinned and almost instantly the golden glow evaporated into nothing.

    "Maybe one day" he muttered to himself; referring either to Destine's comment about flying and landing or being able to find and control his "ability" better. "Will we be exploring more of the gardens soon?" he quipped curiously, eager to see if all the gardens were as open as this one, "Will we see where you live?".

Meko Lara
Meko Lara is offline
Old 05-16-2007, 03:02 PM

I've grown to reallly like reading and even writing Drabbles lately because they are rather short in nature and you dont have to be caught up in long plots. Its also fun seeing what people will do with them. Nice job on the few I've read btw^^

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 05-16-2007, 03:10 PM

eheheh im really quite fond of reading and writing them too actually ^o^ its a nice way to learn about other peoples characters and personality from them ^^ i have a few friends i read whenever they post because they have such interesting stories ( like bippy and noir, fongmingyun, and aliena) *squee* and thank you very much ^^

Aliena is offline
Old 05-17-2007, 06:00 PM

Jitsumi, you're so awesome for doing so many! You're reminding me I really need to get off my butt and get some more written! lol

Great work on these!


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