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Teifling is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 12:20 AM

It would have to be the second Halloween with my ex-fiance.

We went for a long hull to try and have as much fun (and candy) as possible. There very few kids out, which made me sad, but I cheered up when I cracked the joke "Well, they must all be trick or treating on Ebay"... it was bad, I know.

We began on our walk back home, and she had gotten a few calls on her cell phone, the last one being my mother wondering where we were at. While i talked to my mother, my ex asked me a question that I did not hear. She got mad at me when I didn't ask, and plopped herself on the ground by a ditch and said "Go on without me, I'm staying here."

Now, I asked her what was wrong, and she just pouted. Already worried about her staying there, and a little annoyed that she wouldn't be mature with me, I sat down and asked her again, and apologized if I didn't hear something she had said. She told me to just go, and my brother and our friends started to go. I couldn't think of anything to say, and she just glared anger at me... I was in a panic, and the only thing I could think of to provoke her to stop being a child was: Throw my cache of candy into the ditch

Now, this isn't a little farm ditch, this is the ditch that brings water to our treatment plant for the city's water supply, so it's big and deep. My candy was gone, and that snapped her out of her little world of anger, and brought her into fearful shock. She asked me "Why did you do that?" and I told her I don't want her to get hurt sitting out here, and that she wasn't being fair ignoring me and being angry for something I didn't know about. She shakily told me what it was I did, or rather didn't do (I didn't hear her question, which she said was irrelevant now... probably candy related) and the asked what I was going to do.

I just sat down, calmed myself because I had worked myself into an emotional train wreck with every fear that ran through my mind when she sat down. We eventually continued on our way home. All of us got dressed into normal clothes except my brother, who stepped out and said he'd be back shortly. My ex went home and I went to bed, watching Trigun.

By the time Trigun was over, my brother came back, breathing heavy and carrying a new sack of candy. He stood in my door way and said "Theres... no... way you're... having ... a ...Halloween without... candy..." and dropped the sack in my lap, then he smiled. I broke into tears. He had run everywhere he could think of to gather a new sack of candy for me. I felt so bad, and yet grateful... I apologize and thank him to this very day....

Sagitar is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by Azureile

I was about seven, maybe? Or eight? And boy, did I have the worst Halloween ever.

I went with my best friend, who's been known to be a bit..high maintenance. she's allergic to nearly anything, and back then, was pretty spoiled. ((Today, she's the sweetest person ever. <3))

So we were walking along, and then she decided she had to go to the bathroom. We were about seven houses away from my house, I kid you not. And she couldn't wait. So she went...right on the neighbor's driveway. Yep. She had and accident. Luckily, the neighbor knew us, so he was okay, once we hosed down the driveway.

If that wasn't bad enough, later on, something else bad happened. We went back to trick-or-treating, since we wanted more candy. We both had glow-sticks on so people could see us...and...she decided to see what would happen if she bit it. And yes. Her teeth went right through the glowstick...

So we had to run home, call poison control, and get her medicine. Needless to say, she went home after that.

So I didn't get much candy that year...and had my night wasted. xD For a little kid, that's pretty devestating.
oh my god that must have been horrible both for you and your friend O_O

remember people, don't bite glow sticks xD

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Azureile is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 12:28 AM

It was. xD

She was crying because she had to take medicine, and because her mom was making such a big fuss about how she bit the glowstick and could have been poisoned.

And I was probably crying because i didn't get to go trick-or-treating much. :P

Sapphire May
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Sapphire May is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 12:31 AM

I don't really have any bad Halloween memories yet....-x- This post is reserved for an embarassing Halloween moment that might happen.

Sagitar is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by Teifling

By the time Trigun was over, my brother came back, breathing heavy and carrying a new sack of candy. He stood in my door way and said "Theres... no... way you're... having ... a ...Halloween without... candy..." and dropped the sack in my lap, then he smiled. I broke into tears. He had run everywhere he could think of to gather a new sack of candy for me. I felt so bad, and yet grateful... I apologize and thank him to this very day....
What a nice brother you have! my sister would have never done that to me xD and I don't think a lot of people would have.. (: you have a great brother indeed.

Teifling is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 12:38 AM

(Menewsha: Critical Error.... apparently, the site failed it's Saving Throw)

He's more than my brother, he's my closest friend. I feel bad all the time, because he does such nice things for me when I'm in need, but I rarely can return the favor. It's not that I don't help, it's that he never seems to need it. He never gets into sticky situations, he never has trouble with homework... all he wants is company, and he's happy... so I try to be there for him.

Sagitar is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by Teifling
(Menewsha: Critical Error.... apparently, the site failed it's Saving Throw)

He's more than my brother, he's my closest friend. I feel bad all the time, because he does such nice things for me when I'm in need, but I rarely can return the favor. It's not that I don't help, it's that he never seems to need it. He never gets into sticky situations, he never has trouble with homework... all he wants is company, and he's happy... so I try to be there for him.
that's so sweet (: he sounds like "the perfect brother" xD

@Azureile - yeah, I bet :3 not a very good halloween memory I believe..

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Trueno is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 12:54 AM

My friend and I were trick-or-treating together (we were like, eleven) and I had one of those masks on that you can't see into but you can see out of and it was super dark out. Well, we were racing through yards to ring doorbells and as I was running (it was super dark out) I got clotheslined by some kind of chain. It was awful. D:

Sagitar is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by Trueno
My friend and I were trick-or-treating together (we were like, eleven) and I had one of those masks on that you can't see into but you can see out of and it was super dark out. Well, we were racing through yards to ring doorbells and as I was running (it was super dark out) I got clotheslined by some kind of chain. It was awful. D:
ooch O.o what happened?

Syrinx330 is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 01:11 AM

Well, I believe it was two years ago when it happened. I started the tradition of scaring the kids on the street. The year before I sat on a chair with these robes that you couldn't see my face, so no one knew that a real person was behind them, and I would shock the little kids with that. It was brilliant! Then last year, I stuffed it with many coats, and a balloon where the head is supposed to go. Of course the kids across the street come early when it is light, and they start insulting my work of art and taking it apart. So I was down my decoy the rest of the evening. I swear, one of these years...

Then, another Halloween, it wasn't Halloween yet, and me and my boyfriend (the one time I had a boyfriend xD) went to a haunted house. Usually I am the queen of scary stuff, no one would expect it, and I was planning on showing him how brave I really was. And then, I can't remember exactly what it was, but something jumped right in front of me, and of course when I'm shocked, I scream. He has never let me live that one down...grrr...

Sagitar is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by Syrinx330
Well, I believe it was two years ago when it happened. I started the tradition of scaring the kids on the street. The year before I sat on a chair with these robes that you couldn't see my face, so no one knew that a real person was behind them, and I would shock the little kids with that. It was brilliant! Then last year, I stuffed it with many coats, and a balloon where the head is supposed to go. Of course the kids across the street come early when it is light, and they start insulting my work of art and taking it apart. So I was down my decoy the rest of the evening. I swear, one of these years...

Then, another Halloween, it wasn't Halloween yet, and me and my boyfriend (the one time I had a boyfriend xD) went to a haunted house. Usually I am the queen of scary stuff, no one would expect it, and I was planning on showing him how brave I really was. And then, I can't remember exactly what it was, but something jumped right in front of me, and of course when I'm shocked, I scream. He has never let me live that one down...grrr...
you evil thing.. xD scaring little kids =D did you steal their candies too? ;o

I will be leaving soon, it's already 3 am here! but please do keep on posting your memories ^^ <3
see you all later.

Kit is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 01:21 AM

I have not had a horrible Halloween memory as far as I remember >_<


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